- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer
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(Dr J. Shannon of the National Institute of Health, U.S.A., June 23 1955.)
"The first task of every carefully planned conspiracy is to convince the world that no conspiracy exists. That's why very few people know, or believe, that the chemo-medical combine, whose economic and political clout is comparable to that of the war industry, has long since placed special trained agents into the mass media, government, the judicial system, humane societies, liberal churches, unions and businesses. Through them the combine can control everything."
(Hans Ruesch, Bullet-in, Nr. 1.)
It is not surprising that the publishers of Animal Research Saves Lives promote vaccines. Vaccination is big business, the success of which depends on sales. The research and administration of vaccines employs tens of thousands of people in drug companies, private research laboratories and foundations, universities, State health departments and hospitals. Like all other businesses it is geared to profit.
On a regular basis advertisements appear in the daily papers and in popular magazines urging the populace to line-up for their life-saving "jabs". Nowhere in these glossy advertisements is there a hint that they are inserted by the pharmaceutical companies producing the vaccines. The same applies to television programmes which exhorting the benefits of mass immunisation programmes neglect to say that they are produced by the pharmaceutical giants and presented from carefully memorised scripts by t.v. personalities of the day.
Apparently in New Zealand doctors get approximately $8 from the State for each child vaccinated. Throughout history the rationale for vaccinating against all the diseases, fictitious and otherwise is based on profit.
(Dr W.S. Rankin, Secretary of the North Carolina State Board of Health, in the Journal of the American Medical Association, November 4 1922.): -
"Last year we inoculated 70,000 persons against typhoid fever and 1,000 children between six and twelve years of age against diphtheria. The County Commissioner paid the local practitioners 25 cents for each complete inoculation and that was $20,000 which went to the profession last year which otherwise would not have been received. The work of the medical profession with the State Board of Health does not stop when the $20,000 is paid. It goes on. In the dispensaries which were conducted in Union County, North Carolina, with 35,000 people, the physicians vaccinated 10,000 people in a campaign of five weeks. That was $2,500 paid to twenty physicians, only $125 each, but think of the effect on the business of the profession in keeping up that work."
Guy L. Kiever, M.D., Commissioner of Health of Michigan in an article in the Journal of the Michigan State Medical Society, August 1928 wrote:-
"In this State there are 100,000 babies born annually... If all these infants were immunised, and for this service the physicians receive from $5.00 to $10.00 per case, the net income would be from $500,000 to $1,000,000... The increase in physicians' income from diphtheria would be from one-quarter to three-quarters of a million dollars if we would immunize all children against this disease soon after they are six months of age... Some maternity hospitals are vaccinating with vaccine virus all babies born in their institutions... It is estimated that one-third of all births in this State occur in hospitals. If all hospitals were to establish this rule as part of their regular procedure, it would mean an addition of 30,000 immunised people in the State each year."
"When the 100,000 people born each year in Michigan are vaccinated against smallpox at birth... the physicians, by adopting the practice of vaccination at birth would increase their income by nearly $200,000."
In the Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey U.S.A., September 1929, Mr Osborne, Health Officer of East Orange County says that physicians receive several times more from inoculating children than by treating cases of the disease.
In the American Journal of Public Health, January 1930, the editorial states how much money physicians would receive from inoculating babies - adding:
"There are four times as many preschool children as babies, and ten times as many school-children. The opportunity for increasing practice by carrying on immunisation among the pre-school and school populations in the physician's clientele offers an almost unlimited field."
In an article in the Cincinatti Times Star, headed "Health Work Aid", that same year, Dr Peters pointed out that when the city purified its water there was an almost entire elimination of thousands of cases of typhoid fever and other water-carried diseases, treatment of which gave an immense revenue in the way of vaccinations.
"The public drives for the immunisation of children against diphtheria brought a great revenue to private practitioners. There were about 25,000 children treated and of this number about fiftyfour percent by private practitioners, or about 19,000. At $5 a treatment the revenue would be $95,000. Annually there are about 7,500 children to be so treated... This work gives a revenue far in excess of what the treatment of the disease yielded."
Almost sixty years later this obsession with profits from immunisation programmes rather than natural prevention is still evident:
"Before long 15-month-old infants will get nine different vaccines - All on one visit to the doctor."
(Democrat and Chronicle, New York, April 1987.)
"A dramatic leap in income from one quarter to the next proved the result when GPs in one Cheshire practice set up an immunisation clinic."
"We should be able to get 100 percent for rubella. We intend to contact people who don't turn up and find out the reason: whether they have had it done elsewhere or whether they just haven't bothered. Certain areas within Warrington can be difficult and we can get the health visitor to go round and follow up."
(Financial Pulse, October 10 1987.)
The Liberator (BUAV, March 1988) contained an article outlining over 80 different AIDS drugs and 25 vaccines currently under development by rival drug companies. Wellcome's Retrovir claims to "hold the virus at bay, although with the risk of serious side-effects". The Independent, U.K. wrote:
"At a treatment cost of 4,500 Pounds Sterling per patient each year, the arithmetic begins to look exciting... By 1991 the drug should be contributing 750 million pounds sterling per year to Wellcome's sales and 250 million pounds sterling to profits."
Meanwhile - on March 23 1987 the Wellington Evening Post, in an article by Dr Kenneth Warren, Director of Health Sciences at the Rockefeller Foundation promises "a volcanic eruption of vaccines within the next 15 years... even a vaccine against tooth decay"!
"Animal derived and 'safety-tested' vaccines are the greatest threat to human health the world has ever known, war, pestilence, famine, and pollution included. As immune strength declines due to other dangerous medical measures, faulty nutrition, old age etc, the ever-worsening epidemic of vaccine-induced cancer, leukaemia, lymphoma, birth defects, asthma, eczema, convulsions, personality changes, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, arthritis, cot-death etc... will eventually bring the health services to a halt."
(Patrick Rattigan of the CAMPAIGN TO END FRAUDULENT MEDICAL RESEARCH in the book Blood Poison.)
Rattigan goes on:-
"Although antibiotics, antipyretics, steroids, analgesics, x-rays, water fluoridation, cigarettes etc, can all claim credit for the out of control world-wide epidemic of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)... nothing is in the same class as vaccination."
"While we offer children immunisation we also offer parents Tetanus and Polio Boosters." (Dr Brendan O'Colmain, Financial Pulse, October 10 1987.) |
In Vaccines: Vital or Vulnerable by Archie Kalokerinos and Glenn Dettman the writers claim that the situation arising from vaccination catastrophes is far worse than those of drugs like Thalidomide or chemicals like Agent Orange, or indeed any other cause of misery the reader cares to name. They are backed by an increasing number of scientists of high calibre whose deliberations are founded on observation, reason, knowledge, experience, and wisdom, who claim that the holy cow of vaccination is wounded, even dying, and that no amount of injection of phoney publicity can save it. Similarly, the beneficiaries of vaccination, their cases resting on speculation, self-conceit, pre-conceived opinions, prejudice and greed, in order to maintain their specific interests, are attempting to breath life into the corpse by writing shallow, emotive and unevidenced papers like Animal Research Saves Lives. They do so in desperation as ever more medics disengage themselves from stands once accepted without challenge.
Why did ARSL not direct its readers to the article in the prestigious Lancet of November 24 1979, which detailed cases of 2,525 compensations for brain damaged children who had been turned into vegetables from vaccinations? The article emphasised that the figure did not include the thousands who had only been part damaged, or those suffering from cot death as a result of vaccination.
("Compensation for Vaccine Damage", The Lancet, November 24 1979.)
Vaccines are made from: mucus of infected children (whooping cough), excrement from typhoid victims (typhoid), belly-scabs and pus from festering wounds on calves (smallpox) and until recently the diseased kidneys of monkeys (polio). Small wonder medics warn that vaccines cause leukemia, encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS.
In the Northern Territories of Australia, according to Drs A. Kalokerinos and G. Dettman, vaccination was killing 500 out of 1,000 aboriginal children. In a two year period without vaccination the death rate was nil.
R. Moskowitz, writing in the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopaths, said that vaccination can cause latent, cell-bound, antibody-immune viruses, leading, through stress or shock, to "autonomous multiplication of cells i.e. cancer".
Since the founding of the National Health Service, vaccines and all, cancer deaths have risen by over 70% in the 1-9 age group and by over 90% in the 10-19 age group. Twelve-hundred and rising, new childhood cases are diagnosed each year.
(O.P.C.S. MBI Series (HMSO).)
"... immunisation (vaccinations) are a violation of human rights perpetrated on those of an age too young to protest. If children are to be compensated for vaccine-caused injuries, isn't this proposed action tantamount to admitting that vaccinations cause damages?"
(Josephine Sesny, publisher, Health Happenings Hotline.)
Ask him to sign a form that will guarantee the effectiveness of the immunisation and an agreement that in the event of any damage he will compensate you up to one million dollars. After all, if it's as effective and harmless as the high priests of medicine proclaim, he will have absolutely no hesitation in conceding with your wishes!"
(Drs Archie Kalokerinos and Glen Dettman, Vaccines: Vital or Vulnerable.)
Authors B. Frank Polk, M.D., MSc; Julie A. White, R.N.; Paola C. DeGirolami, M.D.; and John F. Modlin, M.D. writing in The New England Journal of Medicine, September 4 1980... "Fully supports the evidence presented by A. KALOKERINOS and G. DETTMAN in Vaccines: Vital or Vulnerable." |
From The Dangers of Compulsory Immunisations How to Avoid Them Legally by Attorney Tom Finn: Tom Finn is a nationally-known trial attorney. He is licenced to practice in the highest state courts in U.S.A.. He has litigated cases dealing with health freedom issues including medical malpractice, compulsory immunisations, and personal injuries due to immunisations throughout U.S.A.. He says in the above book:
"No doctor who vaccinates patients can afford not to read Tom Finn."1
(Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D., Author of Confessions of a Medical Heretic.)
Refer also to Chapter 12 Multiple Sclerosis
1. Dangers of Compulsory Immunisations How to Avoid Them Legally can be obtained from: Family Fitness Press, PO Box 1658, New Port Richley, Florida 33552, United States of America.