Kenneth P Stoller

[Dr. Kenneth P Stoller, MD was trained as a pediatrician at UCLA and was a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics for two decades. In 2008 he resigned from the AAP after realizing that the AAP has known that mercury in vaccines can cause Autism and other neurological damage, yet the organization has refused to make a determined effort to have mercury (in thimerosal) removed from all vaccines. And in fact, has instead engaged in a cover-up to protect the interests of the vaccine makers and pharmaceutical empires. Please share far and wide – the public needs to hear this! Dr. Stoller’s Website for parents wondering if their child will qualify for a medical exemption.]


Director The World Association for Vaccine Education (WAVE)

[2017 Jan] My BANNED TEDx Talk…by KP Stoller, MD

[2016 April] Rearranging the Deck Chairs at the CDC By K Paul Stoller, MD   15 years ago the CDC, knowing there was a link between vaccines and autism (the government’s worst kept secret), set out to bury the truth by having published six vaccine safety studies that would proclaim vaccines don’t cause autism. You can listen to mainstream media people today repeat the lie, “study after study has shown there is no link.”

[2016 Oct Book] Incurable Me: Why the Best Medical Research Does Not Make It into Clinical Practice by Kenneth Stoller

Dr. Kenneth Stoller, MD: Autism, Vaccines, Mercury and the Cul...


Throwing Children into Oncoming Traffic: The Truth about Autism by Kenneth Stoller, MD, FAAP with Anne McElroy Dachel

[2006 letter] The Obfuscation of The Iatrogenic Autism Epidemic by Kenneth P Stoller

[pdf] Interview with Dr. Kenneth P. Stoller: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), Autism, Aspartame and Mercury

[pdf 2004] Hyperbaric Medicine and Brain Injured Children”

[vid] Autism, Vaccines, Mercury and the Culpability of the American Academy of Pediatrics  Dr. Kenneth Stoller, MD was trained as a pediatrician at UCLA and was a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics for two decades. In 2008 he resigned from the AAP after realizing that the AAP has known that mercury in vaccines can cause Autism and other neurological damage, yet the organization has refused to make a determined effort to have mercury (in thimerosal) removed from all vaccines. And in fact, has instead engaged in a cover-up to protect the interests of the vaccine makers and pharmaceutical empires.

[vid] Vaccines Cause Autism, ADD/ADHD & Brain Damage - Dr. Kenneth P. Stoller, MD


As a pediatrician, who has been in practice for over two decades, I find it more than a little insulting as well as disturbing to have someone say that these children were always there. ..... For years the vaccine division at the CDC and others have said the reason for the dramatic increase in autism is due to "better diagnosing" and "greater awareness." They have encouraged those like Paul Shattuck to manufacture uncertainty. .... There are no studies that have found the previously undiagnosed or misdiagnosed autistic individuals among older Americans. They simply aren't there.  We need to address the real reason for the alarming autism rate. No more secrets or truth-spinning. This is not a faux epidemiological epidemic, nor an infectious epidemic, nor a genetic epidemic (as there are no genetic epidemics). That leaves an epidemic linked to some sort of exposure. [Schafer Autism Report--Pediatrics article May 2006] The Obfuscation of The Iatrogenic Autism Epidemic

 As a pediatrician, who has been a fellow of the AAP for two decades, I find the AAP’s approach to the autism epidemic to be deeply disturbing. Not only have they allowed the myth of better diagnosing (as the reason for all the notice given to affected children) to be perpetuated, but when they were put on notice at the CDC’s Simpsonwood meeting in 2000, that the mercury in the preservative Thimerosal was causing speech delays and learning disabilities, they obfuscated and hide that information. They never made good on their 1999 pledge to have Thimerosal eliminated from vaccines and almost a decade later joined in the protest against a fictitious TV show (Eli Stone) because it was critical of mercury being in vaccine.   Out of 132 million doses of the worthless1 flu vaccine for the 2007-08 flu season, 8 million doses are Thimerosal free. That means 94% contain the full amount of Thimerosal.
Thimerosal was tested only once, by
Eli Lilly on 22 adult patients suffering from meningitis. There was no chance for follow-up to observe long-term effects, as all of the patients in this "study" died. Even if follow-up had been possible, damage to the developing brains of very young children would have remained an unknown. Eli Lilly said it was safe and the medical community accepted it. After the creation of the FDA, its use was simply continued. The federal government has never tested the type of mercury in vaccines for toxicity. This is an unconscionable oversight failure at best, at worse it is an example that we have left consensus reality to be created by the liars, thieves, cheats, killers, and the junk scientists they employ.
    How it came to pass the AAP joined these rogues and became an active participant in this skullduggery is beyond reason – is even beyond greed. They have remained silent as mercury laden vaccine continue to be exported and used in all third world and second world countries.
    We are living in a time where an incredible overplay and lies and self-aggrandizing behavior and non-science is the norm. We have tolerated the junk science that has covered up the true cause of this epidemic at a considerable cost to science, the public, and our very way of life in this country. Is it stretch to realize that by putting our collective heads in the sand about the autism epidemic we have made it possible for the destruction of our very civilization?

Vaccine autism Court awards