Mind control hardware


[2003] Carol Rutz's Lecture at Indiana University

The preliminary tests were done and I was subject to certain drugs to enhance my talent. These drugs can kill and cause permanent damage so they are done slowly over a period of weeks. I believe these drugs made permanent changes in the brain and "opened up" certain energy channels, circuits, etc. After surviving the drugs, more tests are given to see the results of the drugs. Then different speed learning techniques are used to program a lot of information in a short period of time. Then training moves on to "the machines". These machines are amplifiers of Psi abilities. There was some type of surgically inserted "interface" device implanted in my "third eye" area to allow connection to these machines. There is constant training with the machines as well as calibrations, exercises and tests.......Trauma is old technology. The machines and techniques these people have are hundreds of years beyond that. The Mars Records: Interview with Michael and Stephanie Relfe by Eve Lorgen

Preston's checked into the records and found that this particular type of advanced technology, electroshock therapy equipment is what they officially call it. It's now very advanced computerized with floppy disks and very small electrodes instead of the old big patch pads they used to put on people and tape the down. They now have tiny little probes 50 millimeters square and they attach them to certain critical sensitive points on the body, about 8 of them. And there's a computer program they now use which will induce the Reichian orgiastic state by electronics and hold it to that state and in that condition a human mind from conscious to subconscious is completely aligned and opened.
    Consequently you can remove buried information in the subconscious, reprogram the person, do whatever you want in that sense. And when the program is over they close it down, restore the person to the so-called normal state with either blocks on memory of the whole thing happening or a whole total implant of what went on that day as a substitute to memory or whatever they want to do. They usually put in a substitute memory. It's happened to Duncan once. We had quite a time running that down but we did.
    They can do this to anyone they want. They grab them physically and take them off to one of the hospitals. The law is that any hospital or institution in the U.S. that accepts federal funding must by law have one of these machines on their premises and there must be certain personnel, very limited, trained in its use. Now it can be used for "nominal" electroshock therapy in the normal mode which doctors use, thought it's much more sophisticated now and less damaging. Or they can use it for reprogramming, the same piece of equipment. But to do the reprogramming requires a special floppy disk, which is kept under lock and key and can only be used by certain government personnel.
    When they do this number of the reprogramming it's done by government personnel. It is not normally shown [in] their records and there is never a charge made back to a hospital organization or to a hospitalization fund or medical fund of any kind, that is paid for 100% by the federal government and the record's swept under the rug. They put it once on Duncan and they tried to do it again.
........It's based on Reich's principle, his old theories. The original programming techniques were more physical, but now they can do it electronically. It's much clearer, so to speak, much easier to accomplish and much easier to cover the tracks. And the law says these instruments, pieces of equipment, shall be made available to non-federally funded institutions. They recommend that they have them but there's no requirement.  Interview with Al Bielek 1991

Equipment Frequently Used by Trainers http://www.ritualabuse.net/svali_speaks.htm

It may help therapists to realize the equipment that trainers use. If their client describes these items, which may appear quite sophisticated, believe them. The cult has become quite technologically advanced.

Training room: the average training room is a neutral colored room, with walls painted either a dull gray, white, or beige. Some may be painted in various colors, as part of color coding. They are often located in secret underground rooms, or basements of large private residences, and will be entered from the main building through a covered doorway. Impromptu training rooms may be set up during military exercises outdoors, in covered canvas tents.

Trainers: the Illuminati have a rule: there must always be a minimum of two trainers working with a person. This prevents a trainer from being either too severe, or permissive, or developing too close a bond with the subject; the watchful eye of the other trainer prevents this. Younger trainers are paired with older, more experienced trainers. The older trainer will teach the younger, who does most of the actual work. If the younger is unable to finish a task, or loses heart, the older one will step in.

Head trainers: will teach, they will also work with the council leaders and hierarchy. All members are required to come in for a "tune up" (reinforcing programming), even top leaders, from time to time.

EEG machine: will often have abbreviated hookups for quick use. Used extensively with brain wave programming; also to verify that a certain alter is out when called up. May be used to verify deep trance state before initiating deep programming. Trainers are taught to read these readouts.

Trainer's table: a large table, frequently steel covered with plastic, or easily cleaned material. On the sides  at intervals are  restraints for arms, legs, neck to prevent movement.

Trainer's chair: large chair with arm rests. Will have restraints as above at intervals to restrain movement while person sits in chair.

Shock equipment: models and types are quite varied, depending on age and company. Most have a set of rubber covered wires, with electrodes that may be connected with Velcro, rubber (steel tips imbedded under finger and toe nail beds), or gel pads (larger body areas such as chest, arms, legs). Some are  tiny electrodes, which can be taped next to eyes, or placed within genitalia. These are connected to the "shock box", which has controls that can determine amount of electricity , and frequency, if interval shocks are desired.

Drugs: any number of opiates, barbiturates, hypnotics, sedatives, anesthetic agents. Resuscitative drugs, antidotes are also kept, clearly labeled and indexed. Many drugs, especially experimental ones, are only known by code names, such as "alphin 1".

CPR equipment: in case person has adverse reaction to drugs or programming. At times, a child alter will come out inadvertently during a programming sequence, and will be overdosed with the drugs meant for adult alters. The trainers must give it the antidote, and resuscitate it, just as if a real child is out. They are well aware of this fact, and will severely punish child alters, to teach them to come out only when called out.

Virtually reality headsets: the keystone in recent years. Many programming sequences utilize holographic images, and virtual reality set ups, including assassination programs, where the person realistically "kills" another human
being. These virtual disks are far more advanced than those in video arcades.

Body building equipment: used in military training to increase fitness, lean body mass.

Steel instruments: used to insert into orifices, cause pain

Stretch machine: used as punishment, "stretches " person without breaking bones. Extremely painful.

Trainer's grids and projectors: used to project grids on wall or ceiling.

Movie projector: to show movies, although new VR disks are replacing these computer: collect and analyze data; keep computer grid on person's system. Current military computer access codes will be used to download into governmental computers.

trainer's journals: contain indexed copies of subject's systems, including key alters, command codes, etc.

Comfort objects: used to comfort subject afterwards. May be toy or candy for child alters, or oils for massage. Warm towels, or beverages may be given, as the trainer "bonds with" and comforts person they worked with. This is probably the most important part of the training process, as the trainer explains calmly, kindly how well the person did, how proud they are of them.