The following was NOT published in Wellington newspaper Evening Post

28 February 1994

The Editor
Readers Letters
The Evening Post

"Dear Editor

As a medical historian, besides writer and publisher of books on the dangerous futility and consequent dangerousness of animal experimentation in medical research, I receive literature and letters on the subject from all over the world.  So today I got a clipping from your Feb 22 Letters-to-the-Editor Dept in which a Dame Ann Ballin, allegedly Chairman of an incredibly named 'Council for the Care (sic!) of Animals in Research and Teaching', contests Bette Overell's claim that a growing number of medical doctors are rallying to our views.  Mrs Overell says the truth, even if the media, not surprisingly, keep mum about it.  Such doctors are forming leagues in various countries the first was born in Germany in the late '70s, right after the publication of the book Slaughter of the Innocent, others followed in Italy, Great Britain, U.S.A. - and if it is true that those doctors still form a minority, it is equally true that it would be a blunder in this case to use the term 'minority' with contempt.  A more proper definition would be 'an elite'.  Every elite is a minority.  Individuals who keep clinging to obsolete notions, long disproved, constitute inevitably a majority, but hardly ever an elite.

To me that Dame Ballin sound more like a lobbyist for the Laboratory Animal Breeders Association than a progressive scientist.  To anybody who wants to know more about the issue, which affects not only the fate of animals but the whole subject of medical research, vital for one and all, I advise to read Bette Overell's tome, the title of which correctly reflects what is being demonstrated: ANIMAL RESEARCH  T A K E S  LIVES - Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer.

Hans Ruesch
6900 Massagno, Switzerland"

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ANIMAL RESEARCH  T A K E S  LIVES - Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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