IMPORTANT NOTE: This document is reproduced for reference purposes only, it contains false and unsubstantiated claims designed to mislead the public. It MUST be viewed in conjunction with its rebuttals. |
The following was published in Wellington newspaper Evening Post, 22 February 1994
Sir, I read with interest the interview with Bette Overell, secretary of the New Zealand Anti-Vivisection League [sic] (The Post, Jan 1).
Ms Overell is well-known for her views and her sincerity is certainly not in doubt.
It would be unfortunate, however, if your readers gained the impression that the 368-page book, ANIMAL RESEARCH T A K E S LIVES - Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer, is an accurate and factually correct treatment of this complex subject. The inference that a large number of doctors in Europe, Britain, America, and Australia support the International Syndicate [sic] of Doctors Against Vivisection is misleading and it is not surprising that New Zealand doctors do not support this extreme, minority medical group.
The proposition that laboratory tests on animals do not play a vital role in safe-guarding public health is both simplistic and scientifically inaccurate.
The New Zealand arm of the Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ANZCCART) was established during 1993 to promote the wellbeing of animals used in research and to act as a credible information resource for both the scientific community and the public at large.
Dame Ann Ballin
Chairman, ANZCCART (NZ)"
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ANIMAL RESEARCH T A K E S LIVES - Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer