Allopathic rackets

"Mysteries are due to secrecy."-----Francis Bacon
I have never seen a SIDS death in a healthy breastfed baby, unvaccinated....Over the 19 years in IAS, we have never seen one."--Hilary Butler

''In order to avoid admitting that the sudden stoppage of breathing by a baby within hours to weeks of these vaccines was due to the vaccines, the vaccine defender merely created a new disease and gave it the incredible name of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), which is like naming it the "Baby Mysteriously Die of Anything but a Vaccine Injury Syndrome" (BMDAVIS).
Vaccine Safety Manual by Neil Z. Miller. Preface

[One of the biggest genocidal lies (200,000 deaths at least) of Allopathy: 'Cot death is a mystery'.  A disease of low vitamin C levels combined with vaccination and bottle feeding.  Some input from earth radiation, other drugs, electrical fields & mattress ingredients.]

See: Died Suddenly SBS  Sudden death Dr Robert Reisinger  Breastfeeding  & Bottle-feeding Baby sleeping position
: [2002]
Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable by Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D.  for poisons also.

Vitamin C
Earth Radiation & electrical fields
Baby sleeping position

Quote banners
Vitamin C
Vaccines & crib death

Charities [Charity Racket]
Foundation For The Study Of Infant Deaths (FSID)
Sids and Kids

[2015] CDC Lists 131 Ways for an Infant to Die: Vaccines and Sudden Death (SIDS)

[June 2008] 'Six-figure' sum for mother wrongly jailed over cot deaths

[Oct 2007] Saving babies: Unexplained success in New York

SUDDEN INFANT DEATH: Do benzodiazepines cause SIDS?

Parish AR. Sudden infant death syndrome: a proposed discovery.Med Hypotheses. 1997 Aug;49(2):177-9.PMID: 9278932; UI: 97424819

[2011 June pdf] Fern R. Hauck, et al. Pediatrics. Breastfeeding and Reduced Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: A Meta-analysisMeta-analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Breastfeeding is protective against SIDS, and this effect is stronger when breastfeeding is exclusive. The recommendation to breastfeed infants should be included with other SIDS risk-reduction messages to both reduce the risk of SIDS and promote breastfeeding for its many other infant and maternal health benefits. Pediatrics 2011; 128:000CONCLUSIONS: Breastfeeding is protective against SIDS, and this effect is stronger when breastfeeding is exclusive. The recommendation to breastfeed infants should be included with other SIDS risk-reduction messages to both reduce the risk of SIDS and promote breastfeeding for its many other infant and maternal health benefits. Pediatrics 2011; 128:000

 Compared to breastfed babies, bottlefed babies are twice as likely to die from any cause in the first six weeks of life. In particular, bottlefeeding raises the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) by two to five times. Bottlefed babies are also at a significantly higher risk of ending up in hospital with a range of infections. They are, for instance, five times more likely to be admitted to hospital suffering from gastroenteritis.Suck On This by Pat Thomas

Since 1960, the UK medical profession has turned at least three million adults and two million 腺enzo Babies苧 infants whose mothers took tranquillisers during pregnancy擁nto brain-damaged addicts. There are currently still some one million patients trapped in addiction and another million disabled by withdrawals. The big tranquilliser cover-up by Margaret Bell

MORE than 50,000 babies a year are at risk of brain damage or death because they are poisoned by tranquillisers in the womb...The effects on the infants, who absorb the drugs through the placenta,. are even more devastating than those of heroin. One mother who was prescribed Valium while pregnant told yesterday about the agony her child later suffered. Janet Kerr, 62, said her son Charles was was born "in real distress" and doctors thought he would die. She nursed him through but he grew up with learning difficulties that made him "burst with embarrassment." He became addicted to Valium and committed suicide -at the age of 19....Research by pressure group Benzact supports fears that 50,000 babies a year are affected by tranquillisers. The organisation’s co-ordinator, Sue Bibby, said: "This problem is now. out of control." Experts believe tranquillizers could even be the cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome- cot death.  [Medisa July 22, 2001] In the womb and hooked on tranquillisers

This evidence supports a causal relationship between EMR exposure and serious adverse reproductive outcomes such as miscarriage, prematurely, still birth, low birth weight, SIDS and congenital malformations.  Safe exposure levels by Dr. Neil Cherry - Lincoln University - 25/4/2000

SIDS: linked to cow milk?

Wikipedia Lies (Feb 2013):

Wikipedia Medical lies