The covert war
Food Inc
Covert sterilisation
[Sold as protection from
world starvation, actually world poisoning and
sterilisation, a classic protection racket
1. Brought to you by the
makers of Aspartame.
Have a look at aspartame and
Donald Rumsfeld. Paul Stitt
blew the 'feed the world' bullshit with his research
1 for a food giant, years ago.]
See: Food Inc Farmer suicides Food scarcity myth Monsanto Food Corporations in charge of government nutritional policy
GM quote banners
GM foods and sterility
[GM foods] How to win
Jeffrey Smith
Engdahl, F. William
Dr Arpad Pusztai
Dr. Irina Ermakova
Dr. Andreas Carrasco
Converse, MPH,
GM Watch
GM Flacks
Rooker, Jeffrey William
Schwarcz, Dr. Joe
Krebs, Sir John
Sainsbury, Lord David
Taverne, Lord Dick
Cockburn, Andrew
Taylor, Michael
Vilsack, Tom
Paterson, Owen
Walport, Mark
[2013] Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO's (Documentary)
[2016] SECRET INGREDIENTS (Film) Secret Ingredients highlights the dramatic story of Kathleen and her family as they regain their health after eliminating GMOs and pesticides from their diet. The film also includes scientists and experts who can explain why and how GMOs may be making us sick. In addition to Kathleen's family, this film shares testimonials from other families that have gotten better, as well as physicians who have seen their patients heal after eliminating GMOs.
Pakistan has suspended GMO crop licensing. With a changing regulatory regime,
many reasons were cited for the suspension: the use of uncertified varieties;
inadequate risk assessments such as laboratory and field tests; the protection
of biological diversity from the potential risks posed by GM organisms resulting
from modern biotechnology; concerns for national security and trade; and the
potential of GMOs to be “biological weapons of mass destruction”, which could be
used to destroy Pakistan’s major crops such as potato, wheat, rice, corn, cotton
and vegetables through modified viruses, bacteria and other parasites. “The
bio-safety committee is restrained from issuing any GM organism licenses and the
government has been directed to establish a new regulatory regime for the
implementation of the Cartagena Protocol," an international agreement which aims
to ensure the safe handling, transport and use of living modified organisms (LMOs)
resulting from modern biotechnology that may have adverse effects on biological
diversity, taking also into account risks to human health.
[2014] Former Pro-GMO Scientist Speaks Out On The Real Dangers of Genetically Engineered Food
[2014 Dec] GMO Contamination Denial: Controlling Science Blatant
suppression of GMO research has occurred most recently with Gilles-Eric Séralini,
who found that feeding Monsanto's GM corn to rats increased their development of
tumors. The study appeared in Food and Chemical Toxicology, the same journal
that routinely carries studies by Monsanto employees showing that GM corn is
safe. The Séralini study was actually superior to those conducted by Monsanto's
research teams. First, Monsanto studies examined the effect of glyphosate (the
active ingredient in Roundup) while Séralini examined rats fed Roundup itself.
This is a critical distinction, since glyphosate could have synergistic effects
when combined with other chemicals in Roundup.
Second, Monsanto rats were only studied for 90 days while
Séralini examined rats for two years. There were several other differences
between the lines of research, but none of them threatened the validity of
Séralini's findings. Nevertheless, corporate researchers demeaned and hurled
insults at Séralini, demanding that the journal withdraw his study.
[2014 March] Russia Puts GMO Genie Back In The Bottle
Landmark Lawsuit Filed Against USDA Over Missing Docs Showing GMO Dangers
[2012] Two films to understand the CRIIGEN study, how harmful NK603 maize and Roundup are for human health, and how GMOs are evaluated. French researchers secretly studied, for two years, 200 rats fed with transgenic maize. Tumors, serious disorders... full-fledged slaughter. And a bomb for the GMO industry. More information
[2013 Jan] Regulators Discover a Hidden Viral Gene in Commercial GMO Crops
[2012 Oct] GM Wheat May Damage Human Genetics Permanently
[2012 Oct] Biotech Scientist: It’s ‘Awesome’ That GMOs Cause Infertility, Death (Video)
[2012 Sept] Russia suspends import and use of American GM corn after study revealed cancer risk
[2012 Sept] Shocking findings in new GMO study: Rats fed lifetime of GM corn grow horrifying tumors, 70% of females die early Up to 50% of males and 70% of females suffered premature death. Rats that drank trace amounts of Roundup (at levels legally allowed in the water supply) had a 200% to 300% increase in large tumors. Rats fed GM corn and traces of Roundup suffered severe organic damage including liver damage and kidney damage. The study fed these rats NK603, the Monsanto variety of GM corn that's grown across North America and widely fed to animals and humans. This is the same corn that's in your corn-based breakfast cereal, corn tortillas and corn snack chips.
[2012 Sept] Hungary Throws Out Monsanto AND The IMF
[2012 June] Is GMO Farming Poisoning The World's Drinking Water?
[2012 June] Syngenta Charged for Covering up Livestock Deaths from GM Corn
[2012 May] Poland beekeepers kick Monsanto out of the hive, successfully ban bee-killing GM corn
[2012 March] Poland’s Monsanto action lays 1000s of dead bees on Govt steps
[2012 Feb] Monsanto's Bt GMO corn to be sold at Wal-Mart with no indication it is genetically modified[2012 Feb] China Rejects Genetically Modified Rice in Opposition to GMO Crops
Genetically modified organisms and biological risks by Irina Ermakova
[2011 Oct] Monsanto is secretly poisoning the population with Roundup When Dr. Irina Ermakova came to her office, the meaning of the charred remains of papers on her desk was unambiguous -- it was yet another attempt to intimidate or punish her. So was the theft of samples from her laboratory, and the continuous verbal attacks by biotech advocates. Her crime? She fed rats genetically modified Roundup Ready soy, and reported the results. Those results were clearly not what the sellers of GM soy wanted us to hear. After female rats were fed GM soy, more than half their babies died within three weeks. The rat pups were also considerably smaller, and in a later experiment, were unable to reproduce. Offspring from mothers fed non-GM soybeans, on the other hand, died at only a 10% rate, and were able to mate successfully.
[2011 May] Toxin from GM crops found in human blood: Study
[2011 May] Judy Converse on GMO and Vaccine Damage and How to Fix It
[2011 May] Mystery Science: More Details on the Strange Organism That Could Destroy Monsanto
[2009 Oct] Vilsack Mistakenly Pitched "GMOs-Feed-The-World" to an Audience of Experts--Oops by Jeffrey Smith The behemoth effort evaluated the last 50 years of agriculture, and prescribed the methods that were now needed to meet the development and sustainability goals of reducing hunger and poverty, improving nutrition, health and rural livelihoods, and facilitating social and environmental sustainability. And GMOs was not one of those needed methods! It was clear to the experts that the current generation of GMOs did not live up to the hype continuously broadcast by biotech companies and their promotional East Coast wing--the federal government.
[2009 July]
You're Appointing Who? Please Obama, Say It's Not So!
by Jeffrey Smith
In January of this year, Dr. P. M. Bhargava, one of the world's
top biologists, told me that after reviewing 600 scientific journals, he
concluded that the GM foods in the US are largely responsible for the increase
in many serious diseases. In May, the
Academy of Environmental Medicine concluded that animal studies have
demonstrated a
causal relationship between GM foods and infertility, accelerated aging,
dysfunctional insulin regulation, changes in major organs and the
gastrointestinal system, and immune problems such as asthma, allergies, and
[2009] Monsanto GM-corn harvest fails massively in South Africa
[2009 Feb] British Scientists Condemn Using Children in GM Food Trials as Unacceptable
[2008] Exposed: the great GM crops myth
[2008] Shedding Light on Genetically Engineered Food ----Chris Gupta
Bush Administration, Biotech Industry, Agribusiness Overstate Genetically Engineered Crops' Potential to Solve World Food CrisisGenetically Engineered Crops Use More Pesticide
[March 2007] Monsanto's GM Corn MON863 Showed Kidney, Liver Toxicity in Animal Feeding Study
[Feb 2007] Suppressed report shows cancer link to GM potatoes
More on genetic engineering and the
dangers it presents. Interview of Jeffrey Smith,
author of Seeds of Deception
[2004] Monsanto's Dirty Tricks Campaign Against Fired Berkeley Professor Ignacio Chapela
[July 2004] The Untold Dangers of GM Crops By Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
[Media Feb 2004] Scientists suspect health threat from GM maize
GM crops can be worse for environment
[2002] "A geneticist's view of the dangers of GM"
Montsanto Genetically Modified Cotton Pushing Indian Farmers into a Death Trap
[Thanks pal.] The UK government's chief scientific adviser, Sir David King, has called for a rethink on GM crops in his farewell speech before leaving his postBooks
Shedding Light on Genetically Engineered
Food by Beth Harrison
Seeds of Destruction, The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation
by F. William Engdahl
Seeds of Deception by
Jeffrey Smith
External links
The GMO Trilogy, a three-disc set that explains why GMOs (genetically
modified organisms) threaten your health, the environment, and future
Jeffrey Smith’s forthcoming book, Genetic Roulette, documents more than 60 health risks of GM foods in easy-to-read two-page spreads, and demonstrates how current safety assessments are not competent to protect consumers from the dangers. His previous book, Seeds of Deception ( ), is the world’s best-selling book on the subject. He is available for media at Dr. Kirk Azevedo has a chiropractic office in Cambria, California. Press may reach him at (805) 927-1055 or at drkirk(at)
Why I Cannot Remain Silent about GM technology, 9/99 Aarpad Pusztai
Suppressed Study on Genetically-Modified Crops Leaked to
Spiked European Union report shows genetically-modified crops
increase production costs for farmers. Read the report here
[2011 May] Judy Converse
on GMO and Vaccine Damage and How to Fix It Two major changes
happened in the 1990s in the US, making American children born since then
extremely vulnerable: One, the FDA permitted, with no safety review, the
introduction of
genetically modified (GMO) foods – including soy and corn, which both go
into infant formulas and most processed foods....The gene inserted into GMO soy
makes soy produce its own insecticide....The FDA said there no proof this is
unsafe, so they allowed these highly profitable crops into the food supply.
These can
trigger allergies more often than their naturally occurring counterparts;
other findings of detrimental effects on animals eating GMO feed crops are very
disconcerting, from increased miscarriages and organ failures to death.
Consumers are just beginning to understand this issue. Eating food that’s
genetically modified to produce its own pesticide is something we wouldn’t want
to do if given the choice, but Americans were not given the choice.
Interestingly, the UK is also a GMO friendly nation, and has an even a higher
rate of autism than the US.
(When a plant is genetically modified)
Life is changed. The plants represent the forces of life. When you humans
change the life of plants you change the life of the whole world. A genetically
engineered change is a violent change. Something gets cut. With every
genetically modified plant you change the etheric body of the earth. Have you no
idea at all what you're doing? Don't you know what will happen in the future
through life being changed?.....because genetically
modified plants have less life and because of this, the quality of the etheric
body deteriorates.
....Above all many more metabolic disorders will arise
as a result. But you're making your bodies sick even without genetic
engineering, because simply too little life is flowing into the human through
present-day food. Every intensively grown potato or any other intensively grown
food doesn't nourish very well, it contains very little life forces. The life
force can't just be increased like that. Using chemical fertilizers doesn't
increase the life force, just the physical components.
Chemically fertilized grain leads to the organs
becoming weaker and the etheric organs no longer being able to reach their
physical counterpart so effectively. Each organ requires specific cosmic and
etheric forces, and when the physical organs are weakened these forces can only
be insufficiently taken up. Each organ and every plant has a relationship to a
planet. With an apple you're eating in the truest sense of the word Jupiter, and
when an apple tree is chemically fertilized, the Jupiter force in the apple
becomes weaker. Nature Spirits and What They Say: Interviews with Verena Stael Von Holstein
by Wolfgang Weirauch
If these genetically engineered seeds blow onto a farmer’s field, Monsanto
could come on their field, test their crops, demand money from them and claim
ownership of the crops. The farmer, who probably doesn't want to have
genetically engineered seeds anywhere near his field, now has this
responsibility. It’s a very strange situation. It seems like Monsanto has all
the power and that they don't have any accountability or responsibility. If
contamination occurs on an innocent neighboring farm, somehow the innocent
farmer has to pay for the contamination. It’s illogical. This is now the way
that the system is working. It’s the opposite from what you would imagine..............
in order to determine whether or not these crops would
be regulated, both the government and the biotech industry decided that these
seeds would be considered “substantially equivalent” to normal seeds. This is
simply not true. The reason why they came up with this
determination was so that GE foods wouldn't have to be regulated, tested nor
...One future is industrial
pesticides, chemical laden, tasteless food that is heavily processed, controlled
by huge multinational corporations for their own benefit; the other future is
exemplified by organic farmers who farm and feed people regionally with good
healthy food that people can feel safe eating and eat in a sense of community
and family. If people really understood what was happening to our food supply,
they would choose good, safe, healthy food grown by a local farmer. If we choose
to eat this way, we will also benefit by supporting local economies.
The Future of Food - Fake Foods]
Investigative Reporter, Pam Killeen interviews Deborah Garcia about her
new movie, The Future of Food.
I'M APPALLED by the unfounded assumptions of 'experts' about the
hyper-infectious nature of the BSE/CJD agent (Mail). Basic evidence suggests
variant CJD didn't arise from eating BSE-affected cattle. Third World
countries imported even greater quantities of the incriminated British meat than
we consumed here, but no cases of vCJD have occurred in those countries. I've
travelled worldwide carrying out analyses of areas with prion diseases, of which
vCJD is one. These diseases increase only in areas with a high manganese/low
copper imbalance. Experiments at
Cambridge and Case Western, Cleveland, universities confirmed my findings that
misshapen prions develop whenever brain cells are exposed to this imbalance.
I found one organophosphate
— poured on cows to counteract warble fly and on humans for headlice — which
bonded with copper in the brain, starving the prion protein of its copper
partner. When this happens, foreign metals, such as manganese, are more likely
to bond with prions, which can have devastating consequences. Manganese is
increasing in the environment due to its use as a fertiliser and fungicide, a
lead substitute in petrol, and emission from factories. It was fed to UK cattle
in calf milk replacement powder (at levels up to 1,000 times higher than in
normal cow's milk) and as supplements for bone growth. Manganese is also fed to
humans (in health food supplements), deer (for antler growth) and cats —and all
have had prion disease. The totalitarian mindset about the origins of prion
diseases betrays an agenda. It's more about global profits for the GM soya
protein empires than about the illusory health risks of animal proteins to
[Re the
great lie about GM foods being about feeding the word.] We'd shown that protein could be made from natural gas, that it
could be done successfully on a large scale, and that it could be done
cheaply (a pound would cost about 11 cents to produce, and would provide
eight people with 100 % of their protein needs for a day). And we had done
it in one year — half the time we'd been allotted for completion!
When we were called into the vice president's office
on the afternoon of New Year's Eve, we expected a raise and a pat on the
back. ...... "Gentlemen," he said nonchalantly, "the Board of Directors has decided to
terminate your project, effective immediately."........They were actually
firing us! .......Finally, when I could stand it no longer, I marshalled my courage and
called the president of Tenneco. How could they do this senseless thing?
"Friend," he told me, "if I had a whole mountain of protein, I wouldn't
have the slightest idea what to do with it. Who's gonna buy something like
I was dumb struck. What about the starving millions? Was the profit
motive all that counted for anything? I told myself that it could not be so,
that somewhere there must be a company which would embrace the project and
develop it to full potential. But I was still naive, and I still believed
that the best way to make money was to make things people really needed.
"The very idea of disease-free animals and disease-free people fuels the appetite for genetic engineering. It decreases our levels of tolerance and resilience. It breeds fear, anxiety and paranoia - the kind of fear that is moving the military might of Britain to declare a war against its hoofed inhabitants. This paranoia suits the genetic engineering industry perfectly. By exterminating farm animals, the option of small organic farms is eroded. By creating a fear of disease, a new market is created for Dolly, and Polly and Tracy and all their clones. We should stop this war against farm animals. Without them we will never be able to build a sustainable farming future."---Dr Vandana Shiva