Ellie Cannon
Daily Mail (PRAVDA 4)  Media Mafia  Experts

See: The Wakefield Greek Chorus  Wakefield "discredited."
See media MDs (Allopaths 'Doctoring the News):  Stoppard, Dr Miriam  Cannon, Ellie  Ben Goldacre  Steele, Chris Williams, Zoe Gupta, Dr. Sanjay

[2017 Jan] The middle class woman who took LSD to cope with the menopause: controversial book claims hallucinating drug can help older women in tiny doses  

Negative Qualifier:


I would urge women to avoid any kind of experimentation with drugs. Never mind the fact that LSD is illegal, so much of this account makes no medical sense.

Phrases such as allowing the brain to ‘rebalance chemically’ (a spurious non-medical notion) should alert people to the idea that this experiment has been taken without the due diligence and safety provided by medical trials and genuine medical experience.

When drugs come to market for prescription, they are tested on vast numbers of patients: for example, trials on conventional HRT were done on 1 million women.

To me, this is an account from a woman who wanted something to happen from the treatment she tried, and felt a placebo effect.


"When some reasonably positive story is reported about some natural substance or treatment. There always has to be a qualifier in the story to suggest this great news might not be true, and some MD who knows nothing is usually interviewed (as the "medical expert”) so he can warn people to be cautious." ~  [2006] DEATH BY PROPAGANDA by Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND and Elissa Meininger 

"They are tested on vast numbers of patients: for example, trials on conventional HRT were done on 1 million women."

Yeah, and proven useless, like vaccines, but still allowed to poison and kill the population, with abandon: HRT BIG PHARMA'S KILL CHART Vaccination Racket Summary

Negative Qualifiers