- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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In summary, according to Rappoport's investigation, there is no AIDS "VIRUS" only total collapse of our immune systems in an environment unable to digest the pollutants on a dying planet.

John D. Hamaker and Donald A. Weaver in The Survival of Civilization say that abuse of the planet has put its very survival and the future of its inhabitants at stake.  Since vivisection is the alibi used to produce the pollution the first step is must be abolition of vivisection, and immediately while there is still time, that is if we are not already, as warned by Hamaker and Weaver, past the point of no return!



AIDS, described as the worst medical disaster in history is thus a direct result of vivisection, all the above products being "tested" on animals.  The 'disease' also promises the vivisectors more in grant money for "animal research" than even the vast fortunes made from phoney "cancer research".


On Thursday September 20 1990 the British Channel Four Despatches, "The AIDS Catch" was screened in New Zealand in which Professor Peter Duesberg, in conjunction with, and firmly supported by, other medical authorities confirmed that vast research funds are being wasted on the development of vaccines for a condition, wrongly diagnosed, which is in reality the destruction of the human immune system from combinations of chemical agents.  Though nothing has been seen in the State-owned press about this programme and letters from NZAVS to The Listener have been ignored, much of the media has attacked Prof. Duesberg and his associates.


"No animal has yet contracted AIDS after being given HIV in a laboratory."
(Prof. Peter Duesberg, Biologist, California, U.S.A., from the Royal Society of Medicine Newsletter, Spring 1988.  Hans Ruesch, One Thousand Doctors (and many more) Against Vivisection.)


On November 14 1991 The Dominion in an article titled "AIDS Study Vindicates Professor" the editor of Nature Magazine Mr J. Maddox says there is evidence to support Professor Duesberg's "long fight against the establishment".  Mr Maddox predicts that Professor Duesberg will soon be saying "I told you so".



Jon Rappoport, AIDS Inc. The Scandal of the Century
The Times, London, May 11 1987
New York Native, June 29 1987

Refer to Chapters 12 Alzheimer's Disease and 22, Living 25 Years Longer Than Our Great Grand Parents.


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