[A letter sent by Kassianos re MMR and measles. Notice all the lies. This is the vaccine zealot who wants to give all kids under 5 the flu jab. No mention of autism!]
The Ringmead Medical Practice
Great Hollands Health
Centre Birch Hill Medical Centre
Great Hollands Square Leppington
Bracknell Berks. RG12 8WY Bracknell Berks. RG12 7WW
Tel: 0844 477 3614 Tel: 0844 477 3609
Fax: 01344 861050 Fax: 01344 450312
July 2008
Dear Parent,
Due to the fact that some children are not receiving the MMR vaccine or the single antigen measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines, measles infection is now back in many communities in the UK, Europe, and the USA. This infection is still widespread around the globe to the point that about a quarter of a million children die every year because of this disease. We do live in a ‘global village’. We do travel and if not immune, we can contract the disease (measles is the most contagious disease on this planet).
In 2007, some 1,000 cases of measles infection were recorded nationwide, and more than 200 cases were recorded in southeast London in the first five months of 2008. Two children have died of measles infection since 2006. Many children survive with complications. Some children die a few years later from rare late complications of this disease (see SSPE in the table below, which compares the complications of measles infection to those of measles-containing vaccines, such as the MMR and the single-antigen vaccines).
See: Measles Deaths quotes Measles deaths--probably in vaccinated kids or in sick kids on immune suppressing medication--assuming you can get any data, they like to keep that secret.
We would urge all parents to have their children vaccinated with the MMR, and to ensure their children receive the two doses of the vaccine recommended. Good information on vaccinations in general, including the MMR, can be found on the following websites of the Department of Health:
http://www.immunisation.nhs.uk/ Information on immunisations, safety and risks.
http://www.mmrthefacts.nhs.uk/ Information specifically about the MMR vaccine.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the surgery. I shall be delighted to spend some time with you to discuss immunisations and answer your questions.
He never replied to an e mail asking him why he says MMR doesn't kill when the gov' has paid out for MMR deaths.
With best wishes.
Yours sincerely
Dr George Kassianos
For and on behalf of all the doctors & nurses at the Ringmead Medical Practice
Complication |
Measles disease INFECTION See: Measles risk hyped |
MMR or measles-containing VACCINE |
Rash & temperature |
Almost 100% |
5 – 15% (day 5-12, lasting for 3 days) |
Ear infection |
One in 20 |
None See: Hearing |
Diarrhoea |
One in 16 |
None |
Chest infection (pneumonia, bronchitis) |
One in 20-25 |
None |
Febrile convulsions |
One in 200 |
One in 1,000 (day 6-11) no evidence of increased risk for epilepsy |
Meningitis/encephalitis Mumps encephalitis |
One in 1,000 One in 300 "Doctors maintain that the (MMR) inoculation is necessary to prevent measles encephalitis, which they say occurs about once in 1,000 cases. After decades of experience with measles, I question this statistic, and so do many other pediatricians. The incidence of 1/1,000 may be accurate for children who live in conditions of poverty and malnutrition, but in the middle-and upper-income brackets, if one excludes simple sleepiness from the measles itself, the incidence of true encephalitis is probably more like 1/10,900 or 1/100,000."------Dr Mendelsohn
Probably none See: Meningitis The last MMR (Urabe)was withdrawn due to meningitis.
England & Wales |
One in 100,000 (possibly up to 7 to 11 in 100,0000)
One in 25,000† One in 8,000‡ if infected under the age of 2 years |
none See: SSPE |
Anaphylaxis |
None |
One in 100,000 |
Thrombocytopenia (low platelets - associated with rubella) |
One in 3,000 (after rubella) |
One in 32,000 |
Joint pains (associated with the rubella) |
Up to 70% of adult women who contract rubella |
25% of adults receiving rubella-containing vaccine |
Congenital Rubella Syndrome |
One in 4 women (if a woman becomes infected early in pregnancy) |
none See: Rubella |
Death (measles, mumps) Death from measles |
One in 2,500 - 5,000 One in 3,000 |
none |
* Subacute Sclerosing PanencEphalitis – fatal late complication of measles infection. Child dies 5 to 10 years after contracting measles infection.
† Miler CL, Andrews N, Rush M et al. The epidemiology of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis in England and Wales 1990-2002. Arch Dis Child 2004; 89(12):1145-8
‡ Miller CL, Farrington CP, Harbert K. The epidemiology of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis in England and Wales 1970-1989. Int J Epidemiology 1992; 21(5): 998-1006
Dr G C Kassianos Dr D P Norman Dr A Sachdev MD (Hons.), FRCGP, LRCP (Edin), LRCS (Edin), MA (Cantab), LRCP, MRCS, MB, ChB (Glasg), CFP, D Pall Med LRCPS (Glasg), DRCOG, DFP, FFTM RCPS (Glasg), DCH, CFP, DRCOG Dipl Med Acup. & Hyp., Fellow Higher Education Academy Fellow BTHA, Fellow European Society of Cardiology Dr D J Holmes Dr P Chadha Dr S Sankhari Dr C Moore MB, ChB (Birm), MRCGP, BSc. Hons, MRCGP, DRCOG, (Staff GP) (Staff GP) DRCOG, DFFP DFFP, MSc PH MBBS, DRCOG, DFFP MBBS, BSc, MRCGP, DCH, DRCOG |