False gods and prophets
[Religion is run/created by the false pseudo-gods
Jehovah and Lucifer, so it's hardly
likely most religious 'prophets' would be touting the real God, the Great Spirit.
Pope and Welby exposed with
Covid vaccine genocide]
"Claims to have a special relationship with God or fakes being religious."---[2010] Psychopathic Traits by Thomas Sheridan
Charity Racket
Satanic bible passages Religions ancient god symbols
who don't believe in God
White missionaries
Luciferian symbols
Face morph
Reptilian eyes
Satanic hand signs
Devil's Claw
Masonic handshake
False prophets (Religious, 'Spiritual') Chan, Francis Copeland, Kenneth Crouch, Paul and Jan Duplantis, Jesse Falwell, Jerry Graham, Billy Hagee, John Hinn, Benny Jakes, TD Jeremías, Dr. David P. LaHaye, Tim Meyer, Joyce Ratzinger |
Robertson, Pat Rick Warren Sajady, Mas Schuller, Robert Harold Sharpton, Al Internet
New Age |
religious [Political Mafia] Blair, Tony Delay, Tom Palin, Sarah
Main false gods |
Religion (pseudo-gods and idols) Jehovah Fashion Materialism Pseudo-Greens
Entertainment false gods (circus) |
Covid vaccine genocide
Charity Racket
Pink ribbon &
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Murdoch Trump, Donald Palin, Sarah
To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a
unified church and monetary system under their direction. The One World
Government began to set up its church in the 1920's
and 30's, for they realized the need for a religious
belief inherent in mankind must have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church"
body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.
...To engineer and bring about the destruction of religion, and more
especially, the Christian Religion, with the one exception, their own creation,
as mentioned. Targets of the Illuminati and the
Committee of 300 By Dr. John Coleman
Claims to have a special relationship with God or fakes being religious ----Psychopathy personality traits
Religion....Most dominators only go to church for marrying and burying. This would be "Three strikes and ye're out" as far as the religiously ethnocentric high RWAs are concerned except for one thing. Dominators can easily pretend to be religious, saying the right words and claiming a deep personal belief and....gullible right-wing authoritarians will go out on almost any limb, walk almost any plank to believe them. So some non-religious dominators. as part of the act. do go to church regularly, for manipulative reasons. [2006] The Authoritarians” by Bob Altemeyer
In the U.S., they have established a monopoly by controlling all the various religious groups. (This author wrote an 800 page heavily documented book Be Wise As Serpents to show the details of how this is done.) It’s not a matter of what they teach, it’s a matter of control, so that the elite have a monopoly. And when you, as a mover & shaker in the world, control all these various religions via money, blackmail, & programmed multiples under your leadership, etc. which religion would you pick to emphasize the most? You will pick the one that sells the best, i.e. the best product. And which brand of Christianity will sell the best? The televised charismatic brand will sell the best. Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
I've got documentation that goes back to 1776. Adam Vissow (sp?), who established the Illuminati, I think that's when really they made a first - the first real organized effort to control the media, to control the population, and to take over and destroy the sovereignty of various nations, and to destroy our religions. And I have a video, a four-hour lecture that I give, on the Illuminati, and how it affects our lives today. And if any of you folks are interested in that four-hour lecture - and it's dynamite stuff, I've been told - been complimented many times on it - you can send $35 to Ted Gunderson, Post Office Box 18000-18000-259, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. That's $35 to Ted Gunderson, Post Office 18000-259, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. Transcript of 12 hours of radio interview of Chip Tatum on Intelligence Report. Ted Gundersson interviewe 1999.
Religion....Most dominators only go to church for marrying and burying. This would be "Three strikes and ye're out" as far as the religiously ethnocentric high RWAs are concerned except for one thing. Dominators can easily pretend to be religious, saying the right words and claiming a deep personal belief and....gullible right-wing authoritarians will go out on almost any limb, walk almost any plank to believe them. So some non-religious dominators. as part of the act. do go to church regularly, for manipulative reasons. [2006] The Authoritarians” by Bob Altemeyer
“Tom Delay’s Double High authoritarian personality offers an almost textbook example of the four defining elements of a social dominator: the tendency to dominate; opposition to equality; desire for personal power; and amorality. … Delay, in a pattern followed by many Double High authoritarians, became a born-again Christian in 1984.” Conservatives Without Conscience by John Dean
God gave the savior to the German people. We have faith, deep and unshakeable faith, that he was sent to us by God to save Germany. ----Hermann Goering, speaking of Hitler
Another godless force in the African diamond plunder is Pat Robertson, evangelist minister with the Christian Coalition. A Mobutu confidant, Robertson’s African Development Corp. used the “humanitarian” cover of “Operation Blessing” to plunder diamonds during Congo’s bloodbath. He worked closely with Charles Taylor (1997-2003). Robertson’s Freedom Gold, is today bleeding Liberia. Rick Hines & Keith Harmon Snow
“Christian Conservatives’ primary tool in reinforcing authoritarianism is preaching fear, and no one does so more than the head of the Christian Coalition, Pat Robertson.” Conservatives Without Conscience by John Dean
Fear ignites authoritarian aggression more than anything else. From the crime-fixated Six O'clock News, to the Bush administration's claim that '"We fight 'em there or else we fight 'em here," to Pat Robertson's recurring predictions of catastrophe the day-after-tomorrow, lots of people have been filling America to the brim with fear. It would undoubtedly help things if the fear-mongers ratcheted down their mongering. But don't hold your breath; they have their reasons for trying to scare the pants off everybody. p.238 [2006] The Authoritarians” by Bob Altemeyer
There are people who talk about God but are not the least bit religious or spiritual. These are people who may appear to be in Stage Four, who can wear Stage Four veneer— like certain cult leaders—but who, in fact, are Stage One criminals.-----THE STAGES OF SPIRITUAL GROWTH By M. Scott Peck, M.D.
[2011 Oct]
Portrait of Zio Christian, Joel Rosenberg by John Hubbard
Joel Rosenberg takes all attention away from
the Zionist predators and destroyers of
Christian western civilization, and puts all responsibility for our
decline ..... on God!
Billy Graham: Vote to Support Israel
Leading Christian evangelist Missler funded by the Illuminati?
Prosperity Pastor Eddie Long Enthroned as “King’ During Church Service
Steve Van NattanFace/body morph [Shapeshifting]
Jesse Teeth morphing
Copeland, Kenneth Teeth morphing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5XW3wxKQcM
Francis Chan
Yussef http://youtu.be/bsWuwv6TmQ0
Reptilian eyes [Reptile eyes (slits)]
Joel Osteen
Graham, Billy
Graham Anne Graham Reptilian (1985) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4AD1pU5z88
Satanic hand sign [Satanic Hand sign Hand sign (666)]
Hand sign
(666) Jesuits
Superior General Pedro Arrupe (1907–1991) Count Hans Kolvenbach
Pope Pacelli
Georges Darboy (1813-1871), French Catholic priest, later bishop of Nancy, and
then archbishop of Paris. Note: the X symbolism from the crossed arms.
666 hand sign
Israel's chief Ashkenazi rabbi Yona Metzger speaks to members of the Polish
capital's Jewish community at the Nozyk synagogue in Warsaw on February 21, 2008
Duplantis, Jesse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hC5K8_WXb6M
Blair, Tony
Tony Blair & the Pope engage in Masonic handshake.
Tom Ridge
Rodney Howard Browne
Devil's Claw
[Devil's Claw]
Robertson, Pat
Blair, Tony
False prophets Tony Blair & the Pope engage in Masonic handshake.
Freemasons Geoffrey Fisher & Harry Truman
Jerry Falwell, Baptist hero, in a Masonic grip with Skull & Bones alumnus,
President George H. W. Bush, at the White House in 1991. Falwell claims to be a
pro-life advocate but never complained when Senior Bush nominated abortion
supporters like Judge David Souter to the U.S. Supreme Court and other federal
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin (left) a dwarfish terrorist thug who went
on to become Israel's Prime Minister, shares a Masonic hand grip with one of the
"brethren," Moral Majority leader preacher Jerry Falwell. Falwell received the
Jabotinsky Award for his devoted efforts to oppress the Palestinian people while
promoting Jewish racial supremacy. Jabotinsky, the man whom this award was named
after, was a pro-Communist Socialist/Zionist. Falwell
also received a multimillion dollar executive jet as a gift from Israel, a
nation that receives from five to ten billion in free foreign aid money each
year from American taxpayers. In effect, Begin and Israel stole money from the
U.S.A. taxpayers and funneled it to Falwell.
Pope John Paul II meets with Israel's Chief Rabbi, Yisrael Meir Lau, at the
papal retreat in Rome. As is customary of members of the Grand Lodge of
Jerusalem, the rabbi disguises the Masonic hand grip with his left hand.
This is called the "cover grip." (Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor, 3d
Ed., p. 216)
Robertson, Pat
Pat Robertson meets with Red Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji in 1998.
The 700 Club host has invested millions of dollars in Red China and supports its
policy of forced abortions, all the time pretending to be "pro-life."
Graham, Billy
Schuller, Robert