Religion quotes
MC quotes
[back] Religion
"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality...."--Michael Ellner
Bible stories
Adam and Eve
Noah and the Ark
and pleasure
Origins of
Control by
Tyrants using religion
When I thought I was resisting God, I was actually resisting religion. God is irresistible!--- Susie Pellum
''A particularly (Satanism) brutal criminal enterprise, masquerading as a religion.'' ~ David McGowan
You are rewarded for conforming socially and painfully punish not. The entire range of pleasurable experiences has gone . unstudied, undefined. You will not find the word "fun" in most psychology texts,-T. L.
"Romantic poetry and fiction of the last 2000 years has blinded us to the fact that emotions are a low form of jungle consciousness. Emotional actions are the most contracted, dangerous form of fanatic stupor. -T. L
"God the moralist is a watchful, jealous divinity. Priests and moral commissars typically do everything possible to maintain cultural conformity and to prevent migration. Two thirds of the United Nations demand exit visas to prevent citizens leaving to seek another lifestyle." (100). The fourth craft of God is the fabrication of your own new morality. .. freer, more intelligent and more genetically evolved. ---T. L.
"The word religion means 'to bind' from the Latin re (back) and ligare (to tie up). All religions are straightkackets, jackets for the straight."--Tim Leary
"Physicians have taken the place of priests; vaccination plays the same initiatory role as baptism, and is accompanied by the same threats and fears; the search for health has replaced the quest for salvation; the fight against disease has replaced the fight against sin; eradication of viruses has taken the place of exorcising demons; the hope of physical immortality (cloning, genetic engineering) has been substituted for the hope of eternal life; pills have replaced the sacrament of bread and wine; donations to cancer research take precedence over donations to the church; a hypothetical universal vaccine could save humanity from all its illnesses, as the Saviour has saved the world from all its sins; the medical power has become the governments ally, as was the Catholic Church in the past; "charlatans are persecuted today as "heretics were yesterday; dogmatism rules out promising alternative medical theories; the same absence of individual responsibility is now found in medicine, as previously in the Christian religion; patients are alienated from their bodies, as sinners used to be from their souls."---Olivier Clerc
"Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the bible is filled, it would seem more consistent that we called it the word of a demon than the Word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind.”— Thomas Paine (1737–1809)
The primary religion of Jesuits, high ranking Evangelical Christians, members of powerful organizations (we all know the list), congress and the Pentagon is Satanism. The number of high level confirmations I have on this are frightening. The more “Christian” or “religious” people appear, the more Satanist they are. Satanists are bad. Bad means they are immoral, they commit hideous acts using their power as cover and have total control of our courts and law enforcement mechanism and the leadership of both political parties.[2012 May] War, Press TV and Death By Political Correctness by Gordon Duff
Gnosis was a path of knowledge, not a religion. The Mysteries were schools of paranormal knowledge, not religious institutions. I am convinced that all religion is a deviant from human potential, but the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are potentially lethal. They lead to terminal deviation of our species. You will not find any religion that warns you that it is dangerous to your mental health and your physical survival. Gnostics saw in salvationist religion both the evidence and instrument of alien intrusion. Karmapolis Interview with John Lash
'The whole book of Genesis was a propaganda mission to disempower the female...the word Genesis means the genes or generation of Isis.' [vid] Michael Tsarion -- Health Ahead Interview Part 3/3
The Catholic Church is not Christian, but is rather a gentile front for a Judaic/Babylonian religion.---- Edward Hendrie
Jews wear head coverings (yamakas or kipas) in part because Christians follow the practice of taking their hats off when entering a church building.420 The Roman Catholic clerics wear head coverings in church, including the equivalent of yamakas, which they call zucchettos. However, the Jewish hierarchy understands that the Catholic Church is not Christian, but is rather a gentile front for a Judaic/Babylonian religion and so do not act contrary to the Roman practice. [2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie
The monasticism and the religious services of Lamaism also present so striking a similarity with Catholic institutions that non-Catholic investigators have unhesitatingly spoken of a "Buddhist Catholicism" in Tibet. Pope and dalai-lama, Rome and the city of Lhasa are counterparts; Lamaism has its monasteries, bells, processions, litanies, relics, images of saints, holy water, Rosary-beads, bishop's Mitre, crosier, vestments, copes, baptism, confession, mass, sacrifice for the dead.[2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie
Theology is the effort to explain the unknowable in terms of the not worth knowing. ---MenckenArchbishop - A Christian ecclesiastic of a rank superior to that attained by
H. L. Mencken
For centuries, theologians have been explaining the unknowable in terms of
H. L. Mencken
Someone once said that if you ask a person for an explanation and it becomes
very confusing it means they do not know themselves or they are hiding the
truth. When asking someone in India teaching through Hinduism or someone in
Judaism teaching Kabbalah how to increase union with the Most High you are
buried in thousand page Gitas with confusing Sanskrit words or mile long scrolls
of Rabbis with nothing better to do than take one passage from the Talmud and
make a thousand page explanation.
Truly do you believe it is that hard to enhance the spirit? Of course not,
these people are placed in the way to make the journey lengthy and hard. As I
said above many have not obtained what they originally sought, which was
freedom. Now they are enslaved by the religion and their subconscious wishes to have
company in their misery......I do not believe in any religion, organized or
otherwise. All religions, no matter what they are, are forms of group
mind-control designed to manipulate large masses of people to stop thinking for
themselves. I do believe in The Most High. It has no religion.---James Evans
Bomær III
The trick is: First go on teaching that love is great, so people never think that the priests and the politicians are against love. Go on teaching that love is great, that love is the right thing, and then don't allow any situation where love can happen. Don't allow the opportunity. Don't give any opportunity, and go on teaching that food is great, that eating is a great joy; "Eat as well as you can"—but don't supply anything to eat. Keep people hungry and go on talking about love. So all the priests go on talking about love. Love is praised as highly as anything, just next to God, and denied every possibility of happening. Directly they encourage it; indirectly they cut its roots. This is the masterpiece. The Fundamental Slavery by Osho
[book 2006] The Authoritarians” by Bob Altemeyer
They (religious fundamentalists) are highly likely to be authoritarian
followers. They are highly submissive to established authority aggressive in the
name of that authority and conventional to the point of insisting everyone
should behave as their authorities decide. They are fearful and self-righteous
and have a lot of hostility in them that they readily direct toward various
out-groups They are easily incited, easily led, rather un-inclined to think for
themselves, largely impervious to facts and reason, and rely instead on social
support to maintain their beliefs. They bring strong loyalty to their in-groups.
have thick-walled, highly compartmentalized minds, use a lot of double standards
in their judgments, are surprisingly unprincipled at times, and are often
But they are also Teflon-coated when it comes to guilt. They
are blind to themselves, ethnocentric and prejudiced, and as closed-minded as
they are narrow-minded. They can be woefully uninformed about things they
oppose, but they prefer ignorance and want to make others become as ignorant as
they. They are also surprisingly uninformed about the things they say they
believe in, and deep, deep, deep down inside many of them have secret doubts
about their core belief. But they are very happy, highly giving, and quite
zealous. In fact, they are about the only zealous people around nowadays in
North America which explains a lot of their success in their endless (and
necessary) pursuit of converts.
I want to emphasize also that all of the above is based on
studies in which, if the opposite were true instead, that would have been shown.
This is not just "somebody's opinion." It's what the fundamentalists themselves
said and did. And it adds up to a truly depressing bottom line. Read the
two paragraphs above again and consider how much of it would also apply to the
people who filled the stadium at the Nuremberg Rallies. I know this comparison
will strike some as outrageous, and I'm NOT saying religion turns people into
Nazis. But does anybody believe the ardent Nazi followers in Germany or
Mussolini's faithful in Italy or Franco's legions in Spain were a bunch of
atheists? Being' religious" does not automatically build a firewall against
accepting totalitarianism, and when fundamentalist religions teach authoritarian
submission, authoritarian aggression, and conventionalism, they help create the
problem. Can we not see how easily religious fundamentalists would lift a
would-be dictator aloft as part of a "great movement," and give it their all?
"TAKE BACK THE PLANET" A Review of James Cameron's Avatar by John Lamb Lash
The main objection of the Christophiles is that we cannot find salvation in the
natural world, but only through the supernatural messiah. I would reply, if we
really live in harmony with the natural world, we don't need salvation in the
first place.
....Christianity and the other salvationist faiths deny and reject
the divine beauty of this world. They claim that nature and natural impulses are
sinful and deserve to be punished. They insist on the authority of a
supernatural source beyond the earth and humankind. They deal out punishment and
reward in complete disregard for merit. To enforce their twisted, paranoid,
pseudo-magical beliefs they expend enormous effort on killing the real magic
wherever it arises on this planet: in the land and trees, the water and the sky,
in plants, in animals, in children, and in people of true innocence and high
.....History is the record of killing magic,
annihilating the supernatural talents endowed by Gaia in her privileged problem
child, the human race, if not exterminating the race itself. At this late date
in the cycle of the ages, one may well wonder, Where is the countermagic
in this atrocious tale of self-annihilation?
....With adoration of Mother Nature comes the
ferocious will to protect and perserve Her Ways. Not just our life as
self-defining humans, but the network of all that lives. Avatar
inspires reverence for the earth by the beauty of its cinematic imagery, and it
does more as well, for it is a genuine ecoparable, a timeless story with a moral
for today. The Na'vi "R" us. In the balance of Gaia's reckoning, where human
survival is right now being decided, the way into planetary beauty is also the
way of the warrior who takes back the planet. Avatar shows that way.
The whole construct. I'd been taught by Irish Jesuits, who are very clever. They made up multiple layers of rationality for the whole Catholic structure. The nice thing about Catholicism, however, is that it teaches you what to believe. So when you throw it over, you know exactly what you're throwing over. You can say, "I /don't/ believe in the Father Almighty," and continue right through the Apostles' Creed, the Confiteor, and the rest of it, tossing out one tenet at a time. I believe in God, but not in the "Catholic God," who is vengeful. There's the whole business about guilt, "impure thoughts," going to hell if you don't do what the church commands. One way this was solved for me, intellectually if not emotionally, was by reading the "Grand Inquisitor" chapter of Dostoevsky's /The Brothers Karamazov/in which Christ comes back to Earth. The Grand Inquisitor tells him, "When we saw those miracles in the street, we knew you were back. But this time we're not giving you any publicity. We're keeping you in this cell. We know how to run these people now." That just knocked the church right out of me, and by the time I was finished with Caltech, medical school, and psychoanalysis, that belief system was pretty well cleaned out of me. John Lilly
They controlled governments and they had influence. Although they
were not 100% in control, they had about 80% control and were the
significant influence in the U.S. government at that time. But they were
not totally in control.
The U.S. government has always been a little easier to
manipulate, but they had, at that time in the 1890s, about 20% control
in China. This is not to say that other people were manipulated in the
government in China, but that particular organization had about 20% in
China. They had about 3% in India. Not much. They couldn't get a lot of
control in India in the early days. And they had —let's see where else
would you be interested in? They had about 17% in France.
Interestingly enough, France and India were the ones they had
the most trouble with. India just has spirit energy, essentially, and it
is hard for them to maintain control; even to this day they do not have
100% control in India. But France was also difficult because the people
have an innate sense of going their own way, and this has benefited
France greatly. At that time they also had about 40% influence in Great
Britain, which was a significant colonial power then — definitely Great
As long as the white man has been here (USA), this has
always been a country in search of someone to look up to. That is part
of the reason that the Christian religion—let's say the Judeo-Christian,
but primarily the Christian religion—has taken root so strongly here;
because the Christian religion by its very nature gives you more than
one someone to look up to. There's someone for everyone in the family to
look up to. It is less true with the Jewish religion, but it's there.
The Buddhist religion has not taken over this country and it
never will. There will always be people who will follow it, but the
Buddhist religion is not trying to give you leaders with absolute. ---Zoosh (Shining
The Light 1)
"In religion, salvation is stated as the saving of the soul from sin and its consequences. It may also be called "deliverance" or "redemption" from sin and its effects…. Christianity’s primary premise is that the incarnation and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ formed the climax of a divine plan for humanity’s salvation…. For Christianity, salvation is only possible through Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus' death on the cross was the once-for-all sacrifice that atoned for the sin of humanity."
Gnosis was a path of knowledge, not a religion. The Mysteries were schools of paranormal knowledge, not religious institutions. I am convinced that all religion is a deviant from human potential, but the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are potentially lethal. They lead to terminal deviation of our species. You will not find any religion that warns you that it is dangerous to your mental health and your physical survival. Gnostics saw in salvationist religion both the evidence and instrument of alien intrusion. Karmapolis Interview with John Lash
The main objection of the Christophiles is that we cannot find salvation in the
natural world, but only through the supernatural messiah. I would reply, if we
really live in harmony with the natural world, we don't need salvation in the
first place.
Gnostic teachings attribute Roman Catholic religion (the salvationist belief system) to the deviant mental influence of the Archons. If Catholic authorities were to recognize the Gnostic message, they would be admitting that their belief system is an extraterrestrial implant in the human mind!.......The Vatican controlled the international team of scholars associated with the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem. These scholars, such as de Vaux and Milik, withheld the DSS materials because they show the true origins of Christianity in a very negative light. The DSS texts reveal that the ideology of salvation in Christianity did not originate with Jesus, but came through the Zaddikim cult. This is a nasty blow to Christian belief in the uniqueness of their religion. Karmapolis Interview with John Lash
A common misinterpretation of the Adam and Eve story is that the "original
sin" had something to do with sex or nudity. This confusion comes from that part
of the story in which Adam and Eve eat from the "tree of knowledge of good and
evil" and immediately become ashamed of their nakedness. It was not nudity,
however, that shamed them.
Adam and Eve were mortified by what their nakedness re
presented. Ancient Mesopotamian records depict human beings stark naked when
performing tasks for their Custodial masters. Custodians, on the other hand,
were depicted as being fully clothed. The implication is that Adam and Eve felt
degraded by their nakedness because it was a sign of their enslavement—not
because being naked in itself is bad..
.......The ancient version is that an extraterrestrial society had come to
possess Earth and sought to exploit the planet's resources. To make the
exploitation easier, a work race was created: Homo sapiens. Humans were treated
as livestock and were frequently butchered when they became too numerous or
troublesome. To preserve Homo sapiens as a slave race and to prevent future
rebellion, spiritual knowledge was repressed, human beings were scattered
geographically into different linguistic groups, and conditions were created to
make physical survival on Earth an all-consuming chore from birth until death.
This arrangement was to be maintained indefinitely for as long as the Custodial
society possessed Earth. In contrast, the modern view is that human beings had
evolved accidentally from "star stuff" into slime, into fishes, into monkeys,
and finally into people. The modern view actually seems more fanciful than the
ancient one.
In the story of Adam and Eve we noted the appearance of a
snake. The serpent was said to be "God's" enemy, Satan, who had literally
transformed himself into a reptile. The Bible suggests that snakes are feared
and disliked today because of Satan's alleged transformation back in the Garden
of Eden. However, it should be remembered that the Biblical Adam and Eve story
is entirely symbolic. The snake, too, was a symbol, not an actual reptile. To
determine what the Biblical snake represented, we must go back once again to
older pre-Biblical sources.
When we do so, we discover that the snake symbol had two very
important meanings in the ancient world: it was associated with the Custodial
"god" Ea, reputed creator and benefactor of mankind, and it also represented an
influential organization with which Ea was associated.
[1989] Gods of Eden by William Bramley
According to the Epic, a Babylonian named Utnapishtim was approached by
Prince Ea, who opposed the decision to destroy his creation, Homo sapiens. Ea
told Utnapishtim that the other "gods" planned to cause a deluge to wipe out the
human race. Ea, who is described in other writings as a master shipbuilder and
sailor, gave Utnapishtim instructions on how to build a boat which could survive
the flood.
Utnapishtim followed Ea's directions and, with the help of
friends, completed the vessel before the flooding began. Utnapishtim then loaded
the boat with his gold, family, and livestock, along with craftsmen and wild
animals, and hoisted off to sea. Babylonian and Assyrian tablets relate that
just prior to flooding the land, the Custodians scorched it with flame.
Then they flooded the region by causing a long rainstorm and
by breaking the intricate system of dams and dikes that had been built in
Mesopotamia to control the erratic flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
The Gilgamesh Epic relates that Utnapishtim and his crew
survived the ordeal. When it was over, they sought out dry land by releasing a
series of three birds; if a bird did not return to the boat, Utnapishtim would
know that it had found dry land nearby on which to alight. Once back on solid
ground, Utnapishtim was joined by several Custodians returning from out of the
sky. Instead of destroying the survivors, a degree of leniency prevailed and the
Custodians transported the surviving humans to another region to live.
The tale of Utnapishtim should ring a bell with anyone who is
familiar with the Biblical story of Noah and the Ark. That is because the tale
of Noah, like many other stories in the Old Testament, is taken from older
Mesopotamian writings. Biblical authors simply altered names and changed the
many "gods" of the original writings into the one "God" or "Lord" of the Hebrew
religion. The latter change was an unfortunate one because it caused a Supreme
Being to be blamed for the brutal acts that earner writers had attributed to the
very un-God-like Custodians.
Early Mesopotamian writings gave us another famous Old
Testament story: the tale of Adam and Eve. The Adam and Eve narrative is also
derived from earlier Mesopotamian sources which described life under the
Custodial "gods." The "God" or "Lord God" of the Bible's Adam and Eve story can
therefore be translated to mean the Custodial rulers of Earth. The story of Adam
and Eve is unique in that it is entirely symbolic, and through its symbols it
provides an intriguing account of early human history. According to the Bible,
Adam, who symbolizes first man, was created by "God" from the "dust of the
ground." This idea reflects the older Mesopotamian belief that Homo sapiens was
created partially from "clay." Adam's wife, Eve, was also created artificially.
They both lived in an abundant paradise known as the Garden of Eden. Modern
versions of the Bible place the Garden of Eden in the Tigris-Euphrates region of
Mesopotamia. The Old Testament tells us that Adam (first man) was designed to be
a servant. His function was to till the soil and to care for the lush gardens
and crops owned by his "God." As long as Adam and Eve accepted their servient
status and obeyed their ever-present masters, all of their physical needs would
be met and they would be permitted to remain in their "paradise" indefinitely.
There was, however, one unpardonable sin that they must never commit. They must
never attempt to seek certain types of knowledge. Those forbidden forms of
knowledge are symbolized in the story as two trees: the "tree of knowledge of
good and evil" and the "tree of life." The first "tree" symbolizes an
understanding of ethics and justice. The second "tree" symbolizes the knowledge
of how to regain and retain one's spiritual identity and immortality
[1989] Gods of Eden by William Bramley
In Biblical days, human beings were also heavily propagandized as very sinful to justify the barbaric treatment humans suffered at the hands of their Custodial "God" and "angels." By extending this concept of sinfulness to the human method of procreation, every person conceived through human sexual intercourse was to be considered born in sin and therefore spiritually condemned. What a frightful dilemma this created! Every time a man and woman conceived and gave birth to a child, they had condemned a spiritual being; yet the human drives which produce children are strong. The religious teaching of automatic spiritual condemnation because of human procreation generated a powerful conflict between the drive for spiritual freedom and the physical drive to reproduce. The result was intense anxiety on the subject of sex and an increase in nonprocreative sexual activity such as homosexuality, autoeroticism, nonprocreative forms of intercourse, pornography, voyeurism, and abortion. The irony in this is clear. Those religions which have most strongly condemned the "inherent sin" in all human beings have also been those which have most vocally opposed nonprocreative sex. These teachings had another important effect. They hel ped reduce human resistance to engaging in war. It is easier for a religious person to kill someone if he believes that the victim is inherently sinful. [1989] Gods of Eden by William Bramley
It is a sin to overeat because that leads to ill health and misery.
It is a sin to over-indulge in sex because that breaks down
one's will power and leads to the habit of drifting.
It is a sin to permit one's mind to be dominated by negative thoughts of envy, greed, fear, hatred, intolerance,
vanity, self-pity, or discouragement, because these states of mind
lead to the habit of drifting.
It is a sin to cheat, lie, and steal, because these habits destroy self-respect, subdue one's conscience, and lead to
It is a sin to remain in ignorance because that leads to
poverty and loss of self-reliance.
It is a sin to accept from life anything one does not want because that indicates an unpardonable neglect to use
the mind.
Q Is it a sin for one to drift through life, without
definite aim, plan, or purpose?
A Yes, because this habit leads to poverty and destroys the
privilege of self-determination. It also deprives one of
the privilege of using his own mind as a medium of contact with
Infinite Intelligence.
Q Are you the chief inspirer of sin?
A Yes! It is my business to gain control of the minds of
people in every way possible.
Q Can you control the mind of a person who commits no sin?
A I cannot, because that person never permits his mind to
be dominated by any form of negative thought. I cannot enter
the mind of one who never sins, let alone control it.
Q What is the commonest and most destructive of all sins?
A Fear and ignorance.
Q Have you nothing else to add to the list?
A There is nothing else to be added.
[1938] OUTWITTING THE DEVIL by Napoleon Hill
experience and knowledge
Man goes into his Church to talk about Jesus, we go into our
Tepee and talk to Jesus--Native American
Thinking, Groupthink
“Religion is the frozen
thought of man out of which they build temples.”----J.
I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. ----J. Krishnamurti
"Churches are monuments to self importance."--Don Juan
All authority of any kind, especially in the field of thought and understanding, is the most destructive, evil thing. Leaders destroy the followers and followers destroy the leaders. You have to be your own teacher and your own disciple. You have to question everything that man has accepted as valuable, as necessary.--Krishnamurti
“If you want to lose your faith, make friends with a priest.”-George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff
All ideologies are idiotic, whether religious or political, for it is conceptual thinking, the conceptual word, which has so unfortunately divided man.” ----J. Krishnamurti
For centuries all of the authorities, especially the religious ones, have taught us that God is outside. God makes the rules and God, although he is pure love, will punish us if we don't do this or that. Is this possible? I believe it is impossible! When people realize they are god/goddess, that God lives within them, you cannot dominate or exploit them anymore! People can only be kept in slavery if you make them believe they are sheep and need someone to obey other than themselves. The moment people realize they are their only authority and obey their conscious, the outside authorities no longer have control over them! An Interview With Guylaine Lanctot, M.D. By Kenneth & Dee Burke
"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality...."--David Ellner you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind. Krishnamurti
Sex pleasure ban, and anti-women [Suppressing sexuality]
pleasure anxiety (a psychological condition) described by Robert Anton Wilson as; the suspicion that maybe the puritan god exists after all and if we do manage to have a good time he will rear up and give us bloody hell for it.
"Hedonism has always been easily checked. . . and restricted to a caste of artists usually patronised and tolerated by the rulers......the masters needed the hedonic aestheticians to entertain and beautify while the great mass of the citizenry was kept in submissive asceticism, The lowest classes and the outsize minorities were usually allowed to indulge themselves in gross sensuality, sternly condemed by bourgeous moralises. In the 60's use of hedonic drugs led to a resurrection of the body. Sensual consumerism. Sexual liberation.....The working person discovered that his own body belonged, not to the state or to the moralist or to the authoritarian doctor, but to himself(102). -- T, L.The early Christian denial of sexual needs was......a heroic attempt to find a gimmick that would bemuse or bamboozle the deity..... man is a strange animal when he seeks to attract the attention of his gods and has tried every eccentricity to convince them his plight is terrible and merits their urgent at tention (167). --Robert Anton Wilson
"I agree with Freud, that if these basic impulses are repressed and not allowed expression then becomes a slave of these impulses expressed in hidden and covert forms....I prefer the mode which is too simplistically expressed by the phrase, " wisdom through excess", and self-analysis(86)---J.Lilly.
"A man who doesn't have good sex resents life living itself; he wants to force and control it; he identifies with priests; he thinks business and sport, war and politics are more important than home building and garden tending, wife cultivating and child rearing; he no longer remembers his youth; his feelings, like his environment, are simply something to be dominated and destroyed; he is not moved by the Living......----J.James
The average American male reaches orgasm in one and a half minutes, and usually performed in a dark room, so that it ca be finished furtively before the sex-hating Christian God has time to notice what is going on(167).-Robert Anton Wilson
"Some religions have fitfully allowed cults that focus on somatic energy and sacred sensuality. Tantra, Zen, Hasidic Judaism preserved the notions of Kundalini, spiritual-eroticism, mystical altered states.-T. L.
"The general psychosomatic disease of civilized humanity is "orgastic impotence" the inability to achieve total orgasm, caused by the anxieties implicit in our antisexual religions and patriarchal institutions(81).---Wilhelm Reich .
Puritanism: the haunting fear that someone, somewhere is having a good time. - H.L. Mencken
Prisons are built with stones of Law, Brothels with bricks of Religion.---William Blake
"Most religions have been inspired by God the Moralist Dictator, who invariably banished the pleasures of sensuality, eroticism, individual luxury and free art. These taboos are comprehensible because a citizenry that pursues pleasure will tend to pay less attention to domestication and the self-sacrifice that benefit society. The Eastern and Mideastern empires reserved luxury, art, sensuality to the aristocracy.--T. L.
If one studies the history of
sexual suppression one finds that it does not exist in the early stages of culture formation.
Therefore, it cannot be the prerequisite of culture. Rather,
it appears at a relatively late stage of culture, at the time of
the development of authoritarian patriarchy and of class distinctions. At that stage, the sexual interests of all
begin to serve the profit interests of a minority. This
process has assumed a solid organizational form in the
institutions of patriarchal marriage and patriarchal family.
With the suppression of sexuality the emotions undergo a change:
a sex-negating religion begins to develop which gradually builds up its own sex-political organization,
the church in all its forms, which has no other goal than that of eradicating sexual pleasure. This has its
sociological reason in the exploitation of human work which
sets in at this stage.
Christianity is alone in thinking that sex is entirely the Devil's business and an offence to God, This is a strange doctrine and almost implies that God and the devil must have collaborated on the creation of humanity, God working above the belly button and the Devil below(166).-Robert Anton Wilson
The average American male reaches orgasm in one and a half minutes, and usually performed in a dark room, so that it ca be finished furtively before the sex-hating Christian God has time to notice what is going on(167).-Robert Anton Wilson
Christian missionaries to Africa condemned polygamy, with the result that great numbers of women became "socially superfluous". Many went to the cities and became prostitutes. Missionaries to North America had a similar effect when, discovering the informal family arrangements between many white settlers and native American women, they accused the natives of immorality and prostitution. Protestant women in pioneering settlements adopted the missionary position - or rather, supported the missionaries' point of view - with the result that Indian women lost the status and respect they had enjoyed from the earlier white settlers. Interracial marriages died out, while prostitution flourished.--Love for Sale: a global history of prostitution by Nils Ringdal
Violence against sexuality and the use of sexuality for violence, particularly against women, has very deep roots in Biblical tradition. [1975] BODY PLEASURE AND THE ORIGINS OF VIOLENCE By James W. Prescott
The origins of the fundamental reciprocal relationship between physical violence and physical pleasure can be traced to philosophical dualism and to the theology of body/soul relationships. In Western philosophical thought man was not a unitary being but was divided into two parts, body and soul. The Greek philosophical conception of the relationship between body and soul was quite different than the Judeo-Christian concept which posited a state of war between the body and soul. Within Judeo-Christian thought the purpose of human life was to save the soul, and the body was seen as an impediment to achieving this objective. Consequently, the body must be punished and deprived. In St. Paul's words: "Put to death the base pursuits of the body—for if you live according to the flesh, you shall die: but if by the spirit you mortify the deeds of the flesh, you shall live" (Romans 8:13). St. Paul clearly advocated somatosensory pleasure deprivation and enhancement of painful somatosensory stimulation as essential prerequisites for saving the soul. "Now concerning the things whereof you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman" (1 Corinthians, 7:1). [1975] BODY PLEASURE AND THE ORIGINS OF VIOLENCE By James W. Prescott
It is evident that the Judeo-Christian concept of body pleasure is quite the opposite of that outlined by Aristotle, particularly, the relief of body pain and discomfort through somatosensory pleasure. This denial of somatosensory pleasure in Pauline Christian doctrine has led to alternative forms of 'relief' through such painful stimulations as hair-shirts, self-scourgings, self-mutilations, physical violence against others, and in the non-sensory pleasures of drugs. [1975] BODY PLEASURE AND THE ORIGINS OF VIOLENCE By James W. Prescott
The question arises as to how Christian philosophy and theology, which borrowed heavily from Aristotle, managed to avoid, if not outright reject, Aristotle's teachings regarding the morality of pleasure. The roots to this question can be found throughout the Old Testament, beginning with the account in Genesis of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. The first consequence of Eve's transgression was that nudity became shameful. This even may well be the beginning of man's hostility toward women and the equating of woman with evil, particularly the evils of the body. This is vividly portrayed in Zechariah (5:5-8) in an angel's description of the flying bushel: "This is a bushel container coming. This is their guilt in all the land." Then a leaden cover was lifted and there was a woman sitting inside the bushel. "This is wickedness, he said, and he thrust her inside the bushel, pushing the leaden cover into the opening."[1975] BODY PLEASURE AND THE ORIGINS OF VIOLENCE By James W. Prescott
Violence against sexuality and the use of sexuality for violence,
particularly against women, has very deep roots in Biblical tradition, and is
spelled out very early. The nineteenth chapter of Genesis (19:1-11), the first
book of the Old Testament, holds that the rape of woman is acceptable but the
rape of man is "a wicked thing." This chapter about the destruction of Sodom and
Gomorrah describes Lot's hospitality to two male travelers (actually two angels)
who were housed with him.
In the evening the townsmen of
Sodom came to Lot's house and said to him: "Where are the men who came to
your house tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have intimacies with them."
Lot went out to meet them at the entrance. When he had shut the door behind him,
he said, "I beg you, my brothers, not to do this wicked thing. I have two
daughters who have never had intercourse with men. Let me bring them out to you,
and you may do to them as you please. But don't do anything to these men, for
you know they have come under the shelter of my roof." They replied, "Stand
back! This fellow," they sneered, "came here as an immigrant, and now he
dares to give orders! We'll treat you worse than them!" With that, they
pressed hard against Lot, moving in closer to break down the door. But his
guests put out their hand, pulled Lot inside with them, and closed the door; at
the same time they struck the men at the entrance of the house, one and all,
with such blinding light that they were utterly unable to reach the doorway.
As the story continues, the two
angels escort Lot and his family to safety and then destroy Sodom and Gomorrah
for their great sinfulness. Yet not a word of reproach is given to Lot for his
willingness to hand over his two virgin daughters to be gang raped. This same
story is repeated in the books of Ezekiel (23:1-49) and Judges (19:22-30).
Given such a tradition, it is understandable that during the Inquisition only women were charged with having intercourse with the devil and put to death for this crime of pleasure. What man has died at the stake for having slept with Satan? This tradition is maintained in modern cultures where women are punished for prostitution but their male customers are not. The historical and Biblical acceptance of rape down through the ages has brutalized the psyche of males brought up in this tradition. [1975] BODY PLEASURE AND THE ORIGINS OF VIOLENCE By James W. Prescott
If we accept the theory that the lack of sufficient somatosensory pleasure is a principal cause of violence, we can work toward promoting pleasure and encouraging affectionate interpersonal relationships as a means of combating aggression. We should give high priority to body pleasure in the context of meaningful human relationships. Such body pleasure is very different from promiscuity, which reflects a basic inability to experience pleasure. If a sexual relationship is not pleasurable, the individual looks for another partner. A continuing failure to find sexual satisfaction leads to a continuing search for new partners, that is, to promiscuous behavior. Affectionately shared physical pleasure, on the other hand, tends to stabilize a relationship and eliminate the search. However, a variety of sexual experiences seems to be normal in cultures which permit its expression, and this may be important for optimizing pleasure and affection in sexual relationships. [1975] BODY PLEASURE AND THE ORIGINS OF VIOLENCE By James W. Prescott
of Violence
[Violence Suppressing
When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or
anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you
are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by
belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is
seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion,
to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total
understanding of mankind. ----J.
"The foreskin is disgusting." Talmud, Nearim 31 B
"Every male among you shall be Circumcised on the eighth day, both those born in your house and any not of your blood but bought with your money." Genesis 17
Available data clearly indicate that the rigid values of monogamy, chastity, and virginity help produce physical violence. The denial of female sexuality must give way to an acceptance and respect for it, and men must share with women the responsibility for giving affection and care to infants and children. As the father assumes a more equal role with the mother in child-rearing and becomes more affectionate toward his children, certain changes must follow in our socioeconomic system. A corporate structure which tends to separate either parent from the family by travel, extended meetings, or overtime work weakens the parent-child relationship and harms family stability. To develop a peaceful society, we must put more emphasis on human relationships. [1975] BODY PLEASURE AND THE ORIGINS OF VIOLENCE By James W. Prescott
"The bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the political behaviour of Western Civilisation."--Robert Anton Wilson
Control by
[False prophets]
To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a
unified church and monetary system under their direction. The One World
Government began to set up its church in the 1920's
and 30's, for they realized the need for a religious
belief inherent in mankind must have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church"
body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.
...To engineer and bring about the destruction of religion, and more
especially, the Christian Religion, with the one exception, their own creation,
as mentioned. Targets of the Illuminati and the
Committee of 300 By Dr. John Coleman
In the U.S., they have established a monopoly by controlling all the various religious groups. (This author wrote an 800 page heavily documented book Be Wise As Serpents to show the details of how this is done.) It’s not a matter of what they teach, it’s a matter of control, so that the elite have a monopoly. And when you, as a mover & shaker in the world, control all these various religions via money, blackmail, & programmed multiples under your leadership, etc. which religion would you pick to emphasize the most? You will pick the one that sells the best, i.e. the best product. And which brand of Christianity will sell the best? The televised charismatic brand will sell the best. Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
I've got documentation that goes back to 1776. Adam Vissow (sp?), who established the Illuminati, I think that's when really they made a first - the first real organized effort to control the media, to control the population, and to take over and destroy the sovereignty of various nations, and to destroy our religions. And I have a video, a four-hour lecture that I give, on the Illuminati, and how it affects our lives today. And if any of you folks are interested in that four-hour lecture - and it's dynamite stuff, I've been told - been complimented many times on it - you can send $35 to Ted Gunderson, Post Office Box 18000-18000-259, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. That's $35 to Ted Gunderson, Post Office 18000-259, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. Transcript of 12 hours of radio interview of Chip Tatum on Intelligence Report. Ted Gundersson interviewe 1999.
As for "morality" -- or "moralic acid" as Nietzsche called it -- I consider it the major cause of almost all the major atrocities not caused by "ideology." This wonderful invention, "morality," allows people -- normal, ordinary people -- to do things so cruel and violent that they could never bring themselves to do them for selfish reasons. What the sociopath and sadist do for fun, the "moralist" does on behalf of "duty" or "justice." "Morality," today, allows Moslems to stone women to death, as it once fuelled the Christian witch-hunts. "Morality" has excused every war, and glorified some of them. "Morality" constantly plots to subvert the Constitutional guarantee of free speech. "Morality" inspires gay-bashing and the bombing of women's clinics. Why, without "morality" we might all suddenly go stark staring sane. Robert Anton Wilson
and psychopaths using religion:
using religion]
"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost
duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and
cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic
principles on which our nation has been built. It
regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the
family as the basis of national life." Adolph Hitler, My New World Order,
Proclamation to the German Nation at Berlin, February 1, 1933
Religion....Most dominators only go to church for marrying and burying. This would be "Three strikes and ye're out" as far as the religiously ethnocentric high RWAs are concerned except for one thing. Dominators can easily pretend to be religious, saying the right words and claiming a deep personal belief and....gullible right-wing authoritarians will go out on almost any limb, walk almost any plank to believe them. So some non-religious dominators. as part of the act. do go to church regularly, for manipulative reasons. [2006] The Authoritarians” by Bob Altemeyer
“Tom Delay’s Double High authoritarian personality offers an almost textbook example of the four defining elements of a social dominator: the tendency to dominate; opposition to equality; desire for personal power; and amorality. … Delay, in a pattern followed by many Double High authoritarians, became a born-again Christian in 1984.” Conservatives Without Conscience by John Dean
Every dictator uses religion as a prop to keep himself in power. - Benazir Bhutto, in a CBS television interview
[Think G Bush] Bob Dylan "With God On Our Side", 1963
God gave the savior to the German people. We have faith, deep and unshakeable faith, that he was sent to us by God to save Germany. ----Hermann Goering, speaking of Hitler
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to
religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom
they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move
against him, believing that he has the gods on his side.----Aristotle
"So if I understand you correctly, Jesus, I nuke Iran and then invade N. Korea? Or do I nuke N. Korea and then invade Iran? And do I do this after we spread the bird flu at anti-war protests and quarantine all the commies?"