Daily Mail
Media Mafia
[Zionist run as you can see in it's Gaza coverage and pharma support of Mafia rackets. You get more truth and useful articles in the Daily Mail than any other paper, but as much propaganda, and opposite view articles come either side of each other, the classic being Aspirin. One month it's good, the next bad, just do as your Allopath doctor tells you. You can't print the truth unless you print the propaganda. That happened with juicing recently (Jan 2015). It is forbidden to say vaccines cause autism, only to say Wakefield is 'discredited'.]
Cannon, Ellie
Jenny Hope
Jones, David
The Media Winter 2010 flu vaccine drive
Daily Mail can't take vaccine debate
[Media July 9, 2004] Cancer expert warns Charles against backing alternative therapies
Covid [Grotesque example of Pharma puppet]
Corporate media rubbishing
non-corporate medicine
Classic vaccine bollocks
Great picture of 4 important media Pharma shills--from
The Independent, The Guardian, Daily Mail
and Private Eye. Vaccine salespeople of the year!]
(L to R) Jeremy Laurance,
The Independent;
Jenny Hope, Daily Mail; Sarah Boseley, The Guardian; Gill
Markham, Corporate Affairs Director, Wyeth; Dr
Phil Hammond.
Writer and
broadcaster Dr Phil Hammond
presented the MJA Awards at a ceremony at the Royal
College of General Practitioners on July 7th.
Pharmaceutical company Boehringer
Ingelheim sponsored this year's presentation ceremony
and the Freelance Journalist of the Year and the Medical Charity categories. The
Medical Journalist of the Year and Medical
Brummer, Alex [Jew]
Littlejohn [Jew]