Saddam Hussein
"(The) United States supported Saddam Hussein at every level - gave him arms, gave him money, gave him political backing, the military helped him." - Peter Camejo
[He was a CIA/Israeli (Illuminati) asset and flown out before the fall of Baghdad 1 . One of Hussein's brainwashed Doppelgängers was the fall guy. His man task was killing (2-3 million tally from Iraq wars, and Iran-Iraq war, one of the most pointless wars of all time) as was Tavistock trained Stalin and Hitler. Rumsfeld looks like he has just found a long lost brother, brother in genocide.]
See: Doubles Pablo Escobar Uday Hussein
[vid] Hitler Was a British Agent (Greg Hallett) part 5 of 6
[2009] Normalising the crime of the century by John Pilger At that time, I interviewed Tim Laxton, who had attended every day of the inquiry as auditor of companies taken over by MI6 and other secret agencies as vehicles for the illegal arms trade with Saddam Hussein. Had there been a full and open criminal investigation, Laxton told me, “hundreds” would have faced prosecution. “They would include,” he said, “top political figures, very senior civil servants from right throughout Whitehall … the top echelon of government.”
[April 2004] Saddam's Wife Says US Prisoner Isn't Her Husband
[6-25-4] Primakov Says Saddam Cut Deal With US Before War
Partners in Crime: US Complicity in the War Crimes of Saddam Hussein by Paul Rockwell
'We can implant entirely false memories'
Saddam, Prisoner of Carlyle Group by Sherman H. Skolnick 12/16/03
'Sham' Saddam's 'Sham' Lawyer Slams Trial 'Sham'
Lies, Damm Lies and WhatReallyHappened
[Media March 2005] US Marine Calls Public Story of Saddam Capture Fiction
Saddam's Capture? by Alex JonesThe Many Faces of Saddam Hussein
Latif Yahia, a former
school mate of Saddam Hussein's son Uday who ended up becoming his unwitting
body double.
[2001] Why Saddam Is Dead... Again You party with Uday at your peril. He's most notorious for a 1988 incident in which he got drunk at a party and killed one of his father's top aides using a pistol and a battery-operated carving knife. That's probably the pick of the bunch, although the list includes wounding an uncle and killing six dancing girls at a party seven years later.
"The CIA worked very closely with them and United States supported Saddam
Hussein at every level - gave him arms, gave him money, gave him political
backing, the military helped him; none of this is really fully understood by the
American people." - Peter Camejo
"We bought Saddam Hussein into power, we lent him billions of dollars, we built chemical plants for him, knowing full well that these chemical plants were being used to produce chemical weapons that would be employed against the Kurds and the Iranians."--[vid] Apologies Of An Economic Hitman | Full Documentary by JOHN PERKINS
Iraq's president Saddam Hussein was also George Herbert Walker Bush's agent
in Iraq from the 1950s. Saddam Hussein also became a fully protected CIA agent
and was safely removed from Iraq for a meeting with Vice-President Dick Cheney
on 20 April 2003 and then safely reinserted into Iraq with a body double found
on 13 December 2003, and another body double put through his trial, one with
legal knowledge and an underbite, as opposed to an overbite.
The true history is never published by embedded American
historians. American histories merely add their brand to a war. America may have
appeared to be good, but that is all PR and bad history writing. Like a naval
tonnage ratio, America has an evil to humanitarian ratio of 50:1, with its main
problem being the media and International Bar Association dominance. This has
resulted in every country's judicial Bar Association supporting American
conflict. How To Take Over the
World. A Right Royal Con by Greg Hallett & Spymaster p.215
Martin: Well, Bush and Saddam were business partners. We've covered that in recent past issues of our newspaper. Phelps: Sure. That's why they never killed Saddam. They could have easily killed him. The CIA can kill anybody they want to. They could have easily killed Saddam and got out. They could use their own Arab agents in there. Saddam was a very important tool. They keep the Arab peoples and nations at bay by controlling them through their leaders. Or, when they start to get out of control in their Moslem fanaticism, they then foment a war and kill off a whole bunch of them. Make sense?The Black Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps
Actual Government records are reproduced that reveal plans made in 1969 to create a
"new synthetic virus, one which does not naturally exist, and for which no immunity
could have been acquired." Other documents reveal that between 1985 and 1989, while
publicly labeling Saddam Hussein an evil monster, the United States was secretly selling
Iraq hundreds of deadly biological weapons, some of which Hussein employed against the
Allied ground attack and stopped that attack dead in its tracks after just 100 hours.
Scott, M.A. M.Sc, Prof
Bush and Bin Laden fit the profile of mind-controlled slaves. They are following their programming. Notice that Bush is known as a Christian, an important point to antagonize the religious sensitivities of fanatic Moslems. Notice that the U.S. was well known to be encouraging Afghanis to join the Northern Alliance before 9-11, so that a different government could be installed. Note also that the CIA was the financial power during the 1990’s behind various groups trying to overthrow Saddam Hussein. However, through CIA betrayals Saddam Hussein is still in power. (For instance, on Mar. 3 ’95, a INC-led military offensive against Hussein, encouraged by the CIA, lost its American support the very day of the offensive.) Hussein & bin Laden, Mussolini & Hitler. The effect of American Middle East meddling & backstabbing of potential friends has been to alienate most Moslems towards us, thus laying the stage for Iraq and then others to join the Taliban. There are numerous other details that lead Moslems to consider this war to be one of western imperialism to destroy Islam. Meanwhile, Bin Laden comes from a rich Saudi family that is connected to the kind of mind-control done by groups such as the CIA to individuals. It is a script with puppets designed to play upon the way Americans & Moslems think & react. These Illuminati scripts have to have actors that are either totally controlled or very predictable. Many, if not almost all people, are quite predictable once you know how they think. Once the Illuminati has a clear profile on how someone acts and reacts, it is fairly easy to manipulate a predictable person. The Bush family, as you know, has plenty of experience with controlled conflicts, beginning with Prescott Bush’s support for Hitler. Subject: Spiritual manna no. 15, Explaining the magician's tricks
Saddam Hussein was trained by the CIA. Saddam Hussein was put in power in Iraq by the CIA under George Bush. The United States armed Iraq and gave Saddam Hussein the technology and scientific knowledge to create weapons of mass destruction. The United States sold Anthrax to Iraq. Saddam Hussein functions as the big "bogeyman" of the world so that the United Nations can cement its authority over so-called sovereign nations. That is why Saddam Hussein was not killed during the Gulf War. His purpose is to function as an "Anti-Christ" to create terror in the minds of the sheople of the world. The Gulf War actually helped Iraq solve a serious population problem that was also in line with the goals of the new world order. Saddam was only going by the script given to him and played his role very well. MAJESTY TWELVE by William Cooper
I only later understood why
Yasser Arafat says he doesn't hate the Jews; he can't stand the Zionists. And
I'm thinking: 'What's the difference?' I, later, learned that there is a great
difference between those Zionists and the other Jews. The Orthodox Jews can't
stand the Zionists.
So what's the difference? The
Zionists are socialist communists, controlled by Rome. They are atheists, just
like the Jesuits, although they're being used to rebuild the nation of Israel.
They are the enemies of the Jewish people, per se.
There's no conflict going on in
the Middle East. There's no conflict going on with the Arab nations. All of the
Arab nations are under the command of Masonic kings or iotollas. Saddam Hussein
is no enemy of George Bush; they're both brothers, brothers of the lodge. That
whole thing was set up to kill off a whole bunch of Arabs for the protection of
the Zionist state of Israel.
Martin: Well, Bush and
Saddam were business partners. We've covered that in recent past issues of
our newspaper.
Phelps: Sure. That's why
they never killed Saddam. They could have easily killed him. The CIA can kill
anybody they want to. They could have easily killed Saddam and got out. They
could use their own Arab agents in there. Saddam was a very important tool.
They keep the Arab peoples and
nations at bay by controlling them through their leaders. Or, when they start to
get out of control in their Moslem fanaticism, they then foment a war and kill
off a whole bunch of them. Make sense? The
Black Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps
Web by Alan Friedman, published 1993