Vitamin C general quotes
The Vitamin C Conspiracy
See: Nutrition & infection quotes General vitamin C quotes Measles Nutritional Therapies Meningitis and vitamin C Cancer and vitamin C quotes
"Mr X has a lack of vitamin C and contracts a cold. The cold leads to pneumonia. Mr X dies and his body is taken to the mortuary…not with the diagnosis "lack of vitamin C", but with the diagnosis "pneumonia". This does not matter for him any more, but matters for the rest of mankind, which is mislead in its thinking and judgement about vitamins."---Dr Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, nobel prize winner for discovering Ascorbate.
"I have been consulted by many researchers who proposed bold studies of the effects of massive doses of ascorbate. Every time the university center, the ethics committee, the pharmacy committee, etc. deny permission for the use of massive doses of ascorbate and render the study almost useless. Seasoned researchers depending upon government grants do not even try to study adequate doses. All of this results in a massive accumulation of knowledge about very little which gives the impression that there is no more of real importance to be learned. This accumulation of minutia hides the great effects of ascorbate already known by some. The following sites reflect this problem. As you read these learned papers, you will realize that they seem to be completely unaware of the uses of massive doses of ascorbate. One of the most amusing aspects of this research are the speculations and research into the toxicity and other adverse reactions of tiny doses of ascorbate when many have used for years 20 to 100 times the amounts being discussed."--Dr Cathcart
"74% of Americans are below daily RDA requirements for
magnesium, 55% for iron, 68% calcium, 40% vitamin C, 33% B12, 80% B6, 33% B3, 35% B2, 45%
B1, 50% vitamin A.
From 25-50% of hospital patients suffer from protein calorie
malnutrition. Pure malnutrition (cachexia) is responsible for at least 22% and up to 67%
of all cancer deaths. Up to 80% of all cancer patients have reduced levels of serum
albumin, which is a leading indicator of protein and calorie malnutrition. At least 20% of
Americans are clinically malnourished, with 70% being sub-clinically malnourished, and the
remaining "chosen few" 10% in good optimal health."—Patrick Quillin,
Cancer Politics
Orthodox response to the Pauling & Cameron trials showing vitamin C efficacy:
"Two alleged trials took place under the direction of Dr. Charles Moertel at the Mayo Clinic. However as one might expect from a proven swindler operating at such a dishonoured location, these bore little resemblance to scientific methodology. Moertel cooked the first trial…by packing the trial with patients whose immune systems had already been destroyed by toxic chemotherapy. He then rigged the second trial by treating the patients with ascorbate for only two and a half months and then continuing with the "trial" for another 2 years. He then issued a perjured press statement in which he announced that vitamin C therapy had been proven ineffective, carefully concealing the fact that he had almost certainly caused the death of several patients by reason of this iniquitous fraud. The resulting carefully devised publicity on the subject also caused the deaths of several other patients who had been happily surviving on ascorbate."---Dr Richards M.B, BCh., & Frank Hourigan
"This man (Moertel) of the Mayo Clinic, no less….had the effrontery to defend the employment of two toxic preparations, with no curative value, in cases of metastasised intestinal cancer lest they (the patients) otherwise seek it (hope) from the hands of quacks and charlatans. In other words Moertel urged the use of a hramful substance of no value…on patients who are, presumably, paying a fee for their therapy,…and are hoping for a cure,…just to keep some other therapist from trying to save them!…….(you) can find a permanent record of the distinguished Dr. Moertel’s recommendations in the New England Journal of Medicine, 1978."—Dr Richards M.B, BCh., & Frank Hourigan