Pine cone

See: Anunnaki  Pineal

[Pine could be symbol of the Pharaonic seed, the virus among us([vid] The Pharaoh Show [ENGLISH] (1 of 2)  [vid] The Pharaoh Show [ENGLISH] (2 of 2)) .]

Third eye chakra
Religious (Vatican)
Hitler's desk
Film industry

A report from Andrew Hennessey on his observation of the tape he listened to produced by David Icke, The Arizona Wilder Video:


pine-cone, one of the ancient symbols of phallicism The Papacy pt.1

The pine cone is a phallic symbol of remote antiquity. The thyrsus of Bacchus--a long wand or staff surmounted by a pine cone or cluster of grapes and entwined with ivy or grape-vine leaves, sometimes ribbons--signifies that the wonders of Nature may only be accomplished by the aid of solar virility, as symbolized by the cone or grapes. In the Phrygian Mysteries, Atys--the ever-present sun-savior--dies under the branches of the pine tree (an allusion to the solar globe at the winter solstice) and for this reason the pine tree was sacred to his cult. This tree was also sacred in the Mysteries of Dionysos and Apollo. Flowers, Plants, Fruits, and Trees

"Sufficient similarity exists between the Masonic CHiram and the Kundalini of Hindu mysticism to warrant the assumption that CHiram may be considered a symbol also of the Spirit Fire moving through the sixth ventricle of the spinal column. The exact science of human regeneration is the Lost Key of Masonry, for when the Spirit Fire is lifted up through the thirty-three degrees, or segments of the spinal column, and enters into the domed chamber of the human skull, it finally passes into the pituitary body (Isis), where it invokes Ra (the pineal gland) and demands the Sacred Name. Operative Masonry, in the fullest meaning of that term, signifies the process by which the Eye of Horus is opened. E. A. Wallis Budge has noted that in some of the papyri illustrating the entrance of the souls of the dead into the judgment hall of Osiris the deceased person has a pine cone attached to the crown of his head. The Greek mystics also carried a symbolic staff, the upper end being in the form of a pine cone, which was called the thyrsus of Bacchus. In the human brain there is a tiny gland called the pineal body, which is the sacred eye of the ancients, and corresponds to the third eye of the Cyclops. Little is known concerning the function of the pineal body, which Descartes suggested (more wisely than he knew) might be the abode of the spirit of man. As its name signifies, the pineal gland is the sacred pine cone in man – the eye single, which cannot be opened until CHiram (the Spirit Fire) is raised through the sacred seals which are called the Seven Churches in Asia.”
                                         ~Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages


Third eye and Crown (etheric plane)


Osiris [Osiris]

Pine Cone Staff of Osiris surrounded by the two serpents of the Kundalini. The staff represents the spine and the pine cone represents the pineal gland.



Goat head  Snake

Greco-Roman Bacchic festival with a young man carrying a pine cone on his staff (in the British Museum) The Papacy pt.1

Mithras [Mithras]




A relief of the lion god holding a pine cone staff, which symbolized fertility.


Dionysus  [Dionysus]



Freemasonry Pine Cone

Religious (Vatican)  [Religious Lucifer symbols]


Pine Cone (Pineal Gland/3rd Eye) at Vatican courtyard aligned with Peacocks (Phoenix resonators).


Hitler's desk

Medusa  Pine cone

Film industry

Allen, Lily