Medical tests,
diagnostics, typing
''The OTA concluded: “There are no mechanisms in
place to limit dissemination of technologies regardless of their clinical
value.” Shortly after the release of this report, the OTA was disbanded
(1995). Death by
Medicine----Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, Martin Feldman, MD, Gary Null, PhD, Debora
Rasio, MD (2003/4)
"Almost every stage of obstetrical procedure in the hospital is part of the
mechanism that enables the doctor to create his own pathology."--Robert Mendelsohn MD

Robert Mendelsohn MD


April] 'Oops... It Wasn't Cancer After All,' Admits The National Cancer
Institute/JAMA When the NCI report was released, it was a sort of
vindication for those who had been advocating
the position that a commonly diagnosed form of so-called “early
breast cancer” known as ductal carcinoma in situ was in fact not inherently
malignant and should not have warranted the conventional
treatments of lumpectomy, mastectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy....On
April 14th, in an article titled “Its
Not Cancer: Doctors Reclassify a Thyroid Tumor,” theNew York Times reported
on a new
study published in JAMA Oncology which should forever change the way we
classify, diagnosis and treat a common form of “thyroid cancer”: An
international panel of doctors has decided that a type of tumor that was
classified as a cancer is not a cancer at all. As a result, they have
officially downgraded the condition, and thousands of patients will be spared
removal of their thyroid, treatment with radioactive iodine and regular checkups
for the rest of their lives, all to protect against a tumor that was never a
Aug] Is PSA Testing for Prostate Cancer a Good Idea? (video) The founder of the PSA test has come up with a couple of
articles recently saying that he didn’t design that test for everybody to get it
to diagnose
prostate cancer. He thinks it’s a wrong therapy that we’re doing. Eighty
percent false positives with the PSA testing and here we have the American
Cancer Society and the powers that recommend doing yearly PSA screenings....Anything
that causes inflammation. Then they go into the whole cancer industrial complex
themselves, where they’re getting ultrasounds, biopsies, chemotherapy, surgery,
radiation, and most men with prostate cancer can outlive it. If they don’t do
anything, they’ll end up dying of something else....I think the numbers are
if you’re over 80 years old, about 88% of men will have prostate cancer at the
time of death if they do an autopsy. Three percent will die from it, 8%
are affected by it. The rest are dying of something else…We’re treating every
man as if it’s the same thing and it’s just a disaster.
[2014] Doctors Are Examining Your Genitals for No Reason

ThyroidChange PLEASE SHARE. We cannot emphasize this enough. A full
thyroid panel should include:
Free T3, Free T4, TSH, Thyroid Antibodies, Reverse T3
For more information on thyroid testing, please see this link: 
[2015 June] Human
Studies Condemn Ultrasound
[2015 May] 50
Human Studies, in Utero, Conducted in Modern China, Indicate Extreme
Risk for Prenatal Ultrasound: A New Bibliography by Jim West
1) Supports Western critics who have long argued that ultrasound
contributes to various neonatal and childhood diseases, and neurological
epidemics such as ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and eye diseases.
2) Supports and revives earlier Western animal studies that are critical
of ultrasound, yet had been rejected or ignored. 3) Enables
arguments for novel disease causation models, for example,
chorioamnionitis, neonatal jaundice, bone and tissue malformation,
immune dysfunction, and a wide variety of diseases related to
broad-spectrum hormonal dysfunction.
[2012] Killing
children with X-ray images - Death by procedure
[2012 June] HOW SWINE FLU
WAS INVENTED By Jon Rappoport The test used to diagnose Swine
Flu was useless. It was misleading. It was obvious it was misleading.
But it was used. Why? Because it would provide cover. It would make it
seem as if Swine Flu was everywhere on the planet.
[2011 Oct] Women
endangered by high rate of false-positive mammograms
[2011 July] Widely used
CAD mammography tool fails to find invasive breast cancer, causes needless tests
and stress "In real-world practice, CAD
increases the chances of being unnecessarily called back for further testing
because of false-positive results without clear benefits to women,” said Joshua
Fenton, assistant professor in the UC Davis Department of Family and Community
Medicine. “Breast cancers were detected at a similar stage and size regardless
of whether or not radiologists used CAD."
[2011 March] CT Scans
Cause Coming Cancer Epidemic by PATRICK MALONE
[2011 April] 20 year
trial shows prostate cancer test not worth having.
Brain Scans Show Whatever You Want to See
[2010 Nov] Lies, Damned Lies, and
Medical Science Tatsioni doesn’t so much fear that someone will carve out
the man’s healthy appendix. Rather, she’s concerned that, like many patients,
he’ll end up with prescriptions for multiple drugs that will do little to help
him, and may well harm him. “Usually what happens is that the doctor will ask
for a suite of biochemical tests—liver fat, pancreas function, and so on,” she
tells me. “The tests could turn up something, but they’re probably irrelevant.
Just having a good talk with the patient and getting a close history is much
more likely to tell me what’s wrong.” Of course, the doctors have all been
trained to order these tests, she notes, and doing so is a lot quicker than a
long bedside chat. They’re also trained to ply the patient with whatever drugs
might help whack any errant test numbers back into line. What they’re not
trained to do is to go back and look at the research papers that helped make
these drugs the standard of care. “When you look the papers up, you often find
the drugs didn’t even work better than a placebo. And no one tested how they
worked in combination with the other drugs,” she says. “Just taking the patient
off everything can improve their health right away.” But not only is checking
out the research another time-consuming task, patients often don’t even like
it when they’re taken off their drugs, she explains; they find their
prescriptions reassuring.
[2010 May] Why men
shouldn't rely on the prostate cancer test - by the doctor behind its discovery
[2010 jan] CAT scan cancer
fear; Radiation 'could trigger the disease in one in 80 patients'.
[2009 July] Cervical smear surgery 'given
needlessly' to women with borderline results
[2009 July] Cancer Screening: Does It
Really Save Lives? by Dr. Julian Whitaker
The Truth About Surgeries
and Biopsies by John A. Richardson,
[Pap tests] My Early
Experience with the Medical Racket
DOWNSIDE OF SCREENING FOR CANCER by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. During a routine colonoscopy, Dr. Casarella's
vigilant radiologist observed a suspicious-looking area on one kidney, another
on the liver, and several small lung nodules as well. After undergoing further extensive tests
including CT and PET scans, a liver biopsy and thoracoscopy (a visual
examination of the interior of the chest cavity, necessitating deliberate
collapsing of his right lung), Dr. Casarella, in his own words, "woke up in the
recovery room after 5 hours, with a chest tube, a Foley [bladder] catheter, a
subclavian central venous catheter, a nasal oxygen catheter, an epidural
catheter, and arterial catheter, subcutaneously administered heparin, a constant
infusion of prophylactic antibiotics and patient-controlled analgesia with
intravenously administered narcotics" (Casarella, 2002). A further 2 weeks of rest at home were needed
before the pain became tolerable. After 5 weeks, Dr. Casarella was able to
return to work. The total cost of these procedures exceeded $50,000. And Dr.
Casarella's various suspicious lesions all turned out to be entirely benign.
Lyme disease: The tests are only as
good as the toss of a coin
[1988/2006] The Massive
Fraud Behind HIV Tests by Jon Rappoport
[July 2007]
Early Detection Myth - Screening (For Cancer etc.) Fails Test
Incorrect STD tests show
need for patients' sex histories
Thousands given wrong results in STD tests in
British Columbia Thursday, October 30, 2003
Michelle Fay Cortez, "Colon-Cancer Test
Misses 95% of Cases, Study Shows", Bloomberg, January
18, 2005,
"Up to 10% of childhood cancers are caused by radiological examination during
pregnancy."---(Prof. R. Doll, Nature, Vol. 265, 1977,
page 589.)