Piers Morgan
[Great at making Psychopaths look human, no mean feat (although to be fair he did land some nice punches on Jackson). A (very) 'useful idiot' 1 , at best, as shown by his position on Gun Control 911 etc, so essentially a NWO mouthpiece like all media talking heads. Naive with his flu jab stunt, but finally some good news. Has an air of petulance about him that comes out through insulting people. Ex red top tabloid editor which says it all really, so master of Lying by omission.]
[Still pushing the lie an assault rifle was used: 'I shot an AR-15 rifle, the same type used to murder 20 children at Sandy Hook.'-- 9 February 2013
[2013 Feb] An Open Letter to FAU Faculty, Staff and Administration about Sandy Hook By Jim Fetzer
[2012 June] "Sex Cult" Runs
UK Government, says MI-6 Victim
Alex Jones: Best Night of Television Ever
Finally some good news:
Piers Morgan Falls Ill Days After Public Flu Shot with Dr. Oz (an injection
of the truth--Flu vaccine
[2013 Jan] Piers Morgan receives flu vaccine injection from Dr. Oz, then gets sick
Piers Morgan Falls Ill Days After Receiving Flu Vaccine
[2013 Jan] Alex Jones: Best Night of Television Ever by JON RAPPOPORT
Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Piers Morgan (NB: The Sandy Hook
assault rifle was found in a car boot
http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/50208495#50208495 ).
Great bit on
Afghanistan at 24, 911 at 27m where Morgan had to move on quickly.]
architect of
911 (9/11 Masterminds)
Israel control of USA government
Paul Kagame
butcher of
Rice, Condoleezza, 9/11 Mastermind. Classic question to vampire: "You are and remain one of the most eligible women in Washington...How have you avoided being snared in the marital trap?"
Brown, butcher of
Iraq &
and UK gold reserve robber.
Labour big wig, the party that systematically robbed the UK for the
psychopaths, mostly by Cost of wars, and
slaughtered millions around the world directly and indirectly with proxies like
Paul Kagame,
see Backers and friends of Paul Kagame