The Reign of Evil
"Never, never think you are seeing who you think you are seeing." (words of an Illuminati Grand Master to Cisco Wheeler (mind control victim), who was then a child, while touring a cloning facility.
[See under Film & Music for clones, apart from some political ones below.]
See: Before and after Doppelganger Possession Reptilian hosting Aliens Implants
Series with cloning: Altered Carbon
Car accidents
Clone songs
Stepford wives
Movies (cloning)
Look alikes
Before and after
Look alike
Media stories (sex)
Media stories
[vid] Donald Marshall Interview 2016 : { Cloning Centres, Vril, Queen Elizabeth, B.o.B, Reptilians }
Donald Marshall -
[2016 vid] Illuminati Clones - Human Cloning Exposed! PART 3
[2016 vid] Illuminati Clones - Human Cloning Exposed! PART 2
[vid] Illuminati Clones - Human Cloning EXPOSED!
[2007] Jailed ex-SNL star says wife, child replaced
[vid] Has Mr.Putin been cloned?! Different people (Putin's body doubles) speak, on behalf of Vladimir Putin. They have different manners, shape of the skull (the width of the eye sockets, the shape of the chin, the shape of the zygomatic bone), different amounts of soft tissue and cartilage on the face (the wings of the nose, lips, cheeks), different hairlines (scalp and eyebrows), different eye color, different aspects, they have different hands, different height and a different tone of the voice!
[2012 June] Hollywood's Satanic Illuminati Underside
Donald Marshall
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Milabs, Cloning, Advanced ET Technology Lt. Colonel C gives testimony of cloning technology and human soul energy. He describes ancient Egyptian Osiris rituals used by ET aligned human collaborators for supersoldier programs and cloning, etc.
[vid] The Real Truth About Cloning Illuminati Exposed (2015)
Gary McKinnon: Project Mannequin Agent and Clone Gsry McKinnon was taken at age four to undergo training, torture and programming via the British arm of MK Ultra in Project Mannequin. He was taken to a six-level base 200 feet underground the village of Peasemore at Berkshire, a facility known as Al/499, where most UK children are molded to become soliders, operatives, sex slaves and assassins. Returning from duty on Mars in 2006, a disinfo plan was hatched by the NSA. McKinnon would pose as a marijuana-smoking amateur hacker who somehow found a backdoor into US government and NASA databases (c’mon, folks, they are not that sloppy) where he stumbled on photos of anti-gravity ships and crew manifests for United States Space Command. That information is correct. The plan was to release this information into the public to gauge reaction, if people would accept or believe it. To add creditbility to the story, a bogus investigation and extradiction demand, along with hearings in the UK courts, was manufactured. This way people would say, “Well, if the USA wants to prosecute him, what he found must be real.” It is real, but the circumstances are all disinfo. However, the lover of McKinnon’s ex-girlfriend murdered McKinnon, thinking he was doing the Cabal a favor and would be rewarded for it. He found himself tortured and mind-wiped instead. A clone of McKinnon was gestated to take his place. If they allowed the murder to become known, it would raise too many suspicions and there would be citizen outcry that the US government had him killed, when it was nothing but a crime of jealousy and opportunity. What further orders will be given to the McKinnon Clone is unknown.
Reptilian EVP and Reverse speech - Peggy Kane Volume One 23 of 24
[vid] Lt. Colonel SC and Human Cloning: A Disturbing Story Lt. Colonel SC worked at the Southeast MinuteMan facility in New Mexico years ago. He says what goes on in the secrecy of the 'military' bases on Earth is so horrible that he has decided to talk about it openly. He said that on his US military exit interview when he retired that he was told to talk about whatever horrors he saw at these underground facilities because it would desensitize the population. He was told no one (or thing) would try to stop him or to hurt him because this is how many of the truths have been released over the years; through crazy people like Betty and Barney Hill and through movies. Besides, they told him most people would think he is a nut case anyway so it didn't matter. After the Lt. Col. found God, he decided to come forward to make up for the years he did nothing but sit back and watch the horrors below earth in underground bases. You can contact the Lt. Col at:
[pdf] On The Manipulation of Society Via Human Simularca—Artificial/Reprogrammed Humans
[2011 Oct] Meet the Mind-controlled Obama Twins
[vid] Stepford Wives / Replaced Stars / Clones / Synthetic Androids Cloned beings have a psychological cut-off point that will manifest a intense dis-connection of their mind and body and this will create BPD ("Borderline personality disorder") since their first birthday. They are able to think, but cloned beings are not working via six-helix bundles of DNA. Clones work with less than five-helix bundles and you people may know that more than six-helix bundles of DNA are necessary to get full awareness and all higher features that we all are looking for. So a clone is a artificial lifeform that lives in the - extremly limited - genetic cave of his creator(s). They are absolutly defenseless.
[2010] Close Encounters with Celebrities & Show Business by 'feliciag'
[2010] Information how they build synthetics today
[1979 Feb 28] Dr. Peter David
Beter - Audio Letter No. 43.
[1979 march] Dr. Peter David
Beter - Audio Letter No. 44.
[1979] Dr.
Peter David Beter - Audio Letter No. 45.
Dr. Peter David Beter - Audio Letter No. 47.
Dr. Peter David Beter - Audio Letter No. 48.
[2008] The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton
American Androids (Part 1)
American Androids (Part 2)
American Androids (Part 3)
Project Mannequin, UK cloning, Mind Control and Genetic Enhancement Program By James Casbolt
[Media 2003] 'We can implant entirely false memories'
[2000] 'Machine' Politician Exposed By Photos
Deeper Insights
[1994] Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda by Dr. Karla Turner
[Forum] Doppelganger and Identity Research Society
[2009] Doubles, Clones & Aliens
George Green: Interview transcript Now you need to know a bit about cloning. Cloning techniques... since '38 we’ve been, 1938, they’ve been making cloned people. There’s eight countries making clones. I have a doctor friend and all he does is treat the clones.
Underground Bases DNA Activation The Unveiling
Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo.
Ladies and gentlemen, your President is a robot. Or a wax
sculpture. Maybe a cardboard cutout. All I know is no human being has a photo
smile this amazingly consistent. On Wednesday,
the Obamas hosted a reception at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York,
during which they stood for 130 photographs with visiting foreign dignitaries in
town for the UN meeting. The President has exactly the same smile in every
single shot. See for yourself — the pictures are up on the State Department’s
flickr (link below). And, of course, compressed into 20 seconds for your viewing
(1st cloned human - Germany - 1927, USA - MIT - 1967) from Stewart Swerdlow - History of Mind Control Part9
[2010 Dec] Jimmy Carter believes U.S. is ready for a gay president 'in the near future'
''I'd like to clone myself because then I would be able to do the 50 movies a
year that I want to do.'' -- John Travolta
''I'm not for it. People are one-of-a-kind creations. Maybe [I'd clone] these
diamond earrings or my Rolex watch.'' -- Halle Berry
''I would love to have another me. That would be cool. Someone who could go do
the movie while I chill at home and get the check. And then if he was upset
about it, I'd just make another one just like him.'' -- Will Smith
"Not ready to clone yet? Make use of one of the most revolutionary genetic
management tools available today, genetic preservation cell line development.
Genetic Preservation is the act of sustaining an endless supply of Viable DNA
material from your superior animal.
As the scientific discoveries and technologies continue to develop one thing you
need to realize as a breeder or owner is the value of DNA. This is the blueprint
of your herd or flock’s foundation. This is what you have spent a lifetime
breeding or invested substantial money to purchase. That animal is more than
just a hide so invest in him / her like the foundation they are. Developing a
cell line gives you that blueprint to recreate him / her or to make use of the
valuable genes he / she carry.
The process involves taking a small skin biopsy from the founder animal from
which millions of fibroblast cells are grown to develop a cell line. Each
fibroblast cell contains the complete DNA of the founder animal. Once a cell
line is established you can move forward with Cyagra’s patented cloning
technology to create a genetic twin or preserve it for future use. Your cell
line can also be used for genetic testing such as gene markers or future genetic
If they have this for animals already, I suspect they have it for humans. Its
just not out in the open yet.
There might be some electronic means whereby measurements could be obtained
in terms of electronic frequency that would allow discrimination between one
type of entity and another. The field of radionics essentially does this kind of
thing. The entity seeking to attune to another’s vibration uses a kind of drum
with powder and moves the fingers around on this until they stick, while at the
same time turning a knob which changes frequency on the machine and when the
fingers stick, the frequency at a certain level is assumed to be the frequency
of the person or individual the operator is attuned to. Once you have that
frequency, then you set the dials to that entity’s frequency and begin to do
readings on the entity in terms of frequencies associated with illness or other
concerns. You could use the same method for finding the frequency in a diode or
implant that the entity may have within himself, or if the entity is a synthetic
or Robotoid or non-human type, you might use this method for finding what
frequency this entity is and thus, gain some understanding of the frequency
level associated with synthetics.
A decent radionics box consists of nine small rheostats (wire-wound variable
resistors) with numbered dials (1 through 10) electrically connected in series.
Into this tuning arrangement is plugged an electrode upon which rests a sample
of what is to be analyzed. The output of the tuning arrangement passes through a
metal plate covered in stretched latex, the metal plate then being connected to
earth ground. An operator rubs the latex covering (called a stick plate) while
tuning the dials until the fingers “stick” and the latex makes a snapping sound
indicating the dial has been properly tuned…the operator then moves to the other
dials and repeats the procedure until all nine are tuned. This produces a nine
digit readout encoding the vibrational characteristics of the analyzed sample.
It is a sophisticated form of dowsing.
A radionics box with nine dials allows for two billion possible numeric answers.
The only problem is you would have to know for sure the entity is a synthetic
and there would need to be a great enough difference between most entities and
synthetics that there would always be a standard level for synthetics shown by
the vibration or frequency so that you could distinguish this entity is a
synthetic because his vibrations are those that match other synthetics that we
have tested. it would require many years of research unless it has already been
done and you would also need to have a control group of synthetics to measure
and compare with a control group of real humans to determine if there is indeed
a difference in the vibration and how much difference and if it is always
present in synthetics and if the human vibrations never extend into the same
areas as the synthetics.
For more on radionics, research the works of Dr Ruth Drown.
About cloning: A human adult clone today can be made from a single cell in less than thirty-six hours. I am not joking. Russia had perfected cloning by the mid 1970's, and the Rothschilds were close behind in cloning technology. (from
1970's - Rand Corporation predicts that "para-humans" will be genetically
created to do menial tasks in the future. In a totally different affair, Lord
Rothschild, who is a physiologist who has studied genetics, warned that self-centered
fanatics might set up cloning shops privately. Lord Rothschild suggested to
genetic scientists that a clone controlling organization with world wide
jurisdiction to license cloning be set up to protect the world from evil men who
might want to clone people for evil purposes. He called his suggestion
'Commission for Genetical Control."
1977 - Announcement of the first successful cloning of a person, which was done
for someone very wealthy. This whole affair came under strong attack by the
establishment. The book giving the shrouded details came out in 1978. The author
went into hiding, and our Congress had a parade of establishment research
doctors testify at a hearing to debunk the book and to reassure the public that
medical researchers were too concerned about ethics to clone people. The author
was convinced of the veracity of the cloning event, although the
media/establishment doctors claimed the author wrote the book merely as
One writer notes that "genetic engineering has the potential to create a vast
army of identical clones, each produced to some preset specification. Canon
fodder, scientists, opera singers, all could be manufactured to order..." The
New York Times has editorialized, "Life is special, and humans even more so, but
biological machines are still machines that now can be altered, cloned, and
patented." --(Do you realize that between the lines they are talking about
bionic robotoids--the robots that are now being created to take the place of
people in high places?!) And the chilling idea that human-like machines will be
produced that will not be treated as anything but machines. That is a chilling
thought too.
The novel, "Multiple Man", is about how exact copies of the President are made.
The book has some surprising similarities with what they actually did with
President Carter...
Secret Cloning Sites: Ada, Oklahoma's underground facility is being used to
clone humans. The other cloning facilities are turning out weird creatures...
The secret cloning facility at Bull Run near Mt. Hood, Oregon, is a large tract
of forested land... The area has lots of electronic surveillance, etc. Of
course, those in the know, know that it's an underground facility which the CIA
use. It is not an accident that Tektronics in the Portland area does
work/research with holograms...
According to someone who has worked in the Dulce Underground Facility, the
openings on the North and Sout West face (Aztec Cliffs) are still in use.
Actually the cliff that has a face on it that looks like an Aztec on Mt.
Archeleta, has been cemented shut, because hikers kept straying into the area. A
deep needle detector which could detect metal or magnetism deep down, could
reveal the Dulce Underground Facility, but people who get this close often end
up 'disappearing'.
Genetic Engineering
Clones, Synthetics, Doubles, Organic Robotoids
Reptilian Bloodlines
"...The cloning program is there to develop designer bodies for the reptilians
of the "in between world" that would not require the overpowering of an already
incarnate consciousness.
Once activated, the DNA opens the body to possession by these reptilians and
other beings, and this is what is happening, for example, to Freemasons in the
rituals that most of them deliver in parrot fashion, while having no idea of
their vibrational significance. This is why the Illuminati are so obsessed with
knowing a person's bloodline. They know which bloodlines have the potential for
this activation and possession and which ones do not.
The Mormon Church genealogical data base and now the DNA data banks are designed
to identify those with the bloodline. These are the people who are given jobs
and roles that serve the Illuminati agenda, while most of them have no idea what
is really going on and what they are being used for. Their DNA is then activated
and they go through a "change of character" (a phrase I have heard so many times
in relation to such people once they advance in the system) and a very different
consciousness takes over their mental and emotional processes.
Each new generation of the Illuminati bloodline families is exposed to the
appropriate ritual to activate their possession by the reptilian entities and so
the cycle continues.
Apparently, this DNA infiltration is known within the inner circles of the
British royal family as the "family disease". They are actually in fear of it,
because they know that once it is activated, they will be taken over. But of
course they are caught in a world of constant ritual and ceremony designed
specifically to activate their possession. Without the ritual they cannot be the
royal family, but with the ritual, they are activated and possessed. The thought
and emotional processes of the UK's Queen Mother are not those of Elizabeth
Bowes-Lyon, the little girl officially born into that body. They are controlled
by the reptilian entity, or entities, which possessed her after her hybrid DNA
Alice Cooper - Clones (We're All)
I'm a clone
I know it and I'm fine
I'm one and more are on the way
I'm two, doctor
Three's on the line
He'll take incubation another day
I'm all alone, so are we all
We're all clones
All are one and one are all
All are one and one are all
We destroyed the government
We're destroying time
No more problems on the way
I'm through doctor
We don't need your kind
The other ones
Ugly ones
Stupid boys
Wrong ones
I'm all alone, so are we all
We're all clones
All are one and one are all
All are one and one are all
Six is having problems
Adjusting to his clone status
Have to put him on a shelf
All day long we hear him crying so loud
I just wanna be myself
I just wanna be myself
I just wanna be myself
Be myself
Be myself
I'm all alone, so are we all
We destroyed the government
We're destroying time
No more problems on the way
I'm through doctor
We don't need your kind
The other ones
Ugly ones
Stupid boys
Wrong ones
I'm all alone, so are we all
We're all clones
All are one and one are all
All are one and one are all
I'm all alone, so are we all
We're all clones
All are one and one are all
All are one and one are all
Pat Benatar - My Clone Sleeps Alone
You know and I know my clone sleeps alone
She's out on her own - forever
She's programmed to work hard, she's never profane
She won't go insane, not ever
No v.d., no cancer, on t.v's the answer
No father, no mother,, she's just like the other
And you know and I know, my clone sleeps alone
Your clone loves my clone, but yours cannot see
That's no way to be, in heaven
No sorrow, no heartache, just clone harmony
So obviously, it's heaven
No naughty clone ladies allowed in the 80's
No bed names, no sex games, just clone names and clone games
And you know and I know my clone sleeps alone
Before we existed the cloning began
The cloning of man and woman
When we're gone they'll live on, cloned endlessly
It's mandatory in heaven
But they won't remember or ever be tender
No loving, no caring, no program for pairing
No v.d., no cancer, on t.v's the answer
No father, no mother, she's just like the other
No naughty clone ladies allowed in the 80's
And you know and I know my clone sleeps alone
My clone sleeps alone!
My clone sleeps alone!
Murray Foster Missing in Toronto; Replaced by a Robot
TORONTO (AP) – Murray Foster, bass player and vocalist for Toronto Indie group
Moxy Früvous, was recently discovered to be a robot. The FosterBot was
discovered while performing at C’est What? in Toronto with local
singer-trumpeter and all-around “hottie” Tory Cassis. A spokesperson for Moxy
Früvous’ management, who spoke on condition of anonymity, stated that Foster was
actually reported missing in December 1998 and the robot was constructed to keep
the band’s rabid fan-base happy. “Jian, Mike and Dave were afraid of what
would happen if it were discovered that Murray had vanished, so they suggested
the robot.” The robot idea worked quite well until the band’s release of their
final full-length album “Thornhill,” when it was suggested by some in the rabid
fan “community” that Murray had indeed been abducted and all photos of him in
the album’s notes were actually those of his look-alike replacement. Joe
Navratil of Campbell, CA, spoke to reporters today at a news conference, “The
real früheads knew that Murr had been abducted and the remaining guys were just
covering it up.” Mr. Navratil said however, that he has no idea as to the
whereabouts of the missing bassist. Toronto police have taken two suspects in
the Foster kidnapping into custody. The suspects are Fiona Gardiner and Andrea
Eves, both of Toronto. Police are currently questioning the self-professed
“früheads” in the matter. Eves is reported to have been heard shouting to
reporters, “We don’t have the Mur-man, that Snow has him.”
If you don't believe what I've said about clones, check out Barack in the New York Times for the year of 2010. Since many online articles were redacted because of this horrible mess, the best way to verify the use of lookalikes is by retroactively checking out the New York Times over the course of the year. January to June he looked normal. July he got sleepy... August, he looks ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENT, many different faces. September till December? Well, that's the current Obama. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself! This paper turned him sick. When people read what's being written here about Barack Obama, the response is usually skeptical. One reason is because this information involves the President of the United States, not to mention the existence of psychic abilities. When I describe this Freemason-controlled planet, this certainly doesn't seem like the world that we know. Remember that if you are skeptical, you should look into Barack's day-to-day appearance over the course of the year like I've mentioned. Our current president has a distinct face and looks much different than the original president.
At this point, the Freemasons had their heads up their asses trying to figure
out what to do about the media image of Barack Obama; thats when the
transitional lookalikes emerged. See, our current president who has been in
place from October 2010 until now has a very distinct face. Even he looks much
different than the original Obama, but he blends in very easily compared to the
guys that were used in August and September. The most notable lookalike is the
guy that was used on August 9th for a 26-minute long speech at the University of
Texas. Take a close look; this person is certainly not the original nor the
current Obama. They just couldn't back out of this speech; what could they do?
They did what they could, but it's quite obvious.
There were several other standins that were used during August and September,
and people don't realize how simple it would be to research this. Microfilm and
microfiche are two tools that would certainly come in handy for this one, since
our government edited the internet over this mess. Looking day to day in the New
York Times and USA Today would certainly show evidence of lookalikes. Check out
Barack Obama's appearance from his inauguration up until June of 2010. You won't
really see anything out of place; he just looks the way that he always looks.
All of a sudden in July, he looked ridiculous. Sleepy, veins showing in his
face, obviously bothered. Then in August and September the government used
transitional lookalikes, and in October our current Obama jumped in and saved
the day.. until people catch on, of course.
Hefner party