Diphtheria quotes
Diphtheria  Quotes

''1935 Jungeblut also shows that vitamin C inactivates diphtheria toxin.' ~  Andrew W. Saul

[A disease of poverty and poor sanitation similar to smallpox, which recalls Dr Mendelsohn comment: "For thirty years kids died from smallpox vaccinations even though no longer threatened by the disease." ]

Diptheria a disease of poverty, poor sanitation and water supply
Diptheria curable with natural healing
Homeopathy more successful than allopathy
Damage from Diptheria antitoxin
Healthy children immune to Diptheria
Vitamin C shown to cure Diptheria, but never used
Diptheria vaccine a complete failure

See: Diphtheria vaccine quotes  Whooping Cough quotes  Tetanus quotes  DPT vaccine quotes

" If diphtheria is brought under proper treatment and surroundings on the first day of the disease," writes Dr. Berdoe, " it almost invariably recovers. Diphtheria is scarcely ever fatal if the patient is put to bed and properly cared for on the first day of the illness." [1933] The Golden Calf by Charles W. Forward

"Today your child has about as much chance of contracting diphtheria as he does of being bitten by a cobra."--Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD

"Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children between 1860-1965 because of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diptheria, and measles occurred before the introduction of immunisations and antibiotics."---Dr Archie Kalokerinos, M.D.

When her condition became serious, she was admitted to hospital, where her aunt came to visit her. Her aunt had nursed diphtheria cases in Britain in the 1950s, and she said that her niece had the typical symptoms of diphtheria. The girl was flown by helicopter to a bigger hospital in Auckland, where they took a swab from her throat and confirmed diphtheria. When they learned that the girl was fully immunised, one of the doctors said to the mother, "Then it can't be diphtheria." They changed the diagnosis to bacterial tracheitis. [2005] Raising A Vaccine Free Child by WENDY LYDALL

The several forms of these intestinal crises, or drunks, follow holidays or feast-days. The lightest drunks are named colds, "flu," tonsilitis; the heaviest, diphtheria. In those who eliminate through the skin (the eruptive fevers), the lightest form is called measles; the heavier, scarlet fever; the heaviest, black smallpox. Children: Their Health and Happiness by J. H. Tilden (1928)

Until 1928, another universally useless method of treating disease was the use of alcohol for diphtheria. It was only in 1927, when a British hospital decided not to use alcohol, and found that the mortality rate became much lower, that doctors realized alcohol increased myocardial degeneration. Yet very few listened. In 1935, standard alcohol-infused treatment was still pretty appalling:  "Every case of diphtheria is put on to a mixture of digitalis and squills . . . and also given calcium by mouth or intramuscularly . . . with the sudden onset of cardiac arrest camphor oil given intramuscularly . . . acts like a charm. In regard to toxaemia the solution is the administration of Pituitrin . . . brandy too is valuable both by mouth and intramuscularly. Post diphtheritic paralysis . . . port wine and other such stimulants, even in children, give apparently valuable results."  [Book June 2006] Just A Little Prick by Peter and Hilary Butler p227

Dr. Tennison Deane of San Francisco, in his Crime of Vaccination, tells a remarkable story illustrative of this truth.
    Dr. Deane relates that he was summering in Northern California in the late 80's, near a wealthy ranchman who lived with his wife and seven children on a 10,000-acre ranch in a salubrious pine region, 15 miles from the nearest town and having no adjacent neighbors. With him on the ranch at that time was a negro foreman who also had a wife and five children. Until Dr. Deane appeared on the scene, none of these 16 persons—white nor black—had ever been vaccinated.
    As a zealous young practitioner, very close to his medical school traditions, Dr. Deane quickly warned these ranch-dwellers of their "unprotected" state and was able to persuade six of the sixteen—the farmer's wife and three children, the negro foreman and his 12-year-old son—to submit to the vaccinating operation. "A year later," writes Dr. Deane, "an epidemic of sore throats broke out in this ranch colony which developed into diphtheria in four of the vaccinated,
among them the farmer's wife, and one child died. The unvaccinated recovered rapidly from their sore throats, but the farmer's wife was paralyzed for a year and eleven years later died of cancer."
    It seems that the San Francisco physician was so impressed by this unexpected turn of his well-intentioned vaccinating zeal, that he not only kept tab on the subsequent history of the two families on the northern ranch, but watched the connection between vaccination and other maladies occurring in his general practice. He learned that the other four persons whom he had vaccinated on the ranch all died either of tuberculosis or cancer within four to twenty-two years from the date of vaccination, while none of the unvaccinated in either family died within that period except the white farmer who, he says, "died of old age."
    Dr. Deane relates that for many years after this early experience with vaccination on the Northern California ranch, when a patient came to him with any serious throat, bronchial or pulmonary trouble, he made a point of inquiring into his past history, and invariably he found a back-ground of calf-pus "immunization" against smallpox. Then when he felt he had sufficient data to warrant it, he published The Crime of Vaccination (in 1913), which brought down on him the wrath of his medical colleagues, and made his professional life in San Francisco so unhappy that he voluntarily withdrew from all medical assemblages and finally abandoned all medical practice except surgery.
Hale, Annie Riley. The Medical Voodoo. New York: Gotham House, 1936.

Diptheria a disease of poverty, poor sanitation and water supply
"With regard to diphtheria in New Zealand, it is interesting in the light of the recent Auckland case, to note that during the period 1879 – 85, diphtheria in the Christchurch area was particularly severe. The majority of cases occurred in areas where there were either no sewers, or where the sewerage systems had grave sanitary defects. The water supplies were heavily contaminated, and the living conditions were beyond description........It is my opinion that the decline of diphtheria in developed countries (including New Zealand) is directly correlated to poverty, social conditions, nutrition, sanitation etc.......Diphtheria and other diseases rose and fell in direct relation to housing, nutritional improvement and wartime conditions, a factor taken into little account by those who consider vaccination to be the only relevant sacrament. The return of conditions of social dislocation and poverty will see an increase in all diseases which, under times of duress, have no respect for the vaccination status of anyone."---Hilary Butler

Smallpox and diphtheria, now both very rare, have long since been cleaned up by the sanitary engineers. Chickenpox & Measles by Dr Bieler

"It is not strange that health improves when the population gives up using diluted sewage as the principle beverage.” – Dr. Thurman Rice, 1932

Diphtheria and other diseases rose and fell in direct relation to housing, nutritional improvement and wartime conditions, a factor taken into little account by those who consider vaccination to be the only relevant sacrament. The return of conditions of social dislocation and poverty will see an increase in all diseases which, under times of duress, have no respect for the vaccination status of anyone.--Hilary Butler

Diptheria curable with natural healing
During the last ten years, I have treated and cured all kinds of serious acute diseases without resorting to allopathic drugs. In a very extensive practice, I have not in all these years lost a single case of appendicitis (and not one of them was operated upon), of typhoid fever, diphtheria, smallpox, scarlet fever, etc., and only one case of cerebro-spinal meningitis and of lobar pneumonia. These facts may be verified from the records of the Health Department of the City of Chicago...............I wish again to call attention to the fact that for fifty years the Nature Cure physicians in Germany have proved that hydropathic treatment of diphtheria is not followed by paralysis, heart-failure, or the different forms of chronic, destructive diseases.-----Chapter 16: The Diphtheria Antitoxin (Nature Cure: Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease & Cure by Henry Lindlahr, M.D.)

Homeopathy more successful than allopathy
In the records of three years of Diphtheria in Broome County, NY from 1862 to 1864, there was a report of an 83.6% mortality rate among the allopaths and a 16.4% mortality rate among the Homeopaths.  (Bradford) Treatment of epidemics with Homeopathy by Julian Winston

Damage from Diptheria antitoxin
In my own practice, I am frequently consulted by chronic patients whose troubles date back to diphtheria "cured" by antitoxin. Among these I have met with several cases of idiocy and insanity, with many cases of partial paralysis, infantile paralysis, and nervous disorders of a most serious nature, also with various other forms of chronic destructive diseases.
hat the antitoxin, being itself a most powerful poison, may be and often is the direct cause of paralysis, or of death due to heart-failure. That diphtheria treated with antitoxin may be and often is followed by paralysis, heart-failure, or lifelong invalidism of some kind after the patient has apparently recovered from the disease. That these undesirable after-effects of diphtheria do not occur when the disease is treated by natural methods, but that they are the result of the antitoxin treatment and of its suppressive effect upon. the disease. Chapter 16: The Diphtheria Antitoxin (Nature Cure: Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease & Cure by Henry Lindlahr, M.D.

Healthy children immune to Diptheria
"This disease has been epidemic, endemic, and sporadic. For the last twenty-five years it has gradually been declining in severity.  Children who are overfed, who have developed in the intestinal tract a state of decomposition or putrescence, running on for some time, and who have broken down their resistance, will develop a state of toxemia which will cause them to be susceptible to the prevailing influences, atmospheric and otherwise.   Children who are fed too frequently or fed improperly, and who are troubled with constipation and the passing of undigested food with the bowel movements, are made susceptible not only to diphtheria, but also to scarlet fever, measles, whooping-cough, etc. Indeed, it can be proved that normal, healthy children--children who have bowels that are regular, and who are not troubled with intestinal indigestion--cannot be made to take any of these diseases."--John Tilden MD (1921)

DR. RODERMUND "sprayed the poisons of diphtheria, smallpox, scarlet fever or consumption into the throat, nose [of his patients], or had them breathe into the lungs, repeating the experiments in most cases every one or two weeks for months with the result that no disease could be developed." (Medical Brief, St. Louis, U.S.A., 1906). The Schick Inoculation Against Diphtheria by Beddow Bayley

Children who are overfed, who have developed in the intestinal tract a state of decomposition or putrescence, running on for some time, and who have broken down their resistance, will develop a state of toxemia which will cause them to be susceptible to the prevailing influences, atmospheric and otherwise.
    Children who are fed too frequently or fed improperly, and who are troubled with constipation and the passing of undigested food with the bowel movements, are made susceptible not only to diphtheria, but also to scarlet fever, measles, whooping-cough, etc. Indeed, it can be proved that normal, healthy children--children who have bowels that are regular, and who are not troubled with intestinal indigestion--cannot be made to take any of these diseases. DIPHTHERIA by John Tilden MD (Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure , Volume II. Chapter 1)

Vitamin C shown to cure Diptheria, but never used
''1935 Jungeblut also shows that vitamin C inactivates diphtheria toxin.' ~  Andrew W. Saul

All three children had different doctors. The little girl under Klenner's care was given 10,000 mg of vitamin C as a slow intravenous "push" with a 50 cc syringe every eight hours for the first 24 hours and then every 12 hours for two more doses. Following this she was given 1,000 mg of vitamin C every two hours by mouth. Klenner also notes that a 40,000-unit dose of antitoxin was injected into the little girl's abdomen. The other two children received the antitoxin as well, but they did not receive any vitamin C. They both died but Klenner's patient survived, later becoming a nurse. ......The incredible clinical success that Klenner had in treating diphtheria with vitamin C, along with early laboratory evidence looking at the interactions of vitamin C and diphtheria, clearly shows that diphtheria is a disease that can be readily cured with properly dosed and administered vitamin C. ---Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable by Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D.

Diptheria vaccine a complete failure and cause of diptheria
"According to official reports, approximately 80% of adult people would have to be fully vaccinated against diphtheria in order for this disease not to occur as an epidemic. However, in the German speaking areas, less than 25-30% of adults are vaccinated. Why have there been no epidemics? Because diphtheria requires certain socio-economic conditions for it to break out. These are war and poverty. Russia and the Ukraine still experience diphtheria epidemics, despite the fact that more than 90% of people are fully vaccinated (with a Swiss vaccine!). This disease should not exist there, if the vaccine protected."----Anita Petek-Dimmer

The entire profession is enlisted on the side of antitoxin as the proper remedy. I have no faith in it, do not believe in the theory, hence have not recommended it--nor shall I. The claims that there has been a tremendous reduction in the amount of diphtheria, and especially in the mortality of the disease, because of the use of serum, I am not prepared to accept. DIPHTHERIA by John Tilden MD (Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure , Volume II. Chapter 1)

"How often have we heard that "diphtheria in Britain has been practically wiped out by immunization"? Has it once been broadcast that the compulsory inoculation of the same toxoid at the same time in France was followed, in the six years of 1941-6, by 150,000 serious cases, with 15,000 deaths, over and above the average figures, or that Sweden, without this wonderful toxoid, had no diphtheria deaths in 1937 or 1938?"--Lionel Dole

"At the beginning of the Second World War immunization was made compulsory in Germany and the diphtheria rate soared up to 150,000 cases (1939) while in unvaccinated Norway there were only 50 cases."--E. McBean

"In the records of three years of Diphtheria in Broome County, NY from 1862 to 1864, there was a report of an 83.6% mortality rate among the allopaths and a 16.4% mortality rate among the Homeopaths.  (Bradford)."---Julian Winston

"Vaccination against diphtheria was introduced to Germany in 1925. After the introduction of the vaccine the number of cases of diphtheria steadily increased until, shortly after the Second World War, production of the vaccine was halted. There was a decline in the incidence of the disease which coincided with the fact that the vaccination was no longer being used. When the vaccine was subsequently reintroduced the decline in the incidence of the disease slowed down. As with whooping cough, tetanus and other diseases the incidence, and number of deaths from diphtheria, were in decline long before the vaccine was introduced. "---- Dr Vernon Coleman MB  

"Most doctors insist that the decline is due to immunization with the DPT vaccine, but there is ample evidence that the incidence of diphtheria was already diminishing before a vaccine became available.....Today your child has about as much chance of contracting diphtheria as she does of being bitten by a cobra. Yet millions of children are immunized against it with repeated injections at two, four, six, and eighteen months and then given a booster shot when they enter school. This despite evidence over more than a dozen years from rare outbreaks of the disease that children who have been immunized fare no better than those who have not. .....In view of the rarity of the disease, the effective antibiotic treatment now available, the questionable effectiveness of the vaccine, the multimillion dollar annual cost of administering it, and the ever-present potential for harmful, long-term effects from this or any other vaccine, I consider continued mass immunization against diphtheria indefensible."--Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD

"The cities of Lasalle, Peru and Oglesby, were reported, in The Illinois Medical Journal, Nov. 1929, p. 337, by Arlington Ailes, M.D., Health Director of these three cities, aggregating 30,000 people, not to have had a case of diphtheria in two and one-half years and not a death from this disease in three and one-half years, with the use of toxin-antitoxin ‘practically nil." Their neighboring city, Chicago, where toxin-antitoxin has been lavishly used showed a rise in both the case rate and death rate. "In 1928 it (diphtheria in Chicago) again increased over 60 percent and nearly 100 percent in mortality." --Shelton

"Not long after this time, all croup, regardless of its nature, was included as a diphtheria death in New Zealand statistics, up until the vaccine was introduced. Nowadays, croup is considered to be caused by viruses belonging to the parainfluenza group."--Hilary Butler

Diphtheria vaccine quotes
