- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer
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That vaccination has an insidious effect on general canine health has been documented by many observant dog-breeders, with dozens of reports from as many countries. The evidence that the disease rate among modern dogs is on the increase despite, or because of, vaccination, is also well-documented, as are the claims that vaccination has actually produced carriers of virulent diseases. As with the plagues of human diseases of former times, animal diseases also owe their decline to improved conditions like sanitation and housing.
Vaccination is an extremely profitable business, both to the manufacturers of vaccine and to the distributors. Clifford Hubbard, international canine authority and author, contributor to Our Dogs, Dog World, The Field Dogs in Britain, The Observer Book of Dogs and many others wrote about Juliette de Bairacli Levy's book The Cure of Canine Distemper:
"I am completely in agreement with you on your views against the so-called immunisation of dogs against distemper by the injection of various potent vaccines the exact micro-organism content of which must always remain unknown."
Evidence also abounds from other equally illustrious sources which claim that the orthodox prevention of canine distemper by vaccination is more dangerous than the disease. Many say they would not accept a dog that had been inoculated against distemper. In Israel popular veterinary opinion is that canine vaccination not only undermines health but that it causes many chronic diseases and life-long evils.
Mr James Baldwin, greyhound authority and breeder of German shepherd dogs wrote in Dog World concerning a failed anti-distemper vaccination movement among Irish and English greyhound breeders:
"Vaccination has an insidious effect on general canine health and it is noted by many observant dog-breeders that it is one of the causes of chronic skin disease, especially in the form of mange."
Breeders of racing dogs claim vaccination has a substantial adverse effect on the speed of their animals.
Dorothy Shepherd, M.D., Ch.B. (Edin), famed homeopathic doctor wrote:
"Vaccines, serums, and immunisation are extremely crude methods of prevention of disease. They are based on the wrong conception that germs are the cause of disease, while the truth is that germs are but the result of disordered states in the body. It is only by correcting the soil that you can remove the predisposition to any disease: and this can only be done by natural methods on nature-cure line assisted by homeopathy. The modern methods of injecting huge doses of germs and their products into the body are disastrous and long-lasting in their effects."
"The more I follow-up clinical histories, the more I am inclined to agree with opponents of vaccination, that vaccination, instead of being a blessing, has proved to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. It has produced more misery, more ill-health, in its wake than almost any other method of treatment."
Refer also to Chapter 16 Antibiotics.
Dr J.E.R. McDonagh, F.R.C.S., bacteriologist, wrote in The Nature of Disease, Vol. 1, pages 75-76:
"Immunization with an attenuated virus cannot prevent distemper. The author has treated many dogs, which have developed distemper despite two or three injections of the preventative agent. He is of the opinion that fits, chorea, hysteria, etc, in dogs have become more frequent since the use of distemper vaccine. Successful prevention will never be achieved by inoculation."
Mr G. Messenger, 10 Hunter's Road, Hockley, Birmingham, U.K. wrote:
"I have been breeding for 47 years and exhibiting for 37 years. You could not give me a dog if I knew it had been inoculated. The remedy is worse than the disease."