- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer
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The following chart reveals how in England and Wales deaths from measles began to decline rapidly around 1918, fifty years before the highly lucrative vaccination campaign. Currently 800 parents have already entered into litigation against the U.K. Health Department for measles vaccines-damage compensation. "Side effects" of the vaccine may be convulsions, hyperactivity, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, encephalitis (brain damage) and paralysis.
(HMSO) Measles: death rates of children under 15 for England and Wales
"Here an intensive measles vaccine onslaught boosted the incidence of measles from 22,230 cases in 1968 to 75,000 cases in 1971. Compulsory vaccination means that the vaccination level is around 96%, consequently provisional figures for 1986 show a four-fold increase in cases from 1983 to 1986."
(NAVS, The Campaigner, March 1988.)
New Zealand
From the N.Z. Official Yearbooks and Appendices to Parliamentary Journals.
Measles: Deaths per million (N.Z.)
"Here the vaccine syndicate holds great sway, cases were 20 times higher in January-April 1986 than in January-April 1985."
(NAVS, The Campaigner, March 1988)
"The geographical spread of multiple sclerosis also suggests that it is most common in populations which have been extensively vaccinated against measles... we expect to see an increase of multiple sclerosis in the third world, in view of the United Nations' claim that some 40 percent of the children there are now being vaccinated against measles." (Source as above) |
"Here a study showed that people who had measles vaccine-induced antibodies in their bloodstreams later developed more arthritis, bone problems, skin diseases and cancer than those who had measles. The vaccine is also coming under scrutiny as a cause of multiple sclerosis."
(Vegan magazine.)
"A report by a staff physician at a children's hospital in Australia states that up to 15% of measles vaccine develop a fever starting 6 to 8 days after vaccination, sometimes lasting several days. Other immediate reactions include vomiting, rash and cyanosis (extremities like lips, fingernails turning blue)."
("Vaccines - Vital Statistics", More Magazine, October 1987.)
Australian doctors Kalokerinos and Dettman say yet again (in Vaccines: Vital or Vulnerable) that ascorbate (vitamin C) will modify the action of the measles virus, as other specialists claim that it modifies the virus in other diseases, both human and animal, for example refer to Chapter 3 Diseases of Cats and Dogs, Feline Leukemia. Also refer section on Polio vaccination this Chapter.
Dr Boris Kurlyandsky writing about measles in the Soviet Union says that the rise in living standards, and the radical change in housing conditions are responsible for making the infectious diseases a thing of the past. He goes on to say:
"But the trouble is that from birth to the age of 17 or 18, along with medicines, which are prescribed to him when he falls ill, man is administered more than 20 prophylactic inoculations... in other words has alien proteins introduced into his body. All this occurs at that period of his life, when according to biological laws his body's protective powers have not fully matured. More, the inoculative and medicinal assortment has been expanding with every passing decade."
(Dr B. Kurlyandsky, "What's Worse, the Illness or the Cure?", Sputnik, February 1980.)
As stated more than eight hundred parents have already entered into litigation against the U.K. Health Department for vaccine-damage compensation. Perhaps this is why (as on the front page of The Evening Post, July 5 1991) the New Zealand Health Department is always ready to maintain that the vaccine is safe and effective - despite a history of vaccine catastrophes both overseas and in New Zealand.
In the Third World malnutrition-complicated measles kills around two million children. Vitamins A and C are said by many medical men to be the key nutritional factors in the prevention of this situation. Unfortunately for the children, carrots and other vitamin A supplements, unlike vaccines, cannot be patented and so don't produce profit, therefore they are of little interest to the Third World wing of the chemi-medi-vivi cartel.
"Among infected children (measles) under 10, vaccination failure rates are said to have risen to nearly 30 percent." and "Figures gathered in Auckland and Wellington suggest that, in the 10-14 age-group, about half the children with measles were vaccinated as babies." (Evening Post, September 9 1991.) |
On September 14 1992 two measles vaccines (Pluserix and Immravax) were banned in the United Kingdom after it was revealed that children taking them had developed meningitis. The Daily Express, September 15 1992, reported that "in some cases the vaccines caused distorted vision, partial deafness and paralysis". The ban brought an immediate call for a full inquiry into the vaccine and compensation for the families affected. Whereas the Health Department puppets claimed the "risk to children was small" Rosemary Fox, Secretary of the British Association of Parents of Vaccine Damaged Children, said:
"A little girl in Scotland died within three days after receiving the vaccine. A number of people have written to us with cases where children have been very upset and hospitalised with a form of mumps meningitis after receiving the vaccine... The fact that the Department has withdrawn the vaccine indicates there is more wrong than it is prepared to admit."
The vaccine, Pluserix, made by SmithKline Beecham (refer Chapter 21 Drugs and the Law, Section 3) is widely used in most countries. Radio New Zealand, September 16 1992, announced that the N.Z. Government has banned the use of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine Pluserix "because of its known side-effects" and "some parents of vaccine damaged children are making claims to the government because the vaccine caused meningitis". The Dominion, September 17 1992, reported that the vaccine "had been introduced in New Zealand three months after its use was stopped in Australia". As expected, similar to Great Britain, the Health Department flunkeys faithfully fulfilling their roles as agents of the pharmaceutical empire played down the danger and risk of vaccine-related damage, even using the ban as a means of embarking on a further massive spate of free advertising in the papers, on radio and T.V. on behalf of the pro-vaccination lobby claiming that "in order to be effective 95 percent of children must be vaccinated".
The Minister of Social Welfare, one Jenny Shipley, makes repeated threats to parents who have the brains not to have their children vaccinated by saying she will stop their family benefit and, though not perceived to be qualified in medical matters, intimidates young mothers with bullies and blusters about "compulsory vaccinations". Meanwhile NZAVS' letters to the press gather cobwebs in the Society's overflowing files of "letters not published".
At this point readers are reminded that Ross Meurant, Chairman of the Primary Production Select Committee at the phoney "Hearing" of NZAVS Petition to Abolish Vivisection (of which vaccination is the cornerstone), said he could not hear NZAVS' comprehensive and well-evidenced case about the dangers of vaccination because he had... "MATTERS MORE PRESSING"!! |
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Text of newspaper article
The Evening Post. Friday July 5 1991. Measles vaccine fails for boy. A 12-year-old boy, admitted to Keneperu Hospital with encephalitis after contracting measles, was immunised against the disease as a baby. Wellington Area Health Board medical officer of health Gillian Durham confirmed the case today. A hospital official said the boy recovered after three days in hospital and had gone home. The boy's immunity declined in the decade after the measles vaccine was administered, Dr Durham said. The vaccine was, however, considered 95% effective in preventing the disease in young children. The board would survey the failure rate once the epidemic waned. The communicable diseases control advisory committee had called for New Zealand to follow other countries in giving a booster dose of the recently introduced measles mumps rubella (MMR) vaccine, Dr Durham said. It was normally given to children aged about 15 months and should be repeated about 10 years later when children were in Form one. Other immunisations such as polio and tetanus required booster doses. Vaccines were also less effective when children were in their first year of life. The 12-year-old had been immunised with a measles vaccine (not MMR) before the age of 12 months. Parents whose young babies were being injected with the special measles vaccine during the current epidemic should also be aware their children still required the MMR vaccine, Dr Durham said. The measles epidemic in the Wellington region had eased slightly with only 12 new cases notified yesterday, bringing the total to 289. Dr Durham warned parents to make sure their children were immunised to prevent the epidemic "taking off" again. An education campaign spurred by the epidemic reached so many people that doctors and clinics were inundated with immunisation requests. Effectiveness of vaccines was also reduced if they were not kept at the required temperature, Dr Durham said. A survey following the recent whooping cough epidemic resulted in the area health board ordering special thermometers for general practitioners.
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