- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer
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The problem faced by those investigating ARSL's claim that without vivisection we should all be sick or dead is not lack of evidence, but the overwhelming, seemingly inexhaustible proliferation of it. Perhaps it is a reflection of public apathy that vivisection continues to exist in face of the well-documented, easily-available, opinions of professional medics and medical historians who are vehemently opposed to it.
Not surprisingly Animal Research Saves Lives omits to name the specific type of child leukemia it claims vivisection cures. Evidence however abounds that modern civilisation's steady diet of poisons and contaminates to which it is now subjected, and the failure of governments to protect future generations from the resulting incidence of ill-health, make childhood leukemias and cancers, which are on the increase, a self-administered and preventable tragedy.
Written as far back as 1935 One Thousand Guinea-Pigs (Dangers in Everyday Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics), by Arthur Kallet and F.J. Schlink, is a remarkable and terrifying book which should be read by the public at large for it exposes in detail how:
"A hundred million Americans act as unwitting test animals in a gigantic experiment with poisons, conducted by the food, drug and cosmetic manufacturers."
One Thousand Guinea-Pigs voices the deep concern and anxiety felt since the beginning of the century, for the potential cancer and leukemia-forming substances the public consume daily in foods, medicines, cosmetics, toiletries (including toothpaste), antiseptics, health-foods, hair-dyes, breads, confectionaries, kitchen-shelf paper, fly-sprays, fruit and vegetables and a myriad of other commodities (even clothing), which are eaten, applied, sprayed and administered or worn without question as to their safety. Brand names are published throughout and the reader recognises many products that are widely used and advertised today. Arthur Kallet, was at time of publication, a director of the Consumers' Union of the United States, New York, and F.J. Schlink, technical director of Consumers' Research was an engineer and physicist, six years on the staff of the U.S. Bureau of Standards.
Rachel Carson, acclaimed worldwide for her classic Silent Spring, (published in 1963, referred to elsewhere in this work) undertook investigation into the cause of infant leukemias, and cites on page 192 the evidence of Sir Macfarlane Burnet, distinguished Australian physician and Nobel Prize winner, who claims that in the three-to-four age bracket leukemia is increasing worldwide, due, he says, "to the exposure of the young organism to mutagenic stimulus before or around the time of birth". Carson also refers to the words of Dr Hueper, whose years of distinguished work in cancer and leukemia investigations makes his opinion one to respect. "The goal of curing the victims of cancer is more exciting, more tangible, more glamorous and rewarding than prevention... To prevent cancer from ever being formed is definitely more humane and much more effective than cancer cures." Dr Hueper also believes that assuming a "cure" for leukemia is found it will fail because it leaves untouched the great reservoirs of carcinogenic agents which would continue to claim new victims faster than the as yet elusive "cure" could allay the disease.
John Elkington, one of Europe's leading environmental writers, Consultant for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.N. Development Programme and the World Bank, stresses in The Poisoned Womb (published 1985 and dedicated to the unborn) the dangers of birth control pills and pregnancy medication, drugs, sleeping tablets, tranquillisers and antibiotics doled out to mothers during pregnancy he says can be pinpointed to the incidence of childhood leukemias. Worse, he emphasises, with terrifying clarity, the hazards to the unborn, of involuntary and unintentional exposure of pregnant women to pesticides, industrial wastes, chemicals in our water, homes, factories, hospitals, pharmacies and supermarkets, and from what he calls "our arrogant chemical war against nature". "Today", he says "... we all live on the toxic frontier and, in case after case, disaster after disaster, our reproductive systems are showing the strain."
A recent article at hand from a West Yorkshire newspaper entitled "Leukemia Blamed on Paternal Radiation Exposure" reads:
"While animals are still being irradiated in laboratories all over the country to 'study' the effects, Dr Martin Gardner and colleagues of the Medical Research Council in Southampton, England have learned that the children of fathers who worked at the Sellafield nuclear-reprocessing plant there were six times more likely to be afflicted by leukemia than neighbours whose fathers had not worked at the plant. Sellafield, formerly called Windscale, has experienced so many episodes of radioactive leakage that the government changed the name to disassociate the plant from its history. There is an unusually high incidence of childhood leukemia in the area. Dr Gardner's study seems to indicate that it is caused by damaged sperm, which leaves the father intact but visits the government's sins upon unborn children."
Refer also to Chapter 22 Living 25 Years Longer Than Our Great Grand Parents, Male Infertility.
There is much evidence that childhood leukemia is also the direct legacy of vaccination, the foundation stone of vivisection.
The publishers of ARSL make much of the cures and benefits they claim originated with animal experimentation, and extensive time and effort is wasted on endless investigation and dialogue into whether this or that drug was developed erroneously on animals or resulted from clinical studies. And so the booklet deliberately refuses to face up to the abolitionist debate.
Fiddling while Rome burns ARSL unwisely focuses on dubious "remedies", which, valid or not, animal based or otherwise, do nothing more than alleviate or allay disease at an alarmingly slower rate than disease is being produced. Omitting to as much as mention or acknowledge the words of researchers like Kallet and Schlink, Carson, Hueper, Elkington, or Hamaker and Weaver (The Survival of Civilisation) and many others who have given governments ample warning that carcinogenic agents (much of which is doctor prescribed) threaten the very existence of our survival at a faster rate than any of the cures.
Vivisection is the wholesale holocaust of animals difficult to comprehend by sane individuals or by those not blindly pursuing its inherent profits. Shrouded in the camouflage of a quest for health ARSL is an excellent example of the emotional blackmail to which the vivisection industry will stoop. All the facts reveal that vivisection has the potential to destroy life before it enters the womb. That it threatens life itself. It is vitally important that those interested in joining the anti-vivisection movement should support the groups which have not yet been infiltrated by agents of the international pro-vivisection alliance.
Abolitionists are striving to divert the vast amounts of public money currently being wasted on creating artificial and irrelevant diseases in animals, in a business in which there are rich pickings and glittering awards, to the study of mankind, its difficulties, its circumstances, its problems and its salvation. |