- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer
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"The maximum life-span has not changed at all. Old people become increasingly prone to illness. No matter how much medicine they take, no matter what care is given to them, life expectancy of 65 years has remained practically unchanged over the last century. Medicine cannot do much for illness associated with aging, and even less about the process of aging itself. It cannot cure cardiovascular diseases, most cancers, arthritis, advanced cirrhosis, or the common cold. It is true that some of the pain which the aged suffer can sometimes be lessened. Unfortunately though, most treatment of the old requiring professional intervention not only tends to heighten their pain, but, if successful, also protracts it."
(Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Calder & Boyars, 1975, page 45, from One Thousand Doctors (and many more) Against Vivisection, by Hans Ruesch.)
"It has been historically proved after a couple of centuries of vivisection and after billions of experiments carried out on animals, neither the number of people who have fallen sick nor the number and kind of fatal illnesses has in fact fallen. Only for bacterial and parasitic diseases (but not for viral ones) have medicines been found capable of acting on their causes, by killing the micro-organisms which produce them. All other serious or fatal illnesses are constantly on the increase and all we have available against them are some drugs which, in some cases, seem to have, on certain symptoms, an effect which however, is not always amenable to evaluation, and too often is not proportionate to the damages (euphemistically: 'side effects') that some medicines are capable of causing. Furthermore, the 'placebo' effect is never taken sufficiently into account. Everyone can see what is happening at the present time. Human experimentation is growing at an amazing rate. And it is not a question of simple, legitimate clinical experimentation, but of real vivisectionist experimentation."
(An excellent example of human vivisection experimentation is documented in "Drugs for Cancer", Section 3 of Chapter 21, Drugs and the Law.)
(Prof. Croce, Vivisection or Science - a choice to make, pages 91-92.)
Prof. Croce goes on to present:
1930 | 1978 | |
Cancer | 5,994 | 13,802 (+132%) |
Diabetes | 445 | 1,207 (+171%) |
Leukemia | 95 | 340 (+257%) |
Cardiovascular Disease | 5,074 | 18,071 (+260%) |
Liver Diseases | 382 | 839 (+108%) |
Population | 4,066,000 | 6,298,000 (+50%) |
U.S.A. | 1971 | 1981 |
Cancer | 330,000 | 420,000 |
Italy | 1940 | 1969 |
Cancer (mortality per 1000 inhabitants) | 80 | 184 (+130%) |
The millions of unfortunate people currently under the sentence of premature death conveniently attributed to "the AIDS virus", (Though specialist investigators1 warn that AIDS is in reality the collapse of the human immune system from saturation of chemical pollution, some self-administered, but most legally prescribed by the health services in vaccines and prescribed drugs, and by industry which has licence to do as it pleases with our food and water), will be fascinated with ARSL's assurance that we are living 25 years longer than our great grandparents. Like the writer, they will be surely anxious to discover from whence the book's publishers acquired this attractive but astonishing statistic. Are ARSL's creators not aware that because of human carelessness and abuse a question-mark hangs over the future of the entire planet? That the populations being born today have no guarantee of a future? That all life as we know it hangs in the balance?
Also puzzled by ARSL's luring but devious statement which cannot stand up to scrutiny, will be the victims of drugs like Valium, Ativan, Mogadon, Dalmane, Halcion and other profitable but lethal benzodiazepines, which, claimed 60 Minutes, T.V. 3, September 22 1991, are "destroying the lives of thousands of New Zealanders". Likewise, the twenty-five million people who have had their lives cut short from irreversible brain-damage resulting from their doctors' prescriptions of La-Gactil tranquilliser (courtesy Roche), and the twenty-five million victims of that drug who are ticking and twitching with tardive dyskenesia as a result of it, not forgetting the one hundred and fifty million others worldwide, who, along with their La-Gactil fix are likely to receive added extras to impair or imperil their chances of longevity, for example epileptic fits, allergies, delirium, liver complications, thrombosis or other calamity. (According to the Guardian, July 16 1985 which claims this information was reported to the World Mental Health Congress in Brighton on July 15 1985 by Dr David Hill, Senior Clinical Psychologist at Walton Hospital, Chesterfield, U.K.). (And which, as an aside, could be our just desserts for "testing" those tranquillisers by driving cats insane with powerful electric shocks... which merely reflects the addled state of the brains of the animal "researchers", who conveniently in receipt of their lucrative "research grants" fraudulently claim that such insanity saves or prolongs human lives.)
Similarly opposing ARSL's claims that because of animal research (vivisection) we are feeling better and living longer will be the thousands of families in U.S.A., Australia, Japan and half a dozen other countries, including 30 in New Zealand, who sued Merell Dow for "hideous birth defects" resulting from the Debendox morning sickness pill. Others who will never see the alleged additional 25 year span are the women the world over, including New Zealand, who have had their lives ruined through prescriptions of Diethylstilbestrol, Depo-Provera and other drugs taken in good faith never realising they were being administered cancer, in other words, being duped. (Refer N.Z Truth front page headlines on four consecutive weeks from August 25 1987, and all radio news and newspaper bulletins.) Similarly missing the extra 25 years' bonus will be the bewildered and devastated parents of the healthy infants dying of SIDS which is known for over 30 years to be the direct result of DPT vaccine, erroneously tested on mice, though human babies are not mice, or the victims of Fenoterol and other asthma aerosol dilators which have killed thousands of people all over the world2, (NZAVS has given the facts to the Government which it ignored) and which was finally removed from the market in New Zealand on March 13 1991 because it was shortening the lives of those to whom it was prescribed. (Dominion, March 1991.) And on the subject of longevity NZAVS draws the attention of ARSL and its readers to the thousands of otherwise healthy elderly people, who, needing nothing more than companionship, a little interest and basic assistance (which would cost the State less) are fobbed off in institutions where they are doped until they are zombies, eventually shuffling off prematurely from a mixed brew of State medication, neglect, despair and hopelessness.
Hard on the heels of the armies of today's populations who will be deprived, by the insidious pollution of their food, water, medicine and environment, of anticipating their birthright of three-score and ten years, and who would certainly question the shallow claim of ARSL were they capable of so-doing, would be the victims of arthritis medicaments, who, counted in their hundreds of thousands are crippled and otherwise rendered helpless by Proxicromil, Opren, Benoxaprofen, Closic, Tanderil, Phenylbutazone, Butazolidin and many more brands of poison-under-the-guise-of-medicine, and for their pains, if they have survived at all, will have developed ulcers, tumours, liver and kidney damage and other maladies. And, for the sceptics who question this work... "We know these things do happen" commented Dr Boyd (then) Assistant Director of Clinical Services, Wellington (Chairman of the Drug Assessment Advisory Committee and the Restricted Drugs Committee) when commenting on 575 Butazolidin deaths in 1983.
Eight years later Dr Boyd continues championing the chemi-medi-vivi cause. As the sleeping tablet Halcion is currently being removed from the British market because of deaths, in Dominion, October 4 1991, he gives the classic: "There is no immediate danger from the drug" and on National Radio for the past week when the drug withdrawal was being discussed: "Do not stop taking Halcion."
Tested on animals, all drugs, from diarrhoea tablets (Ciba Geigy), which in one stroke paralysed thirty thousand people in Japan alone, to pills for high-blood-pressure (which according to Dr Robinson of Michigan City, Indiana, who has spent a life-time studying the illness: "should not be on the market doing their dirtywork"), without exception shorten the life expectancy of today's citizen. In comparison, our great grand parents, who ate sparingly of plain unadulterated foods, (free from pesticides, chemicals and other added extras) enjoyed hard physical labour and without the interference of today's conniving vivisection industry, lived longer and enjoyed healthier living than today's populations which, rubbing shoulders with scores of deadly poisons to which they are unknowingly subjected, never really robust, live half-lives in dread of contracting one or the other of today's sicknesses - for example cancer:
As statistics for New Zealand were not available the writer presents those of the United Kingdom which show that in that country (on average) one in three of today's population will have their lives cut short by cancer. That two hundred and fifty thousand new cancer cases appear each year. That with an annual increase of approximately three percent, United Kingdom cancer sufferers now number one and a half million. That four hundred people die of cancer every day in the U.K.. That the disease has long been out of control.
Since the founding of the British National Health Service (with its cut, burn and poison remedy) rates of cancer deaths have risen by over 75 percent in the one to nine age-group and by over 90 percent in the 10 to 19 age-group. The five year survival rates for the major cancers are: breast 50 percent, large intestine 22 percent, stomach, trachea, bronchus, lung and oesophagus five percent, pancreas four percent and liver two percent. The following graph shows the continuing explosion of cancer in the United Kingdom.
(O.P.C.S. MBI Series)
(death rate per million)
(death rate per million)
(Cancer Patient Survival: What Progress Has Been Made, U.S. General Accounting Office, 1987.)
According to the World Health Organisation most cancer is occupational and environmental. Evidence certainly abounds that the terrifying incidence of today's cancers which shorten the life-span of millions, including an alarming number of children3, is the result of saturation of the planet and its inhabitants with pollution. Fluoride and other hidden, silent, and insidious additives is placed against the wishes (and knowledge) of the people, in their drinking water4. Deadly sprays are applied to crops which leach into ground water. Antibiotics, growth hormones, drenches, worm-killing chemicals, fungicides, tranquillisers and the like lodge in the food-chain. Cancerous-forming tid-bits (like Aspartame which also causes Alzheimer's disease) unashamedly lace today's much advertised confectionaries and soft drinks. Similarly in toiletries like sun-screens, so toxic that in certain parts of the U.S.A. the public is asked to remove it prior to entering the water at public beaches as it destroys marine life. And last, but by no means least, that most diabolical and dangerous of all pollutants vivisection-based medicines.
"Seventeen out of every 20 cancer victims shouldn't have cancer, they have been murdered by the callous indifference of the people with power."
(Dr Vernon Coleman, F.R.S.M., Sunday Independent, November 1987.) (Dr Coleman went on to become President of the International League of Doctors Against Vivisection.)
As cancer is the end result of greed and lack of concern for the health of the people, so is the 'cure' as in the English-speaking world alone the cancer research fundraising syndicate has received over 25 billion pounds sterling... with armies of volunteers bringing in approximately 60 million pounds annually. The vast fortunes to be made from the cancer industry are too numerous to include in this work but one example is the induction of artificial and irrelevant, though lucrative, tumours into animals. Meanwhile valid preventative measures have long lain stagnant because they present no profits.
Many honest doctors5 criticise today's cancer therapies as the devil's triangle: surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. For example: In 1979 many concerned medics expressed concern that today's life expectancy was placed under even further threat when the U.S. National Cancer Institute project "War on Cancer" conducted a massive X-ray screening for breast cancer on 280,000 women, investigating newsmen Robert Houston and Gary Null concluded a series of in-depth reports with the following:
"Women were encouraged to affirm their virtue on the altar of technology by exposing themselves to periodic radiation known to increase the risk of the disease... emphasis was placed on radiating women over 50, the very age-group that would be most vulnerable to indication of cancer by radiation..."
Dr Irwin Bross, well-known and highly qualified outspoken campaigner against health based on vivisection agreed:
"The X-ray screening programme would create the worst epidemic of iatrogenic (doctor-induced) breast cancer in history. In my view this entire matter has become so serious that the National Cancer Institute would be better off putting the money allotted for future screenings into a trust fund for the victims of the programme who will develop cancer in 10 to 15 years time."
(Dr Irwin Bross, Director Biostatistics, Roswell Park Memorial Institute.)
"Cancer victims should not squander the years they have left by being made into hopeless invalids through radical medical intervention which has zero chance of extending their lives."
"Many surgeons abandoned the masectomy, yet in the USA over 1,000 women per week are persuaded to part with their breast, underlying muscles and lymph nodes, but the scalpel spivs omit to tell the victims that the average survival period is around twelve years without the mutilation and three years with it."
(Prof. H.B. Jones, Dept of Medical Physics and Physiology, University of California, in an address to the American Cancer Society in 1975.)
"There will be a medical edition of the Nuremberg trials. The atrocities now being committed in the name of orthodox medicine, the suppression of life-giving scientific data, the needless loss of lives, the mutilation of bodies and excessive suffering... will not continue to be tolerated... ultimately these criminals and their political lackeys will be brought to trial."
(Dr Bruce Halstead.)
"As an exercise in mass human and animal cruelty, wasted lives, effort, time and money, arrogance, deception and dereliction of duty, the cancer business is in a class of its own with no rival anywhere in sight."
(Patrick Rattigan.)
The writer disagrees. One rival that springs to mind is that which opened this paper, namely AIDS... described in Rappoport's AIDS Inc. The Scandal of the Century as:
"An international operation, a business, a bureaucracy".
The AIDS industry pales the cancer business into insignificance. And, in turn, lurking in the wings to shorten our longevity even further is its competitor CFS... or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for which it is predicted6 that terrified people everywhere will soon be blackmailed by fear to "dig deep into your pockets for a life-saving donation".
"All the other wicked medical fakes, firing hope and darkening it to despair, pale beside the savagery of the cancer charlatans."
(Patrick Rattigan, The Cancer Business, available from Nemesis, 294 West Parade, Lincoln, LN1 1NB, United Kingdom.)
In the United Kingdom alone in 1989 234,828 animals suffered and died in vain in British Cancer Research. (Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals, G.B., 1989, HMSO, 1990.) | ![]() |
People who trade in illicit drugs such as heroin and cocaine are regarded among the most unscrupulous devils of modern civilisation. In contrast the pushers of legalised fixes who shorten the lives of their victims by getting them hooked on prescribed sleeping pills, tranquillisers, pain-killers of which there is a selection too many to mention, are regarded as white-coated gods, saints, revered, honoured, lauded as Jesus Christ himself. Studies have shown there are few households not affected by one or more members hooked on soul-crippling legal drugs... that is, without a drug addict in the family! In Great Britain there are three million tranx addicts, the victims of companies making vast profits worldwide, administered by doctors, condoned by governments.
Far from anticipating longer lives, vivisection-based medicine which prescribes chemical fixes for any physical, mental or even spiritual problem has created a pill-popping culture, that, provided the patients get good and hooked make billions of dollars for the producers. La Roche, the Swiss patent holders of the tranquilliser Valium made sales of over 200 million dollars in 1972 in U.S.A. alone. The shock-horror stories in the press of the evil drug pushers... pale into insignificance beside the perils of the legal fix and the legalised pushers. The publishers of ARSL are all in the business of profiteering from the legal fix and they are all legalised pushers whose tins jingle on collection days.
Thousands of doctors are acknowledging the giant fraud behind vivisection, and how vivisection is shortening rather than lengthening our life span. Dr Martin Fincke of the University of Passau, after investigation, wrote a book saying that the entire medical profession should be brought to court on a charge of multiple murder.
For the grave danger inherent to the consumer of legal medicines the reader is directed to The LD50 Alibi... Do You Know the Truth? produced by NZAVS. Select this link for details of how to obtain a copy. Published in support of the Society's Petition to Abolish the LD50 Test in 1983 it is still an excellent documentation of what one can expect to receive from one's doctor along with one's legal fix. The following is taken from that document:
"If the general public were to pause and contemplate that the filthy cruelties that the regulatory agencies are so quick to demand on animals - are being transferred right back to our own species - they would panic and scream out for a dropping of such regulations. These vested interest groups are a danger to society: Their approach to healing and public welfare is fatal to animals, fatal to students schooled in invalid methods, fatal to patients who are fobbed off with poisonous pills and potions and fatal to future generations."
(Refer also to Chapters 8 Cancer, 9 AIDS, and 21 Drugs and the Law.)
A morbidity survey of British National Health Service patients showed that British health was declining alarmingly since the previous survey in 1971/72. The survey, which examined the consultations carried out by 143 doctors in 48 practices revealed the following:
A further report, recently published by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, compares the death rates of people according to their social class. For skin cancer, men in the top social class have a death rate 33% above average, for the lowest class the skin cancer death rate is 18% below average. The upper class tuberculosis death rate is 68% below average, lowest class 187% above average. Top bracket women are more likely to die of breast cancer, 40% above average. Lowest social class men are more likely to die of hypertension, 90% above average and gastric ulcers 178% above average. For unemployed men the figures are even worse, they are more likely to die of mental disorders, 493% above average, "congenital abnormalities", 628% above average, kidney disease 503% above average, "ill-defined conditions", 803% above average and suicide 173% above average.
(Morbidity Statistics from General Practice, 1981-82, HMSO; New Scientist, August 7 1986, page 19.)
Animal research - or to give it its correct name vivisection, is instrumental in cutting lives short. A fact any honest investigator will quickly discover. Health Department statistics reveal that New Zealanders have the third lowest life expectancy in 23 OECD countries surveyed and has the highest incidence of heart disease among women and third highest for men. This despite increased vivisection. Though the U.S.A. uses more laboratory animals than any country in the world other than Japan, the American male can only anticipate 17th life expectancy of all other countries. The U.S. spends $600 billion per year on illness treatment yet their health care system is in shambles. Similarly in New Zealand the health system is in chaos. Meanwhile this country spends $578,000,000 per year on pharmaceuticals and speaking on National Radio recently the Minister of Health announced that "we can no longer afford a health service".
As childhood cancer and leukemia increases to alarming proportion, so does multiple sclerosis and genetic disorders. ARSL could not provide the source of its claim, for which it gave no evidence, that people can now expect to live longer by 25 years. Conversely NZAVS has more evidence than it can digest that vivisection is responsible for sickness and early death:
"Even when a drug has been subjected to a complete and adequate pharmacological investigation on several species of animals and found to be relatively non-toxic it is frequently found that such a drug may show unexpected toxic reactions in diseased human-beings. This has been known almost since the birth of scientific pharmacology."
(Dr E. K. Marshall, Baltimore, Journal of the American Medical Association, January 28 1939, page 353.)
"Drug induced illness has become a public health menace of major and alarming proportions, producing more deaths annually than are caused by cancer and is among the top cause of hospital admissions."
(Dr Vernon Coleman, Britain, Medicine in Society, Vol. 7, 1981.)
There have been ample reminders of drug disasters in New Zealand in recent times: The removal from the market of Mictural, Halcion, Fenoterol, and the measles vaccine Pluserix to name a few. "The easy answer to the rising incidence" (of asthma), says Dr Stewart Clarke, head of the department of thoracic medicine at the Royal Free Hospital in London, in an article titled "Treatment: More Damage Than Good?" (Evening Post, May 8 1991) "is the worldwide increase in air pollution". However there are no profits in prevention and vast fortunes to be made in the lucrative vivisection industry.
As drug disasters are now the rule rather than the exception, and the mountains of data on these common-place occurrences so overpowering, abolitionist groups do not collect it but instead they collect doctors against vivisection. There are now leagues of abolitionist doctors in Europe, Great Britain, U.S.A., Israel, South Africa and Japan. In their ranks are biologists, surgeons, pharmacists, physicians, veterinarians, in short doctors from every conceivable field of medicine, and they are being supported by laboratory technicians. Operating under a unified policy of scientific anti-vivisectionism the new movement claims that no animal species can be accepted as an experimental model for any other species, and that experiments intra-speciem (between the same species) are only valid when the disease is spontaneous and not artificially induced.
(Refer to the chart outlining the policy of SCIENTIFIC ANTI-VIVISECTIONISM and to the Open Letter to the American People.)
Clearly the weight of medical and scientific professionalism opposing ARSL's claims that vivisection equates with life... is responsible for its ill-conceived attempts to sell vivisection to sell vivisection to the N.Z. public. Animal Research Saves Lives is an unscientific, illogical and emotional attempt by the vivisectors to save their jobs. It will not however, as will this rebuttal, stand up to scrutiny, neither will it survive the test of time.
Human sperm counts are said to be falling alarmingly in some industrialised countries. According to Dr Ralph Dougherty of Florida State University the culprit is the foam mattress in which there is traces of Fyrol FR 2, a fire-retardant used to cut down the fire risks associated with foam-filled furniture. (Refer also to TRIS (fire-retardant) sleep-wear in Chapter 8 Cancer, and in Footnote 3 in this chapter.) This led to other studies which concluded that the increasing exposure of modern man to a growing number of industrial chemicals is producing drops in male fertility leading to sterility. Dr Dougherty analysing his findings reported that over 25 percent of males tested were sterile. Friends of the Earth working in conjunction with Dr Dougherty sent to all members of Congress information taken from scientific literature which showed the alarming drop in sperm counts. Throughout the studies polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) flame retardants and three kinds of polychlorophenols, a family of chemicals used as insecticides and fungicides found in the sperm "caused measurable biological effects". Dr John MacLeod, Prof. of Anatomy, Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Cornell University Medical College in New York joined in the study as did researchers at the University of Iowa and the University of Texas. The studies concluded:
"Something has altered the fertile population to depress the semen analysis remarkably... which would tend to incriminate an environmental factor to which the entire population has been exposed."
(John Elkington, The Poisoned Womb.)
As fire retardant sleepwear is responsible for 45 million children being exposed to cancer and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) flame retardant foam mattresses and foam-filled furniture is found to cause alarming drops in human sperm counts and sterility in mature males, so PCBs can be passed from the nursing mother through to the infants by way of breast milk. Dr David Kinlock, of Canada's Health and Welfare Department as reported after investigation that PCB contamination can cause cancer, damage the immune and reproductive systems and the brain as it enters the food chain, settles in the fat cells of living creatures, and passed to infants through mothers' milk. Dr Eric Dewailly of Laval University reports that PCBs do not biodegrade, and once dispersed, cannot be cleaned up. Developed in 1929 to cool electrical transformers, PCBs are indiscriminately carried on the wind from industrial countries and whilst men cannot rid themselves of PCBs accumulated in their bodies, women can only do so through their breast milk.
("Mother's Milk Poison Potion", N.Z. Herald, April 26 1989.)
Combined with many other similar factors, this obviously shortens, rather than lengthens today's life expectancy and lowers rather than heightens our quality of life.
Massive evidence abounds that continued use of pesticides threatens our health and contaminates our environment concluded a report by three Lincoln College scientists commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment in 1989. (Pesticides: Issues and Options for N.Z., Ministry for the Environment, May 1989.) Ian Blincoe, spokesman for the Agricultural Chemicals and Animal Remedies' Manufacturers Association (AGCARM, one of the publishers of ARSL), in defence of the use of pesticides claimed that if products are used in accordance with the label there is "little likelihood of danger to people's health". The author disagrees. The so-called "stringent tests" of chemicals are based on results on laboratory animals which are invalid because:
"Toxicity tests of pesticides on laboratory animals do not reliably settle matters."
"Negative laboratory results do not mean a chemical will not adversely affect human beings."
"Correlations are far from perfect between known human cancer agents and animal results."
The above taken from Pesticides: Issues and Options for N.Z., May 1989, the findings of which were upheld on Frontline, nationwide T.V., 14 May 1989, does more than expose that animal tests are dangerous and useless. It reveals yet again how those who carry them out have no hesitation in condemning them as such when it suits them to do so. There are however vast fortunes to be made in the contract laboratories where animals are done to death by the millions in order to obtain a label on the product! It is quite unarguable that pesticides and other sprays, especially when considered in conjunction with other toxic substances like prescription drugs, food additives, colourings, radiation and the zillions of other chemicals to which we are exposed, including zinc in the humble white loaf, and the chemical brew in flea-sprays, household cleaners, plastics, vapour from certain types of clothing, and in the Pandora's box of our cosmetics... are known to represent a serious threat to our health and to our longevity which no amount of vivisection can cure. Further, all the above being "safety tested on animals" are direct products of vivisection.
The N.Z. Pesticides Board (a QANGO of 12), which decides which pesticides to be used in this country and what levels are permissible, has ten members with direct interests in the use or sale of pesticides, some work for pesticide companies. The Board is not accountable to the public or to Parliament. John Reeve, toxicologist, Head of the Pesticides Board, with sole responsibility for decisions on pesticide levels on export markets and for home use, though employed by the Health Dept... is (at time of writing) contracted back to the Pesticides Board!
Meanwhile Dr Mann of the N.Z. Health Dept who has campaigned for years for stricter controls on pesticides said (Dominion, front page article) that he was "up against a secretive and manipulative chemical industry that is suppressing the terrible facts of chemical poisoning".
(Refer also to Chapter 21, Drugs and the Law, Section 1.)
At the Congress of Doctors in Britain Against Animal Experiments held in London in April 1991, Dr Bjorn Ekwall denounced toxicity tests on animals as crude, primitive and scientifically poor. Dr Ekwall told the Congress that we are surrounded by 4 million chemicals with another 100 added to this mountain every month! The toxic interaction between a chemical and the human body, warned Dr Ekwall, is highly complex and can cause malfunction of the heart, brain, kidney, nervous system etc. He said it is almost impossible for a doctor to identify, let alone deal with, the effects of chemicals.
Only the foolhardy - or the profiteers - would make assumptions or predications about today's increased life-expectancy without heeding the following environmental warnings:
The following is taken from The Survival of Civilization by John D. Hamaker and Donald A. Weaver, 1982:
Hamaker-Weaver Publishers
PO Box 1961
CA 94010
"We have an unprecedented crisis situation: we can expect serious crop losses in the first few years of the decade, the calamitous losses in the last half of the decade. The chaos of widespread famine and the violence of the weather will by then render soil remineralization ineffectual. If soil remineralization is to be done, it must be done in the next six or eight years. Our forests and jungles are fast disappearing while our use of fossil fuels is increasing. This is sure prescription for mass suicide."
The Global 2000 Report to the President of the United States of America, was commissioned in 1977 by President Carter and released in July 1980 as a 3-volume work of over 1,000 pages. Mr Carter explained its purpose in his Environmental Message to the Congress (May 23 1977):
"Environmental problems do not stop at national boundaries. In the past decade, we and other nations have come to recognise the urgency of international efforts to protect our common environment. As part of this process, I am directing the Council on Environmental Quality, working in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Science Foundations, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and other appropriate agencies, to make a one-year study of the probable changes in the world's population, natural resources and environment through the end of the century. This study will serve as the foundation of our longer-term planning."
The following are a few of Global 2000's "Principal Findings":
Global 2000 concurs with Hamaker's warning - declaring:
"Prompt and vigorous changes in public policy around the world are needed to avoid or minimise these problems BEFORE THEY BECOME UNMANAGEABLE."
"To continue any longer as blind consumers of life, without learning to be visionary restorers of life, will likely insure an end to both opportunities - sooner than most of us would like to look at. Yet to fully look, in search of what is true, must surely be the first step." (Donald A. Weaver.) |
In the greatest fraud of all time three hundred million animals, victims of a degrading, superfluous, ruthless and obscene industry, are being blindly consumed every year in vivisection laboratories. Vivisection the inconclusive alibi essential for the production of pharmaceutical and chemical pollutants is conducted regardless of the direct damage it brings to the environment, to animals and to people. The abolition of vivisection should be the first major step in an effort to get sanity back on course in attempts to save the planet from collapse. The author believes that only fools who do not heed the warnings that are ringing loud and clear would believe the authors of ARSL who attempt to lull its readers into believing that we "live 25 years longer than our great grand parents"... when a 25 year survival of the planet is now under question!
Hamaker gave five minimal objectives which must be met by 1985 in order to effect our survival. He wrote: "They can only be met by a colossal effort on an international scale. To attempt any less is to resign ourselves to death by malnutrition and starvation." Those five objectives were not put into operation. |
1. Professor Peter Duesberg, Californian medical researcher. (Refer section on AIDS.)
2. Fenoterol was prescribed to 40,000 N.Z. asthmatics. On September 26 1991 The Evening Post in an article titled "Canadians Confirm NZ Fenoterol Fear" states that Canadian investigation found Fenoterol increases by 90 times the patients' risk of dying. The Canadian study reveals even higher risks from Fenoterol than was found by the N.Z. investigators. The hazards associated with this prescribed medicament highlighted, says the article, the need for regular preventative treatment. - Refer Chapter 21 Drugs and the Law, Section 3.
3. It was the Ames test refer Chapter 8 Cancer, that confirmed that sixty million children in the U.S.A. alone were sleeping in clothing that is "gene-altering, cancer-causing and therefore life-threatening". That through the mere choice of their sleepwear millions of children were being exposed to cancer caused by TRIS (fire-retardant).
"Considering the estimated 45 million children now exposed to Tris-treated sleep-wear a one percent expected cancer induction would translate to 450,000 cancer deaths."
(Dr Robert H. Harris, Environmental Defense Fund, December 1976. Also Irwin Bross, Animals in Cancer Research - A Multibillion Dollar Fraud.)
4. Dr Dean Burk, Washington D.C. Thirtyfive years Head of the Cytochemistry Section of the National Cancer Institute, U.S.A. Previous Associate Prof. of Biochemistry at Cornell University. Knight Commander of the Order of Bethlehem, recipient of many awards for cancer research and biochemistry, including the Domagh Prize 1965 for cancer research. Involved in cancer research for 50 years:
"As a result of fluoridated water containing the order of one milligram of fluoride per each litre, one-tenth of the 350,000 cancer deaths per year in the USA are linked with artificial public water fluoridation."
An article "U.S. Professor Sticks to Claim of Fluoride Link with Cancer", New Horizons, Vol. 3, No. 4, Biological Research Institute (Australia) in which Prof. Burk refers to fluoride as: "An added biochemical and physiological poison that at higher concentrations is a common form of rat poison."
Lord Douglas of Barlock (Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords.)
"Whatever may be the relative small benefit of fluoridated drinking water for delaying or preventing tooth decay, mainly in children by adolescence, the increased cancer mortality is by comparison overwhelming."
"No-one could now countenance adding fluoride to the water supplies."
5. Video: Hoxsey: Quacks Who Cure Cancer.
6. Time Magazine, Medicine Section, May 14 1990, International Edition, article entitled "Stalking a Shadowy Assailant".
Hans Ruesch, CIVIS International Foundation Report, Nr 9, Spring/Summer 1990.
"All the other wicked medical fakes, firing hope and darkening it to despair, pale beside the savagery of the cancer charlatans."
(Patrick Rattigan, The Cancer Business.)