Convenient Nazi deaths
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[It is no coincidence over 5 'death' camp commandants ended up dead: Richard Baer, Rudolf Hoess, Franz Stangl, Irmfried Eberl & Josef Kramer, as did Himmler, or appeared dead like Hitler. Hess was executed. Those that were executed, or 'committed suicide', after or during trials knew too much eg Goering.]

Murder in Wiesenthal's Footsteps  With horror we find that all twelve hunted "deniers of the gas chambers" died under mysterious circumstances.  Interestingly, Uwe Barschel (the chief minister of Schleswig Holstein), Heribert Apfalter (the president of the nationalized Austrian steel industry), and Herbert Amry (the Austrian ambassador in Athens) also died the same mysterious way as did the "gas chamber deniers", as described here. Does the Mossad have a "Tesla Ray" weapon?

A Brief List of the Conveniently Deceased by Thomas Kues

See: Judicial murders

See death lists: 911  MI6/MI5  Belgian Banker COINTELPRO Dutroux Nazi Marconi Scientist  Music Kennedy Aircraft Pedophile Clinton Moon landing Hoax

    Early on in the war, it was evident that Goering and Hitler were both British agents, although they may not have known each other were. Doentiz, Raeder, Milch, Canaris and Oster were also British agents, as was Rosenbaud who was codenamed 'The Griffen'. Most of them were accessed after WWI when they were POWs in British hands. Canaris had many heart-to-hearts with British Interrogating Officers as did Doenitz, who was under psychiatric care in Manchester (October 1918-July 1919).
    Rosenbaud was an Austrian Army Officer captured by the British. He was turned around by a lowly British Regimental I.O. in Italy at the end of WWI. Rosenbaud went on to report to British Control Officers right through the 20s, 30s and 40s and was ultimately taken over by the Americans. At the end of WWII Rosenbaud was awarded the American Medal of Freedom, while his ex-wife became the chief of the Stasi. Whoever said spying wasn't in the family.
    A huge number of other German officers would rewrite reports, fudge documents and not work in Germany's interests. Defeatism was rampant right through the entire German Armed Forces and played a part in nearly all battlefield loses, including Dunkirk. The loss of the four German battleships is a case in point. Hitler was a British Agent by Greg Hallett

Richard Baer (b. 1911) was commandant of Auschwitz I from May 11, 1944 and of Auschwitz II (Birkenau) from the end of 1944 until the evacuation of the camp in January 1945. After the war he lived near Hamburg under the assumed name Carl Neumann, working as a forester. He was arrested on December 21, 1960, and soon became the main prosecuted at the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial, then in preparation. Baer however never testified before the court, since he died in his prison cell in June 1963. The cause of death is variously given by historians as “natural causes” or “circulatory ailments,” but the autopsy did not rule out “ingestion of an odorless, non-corrosive poison” (cf. W. Stäglich, Auschwitz: A judge looks at the evidence, pp. 233-5). According to a brief article in the French right-wing newspaper Rivarol Baer had denied any knowledge of homicidal gas chambers during his pre-trial interrogations. A Brief List of the Conveniently Deceased by Thomas Kues

Finally, the account of Mr. Christopherson draws attention to a very curious circumstance. The only defendant who did not appear at the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial in 1963 was Richard Baer, the successor of Rudolf Höss as commandant of Auschwitz. Though in perfect health, he died suddenly in prison before the trial had begun, "in a highly mysterious way" according to the newspaper; Deutsche Wochenzeitung (July 27th, 1973). Baer's sudden demise before giving evidence is especially strange, since the Paris newspaper Rivarol recorded his insistence that "during the whole time in which he governed Auschwitz, he never saw any gas chambers nor believed that such things existed," and from this statement nothing would dissuade him. In short, the Christopherson account adds to a mounting collection of evidence demonstrating that the giant industrial complex of Auschwitz (comprising thirty separate installations and divided by the main Vienna-Cracow railway line) was nothing but a vast war production centre, which, while admittedly employing the compulsory labour of detainees, was certainly not a place of "mass extermination". Did Six Million Really Die? by Richard Harwood

When he died his nose was broken and his cyanide capsule was still intact.  Churchill did not want Himmler interviewed by the Americans and refused to allow him to reveal what he knew at trial.  This removed one of the most troublesome witnesses to Hitler's survival and Churchill's part in it. Hitler was a British Agent by Greg Hallett

The convergence of available evidence from all released sources provide more than ample justification to conclude that Heinrich Himmler, and a number of other high level officials in the Nazi SS organisation, were indeed assassinated as part of a pre-determined plan advanced by Churchill’s cabinet.
These facts have all been fully investigated and meticulously documented in my book, Himmlers Tod.
In respect to the assassination of Heinrich Himmler, et. al., the evidence that did survive reveals that:
1        Tentative plans were discussed and enthusiastically advocated by Churchill and his closest advisors to assassinate selected German and Italian officials within a few hours of capture.
2        The autopsy report of Heinrich Himmler was falsified, incomplete, and evidence was fabricated.
3        Material evidence relating to the homicide was removed at the site.
4       The participants in the crime were instructed not to divulge any details [other than the officially released version] to the public or to researchers insofar as their role in the events was concerned and they were bound to the rule of official secrecy thereafter.
5        Post-war accounts from the individuals in private diaries provided additional information supporting the conclusion that foul play was involved in the death of the German leader.
6        At least two of the participants were later decorated with the MBE for their role in the affair.
7        Material evidence relating to the crime was erased after the war at the express insistence of the War Office.
8        The records surrounding the ‘official’ inquiry into the circumstances of Himmler’s death have been sealed until the end of the century.
case I had reconstructed from the available documentary evidence in the form of private diaries, forensic evidence, eyewitnesses to the events and recently released papers from the archives in the United States and Great Britain led me to the ineluctable conclusion that the chief of the Gestapo and SS was assassinated for very specific reasons related to the postwar Allied occupation of Germany. The attendant circumstantial evidence I had uncovered and assembled was so powerful and incriminating that I had no need of Mr. Allen’s documents to support my thesis.  However, if the documents turned out to be authentic, they would have provided the icing on the cake. The Case of the Feckless Forger: The Forgery of a Forgery