Frightened for my life; an account of deaths in British Prisons, with Geoff Coggan
State of Siege: politics and policing in the coalfields. The miners strike 1984, with Jim Coulter and Susan Miller
Martin Walker MA
[Martin Walker is far and away the best writer on medical
politics in the UK alive today, notable for his integrity, great insight,
cutting sense of humour and exhaustive, well referenced research. Medical
investigative journalism and writing at its best, something that left the media
decades ago (last one 1984 DPT report, a
fitting date). Dirty Medicine is a classic
expose of the workings of the (up to now well hidden) medical monopoly in the
UK, and his Wakefield hearing articles expose the GMC as nothing better than the
kangaroo court of the drug industry/monopolists.
The Allopath editors, who control
Wikipedia, hate his work, obviously, and on
the second attempt deleted his page (ref),
yet comparatively inconsequential namesakes, one a director of Hull City
football club (ref) and
another a reporter (ref)
are granted Wiki pages! Something to bear in mind when they conjure up
fatuous excuses to delete pages they don't like.]
Martin J. Walker (born 1947) is a
graphic designer who, for the last twenty
years, has authored several self-published books and articles investigating
medical politics in the United Kingdom.
His book Dirty Medicine is about British medical politics. While documenting
the licensing of AZT and what he describes as an assault on alternative
medicine, he also reports on various groups such as the American National
Council Against Health Fraud, the American Council on Science and Health, the
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP),
and the British Campaign Against Health Fraud (CAHF).
In Dirty Medicine, Walker alleges that the techniques used by these
organizations involve the character assassination of alternative medicine
practitioners and researchers, manipulative planting of press stories, removal
of critics from professional registers, bringing people before disciplinary
boards, bogus scientific trials, and undeclared work with large corporations.
According to Walker, "All these things were linked to a kind of regulatory
ground clearing exercise."
Wakefield GMC quotes
Articles re Wakefield
Slingshot Publications, BM Box 814, London WC1N XX
[2010 jan] Silenced Witnesses Volume II: The Parents' Story
[2009] Silenced Witnesses 1: The Parents' Story
[pdf book] Cultural
Dwarfs and Junk Journalism Ben Goldacre, Quackbusting
and Corporate Science by Martin J Walker
The Fate of Good Man The Investigation, Prosecution and Trial of Jim Wright
by the MHRA by Martin J Walker
The Fate of a Good Man follows the fortunes of Jim Wright, a man who
thought that he could help with the health of his community by distributing and
selling natural treatments for a variety of conditions. Instead of being seen as
a good citizen, someone of value in the community, Jim Wright was investigated,
prosecuted and tried by the Medicines and Health products Regulation Agency, a
firm within the Government that is totally funded by the pharmaceutical industry
and that will go to any lengths to see off the ‘competition’.
[June 2006] HRT
Licensed to Kill and Maim The unheard voices of
women damaged by HRT by Martin J Walker
DIRTY MEDICINE by Martin Walker.
A Cat in Hell's
tells the story of a crusade started by a political novice, which gathered momentum over
ten years and became a mass movement which, after battles with Oxfordshire police, many
arrests, court appearances and jailings finally shut down Hill Grove cat farm.The book
written almost entirely from contributions by campaigners, tells the true story of one of
the most effective campaigns in England against the breeding and sale of animals for
experimentation and vivisection.
The book can be obtained from Slingshot Publications, single copies, price £10 plus postage of £2 and at £8.00 without postage charge for five or more copies. Much larger reductions - up to £5 a copy - are available for people who want to sell the book to make money for anti-vivisection or campaigning groups. For information about these offers, leaflets, order forms and news about other Slingshot books, write to Slingshot Publications, BM BOX 8314, London WCIN 3XX.
Psychiatric Hegemony and the manufacture of mental illness in Multiple Chemical
Sensitivity, Gulf War Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
ISBN 095196464X
is a detailed investigation into the psychiatric diagnosis of a range of illnesses which
some have suggested are caused by chemicals. The book traces the chemical companies
arguments against their products causing illnesses and it tracks the growth of the theory
promoted by them that individuals who report symptoms of chemically induced ill health,
are mentally ill.
The central arguments in SKEWED are based upon the diagnostic history
of ME, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, and CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The book also looks
at Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Gulf War Syndrome showing how the theories of
psychiatrists have managed to gain ascendancy and shape the diagnosis, research and public
perception of these illnesses. The book examines the UK Chief Medical Officer's enquiry
into ME and CFS which began in 1998 and concluded in 2002.
Hans Ruesch is one of the founders of the modern
anti-vivisection abolitionist movement and Slaughter of the Innocent has become the
seminal book of that movement. The book was greeted by both outrage and critical acclaim
when it was first published in Italy and North America. In Britain, when the book was
published in 1979, it was attacked not least by members of the most prominent
anti-vivisection groups, which were infiltrated by medical and scientific supporters of
vivisection. The book's ideas are today, however, an indelible part of the contemporary
'no compromise' movement to bring an end to vivisection, animal torture and murder in all
their forms.
Hans Ruesch has been an active campaigner against vivisection for the last thirty years, while at the same time battling against vested interests. In both its style and its content, Slaughter of the Innocent gives us a blue print for abolition. Hans Ruesch is the author of two other important anti-vivisection books, The Naked Empress and 7000 Doctors (and more) Against Vivisection.
ORDERS: Less than ten copies, £12 per copy, plus post and packing (20% UK & 40% overseas). Campaigning organisations can always get substantial reductions on bulk orders after negotiation with Slingshot. Shops can obtain first orders of the book at £6 per copy as long as they order 5 copies or over.
Frightened for my life; an account of deaths in British Prisons, with Geoff Coggan
State of Siege: politics and policing in the coalfields. The miners strike 1984, with Jim Coulter and Susan Miller