Coroner Alan Crickmore
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MMR death (George Fisher)
Coroners hiding vaccine deaths
[2009 Jan pdf] To Encourage the Others by Martin J Walker MA [Martin Walker MA]
[2008 Dec] MMR and the Inquest into the Death of Toddler George Fisher By Allison Edwards I am the Mum of a boy who became severely autistic after his MMR. I sat next to Jackie Fletcher, of JABS a remarkable lady and mother to Robert who has a most profound disability after his MMR too. We have reason to believe that the faith and trust we parents place in those guardians of public health on immunisations has become much more about their own protection than our childrens'. We have been betrayed. We trusted their word and gave the vaccine they recommended. So much more depth and honesty is deserved when it goes wrong but in this case it would be admitting to murder if they knew about adverse reactions yet persisted with their safety assurances. Unfortunately I predict that no-one will be held accountable and the death put down to an "unascertained cause".
"I feel terribly sorry for Chris and Sarah being dragged through this disreputable farago, but I do not think the way they have been treated - or the way the BBC popped up when it was all over - will lead to greater trust in the authorities. By now the public have sense of weariness and disillusionment with everything government does, and this is going to look scarcely more credible than the jury at the Menezes inquest being instructed not bring back a verdict of unlawful killing. I believe they overplayed their hand."--John Stone