june 2006] Shingles Vaccine Targets Baby Boomers
In a vaccine approval frenzy putting big smiles on the faces of drug
company execs, the FDA approved Zostavax, a shingles vaccine made by
Merck..... the FDA approved a
shingles vaccine that works half the time in people over 60. Merck really
wants to market the vaccine to people 50 and older but the FDA
temporarily said "No" to that idea because studies
hadn't been done. Zostavax is
actually a booster dose of Merck's varicella zoster (chicken
pox) vaccine. It is the equivalent of 14 doses of Merck's pediatric chicken
pox vaccine. The safety of injecting a "souped up" version of the
pediatric chicken pox vaccine into the often immune
compromised elderly is yet another national experiment
on one of the two most vulnerable segments of our
society: the frail elderly. The elderly, along with children, often bear the
brunt of medical science's obsession with eradicating microrganisms and
the exploitation by drug companies in search of
profits. Mass use of chicken pox vaccine in American children since
1995 has
caused a shingles epidemic in older Americans. Before mass chicken pox
vaccine use, Americans who had recovered from chicken pox as children
would have their immunity "boosted" naturally and
asymptomatically by coming into contact with young
children infected with chicken pox. Now, with no chicken
pox around to do the boosting for older Americans, they get shingles
instead. Chicken pox rarely causes severe complications or death in
healthy children with 50 chickenpox related deaths in
children occurring annually before mass use of chicken
pox vaccine..
Some researchers (Goldman, G., International Journal of Toxicology,
estimate it will take more than 50 years of mass use of chicken pox
vaccine before the shingles epidemic will begin to
subside and will affect 14.6 million Americans at a
cost of $4.1 billion or about $80 million in annual
health care costs. Shingles cases result in 3 times as many deaths and 5
times as many hospitalizations in adults as chicken pox cases do in
Bottom line: Drug companies double their profit
potential when they
create vaccines and drugs which create diseases and disorders that
require creation and purchase of new vaccines and
drugs. It gives special meaning to the phrase "a
vicious circle."
The CDC through their own studies have shown a child is much more likely to develop a neurodevelopmental delay such as Autism, ADHD, Speech Delay if given mercury containing vaccines (Thimerosal), but then marked their own research as confidential and not to release. They later altered their own data to show no link between mercury containing vaccines and these neurological disorders. Angela's Story
Pictures right--DDT spraying:
[EW may 2006] Salva Kirr's Village Gifting Report--Southern Sudan
David A. Geier, Mark R. Geier.
An assessment of downward trends in
neurodevelopmental disorders in the United States
following removal of thimerosal from childhood vaccines. Med
Sci Monit, 2006.
The present study provides the first epidemiological evidence showing that as
Thimerosal was removed
from childhood vaccines, the number of NDs has decreased in the US.
No Evidence of Measles Virus in MMR-Vaccinated Autistic Children
Ritalin - The Hidden
Effects...Article by Independent Investigative Reporter Jon Rappaport
The Human 'Fallout' of Depleted Uranium Munitions (April
29, 2006)
"The Illuminati wants to create unbridled HATRED again the people and
military forces of the United States so they can get their Middle East
Armageddon style war into full gear-which will EXHAUST the American military and
make the home front vulnerable to the control of Russian and Chinese troops who
are already secretly billeted here."
right is the production of smallpox vaccine. Enough said!
Donations tie drug firms and nonprofits
[NVIC May 2006] Drug Companies Manipulate Study Data
If drug companies manipulate study data on psychiatric drugs, it is a
given that they manipulate study data on vaccines created for the
lucrative child population in America. The CDC has
never met a vaccine for children it did not want to
recommend for universal use in order to guarantee drug
companies a stable, assured market and big profits. The psychiatric drug
business pales in comparison with the multi-billion dollar child vaccine
business in America. Other than the FDA staff, nobody is independently
checking the integrity of vaccine safety data provided to the FDA by drug
companies when they seek licensure of a new vaccine. The public is asked
to "trust" that the drug companies are telling the
truth about vaccine safety. Sure they are.
[DM 2006] Zithromax causes Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Is Morgellons Disease Caused By Chemtrail Spraying?
- FDA and Health Freedom Protection Act
The FDA censors health information. It does so to protect drugs and its drug
approval process from competition.
Between 1992 and 1996, FDA
prohibited companies that sell folic acid from telling women of childbearing age
that .4 mg of folic acid daily before pregnancy could reduce the incidence of
neural tube defects (including spina bifida and encephaly) by 40%. FDA’s
censorship contributed to a preventable 10,000 neural tube defect births.
Between 1994 to 2000, FDA
prohibited companies that sell omega-3 fatty acids from telling Americans that
those fatty acids found in fish oil could reduce the risk of coronary heart
disease by as much as 50%. FDA’s censorship contributed to a preventable 1.8
million sudden death heart attacks.
Between 2000 and the present, FDA prohibits companies
that sell saw palmetto extract (the fruit of the dwarf American palm tree) from
telling Americans that saw palmetto reduces enlarged prostates and relieves
related symptoms. Approximately 50% of all men age 50 and older suffer from
enlarged prostates and are denied access to this information.
Between 2000 and the present, FDA prohibits companies
that sell glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate from telling Americans that those
dietary ingredients treat osteoarthritis and relieve osteoarthritic pain and
stiffness. Approximately 20 million Americans suffer needlessly from
[2003] Sudden Withdrawal on Effexor
“I have attempted suicide 3 times now, maybe the fourth will be the charm
because this life is not life, it is a tortuous hell, that leaves little to live
[2003] Paxil Suicide
[2003] Another horrible
Paxil story “We will never get over this horrible
[2004] 16-Year Old’s Suicide
on Zoloft
[2003] The Tragic Death of my Friend of 25 Years Due to Prozac
[2003] Prozac and how it made
me try to commit suicide
[2003] Suicide Attempts on Aropax
12-Year Old Attempts Suicide on Luvox
[DM Forum April 2006] Vaccines...my child was a typical child...
of Dr. Boyd E. Haley by Teri Small:
"The vaccine contains 125,000 nanomolar level of
mercury if it has Thimerosal as a preservative. That’s a huge amount. And one
nanomolar levels.....they will lose their ability to
eat viruses and bacteria that are in
the blood that shouldn’t be there, and so Thimerosal suppresses the
immune system..................I think that the
biological case against Thimerosal is so dramatically overwhelming anymore that
only a very foolish or a very dishonest person with the credentials to
understand this research would say that Thimerosal wasn’t most likely the cause
of autism......Also, it’s not only those children,
but those who are on antibiotics are much more susceptible to all types of
mercury toxicity, because antibiotics have been shown in experiments with rats
to prevent the excretion of mercury. So, it builds up in the bodies of these
children......The same thing with diets: milk diets
increase the retention of mercury in the bodies of children....the
diet, the antibiotics and what we call synergistic toxicity of the exposure to
other heavy metals, which is rampant in this country
The American Dental Association (ADA)
The RFID Hacking Underground They can steal your smartcard, lift your passport, jack your car, even clone the chip in your arm. And you won't feel a thing. 5 tales from the RFID-hacking underground.
Insulin and Its Metabolic Effect By Ron Rosedale, M.D.
[Media march 11, 2004] How the MMR experts are tied to drug firms.
Corporate Takeover of the Food Supply
Hollywood and Illuminati Team Up in DaVinci Code To Promote Satanic Lies
[EW] Typical report from someone trying to get out of a newage cult...--Don Croft[Media May 24, 2006] Health experts downplay risk, warn against vaccine ban
[Media 22 May 2006] Heart drugs for all to combat bad diet.
Review of "Evidence of Harm" wins Excellence in Journalism award
Dr Rushidie Kayiwa
Dr. Von Peter
[The Times May 23, 2006] NHS told to abandon alternative medicine
[Media May 2006] Eli Lilly's Strattera - 130 reports of suicidality in one month
[Media March 2006]
MHRA forbids Sweden to reveal
Strattera suicide data
The British Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
(MHRA) has forbidden Swedish authorities to reveal Strattera suicide data. A
release in Sweden of data about suicides and suicide attempts from Eli
Lilly's Strattera is said to hurt the relations between the two countries.
"You couldn't even construct a study that shows
thimerosal is safe. It's just too darn toxic. If you inject thimerosal into an
animal, its brain will sicken. If you apply it to living tissue, the cells die.
If you put it in a petri dish, the culture dies. Knowing these things, it would
be shocking if one could inject it into an infant without causing damage."
----Dr. Boyd Haley, Professor and Chair, Dept. of Chemistry, University
of Kentucky and one of the world's leading authorities on mercury toxicity
"If, as the evidence suggests, our public-health authorities knowingly allowed
the pharmaceutical industry to poison an entire generation of American children,
their actions arguably constitute one of the biggest scandals in the annals of
American medicine." Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
"If the epidemic is truly an artifact of poor diagnosis,"
scoffs Dr. Boyd Haley, one of the world's authorities on mercury toxicity, "then
where are all the twenty-year-old autistics?"
(Excerpts from Deadly Immunity)
Doctors Against
Research? By David Kirby on the Huffington Post blog.
In other words, Congress wants to study thimerosal -- the mercury
containing vaccine preservative and possible contributor to some autism
cases -- and that makes the powerful AAP very, very unhappy.
"Any bill that contains any questions about vaccines, we are not going to
endorse," one lobbyist informed the group. "There is absolutely no link
between thimerosal and autism. Period. To endorse the bill implies that
this is an open question, and it is not." "The
bottom line," the lobbyist continued, to stunned silence, "is that we
don't want to look into this. It is inappropriate to waste precious
research dollars on something that we know will be disproved."
[NVIC May 2006] HPV Vaccine Increases Cancer Risk Gardasil, the heavily promoted cervical cancer and genital wart vaccine that Merck, the CDC and AAP want to mandate for all 11 and 12 year old girls, will not only increase the risk of cervical cancer for some of adolescent girls but can also make them susceptible to infection from the multiple other strains of HPV. In addition, five women who got the vaccine around time of conception gave birth to babies with birth defects.
[Media May 2006] 5-in-1 jab 'made baby boy blind'
[EW May 2006] Gunderson Update--Don Croft
More Americans should get flu shot: experts
Zapper quotes
I am one of the biggest advocates of zappers you will meet.
It has turned me into a much healthier person, even though I never considered
myself to be unhealthy really in the first place. I have, however, had
asthma since a very young age, induced by exercise, stress, and allergies.
Along with the asthma, I’ve always tended to get bouts of bronchitis, the flu,
colds, etc. at least once a month or so. There were always certain times
of the year, such as December and March, when I could pretty much count on being
debilitated by my asthma and bronchitis. It was a regular occurance, and
had just become natural to me.
I started wearing a zapper in April of last year, after
finally ordering the standard orgone zapper from orgonize-africa. I had
been reading about it for some time, and decided it was finally time to try it
out. Since then, I have been convinced that the zapper is one of the
greatest inventions we will ever see. I have not actually used any asthma
medicine or had any attacks since February of last year, and haven’t had
bronchitis or a cold or anything in about the same length of time. It’s so
nice not getting sick every month anymore! I can actually make plans for
St. Patrick’s Day and Christmas without having to worry about whether or not I
will need to bring my Nebulizer machine so that I can breathe. It’s really
great, and I owe Georg from orgonize-africa big time.
Another thing I noticed was that on the first day I started
wearing my zapper, I lost 5 pounds! At the
time, I was not dieting, was not exercising, and had actually eaten quite an
unhealthy selection that day, including a big piece of chocolate cake for
breakfast! There is absolutely no reason that I should have lost weight
that day. I even took the batteries out of my scale and replaced them with
new ones to be sure, but it was not a mistake. I weigh myself every
morning and I lost 5 pounds in one day, just from wearing the zapper. I’m
not sure if it increased my metabolism, or if it was 5 pounds of parasites dying
off! Either way, I kept the weight off and have remained healthy ever
since. The zapper is indeed one of the greatest inventions of our time.
Peace and love always,------Rocky J [May 2006]
[Media May 2006] U.S. has second worst newborn death rate in modern world, report says
[Media 2006] More Americans should get flu shot: experts
[1881] PASTEUR AND JENNER. An Example and a Warning. BY J. J. GARTH WILKINSON.
The evidence that fluoride is harmful is overwhelming ---Dr. Limeback
The Cloud
Appreciation Society
That since Vaccination has been rendered obligatory, infantile syphilis (under one year old) has been increased in England, according to a Parliamentary return, dated February 25th, 1880, from 472 per million of births in 1847, to 1,736 per million in 1877, or fourfold; and that other inoculable diseases, such as pyaemia, scrofula, erysipelas, and bronchitis, were also augmented in infants. In England, the increase of inoculable diseases was 20 per cent., notwithstanding an expenditure of 200 millions sterling since 1850 in sanitary works. Another Parliamentary return (No. 443, Session 1877) demonstrates that 25,000 babies are yearly sacrificed by diseases excited by Vaccination. International Anti-Vaccination League points against vaccination 1880
Dehydration and
high blood pressure
A little over a year ago, we found my husband had high blood pressure. The
initial response was for him to take Hyzaar. Mike, after finding information you
had on your web site about water and hypertension being a result of constantly
being dehydrated the house lights went on for me as my Mike, just does not drink
water, or very many fluids at all. After much nagging and finally resorting to
bribery (he’s allowed to spend the money we used to spend on Hyzaar for further
restoration of his 1958 Chevy Apache) I did get him to finally start drinking
water – lots of it! I am happy to report that he no longer takes medication and
his blood pressure is NORMAL!
He would regularly be over 140/90 and now stays in the 120/80 range. We still
find that if he has a day that he just doesn't drink enough water; the blood
pressure will want to creap up over the 120/80 - like 135/87 - drink water -
down it comes again.
'Sham' Saddam's 'Sham' Lawyer Slams Trial 'Sham'
Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy
Brittle bones and child abuse
[Media May 2006] Experts probe
pill link to bone disease
[Media, May 14, 2006] Our
son broke his leg, so social workers took our three children away...then had
them adopted
[Media May 2006]
Brittle bone parents suspected of abuse
[Media May 15, 2006] Children 'should sleep with parents until five'
- Orgonite Information, Links and Resources
Free of the conspiracy stuff.
Lying with statistics: How
conventional medicine confuses the public with absolute risk vs. relative risk
by Mike Adams
Health Library.com
"I have endeavoured to show that there is no real service of humanity in the profession [of medicine] and that it is injurious to mankind."--Mahatma Gandhi
The American Heart Association logo. It's just another marketing symbol for sale, and companies pay the AHA for the right to use it! Fact: The AHA logo appears in food items made with refined sugar! ----Mike Adams
Documentary Film on Autism Stuns Internet Viewers. "Autism Every Day" produced for Autism Speaks.
ProQuad vaccine
"The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that men may become robots" - Erich Fromm
[EW May 15, 2006 Free energy] From a Gifting Buddhist Monk...--Don Croft
[2006 pdf Book] Magnesium For Life by Mark Sircus Ac., OMD
[Media MAY 14 2006]
(Pediacel )
Evidence from the vaccine's manufacturers, Sanofi Pasteur, shows that in
clinical trials 64 per cent of 451 babies given the Pediacel
jab experienced bad reactions. Ten per cent of
these were "moderate to severe".
[Media, May 13, 2006] Contamination suspected in child vaccination death
[May 2006] Bush Uses FDA To Shield Big Pharma From Lawsuits
All of the Age of Autism series can be found at http://www.theageofautism.com
[EW May 12, 2006] Death Towers: 'The Emperor has no Clothes!'--Don Croft
[EW May 10, 2006] Carol Bests Fu Manchu's Boy--in the Air ;-) by Don Croft
Autism-mercury link documented
In Katie Wedell's article, "A matter of understanding/Parents question role of
mercury in rising number of Autism cases," she states, "Mercury is commonly used
as a preservative in vaccines in a small amount." She
goes on to say, "There is no proven link between the
small amounts of mercury found in vaccinations and autism."
Thimerosal (50 percent mercury) is added to vaccines
at a concentration of 1:10,000. This is equivalent to
a concentration of 100,000 parts per billion (ppb).
This puts the concentration of
mercury in the vaccine vial at 50,000 ppb. To put this in perspective,
liquid waste that exceeds 200 ppb of mercury must be
disposed of in a special hazardous waste landfill. Drinking water cannot exceed
2 ppb mercury. "Small" would probably be the last word to use when describing
the amount of mercury in vaccines.
Michael Wagnitz, Madison, Wis.
"In the entire history of man, no one has ever been brainwashed and realized, or believed, that he had been brainwashed. Those who have been brainwashed will usually passionately defend their manipulators. Dick Sutphen
[Media May 2006 MMR vaccine] GSK says Priorix involvement in Vietnam death unconfirmed
[Allopath bloggers
Tara C. Smith
Recommendation from
One of my colleagues always says, "Don't stop to stone the devil's dogs." But
every once in a while it's amusing to indulge in the same caustic, self-serving
posturing some substitute for medical dialogue.- Nancy Hokkanen
Dr. George Lucier, toxicologist and former director of the Environmental Toxicology Program, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences says, "Thimerosal contains organic mercury. Organic mercury is a known developmental neurotoxin and the fetus and infants are at special risk. Public health policies should not allow infants to be purposely injected with organic mercury."
[May 2006]
Whistleblower Mark Livingston Battles Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Sodium cyanide is used in the Prevnar manufacturing process, but trace
amounts remain in the vaccine itself, according to Livingston.
There are in fact, he says, many toxic substances in vaccines. "Mercury,
lead, aluminum, cyanide, it's not a pretty picture," Livingston warns,
"for a child's immune system, for unsuspecting parents
and caregivers, who are never told about the presence
of these chemicals, and for employees who have to keep
their mouths shut or face losing employment," he
[May 206
Surveillance] Reach Out and Track Someone
If you are one of the more than 200 million Americans with a cell phone
nestled in your pocket, authorities may be able to find you any time day
or night--even if you never make or receive a call.....A
lesser-known fact: Cell phone companies can locate you any time you are
in range of a tower and your phone is on.
"He has lied to himself, and perhaps also to others,
and believed his lie." ---Secret, Don't Tell: The
Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery p.221
Calling the Shots "Immunizations." Numerous studies indicate that vaccines cannot be relied upon to boost the immune system and protect an individual from contracting the disease the vaccines were designed to offset. ..... According to Dr. Sandra Huffman, head of Nurture: The Center to Prevent Childhood Malnutrition, "Increasing Americans' breastfeeding rate would prevent more childhood diseases-and deaths-than [vaccination programs endorsed by the government]." A distinction must therefore be made: breastfed babies are immunized; children who are injected with germs and other toxic substances are vaccinated.----Immunization Ploys-Are Parents Being Manipulated?by Neil Z. Miller
Calling the shots "preventive medicine" is deceptive as well. According to Dr. Kenneth Cooper, pioneering author of Aerobics, "My concept of preventive medicine is trying to prevent the things that kill us. Infectious disease is way down the list." (Dr. Cooper was ostracized from the medical community for promoting exercise to improve health!) Immunization Ploys-Are Parents Being Manipulated?by Neil Z. Miller
[Media, May 11, 2006] Two doses of MMR 'may not protect from mumps'
[pdf March 2006]
MMR Vaccine, Thimerosal and
Regressive or Late Onset Autism
A Review of the Evidence for a Link Between
Vaccination and Regressive Autism--David
Thrower, David
I would also be particularly interested to learn of any documented cases of
completely unvaccinated children who have later dramatically and
inexplicably regressed into autism after a normal infancy. To date, no
such case has ever been identified to me.
[2001] Depleted Uranium & the Fallon cancer cluster. Story provided by Jerry Smith
Discounted casualties - the human cost of depleted uranium
During the Gulf War in 1991, US and UK forces used a new weapon against
Iraq. This new weapon, the depleted uranium (DU) projectile, is radioactive.
Unlike atomic or hydrogen bombs, it involves no nuclear fusion or fission, but
nine years after the end of the war, adverse health effects from DU exposure
continue to manifest among military personnel and civilians in Iraq where the
fighting took place, and among US and British veterans and their families. As I
traveled through the US, UK, and Iraq to cover this story, I was confronted at
every turn by the sad and frightening spectre of "discounted casualties,"-
people exposed to depleted uranium and other toxic substances, and now tormented
by leukemia and a whole array of chronic disorders.
(Akira Tashiro, senior staff writer )
More than 35,000 people are dying unnecessarily every year in a government
subsidized and monitored program.
ME-CFS Politics in a Nutshell UK
The situation here in France for autistic children and their family, is catastrophic.
Andrew J.
Wakefielda, FRCS FRCPath; Carol Stottb, PhD; and Kirsten Limbc, BSc
Gastrointestinal comorbidity, autistic regression and Measles-containing
vaccines: positive re-challenge and biological gradient
Article-in-press; Medical Veritas: The Journal of Medical Truth; Volume 3,
Issue 1, April 2006.
Medical Veritas is the journal of Medical Veritas International (MVI);
May 2006] $1 Billion In Flu Vaccine Contracts
If the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services has given $1
billion dollars out of the taxpayers pocketbook to drug companies to
create new flu vaccines, you can bet that when those
flu vaccines are ready to be sold to a public they
have conditioned to live in abject fear of a case of
the flu, government health officials will be lobbying states to pass laws
mandating that every citizen get a flu shot every year.
How else will those drug companies make big bucks after they get a big
handout from Uncle Sam for creating vaccines that public health officials
persuade politicians to force everybody to use? .....
there is always money to be made in developing drugs to try to counteract
the problems too much vaccination creates.
[NVIC May 2006] Threat of
In what amounts to a catfight between drug companies competing for the
same government contract, Michigan's Bioport and the politicians that
back the company have secured more cash from taxpayers
to prepare for a theoretical bioterrorism attack on
U.S. civilians. Yet, there is not one scintilla of
solid evidence that has been provided to the public since Sept.
11, 2001 by the U.S. government that any terrorist group in the world has
the scientific expertise and capability to weaponize anthrax, smallpox or
any other microorganism and successfully deliver it in lethal form to
large numbers of civilians on the mainland.
lack of evidence, however, does not deter the fear mongers and
profiteers, who continue to frighten the people into believing a
bioterrorism attack is imminent. And so large sums of taxpayer money is
handed over to drug companies to produce bioterrorism vaccines which can
be forced upon the people in order to recoup
production expenses and generate more profit for
vaccine makers.
[EW May 2006]
Heaven and
Earth by Laozu
In the summer of 2003 these observations led to the discovery of
what I have come to call vortices, though this is a specialized use of the
general term, and different people use that term for different phenomena. What I
have since come to view as the typical vortex of this type occurs on the earth's
surface, often at a place of high altitude relative to the surrounding area,
where qi from below ground comes up and concentrates. This qi contacts the
surface at a few points, and if TBs or HHGs are placed at those points, positive
qi comes up through the surface and swirls upward in the the shape of an
inverted cone. The first example of such was at Steptoe Butte, and I published
the events connected with the "opening" of that vortex on the cloudbuster forum.
Several other vortices were opened that summer and fall, including Moscow
Mountain, but it wasn't until the next summer (2004) that I began instill some
order into the process and began to get a better idea of its significance.
Why I Quit HIV by Rebecca V. Culshaw
E mail May 2006 Re Hysterectomy[May 2006] Autism Costs $35 Billion Per Year to U.S.
[May 2006] CDC Report Ignores Autism-Mercury Link Despite New Data by J.T. Thorn
[Media Aug 1, 2004] Experts fall out over nuclear plant risks
They claim that previous methods of calculating the effects of emissions on
people living near nuclear installations have underestimated the risk by a
factor of up to 300. If correct, the study could
explain the clusters of cancer and leukaemia cases found close to nuclear
installations in north Wales and Essex and near Sellafield in Cumbria.....Lawyers
at Defra, the environment ministry, have sent letters to all 12 members of the
committee warning them that they could be sued for defamation if they include
Bramhall and Busby's minority report.....Busby and
Bramhall say that since Meacher was sacked the committee has been taken over by
people with pro-nuclear views who have done their best to suppress opposing
opinions. "The basis of these calculations is
completely wrong and as a consequence people living near Sellafield and other
installations have been suffering elevated rates of cancers and all sorts of
other diseases," Busby said.
[Media Agent Orange]
What it did, according to the Hanoi government, is cause up to 500,000 children
to be born with congenital defects......Of the 60 to
100 births that take place every day at the hospital, at least one or two are
stillborn......The number of births of so-called Agent
Orange babies peaked in 1985, but there are still more
than 300 children born with birth defects at Tu Du Hospital every year.
[Schafer Autism Report--Pediatrics
article May 2006] The Obfuscation of The Iatrogenic Autism Epidemic
As a pediatrician, who has been in practice for over two decades, I
find it more than a little insulting as well as disturbing to have
someone say that these children were always there.
..... For years the vaccine division at the
CDC and others have said the reason for the dramatic increase in autism
is due to "better diagnosing" and "greater awareness."
They have encouraged those like Paul Shattuck to
manufacture uncertainty. .... There are no studies
that have found the previously undiagnosed or
misdiagnosed autistic individuals among older
Americans. They simply aren't there. We need to
address the real reason for the alarming autism rate. No
more secrets or truth-spinning. This is not a faux epidemiological
epidemic, nor an infectious epidemic, nor a genetic
epidemic (as there are no genetic epidemics). That
leaves an epidemic linked to some sort of exposure.
[Media May 2006] Vaccine makers helped write Frist-backed shield law
G. M. Morley, MB ChB
FACOG August 29, 2001
To Whom It May Concern:
I AM WILLING TO TESTIFY AND OFFER PROOF that immediate cord clamping at birth
causes attention deficit disorders, learning disabilities, behavioral disorders,
mental retardation, respiratory distress syndrome, and intraventricular
hemorrhage, and cerebral palsy.
[Media May 2006] Pfizer
accused of testing drug on children
Pfizer's experiment was "an illegal trial of an unregistered drug", the Nigerian
panel concluded, and a "clear case of exploitation of the ignorant".
Real reasons for early cord clamping?
ACOG recommends and teaches immediate amputation of the placenta at birth to obtain cord blood studies for medico-legal documentation; the results have no bearing on child care. B138 was first published in 1993. Every cesarean section baby, every depressed child, every premie, and every child born with a neonatal team in the delivery room has its cord clamped immediately to facilitate the panicked rush to the resuscitation table. The current epidemic of immediate cord clamping coincides with an epidemic of autism..........For the trial lawyers, it is essential that the “true genesis” of cerebral palsy remains unknown, because that “true genesis” (ACOG Practice Bulletin 138 (B138) is a standard of medico-legal care; thus, no obstetrical fault exists; the medico-legal professions are at fault. A Refutation of ACOG’s Report on Cerebral Palsy By George Malcolm Morley, MB ChB FACOG
[7 May 2006] But What if no one's out there at all?
[March 2006 VRAN] Aftermath of Hepatitis B Shots (CFS)
By Lucia Morgan
It's been nearly three years since I became chronically ill. I can tell
you the day and the hour it began. It was shortly
after I received my second hepatitis B shot. I had recently completed a master's
degree. Six months after the shot, I could barely read.
March 2006 Idaho Observer: FOWL! Bird flu—What it’s really all about
Arrest on Sight - Ariel Sharon, Sociopath
[Media 2004] Running rings around the victims
19, 2004 Israel
Ringworm and Radiation
Every Sephardi child was to be given 35,000 times the maximum dose of x-rays
through his head. For doing so, the American government paid the Israeli
government 300 million Israeli liras a year. The entire Health budget was 60
million liras. The money paid by the Americans is equivalent to billions of
dollars today. To fool the parents of the victims, the children were taken away
on "school trips" and their parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment
for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. 6,000 of the children died shortly after
their doses were given, while many of the rest developed cancers that killed
thousands over time and are still killing them now. While living, the victims
suffered from disorders such as epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer's disease, chronic
headaches and psychosis. ......The film presents a
historian who first gives a potted history of the eugenics movement. In a later
sound bite, he declares that the ringworm operation was a eugenics program aimed
at weeding out the perceived weak strains of society.
[PROVE may 2006] Flu Vaccine Fails to Reduce Cases
[EW May 2006] Dolphin
hyperdimensional physics displays...--Don Croft
One of the gifters in the Seattle area is a construction supervisor who
manages a half dozen, large commercial sites at a time. Before he started
gifting he had to spend a lot of time troubleshooting at the sites but, now, he
simply gifts the areas thoroughly before construction begins and is rarely
needed after that because things run smoothly. The workers show up more
regularly, get along with each other and their bosses better and everyone can
maintain their concentration and energy levels more easily, thanks to the
orgonite. .......The dolphin began swimming very fast
around the tank, then swam suddenly toward Gentry, came out of the water and
held his hand in her teeth while looking into his eyes. He was overwhelmed with
a dark future vision in that instant and was suspended in time while a vision of
the self-destruction of humanity played out. Then she let go, dropped back
into the water and swam away from him.
[2006-March-09 ] BIRD-FLU UPDATE BECAUSE IT'S TIME by John Rappoport
[Book] Four Women Against Cancer by Alan Cantwell ISBN 0917211332 Aries Rising Press
[1921] Vaccination
and the State By Arnold Lupton MP.
Finished. Published by the National Anti-Vaccination
Society, and one of the best documents on smallpox vaccination.
[Media 1996] Doctor sheds some light on a quick cure for skin cancer
MF59 adjuvant
[NVIC May 2006] Upper, Middle Class Families Shun MMR Vacine
[EW April 20, 2006] Don Croft--official 'Enemy of the State'
George M. Morley, M.B., Ch. B., FACOG
[Media 1996] The scandal of
how Britain's babies are being crippled from birth
by sprays and pesticides
LITTLE Claire Stanton came into the world with massive disabilities and at seven
months was diagnosed with Charge......After talking
with the mother of another Charge child, Cassy suddenly realised that her office
had been sprayed following a cockroach infestation.....
her office had been cleaned on the 38th day of her pregnancy.
She later discovered from experts that the unborn child develops Charge
in the womb between 35 and 40 days of the pregnancy.
Cassy was told verbally that the chemical sprayed in her office was
[Media 2005] Is your kettle poisoning you?
[Media 2004] Could an X- ray damage your child's future brainpower?
THE MAGIC OF TOUCH by Desmond Morris
April 2006] Hyping Kid Flu Vaccination
Once again, the M.D./Ph.D. "experts" stand on the backs of little children
to fan public fear of the flu and hype forced child use of flu vaccine.....Now,
self-anointed "experts" are determined to prevent or severely limit
human experience with the flu throughout childhood in order to create a
stable market for drug companies selling flu vaccine.
.....Long after the "experts" pretending to be infallible have died, the
people will be paying the price for having allowed
themselves to be experimented upon.
IAOMT: Education & Organization in the Age of Mercury Free Dentistry
[1921] Vaccination and the State By Arnold Lupton MP.
[Media April 2006] Fresh inquest to be held into post-vaccination death
[NVIC] NIH Wants Toxic Adjuvant in Flu Vaccine
[Book pdf] Be Wise As Serpents by Fritz Springmeier
[WM April 2006 Cancer] Zapper Confirmation
[Media April 2006] Sick babies prompt fears over ‘new’ TB vaccine safety
[EW April 2006] Heaven and
What I have since come to view as the typical vortex of this type occurs on the
earth's surface, often at a place of high altitude relative to the surrounding
area, where qi from below ground comes up and concentrates. This qi contacts the
surface at a few points, and if TBs or HHGs are placed at those points, positive
qi comes up through the surface and swirls upward in the the shape of an
inverted cone.
Bird, Christopher. The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens: The True
Story of the Efforts to Suppress an Alternative Treatment for Cancer, AIDS, and
Other Immunologically Based Diseases. Tiburon, California: H J Kramer Inc, 1991.
The long title says it all. Sensitively written by the author of quite
popular books that remain in print, including The Secret Life of Plants and
Secrets Of The Soil. Downloads as a PDF of 1.04 mb. OUT OF PRINT. ISBN
the Cord Clamp Injures Your Baby's Brain By George M. Morley, M.B., Ch. B.,
[EW March 27, 2006] Doc Kayiwa's Southern Sudan Report --Don Croft
[1960] The Fluoridations Fallacy by R.F. Boyd Gaudin, B.Sc., A.C.G.I., A.M.I.C.E.
Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research
UN BECOMING revolves around Emma Douglas, a woman who has everything...to lose.
She is sensual, smart and driven. Painting is her life's breath. But a medical
opinion threatens everything. UN BECOMING explores how any woman can lose
control when the voice of intuition is silenced.
Foundation. Hysterectomy Alternatives & Consequences - information, alternative
"Nothing is so firmly believed as that of which we know least."—Montaigne.
Jenner and Vaccination A
Strange Chapter of
Medical History
by Charles Creighton M.D.
"It is difficult to conceive what will be the excuse
made for a century of cowpoxing; but it cannot be
doubted that the practice will appear in as absurd a light to the common sense
of the twentieth century as blood-letting now does to us. Vaccination differs,
however, from all previous errors of the faculty, in being maintained as the law
of the land on the warrant of medical authority. That is the reason why the blow
to professional credit can hardly help being severe, and why the efforts to ward
it off have been, and will continue to be so ingenious."
Zacherle Hoag's Vault of the
Interview With Russ Dizdar: Demonic Possession and Cult
[April 2006] The Age of Autism: Pox -- Part 1 By Dan Olmsted Dan Olmsted
[Media April 2006]
Experts Defining Mental Disorders Are Linked to Drug Firms
[Vaccine critic] Peter
2000 CMA] Vaccination: the wider picture? In response to: Vaccination:
refuting the refusals by Peter Morrell
"Let me explain why I am opposed to vaccination and
why I have had none of my four children immunised for anything, all of whom are
healthy.......My objections are that it does not work;
it is unnatural, that the human race has survived healthily for countless
generations without them and that homeopathy provides a better alternative that
is both safe and effective. Yet, I am not
typical because many of those who oppose vaccination know nothing about
homeopathy, and as you say, they object for political or religious reasons, that
lie beyond the scope of medical practice. However, once you use homeopathy and
can rely on it, as I have done for over twenty years, then one can see the
dangers and pitfalls of vaccination as another Russian roulette game not worth
the risk.....Doctors essentially believe the
pro-vaccine propaganda and just keep repeating it like a mantra without looking
at the facts. It is like a form of voluntary brainwashing. In truth, every major
infection for which vaccines exist was originally in massive decline before a
single vaccine was introduced. This certainly applies to Diphtheria,
Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough and Measles."
Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless Interview with Howard Straus by Paula Peterson
An article about psychiatrist Simon Wessely written by Dr. Margaret Cook
"So if I understand you correctly, Jesus, I nuke Iran and then invade N. Korea? Or do I nuke N. Korea and then invade Iran? And do I do this after we spread the bird flu at anti-war protests and quarantine all the commies?"
[WM April 2006] Gifting The Isle of Wight and David Icke's new CB
[EW April 2006] Don Croft on
zapper curing arthritis
I can make the arthritis claim because I've got plenty of confirmations--it's as
routine as curing cancer, in fact. We're prudent not to advance any claim
which we can't personally substantiate but it's always okay to say that 'some
claim zappers cure arthritis,' and leave it up to the hearer to decide whether
to pursue it farther.
"For here we are not afraid to follow truth
wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate error so long as reason is free to combat
Thomas Jefferson
The Nature of Cancer by Ernst T. Krebbs
[Orgonite device] Torsion CB Tutorial By Rich & John
[PROVE April 2006] Recent Mumps Cases and Air Travel
Fearmongering 'experts'
Professor Hugh Pennington
Professor Colin Blakemore
Dr. Patrick Dixon
Big Stakes in Tamiflu Debate Rumsfeld - as a stock holder and former CEO of Gilead Sciences Inc., the sole patent owner of Tamiflu, the antiviral drug now being stockpiled by the Defense Department and other agencies - stands to make millions of dollars if legislation is passed that allocates additional federal money to stockpile the anti-viral medications.
[April 2006] The Age of Autism: Christian's mom speaks By Dan Olmsted
Autism Controversy Eats At Credibility of CDC
"We simply don't know what the cause of autism is," Dr. Bob Davis, the
CDC's director of immunization safety,
California Reports: Autism Caseload Exceeds 30,000
"These microorganisms (germs) feed upon the
poisonous material which they find in the sick organism and prepare it for
excretion. These tiny organisms are derived from still tinier organisms called
microzyma. These microzyma are present in the tissues and blood of all living
organisms where they remain normally quiescent and harmless. When the welfare of
the human body is threatened by the presence of potentially harmful material, a
transmutation takes place. The microzyma changes into a bacterium or virus which
immediately goes to work to rid the body of this harmful material. When the
bacteria or viruses have completed their task of consuming the harmful material
they automatically revert to the microzyma stage".--Sourced:
vaccination The "Hidden" Facts by Ian
Sinclair p62
[WM April 2006] Gifting The Isle of Wight and David Icke's new CB
[Media April 2006] Report Faults Video Reports Shown as News Many television news stations, including some from the nation's largest markets, are continuing to broadcast reports as news without disclosing that the segments were produced by corporations pitching new products...The report said none of the stations had disclosed that the segments were produced by publicists representing companies like General Motors, Capital One and Pfizer. ...The center also said that many of the 69 stations took steps to blend the fake segments into their news broadcasts. Some had their news reporters or anchors read scripts supplied by corporations, the report said, and many had altered screen graphics to include the station's logo. The report said that a few stations had introduced publicists as if they were their on-air reporters. Only a handful of stations added any independently gathered information or videotape, it said. The 69 stations reach about half the population of the United States.
Collins M.D. [See how the Allopath Midgley suppresses anti-vaccine links and criticism]
Future of Food - Fake Foods] Investigative Reporter,
Pam Killeen interviews Deborah Garcia about her new movie, The Future of Food.
If these genetically engineered seeds blow onto a farmer’s field, Monsanto could
come on their field, test their crops, demand money from them and claim
ownership of the crops. The farmer, who probably doesn't want to have
genetically engineered seeds anywhere near his field, now has this
responsibility. It’s a very strange situation. It seems like Monsanto has all
the power and that they don't have any accountability or responsibility. If
contamination occurs on an innocent neighboring farm, somehow the innocent
farmer has to pay for the contamination. It’s illogical. This is now the way
that the system is working. It’s the opposite from what you would imagine..............
in order to determine whether or not these crops would
be regulated, both the government and the biotech industry decided that these
seeds would be considered “substantially equivalent” to normal seeds. This is
simply not true. The reason why they came up with this
determination was so that GE foods wouldn't have to be regulated, tested nor
...One future is industrial
pesticides, chemical laden, tasteless food that is heavily processed, controlled
by huge multinational corporations for their own benefit; the other future is
exemplified by organic farmers who farm and feed people regionally with good
healthy food that people can feel safe eating and eat in a sense of community
and family. If people really understood what was happening to our food supply,
they would choose good, safe, healthy food grown by a local farmer. If we choose
to eat this way, we will also benefit by supporting local economies.
[EW jan 2006] Frozen charged water 2 by CescoPyramid Crystal Charger by Laozu
[EW March 2006] Doc Kayiwa's Southern Sudan Report
DuPont Pays Heavy Price For Teflon Cover-Up
[jan 2006] Bribing Doctors - Another Drug Marketing Trick by Chris Gubta[Jan 2006] Re: Parkinson's & Other Neurological Diseases - Update by Chris Gupta
[Media] Bird Flu fearmongering
[Orgone generator device tutorial]
Heaven and Earth Device (HED) by Paddy
We hope this will do what a CB does in dealing with black
lines [See: Aug 2005
Cloudbusters and
healing black energy/ley lines]
Chet Day presents April 5, 2006 Safely Remove Moles and Warts Permanently http://clicks.aweber.com/z/ct/?0NOdrBxJM8PxdQVZiPs5hw
[1957] THE
The theory that the creation of antibodies in the blood indicates that
protection against disease has been established is not supported by experience.
The Medical Research Council's Report on Diphtheria Outbreaks in Gateshead and
Dundee, published in 1950. showed that many of the persons actually in hospital
with diphtheria had far more anti-toxin in their blood than was said to be
required for complete protection against diphtheria, whilst
nurses and others in close contact with diphtheria infection and without
sufficient anti-toxin remained immune.
[Media April 2006] Eli Lilly withheld disastrous effects of Strattera from parents and children
New Internal
Documents Reveal Deception by the Centers for Disease Control about Vaccines
Role in Autism
If a tobacco company sourced, funded, guided, and wrote scientific
studies to prove cigarettes don't cause lung cancer, not a single American would
give the studies any credibility. Yet, our
own Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a government agency responsible for
administering our National Immunization Program, has done the very same thing by
sourcing, funding, guiding, and writing research to try and prove that vaccines,
and a mercury preservative used in vaccines, have not fueled an epidemic of
autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders in our nation's children.
Why would the CDC do this? See for yourself, from more than two dozen
secret documents and emails in the words of those responsible.
The longer the CDC denies the true cause of the autism epidemic, the less
resources we can dedicate to treating our children today. It's time to put our
childen first.
Two Presidents - Two Performing Fleas
[Media Dec 2004]
Vaccines lose power to fight against infectious diseases
Unfortunately, it is perfectly clear today that liquidation of any infection
is just an illusion. Total control over some
infection is a hard thing to do as well. That became evident in 1991 when a
sweeping diphtheria epidemic broke out in Russia. The
disease was considered as thoroughly controlled at that time. The epidemic
coincided with the break-up of the USSR and the
collapse that it entailed, which was not accidental at all. The disease was to
some extent provoked with stress, poor living conditions and other factors
weakening the immune system.
[Media March 2006] Another alt med bashing piece from the psychologists!
Early Downward
Trends in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Following Removal of Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines
David A. Geier, B.A. & Mark R. Geier, M.D., Ph.D.
Background, Paragraph 5:
"It has been estimated that the last thimerosal-containing Hep b,
diphtheria-tetanus-acellular-pertussis (DTaP) and Hib vaccines were manufactured
in 2000-2001 and expired at the end of 2002 (or early 2003). Table 1 summarizes
significant historical dates in the use of pediatric TCVs in the United States."
Merck Misled on
Vaccines, Some Say The firm supplied shots
containing a mercury compound after saying it had halted its use.
By Myron Levin, Los Angeles Times - March 7, 2005
Drug maker Merck & Co. continued to supply infant vaccine containing a mercury-based preservative for two years after declaring that it had eliminated the chemical.
"But Merck continued to distribute vaccine
containing the chemical known as thimerosal, along with the new product, until
October 2001,
according to an FDA letter sent in response to a congressional inquiry.
"The thimerosal-containing supplies had expiration dates in 2002."
Also note that the recent UC-Davis study states that dendrites are damaged at
Thimerosal concentrations of 20 parts per billion, and
killed at 200 ppb. Most adult flu shots contain 100,000 ppb.
Then mention the Burbacher primate study showing that ethylmercury
binds to brain tissue 2-4 times more readily than methylmercury.
12 Reasons to reject fluoridation! by Dennis Stevenson
Vaccinating For Profit - From Cradle to Coffin
By Evelyn Pringle"
In a perverse twist of fate, the vaccine program has evolved into a grand
profiteering scheme, second only to the military industrial complex's war
on terror fiasco. Instead of prevention, the program has resulted in an
epidemic of serious health problems for an entire generation of children
and at the same time, produced an infinite market expansion for the sale
of other prescription drugs, for the scheme's
[Nov 2005] Some MDs Decline Certain Vaccinations for Their Own Children
[Nov 2005] Hilary
Butler RESPONSE TO: Why can't the Daily Mail eat
humble pie over MMR?
[Nov 2005] RAPID
RESPONSE to BMJ's - Why can't the Daily Mail eat humble pie over MMR?
by Clifford G. Miller,
[Media Monday, 19
September 2005] Nurses 'not taking flu vaccine'
Research at two Liverpool hospitals found less than 8% of healthcare
workers had annual jabs.
[22 November 2005] Cochrane, research bias and Dr Wakefield by John Stone
[Dec 2005] POLIO "NON-OUTBREAK" AMONG THE AMISH by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO
[Media Dec 2005] 2000 side-effect complaints over meningococcal immunisation
More thoughts on herd immunity
[Jan 2006] Head Lice Shampoo Linked To Leukemia
feb 2006] Spreading Misinformation About HPV (Human
papilloma virus)
The drumbeat to mandate an HPV vaccine for all adolescents is beginning.
And pro-forced vaccination proponents beating the drum
are using a familiar
tactic: create factual myths that create fear while mischaracterizing the
concerns of those who oppose forced use of vaccines. Vaccines for
sexually transmitted diseases, such as hepatitis B and
HPV, should not be mandated.
[Feb 2006] Lies & disparity - Bangladesh 'Biggest measles campaign' ready
COMMENTS by T.Binstock - Panel Wants Infants to Get Rotavirus Shots
[NVIC March 2006] Infant Diarrhea Vaccine, rotavirus vaccine (RotaTeq)
The Schafer Autism Report http://www.sarnet.org
[2003] Is Rubella Vaccination Playing A Role In The Rise In Autism? by Sandy Mintz
[Media March 2006] Decline in MMR uptake blamed for measles death
[Media March 2006] Child (ADD) drugs linked to heart attack
[Media March 2006] Iowa mumps epidemic puzzles officials 'Of the 245 patients this year, at least 66 percent had had the recommended two-shot vaccination, while 14 percent had received one dose, the Public Health Department said.'
Here is an update about Michael Forrest (zapper seller)
More Information Suggests Shooter in Seattle Killing Spree Possibly Connected
With 'Manchurian Candidate Psy Ops Campaign'
Could Strange Seattle Killing Spree Be Connected To "Manchurian Candidate" Psy
Ops Government Program?
The Age of Autism: Hot potato on the Hill By DAN OLMSTED copy Expect to hear all kinds of excuses, including that one, from the powers that be as to why such a conclusive study couldn't, shouldn't and really mustn't be done. Then ask yourself, Why?
Mercury & autoimmune conditions/MS
Mercury & Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia
amalgam & lupus/autoimmune conditions
Mercury & parkinson’s
Prochazkova J, Sterzl I, Kucerova H, Bartova
J, Stejskal VD; The beneficial effect of amalgam replacement on health in
patients with autoimmunity. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2004 Jun;25(3):211-8.
"Homeopaths support vaccination" ploy
Only in Herefordshire. Here they are campaigning to get radiation therapy in Hereford!!
Robert Dawn's Radionics Article - March 12, 2006Realpolitik and ME by Martin J. Walker
"Autism is treatable, autism is preventable."---A-CHAMP [Medical charity pharma blindness: "There are no known causes of autism and no known cure."---National Autistic Society (Daily Mail March 25, 2006)]
Dr. Carey Reams, PhD
AMA figures have shown that the average medical
general practitioner is correct in his office
diagnosis approximately 12% of the time, and the
research hospitals are correct about 47% of the time.
[March 2006] Mercury Containing Preservative Alters Immune Function
"The most fundamental principle of medicine is love."--Paracelsus (1493-1541) The Great Art of Surgery
The Sanctity of Human Blood By Tim O'Shea
[WM 3/2006] Learning discernment and beating disinfo.
Vampires are Real. Black Magick is Real.
Autism increase "due to change in diagnosis"
Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.--Henry David Thoreau
[Media 3/2006 Aluminium
adjuvant] Vaccines show sinister side
Vancouver neuroscientist Chris Shaw shows a link between the aluminum hydroxide
used in vaccines, and symptoms associated with Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease), and Alzheimer’s.....“This
is suspicious,” he told the Georgia Straight in a phone interview from his lab
near Heather Street and West 12th Avenue. “Either this [link] is known by
industry and it was never made public, or industry was never made to do these
studies by Health Canada. I’m not sure which is scarier.”
Similar adjuvants are used in the following vaccines, according to Shaw’s
paper: hepatitis A and B, and the Pentacel cocktail, which vaccinates against
diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, and a type of meningitis....“No
one in my lab wants to get vaccinated,” he said. “This totally creeped us out.
We weren’t out there to poke holes in vaccines. But all of a sudden, oh my
God—we’ve got neuron death!”
[Media March 2006] Chiron recalls MMR vaccine, revises 2005 earnings
[1895] The Vaccination Question by Arthur Wollaston Hutton
[3/2006] A message from Bernard Rimland, Ph.D.
We have no faith in the integrity of the CDC and the FDA. They are doing
all they can to protect themselves and Big Pharma from the truth;
that the autism epidemic is caused by Big
Pharma's greed and the failure of the CDC and the FDA
to do their jobs. Big Pharma must not be allowed
to evade its financial liability for the damage their
vaccines have caused. Like the tobacco companies in the last
century, which kept denying the cigarette-lung cancer link, the drug
companies are lying, with the help of the CDC
and FDA, about the role of
vaccines in causing the autism's epidemic. When the lung cancer cases
finally got to court, the truth came out. We parents insist on our right
to hold the drug companies liable, in court, for the
harm they have caused. The matter must be decided
fairly in the legal system, and not by loophole riders
exonerating the drug companies that have been added to appropriation
bills in the dark of night. The drug companies caused the autism epidemic
and they, not the parents nor the public, must pay the costs. They are
guilty, they are very profitable and can and should be held accountable.
Foreword by Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD to Slaughter of the Innocent, 1982, by Hans Ruesch
Preface to 1000 Doctors (and many more) Against Vivisection by Hans Ruesch
The vaccination myth
is the most widespread superstition modern medicine
has managed to impose, but, being by the same token
the most profitable, it will
prove to be also one of the most enduring,
though there was never the slightest of
scientific evidence upholding it. Suffice
it to say now that the various epidemics have experienced in all
countries the same natural evolution of growth,
decline, and eventual disappearance, whether vaccination or other therapies had
been introduced or not. The only demonstrable effects were the widespread
damages caused by the various vaccinations, none
Most pediatricians we know in Italy and France do not vaccinate their own
children, although they cannot refuse to vaccinate their clients' children, if
they want to retain their union licence to practice........
So it can safely be predicted that the advertised
belief in the alleged blessings of vaccination will be among the last deadly
rites of Modern Medicine to go, because it is far too profitable to the medical
combine to be allowed to go without a bitter struggle, of which the beginnings
can increasingly be seen today, but which will certainly drag on into the coming
century. It is indeed so profitable - to Industry and State - that it is
incentivated by being offered, or imposed, in many cases free of charge.
But in truth, who gets the bill? The taxpayer, of course.
Preface by Hans Ruesch to 1000 Doctors (and many more) Against Vivisection
"Despite the tendency of doctors to call modern medicine an 'inexact science', it is more accurate to say there is practically no science in modern medicine at all. Almost everything doctors do is based on a conjecture, a guess, a clinical impression, a whim, a hope, a wish, an opinion or a belief. In short, everything they do is based on anything but solid scientific evidence. Thus, medicine is not a science at all, but a belief system. Beliefs are held by every religion, including the Religion of Modern Medicine." Robert Mendelsohn MD Preface by Hans Ruesch to 1000 Doctors (and many more) Against Vivisection
"By the way, orgonite apparently prevents and even cures radiation poisoning. The reason I say that is that when Carol, Reno Richard and I were gifting the underground bases in and around Fallon, Nevada, three summers ago, the dust where we camped in the desert one night was obviously radioactive. Carol's nose bled from breathing it all night but none of us had the telltale metallic taste in our mouths, perhaps because we were wearing our Harmonic Protectors. Eight years ago I started putting orgonite in my zappers and a customer in Romania reported that a patient of his who was dying from the effects of radiation poisoning (also lung cancer) completely recovered in a few weeks, just from using the zapper. The patient had survived as one of the cleanup crew at Chernyobyl, but got sick after that and was on his deathbed when he started zapping. I think radioactive plutonium was injected in my left arm the night six of us across the US (including DB in Pasadena and StanMan in South Carolina) were marked on our chest with poison needles and otherwise molested. I was in Idaho."--Don Croft http://www.whale.to/b/cr429.html
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
"Most of the important things in all the world have been accomplished by people who kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." Dale Carnegie
The Slavs used to wear wedding rings for not more than four hours a day not to lose the sexual power
[NVIC 3/2006] Chelation for autism CDC officials, who maintain autism is a genetic disorder and irreversible, cannot tolerate the existence of children whose autistic behaviors have disappeared after chelation therapy removes vaccine-related mercury and other toxins from their bodies.
[WM 3/2006] Definitive Physical Analysis of WTC Bombing?---Don Croft
Never sign a Refusal To Vaccinate if confronted by such a form.
Wakefield Confronting Stratton of IOM regardig Measles Virus in Gut/CSF & Autism
Loose Change 2nd Edition is available
here via Bit
Torrent, you can download the Bit Torrent Client
here and the makers have a
flag on the DVD encouraging sharing/copying etc. --Rich
Vitamin D Protects Against Tuberculosis
AIDS quotes http://www.aras.ab.ca/aidsquotes.htm
A Modern-Day Copernicus: Peter H. Duesberg by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD
Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300
Experiment shows medical doctors to be glorified drug dealers, easily manipulated by drug companies
Bird Flu or Cash Cow? The Pandemic Some Want To Have By Eve Hillary
Don't Panic!! You couldn't make it up, a Fearmongering classic from Dad's Army:
[Media 2006] Metals link to multiple sclerosis
Satanic Child Sacrificing Rituals First Reported At Vatican And Now At LDS Temple In Salt Lake City
Searching For the Illuminati Deep Within The Bowels Of The Vatican
Fed Up With Lies And Deceit, Svali Turns Tail And Runs From The Feared Illuminati
Polysorbate 80 is a
ubiquitously used solubilizing agent that can cause
severe nonimmunologic anaphylactoid reactions
[Media 2004]
Gulf veterans 'find it more difficult to conceive'
Edward McSweegan.
[Media 2005]
Poisonings From a Popular Pain Reliever Are on the Rise
[Media 2005]
Colton hospital may start program to implant in patients a
microchip that contains medical history
The Cochrane Review
[Media 2006]
Treatment with Ritalin has caused suicides and suicide attempts in children.
[Media Feb 2006] 'Why I am terrified of trusting MMR'
The classic fearmonger at
work, the blueprint for the Medical Industry:
Ask the Expert: Does Mercury from Different Sources Affect Us Differently?
[Media Feb 2006] Secret report reveals 18 child deaths following vaccinations
[Letter BMJ May 2005] encephalitis in cases of mumps by John Stone
[NVIC Feb 2006] Prevnar Whistleblower Trial
Critique of Wolfe & Sharpe. Anti-vaccinationists past and present
[1885] The Story of a Great Delusion by William White
[BMJ Aug 2005] Rubella Scares - Demonstrating the Figures are False by Clifford G. Miller
[Media Feb 2006] Former science chief: 'MMR fears coming true'
Asthma- Ignorance or Design by Jennifer Stark
The Buteyko method has had great success in controlling asthma, reversing
symptoms and removing the need for medication, which is why it poses such a
threat to the pharmaceutical companies.
Vitamin C Deficiency as a Cause of Heart
Disease by Owen R. Fonorow PhD, MS, MBA
The 700,000 people who die needlessly every year in the USA are those who
heed the advice of their cardiologist......Canadian
doctors proved that a vitamin C
deficiency causes the condition, commonly called "atherosclerosis".
.....The knowledge that heart disease is a form of
scurvy has been suppressed from the time that the first series of Willis
articles was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in
the early 1950s. ....Apparently, medical science
is controlled by the drug industry. Even the US National Institutes of
Health gives all appearances of being under the control of the drug
industry, and it seems that not even members of Congress can overcome this
The Cure for Non-Insulin-Dependent (Type II) Diabetes. Reversing Diabetes Type II, Glucose-Ascorbate Antagonism, and their Impact on Reversing Heart Disease (2005) by Owen Richard Fonorow
[MW Jan 2006] Jupiter_Update 3
[EW Jan 2006] Asian Tsunami was nuke
Hepatitis C epidemic - where is the virus?
[Media Jan 2006] Family sues over alleged MMR link to autism
[Media Jan 2006] Does Laurence prove that some doctors want to hide the truth about MMR?
[25 January 2006 media DPT vaccine] DEATH: Family still blame vaccine for tragedy
[Media Jan. 20, 2006] Chickenpox outbreak
investigated at Gale-Ettrick-Trempealeau
My paper on “Coagulopathy mistaken for Shaken Baby Syndrome” was rejected – it recorded the case of a child given six vaccines on the same day and who was ill with fever, irritability and diarrhoea the next day and was dead three weeks later. Death was certified to be due to the Shaken Baby Syndrome on the evidence of Pathologists, Paediatricians and Radiologists when all the haematological and biochemical evidence clearly indicated death was due to a coagulopathy following hepatic insufficiency and malnutrition. [BMJ Aug 2002] History repeats itself (shaken baby syndrome)
[BMJ 22 March 2002] Misdiagnosis of “Shaken Baby Syndrome” by Michael D Innis
[BMJ 30 August 2002] History repeats itself by Michael D Innis
1887 In England, Dr. Edgar M. Crookshank, professor of pathology and bacteriology at Kings College, is asked by the British government to investigate the cowpox outbreak in Wiltshire. The result of the investigation was contained in two volumes of "The History and Pathology of Vaccination", in which he states that "the credit given to vaccination belongs to sanitation".
Jill Davies
Finding any form of bowel disease in autistic children is not, it seems, a smart career move these days, so many doctors are refusing even to look. Mrs McGowan says: 'They've all seen what happened to Dr Wakefield and they're petrified.' [Media Jan 2006] Does Laurence prove that some doctors want to hide the truth about MMR?