[back] Big Brother  American Police State

"America's secret political police."---Sherman H. Skolnick

See: CIA  Communism  NSA 
See: Mockingbird  CHAOS COINTELPRO

American Police State
Agents provocateurs
American Indian Movement (AIM)
[The Tylenol murders] THE FBI COVER-UP
J. Edgar Hoover

[Nov 2020 Docu] A Thousand Pieces A Thousand Pieces is a staggering look into the abyss of systemic corruption at the very top of the CIA & FBI. The film exposes the gritty details of illegal programs such as “Cointelpro” which targeted leaders like Martin Luther King & Malcolm X, to CIA intelligence operations like “Northwoods” and “Mockingbird", uncovering potential plans to use “false flag” events and mainstream media propaganda to control the American people.  A Thousand Pieces is a shocking and hard-hitting investigative documentary, exposing the darkest secrets of the FBI and CIA, and asking the question; Isn’t it time to reform some of the most corrupt government agencies in American history?

[vid 2017] FBI's Comey - The Real Story, 1653

 [2014 June] Special Report, FBI Killed Franklin Scandal Investigator from Wayne Madsen Report

'You'll Die in a Car Accident': FBI's Threat to Man Who Did Not Want to Be An 'Informant'

FBI Goes Rogue on Iran

[vid] The Atlanta Olympic bombing. How the FBI handled that one

[2012 Sept] Hackers leak '1 MILLION records' on Apple fanbois from FEDS


[2012 March]  FBI Linked to Yet Another Domestic Terrorism Plot

[vid] FBI scripts a fake terror plot, group of idiots volunteer to play roles Over and over again, the F.B.I. writes the script, they cast idiots to play the parts, and then bust their own terror plot with a big show in the press.  Even the New York Times can't remember any recent terror plot 'busts' that DIDN'T involve the F.B.I. actually having to provide the entire scenario, including the fake bombs. They do this to keep the American public convinced that if we don't give up our rights, if we don't accept government transgressions and tyranny, then we will all be at the mercy of terrorists. Exactly like the Mafia protection racket with a better publicist...

[vid] Final Word on 911.wmv  2 Mossad Agents arrested after exploding truck on the George Washington Bridge. Suspects later turned over to the FBI. It wasn't the FBI but Mossad with FBI credentials. 24 hours later these men were in Tel Aviv.

    The most obvious is that war and terrorism are a business, always has been, always will be.  Hiding behind “poor Israel” and holocaust stories, the Mossad and other groups tied to Israel are involved in terror networks around the world, now very publicly “outed” for pretending to be the CIA.  They also claim to be the FBI and Homeland Security.  They carry FBI credentials and, in some cases, are backed up when caught.  There may actually be no real Department of Homeland Security.  It is said, by reliable sources, to be entirely under foreign control and working directly against the United States in a tireless manner.  For those of you working for this organization, remember this when you receive your next assignment
.....The majority of terror organizations in the world are intelligence agencies. 
....So, what can we know for sure.  If the FBI comes to your door, it is like as not an Israeli agent or member of the ADL or some other group, unless you happen to be a real criminal.  If you are an activist or member of the press, chances are you have a phony to deal with.  They are quite brazen......If approached by the “CIA” or “FBI” or “Homeland Security” at any facility other than an office in a Federal Building, don’t believe them.  I am not saying don’t help the government but never talk to a law enforcement official without bringing an attorney and without a promise of immunity.......99.99% of terror threats against the United States are groups recruited by phony FBI or CIA officials who are employees of a foreign power, that country we have been discussing.  If you play along, you are likely to wake up in hotel room with a rifle, one round fired and a dead federal judge, senator or even a president to answer for.
....Iraq?  The almost daily explosions there are not being done by rival factions.  Kurdistan invited Israel in to help them break away from Baghdad.  Israel sees this as a way of flanking Turkey, this and their secret alliance with Syria......When you hear of 50 or 60 dead in Iraq, the plot started in Tel Aviv.  Ever note that you never get an real explanation for anything just “rival faction” baloney?  I don’t respect any news organization that doesn’t at least try to make up a decent lie.  They owe us that...........
Pakistan?  Pakistan is slated for destruction.  India is the primary enemy along with Afghanistan, the United States and Israel.  Why does Pakistan allow this?  Think “totally corrupt civil government.” This is an understatement.
    India?  Last week a child was sacrificed to the “crops god” so a good harvest would be guaranteed.  India, with its space program and nuclear submarines has the lowest standard of living in the world.  The British set the whole thing up in 1947, and earlier on in 1903, eternal war between India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.  Britain calls it “the great game.”  America (under Israeli guidance) is now responsible for stirring the pot.
...I would predict that there are Israeli organizations carrying CIA credentials operating in 15 countries.  I also imagine that 1 in 4 FBI agents is a phony.  As for US Attorney’s and Federal Judges, no worries there.  The real ones were bought long ago.

[vid] Threats, intimidation, and murder: the silencing OKC Bombing witnesses    To this day we are told that the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murruh Federal Building in Oklahoma City was the work of two men and a truck bomb, despite an asymmetrical blast radius and the fact that much of the building was blown out from the inside. In this interview, former Oklahoma City police officer Don Browning, who was part of the search and rescue operations, elaborates on the incongruities he and other officers witnessed as they searched the rubble for survivors. He also speaks out about the threats and intimidation by the FBI to keep them quiet about what they saw, and about the murder of fellow officer Terry Yeakey.

[2011 may] Judge wants FBI to explain possibly missing Oklahoma City bombing videotapes

[2011 May] Records show FBI practice of hiding evidence in secret databases

[2011 Aug] FBI organizes almost all terror plots in the US

[vid] Ted Gunderson Former FBI Chief - Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI

[2010 Oct] Meet Carol Two Eagle  "I'm The Man, here. I have all the power. I control everything. You can't continue doing what you've been doing! It's not allowed! You give the People hope, & that's not allowed by The Program!”

[2009 Feb] Satanism and Ritual Abuse - Case-by-Case Documentation by Alex Constantine

[2009 July] U.S. Professor: I told FBI about kidney trafficking 7 years ago

[2006 May] The Hollywood Fantasy of Flight 93.  The Hidden Role of NASA and the FBI in Cleveland  by Christopher Bollyn 

[2006] Reducing rape with an eraser By Judith Reisman ''A 2000 Philadelphia Inquirer report found from 1997-1999, of 300,000 sex crime reports, thousands of rapes got relabelled ''investigation of persons'' or ''investigation, protection, and medical examination'' – non-crime codes.'' ....Lying sure reduces rape!

[2003] The FBI, America’s Napoleonic Sanhedrin By Salvador Astucia

[2001] OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBINGS---SPLIT IN FBI? by Sherman H. Skolnick

[2000] Cereal Murder and the Group Mind. Joan d'Arc Interviews Michael Hoffman


[2001] ALLEGED "FBI SPY" STORY FULL OF HOLES by Sherman H. Skolnick


CARNIVORE EATS FBI by Sherman H. Skolnick

FBI/CIA WAREHOUSE by Sherman H. Skolnick

Jim Garrison Tapes (Video)

[vid] J.Edgar Hoover "A Compromised Homosexual" PT1
[vid] J.Edgar Hoover "A Compromised Homosexual" PT2
[vid] J.Edgar Hoover "A Compromised Homosexual" PT3


[2007] A Farewell To Justice.  Jim Garrison, JFK's assassination, and the case that should have changed history by Joan Mellen

[1999] WAR AT HOME by Brian Glick

A WRIT FOR MARTYRS by Eustace Mullins The FBI’s illegal campaign to forever silence the message of dissident Eustace Mullins

[1988] Agents of Repression: The FBI's Secret Wars Against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement by Ward Churchill, Jim Vander Wall

[1991] Break-ins, Death Threats and the FBI the covert war against the Central America movement by Ross Gelbspan

[1990] The COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret War Against Domestic Dissent by Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall.

[2009] The FRANKLIN SCANDAL A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal by Nick Bryant

Probe V2N5: The FBI's Fib about the Mannlicher Carcano

Suppressed FBI Report on Dismissed Agents
exclusive: For over three years, the FBI kept the lid on this survey of agents who committed murder, rape, child molestation, extortion, espionage, drug-dealing, public masturbation...

The link below reaches a huge compendium of banned, censored and unpopular documentaries:
of importance, if you haven't seen them, are the three banned documentaries aired by the History Channel:
These are the ONLY History Channel documentaris to ever get banned, with apologies made by the history Channel to its viewership. Since 2003, ONLY docmentaries showing oswald as GUILTY are now allowed.

J. Edgar Hoover