Genocide via vaccination  Allopathy   Iatrogenic disease  
Allopathic rackets

"The American Medical Association is fashioned to prescribe drugs and perform various treatments that although they may be unsuspecting, tend to weed out the weaker species. The Council views the AMA's 'modern medicine' as barbaric. ”—Brice Taylor

[Getting away with murder. Psychopathy. If you suppress all the non-toxic cures along with the real cause of these diseases, while you effectively force everyone to use toxic drugs that don't work, and hasten death, then you are committing deliberate genocide, and it is not just for the money, it is the the on going Zionist (Reptilians proxies) agenda to kill off humans, as seen in their Mass Murder Inc, Murder Inc, and their very comprehensive mass poisoning: Human Abuse.  It is obvious in Vaccine Genocide, and the addition of Mercury, Fluoride, & Aluminium to drugs.   Allopathy is the leading cause of death, 783,936 1 every year in the USA alone, controlled by the mafia outfit: the FDA. That is over 2 million overt (Iatrogenic) deaths worldwide every year.  Then add on the 5-10 million who die every year due to suppressed medicine such as Vitamin C  (e.g. over 10 million from Sepsis, Suppress alternatives  The Cancer Conspiracy), with their lives shortened by chemotherapy & radiation.  Most Alzheimer victims can be laid at the doors of Allopathy Inc, also Heart disease, Cot death, & AIDSSmallpox vaccination killed millions over the centuries (they knew the cure in the 17th century 1). Allopathy Inc also covertly condones/promotes Food Inc, and poisons such as Aspartame & Fluoride. All these deaths are essentially Human sacrifice that we pay through the nose for (classic Satanism), and are even more striking when compared with alternative medicine---zero with vitamins 1 (Nutritional Medicine).  Allopathy and War Inc are the two competing serial killers.]

See: Death's Head  Skull & Bones society  Medical Hoaxes The Pharma Bandits

BIG PHARMA'S KILL CHART (So you believe Big Brother doesn't exist?)
[2003/4] Death by Medicine----Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, Martin Feldman, MD, Gary Null, PhD, Debora Rasio, MD



MAD (medically assisted death)

Death pathway (Liverpool Care Pathway)

ARV genocide
AZT genocide
Death pathway (Liverpool Care Pathway)
rugs (non-vaccine)
Export of mercury and withdrawn vaccines
Heart disease
Murder, manslaughter, school shootings
Vitamin C Conspiracy

Death by suppressing cures [Suppress alternatives]
Heart disease
Vitamin C Conspiracy

Death by drugs

ARV genocide
AZT genocide
Death pathway (Liverpool Care Pathway)
Drugs (non-vaccine)
Export of mercury and withdrawn vaccines
  Genocide & vaccination

Antidepressants/Benzodiazepines/antipsychotics kill 539,000 annually in USA & Europe. (3)
Eli Lilly killed 200,000 people with Zyprexa.(4)
Vioxx (120,000 deaths)

[5th December 2021] A Good Death? In a new and original film from Ickonic Media, we hear the heartbreaking stories from people who lost loved ones to fatal doses of Morphine and Midazolam. Each year, tens of thousands of elderly and terminally ill patients are quietly euthanised in NHS facilities. In hospitals, care homes and hospices, behind closed doors, their deaths are hastened in what appears to be a caring and humane way. But how has this practice of euthanasia – illegal in the UK and carrying a life prison sentence - become so widespread and acceptable? And why are people who are nowhere near the end of their lives being given killer ‘cocktails’ of drugs that are used in many US states for executions?

[2017 June] Indigestion pills 'may increase the risk of an early death': People who use one type of treatment for heartburn are 25% more likely to die within six years

[2012] Death by Modern Medicine: Seeking Safe Solutions (Book)  Death by Modern Medicine identifies the tragic aspects of a medical system that, in its short history of about eighty years, has managed to kill tens of millions of victims. Dr. Dean, in her widely circulated paper, "Death by Medicine", written in November 2003, was the first to identify the extent of these casualties. She confirmed that from 1990-2000 about 7.8 million victims suffered - Death by Medicine. By 2014 the numbers had escalated to over 1 million unnecessary deaths at a cost of over 280 billion dollars.
    Many people are shocked by this figure, but our eyes have been opened to the full horror of modern medicine. There have been 140,000 fatal or near fatal reactions to Vioxx; one third of the millions of women who took fen-phen, the weight loss drug, suffered heart and lung damage; heart disease is caused by Celebrex and all the other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; Prozac is causing suicides and homicides as well as heart disease. The list is seemingly endless. Beta blocker drugs have been responsible for an additional 800,000 needless deaths in a 5-year period in Europe, we don’t even have statistics for North America 

Chemo Kills 
Oncologists routinely tell two lies:
1. "You'll be dead in x months if you don't take chemotherapy"
2. "Chemotherapy is the only option" - when there are a dozen options, the worst of which is chemotherapy.

With these lies they murder an estimated one million a year for profit.

Elizabeth E. LaBozetta  Gallbladder surgery

Carolyn Dean MD, ND

Most Astonishing Health Disaster of the 20th Century. For over 100 years conventional medicine has seized control of the US health care system and as a result we have over 800,000 people who are killed by interacting with this system. It is likely that over 50 million Americans have died prematurely from this abuse