- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer
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In his last newsletter the late Dr R. Mendelsohn wrote the following:
"RUBELLA VACCINE LINKED TO EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS. Many people now know about the dangers of DPT shots in babies, and they are rejecting those particular shots. Yet, they still accept other vaccines for their children. So for those trusting souls, here is the evidence on the dangers of the German measles vaccine.
A study of 200 patients with Epstein-Barr Virus (often called yuppie disease) is scheduled for publication this spring in the journal Medical Hypothesis. In an advance report in the San Diego Tribune, September 30 1987, the study's researchers have linked EBV syndrome to exposure to the weakened, but live, rubella virus found in the vaccine. Given to young children, the vaccine can linger in their system for years and can be passed to adults through casual contact.
Biomedical researcher Allen D. Allen of Algorithms Inc. of Northridge, California, blames EBV syndrome on Merck Sharp and Dohme's Biavax and Meruvax vaccines which were introduced in the late 1970's. Allen says:
'I can say all this attention to the Epstein-Barr syndrome, the public awareness, started in the early 1980's, right after these vaccines came out. Young adults, the ones most likely to be in contact with the young children, are the primary targets. It's too much of a coincidence to ignore.'
In a similar study, Dr Hugh Fedenberg, professor of immunology at the Medical University in Charleston, South Carolina, found the same linkage in 24 patients."
Unlike the face-less ghost-writers of ARSL, who lacked the courage, or, as courage is the off-spring of qualification, the qualification, to append their names to the booklet's claims, the late Dr Mendelsohn was an international giant in medical circles. Chairman of the Medical Licensing Committee for the State of Illinois, Associate Professor of Preventative Medicine and Community Health in the School of Medicine of the University of Illinois, the recipient of numerous awards for excellence in medicine and medical instruction. He was for 25 years a practising physician.
If the German measles vaccine contains live rubella virus which causes EBV syndrome - so the rubella vaccine can cause chronic arthritis as seen from an article in the New England Journal of Medicine, October 31 1985.
"Persistent rubella virus infection was associated with chronic arthritis in children... infection or immunisation with rubella virus has been recognised as producing an acute synovitis, which although normally self-limited has been reported to occur in certain persons for months or years after the acute stage. Many people with severe arthritis are found to have live viral particles in their bloodstream up to eight years after immunisation."
Australian Dr Glen Dettman reports that the failure rate of the vaccine alone would be grounds for concern, but the evidence of damage done by the vaccine is much more worrying as "one third of individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis have live rubella viruses in their joints".
An article in J.I.D., Vol. 151, 1985, pages 330-336 reads:
"If there has been an inadequate immune response after vaccination, as often happens, there is a pronounced danger that the person will become a carrier of rubella as well as developing arthritis and an enlarged thyroid."
Of the link between rubella vaccine and arthritis Dr Mendelsohn wrote in Confessions of a Medical Heretic:
"Vaccination for rubella may do more harm than good, since there is a risk of arthritis arising from the drug..."
Any reasonably diligent investigator will find it easy to turn up evidence opposing ARSL's claims. All one requires is time and a little patience. All vaccines and modern drugs are developed on laboratory animals... therefore on fraud. Small wonder that the end result is heavy with catastrophe. The following comments are from a battery of prestigious sources, all impeccably qualified to make them:
In Vaccines: Vital or Vulnerable, Australian Doctors Kalokerinos and Dettman write:
"We recently had a lady request our help with a brain-damaged child. The Children's Hospital conceded the brain damage occurred as the result of triple antigen1, but when she asked about compensation she was told there could be none as she volunteered to have her child immunised! In the name of all that's sacred, how does a responsible mother resist the pressures of those so-called custodians of our health to have her child immunologically insulted... sorry... immunised?"
As can be seen ARSL is without question, based shamefully and unabashedly on emotional blackmail and exploitation of those who wish to do the best for their health and the health of their children. One could also add brainwashing, a technique which is based on repeated impressions made on the mind of a person until it is accepted as the truth. |
1. Whether this was the DPT or the more recent three-in-one MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine is not known, Author.