Callous Disregard
a book by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, MD
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[The truth as opposed to all the lies from the Government (Salisbury,
Hall), Media (Murdoch/Deer,
Wakefield 'discredited' The Greek Chorus),
Legal Profession
(Mr Justice Davis),
and Pharma controlled Allopaths, such as
Zuckerman who sold him, us, and
all the children down the river to
and MMR
Urabe, purely for money and power as is the way
Conspiracy - or ruthless
pragmatism? How the vaccine apparatchiks and medical self-interest groups deal
with dissent.
The subject is autism; the suspect
is childhood vaccines. This is the account of how a doctor confronted first a
disease, and then the medical system that sought and still seeks to deny that
disease, leaving millions of children to suffer and a world at risk.
"Do not judge me too harshly Dr. Wakefield, but when I die I am taking my son
with me. You see, I’m all he has. I’m the only one who loves him."
- A mother’s plea in 1997
In 1995 Wakefield came to a fork in the road. As an academic gastroenterologist
at the Royal Free School of Medicine and the University of London, Wakefield was
presented with a professional challenge and confronted by a moral choice.
Previously normal children were, according to their parents, regressing into
autism and developing intestinal problems - many parents blamed the MMR vaccine.
Trusting in his medical training, parental narrative, and above all, the
instinct of mothers for their children’s wellbeing, he chose the hard road.
Walk that road now, here; some already have - the parents of affected children.
Many will, either as parents or grandparents, as the worldwide tsunami of
childhood developmental disorders break hearts and bankrupts educational and
healthcare infrastructures.
Wakefield provides the facts, an explanation of the problem that confronted him
and his colleagues 15 years ago. He does this in a detailed forensic analysis of
the lies, obfuscation, cover ups, and the dystopian science and medicine that
panders to commercial interest at the expense of your children.
About Dr. Wakefield
Dr Andrew Wakefield, MB, BS, FRCS, FRCPath, is an academic
gastroenterologist. He received his medical degree from St. Mary’s Hospital
Medical School (part of the University of London) in 1981, one of the third
generation of his family to have studied medicine at that teaching hospital.
He pursued a career in gastrointestinal surgery with a particular interest in
inflammatory bowel disease. He qualified as Fellow of the Royal College of
Surgeons in 1985 and in 1996 was awarded a Wellcome Trust Traveling Fellowship
to study small-intestinal transplantation in Toronto, Canada. He was made a
Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists in 2001. He has published over 130
original scientific articles, book chapters, and invited scientific
In the pursuit of possible links between
childhood vaccines, intestinal inflammation, and neurologic injury in children,
Dr. Wakefield lost his job in the Department of Medicine at London’s Royal Free
Hospital, his country, his career, and his medical license.
He is married to Carmel, a physician and a
classical radio presenter. They have four children, James, Sam, Imogen, and
Corin, and a black mongrel called Bella.
"In Rutter's opinion, a possible serious adverse
vaccine reaction in a child did not merit clinical investigation." p. 149
"Erasure from the medical register is a small price to pay for the privilege of
working with affected families." p.162