Herbalism, Natural Healing,
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& Healing Systems
"The simplicity of truth is annoying to man."---Goethe
[Natural Healing pioneers and authors include the early Medical Natural Hygienists--Tilden, Trall, Kloss &
Lindlahr, followed by Shelton, Ehret, Sidhwa, Sinclair, & Diamond (some who use Fasting). Then Naturopaths such as Airola, and those who use cleansing--Jensen & Walker, & cleansing with Herbs (Herbal Naturopaths)--Christopher, Hobbs, Bruess & Shulze. Herbal formulas for cancer are Hoxsey and Essiac. Ann Wigmore for the most natural raw food diet.See: Escharotics
Water cure
Natural Healers
doctors Homeopaths
How To Be Naturally Healthy Why Germs Don't Make You
Ill & Drugs Can't Cure You