TETRA, & GSM quotes (and
[back] Death towers
"Microwave radiation can blind you, alter your behaviour, cause genetic damage, even kill you......The risks have been hidden from you by the Pentagon, the State Department, and the electronics industry." Paul Brodeur
"Approximately one death tower per 2,000 people, on average."--- Don Croft
seems to me to be rather excessive.
Watts = Volts x Amps Therefore, 240 volts x's 800 amps = 192 Kilowatts per hour
x's 3 phase = 576 KWH. Transmitters at microwave frequencies normal only
require a max of 1.0 watt, not kilo watts. If this is true then there is
covert agenda going on. This type of supply and fusing system will be mega
expensive. I don't know what to say, except run for the hills. Power is a square
law, i.e. Amps (squared) x's Resistance in ohms. So if you double the voltage
you square the power. Nasty."--Electrical
The total ERP for a Cell Phone BTS site (360 degree coverage) is on the order
of 27,000 to 54,000 watts! And of course there are multiple Cell Phone
companies, each with its own network of BTS sites. Consequently any particular
urban area will be subjected to EM radiation of approximately 81,000 to 216,000
watts (3 to 4 cell phone companies). To put this in perspective, the average AM
radio station transmitter is 50,000 watts.
....It would seem the modern Cell Phone BTS is tailor made to reproduce Mr.
Frey's experimental results....While there is no direct evidence of Cell Phone
BTS sites being used in the manner described herein. As I have so amply shown,
the BTS site architecture and capabilities are a perfect match to the required
specifications of a fully functional mind control network. And when considered
in the context of government propensity to coerce rather than cajole citizen
behavior, it is hard to imagine that if such mind control technology is
feasible, that it was not built into the Cell Phone BTS sites.
Remote Mind Control
[2009 Aug EW] Orgonite V EMF A retired German man living in Santiago had bought the device so he could make a formal complaint to the telecomunications authority because his wife was very sensitive to the towers and was getting progresively sicker and weaker. He had a very complete log of the radiation spanning about 5 months. Since the towers were busted, his wife regained strength and could be in her balcony without feeling sick and without the need for a copper mesh to shield her from the radiation. He also reported that wild birds came back to the garden, which had left almost completely after the tower´s instalation. He was a lot more exited about his wife feeling better and the birds return than from the decreased intensity of the EM field that he measured.
When we first started gifting entire cities, Carol suggested dropping a single towerbuster every mile or so under the high tension wires that went through the cities and she watched the DOR from the powerlines turn into radiant blue orgone in each case, within a few minutes. I think DB was fond of doing that on his city-gifting sorties, too. It doesn't take much at all to get this done, though I think it's always very nice to deploy an 18, of course, when the inspiration strikes. ~Don http://www.ethericwarriors.com/ip/viewtopic.php?p=5181#p5181
The government, government scientists and [this industry] will be responsible for more civilian deaths in peacetime than all the terrorist organisations put together.’ Barrie Trower, independent scientist
[EW Feb 2009]
Tower Identification. By now, I
think we safely assume that all standing towers are death transmitters
and/or weather weapons. Carol sees black energy emitting from even
ordinary-looking television and radio station towers, so even those were
The way we evaluate what death
transmitters do is that Carol looks at the dark energy emanating from
them. Simply stated, the dark stuff is either aimed at people or at the
atmosphere and most of these transmitters seem to be directional and
coordinated with the rest. Also, the death transmitters that are
ordinarly aimed down at the population are evidently used to boost
weather weaponry, now and then. I don't know if weather weapons are ever
aimed at the populace but we'll keep her eyes open
. Otherwise, we don't bother to name or categorize the dozens of types
of death transmitters.
"At that point, my prime suspicion still was that we were dealing with an epidemic caused by a new type of virus....Routine laboratory tests, which were carried out by the family doctors, showed that some suffered from leukocytosis, an increase of the white blood cells, or slight increase of transaminases, that is to say, an increased level of specific liver enzymes. Initially, I considered this to be a consequence of a new kind of viral infection. Yet, this was not confirmed by the health authorities and the Robert Koch Institute. After collecting the first 18 cases further patients came to me with the same symptoms. Later several patients were diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia or multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome (MCS). In several others, there was a persistent Epstein Barr virus infection, the so-called glandular fever. However, it did not present in its classic form, but rather in its chronic form that often is not detected by the doctors." [pdf 2009] Observations from a Psychotherapy Practice on Mobile Telecommunications and DECT Telephones by Dr. med. Christine Aschermann
Fortunately, all standing towers are now weapons and need to be gifted. I often forget that when Carol and I go gifting, she simply looks at the energy signature of a tower to determine what it's being used for. Towers and other structures that send dense, dark deadly orgone radiation up into the atmosphere are obviously for destroying the atmosphere's health in specific ways; towers that send that energy down at the populace are for hurting people, simply stated. Those weird drum and horn transmitters out in the countryside seem to do a little of both. As a rule, many similar towers standing in relative proximity to each other are for weather warfare.Every standing tower in the world, pretty much, can be seen by energy sensitives and psychics to give off very dense, destructive dead Orgone radiation--the energy of death and decay. Ordinary communication transmitters, even the huge microwave transmitters, only gave off a little bit of that energy, if any, and all radio and TV towers were drafted into the HAARP network in recent years, so they're death transmitters. The difference between HAARP and your neighbourhood death tower is that HAARP shoots the DOR up into the atmosphere and the neighbourhood towers direct it down at the surrounding population. High tension power lines, even though they're known to kill people with cancer if they live too close, also only give off a little bit of DOR. That's why I call them 'death towers.' Most folks call them 'cellphone towers' but in fact any rational person understands that even primary cell transmitters require no more power than your apartment or house does, so the bundle of massive cables that run from the fortified blockhouses to the towers' death energy producing panels, rods, drums and dishes should be suspect. 'What Are 'Death Towers?'---Don Croft
Bowart's allegations about the CIA using ultrasonic waves on the human brain to control the behavior pattern of entire cities confirms information I received in 1974 about the same project. A reliable source of information told me that a radio tower and a tall bank tower in San Francisco were going to extend a beam to have virtual radio control of that entire city. He informed me that the radio frequencies would make meditation impossible. The radio towers were being utilized for future control of our minds. The same week that I received this information, an article in the Los Angeles Times appeared mentioning the use of radio beams over large cities to control the population. Conspiracy Digest newsletter interview with Mae
Medium sized microwave ovens are rated around 700W while the focussed power of a typical base-station main beam is likely to be at least 3,000W EIRP. from each antenna. (This EIRP measurement simply shows what an un-focussed antenna radiating in all directions would have to put out for the same beam strength). For one antenna the licence permits a maximum total power in 1800 MHz band of 24,000W EIRP. The lower typical power presently radiated is mainly because of technical limitations. [Stewart report 4.31-4.32] http://web.ukonline.co.uk/faderuk//Health/Concerns/Why_Worry/why_worry.html
When Carlo presented his findings to the US government, they included his estimations of 500,000 US citizens a year by 2010 contracting cancer and 25% of the population by 2014 as a direct result of mobile phone abuse. Wirelessfacts.co.uk believe this is a gross underestimation (see... dectphones and wireless networks). Carlo and his family were threatened physically, his finances were threatened, one of his homes was burned down and the fire brigade suspected arson. One of the things Carlo was supposed to ratify was SAR (specific absorption rates) based on thermal effects as a method or guideline for handset safety. This, like the ICNIRP guidelines for mobile phone mast safety, as Carlo discovered, was completely the wrong issue to look at. http://wirelessfacts.co.uk/index.html
The whole damn dumb show was supposed to go down in late 99, but they didn't get people's guns, that big final obstacle to fascism. That's when they hit upon these ELF towers. Tested them in Ventura, Africa, and the Sudan. They had GWEN operational in '92, but it did entire counties and would affect their own people, who have body suits they were (lined with lead-impregnated kevlar- which blocks elf and piggyback freqs.). So they found out that the little towers, by the tens of thousands, they could literally aim any energy like a gun to a single home, a given range area, and so forth. ELF Towers by Don Croft & Ken Adachi
You will hear statements by supposed experts - always the same few, in the pay of the telecommunications industry - to the effect that cell phones/cell towers/microwave radiation have been proven safe in countless studies. It is an easy lie, one that the news media have been eager to propagate. Such studies don't exist. Quite the contrary: it has been shown that, just as for X-rays, there is no safe level of exposure to microwave radiation, and it is so easy to demonstrate harmful effects that it takes some skill to design experiments that don't show them. [1997] Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Killing Fields --ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG
Mindset of
the Elite:
Every Sephardi child was to be given 35,000 times the
maximum dose of x-rays through his head. For doing so, the American government
paid the Israeli government 300 million Israeli liras a year. The entire Health
budget was 60 million liras. The money paid by the Americans is equivalent to
billions of dollars today. To fool the parents of the victims, the children were
taken away on "school trips" and their parents were later told the x-rays were a
treatment for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. 6,000 of the children died
shortly after their doses were given, while many of the rest developed cancers
that killed thousands over time and are still killing them now. While living,
the victims suffered from disorders such as epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer's
disease, chronic headaches and psychosis. .....The
film presents a historian who first gives a potted history of the eugenics
movement. In a later sound bite, he declares that the ringworm operation was a
eugenics program aimed at weeding out the perceived weak strains of society.
Ringworm and Radiation
By Barry Chamish
See: Genocide [EW May 12, 2006] Death Towers: 'The Emperor has no Clothes!'--Don Croft
suspicious lack of quality for purely communication?
It sounds wonderful. So why are we already hearing
about interference problems? Radios needing to be
turned off when near life-support equipment (difficult
at many Road Traffic Accidents, etc.) or even when
near breathalysers or vehicle speed check equipment....Having
just one user per radio signal is not an efficient way
to use radio frequencies......electronic equipment
operation is interfered with by pulsing signals, and
the slower they pulse, the harder it is to filter them
out.......When they were first brought out there
were some extraordinary examples of interference
problems. On one make of coach, the electronically
controlled automatic gearbox would change gear at
the wrong time when passengers in certain seats used
a GSM phone. This sort of incident led to mobile-phone bans in hospitals
and on aircraft......You would have thought that this
would have made the TETRA committees careful about
their choice of pulsing frequency. Apparently not, for
they chose 17.6Hz, a much worse pulse rate for
interference effects, not only with equipment but also
with people. It can only be that there were no
experts on bioelectromagnetics on these committees.....No
human safety work has so far been done using TETRA
2001] Alasdair Philips,
Director of Powerwatch,
examines the potential
hazards of TETRA… The
negative aspects of TETRA
Surveillance (see that in your paper?)
The radical new system, which has outraged civil liberties
groups, uses mobile phone masts to allow security authorities to watch vehicles
and individuals 'in real time' almost anywhere in Britain.
The technology 'sees' the shapes made when radio waves emitted
by mobile phone masts meet an obstruction. ...... This allows
anything moving, such as cars or people, to be tracked. .....
By using receivers attached to mobile phone masts, users of the new technology
could focus in on areas hundreds of miles away and bring up a display showing
any moving vehicles and people. .... Researchers are working to give the new
equipment 'X-ray vision' - the capability to 'see' through walls and look into
people's homes.
[Media 2002] How mobile phones let spies
see our every move
I sort of campaign to help genuinely inquisitive
people get past the falsely promoted idea that the towers are for cellphones, by
the way. They're simply not; they're for destroying the atmosphere and for
making everyone sick. They're also used to target individuals in the population
in conjunction with GPS. Having said that, the tech used on the towers is so secret that anyone
who claims to know the inner workings more or less discredits himself, I
believe. Those secrecy oaths are pretty binding because the folks who
work on secret predatory tech must have gotten a graphic demonstration
of what happens when any of them spills his gust to the public
Genuine cell communication transmitters are quite small and are easily
installed on phone poles and cheap towers; they don't need to be on
towers that are designed to withstand artillery barrages, nor are fifty
panels on a tower, every thousand yards, needed to handle the
communication traffic.
When I ask even some PJ folks why the cell coverage and quality didn't
improve after these millions of new towers were put up three years ago,
some of them even say, 'Now that you mention it, service is even worse
now than it was before these cell towers were built!'
Cellphone transmitters require very little electricity; all of the death
towers have massive cable bundles running up along and inside of them
and these towers are obviously not on the commercial electricity grid,
except perhaps the few that are put on high tension towers. They also
have reinforced concrete generator shacks beside them, surrounded by
high, barbed-wire fences. One rarely hears these generators in
operation, so the power's coming from a non-evident source, probably
underground and unmarked. The problem is that these simple observations challenge people to
consider the depth of the ancient conspiracy to destroy freedom on our
TETRA close to brain frequencies: for mind control/assault?
In GSM, the basic ‘flash rate’ is 217Hz; these flashes are, however,
emitted in groups of 25 (each group being defined by the absence of the 26th
flash) at the rate of 8.34Hz a frequency lying in the range of the human alpha
brain wave activity. How Exposure to GSM & TETRA Base-station
Radiation can Adversely Affect Humans by G J
"The mind control capabilities of ULF waves were discovered during a rash of suicides in Medford, Oregon in the early 1970s. University of North Carolina’s head of toxicology Dr. David Fraser assembled a team who detected ULF waves emanating from a US Air Force Base near Medford (now closed), altering biochemistry to induce severe depression and psychological volatility in the population at large, thereby increasing regional suicide rates. The researchers questioned the base commander who implicated the Russians, then the following day the signals ceased, and later still Fraser and his team were forced into silence by death threats from several CIA agents. Permanent ultra low- frequency mind control installations have been built beneath Colorado’s new Denver International Airport, while Masonic dedications and symbolism adorn the entire airport with runways laid out in the pattern of a Nazi swastika clearly visible from the air (above, left). The subterranean facility below the airport has been constructed using giant wave-contoured steel beams designed specifically for the purpose of manipulating human consciousness via infrasound. On June 18, 2002 the ULF output of standing waves from the Denver Int’l Airport was of sufficient amplitude to be recorded by Doppler radar as concentric circles (at 16:33 UTC, presented above, right).13 On February 16, 2007, infrasound resonance at the DIA shattered 13 airplane windshields.14 Crucial facts rule out cold, wind and flying debris as possible causes - no debris was seen by any of the pilots, and the various airplanes were damaged in the air, on the DIA runway and at the terminal gates –all during a narrow timeframe." Alexander Putney, "Veil of Invisibility" http://www.human-resonance.org/Veil_of_Invisibility.pdf [whale]
I sort of campaign to help genuinely inquisitive
people get past the falsely promoted idea that the towers are for cellphones, by
the way. They're simply not; they're for destroying the atmosphere and for
making everyone sick. They're also used to target individuals in the population
in conjunction with GPS. Having said that, the tech used on the towers is so secret that anyone
who claims to know the inner workings more or less discredits himself, I
believe. Those secrecy oaths are pretty binding because the folks who
work on secret predatory tech must have gotten a graphic demonstration
of what happens when any of them spills his gust to the public
Genuine cell communication transmitters are quite small and are easily
installed on phone poles and cheap towers; they don't need to be on
towers that are designed to withstand artillery barrages, nor are fifty
panels on a tower, every thousand yards, needed to handle the
communication traffic.
When I ask even some PJ folks why the cell coverage and quality didn't
improve after these millions of new towers were put up three years ago,
some of them even say, 'Now that you mention it, service is even worse
now than it was before these cell towers were built!'
Cellphone transmitters require very little electricity; all of the death
towers have massive cable bundles running up along and inside of them
and these towers are obviously not on the commercial electricity grid,
except perhaps the few that are put on high tension towers. They also
have reinforced concrete generator shacks beside them, surrounded by
high, barbed-wire fences. One rarely hears these generators in
operation, so the power's coming from a non-evident source, probably
underground and unmarked. The problem is that these simple observations challenge people to
consider the depth of the ancient conspiracy to destroy freedom on our
‘The potential for the development of a number of antipersonnel applications is suggested by the research published in the USSR, East Europe and the West. Sounds and possibly even words which appear to be originating intracranially can be induced by signal modulation at very low average power densities. Combinations of frequencies and other signal characteristics to produce other neurological effects may be feasible in several years. The possibility of inducing metabolic disorders also suggested. Animal experiments reported in the open literature have demonstrated the use of low level microwave signals to produce death by heart seizure or by neurological pathologies resulting from breaching of the blood-brain barrier’. The Physiological and Environmental Effects of Non-ionising Electromagnetic Radiation by G.J. Hyland
More disturbing is that the low frequencies that characterise the GSM/TETRA pulsing are close to those at which it is known that human mood and behaviour can be influenced in a number of ways (ranging from depression/docility to rage), depending on the kind/ frequency of modulation used, it being actually possible to induce sounds, and even words, intercranially by appropriate modulations of the microwave signal. Exposure to GSM & TETRA Base-station Radiation can Adversely Affect Humans by G J Hyland
Roger Coghill, an independent research scientist and a member of the Department of Health's UK mobile telecommunications health research programme, said: "A criminal could not have come up with a better system. They couldn't have chosen a better frequency with which to disarm and debilitate the very forces that are trying to secure their arrest." The Secret Use Of Microwaves By British Police And Army By Tim Rifat
The TETRA system pulses at 17.6 Hz broadcast at 400 MHz which
is essentially the Pandora Project funded by the CIA in the late '60s and early
'70s. Dr Ross Adey, the chief researcher on the Pandora Project has released a
video to leading UK researchers which proves that not only does the TETRA system
cause ELF zombification by massive release of calcium ions in the cerebral
cortex and the nervous system, but the activated calcium ions also cause massive
hormonal disturbances which lead to frenzied imbalances, emotional and physical
Use of the TETRA system by the police will lead to
psychotronicaly controlled officers who may be totally controlled in any
situation and are very useful for states of economic or social chaos where
extreme and violent behaviour is needed without any conscious or moral
compunction - so-called police robots.
[2001] The TETRA System: Mass UK
Mind Control Technology and the Zombification Of Britain's Police is Now A
Reality by Tim Rifat
Pulse radiation from TETRA at 17.6 Hz (waves per second) is known to interfere with our natural brains rhythm. Our brains generate their own waves within our head. One of these waves, called beta waves is on a very similar frequency to the TETRA handsets. What happens is: If you could imagine yourself jumping on a trampoline and somebody larger and heavier jumps on and dances at a slightly different speed you will bounce at their pace rather than yours. When they jump off you will still bounce at their speed. The jumping on of the person onto the trampoline is known as entrainment and this occurs when the TETRA is used in close proximity to an officer's brain. Because TETRA affects the beta rhythm of the brain it will affect what the beta rhythm is responsible for; namely sounds judgement in emergency situations. Entrainment is always followed by a phenomena called long-term potentiation. This is an analogous to the person getting off the trampoline leaving you dancing. Long-term potentiation has been known to last several weeks after the initial source has died down. The implications for this are that the officers' brain waves would continue to suffer entrainment even after the sets have been switched off, which would be reinforced every time the sets are switched on again. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
Certain brain activities trigger people on Prozac to become homicidal or suicidal. Thanks to research by Illuminati controlled companies, the Network knows exactly how to used ELF waves vectored on a particular person by 3 separate towers to stimulate the Prozac controlled brain to murder. This is being used to increase acts of anarchy and violence in order to help insure anti-gun legislation. If a slave doesn’t comply or needs to be thrown from the Freedom Train they can become a useable statistic. Simply trigger them to murder and then watch the police gun them down. The NWO gains one more statistic and another case to scare the public into accepting gun control. The Illuminati Formula 6. The Use of Electricity & Electronics
On page 4 it is quoted "the Government was warned about the issue last year. The Stewart Report into mobile phones recommended research into pulsed signals and suggested the technology be avoided … As a precautionary measure amplitude modulation (pulses) around 16 Hz should be avoided if possible". He continues "what the frequency of 17.6 Hz is doing is duplicating microwave weapons which you buy at arms fairs. So by holding one of these devices to their heads they are putting a small microwave weapon to their head every time they use it". He finishes "but there is enough to warrant asking why the system is being rolled out before the proper research has been conducted into an effect which not only falls outside all the existing regulations but which the Government advises on mobile phones believes it important enough they recommend the technology not to be used and which the military authorities apparently believe is so powerful that they can design non-lethal weapons to disrupt the minds of their targets".Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
Here the NRPB agree that the phenomena of non-lethal weapons exists because they say that with a frequency of 8 waves per second into the brain, animals can be made to go to sleep, or be stimulated at higher frequencies. To me this simple statement by the NRPB verifies the non-lethal weapons programme as sound. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
In quoting this research I refer to documents listed under Reference 15. So sophisticated is this research, and I refer to Operation Pandora Joint CIA/MI6 Operation since the 1960s, Operation Woodpecker USSR 1976, Operation HAARP still running in USA; they are able to define specific pulse frequencies to cause specific brain malfunctions or illnesses. For instance: 4.5: Illness Caused, 6.6: Depression/Suicide, 11: Manic behaviour/Anger, 25:Blindness if aimed at the head/Heart attack if aimed at the chest. Other consequences of frequencies used but not listed here are hysteria, trauma, lust, murder and cancer, and may all be induced. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
The GWEN towers can be used for several purposes, including ELF waves used for direct mind control which will be covered toward the back of this chapter. Because they also are part of the implants system they are included before the chapter discusses implants. Unfortunately for us humans, ELF waves can penetrate almost anything. The U.S. Military has built a Ground-Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) all over the U.S. with several hundred 300-500' GWEN towers that broadcast a very-low-frequency wave (VLF) for mind-control of the American public. A single GWEN tower can broadcast up to 300 miles in a 3600 circle. Plus 8 secret powerful ELF transmitters have been established and 3 of them operate on the west coast. It also needs to be pointed out that many items that are receivers can also function in the role of transmitters. Televisions, cellular phones, even air conditioners can be used to bounce signals to somewhere. Many strange towers and transmitting devices have been installed all over the U.S. in recent years. Deeper Insights 6: SCIENCE NO. 6-THE USE OF ELECTRONICS & ELECTRICITY
Certain brain activities trigger people on Prozac to become homicidal or suicidal. Thanks to research by Illuminati controlled companies, the Network knows exactly how to used ELF waves vectored on a particular person by 3 separate towers to stimulate the Prozac controlled brain to murder. This is being used to increase acts of anarchy and violence in order to help insure anti-gun legislation. If a slave doesn’t comply or needs to be thrown from the Freedom Train they can become a useable statistic. Simply trigger them to murder and then watch the police gun them down. The NWO gains one more statistic and another case to scare the public into accepting gun control. The Illuminati Formula 6. The Use of Electricity & Electronics
Unfortunately for us humans, ELF waves can penetrate almost anything. The U.S. Military has built a Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) all over the U.S. with several hundred 300-500’ GWEN towers that broadcast a very-low-frequency wave (VLF) for mind control of the American public. A single GWEN tower can broadcast up to 300 miles in a 3600 circle. Plus 8 secret powerful ELF transmitters have been established and 3 of them operate on the west coast. The Illuminati Formula 6. The Use of Electricity & Electronics
These researchers believe the natural resonant vibrational frequency of the skull bones (the cranium) ranges from 840 to 890 MHz in non-herzian waves. This range was reserved for VHF television, but has now been reserved for the national cellular telephone network. When the 840 to 890 range was used for television, various neurologists noted that certain signals related to particular pitches and sounds would trigger reactions in people. For instance, the NY Times 7/11/91 reported that according to a neurologist an epileptic seizure was triggered via certain television signals. Cellular phones are now being used to transmit faxes, computer information such as modems transmit, and other signals. Illuminati connected companies of IBM, Motorola, and GE are some of the companies working with cellular phone technology. The creation of vibrations via cellular phone signals in the 840 to 890 MHz non-herzian wave range could conceivably implant thoughts into a victim near the cellular phone. This raises two questions. First, IS the establishment’s big push to popularize cellular phone use, even to the point of giving out free cellular phones, part of Big Brother’s mind-control? Second, since it appears the brains ability to creatively think is related to the vibrations that are subtly made in the skull, the question naturally poses itself--can cranial osteopathy disrupt or alter the natural abilities of the cranium’s plates to vibrate?8: THE SCIENCE OF BODY MANIPULATION & PROGRAMMING Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula
The industry "Experts", and
government agencies corrupted:
NRPB - referred to by a friend of mine as ’The No Ruddy Protection Board’
Gallery of Shame.
Evidence That Even the NRPB Can’t Ignore
"You will hear statements by supposed experts, always the same few in the pay of the telecommunications industry, to the effect that cell-phones/cell towers/microwave radiation have been proven safe in countless studies". It is an easy lie, one that the news media have been eager to propagate".........On 4th July 2004 Dr. Keith Baverstock who was the World Health Organisation's Senior Radiation Advisor in Europe, says that science has been perverted for political ends by Government agencies, which should be protecting Public Health.Such studies don't exist. TETRA: A Critical Overview into the death of Officer Neil Dring
Dr Keith Baverstock, who was the World Health Organisation’s senior radiation adviser in Europe, says that science has been “perverted for political ends” by government agencies which should be protecting public health......"It is sad that the NRPB, which should be an independent body, was complicit .”[2004] Radiation risk ‘underplayed’ to avoid compensation payouts
The NRPB already acknowledges that there is international consensus on the fact that the incidence of childhood leukaemia is doubled at a magnetic field of 0.4 microtesla, which is exceeded under most powerlines. In March 2004, the NRPB reduced the national magnetic field exposure guidelines from 1,600 microtesla to 100 microtesla [3]. They said "In the light of these findings (the association between exposure to magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia) and the requirement for additional research, the need for further precautionary measures should be considered by government". However, 100 microtesla is still 250 times higher than the level (0.4 microtesla) at which the risk of developing childhood leukaemia is doubled.
[TEAC Press Release 8th Sept 2004] Childhood leukaemia risk doubles within 100 metres of high voltage power lines - damning results known for 3 years.I learned that in February 1996, Congress had passed a law prohibiting local governments from denying permits for cell phone antennae because of environmental concerns - so long as they comply with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. I also learned that the FCC had just issued regulations setting public exposure limits for microwave radiation at levels at least ten thousand times higher than levels which, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, were causing reports of illness from all over the world. Levels that are at least ten thousand times higher than the levels that had forced me to leave behind my home, my family, and my friends, and to run for my life, never to be able to return home again.
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Killing Fields --ARTHUR FIRSTENBERGThe problem with the microwave communications industry is that they do not have to prove it is safe; you have to prove it is not, and that is an entirely different ball game. As a scientist, if I develop a new pill I have to run a 5 or 10 year clinical trial and convince a Board of my peers that it is safe before I have permission to release the pill onto the market. With the telecommunications industry the tables are completely turned around. They do not have to show these instruments are safe; you have to show they are not. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
The problem as I see it is that when it comes to asking about safety concerning TETRA or any other communication instrument there is not one single independent person to give an answer. Every single person who has a word to say about the safety of police officers is somehow in the "food chain" going back to the communications industry. The communications industry fund the NRPB and the Government who fund Microwave Consultants Limited so every single person has a financial interest in recommending the product. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
I find it absolutely beyond belief that the NRPB can admit they have very little information on a system that is already being used and to say that no numerical modelling appears to have been carried out suggests to me as a scientist that no measurements have been taken to assess any medical damage which may occur to the officers. What experimentation has been done (Gabriel 2000), appears to have been carried out by Mr Gabriel of Microwave Consultants Limited. As this research could possibly affect what may turn out to be brain tumours or spine cancers for the lady or gentlemen officers I would feel justified as a Police Federation in asking which totally independent scientists not connected in any way to the Government or communications industry peer reviewed this research paper and what were there comments? Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
ICNIRP's thermally based approach has been proven many times to be wrong in terms of scientific evidence and public health standard methodology. There is sufficient epidemiological evidence to establish a cause and effect relationship between chronic low level EMR exposure and many adverse health effects, including cardiac, neurological, reproductive and cancer effects. The dose response relationships indicate a cancer and reproductive problem threshold near zero. Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000
ICNIRP's statement about Beall et al. (1996) and Grayson (1996) is demonstrably scientifically wrong and misleading. It reveals a strong predetermination to dismiss evidence of effects. Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000
Thus it is grossly wrong for the report of Royal Society of NZ to claim that "no effects have been reported from occupational exposure" and "nor are there any indications of adverse health effects on humans, other than from spark discharges and shock from direct contact". This is so grossly misleading and dishonest, that it puts this report's credibility, and that of the Royal Society of New Zealand, seriously at risk. In coming to its conclusions the Royal Society of NZ relied heavily on the Director of the National Radiation Laboratory, Dr Andrew McEwan. Scientists and the public expect much more scientific accuracy and integrity from Government employees who advise the Minister of Health, and of the Royal Society. Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000
From a court case towards the end of 1998
Dr McKinlay was questioned in court about the use of mobile phones. Dr McKinlay
is a senior scientist in the NRPB. It is known that roughly half of the NRPB's
funding comes from the industries it represents, the other half of its funding
comes from the Government. In court Dr McKinlay explained that data on tissue
conductivity was supplied to the NRPB by Dr Camelia Gabriel of Microwave
Consultants Limited. It transpired that virtually none of the NRPB documents on
non-ionising radiation are peer reviewed and that Dr McKinlay himself had not
authored any experimental studies. Dr McKinlay admitted he had no biological
expertise. Dr Camelia Gabriel is Director of Microwave Consultants Limited and
she reports to the Home Office and the Health & Safety Executive. She is also
Chairman of the European Standardisation Body.
To summarise, the NRPB subcontract research
on microwave radiation to Microwave Consultants Limited; namely Dr Camelia
Gabriel. Dr Camelia Gabriel is also a senior consultant for Orange plc and has
authored jointly with others the Orange Base Stations Health & Safety Manual
(please see Appendices 14 and 15). Dr Gabriel's son, also of Microwave
Consultants Limited, confirms the safety of transmitters for Orange plc in
school playgrounds (Appendix 16). This dual interest between Dr Camelia Gabriel
as representing the NRPB and Orange plc was picked up and reported on, on 19
April 1999, by The Observer where Sarah Ryle writes "concerns are increasing
about industry's involvement in research. Some of the NRPB's conclusions have
been based on research by Dr Camelia Gabriel, a technical advisor to network
operator Orange and Head of Private Consultancy, Microwave (Appendix 17).
Confidential Report on
TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
Baverstock, now advising the UK government as a member of the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management, delivered a fierce attack on government scientists. He accused the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) of “misusing” science in their studies of nuclear test veterans. “Politics, aided and abetted by some in the scientific community, has poisoned the well which sustains democratic decision-making,” he told a conference on low-level radiation in Edinburgh yesterday. [Media 04 July 2004] Radiation risk ‘underplayed’ to avoid compensation payouts
Grayson (1996) is far from a no effects" study. Thus far consistently the ICNIRP claims are scientifically wrong and misleading. This study does show a small but statistically significant increase in brain tumour from RF/MW exposure......WHO and ICNIRP base non-ionizing radiation protection standards on a single biological mechanism, Tissue Heating. They systematically reject or ignore all epidemiological and animal evidence of non-thermal effects, for which there is a large body.......The ICNIRP assessment of biological mechanisms is reviewed and found to be selective, limited and flawed. Their assessment of RF/MW effects on reproductive outcomes is shown to be limited, misleading and flawed. The cancer assessment is shown to be selective, misleading, inappropriate and flawed. An incorrect epidemiological approach is consistently applied.......This is a woefully inadequate and thoroughly unprofessional treatment of this large and significant epidemiological study. The ICNIRP response represents a total misunderstanding or misrepresentation of epidemiology and the results of this study. Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000 (In Word format)
ICNIRP is playing its own game and setting its own rules. It is the game that is played by national authorities which, as a team, they feel very comfortable with it. The name of the team is "The Consensus of Science". However, it involves quite a small and very select team that includes national experts who come from national authorities who subscribe to the rules of the ICNIRP game. In the ICNIRP game the first rule is that there is only a tissue heating effect from RF/MW exposure. You must agree with this rule to play the ICNIRP game. As a consequence of this rule, in the ICNIRP game, all other biological effects are not real and any epidemiological study that shows an effect with non-thermal exposure, must be faulty and will be rejected. In other words, if you break this rule you are out of the game. In this game it is fine to change the rules about acceptable significant, what is evidence, and criteria for how a biological effect is established. In this game a study does not provide evidence until it has been exactly replicated. You set up 13 criteria which must be achieved for an experiment to be reliable, for example Meltz (1995). If even one criteria is breached then you can reject the findings. Similarly the ICNIRP team uses the Bradford-Hill Criteria to criticize and reject all epidemiological studies. One criticism, valid or not, is sufficient to reject a whole study. Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000
One of the primary reasons many skeptics about EMR health effects, such as ICNIRP, use to dismiss studies that show statistically significant effects and even dose-response relationships, is their claim of the lack of a plausible biological mechanism. When a study reveals a significant biological effect at nonthermal levels then groups such as the ICNIRP state that it must be independently replicated before it can be accepted as an established biological mechanism. Based on this criteria calcium ion efflux/influx, GABA fluxes, melatonin reduction, DNA damage, chromosome aberrations and altered proto oncogenes are established biological mechanisms. All have been reported from two or more independent laboratories, most in 4 or more laboratories. Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000
ICNIRP (1998) quotes Cohen et al. (1977) which found no association between radar exposure and Down's syndrome in their off-spring. They failed to mention a previous paper from the same group, Sigler et al, (1965), which did find a significant risk from parental radar exposure. Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000
ICNIRP consistently uses very simple statements to dismiss any adverse effects. Every time a careful consideration of principles, methods, application of epidemiological approaches and consideration of the actual data and exposure regimes, produces a significantly different conclusion. And when sets of studies are considered together, very strong conclusions are drawn. These studies are no exception. Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000
The three challenges in this report of the ICNIRP assessment, of using the wrong methodology and of using Constructive Dismissal to defend their flawed methodology, and neglecting a large body of epidemiological research, have been proven. Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000
For ICNIRP to concentrate on and rely on a single biological
mechanism, Tissue Heating, is inappropriate and wrong. Large portions of
official documents are devoted to extensive discourses on SARs and determination
of the thermal threshold. This whole methodology is flawed. Health effects
assessments start with epidemiological evidence and the existence of a plausible
biological mechanism is irrelevant.
WHO, ICNIRP and their international
and national counterparts have developed a highly sophisticated system of
approaches to dismiss all epidemiological evidence and animal and cellular
evidence which conflicts with their RF-Thermal view of the world. As the
epidemiological and laboratory evidence has grown stronger and stronger, the
dismissive methodology has lost all sophistication and, as demonstrated by
ICNIRP (1998), it is blatantly selective, reductionist, biased and
scientifically dishonest.
It is scientifically dishonest
because it cites papers that clearly report significant increases in cancer as
showing no evidence of cancer. It deliberately chooses to accept conclusions
that claim no association between radar and health effects when the data in the
report or paper proves that this is incorrect. ICNIRP also includes studies in
its assessment that are incapable of showing effects, as though they provide
evidence that there are no effects........I strongly
contend that the approach and conclusions of ICNIRP and the WHO position is
methodologically and factually scientifically flawed. They place public health
severely and demonstrably at risk.
[June 2000] Health effects associated with mobile base
stations in communities: the need for health studies :
Dr. Neil Cherry
Conscious of the reported illnesses, 19 of the world's top scientists met at Salzburg in the year 2000 and set a maximum level of microwaves entering the body at 0.1 units. Some other countries allow slightly more in the way of units, such as the Toronto Health Board, which allows 6 units, Russia, Italy and China 10 units. The International Commission for Tetra allow 208 units and our own NRPB allow 2,640 units. To put this into perspective, if you were to go to a chemist and the chemist said to you, you may take 1/10th of one pill, or 208 pills or 2,640 pills, clearly somebody has to be wrong. We allow the highest level of microwave radiation into our bodies in the world. TETRA: A Critical Overview into the death of Officer Neil Dring
Non-Thermal effects
The popular belief that adverse health effects can be induced only by
the heating effect of GSM radiation is a fallacy.
The Physiological and Environmental
Effects of Non-ionising Electromagnetic Radiation by
G.J. Hyland
This critique will show that some key non-thermal biological mechanisms are well established by replication in many independent laboratories. These established biological mechanisms are totally supportive of and consistent with a large body of epidemiological evidence, which includes many statistically significant associations and dose-response relationships. In doing so this critique will show that the ICNIRP assessment takes a predetermined dismissive approach that is highly selective and unscientific. It even involves deliberate and repeated misquoting and misrepresentation of study results. It becomes clear that the thermally based guideline is being defended at all costs, even at the cost of putting public health severely at risk all around the world. Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000
The non-thermal effects identified by the Soviet researchers were often referred to as the "Radiofrequency Sickness Syndrome" or the "Microwave Syndrome". It has symptoms of functional changes in nervous and cardiovascular systems, such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbance, weakness, decreased libido, chest pains and bradychardia. Hypotonia (muscle weakness) and related symptoms had been reported in the USSR (Gordon, 1966), France (Deroche, 1971) and Israel (Moscovici et al., 1974). Western scientists rejected these symptoms as "subjective". A set of them have now been identified with cell phone usage, including a significant dose-response relationship, Mild et al. (1998). Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000 (In Word format)
ICNIRP's thermally based approach has been proven many times to be wrong in terms of scientific evidence and public health standard methodology. There is sufficient epidemiological evidence to establish a cause and effect relationship between chronic low level EMR exposure and many adverse health effects, including cardiac, neurological, reproductive and cancer effects. The dose response relationships indicate a cancer and reproductive problem threshold near zero. Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000
The general acceptance or complacency about the RF-thermal view was
scientifically challenged time and time again throughout this period. For
example, Dr Adey gave the introductory paper to this 1974 conference, Adey
(1975), on the effects of EMR on the nervous system. In this paper he states:
"Even a recent review body of the World Health Organization decided after
discussion to dismiss from its concerns possible biological effects that might
occur in the absence of significant heating. It has become clear, however, that
interactions with the mammalian central nervous system can be reliably produced
by oscillating electric and electromagnetic fields without significant heating
of tissues."
It is a very strong statement to say that interactions can be reliably
produced in the CNS without the heating of tissues. Dr Adey refers to the work
of König and Wever in Germany and to work from his own laboratory, on
behavioural effects, such as changed reaction times and altered circadian
rhythms in ELF exposures. These effects were associated with induced electric
field gradients in monkey phantoms in the range 0.1 to 0.01(V/cm. The effects
were also linked to changes in EEG and significant effluxes of calcium ions and
GABA, Kaczmarek and Adey (1973). During the 1970's was as shown that calcium ion
efflux occurred at non-thermal exposure levels and was primarily related to
modulation frequency, i.e. a non-thermal, possible resonant, biological
mechanism. Safe exposure levels
by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000
In 1990 an internal review team of the U.S. E.P.A. recommended that ELF be classified as a probable human carcinogen and RF/MW as a possible human carcinogen. Under pressure from the Bush White House, EPA administrators changed the conclusions of the review and the classification never became official EPA policy, Sibbison (1990). The rationale was based on the preferred public policy stance "We don't want to scare the public". Public health protection was not considered as important..........Of all the major western authorities who are responsible for setting RF/MW exposure standards, the only body which is departed from solely considering thermal effects, was an internal review team of the U.S. E.P.A.. They also considered epidemiologic and animal evidence at non-thermal levels that did involve increases in cancer. However, they were not allowed to retain their recommended carcinogenic classification because EPA administrators bowed to political pressure. Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000
Alternatively, taking the more traditional scientific and legal approach, there are three studies, from independent laboratories, which show significant increases in cancer in rodents at non-thermal levels of exposure to RF/MW radiation. Hence there is animal evidence to support the epidemiological evidence that RF/MW exposed populations develop significantly higher rates of cancer incidence and mortality. Both the animal evidence and the human evidence covers a wide range of RF/MW exposure conditions. Across the same frequency range multiple independent laboratories have observed significant DNA-strand breakage and enhanced chromosome aberrations. Hence there is strong evidence that RF/MW is genotoxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic in animals and people at non-thermal levels of RF/MW exposure. Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000
GSM (Cell
phone towers) dangerous
radiation in an operational system is similar to that of a MICROWAVE OVEN!
Avoid the main lobe when servicing your tower."----Phillips
Microtechnology Inc. is a Consultant & Manufacturer of Custom LNA and Filtering
Equipment for Satcom & Terrestrial Microwave Receive Systems. http://www.tvtower.com/pcsband.html
The International EMF Seminar in China in October 2003 (sponsored by the World Health Organisation) revealed that in the last ten years, out of 154 studies on radiation similar to that emitted by the mobile phone industry, 88 (57%) of them have highlighted biological effects such as cancer, etc. Mobile Phone Masts
On November 14 1996, Omnipoint, New York City's
first digital cellular provider, did open for business, broadcasting from
thousands of antennae newly erected on the rooftops of apartment buildings.
According to the health authorities, an early flu hit New York City - but
not Boston, and not Philadelphia - on about 15 November. The flu was severe and
ran a prolonged course, often dragging on for months instead of the usual two
At Christmas time, the Cellular
Phone Task Force placed a small classified ad in a free weekly newspaper. It
read: 'If you have been ill since 11/15/96 with any of the following: eye
pain, insomnia, dry lips, swollen throat, pressure or pain in the chest,
headaches, dizziness, nausea, shakiness, other aches and pains, or flu that
won't go away, you may be a victim of a new microwave system blanketing the
city. We need to hear from you.' And we did hear from them. Hundreds called,
men, women, whites, blacks, Asians, Latinos, doctors, lawyers, teachers,
stockbrokers, airline stewards, computer operators. Most had woken up suddenly
in mid-November, thinking they were having a stroke or a heart attack or a
nervous breakdown, and were relieved to know they were not alone and not crazy.
Later, I analysed weekly mortality
statistics, which the Centres for Disease Control publish for122 US cities. Each
of dozens of cities recorded a 10-25 per cent increase in mortality, lasting two
to three months, beginning on the day in 1996 or 1997 on which that city's first
digital cell phone network began commercial service.
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Killing Fields --ARTHUR
The late Neil Cherry found that childhood cancer rates in San Francisco were a function of proximity to the antenna-laden Sutro Tower. Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Killing Fields --ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG
The 1970s brought a darker side to the story, with the news that the Russians were microwaving the US embassy in Moscow. One third of the staff eventually died of cancer from this microwave irradiation. Australian scientists proved in 1997, that tiny amounts of microwave produced by the very safest mobile phones, cause cancer in mice, when exposed to this radiation. MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL by Tim Rifat
My research has found that microwave weapons are targeted on middle class troublemakers and researchers who cause problems for the establishment. Russian and American research has found that pulse modulated microwaves (as used for mobile phones) can, when modulated with ELF which mimics specific brain patterns change the behaviour of the victim at the flick of a switch. It has been found that UK security police, such as MI5 use the 450 MHz frequency used for this research (legally allowed to be used by the police) for behavioural control. A vast catalogue of mind control frequencies in the MHz range, FM radio, TV and mobile phone frequencies, have been measured, which are used in the UK for mind control and killing or disabling victims: 147, 153, 197, 199, 447, 453, 456, 466, 853, 883, 884, 887... Symptoms can be depression, befuddled thinking, loss of memory, stress, not being able to cope, manic behaviour, schizophrenia, nervous breakdowns, physical collapse, brain and nervous system damage, heart attacks, cancer.....Readings I have taken show that the 750-1000 MHz range is used by the intelligence services for inducing nervous and physical collapse. Microwave ovens give off 1000 MHz. MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL by Tim Rifat
The author's flat is targeted with a 900 MHz beam which seems to be designed to cause massive neurological damage and produce tumours. MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL by Tim Rifat
On July 4th 1976 seven giant transmitters in the Ukraine, powered by the Chernobyl nuclear facility, pumped a 100 megawatt radio frequency at the West, which contained a 10 Hz ELF mind control frequency. According to a US scientist, Dr. Andrija Puharich, MD, the soviet pulses covered the human brain frequencies. With a Dr. Bob Beck Andrija proved that the Soviet transmissions were a weapon. He found that a 6.66 Hz frequency would cause depression and an 11 Hz signal would cause manic and riotous behaviour. transmissions could indeed entrain the human brain, and thereby induce behavioural modification populations can be mind controlled en masse by ELF transmissions. More importantly he found that an ELF signal could cause cancer at the flick of a switch. It did this by modifying the function of the RNA transferases so that amino acid sequences are scrambled and produce unnatural proteins. MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL by Tim Rifat
Four children, aged between five and 10, at the Garcia Quintana primary school have been diagnosed with cancer since 36 powerful transmitters were installed 18 months ago on a building 50 metres away. [Media January 12, 2002 Madrid] Phone masts start Child Cancer scare
Telecom giant Orange has suspended operations at a school phone mast site in Paris after eight cases of cancer were confirmed among children in the district. Over the past few months parents have become increasingly concerned at the presence of two transmitters on the roof of the Ernest-Bizet school complex in the Saint-Cyr-l'Ecole quarter. Local mayor, Philippe Lavaud who has ordered the on-going health investigation to be extended to the whole district, described the suspension as " a victory for the precautionary principle." The local council recently prohibited the siting of base stations within a 300 metre radius and is also seeking to cancel contracts with telecomm operators agreed by the previous administration. [Media March 16 - 2003 Paris] FRANCE : CANCER CASES CAUSE ORANGE TO SUSPEND PHONE MAST OPERATION PARIS SCHOOL
The International EMF Seminar in China in October 2003 (sponsored by the World Health Organisation) revealed that in the last ten years, out of 154 studies on radiation similar to that emitted by the mobile phone industry, 88 (57%) of them have highlighted biological effects such as cancer, etc.Mobile Phone Masts
15.2 Hocking, Gordon, Grain and Hatfield (1996): Cancer incidence and mortality and proximity to TV towers.".....The strongest relationship is for childhood lymphatic leukaemia death, RR=2.74 (95%CI: 1.42-5.27). The study found that 59 children had died from having leukaemia when the expected number was 25.43, an excess of 33.6 deaths. For childhood lymphatic leukaemia 39 children died when 14.2 were expected, an excess of nearly 25 children, Table 22. Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000
The non-thermal effects identified by the Soviet researchers were often referred to as the "Radiofrequency Sickness Syndrome" or the "Microwave Syndrome". It has symptoms of functional changes in nervous and cardiovascular systems, such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbance, weakness, decreased libido, chest pains and bradychardia. Hypotonia (muscle weakness) and related symptoms had been reported in the USSR (Gordon, 1966), France (Deroche, 1971) and Israel (Moscovici et al., 1974). Western scientists rejected these symptoms as "subjective". A set of them have now been identified with cell phone usage, including a significant dose-response relationship, Mild et al. (1998). Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000 (In Word format)
This evidence supports a causal relationship between EMR exposure and serious adverse reproductive outcomes such as miscarriage, prematurely, still birth, low birth weight, SIDS and congenital malformations. Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000
The data in Dolk et al. is internally consistent, shows elevated childhood leukaemia and brain tumor, and a set of dose-response relationships which are likely to be highly significant, if related to realistic radial RF patterns, for cancer at a wide range of body sites including All Cancer, Leukaemia, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Brain Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Skin Melanoma, Male and Female Breast Cancer and Colorectal Cancer. This is also consistent with Robinette et al. (1980), Szmigielski (1996) and Milham (1985, 1988). [8 June 2000] Health effects associated with mobile base stations in communities: the need for health studies : Dr. Neil Cherry
Two Australian studies were carried out to assure the public that both cell phones and cell sites were safe. Both of these studies, Hocking et al. (1996) and Repacholi et al. (1997), showed that leukaemia/lymphoma was more than doubled for people and mice.[8 June 2000] Health effects associated with mobile base stations in communities: the need for health studies : Dr. Neil Cherry
In conclusion, it can hardly be disputed that to enjoy an acceptable quality of life requires more than simply an absence of terminal disease. Adverse health effects in humans of the kinds already reported worldwide such as headaches, sleep disruption, impairment of short-term memory, etc. - whilst maybe not life-threatening in themselves, do nevertheless have a debilitating effect that undoubtedly affects general well-being, and which in the case of some children could well undermine their neurological and academic development, as is already evident from experience in the case of a number of infant/junior schools at which a GSM Base-station is located. It should be stressed, however, that, to date, the apparent absence on a global scale of more serious pathologies attributable to exposure to the emissions of GSM/TETRA Base-stations is no guarantee of immunity in the long-term; indeed, as mentioned earlier in Para.10, there is already an increasing number of reports [19] of unexplained clusters of cancers in the vicinity of certain GSM Base-stations, whose non-involvement remains to be established. How Exposure to GSM & TETRA Base-station Radiation can Adversely Affect Humans by G J Hyland
TETRA: Dangerous
Mandy's children are having nosebleeds. Andy sleeps with metal plates
by his bed. Beat bobbies are reporting strange illnesses. They all blame the
new police radio system[Media
23 November 2004] The mast crusaders
Alasdair Philips of Powerwatch said "I believe these new radios are highly dangerous. Work has been done which shows that Tetra-like pulses put brain cells under severe stress. Cells under stress are much more likely to develop cancer & dementia."......... "It is beyond belief that any one could be contemplating the rollout of a system like Tetra because of the evidence about the dangers of pulsed frequencies," he said. "To design a communications system based on these principles is mind numbing. The effects we may see could well be on a par with Gulf war syndrome." The Secret Use Of Microwaves By British Police And Army By Tim Rifat
Six people including a chief inspector, other officers and civilian workers at a police station have blamed debilitating health complaints on a mast for a controversial new communications system yards from their desks. Chief Insp Steve Strong and his staff reportedly believe their bouts of dizziness and severe headaches began when a transmitter for the Tetra radio network was put up. Around 25 people living near the mast at the station in North Walsham, Norfolk, have complained of similar symptoms. Other reported health complaints include repeated nosebleeds, especially among children, disturbed sleep and skin problems. [Media 14 Aug 2004] Police blame health crisis on radio mast
FEARS WERE expressed yesterday that powerful radio masts and mobile phone transmitters could be responsible for almost a dozen cases of cancer, motor neurone disease and Parkinson's within a rural area of North East Fife.....within he last three years, this area had seen four cases of normally very rare motor neurone disease, four cases of thyroid cancer and several other cancers, a case of Parkinson's disease and a woman who developed ME. [Media 27/8/03 TETRA] Illness cluster raises fears over radio mast
A very substantial number of scientific
studies into Motor Neurone Disease (MND) link death of these brain cells to an
excess of calcium around them. These studies are not in any way related to
research on electromagnetic field (EMF) effects, they are simply attempting to
find out more about MND.......
TETRA emissions
modulated at 17.6 Hz stimulate increased calcium efflux, leading to increased
calcium deposits around motor neurones (brain cells), leading to MND......Drumcarrow
has also the misfortune of playing host to a large number of very serious
medical conditions: various cancers, Parkinson’s Disease, ME, a variety of
thyroid disorders - and a statistically highly significant number of cases of MND. MND, as stated earlier, is a rare condition
affecting only one in 50,000 people each year. In the small sparsely-populated
region of Drumcarrow, four
cases of this rare condition have been reported in just a few years. The
likelihood of such a situation occurring by chance is so small that one could
wait thousands
of years and still have a less than evens chance of seeing it anywhere in a
population the size of the UK - i.e. four cases within such a small group over
such a short span of time.
[TETRA] The Appliance of Science
(or ‘How Much Proof Do You Need?’)
17Hz is very close to the frequency (16Hz) at which radio-frequency /microwave radiation of sub-thermal intensities that is amplitude modulated in various ways - in particular, continuously (sinusoidally) and discontinuously (pulsed) - is reported, mainly under in vitro conditions, to cause: (i) a significant increase in loss (efflux) of calcium from brain cells, which is, however, reproducible only under certain exposure conditions [4], and which occurs even in the case of dead brain tissue; since calcium triggers release of neurotransmitters, any disturbance in the delicate balance of this chemical could well upset the integrity of the nervous (and also the immune) system; (ii) increased levels [5] of Ornithine Decarboxylase (ODC), a (rate limiting) enzyme that plays an important role in DNA replication, and possibly also in cancer promotion (see Para.9); (iii) opposing (and thus possibly stress inducing) effects [6] on the principal inhibitory and excitatory neuro-mediating brain chemicals that underpin the activity of the central nervous system. In addition, it should further be noted that the TETRA frame repetition rate is also close to the frequency at which seizures can be provoked in people suffering from photosensitive epilepsy by exposure to a light, flashing at between 15-20 times per second (see Para.8). How Exposure to GSM & TETRA Base-station Radiation can Adversely Affect Humans by G J Hyland
More meaningful is to ask whether there is an established potential risk to human health from exposure to GSM/TETRA radiation: the answer is undoubtedly ‘yes’. It is probably true to say that if a similar degree of risk and uncertainty as to subjective noxiousness obtained in the case of a new drug or foodstuff, it is unlikely that they would ever be licensed. How Exposure to GSM & TETRA Base-station Radiation can Adversely Affect Humans by G J Hyland
The use of mobile phones by pre-adolescent children is thus to be strongly discouraged, and the siting of Base-station masts in the vicinity of schools and nurseries (including those hidden in church towers and in illuminated signs, such as those at petrol stations, for example) must be strongly resisted: financial gain must not be allowed to be the overriding consideration. How Exposure to GSM & TETRA Base-station Radiation can Adversely Affect Humans by G J Hyland
17. In conclusion, it can hardly be disputed that to enjoy an acceptable quality of life requires more than simply an absence of terminal disease. Adverse health effects in humans of the kinds already reported worldwide such as headaches, sleep disruption, impairment of short-term memory, etc. - whilst maybe not life-threatening in themselves, do nevertheless have a debilitating effect that undoubtedly affects general well-being, and which in the case of some children could well undermine their neurological and academic development, as is already evident from experience in the case of a number of infant/junior schools at which a GSM Base-station is located. It should be stressed, however, that, to date, the apparent absence on a global scale of more serious pathologies attributable to exposure to the emissions of GSM/TETRA Base-stations is no guarantee of immunity in the long-term; indeed, as mentioned earlier in Para.10, there is already an increasing number of reports [19] of unexplained clusters of cancers in the vicinity of certain GSM Base-stations, whose non-involvement remains to be established. How Exposure to GSM & TETRA Base-station Radiation can Adversely Affect Humans by G J Hyland
In 1998 the International Commission designated all systems above 300 MHZ as microwaves. Tetra, without argument is a Microwave Communication System, not a Radio Wave System. Microwaves behave very differently in our water-based bodies that radio waves, this is why the International Commission made this distinction....In May 2000, Sir William Stewart reported in his "Stewart Report" ..."To avoid frequencies above 16 waves a second (para. 5.59) Airwave operates at 17.6 waves a second. Accordingly adopting the EU/Stewart precautionary approach, Tetra Masts should be located as far away as possible from permanently occupied property such as hospitals, homes and schools". TETRA: A Critical Overview into the death of Officer Neil Dring
Not in dispute is Professor Szmigielski's study where he spent many
years researching Military Personnel using pulse modulated microwave
radiation up to and beyond the Tetra range. He compared these results
with Personnel who were not exposed. His conclusion (in
part) was: a double incidence of all neoplasms (tumours) with a three fold increase
of cancers of the alimentary tract (inc. Oesophagus and stomach) and a
six fold increase of malignancies of the haemopietic
(blood/cells/circulation. .....Also, the death of Officer Dring was cancer of the Oesophagus, as
mentioned above.
....Microwave transmitters, similar to the one being complained of in
Norfolk, by the Chief Inspector have been the subject of controversy for
a long time. In one unscientific study around just 19 transmitters,
there were 92 cancers reported which included breast, thyroid, bowel and
Leukaemia's, as well as all of the illnesses listed by the Chief
Inspector for Norfolk.
....A similar study of 138 schools found miscarriages, brain cancers, breast
cancers and teachers reporting ill. As many as 8 cancers were confirmed
in one small community. Again, these claims are dismissed as anecdotal
by the communications industry, the Government and its Scientists.
However, scientific studies have been completed. One such study, peer
reviewed and published in the Australasian Journal of Environmental
Medicine, Volume 21, April 2002, concludes, when referring to modern
western microwave transmitters..."breast, bladder, prostate, lung, colon
and cuteaneous melanoma cancers are all associated with each other
relate to radio frequency, electro-magnetic fields".
TETRA: A Critical
Overview into the death of Officer Neil Dring
In his study on the health of people living in the vicinity of microwave transmitters, Professor Santini of the National Institute of Sciences concludes that these transmitters must not be sited closer than 300 metres to populations. I mention this because the Police Tetra system is usually placed on top of Police Stations where officers are exposed continuously, as are the surrounding Police houses where Officers may live with their families and local residents. Professor Santini found from a survey of 270 men and 260 women that up to 300 metres from the transmitter there were complaints of nausea, loss of appetite, visual and motor problems. Up to 100 metres he received complaints of irritability, depression, concentration, memory, dizziness and libido problems. TETRA: A Critical Overview into the death of Officer Neil Dring
I would like to state here that unlike a drugs trial, where the industry has to prove a drug is safe before it is released, with Tetra the onus is on the Police Officer to prove that Tetra is causing the illness. This is an almost impossible task for the Officer and a very simple task for the industry, the Government and its Scientists to blame other things. TETRA: A Critical Overview into the death of Officer Neil Dring
Lots of international research has been carried out into long term low
level microwaves which has been both peer reviewed and published in
reputable Scientific Journals.
..One such report presented in May 2000 for the Parliament's of New
Zealand, Italy, Austria, Ireland and the European Parliament in
Brussels, contained 122 references. Each of these references is a
peer -reviewed study in its own merit and probably represents up to 10
years of work. This particular document probably represents collectively
over 1,000 years of top scientific research. The illnesses listed as
being caused by long-term low-level microwave radiation are:
Heart problems, blood diseases, problems with bone marrow, tumours, DNA
problems, altered calcium irons in cells, impairments to the Immune
System. 46% reduction in night time melatonin (causing suppression of
the Immune System) Enhanced arthritis or rheumatic diseases, skin
problems, lymphatic diseases, vaginal discharge, ear problems,
leukaemia, childhood cancer, sleep problems, suicidal tendencies,
depression, irritability, memory loss, mental conditions, neurological
illness, miscarriage, and infertility.
They recommend a maximum dose for long-term use of 0.01 of our units;
this is 20,800 times less than the safety limit recommended for Tetra.
TETRA: A Critical
Overview into the death of Officer Neil Dring
This article states that the American Government have access to the chips from the Tetra system and can therefore 'eavesdrop' on all of our Police Networks and any other user of Tetra, such as MI5/MI6. If Tetra is adopted worldwide, the National Security Agency will also be able to 'eavesdrop' on any country that this system is sold to. TETRA: A Critical Overview into the death of Officer Neil Dring
I have been around the world talking to scientists and we agree, although it cannot be proved, that the recent incidents in breast cancers in ladies could be due to the metal underwiring in bras absorbing microwave radiation and re-emitting it at a different wavelength into the mammary glands of the breast. The mammary glands are known to be particularly sensitive to radiation and they are known to be easily changed into cancer cells. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
The Government's scientists will often ask for conclusive proof when they are challenged. It is a word often used when you wish to win your side of the argument. Scientifically conclusive proof is impossible to obtain – let me explain.
I was at a legal hearing in Torquay representing a community and the barrister representing the communications industry said "there is no conclusive proof that these microwaves will cause damage". I argued: if somebody stood up and shot me in this courtroom there would be three levels of proof. You would have everybody as a witness and that would be accepted in a Court of Law. A pathologist could perform a post mortem, decide that the bullet killed me and that would be a second level of proof. If, however you wanted conclusive proof that the bullet killed me, you would have to argue that at the split second the bullet went into my body every system in my body was working perfectly because there are thousands of reasons why I could drop dead on the spot before the bullet went in and you would have to prove conclusively that all of these systems were working perfectly before the bullet went in. Clearly, this is scientifically impossible; there is no such thing as conclusive proof, yet it is what is demanded by government scientists when challenging their decisions. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
Pulse radiation from TETRA at 17.6 Hz (waves per second) is known to interfere with our natural brains rhythm. Our brains generate their own waves within our head. One of these waves, called beta waves is on a very similar frequency to the TETRA handsets. What happens is: If you could imagine yourself jumping on a trampoline and somebody larger and heavier jumps on and dances at a slightly different speed you will bounce at their pace rather than yours. When they jump off you will still bounce at their speed. The jumping on of the person onto the trampoline is known as entrainment and this occurs when the TETRA is used in close proximity to an officer's brain. Because TETRA affects the beta rhythm of the brain it will affect what the beta rhythm is responsible for; namely sounds judgement in emergency situations. Entrainment is always followed by a phenomena called long-term potentiation. This is an analogous to the person getting off the trampoline leaving you dancing. Long-term potentiation has been known to last several weeks after the initial source has died down. The implications for this are that the officers' brain waves would continue to suffer entrainment even after the sets have been switched off, which would be reinforced every time the sets are switched on again. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
the Stewart Committee advised against using any communication instruments that pulsed above 16 waves per second. TETRA is of course 17.6 waves per second. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
In quoting this research I refer to documents listed under Reference 15. So sophisticated is this research, and I refer to Operation Pandora Joint CIA/MI6 Operation since the 1960s, Operation Woodpecker USSR 1976, Operation HAARP still running in USA; they are able to define specific pulse frequencies to cause specific brain malfunctions or illnesses. For instance: 4.5: Illness Caused, 6.6: Depression/Suicide, 11: Manic behaviour/Anger, 25:Blindness if aimed at the head/Heart attack if aimed at the chest. Other consequences of frequencies used but not listed here are hysteria, trauma, lust, murder and cancer, and may all be induced. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
HAARP, which is being researched by a nun, Dr Rosalie Bertell, who is concerned about what it represents along with other scientists knows that HAARP is capable of bouncing low level continuous microwave radiation pulsed off the ionosphere to any community in the world and may cause cataracts, leukaemia, changes in blood brain chemistry, changes in blood sugar levels, blood pressure and heart rates. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
This argument is further reinforced by a Channel Four document (Reference 16) and I quote: "The telecoms industry has known about American research suggesting there may be brain effects from TETRA for at least a year". "The research suggests that TETRA radios may have a direct effect on the brain's bio chemistry". "The researchers found that balance changed when brain cells were exposed to pulsed radio signals". Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
On page 4 it is quoted "the Government was warned about the issue last year. The Stewart Report into mobile phones recommended research into pulsed signals and suggested the technology be avoided … As a precautionary measure amplitude modulation (pulses) around 16 Hz should be avoided if possible". He continues "what the frequency of 17.6 Hz is doing is duplicating microwave weapons which you buy at arms fairs. So by holding one of these devices to their heads they are putting a small microwave weapon to their head every time they use it". He finishes "but there is enough to warrant asking why the system is being rolled out before the proper research has been conducted into an effect which not only falls outside all the existing regulations but which the Government advises on mobile phones believes it important enough they recommend the technology not to be used and which the military authorities apparently believe is so powerful that they can design non-lethal weapons to disrupt the minds of their targets".Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
Reported in The Guardian, Tuesday 8 May 2001 (Appendix 18) Stuart Millar and Stuart MacWilliam write "two independent experts on the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation have accused Ministers of using the police as guinea pigs by pressing on with the launch of the BT Airwave System in the absence of detailed research into potential health risks". They continue "last year Sir William Stewart's report on mobile phone safety concluded that systems modulating at frequencies around 16 Hz should be avoided if possible in future developments of signal coding". They conclude "low frequency electromagnetic radiation was identified as far back as the 1960s as a potential anti-personnel weapon when the superpowers began conducting experiments into non-lethal mind control devices". Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
Another document (Reference 18), Mr Stevens quoting from a US Defence document writes "if the more advanced nations of the West are strict in the enforcement of stringent exposure standards there could be unfavourable effects on industrial output and military functions". Listed in this document are all of the symptoms we now come to expect with long-term low level microwave radiation; for example "personnel exposed to microwave radiation below thermal levels experience more neurological cardio-vascular and haemodynamic disturbances than do their unexposed counterparts". Further down the document other symptoms include hypertension, changes in blood, headache, fatigue, menstrual disorders, depression, anxiety and many of the other ailments previously listed. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
Reporting in Engineering, February 2001 Matt Youson writes about the case where a man had a heart attack and in his journey to the hospital in an ambulance the ambulance crew using their TETRA sets, affected his heart monitoring devices which sadly resulted in the man's death. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
Many people do not appreciate that batteries can produce magnetic fields that go into the body. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
I find it absolutely beyond belief that the NRPB can admit they have very little information on a system that is already being used and to say that no numerical modelling appears to have been carried out suggests to me as a scientist that no measurements have been taken to assess any medical damage which may occur to the officers. What experimentation has been done (Gabriel 2000), appears to have been carried out by Mr Gabriel of Microwave Consultants Limited. As this research could possibly affect what may turn out to be brain tumours or spine cancers for the lady or gentlemen officers I would feel justified as a Police Federation in asking which totally independent scientists not connected in any way to the Government or communications industry peer reviewed this research paper and what were there comments? Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
Page 16, Section 66 (Appendix 32); "the main exposure to the body is expected to be at waist level from the antenna and base of the hand portable". My concern with this is the reported cases of cancer of the spine from officers who have carried their hand portables on their belts. To my knowledge 4 deaths have occurred because of this. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
Here the NRPB agree that the phenomena of non-lethal weapons exists because they say that with a frequency of 8 waves per second into the brain, animals can be made to go to sleep, or be stimulated at higher frequencies. To me this simple statement by the NRPB verifies the non-lethal weapons programme as sound. Confidential Report on TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
It's the transmitting signal itself. If you're sitting close to a
transmitter or within reasonable distance; you would have to establish a
criteria of field strength, and I don't know what that threshold is on
this, but if you're radiated by the signals from the transmitter, if
you're reasonably close to the actual physical tower, the transmitter,
you're getting radiated, it's going to affect you physiologically.
Now there's a very good example of this. Measurements were made of
this in Portland, Oregon. Oregon is perhaps unique in this in that they
have all of their FM, AM, and TV transmitters upon Mt. Olympia, and it's
an ungodly collection of transmitters in one location. Right next to
this transmitter site are all kinds of residences, people living there.
The rate of leukemia is very high in Portland in that area; and one
private doctor did a private study on this to try and correlate what is
doing this, what's going on, looked back in the case histories, the
family histories, etc.. He found out that people that lived in the
vicinity of those transmitters came down with this particularly nasty
form of leukemia and he finally determined that if they lived there long
enough the rate of succumbing to leukemia was 100%. There were no
exceptions. If they moved away from that area they would recover as long
as they didn't have it fatally already.
The physiological symptoms in the sites of the transmitter within a
mile or so were severe, very severe. The people knew it, in some cases
and they just got the sense and said, "I don't like it here, let's go
somewhere else," and they go someplace else and they get over it.
I was up in that site once with a friend Bill who was working as a
chief engineer down at the local AM, FM and TV stations in Portland and
he'd have to go up and do maintenance occasionally in that tower in the
transmitter section. He says he hated to go up there. He says you're up
there half an hour and your brain just scrambles, you can't think
straight anymore.
You walk in the door and they have this fluorescent tube over the
door, it glows day and night He told me, he says, "That's not wired to
anything." I say, "What do you mean it's not wired to anything?" He
says, "There's no connections. You can hold that thing in your hands and
it will light up like a Christmas tree. That's how much RF is coming out
of this building. We're subjected to that as long as we're in here.,
They have problems occasionally where the equipment just fries itself,
particularly some of the solid state components which are highly
susceptible to this sort of thing. He said, "You don't want to stay up
here very long. I don't want to. I have to come up here to do
maintenance. When go home I have quite a time getting over it. It takes
overnight." It just scrambles the normal function of his brain. He can't
think anymore as to what he's doing, what he's up there for, what tools
to pick up, what he's actually working on. The continuity of thought is
lost. Interview with Al Bielek