Surgery quotes
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Heart bypass
Gallbladder removal
Cancer surgery
"50-90% of back surgeries fail." (1:07) [2016 UNDOCTORED (Movie)]
"My feeling is that somewhere around 90% of surgery is a waste of time, money, and life......'Almost half of the 100,000 or so surgeons we actually do have right now are superfluous. Those 50,000 or so extra unsheathed scalpels do a lot of damage.'' ~ Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. ." --[1991] Confessions of a Medical Heretic p. 49
“No published randomized controlled trial exists that demonstrates improved overall survival for patients with cancer of any type undergoing surgery of the regional lymphatics. We believe the presence of tumour in the regional lymphatics indicates the presence of systemic disease, and therapeutic interventions should be directed accordingly.” [2016 July] Is Lymph Node Removal with Cancer Surgery Really Necessary?
"Taking a biopsy often aggravates and stimulates growth, and does not indicate how any secondary tumors have developed." — Charles Mayo, MD, in Lynn Dallin, Cancer Causes and Natural Controls, 1983.
"There seems to be little doubt that cancer can be spread from the primary site to distant tissues. There are numerous ways that surgical manipulation could be responsible for this."— Vincent Vita, Director, NCI, and Steven Rosenberg, AID, NCI, Cancer: Principles mid Practice of Oncology, 1982.
In his new book, Surgery, The Ultimate Placebo, Harris lists a range of operations as “today’s placebo surgeries”, saying their effectiveness is “under question”. They include spinal fusion for back pain, knee arthroscopy, coronary stenting, some shoulder surgery and appendix removal, laparoscopy for bowel adhesions and repairs of ruptured tendons and some fractures. Procedures that are useful in certain cases are overused in others – he puts hysterectomy and caesarean sections in this category, pointing out wide variations in rates of the operations between hospitals, states and countries. [2016 May] Many operations are no better than placebo, says a top surgeon
"Greed plays a role in causing unnecessary surgery, although I don't think the economic motive alone is enough to explain it. There's no doubt that if you eliminated all unnecessary surgery, most surgeons would go out of business. They'd have to look for honest work, because the surgeon gets paid when he performs surgery on you, not when you're treated some other way. In pre-paid group practices where surgeons are paid a steady salary not tied to how many operations they perform, hysterectomies and tonsillectomies occur only about one-third as often as in fee-for-service situations." ---- Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD. "Confessions of a Medical Heretic by Dr Robert Mendelsohn" (1979) Chapter 3 ("Ritual Mutilations"), pp. 58-59.
It can no longer be doubted that under certain conditions diagnostic or surgical procedures can result in metastases. Analysis of metastatic growth rates has shown that from 30% (in hypernephroma) to 90% (in sarcoma and seminoma) of the diagnosed metastases were provoked by such procedures. This has been established by numerous animal experiments and clinical observations and necessitates a change in the currently held concept of cancer therapy. The previously applied and proven treatments by surgery and radiation must be preceded by metastasis prophylaxis. Three different ways to achieve such a prophylaxis are proposed. [pdf 1979] IS THE CURRENT TREATMENT OF CANCER SELF-LIMITING IN THE EXTENT OF ITS SUCCESS? by Ernst H. Krokowski
When I was Senior Pediatric Consultant to the Department of Mental Health in Illinois, I cut out a certain kind of operation that was being performed on mongoloid children with heart defects. The stated purpose of the operation was to improve oxygen supply to the brain. The real purpose, of course, was to improve the state's residency programs in cardiovascular surgery, because nothing beneficial happened to the brains of mongoloid children—and the surgeons knew that. The whole idea was absurd. And deadly, since the operation had a fairly high mortality rate. Naturally, the university people were very upset when I cut out the operation. They couldn't figure out a better use for the mongoloid children, and, besides, it was important to train people.In prepaid group practices where surgeons are paid a steady salary not tied to how many operations they perform, hysterectomies and tonsillectomies occur only about one-third as often as in fee-for-service situations. Ritual Mutilations by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.
Mothers, too, are more likely to end up in the intensive care ward after an induced delivery. Postoperative complications occur in half of all women who deliver by Caesarean section. And the maternal death rate is 26 times higher than in women who deliver vaginally. I propose that we drop the term fetal monitoring and start calling it fatal monitoring! Ritual Mutilations by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.
One of the true tests of a fanatic is whether or not he takes his own medicine—or believes his own press releases. The fact that doctors do get in line for the sacrifice only strengthens its grounding in ceremony. Ritual Mutilations by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.
In prepaid group practices where surgeons are paid a steady salary not tied to how many operations they perform, hysterectomies and tonsillectomies occur only about one-third as often as in fee-for-service situations. Ritual Mutilations by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.
Although tonsillectomies should have been for all practical purposes abandoned for 2,000 years, they're still quite popular as a medical ceremony. Ritual Mutilations by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.
"Greed plays a role in causing unnecessary surgery, although I don't think the economic motive alone is enough to explain it. There's no doubt that if you eliminated all unnecessary surgery, most surgeons would go out of business. They'd have to look for honest work, because the surgeon gets paid when he performs surgery on you, not when you're treated some other way. In pre-paid group practices where surgeons are paid a steady salary not tied to how many operations they perform, hysterectomies and tonsillectomies occur only about one-third as often as in fee-for-service situations." ---- Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD. "Confessions of a Medical Heretic by Dr Robert Mendelsohn" (1979) Chapter 3 ("Ritual Mutilations"), pp. 58-59.
Heart bypass (allopathy):
The three-year survival rate for bypass surgery is
almost exactly the same as if no surgery was undertaken The Veterans Administration Coronary Artery Bypass Co-operative Study
Group, "Eleven-year survival in the Veterans Administration randomized trial of
coronary bypass surgery for stable angina", New Eng. J. Med. 311:1333-1339 (1984); Coronary Artery
Surgery Study (CASS), "A randomized trial of coronary artery bypass surgery:
quality of life in patients randomly assigned to treatment groups",
Circulation 68(5):951-960 (1983) Our Deadly Diabetes Deception by Thomas
A lot of my writings have been about misinformation in terms of bypass surgery and other types of operations. I went into medicine with the idea that I was going to save all these lives with all the tricks and tools that medical doctors learn. And what I found was that very few of my patients got well. That I often did harm to them. This was quite disturbing to me as a young doctor. But what was even more disturbing to me was to find out that this failure had been fairly well documented in the scientific literature. Now that literature sits on the library shelf, because it doesn't fit into anybody's advertising campaign. Interview with John McDougall, M.D.
In the 1970s and 1980s, three major studies were published on the effects of coronary bypass surgery, and they are the only studies published to date. None of them demonstrated a significantly higher survival rate for the group that had bypass surgery versus those who did not. Even the angiogram that supposedly diagnoses people who “need” bypass surgery is virtually worthless, as attested to by all the studies published to date. Even though the diagnosis and treatment are worthless, the coronary bypass business is among earth’s most lucrative, raking in more than $50 billion per year in America. When Dr. Henry McIntosh at the Baylor College of Medicine, where the first bypass surgery was performed, published an assessment of the first ten years of bypass surgery results, he stated that there were virtually no measurable benefits from bypass surgery. Soon after publishing his paper, he was forced to leave Baylor. His is not an unusual fate. People with private insurance are 80% more likely to have an angiogram than a Medicaid (welfare) patient, and are 40% more likely to have bypass surgery. In his book, Heart Frauds, after Charles T. McGee, M.D. exposes the scam that American medicine is regarding artery and heart disease, he then recommends what people should do to prevent those diseases. His advice is almost all about eating live food, just as in Stale Food vs. Fresh Food. Fortunately, his book has not yet been banned. ---Wade Frazier
A large part of this medical disaster that the United States currently experiences is due to the way our medical community is organized. Basically it is not organized to heal and to cure disease; the medical community, particularly at its upper levels, is a commercial venture organized to make money for its practitioners. The Cardiac surgeon, for example, does nothing whatsoever to cure cardiac disease. Three to five percent of the heart surgery patients die on the operating table. Cardiac surgery provides no better three year survival rate than no treatment at all. A Harvard survival study of 200,000 patients revealed that the long term survival rate of patients subjected to surgery was no better than the survival rate of those that had no surgery. GANGSTERS IN MEDICINE By Thomas Smith
"Looking back I was like a log being tossed into the flume and headed for the sawmill. Once you are in the chute, there are people all along the way to keep you in the flume until the saw slices you open and shoots you out the other side. The sawmill is called bypass surgery."Don Williams
The first complete study of bypass effectiveness was the Veterans
Administration Cooperative Study [15]. Between 286 patients who received bypass
surgery and 310 who did not, the survival rate at the end of 3 years was 88% for
the bypass group and 87% for the control group. In an 8-year follow-up to a
second VACS study [16] among 181 low-risk patients, the bypass group had a much
higher cumulative mortality rate (31.2%) compared to the non-surgery group
(16.8%). This was among a group of low-risk patients to begin with.
A Rand study [17] revealed that
nearly 50% of bypass operations are unnecessary. Whitaker [18] notes that the
number of bypass surgeries since this Rand study, which should have plummeted,
has increased by more than 50%. While the death rate from heart disease declined
from 355 per 100,000 in 1950 to 289 per 100,000 in 1990, the amount of bypass
operations jumped from 21,000 in 1971 to 407,000 in 1991, a increase of more
than 1,838%. [19] Whitaker states that laypersons are quick to attribute
increases in life expectancy to surgery, but the credit clearly belongs to
greater exercise and healthier diets.100
Years of Medical Robbery by Dale Steinreich
"In America, each year, 61 in every 100,000 people have a coronary bypass operation. In Britain only 6 in every 100,000 have the same operation. In Japan 1 in 100,000 patients will have a coronary bypass operation. In America and Denmark 7 out of 10 women will have a hysterectomy at some stage in their lives, but in Britain only 2 women in 10 will have the same operation. Why? Are women in America having too many hysterectomies or are women in Britain having too few? In America one in five babies are born by Caesarean delivery. In England and Wales the figure is 9%. In Japan it is 8%."----Dr Vernon Coleman
"Each year nearly 300,000 bypass surgeries and 250,000 angioplasties are performed in the United States. Furthermore, nearly twenty thousand deaths occur each year as a result of these procedures. In 1992, Nortin Hadler, MD, professor of Medicine at North Carolina School of Medicine, wrote that none of the 250,000 angioplasties performed the previous year could be justified and that only 3-5% of the 300,000 coronary artery bypass surgeries done the same year were actually indicated. Yet a cost comparison study prepared for the Great Lakes Association of Clinical Medicine in 1993 estimated that $10 billion was spent in 1991 on bypass surgery alone. We also know that there is as much as a 15% mortality rate for people over the age of 65 within the first year of the coronary surgery and an 85% reocclusion rate within the first sixteen months after the operation. This is a highly deadly operation that ultimately doesn't work that is very costly. Yet is it the most common surgery in America. This is more than a double standard; it is a completely separate medical ideology supported by the monies for those who practice it. It's time to consider that neither of these procedures do nothing to change the biochemistry behind the arterial degeneration nor do they even consider changes in lifestyle and nutrition to prevent further insult to the vessels. EDTA chelation therapy has brought relief to more than 93% of patients suffering from ischemic heart disease and it can help avoid bypass surgery in 85% of cases.30 When it is given according to established protocols not one serious side effect has been reported. In fact, thousands of anecdotal stories from patients and physicians support the effectiveness and safety of this relatively inexpensive treatment."---Gary Null
"Bypass surgery, angioplasty, and even diagnostic angiograms are so over used that, in my opinion, it constitutes criminal behaviour by the cardiologists and surgeons involved. Well controlled scientific studies have shown bypass surgery simply doesn't work, except to relieve severe chest pain. Those who have the surgery didn't even have a trend of longevity benefit compared to those treated without it. Yet, each year hundreds of thousands cave into the obvious fear tactics used by agressive heart doctors and submit to the bypass operation"---Julian Whitaker, M.D.
"Even JAMA has said that 44% of bypass surgeries are of questionable necessity. In reality the number of unnecessary heart surgeries is far higher .The scientific evidence damning most (though not all) heart surgery is overwhelming Up to 4% die (from the operation) up to 5% may sustain long-lasting or permanent cerebral damage."---Julian Whitaker, M.D.
Nortin Hadler says he would sue any doctor who tried to test his cholesterol. Likewise, his bone density, prostate levels, colon cells, etc. The Harvard-trained doc, now in his sixties and a rheumatologist and professor of medicine and microbiology/immunology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, says you, too, should avoid these routine tests, as well as most angioplasties, bypass surgeries and routine mammograms. That's because -- contrary to what the medical establishment tells you -- the tests and procedures don't extend most lives, he says; they just convince healthy people they're sick. Skip These Tests?
"The heart surgery industry is booming. According to American Heart Association
statistics, in 1995 1,460,000 angiograms (the diagnostic procedure that starts the ball
rolling) were performed at an average cost of $10,880 per procedure. This resulted in
573,000 bypass surgeries at $44,820 a shot, and 419,000 angioplasties (the balloon
procedure for opening up arteries) at $20,370 each. The total bill for these procedures is
over $50 billion a year.
There is no scientific justification for the
use of angiography, balloon angioplasty and bypass surgery to treat most cardiovascular
disease. Several studies over the past two decades, involving over 6,000 patients with
heart disease, have shown that patients funneled into surgical procedures do significantly
worse than those treated with noninvasive techniques. Noninvasive refers to
the use of medication, but not diet, exercise and multiple vitamin supplements, which can
be quite beneficial.
"Other than their cost, the only thing
definitely known about these procedures is that they do kill people. Roughly one in 25
patients having a bypass and about one in 65 undergoing angioplasty die from the
procedure. Frankly, if we took all of the bypass surgeons and catheter-pushing
cardiologists, tied their thumbs together and locked them in a closet, we would save close
to 30,000 lives and over $50 billion ever year." [Julian Whitaker, M.D., Health
& Healing, Sep 98, Vol 8, No. 9]
Angioplasty, bypass and other invasive heart procedures do not and cannot prevent heart attacks or prolong lives in the vast majority of patients who have them.[2010 Aug] Modern medicine's biggest lie claims lives by JULIAN WHITAKER, MD
"Our midwives Cesarean-section rate is 1.7%."--Stephen Gaskin
I can remember when if a hospital's incidence of Caesarean deliveries went above four or five percent, there was a full scale investigation. The present level is around twenty-five percent. There are no investigations at all. And in some hospitals the rate is pushing fifty percent. Ritual Mutilations by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.
In 2001, Cesarean section is still the most common OB/GYN surgical procedure. Approximately 4 million births occur annually, with a 24% C-Section rate, i.e., 960,000 operations. In the Netherlands only 8% of babies are delivered by Cesarean section. Assuming human babies are similar in the U.S. and in the Netherlands, we are performing 640,000 unnecessary C-Sections in the U.S. with its three to four times higher mortality and 20 times greater morbidity than vaginal delivery. The Cesarean section rate was only 4.5% in the U.S. in 1965. By 1986 it had climbed to 24.1%. The author states that obviously an “uncontrolled pandemic of medically unnecessary Cesarean births is occurring.”106 VanHam reported a Cesarean section postpartum hemorrhage rate of 7%, a hematoma formation rate of 3.5%, a urinary tract infection rate of 3%, and a combined postoperative morbidity rate of 35.7% in a high-risk population undergoing Cesarean section. Death by Medicine----Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, Martin Feldman, MD, Gary Null, PhD, Debora Rasio, MD (2003/4)
''Pregnant women who want to avoid surgical birth know they have to avoid the hospital.....“Women are having their bodies completely hijacked,” says Dr. Jennifer Lang, M.D., a 38-year-old board certified ob-gyn based in southern California who specializes in complex gynecologic surgery and has attended over 1,000 births. Although Dr. Lang gave birth to her first child at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, she chose to have her subsequent children at home.....“After a lot of research and time working in the hospital I realized that I felt safer delivering at home without the time constraints and medical equipment restrictions like continuous fetal monitoring,” Dodge explains in an email. Continuous fetal monitoring, though the norm in most American hospitals, has been repeatedly shown to increase the likelihood of C-section and instrumental birth without improving fetal outcomes. Hospitals in Scandinavia, where the infant and maternal mortality rates are much lower than in the United States, have discontinued its use......“In residency I witnessed complications that we doctors cause. There were so many,” Dr. Fish explains as her pudgy 7-month-old daughter Kailani gums her shoulder."....“But if doctors could step back they would see that the vast majority of these complications happen because of things that are done to the mothers in the process of giving birth in the hospital. When you take away medicinal pain relief, epidurals, restriction of food and water, staff coming in and out of the room, and routine vaginal exams while women are in active labor, you can significantly reduce the complications that are caused by the interventions themselves. Moms do better without unnecessary interventions than they do when they’re overly managed.” [2015 Jan] Why are Medical Professionals who Deliver Babies in Hospitals Choosing to have their Own Babies at Home?
Gallbladder removal [Gallbladder]
'In 1996, some 700,000 Americans had their gallbladders removed...(each) operation costs between $8,000 and $10,000, (while the the liver/gallbladder cleanse) painlessly, safely, and effectively removes the few gallstones in the gallbladder, but also the hundreds and thousands in the liver'.--- Andreas Moritz
“A person with their gallbladder removed can
do all of the cleansing and building programs as normal. Their gall bladder was
removed usually because it was packed full (constipated) with fat, cholesterol
and stones and the doctors, instead of showing the patient how to clean it out
(liver-gallbladder flushes), cut it out.
This person should do all the bowel cleansing first, ICF#1
and #2 and then do the 5 day cleanse with the liver/gall bladder flushing, the
liver gall bladder tonic, and the detox tea. They should just cut all the liver
and gall bladder dosages in half to start and then work their way up to normal.
The gall bladder is like the rectum of the liver. Fats and
other wastes that are processed by the liver are deposited in the gall bladder.
Then, when it is full, the gall bladder contracts and empties the contents, via
the bile duct, into the stomach/small intestine (duodenum).
When the gall bladder has been removed, it is a sure sign
than it has been congested and possible liver disease is around the corner: It
is still possible to flush the liver via the bile ducts, although it should be
done with a lesser intensity (start with 1/2 dosages and work up to full) and
over a longer period of time (two weeks instead of one week) and more frequently
(4 to 6 times a year instead of 2 to 3 times a year).
[1996] Shulze Biser Heal Your
Life videos (transcripts)
Richard Shulze, N.D., M.H.
Gallstones can be dissolved naturally, with proven methods documented in the scientific literature. Millions of Americans have gallbladder stones and are unaware of the problem. You need to know the subtle signs of gall stones. Learn ways to overcome the discomfort and indigestion after gall bladder surgery. Your gall bladder is going to require life-long maintenance once gallstones have been detected. Learn natural ways to do this at home. GALL BLADDER REMEDIES
''The gallbladder serves an important digestive function. It is required to emulsify fats. The gallbladder stores bile and bile acids, which emulsify the fat one eats so it can be properly transported through the intestine into the blood stream. Anyone who has their gallbladder removed needs to take some form of bile salts with every meal for the rest of their life, if they wish to prevent a good percentage of the good fats they eat from being flushed down the toilet. Since most people who remove their gall bladder ignore this advice, this is exactly what happens and they have little absorption of good fats. If one does not have enough fats in the diet, their entire physiology will be disrupted, especially the ability to make hormones and prostaglandins.'' 6 Body Parts Doctors Think Are Useless: How Little Do They KnowCancer surgery [Surgery (cancer)]
“No published randomized controlled trial exists that demonstrates improved overall survival for patients with cancer of any type undergoing surgery of the regional lymphatics. We believe the presence of tumour in the regional lymphatics indicates the presence of systemic disease, and therapeutic interventions should be directed accordingly.”[2016 July] Is Lymph Node Removal with Cancer Surgery Really Necessary?
''There has never been a single randomised controlled clinical trial that shows any survival benefit from surgery for any type of cancer compared to no surgery...all the randomised controlled trials comparing different degrees of surgical intervention for breast cancer show no difference in survival.'' Don Benjamin
[2012 April] Colon Cancer “ALL CLEAR” Breast Cancer GONE by Richard Shulze Of course, doctors from everywhere wanted to immediately start her on chemo and radiation. That is, after they removed about 5 inches of her colon, where she would then have to wear a colostomy bag for the rest of her life...She immediately went on a raw, vegan diet, did daily enemas, wheatgrass juice, and very intense detox cleanses such as your Intestinal Formulas 1 & 2. (By the way, my whole family is now regularly taking your intestinal products.) Anyway, I am writing this letter with a smile on my face, because it has been 8 months now, and my mom's cancer is gone. Her colon is still completely intact, she never had an ounce of chemo or radiation put into her body, (nor the surgery nor the colostomy bag).
[2012 March] Still Alive! Colitis & Pregnancy by Richard Shulze, N.D., M.H. The doctors recommend removing my sigmoid colon and said if I didn't get the surgery I would be dead in 3 weeks to a year.....After a year of seeking out and trying many different types of alternative medicines, I was introduced to your products. I did your Vitality Program and felt the best I had felt in years. From there I continued on with your Bowel Detoxes and I'm still alive!
[2012 March] 11 and Constipated by Dr. Schulze I often think how kids lives are changed for the worse—ACTUALLY RUINED—when parents go ahead with medical doctors’ suggestions of bowel resections and colostomy bags for teenagers. And medical doctors suggest this all the time! They are sooo… out of touch with reality and destroy a child’s entire life.
Tonsillectomies [Tonsillectomies]
Tonsillectomies have become common
procedures in the West, with 45,000 in Britain every year...Adenotonsillectomies
- where both the tonsils and adenoids are removed - were performed on 115 of
every 10,000 children in Holland, but only 50 per 10,000 in the 1998. In Britain
the rate was 65 per 10,000 children. The Dutch researchers ....found rates of
fever were lower during the first six months after an operation. But from then
on, there were no differences between the two groups. Writing in the
online version the British Medical Journal, they concluded that the operation
'little clinical benefit'.
[Media10 Sept 2004]
Most tonsil operations 'needless'
The paralysis associated with tonsillectomy was a type called bulbarthe worst, involving the lungs.
Doctors are starting to think that the polio epidemics of the 1940s and 1950s may have been caused by the high number of tonsillectomies done in the 1920, 30s and 40s. They have discovered that the only area of the body that can synthesize the antibody to poliomyelitis is the tonsils. If you dont have tonsils you cant fight off polio.
"I also pointed out that the medical professions love affair with routine tonsillectomies was also a factor. At the time, around 1910ish, doctors decided that these things which now seemed to get so pussy, were obviously no used, so should be whipped out. And while were at it, why not take them out before they became a problem. In America, by the 1950s, every year, 2.2 million babies were born. Guess what, 2 million tonsils were also removed. What a wonderful industry this was too. But what they didnt realise was that anyone without tonsils had a 600% greater chance of getting paralytic polio, because the tonsils are the primary defence of the body against polio virus."--Hilary Butler
"During the polio epidemics it was found that people who had their tonsils
removed were 3-5 times more likely to develop paralysis
.There were many at that time
that suggested that polio was an iatrogenic disease
..we caused thousands of cases of
paralysis. We did not cause the polio , but we converted people who would have recovered
from a vial illness into people with a paralytic illness."Dr Mark Donohoe MB BS
I would like to refer to something that Dr. Donohoe said in reference to a
question about polio because it is such an important point and really causes us to
question whether the polio vaccine has, in fact, been responsible for the decline in
paralytic disease or if it is just another coincidence. `How many people here had their
tonsils out back in the 50s and 60s? (the majority of the audience held up their hands)
How many have children now who have had their tonsils out? A couple. Do you ever wonder
why the medical profession drops a procedure? Certainly not because they have paid their
cars off. `There was a problem in that we were removing tonsils from people throughout the
40s and 50s. They were taken to be extra tissue not needed by humans, but only a source of
trouble. Then, during the polio epidemics, it was found that people who had had their
tonsils removed were three to five times more likely to develop paralysis. That does not
mean that they got the polio virus more frequently, simply that without the protection of
the lymphatic tissue in the throat, there appeared to be a quite strong association
between getting the polio virus and developing an illness. There were many at that time
who suggested that paralytic polio was an iatrogenic ( ed note -medically-caused) disease.
The medical profession dropped tonsillectomy as if it were a hot potato, but I don't know
that it told many about that. Certainly, it did not tell me, in my medical school, why
tonsillectomies were becoming so much less popular. I had mine removed; virtually
everybody in my community did. It is one of those forgotten truths in Australian medicine,
and world-wide medicine, that we removed tonsils at our own risk. We thought there was no
problem. The iatrogenic part of it was that we caused thousands of cases of paralysis. We
did not cause the polio, but we converted people who would have recovered from a viral
illness into people with a paralytic illness. To this day, I don't think the medical
profession has owned up to that problem that it caused in the Australian health community.
"Dr. R. V. Southcott (Med. Jour. .Aust. 1953. ii. 281) believes that a child whose tonsils were removed at the usual age of 5-7 yrs suffers trauma to the nerves of the pharynx which increases susceptibility to bulbar poliomyelitis for at least ten years. In an outbreak in South Australia in 1947-48 he found that in 35 out of 39 cases of bulbar poliomyelitis the patient had been tonsillectomised)."--M. Meadow Bayly, M.R.C.S.,