- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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ARSL 2nd Edition Pages 1, 8, 9, 19

Readers should question the credentials of the publishers of ARSL who claim that the prevention and cure of cancer is to be found through vivisection.  An increasing amount of medical evidence and an overwhelming number of doctors and scientists are saying that vivisection causes cancer.  That the prevention of cancer means abolishing the products of vivisection.

Knowledge of cancer causation by chemicals originates from clinical observations, in 1775, of chimney sweeps.  According to the World Health Organisation at least 80%-90% of cancer deaths are due to environmental poisons, including industrial chemicals, factory emissions, nuclear power-plants, automobile exhaust, gas-powered engines, incinerators, plastics, diet, as well as to reproductive behaviour, and various elements of lifestyle and culture.  Carcinogenic material is now in the air we breathe, in the food we eat, the water we drink, the medicines we take, including X-rays, the list is endless.  It is said that with effort at least 50%-60% of carcinogens could be eliminated from our environment.

Environmental tragedies of every conceivable nature are now commonplace and occurring at a level never before in history.  Radio N.Z. News, January 26 1991, announced that on the ninth day of the war in the Middle East the deliberate spilling of oil into the sea as a military measure would cause pollution exceeding five times that of the Exxon Valdez disaster, as did the U.S.S.R. rocket fuel spill which killed over 100,000 seals and millions of cod, flatfish and starfish in the White Sea.  Does ARSL seriously expect us to believe that by cutting up animals the cancers let loose in these disasters can be prevented?  Almost on a daily basis toxic chemical spills are reported widely in the media.  At time of writing this article on January 3 1992 the N.Z. Herald headline article reads: "After-Effects of Chemical Spill Rip Town Apart".  Such reports are now so numerous one flicks the page without giving it a second thought.

"Unfortunately, we shall only learn the effect of thousands of chemical preparations on our health some time in the future, for they only emerge slowly in the course of time by accumulation."
(Dr John Higginson, Director of the Intl Office for Cancer Research, Corriere Della Sera, Milan, October 22 1974.)

"It has been estimated that as much as ninety percent of all human cancers are influenced by environmental hazards.  The way to stop useless and unnecessary animal experimentation is simply to make it unprofitable; eliminate the funding by the government agencies, or eliminate the agencies... money talks.  If the flow of the taxpayer dollars that supports the foolish and cruel and dangerous practices of official science is cut off, these practices will stop."
(Dr Irwin D. Bross, President of Biomedical Meta-Technology, Inc., U.S.A.)

Sir Arbuthnot Lane, Bart., C.B., M.B., M.S., F.R.C.S., speaking in the House of Commons:


"Animals in Cancer Research: A Multi-Billion Dollar Fraud", is the title of an article written by Dr Irwin D. Bross reproduced in Fundamental and Applied Toxicology, November 6 1982.  It begins:

"The use of animals in cancer research has been attacked as unnecessary cruelty to animals, and defended as absolutely essential for research progress that will prevent or cure human cancer.  From a scientific standpoint, what is pertinent is that what are called 'animal model systems' in cancer research have been a total failure."

It concludes:

"The moral is that animal model systems not only kill animals they also kill humans.  There is no good factual evidence to show that the use of animals in cancer research has led to the prevention or cure of a single human cancer."

This article exposes that cancer research using animals is a highly profitable undertaking for certain medical schools and research institutes that are incapable of doing genuine cancer research - and that the use of animals is sustained by what Dr Bross says is a "superstitious belief in a grossly unscientific notion that mice are miniature men".

Dr Irwin D. J. Bross writes as a scientist with 30 years experience in public health.  As head of research design and analysis at Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute in 1954, he initiated and designed the controlled clinical trials that led to the first cures of childhood leukemia.  During the same period, Dr Bross pioneered the first statistical studies of highway accidents - investigations which led to the use of seat belts and special door locks that have saved thousands of lives.  He was also a major force behind the reduction in the tar and nicotine levels of cigarettes.  In 1959, Dr Bross was invited by the Director of the Roswell Park Memorial Institute for Cancer Research in Buffalo, New York to head RPMI's department of biostatistics.  Using modern sophisticated statistical techniques, Bross has elucidated the actual hazards of such controversial technologies as medical "x-rays and toxic waste sites".  He is now President of Biomedical Metatechnology Inc.Dr Bross is author or co-author of over 300 published articles and reports as well as three books, including his most recent Scientific Strategies to Save Your Life, a statistical monograph published by Marcel Dekker Inc. in 1980.

"For years I have carefully studied the annual reports of the Ministry of Health, the Medical Research Council and the two cancer research bodies, but I have been unable to discover what benefits they have conferred on the community, although I must confess I have often admired their easy flowing rhetoric and their naive assumption of the value of their own efforts and as essays in subtle propaganda for the extraction of yet more money out of the generous and credulous British public."
(W. Mitchell Stevens, Britain, M.D., F.R.C.P., Medical World, July 5 1940, page 465.)

"During the past fifty years scientists experimenting with thousands of animals have found 700 ways of causing cancer.  But they had not discovered one way of curing the disease."
(Dr J. F. Brailsford, M.D., Ph.D., Birmingham Evening Dispatch, January 10 1956.)

The following is taken from the "Houston-Null Analysis" in New York's paper Our Town, September 3 1978:

"A solution to cancer would mean the termination of research programmes, the obsolescence of skills, the end of dreams of personal glory.  Triumph over cancer would dry up contributions to self-perpetuating charities.  It would mortally threaten the present clinical establishment by rendering obsolete the expensive surgical, radiological and chemotherapeutic treatments in which so much money, training and equipment is invested.  The new therapy must be disbelieved, denied, discouraged and disallowed at all costs, regardless of actual testing results and preferably without any testing at all."

"It is time to end cancer research on animals because it is not related to humans."
(Dr A. Sabin.)


  1. DRUGS

    "My effort to head off the poisoning of hundreds of women with breast cancer with a dangerous drug (Breast cancer drug 5FU) that could destroy their host defence systems failed.  The National Cancer Institute went right ahead.  Not a few women with breast cancer have paid with their lives for this stupidity."
    (Dr Irwin D. Bross, Experimental and Applied Toxicology, Jan/Feb 1983.)

    The U.S. National Cancer Institute, in the New York Times, December 23 1986, admitted that "the live mouse screen is just not producing action against the major tumours".  This coincides with Dr Bross's statement who writes in Animals in Cancer Research: A Multi-Billion Dollar Fraud:

    "Although there are hundreds of different animal model systems used in cancer research involving many different animals and many different transplanted or induced tumours from the same or different species, there is no animal model system that comes anywhere close to being a model of the human cancer process.  It does no good to put human cells in animal systems or to use primates as hosts.  The biochemical environment of the model is completely different from that of the human host.  The animal model systems are merely a bad analogy and reasoning from a bad analogy is fallacious in logic and in science."

    The much touted mammogram does not prevent cancer, merely finds it, but overwhelming medical evidence exists that X-rays actually cause cancer.  This is now acknowledged by the medical profession.  Refer to an article titled "X-ray Tests Linked as Cause of Breast Cancer", Evening Post, December 27 1991.  (Also note on Dr Bross earlier in this article.)

  3. DIET
    In 1982 the U.S. National Research Council published a report titled "Diet, Nutrition and Cancer" which shows the evidence that dietary factors cause cancer of the breast and other organs.  In an article in the September/October 1991 issue of the journal of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine the Committee criticises that:

    "Brochures with watered-down recommendations have sat collecting dust at cancer research centres.  There was never an organised effort to give women the information they need to make decisions about cancer prevention."

    This four-page article, complete with graphs, gives life-saving information on how women can take responsibility for their own health by preventing cancer through diet.  There is no mention of the necessity of vivisecting animals, which ARSL would fraudulently have us believe is necessary!  Brief extracts of the article are as follows:

    PCRM claim that a cancer-prevention diet has to be very different from even the diet recommended by the National Cancer Institute which recommends a 30 percent fat diet.  They cite further studies which have discovered that to prevent cancer, fat intake must be reduced to the extremely low levels found in China, Japan, and other countries which enjoy low cancer rates.  Cancer prevention, they say, should contain no more than 15 percent fat and should be vegetarian.

    With this new knowledge, which PCRM says is "powerful artillery in the war against cancer... as much as 80 percent of cancers can potentially be stopped before they even start".

    "As the consumption of meat, dairy products, and fried foods has become a daily routine, the female body has been assaulted by altered hormonal function, an unnatural age of puberty, and a much greater risk of cancer.  By eliminating unhealthful dietary factors and encouraging the diets that diminish risk, we can hope to turn the tide on this epidemic."


One does not have to be an expert to conclude that ARSL seeks the continuance of vivisection - for vivisection's sake.  Not because of its publishers' interest in health, but for their interest in maintaining profits - commercial, political and academic.

Thus the reader sees that the arguments against ARSL's false claims do not come from fanatical animal-loving anti-vivisectionists, misguided but well-meaning activists or freaks in funny clothes, but from sober, medical and scientific professionals, some of whom are leading vivisectors.  In the following section titled ARSL VERSUS THE VIVISECTORS, the vivisectors themselves argue against ARSLARSL says (page 17 of the booklet): "If we halted research using animals today ways to prevent many cancers would never be found... The development of urgently needed new drugs to treat heart disease, cancer and a host of other diseases would be severely restricted."



Twenty years on the staff of the National Cancer Institute and editor of its journal.  Recipient in July 1990 of the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship, one of the few scientists so chosen says:

"My overall assessment is that the national cancer programme must be judged a qualified failure."
(Speaking at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in May 1985.)

These were Dr Bailer's answers to questions put by Neal D. Barnard, M.D. of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, U.S.A. and published in PCRM Update, September/October 1990.  (Kindly supplied to the Author by K. and M. Ungar, U.S.A.)

"The five year cancer survival statistics of the American Cancer Society are very misleading.  They now count things that are not cancer, and, because we are able to diagnose at an earlier stage of the disease, patients falsely appear to live longer.  Our whole cancer research in the past 20 years has been a failure.  More people over 30 are dying from cancer than ever before... More women with mild or benign diseases are being included in statistics and reported as being 'cured'.  When government officials point to survival figures and say they are winning the war against cancer they are using those survival rates improperly."
(Dr J. Bailer, New England Journal of Medicine.)


Chairman of the National Cancer Institute's (sometimes known as the National Mouse Institute) Advisory Board says:

"For 35 years U.S. scientists labouring in the National Cancer Institute's screening programme have injected more than 400,000 chemicals into leukemic mice, hoping to find chemotherapies that would help solve the riddles of cancer... We've been using the wrong system as the screening device."

"The new system which is being employed at the Development Therapeutics Programme in Frederick, Maryland, uses an arsenal of automated devices and computers to test potential cancer-fighting drugs on real human cancer cells grown in laboratories rather than on mice.  This enables scientists to test more than 300 chemicals a week.  Many of these drugs had failed in the past when tested on mice."
("Giving up on the Mice.  Scientists Searching for Cancer-cures Try a New Tactic", Time Magazine, September 17 1990.)


Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences at the University of California at Berkeley, and...


Director of the Carcinogenicity Potency Database Project at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and...


Chairman of the National Academy of Sciences say:

"A growing number of scientists are questioning the usefulness of the animal tests used to decide whether chemicals cause cancer."

"Animal tests themselves can cause cancer."

"Researchers have criticised the tests for years, there is now more of a scientific basis for their complaints."
(Dr Goldstein.)

Ames and Gold explain that animal tests look for cancer by giving rodents enormous doses of suspect chemicals.  But say:

"At these high doses, many chemicals cause excessive cell division because, quite often, they kill cells or chronically irritate tender tissues, leading other cells to start dividing to replace ones that are lost.  Cells that are dividing are much more likely to experience cancer-causing changes."
("Skepticism About Cancer Tests on Animals Growing", Daily News, Bur Val, California, U.S.A. , thanks K. and M. Ungar.)

N.B.: Dr Bruce Ames, a cancer expert from the University of California (Berkeley) and a member of the President's National Cancer Advisory Board, will be remembered in medical history for the discovery, for which he rose to fame in 1973, of a non-animal, bacteria-based test which is reliable, quick and cheap.  Widely acknowledged "The Ames Test" can be completed in approximately two to seven days, at a cost of $100 to $250 per substance tested.  Animal tests take an average of two to four years, at a cost of $200,000 or $400,000 per substance tested.1
(B.N. Ames, "Principles and methods for their detection", Chemical Mutagens, Vol. 1, 1971, pages 261-282; B.N. Ames, W.E. Durstan, E. Yamasaki, F.D. Lee, Carcinogens are Mutagens.  A Simple Non-animal Test System, 1973.)

Prof. Croce, in Vivisection or Science - A Choice to Make, says of the Ames test:

"It has many advantages such as speed, simplicity, low cost, ability to test many substances simultaneously and to produce standardised results regardless of the location of the laboratory."

Given this information anti-vivisectionists everywhere, but especially in New Zealand where alliances such as the publishers of ARSL are using public money to promote them, should be questioning their governments, WHY ANIMAL TESTS ARE STILL BEING CARRIED OUT?

In addition to questioning the credentials of ARSL's publishers we should be examining, in face of all the scientific opposition to vivisection, ARSL's insistence on maintaining it.  The reader is directed to NZAVS Submission in Support of NZAVS Petition to Abolish Vivisection (1989), pages 15, 16 and 17, which touch on the solid gold business of cancer and how more people make their money from cancer than die of it.  It also lists numerous scientists and their evidence who strongly reject the validity of animals in the search for cancer "cures".

(Considerable evidence about man-made cancers and doctors' opposition to the use of animals on the grounds of invalidity is in Chapter 22 Living 25 Years Longer Than Our Great Grand Parents.)

"Thirty years ago cancer in children was regarded as a medical rarity.  Today more children are dying of cancer than any other disease.  The increase in harmful effects on health seems paradoxically to go hand in hand with an increase in the number of scientists."
(Dr med. Herbert Stiller, Specialist in Neurology and Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Animal Experimentation and Animal Experimenters (A Critique of Medicine Based Upon Animal Experimentation).)

Refer also to Chapter 7 Development of New Drugs.

Cancer has killed 350,000 Canadians in the past 10 years.  And 3,000 Canadian researchers have spent hundreds of thousands of hours and $250 million trying to find the cure.  Largely, they have failed.
"Animal Models: Fighting Cancer with a Failed Technology"
Irwin Bross.

cartoon (39k)D
Animal Defense & Anti-Vivisection Soc., Vancouver, BC
(Civil Abolitionist, Vol. IV, No. 2, Spring 1992, page 5.)

1. An example of the value of the Ames Test, when it was used on the cancer-causing fire-retardant, TRIS, which affected 45 million children's sleepwear is given in Chapter 22 Living 25 Years Longer Than Our Great Grand Parents.

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Description of Graphic

The cartoon depicts a cat, rabbit and mouse, bandaged up after having been vivisected, exiting a "cancer research foundation" building.  They are speaking to a man holding a bucket full of dollar bills and a woman with a purse stuffed full of dollars.  The caption reads "Cure?  Well no... but they have discovered 700 ways to give it to us...".
Back to cartoon.