2007 Additions to whale.to
Additions 2005 Additions pre 2005 2006 up to June July-Dec 2006
Psychiatry - An Industry of Death - FULL DOCUMENTARY
[Dec 2007] Thousands Exposed to Poison by Government's Aerial Spraying by Rami Nagel In Monterey, approximately 100,000 residents were exposed to untested chemicals to control the mating habits of less than 750 moths. In Santa Cruz County, over 100,000 residents will be exposed between 11/06/07 – 11/09/07 to untested chemicals to control the mating habits of less than 9,000 moths. This is not a one time application, but will continue monthly beginning again in February, for nine months, and then repeated for up to a total of three years. Again, this program designed to eradicate the moth at best will only control the moth's mating habits; it will not eliminate the moth. At worst, the program will be ineffective, cost tax payers millions of dollars, and cause permanent disability to residents and their pets. All this harm is over a little moth that has yet to cause even $1 of damage in California......This Light Brown Apple Moth Eradication could cost California tax payers more than $500 million dollars when all is said and done, which is five times the projected amount of losses to the agricultural industry if the moth were to infest the state.....
[EW Jan 2008] Invisible CBs And Their Inversions.--Laozu
[EW 2007/08] Plenty of rain in Australia! Time to gift the reef?
"When I gave food to the poor, they called me a saint; but when I asked why people are poor, they called me a communist." - Brazilian Bishop Don Helder Camara
Jon Barron's "Lessons from the miracle doctors" http://www.jonbarron.org/book/book.php
[2004] WHO Suppressed Scientific Study into Depleted Uranium Cancer Fears in Iraq
“Pyramid Meditation, Exercise” by Carol Croft
[Water Forum--STOMACH ULCER] Dr Batman cured more than 3,000 ulcer patients with his water cure
[John Stone letter BMJ] Re: Restrictions on hospitality apply to journalists and doctors In the name of transparency BMJ readers may like to know that Ben Goldacre is a research fellow at the Maudsley Hospital [1]. In this regard his prominent intervention in the WiFi dispute with the BBC Panorama programme earlier this year may be relevant [2], noting that the Mobile Phones Research Unit which researches this issue [3] is for some reason part of the Institute of Psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital ..........a senior luminary of the Institute of Psychiatry is Sir Michael Rutter who has taken a strong line on the issue of MMR . Simon Baron- Cohen, who was quoted in the article, formerly held a senior position at the Institute
Ukrainian anti-vaccine public organization: www.1796kotok.com and www.privivkam.net www.privivok.net.ua
[2007] United States Has Higher Death Rate Than Most Other Countries
Study: CT Scans Raise Cancer Risk
In a few decades, as many as 2 percent of all cancers in the United States might
be due to radiation from CT scans given now, according to the authors of the
Treason] The VA has determined that 250,000 troops are now permanently
disabled, 15,000 troops are dead and over 425,000 are ill and slowly dying from
what the Department of Defense still calls a “mystery disease.”
[2006] Depleted Uranium is WMD by Leuren Moret
[Dec 2007] One Less? Evaluating the High Cost of GARDASIL by Barbara Loe Fisher
[Dec 2007] The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed
by Mike Adams
[Dec 2007 EW] Are you still trying to make orgonite with wax?
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and
statistics."Mark Twain attributed to British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli:
"Many people think nuclear power is so complicated it requires discussion at a high level of technicality. That's pure nonsense. Because the issue is simple and straightforward. There are only two things about nuclear power that you need to know. One, why do you want nuclear power? So you can boil water. That's all it does. It boils water. And any way of boiling water will give you steam to turn turbines. That's the useful part. The other thing to know is, it creates a mountain of radioactivity, and I mean a mountain: astronomical quantities of strontium-90 and cesium-137 and plutonium--toxic substances that will last--strontium-90 and cesium for 300 to 600 years, plutonium for 250,000 to 500,000 years--and still be deadly toxic. And the whole thing about nuclear power is this simple: can you or can't you keep it all contained? If you can't, then you're creating a human disaster."---Dr John Gofman (Nuclear Witnesses, Insiders Speak Out, by Leslie J. Freeman)
"My view is, there exists a group of people in the world that have a disease. I call it the "power disease." They want to rule and control other people. They are a more important plague than cancer, pneumonia, bubonic plague, tuberculosis, and heart disease put together. They can only think how to obliterate, control, and use each other. They use people as nothing more than instruments to cast aside when they don't need them any more. There are fifty million people a year being consumed in a nutritional holocaust around the world; nobody gives a damn about starvation. If fifty million white Westerners were dying, affluent Western society would worry, but as long as it's fifty million Third World people dying every year, it doesn't matter...............The structure we have now is, the sicker you are socially, the more likely it is that you'll come out at the top of the heap."---Dr John Gofman (Nuclear Witnesses, Insiders Speak Out, by Leslie J. Freeman)
In 1961, Dr. Ian MacKenzie, a physician in Nova Scotia, examined
a patient with rapidly-growing breast cancer. He noticed that the skin on her
chest showed signs of radiation burns. She explained that she had had
tuberculosis and that, as part of her treatment, she had had "artificial
pneumothorax therapy" (one of her lungs was intentionally collapsed); this
therapy included about 200 fluoroscopic x-rays of her lungs. (A standard x-ray
makes an snapshot image on photographic film; in fluoroscopy, examination of a
patient takes place while the x-ray beam stays turned on so the physician can
observe what happens when the patient, or the patient's organs, are in motion.
Fluoroscopes deliver a much larger dose of radiation than normal x-ray
Dr. MacKenzie then studied 800 women who had been treated for
tuberculosis in one hospital between 1940 and 1949. He found that women who had
not had "artificial pneumothorax therapy" had a 1-in-510 chance of getting
breast cancer; women who had had the therapy had a one-in-21 chance of getting
breast cancer. In other words, women who had had many fluoroscopic exams of
their lungs had 24 times as great a chance of getting breast cancer as women who
had avoided fluoroscopy.
MacKenzie's work caused quite a "stir" in the radiation
community. Happily, it stimulated a Japanese researcher, C. K. Wanebo, to
examine the data gathered from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in
Japan in 1945. In 1968, Wanebo reported that radiation exposure at Hiroshima and
Nagasaki had caused a demonstrable increase in breast cancers among surviving
The Law of Attraction Is Always at
Work: Negative Thinking Equals Fatal Attraction by
Lisa Whatley
Forgive or Else You Are Shackled Like a Prisoner to Your Past! by Lisa Whatley
James Marion Sims; Father Butcher by Wendy Brinker (1845 - 1849) J. Marion Sims, later hailed as the "father of gynecology," performs medical experiments on enslaved African women without anesthesia. These women would usually die of infection soon after surgery. Based on his belief that the movement of newborns' skull bones during protracted births causes trismus, he also uses a shoemaker's awl, a pointed tool shoemakers use to make holes in leather, to practice moving the skull bones of babies born to enslaved mothers
We Become Silent: The Last Days of Health Freedom - Moviefone
[2007] Vaccines and Third World Countries by Hilary Butler
In 1982, a doctor in Tanzania, who was looking at blindness in children, pointed out that “The clinical picture in malnourished measles patients is very typical and entirely similar to that of diseases children suffering from severe vitamin A deficiency, i.e. xerophthalmia”. i.e. blindness. He pointed out that, “well nourished children, however, only rarely develop complicated measles and they do not have bad corneal lesions.” They took 59 children who had blindness as a “result of measles” and put them on 100,000 units of vitamin A every day, for a week. The eye lesions started to dissipate, and by two weeks, all 59 children, with or without corneal scars, had healed. So tell me. What causes the blindness? The measles, or a fundamental vitamin A malnutrition? [2007] Vaccines and Third World Countries by Hilary Butler
Studies in America,
and New Zealand have
found children who have measles often have third world micronutrient levels, and
the recommendations in both countries since 2001 have been that all children
with measles be given vitamin A. So I ask you two questions: Why, 75 years later, is
Gerberding only wanting you to know that the measles vaccine works to reduce
deaths? Don’t you wonder what might have been, for Africa and the
developed world as well, had doctors taken their heads out of the sand and
administered vitamin A from 1932 onwards?
Ah, but the catch
with that was they wouldn’t have had all those deaths and complications from
pre-1996, to wave in front of your nose and say,
in a nutshell, you need the vaccine because there is NOTHING we can do to
help you if your child gets measles. The messages that “you need the
vaccine” and “there is nothing we can do for you” were both lies. For whatever
reason, the medical profession chose to ignore decades of literature on vitamin
A. [2007]
Vaccines and Third World Countries
by Hilary Butler
Old Remedy, vitamin B-1 (thiamine), to Repel Mosquitoes
Letter by Hilary Butler to Johann Hari, re: This deadly resistance to vaccination
TIG press statement on AZT and pregnancy
Thabo Mbeki has never changed his dissident views
Dr. Mercola - "We can solve well over 90% of the all chronic diseases with simple, inexpensive natural therapies."
Teenaged Girls, Carbonated Beverage Consumption, and Bone Fractures Grace Wyshak, PhD
"The FDA serves as the pharmaceutical industry's watchdog, which can be called upon to attack and destroy a potential competitor under the guise of protecting the public." -----James P. Carter, M.D (RACKETEERING IN MEDICINE, the SUPPRESSION OF ALTERNATIVES)
[2000] Aspartame Murders Infants - Violates Federal Genocide Law By James Bowen, MD
Stevia Natural Sweetener Competes With Aspartame by Betty Martini
The "Ugly Secret" of World War Two (Encore) By Henry Makow Ph.D.
A Book Review of Susan Reed’s “The Body Snatchers” By James Bartley
[DVD Canine health] In Search of the Truth About Dogs an introduction to natural canine health
An Interview with Curtis Cost By Susan Davis I’ve talked to individuals who work in the pharmaceutical industry and they’ve told me that the most experimental and dangerous vaccines are always administered to the African American communities. There’s a story I’ve heard numerous times, of this Black doctor who was working in a department that handled vaccines, and he noticed that vaccines that were to be sent to the Black community had code numbers on them which were different from the numbers that were on the package being sent to the White community. He couldn’t understand why there was this difference. On one occasion, he accidentally mixed the two packages up. They found out what happened and immediately recalled the batches of vaccines. Now, why? What was in those vaccines that were supposed to go to the Black community that was different from the one going to the White community? I’ve heard that story many times, from several credible sources.
The Largest Biological Experiment Ever By Arthur Firstenberg
[2007] Big Blow to Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer by Ralph W. Moss, PhD
The fact that breast irradiation increases the risk of heart
disease is not a new finding. Starting in the late 1960s, it became
known that, after receiving adjuvant radiation to prevent breast cancer
recurrence, more women than expected were dying of heart disease,
sometimes decades after their initial surgery. It took brilliant medical
detective work to prove that this apparently successful use of radiation
therapy was also the cause of many cardiac deaths (Fajardo 2001). So
many women were dying of the long-term adverse effects, in fact, that it
more or less counterbalanced any survival benefit from the treatment
Radiation is a classic
two-edged sword. It does substantially reduce the risk of recurrences of
breast cancer in the irradiated field. But this comes at the price of an
increased risk of damage to the heart, especially when the internal
mammary lymph node chains are irradiated or when the patient is a
smoker. Patients and their physicians need to carefully weigh benefits
and risks before agreeing to this or any other potentially toxic
[DVD] The Great Global Warming Swindle
[EW Nov 2007] A Curious New Development---related to the new info? --Don Croft
[EW Nov 2007] Cloudbuster Modification
[Dec 2007] Chief scientist attacks health reporting by Today and Daily Mail
[Dec 2007] Shooter (Hawkins ) Remembered By Friends, Landlord A friend of Hawkins, Shawn, told KETV NewsWatch 7 said Hawkins had been on antidepressants.
[Hilary Butler Letter re Gardasil vaccine Dec 2007]
The FDA 'protects' the big drug companies and are subsequently rewarded, and using the government's police powers they attack those who threaten the big drug companies. People think that the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day." -Dr. Herbert Ley - Former U.S. FDA Commissioner
[pdf] An interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock
Radiation therapy can also cause spontaneous pneumothorax, mesothelioma, and lung cancer.
[Oct 2007] Mother Jailed, Put On Trial for Curing Her Son of Melanoma
Dr. Stengler's Medical Mystery: The Prostate Problem Urologists Couldn't Cure
[pdf] Tamara J Mariea1 and George L Carlo. Wireless Radiation in the Etiology and Treatment of Autism: Clinical Observations and Mechanisms. J. Aust. Coll. Nutr. & Env. Med. Vol. 26 No.2 (August 2007) pages 3-7 Carlo, Dr. George
[Dec 2007 AUS] Hundreds get sick from Gardasil cancer vaccine
Vitamin D Newsletter December, 2007]
Does vitamin D prevent cancer?
Both Canadians and
Americans are shocked to think their doctors care about money, are in
the illness business. In some ways people think of their doctors like
they do their local public schools. They know medicine is a business
and know doctors do things for money but they don't think their own
doctors do.
The fact is that doctors, hospitals, regional cancer centers, and the
cancer drug manufacturers are all in business to make money and all of
these businesses make money off the sick, not off the well. Just a
fact, but, as Aldous Huxley once observed, "Facts do not cease to exist
because they are ignored."
Vitamin D will save the Canadian government enormous amounts of
money but will cause widespread economic disruption in the USA. Do the
physicians leading the American Cancer Society have strong economic ties
to the cancer industry in the form of patents, stock options, and
consulting fees? If so, what do you expect them to do? What would you
do? It's simple. You would believe what you have to believe, what you
need to believe, that is, anything with the word "vitamin" in it is
simply the latest Laetrile.
Look to Canada, not the USA, to lead the
Dr. Lichtenfeld, implied the Canadian Cancer Society has acted
precipitously in recommending that all Canadians take 1,000 IU of
vitamin D daily. He implied that Americans should placidly wait
until more randomized controlled trials, such as Lappe JM, et al
(above), accumulate before they address their vitamin D deficiency.
That is, nothing should be done until more randomized controlled
trials prove vitamin D prevents cancer, one randomized controlled
trial is not enough; epidemiological studies are not enough, animal
studies are not enough, multiple anti-cancer mechanisms of action
are not enough? If that is his position, I challenge him to point
to one human randomized controlled trial that proves smoking is
If he cannot, then he must admit that the American Cancer Society's
position on smoking is entirely derived from epidemiological
studies, animal studies, and a demonstrable mechanism of action, not
on human randomized controlled trials? Vitamin D not only has
hundreds of epidemiological studies, thousand of animal studies, and
at least four anti-cancer mechanisms of action, vitamin D
deficiency has something smoking does not have, it has a high
quality randomized controlled trial. If future randomized
controlled trials fail to show vitamin D prevents cancer - and Dr.
Lichtenfeld better hope they do - he can have the satisfaction of
saying "I told you so." If future randomized controlled trials
confirm vitamin D prevents cancer, then he needs to look at his
hands, the red he sees is the blood of needless cancer deaths.
Larium Litigation
This was a vibrant woman from Maryland who had gone to South
Africa to coach athletes. She took two -- count 'em, two -- malaria
pills recommended by the CDC and went completely psychotic.
She fell
into a deep depression, tried to kill herself more than once, and
finally succeeded earlier this year. If you want to know all the awful
details about the government's failure to warn, acknowledge and
otherwise prevent such needless suffering and death, Google "Mark
Benjamin and Dan Olmsted" and malaria, and read all about it.
[Nov 2007] Measles deaths down 91 percent in Africa
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" -- Rudyard Kipling
[Nov 2007] Serevent] Glaxo asthma drug needs kid risk warning-FDA panel five deaths over a period of about a year, among other studies finding increased hospitalization and asthma-related death in kids.
The Post-Antibiotic Age: Germ Theory by Tim O'Shea
Apricot kernels are still for sale in the UK - "Dayspring" (Tel: 01483 418258) and they cost £13 for a 500g bag. Hope this helps.
[Nov 2007] Boiron Laboratories Disputes British Journal's Editorial on Homeopathy
[Nov 2007] Mercury Does Not Belong In Light Bulbs Or Vaccines
Many of Davis's findings simply stunned me. Consider
the invasion of computerized imaging technology (CT scans) in modern
medicine. Since its invention in the 1970s, CT scanning has become a
$100-billion industry that creates nifty three-dimensional images, yet
exposes patients to radiation. CT scans have become such a favoured
technology that one in every three scans recommended for children is
probably unnecessary.
the last 25 years, the amount of radiation zapping North Americans from
scanning and the like has increased fivefold. Now ponder this stunner:
"Modern America's annual exposure to radiation from diagnostic machines
is equal to that released by a nuclear accident that spewed the
equivalent of hundreds of Hiroshimas across much of Russia and Eastern
Europe." Most physicians don't know that a typical CT scan equals 400
chest X-rays. A group of researchers at Yale now estimate that radiation
from CT scans of the head and abdomen will kill 2,500 people a year.
The Secret
History of the War on Cancer
The Secret History of the War on Cancer
"The Matrix is a system Neo, and that system is our enemy. When you are inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters: the very minds we are trying to save. Until we do, these people are part of that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, they'll fight to protect it." (Morpheus, from "The Matrix")
[Nove 2007 UK] Blunders in hospitals are linked to 90,000 patient deaths a year
[July 2007 Letter] Research on Hib vaccine 'dubious' Where starvation and cholera kill thousands of children each year, international agencies such as the GAVI Alliance, USAID and the WHO are busy spending millions on dubious research to emphasise the harm from a disease that local doctors hardly ever come across. All this so that vaccine manufacturers can fill their coffers. This situation can only be described as scandalous.
Podcast: Interview with Sheri Nakken, Classical Homeopath
Spiritual exercise by Carol Croft
Shaken Baby Syndrome: Pitfalls in Diagnosis and Demographics By F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP
Lyme disease: The tests are only as good as the toss of a coin
[Nov 2007] NY Punishes Doc, MD Threatens Parents for Vaccine Refusal by Barbara Loe Fisher
[pdf] Vaccines: A Survival Guide for Pediatric Practices
[Nov 2007 Tamiflu] FDA seeks warnings on flu vaccines Twenty-five patients under age 21 have died while taking the drug, most of them in Japan. Five deaths resulted from children "falling from windows or balconies or running into traffic."
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.--Mahatma Gandhi
[Nov 23 2007] New leak of foot and mouth disease discovered at Pirbright laboratory
[2007] I cured myself of Breast cancer
Flu jab and travel vaccine reactions
The Horrors of Statin Drugs: The Misguided War on Cholesterol by Ingri Cassel According to Dr. Whitaker, in 1989 and 1990, pharmaceutical giant Merck felt these effects were so clearly important that it patented the use of CoQ10 in combination with statin drugs. Products containing this important combination should have hit the market soon afterward. However, Merck chose not to exercise these patents, nor to help educate doctors and patients on the potential dangers of ingesting statins without CoQ10.
"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use." - Søren Kierkegaard
[Oct 2007] 73,000 Iraq war veterans dead Gulf War veterans who have filed "Undiagnosed Illness" (UDX) claims is 14,874 and the total number of disability claims filed is 1,620,906 ...Thirty-six percent of combat veterans have filed disability claims.
Genetically Engineered Crops Use More Pesticide
2007] Senate Report Alleges GSK Intimidation Over Avandia Concerns
GSK tried to intimidate and silence university professor John Buse after
he raised concerns about Avandia’s (rosiglitazone maleate) link to
cardiovascular events,
Annual Flu Deaths: The Big Lie By Neil Z. Miller Every year, just prior to the impending "flu season," the CDC and their acquiescent media pawns terrorize the American public with false claims regarding annual flu deaths. The CDC boldly asserts that 36,000 people die every year from the flu. Such scare tactics are calculated to increase flu vaccine sales. However, according to the CDC's own official records documented in National Vital Statistics Reports, only a few hundred people die from influenza (flu) on an average year. And many of these deaths occur in people with preexisting conditions, weakened immune systems, and the elderly
[EW Nov 2007] Trip to Reunion Island
My Location Displacement Experience by James Bartley
[EW Nov 2007] Next Level of Parasites ('fallen angels')
[Nov 2007] Most flu shots contain mercury, but few know it
[Whale Editor is currently one these two forums]
[EW Nov 2007] Gifting Yellowsone Lake,
High School Physics Prooves Towers were Demolished with Explosives
[EW Oct 2007] Dr. Reich Legacy
[BMJ Letter by Marc Girard re Hep B vaccine] Being or not being an idiot As compared to the UK, whose population is approximately the same as in France but with a higher prevalence of expected MS, and having regard to the failure of the “universal” campaign which failed to reach more than half of the French population, it can be hypothesized that a successful universal campaign in that country could, in the long term, account for a minimum of 60,000 vaccination-induced MS (to say nothing about the others hazards of this vaccination, such as lupus, myelitis, thyroid diseases, chronic fatigue, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc).
[EW 2007 July] black helicopter attacking crop circle and his visitors
"One research worker in the laboratory had
been immunizing animals against diseases like tetanus and Diptheria. His
experience showed that after being immunized, some of the animals died suddenly
within 24 hours. These deaths had been attributed to anaphylaxis.
Authorities the world over had decided that this was so (it is a severe allergic
reaction). I suggested that vitamin C deficiency was the cause. The
animals involved did not make their own. Like primates they required it in
their diet. To discover the truth only required a simple
The result was definite, unquestionable and final.
Half of a group of animals were supplemented with vitamin C before being
immunised. None died. The un-supplemented half continued to die at
rates equal to those found in previous experiments.
The importance of this discovery can hardly be stressed.
In Australia and all over the world, infants were being immunised. Those
whose vitamin C status was low were at risk. here, at last, was
experimental evidence that supported my claims that stepping up immunisation
campaigns among Aboriginal infants increased the death rate."
Every Second Child by
Dr Archie Kalokerinos, M.D.
[2007] Blood Levels of Mercury Are Related to Diagnosis of Autism
ESPionage The Military-Occult Complex
An Interview With W. Adam
Mandelbaum, author of Psychic Battlefield
How to ground yourself & Boosting Basics by dooney
[Nov 2007] Dissecting A Thimerosal Study
by Heidi Stevenson So, the expert
quoted has made a statement that has nothing to do with the study and he
holds a patent on a dangerous vaccine being pushed on tiny babies for a
disease that holds almost no risk if they're healthy. Is this the sort
of person whose opinion on the issue—especially considering the fact
that his statement has nothing to do with the study in question—is
Clearly, it is
disingenuous to suggest that there is no risk in thimerosal. It doesn't
require studies to realize that fact. The study examined in this article
shows clearly that those producing it are well paid by the
pharmaceutical firms that profit by its use. The flaws in the study are
huge. Over two-thirds of its original sample group were eliminated, and
many of those eliminated have characteristics that would be more likely
to document harm.
Yet, the
news media and medical shills for the pharmaceutical industry are
already hawking the claims. Worse, they're doing so by using the people
in the medical industry who are already deep in the pockets of
pharmaceutical firms. This is the reality of most of the medical studies
being done and touted today: They are bought and paid for by those who
profit from the results. Thus, whatever is necessary to show whatever
the profiteers wish to see is done. Could there be any other valid
reason for eliminating small babies from this study?
[Nov 2007] Did Gardasil Vaccine Cause a 12-yr-old Girl's Paralysis
[Nov 2007 Gardasil] Teen falls ill after vaccine injection
View The UK TV Shows Which
Uncovered UK Germ Warfare Tests
Medical Information Control
"That which can be destroyed by the truth, should be" - P. C. Hodgell
Cold medicine scam finally exposed after decades
of harming children
[EW Nov 2007] Cloudbuster
"At the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but it's true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them." http://www.whale.to/v/rapp.html
[EW Nov 2007] Choga Zanbil Ziggurat Picture (or CV Vortex)
Drug-Induced Diseases Each year, 61,000 older adults develop drug-induced parkinsonism. At least 80 percent of them........ should never have been put on the drugs causing the parkinsonism in the first place.
Vaccinations Designed To Sterilize Women? by Kjeld Heising
HPV - The First Cancer Vaccine Dr Tim O'Shea
Laozu China report
The Belief in
Vaccines By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
[2007 Masts] Heavy Cancer Clusters in
Ireland Ireland
[Nov 2007] Topical Vitamin C Stops Basal Cell Carcinoma
[BBC forum] Naked Science
[EW Nov 2007] Fightin' Lemurians/Cetaceans & Dungbeetles from Space
[Oct 2007] Saving babies: Unexplained success in New York
[1999] Fever in Children: A Blessing in Disguise By Linda B. White and Sunny Mavor
"Merck has demonstrated that they are more than willing to gamble our children’s health on an unproven vaccine in return for immense profits. This magnitude of evil is rare, even for a drug company."----Dr. Julian Whitaker VACCINES, “The HPV Scandal” by Dr. Julian Whitaker
[Book] Stop the Shots! - Are Vaccinations Killing Our Pets? by John Clifton.
[DM 2006] Adverse reactions to both the MMR and the Tetanus shots.
ABSOLUTELY SAFE http://www.absolutelysafe.com/ In ABSOLUTELY SAFE plastic surgeon Dr. Edward Melmed and occupational health physician Dr. Michael Harbut maintain that breast implants remain flawed and potentially dangerous. On the other hand, renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Franklin Rose, as well as most plastic surgeons, strongly believe that breast implants have been repeatedly proven as safe and effective.
[Medical Fascism. 2007] Update on Court-Ordered Chemo/Surgery for 17 Year Old Without Cancer
[Nov 2007] A Female Abductee’s Revelations Of Hybrid Infiltration by James Bartley
[Nov 2007] Interview with a Male Abductee about Reptilians and Hybrids by James Bartley
[2005] UK Government In Secret Payments For Childhood Vaccine Damage New figures show the Government has paid out £3.5 million since 1997 to families who claim their children fell sick after jabs. Over the years (sine 1979), up to 30,000 people have battled for compensation, with only a handful winning their cases. ....They say they do not keep statistics about which vaccines are involved because it is too difficult to pin the blame on a specific injection.
[March 2007] Vaccine officials knew about MMR risks
[Oct 2007] Olmsted on Autism: I'm not vaclempt! Calling autism parents "emotional" is especially odious given the long habit of parent-blaming ("refrigerator moms," anyone?) that preceded the current debate. Parents can't catch a break – first they were too cold and unemotional, now they're all hot under the collar and beyond the reach of reason.
[Testimony] Homeopathy for vaccine damage
You read it here first - Gardasil by Erika Schwartz, MD
Loe Fisher
[Monday October 8th to Friday October 19th] Grub Street
Medicine by Martin J Walker
[Oct 2007] Government: Vaccines threaten up to 44,000 soldiers
[Oct 2007] Anthrax Vaccine Side Effects Disable Many Military Veterans, Yet Very Little Help Is Available To date, the FDA has received more than 5,000 adverse event reports for the Anthrax vaccine on its Vaccine Adverse Reporting System. At least 670 reports were classified as "serious", and 44 resulted in deaths.
Defector: "Rothschilds Rule w/ Druid Witches" By Henry Makow Ph.D.
Diabetes #1 Shame Of The "Orthodox" Doctors - Chromium & More
Vaccine reaction and treatment
[Oct 2007 MeNZB] Norwegian Health Min Apologies for Vaccine Scandal
Dr. Russell Blaylock Tip of the Week: Should You Get A Flu Shot?
[pdf 2007] Cervical Cancer Vacine Deception by Patricia Bohackyj
At Risk: Truth About Vaccines, Lawsuits & Shortages by Barbara Loe Fisher
Dr Keith Baverstock, who was the World Health Organisation’s senior radiation adviser in Europe, says that science has been “perverted for political ends” by government agencies which should be protecting public health......"It is sad that the NRPB, which should be an independent body, was complicit .”[2004] Radiation risk ‘underplayed’ to avoid compensation payouts
Gallery of Shame. Evidence That Even the NRPB Can’t Ignore
You might have read that a nuke bomb or reactor can't function in the presence of healthy orgone. Not much tech that the world odor relies on can function without having a strong deadly orgone radiation field, actually, which is why you and I have been finding it so easy to disable their millions of new death towers with a little orgonite. Don Croft
ANTIBIOTICS: Their role in Declining American Health Is this doctor responsible for parents being falsely branded as child abusers?
Laetrile Information Page
[14 May 2007] Autism costs Australia $5.8 billion yearly
vitamin k1 (Phytonadione)
injection, emulsion
WARNING: This product contains aluminum that may be toxic. Aluminum may
reach toxic levels with prolonged parenteral administration if kidney
function is impaired. Premature neonates are particularly at risk
because their kidneys are immature, and they required large amounts of
calcium and phosphate solutions, which contain aluminum.
12 Oct 2007 Yellow fever vaccine-associated deaths - Peru
The Times selling just one drug of death, Statins.
Iraq whistleblower Dr Kelly WAS murdered to silence him, says MP
[Oct 2007] Hilary Butler documenting HIB, then Prevnar now MRSA
[Oct 2007] Police could not find any fingerprints on Dr Kelly's 'suicide' knife
Chemtrails And Vaccines What You Didn't Know About Vaccines and Human Animal Husbandry By Mark Owen
Amazing Recovery From Multiple
The Anti-Cancer Drug
(tamoxifen) that
Causes Cancer By Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.Sc.
The Government's scientists will often ask
for conclusive proof when they are challenged. It is a word often used when you
wish to win your side of the argument. Scientifically conclusive proof is
impossible to obtain – let me explain.
I was at a legal hearing in Torquay
representing a community and the barrister representing the communications
industry said "there is no conclusive proof that these microwaves will cause
damage". I argued: if somebody stood up and shot me in this courtroom there
would be three levels of proof. You would have everybody as a witness and that
would be accepted in a Court of Law. A pathologist could perform a post mortem,
decide that the bullet killed me and that would be a second level of proof. If,
however you wanted conclusive proof that the bullet killed me, you would have to
argue that at the split second the bullet went into my body every system in my
body was working perfectly because there are thousands of reasons why I could
drop dead on the spot before the bullet went in and you would have to prove
conclusively that all of these systems were working perfectly before the bullet
went in. Clearly, this is scientifically impossible; there is no such thing as
conclusive proof, yet it is what is demanded by government scientists when
challenging their decisions. Confidential Report on
TETRA for the Police of England and Wales by B Trower
Mobile Phones and Cancer - George Carlo
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home. Author: Dr. Carlos Sosa M.D
Vaccine Compound Is
Harmless, Study Says, as Autism Debate Rages
[Oct 2007] Despite
vaccine, meningitis takes teen's life
eustice mullins interview
[Oct 2007] When 1 in 150 is really 1 in 67 By Raymond W. Gallup & F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP
School medicine has been and is the most important pillar of support of all dictatorships and governments which do not want to submit to written law, to constitutions, to human rights, that is, to the democratically legitimized social contract. This explains too why school medicine really can and is allowed to do anything that pleases it, and in this is subjected to no control whatsoever. If we do not overcome this, we will all perish by this school medicine.[27.10.2005] Interview with Stefan Lanka on "bird flu" and some related subjects
The Body Snatchers by Susan Reed BSC
E-news] Mutated Live Vaccine Polioviruses
Pollute Water, Paralyze by Barbara Loe Fisher
[Sept 2007] Urine Testing Confirms Autism
is Mercury Poisoning
[2007] Reported suicides - more than 80 percent got psychiatric drugs, well over 50 percent got antidepressants This information has been concealed by senior (psychiatric) officials at the National Board of Health and Welfare. It was contrary to the best interests of Big Pharma and biological psychiatrists. It blew the myths of antidepressants and neuroleptics as suicide protecting drugs to pieces. It would also have hurt the career of many medical journalists to take up this subject; journalists who for years have made their living by writing marketing articles about new antidepressant drugs. So nothing has been written about this in major media in Sweden.
"There is literature that baby milks lack the oils essential and that there is possibly an association with poor brain development but nothing is done about it....Ettissh describes how baby milks are used to greatly reduce our intellect; they do not support proper brain development due to a lack of nutrients called essential fatty acids, EFA'S. These EFA'S are deliberately excluded, even today Scientists are suppressed, even killed: 'we don't add them do we- that's deliberate - we don't let the scientists find out - we suppress it - we are the baby milks - we are in all of the baby milks e. g. Nestle, cow and gate, any baby milk company, we're them. We've killed a baby milk scientist - you'd know him, he's quite well known- heart attack, encircling stuff — he was convinced we were wrong and tried to tell other people.' " The Body Snatchers by Susan Reed BSC
"Another topic of great interest is what Ettissh discusses about wheat. There is a substance in wheat which causes hardening of the arteries and they promote wheat based products for this reason. Thirdly our soils lack trace elements which further reduce are intellect, this is deliberate: "Rice girl, no wheat, we don't want atherosclerosis that's what it does to you- scientists have discovered this and we hush them up - yes we've killed a few scientists because of this wheat thing. We promote wheat to debilitate you, hardening of the arteries.' "-- The Body Snatchers by Susan Reed BSC
He’s Not Autistic But…by Tenna Merchent
jennyr I decided to try to gain some compensation for my daughter's suffering and arthritis. What an eye-opener! The hospital covered up the mistake by pretending she had something diffferent. A consultant who we sought a second opinion from colluded with the hospital's "red herring". They even produced a phoney laboratory report to support their false diagnosis.
1. Why don't the testimony of
parents count, as John says? How many thousands of parent testimonies do
you feel is sufficient to qualify as evidence in your eyes? 10,000, or
20,000? Or maybe you feel it needs 1 in 3 kids parents? And why do you
think they stopped jury trials for vaccine injuries?
2. Why do you support a product that is ineffective and unecessary?
3. Why do you support a product that kills more kids now than measles
would be doing with or without vaccination?
4. Where is your evidence it is a good thing to suppress measles? There
is evidence it isn't.
5. Why do you believe in what Allopathy says about measles, and not
homeopathy, naturopathy, or nutritional medicine?
6. What is your best shot at the cause of autism, and why do you think
mercury is safe when there is overwhelming evidence from experts such as
Hayley, that it isn't?
7. Why do you think indepent experts such as Dr Rimland say vaccines
(like MMR) cause autism?
8. Why do you ignore the evidence that all those gov studies are flawed
or fraudulent?
9. Why do you ignore the evidence that show mercury vaccines cause
autism, and just stick with MMR?
10. Where is your evidence MMR is safe?
11. Where are those kids who have regressive autism, and are also
unvaccinated? And why aren't there any unvaccinated Amish kids with
autism, or first Homestead kids?
12. Why did autism go from being very rare to very common after DPT
vaccination and then 1 100 when vaccines increased?
[September 27th to October 3rd] Expert in What? The First Expert Witness for the Prosecution by Martin J Walker
Len Horowitz's latest www.InLiesWeTrust.com
"Knowledge can be taught. Wisdom can't."
"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation" ----Prince Phillip
the old benefits outweigh risks lie, and lets just
brush the dead and injured children under the carpet like we have done
for 200 years:
Dr SIMON MURCH Paediatric Gastroenterologist "I've been advised by
colleagues that it is better to accept that a very few children can have
adverse events than to continue investigating that if it's going to have
an impact on the vaccine uptake internationally."
Every Parent's Choice
[BMJ 2005 John Stone. Measles risk] Re: MMR
worst case scenario: worth the risk?
Merck Spends 1 Billion to Silence Vioxx Complaints
ANDREW WAKEFIELD You do not combine three live viruses into one vaccine and assume that that is a benign process, that you can follow those children for 3, 4, 5 weeks and get away with it. These are viruses that are live, they are capable of establishing long-term infection and they are capable of producing long-term adverse events. [2002] PANORAMA MMR Every Parent's Choice
[2004] Eradicate Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Now! by Jonathan Campbell
"Vaccine logic is sometimes very hard to accept or understand. The logic is like entering a darkened room and continually running into a pole. The immunizers would issue you a helmet. The vitalistic people would turn on a light first."---- DrCee
[April 2007 Version ]Summary of Biomedical Treatments for Autism By James B. Adams, Ph.D.
[AP Forum testimonial] Depression cures
[Oct 5, 2007] Officials say drug caused Nigeria polio A polio outbreak in Nigeria was caused by the vaccine designed to stop it, international health officials say, leaving at least 69 children paralyzed.
[Letter by Clifford Miller Oct 2007] Re: Herb cures that 'do you more harm than good'
“It is as hard for the good to suspect evil, as it is for the evil to suspect good.”- Marcus Tullius Cicero,
Statesman, orator, writer (106-43 BCE)9-11... Who really did it? http://www.whodidit.org/cocon.html
"Do you see what you believe or do you believe what you see?"------Sidney Baker, MD
Chemtrails and Terror in the Age of Nuclear War by Amy Worthington
Tony M. Isaacs
Cancer's Natural Enemy e-book
[Sept 2007] CIA Plane Crashes in Yucatan Carrying 3.2 Tons of Cocaine
"The doctor is to be feared more than the disease."----Latin proverb
The Scandal of the Scandal of Scientology By Paulette Cooper http://www.lermanet.com/paulette-cooper/
[1987] The Underground Empire: Where Crime and Governments Embrace by James Mills
"They must find it difficult...those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority."---Gerald Massey
The source of man's unhappiness is his ignorance of Nature. ----Paul Henri Thiery
[Masonry and medicos] Eagle's investigation was centred on Masonry in the
medical profession, which is prevalent, especially among general
practitioners and the more senior hospital doctors. Hospital Lodges
prove useful meeting places for medical staff and administrators. Most
main hospitals, including all the London teaching hospitals, have their
own Lodges. According to Sir Edward Tuckwell, former Serjeant-Surgeon
to the Queen, and Lord Porritt, Chairman of the African Medical and
Research Foundation, both Freemasons and both consultants to the Royal
Masonic Hospital, the Lodges of the teaching hospitals draw their
members from hospital staff and GPs connected with the hospital in
Tuckwell and Porritt are
members of the Lodges attached to the teaching hospitals where they
trained and later worked - Porritt at St Mary's, Paddington (St Mary's
Lodge No 63), which has about about forty active members out of a total
of 300, half of them general practitioners; and Tuckwell at St
Bartholomew's (Rahere Lodge No 2546), with about thirty active brethren.
Other London hospital Lodges include King's College (No 2973); London
Hospital, Whitechapel (No 2845); St Thomas's (No 142) and Moorfields (No
Many of the most senior
members of the profession are Freemasons, especially those actively
involved with the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of
Surgeons, which has benefited from a massive £600,000 trust fund set up
by the Brotherhood for medical research. Masonry does seem to have had
an influence over certain appointments. Tuckwell emphatically denied
that membership of the Brotherhood ever helped any doctor's career,
telling Eagle that there was not the slightest truth in the rumour '. ..
whereas Lord Porritt more circumspectly said that "it would be hard to
deny that some people have been helped"'.
Although the governing
bodies of most major hospitals are formed largely of Freemasons, the one
overriding consideration in medicine, at least in the non-administrative
areas, seems to be placing the best person in the job, whether Mason or
otherwise. This is perhaps best illustrated by the staffing of the
Brotherhood's own hospital. The Royal Masonic Hospital is not staffed
exclusively by Freemasons, although most of its consultants are
Chief executive of the
hospital Raymond Mole says that Masonry is not a criterion for
appointment. The only qualification demanded is that a Royal Masonic
consultant be a consultant at a teaching hospital. Robert Eagle again:
. .. registrars at the hospital are not usually Masons . . . one of the few women doctors to work at the Royal Masonic Hospital told me that during the several years she held the job she heard very little mention of the subject.
'Obviously no one asked me to join; but I had no idea whether even my closest colleague there was a Mason.' As she subsequently became a consultant at the hospital she does not seem to have been the victim of Masonic misogyny either. Stephen Knight (The Brotherhood by Stephen Knight p. 136-138)
[EW Sept 2007] New Strength, New Techniques, Thanks Attackers! ---judylubulwa
Hidden David Southall
MSBP Film Internet Released
The Utter Irrelevance of Professor Salisbury by Martin Walker
Dealers in Second Hand Words by Martin J Walker
[Sept 2007] GP in MMR row cleared by GMC
[pdf 2006] Polio Awareness Day: Medical Myths Die Hard by Gary Krasner (09/22/06)
[1995, 2005 pdf] Refusing Vaccination:An Introductory
Guide to an Informed Choice by Gary Krasner
[pdf] CHICKEN POX: Why Do Children Die? By Gary Krasner
[1997 pdf] DUESBERG by Gary Krasner
[1999 pdf] FACTS vs. BELIEFS Lessons For Vaccination Awareness Advocates By Gary Krasner
[Ew 2007] Repost Of The Story How The German FBI Blew
Up My Powerwand
[EW Oct 2007] A World's Veteran
[EW 7 Oct, 2007] Psychics' update and maybe some unrelated commentary---- Don Croft
Sweet Misery (Aspartame) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-566922170441334340
Healing with Sexual Energy – 6-part overview article, also in Nexus Magazine April & June 2007
[2003] INTERVIEW ELLIS MEDAVOY "We had to discredit Peter Duesberg" By Jon Rappoport
Johanna Budwig Revisited or How To Heal Cancer
[Natural Hygienist] Dr. Stanley S. Bass
"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but
these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an
act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.... Anything you can
imagine, we already know how to do." -----Ben
Rich, former Head of the Lockheed Skunk Works, in a lecture shortly
before he died (see
http://www.serpo.org )
Politics explained in pictures
[Sept 2007] Queen's doctor warns of homoeopathy crisis
[Media Sept 2, 2007] If they think MMR needs a shot in the arm, try this
Here is a link for a 9/11 Truth website where some
great documentaries are available for $1 each.
Check it out. This is a great way to get the truth
out so when the next major false flag terrorist attacks occurs
and maybe nukes are detonated in this country, at least some people will
realize that a long dead CIA asset named Osama
Bin Laden won't be responsible. Likewise
people will realize that the iranians won't be responsible
either. http://www.911dvdpr
[2007] Routine Immunization
Practices: Use of Topical Anesthetics and Oral Analgesics
Postinjection, acetaminophen and ibuprofen
were used in 89% and 56% of practices. During injection,
analgesics were used in 25% of immunizations
(acetaminophen [87%], ibuprofen [7%], and
lidocaine-prilocaine [6%]). Postinjection, analgesics were used in 33%
of immunizations (acetaminophen [86%] and
ibuprofen [14%]).
Independent Historian Unveils Cabalist Conspiracy
"Another time I was looking over at her (Sharon Tate) and asking her what she was thinking about, and she suddenly came out with: 'The Devil is beautiful. Most people think he's ugly, but he's not.'"------Christopher Jones (Daily Mail, 31st August 2007
Sheri Tennypenny blog http://sayingnotovaccines.blogspot.com/
[Cleared Aug 2007] Lisa Blakemore-Brown
[Cleared Aug 2007] Donegan Fitness to practice hearing 2007
Gardasil shot implications
In the area of the iris that corresponds to the uterus, in three
of the girls he saw tissue damage, and in the
fourth he saw drug residue. In each of the
four cases, on reporting back to the patient what he was observing,
he was informed that the girl had recently received the cervical
cancer vaccine. All were virgins.
Tissue damage in the
uterus is what he sees in women who have had such
things as abortions and prolapses, and can be a precursor to
cancer. It can also cause infertility - as it
can prevent the embryo from being able to hold
on to the uterus wall. It also often results in lack of sensitivity
with sexual intercourse, pain, discomfort and/or frequent
Dangerous levels of arsenic in 10pc of rice
About Vaccines A must read article for anyone questioning the use of vaccines and pharmaceutical medicines. Dr Peter Baratosy offers alternative ways to view our health and the health of our children. He explains the need for parents to make an informed choice when considering their family’s wellbeing and offers alternatives to vaccines.
Chicken Pox Baratosy, M.B, Peter discusses The Chicken Pox Vaccine by examining a history of the illness, the use and effectiveness of the vaccine, natural immunity and the use of prescription drugs to treat the illness.
Pneumococcal Vaccine Dr Peter Baratosy looks into the recently released pneumococcal vaccine designed for children under two years of age. He delves into the pharmaceutical industry, exposing the many flaws between manufacturers and researchers.
Small Pox There has been a lot of hype in the media lately about Smallpox vaccination and as usual, most of this is myth and/or dis-information. It is timely that we explore the topic more closely. Smallpox vaccination has a long history and it is interesting to point out that the in-effectiveness of this procedure had been known for a long time. Baratosy, M.B, Peter
Doctors of Scientism: "No Cure for Autism" by Barbara Loe Fisher
Barbara Loe Fisher blog NVIC (USA)
Last night, my wife and I were sitting in the living room and I said to her, "I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug." She got up, unplugged the TV and then threw out my beer.
[NVIC Aug 2007] More Required Vaccines and Bogus Whooping Cough Cases
[2001] Hepatitis B Vaccines by author Leonard G. Horowitz My analysis showed that the hepatitis B vaccine "mandate" made no medical or scientific sense. In fact, as time passed, I realized that this was a classic example of how public health was being used as a cover for conducting toxic warfare.....I projected the approximate number of adverse reactions to the hepatitis B vaccine and multiplied those percentages by the approximately 80 million infants, children and teenagers targeted for the hepatitis B vaccination in the United States alone. This analysis yielded, conservatively, approximately 250,000 youth over the course of about 10 years would be crippled, brain damaged or killed. That meant approximately 25,000 hepatitis B vaccine-injured young victims were produced annually.
The ABCs of Hepatitis by author David Crowe
Family Constellations, an Interview with Bert Hellinger
[1999] Bert Hellinger interviewed on Family Constellations
[1999] An interview with Bert Hellinger about his methods applied in organizations.
Bill Maher Flashes Satanic Hand Sign During HBO Comedy
Special (August 27, 2007)
Hillary was pumping hands among a crowd of supporters when an
Hispanic man flashed the Satanic sign to Hillary and Hillary flashed it
right back to him. Brice Taylor turned to me and said: "Did you see
that!". We were both amazed that Hillary would actually flash him back
when she knew that she was being filmed.
Common crop pesticide
Atrazine linked to reproductive mutations in amphibians
Pollutants such as
pesticides and toxins damage the ecosystem and cause a variety of
damaging ailments in humans. One particular herbicide, Atrazine, has now
been found to turn male frogs into hermaphrodites, rendering them
impotent by causing their gonads...
[The 200 year old vaccine deaths
cover-up, even some twin deaths that would have made Meadows look stupid
before he managed to imprison Sally Clark and kill her indirectly.]
"There were 40+ SIDS deaths in my city area (including my own children)
these 40+ deaths occurred within a total of 2 years. For a population of
approx 250,000 this appeared to be a high incidence. In fact this is
documented by a GP as being ‘a significant blip’.
......In 2 years in one city it is clear that there were other families that
had suffered 2 SIDS deaths. (This is confirmed by ‘other sources’)
Families that had little or no connection with each other and families
that lived in separate parts of the city. The only real connection
between them being that the majority of deaths were amongst the military
............To say that the chance of 2 SIDs deaths is rare is disproved by events
in my own city.
......I discovered that all
40+ SIDS victims Post Mortem Files apparently also ‘could not be found’.
My own child died within 36 hours of having his vaccines. My first child
died approx 2 weeks after vaccines. I know of one other family (in my
own city) whose child died within 24 hours of having vaccines. The
parents were convinced that their child died as a result of the vaccines
and actually told the pathologist when he gave the cause of death as
SIDS that they thought there had been a ‘cover up’.
......I find it interesting that the majority of deaths within my own area
occurred on or around the time of vaccines being due. I understand that
one ‘batch’ of these vaccines would have been enough to vaccinate the
children of my own city. Was this a ‘hot’ lot?"
[Aug 2007 Blog] Cot Deaths
and Vaccines - Child Protection turned on its head by Lisa Blakemore-Brown
Donegan Fitness to practice hearing 2007
"GP cleared of misconduct over MMR evidence (August 25, 2007)
[Letter Nexus Detox] Far-Infrared Sauna Success
[Letter Nexus 2007] Liability for Vaccine Damage
Reptilians: Understanding the Hive Consciousness by James Bartley
Liver Gall Bladder &/or Kidney Stone Flush Instructions
[Wakefield GMC Hearing August 6th – August 15] A Massive Abuse of Process by Martin Walker In this hearing, there is a continuous vein of sympathy between all the bodies involved in the process of the prosecution. Brian Deer in fact wrote up almost the whole of the prosecution in the Sunday Times and then, at the behest of the then Minister of Health who was quoted in that article, he became the chief and sole complainant to the GMC, and the GMC is now shielding him from being questioned by those he has complained against. We do not know whether he worked with any other organisation or received any funding from any interested organisations in formulating this complaint to the GMC. We do know that the GMC took the complaint from him and proceeded with it without calling him as a witness. We also know that this complaint is being heard by a Panel chosen by the GMC. In other words, the complaint, the prosecution and any judgement that is made, are all being pursued by bodies which appear to have a common identity of interest.
The Homosexual Colonization of The Catholic Church
Oil and Drug Cartel behind WWII Nuremberg Records Reveal
[WM] Sincronic lines map of Oberto Airaudi.
Full Committee Hearing on Vioxx http://oversight.house.gov/features/vioxx/documents.asp
[June 2007 DPT] Ruling: Vaccination Caused Boy's Death
August 9, 2007: More than 600 Professionals Call for an End to Water Fluoridation
Natural Vitamin E Dramatically Reduces Heart Disease
As I have pointed out in my previous writing, Vitamin E has been
viciously and fraudulently attacked by powerful vested interests,
especially researchers funded primarily by Big Pharma. This has nothing
to do with real science, and everything to do with a media-backed Big
Pharma PR machine trying to convince Americans to take toxic and
health-deteriorating drugs instead of safe and effective vitamins. It is
likely the study......
Letter from Anti-Aspartame Activist Betty Martini After her Return from New Zealand Lecture Tour
Chemtrails: Culling the Useless Eater Population
[2000] Pot Shrinks Tumors; Government Knew in '74
[2004] Marijuana Extract Shrinks Brain Tumors
Tuesday 14th August GMC hearing By Olivia Hamlyn (daughter of Susan, sister of Francis)
Until AIDS testing took off in earnest in the mid-1980s, it was generally
assumed that the presence of antibodies in a patient signified good health. The
patient had contacted a germ, mounted an immune response, and the germ was
neutralized. There was certainly no consensus that antibodies meant present or
future disease across the board.
In other words, if millions of people in China had encountered H5N1 (bird
flu) viruses and showed antibodies to these viruses, it would be expected that
they would remain healthy.
Except that with the onset of AIDS research, everything was stood on its
head. People who were tested and called HIV-positive – meaning they had
antibodies to the virus – were said to be sick or on a sure road to becoming
So now we have another level of the AIDS testing hoax. Why were people being
tested for antibodies to HIV? Why was that method presumed to be significant at
all? Why wasn’t the presence of antibodies to HIV taken as a sign of health?
Millions of people all over the world have been subjected to the Elisa and
Western Blot HIV tests – both of which have the sole objective of finding
antibodies to HIV. Why have these tests been elevated to the status of present
or future disease detectives?
While writing AIDS INC. in 1988, I had a very interesting conversation
with a doctor at the US National Institutes of Health. He told me that when an
HIV vaccine eventually went into testing (and when it was later released for use
on the public), every person who got the vaccine would be given a special
The letter would say that the person had received the vaccine. The letter
would say that if, at any time, the person was subsequently tested for HIV and
came up positive – meaning he had antibodies to HIV – this should NOT be taken
as a sign of present or future illness. In this case, the person was actually
immune to HIV, because he had “received” his antibodies from the vaccine.
I almost fell off my chair. I said, “Let me get this straight. If a person
develops antibodies naturally to HIV, he is told he is either sick now or will
get sick. But if gets his antibodies – the same antibodies – to HIV from a
vaccine, he is told he is immune to the virus.”
The doctor gave me no clear response.
This explosive contradiction has been studiously ignored by the mainstream
press and by the entire AIDS establishment network.
By conventional standards (not mine), the whole point of a vaccine is to
confer immunity to a germ by producing antibodies to that germ in the body. That
is the essence and the standard of a “good vaccine.”
And yet, in the case of AIDS research, all this was turned upside down.
Suddenly, HIV positive meant: the patient has antibodies to HIV and this is a
sign that he will become very ill and most likely die.
To sum up: not only are both HIV antibody tests (Elisa and Western Blot)
unreliable in finding true positives, as opposed to false positives, the WHOLE
IDEA of using the presence of antibodies as an unmistakable sign of present or
future illness is without merit.
[1988/2006] The Massive Fraud Behind HIV Tests by Jon Rappoport
Duesberg also began to comment on the wild contradiction implicit in HIV testing. He noticed that the blood test was looking for antibodies which had formed as part of the body's defense against HIV. The presence of such antibodies was taken as a sign that a person was going to develop full-blown AIDS and die. But, on the other hand, a vaccine against AIDS would produce the exact same antibodies, in which case people would be said to be immune from AIDS. Medavoy told me, "Duesberg got that one right too. He saw that the HIV test was completely insane. He was telling the research community they had been roped in by a bunch of fakers – and so we had to do some heavy damage control." [2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport
Medavoy said, "A lot of what we did at this point was
stop things from getting into print. That's often more important than
planting lies. As far as Duesberg was concerned, I can tell you there
were many newspapers and magazines who were ready to give his views some
space. You know, maverick scientist rejects HIV as cause of AIDS. So we
began a coordinated effort to keep that from happening. We let the
scientists at NIH [National Institutes of Health], who had the most to
lose if Duesberg could establish a credible beachhead, handle the PR on
rejecting Duesberg's science. They engaged in some character
assassination as well, which was fine. We, on the other side, got
"reliable sources" to go to those newspapers and magazines and tell them
that to print anything good about Duesberg was DANGEROUS and
IRRESPONSIBLE. That was our tack. We had our people say that thousands
of people could die if they stopped believing that HIV was the cause of
AIDS. Promiscuous sex would become more rampant than ever, people would
get infected, get sick, and spread the virus even further. We hammered
on all this, and we cowed most of those media outlets. It worked, for
the most part." [2003]
Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport
"As far as the very embarrassing and growing list of AIDS survivors was concerned – the people who had rejected the idea of HIV and were rebuilding their health successfully without medical drugs – we tried to keep track of pending stories on these people, and we went to those media outlets and told them these people were 'vegetarian kooks' and 'anecdotal examples who had not been studied by real scientists' and 'publicity seekers' and so on. We said some of them had never really been HIV positive to begin with. It was like shooting pigeons. We did pretty well. Some stories did appear on these survivors, but the general tone was, 'so and so is a strange curiosity and scientists are studying why he has managed to live for so long without getting sick, and this may hold promise for future research.' You know, all that crap." [2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport
"Some other operatives I was aware of played a role in getting mainstream researchers to lobby for, and win, a new standard for HIV illness, based purely on numbers of T-cells. [Note: this "innovation" came later, long after 1987.] Tests would determine if a person was 'getting sick,' or if he was 'getting better' after taking his AZT – all measured by how many T-cells [part of the immune system defense] showed up on the tests. These operatives knew, and had been briefed on this, that T-cells could actually vary all over the place, up and down, depending on factors like the time of day a person was given the test. It was another area of shoddy science, and they took advantage of it. I'll give you an example. You've got some guy who has been told he's HIV positive, and so, even though he's not sick at all, he gets tested every few months for numbers of T-cells. Sooner or later, those numbers will go down on a test. If the doctor isn't really attentive, he'll tell the patient he is now officially diagnosed with full-blown AIDS, because those numbers are too low. If the patient hasn't been taking AZT yet, he will go for it now." [2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport
"There is absolutely no doubt," Medavoy said recently, "that ample numbers of needles could have been supplied to Africa. The myth is that doctors over there are too stupid to want new needles, but of course that's not the case. So there has been a double-whammy. Toxic drugs and toxic vaccines, plus dirty needles. Now you are seeing the cherry on top of the cake. After decades of starvation and dirty water, and wars, and all that, you got essentially poison being delivered to people in the form of so-called medicines AND they also got whatever was on those re-used needles. The doctors and health workers there WERE blind to the fact that the drugs and vaccines were not necessary and were, in fact, toxic – they thought there was such a need, it was better to re-use needles if that was the only way to deliver the medicines." [2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport
Medavoy has recounted to me his role in shaping media response to HIV. "It was a false piece of science to begin with. HIV causes disease like a toy rocket can go to the moon. It was our job to make sure media, governments, scientists, and the public swallowed the idea that an unproven germ caused 'a new plague.'" [2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport
Another starting point would be WHO (World Health Organization). As a possible front for larger power players who were pushing a depopulation agenda in the Third World. HIV served and serves well as a smokescreen for the continued massive death tolls from starvation, dirty water, and vaccines given to millions of people whose immune systems already sit on the brink of extinction. WHO, of course, was behind most of those vaccine programs. And WHO, while making genteel noises about the need for cleaning up contaminated water supplies and providing agricultural lands for food to the poor, has accomplished, on its massive budget, very little in this direction. [2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport
With all this now in tow, in 1992-3, I went back to my notes on the hep B vaccine. Suppose, in addition to the vaccine's immunosuppressive effects, it could cause a blood test for HIV TO READ FALSELY POSITIVE. [2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport
If you investigate the last 25 years of Hepatitis B, the disease, you will find or put together a chapter on the promotion of fear about the disease in the male gay community of America. Leading to? Large numbers of gay men getting vaccinations against Hep B. Leading, in turn, to false positive HIV tests. Leading to the administration of killer, cell-destroying drugs. [2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport
[1988/2006] The Massive Fraud Behind HIV Tests by Jon Rappoport
[2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport
Medavoy told me, "Duesberg was a wild card. We knew we
could come across one, and he was it. He saw through the propaganda we
were spreading in the guise of science. He attacked HIV from a
researcher's point of view and he said all the right things. That is, he
didn't know there was an intense propaganda campaign coordinated at high
levels to 'protect' HIV as the cause of AIDS. But he knew the science.
He knew the difference between real research and badly done or fake
research. And HIV was, make no mistake about it, a fake from day one."
Medavoy said,
"A lot of what we did at this point was stop things from getting into
print. That's often more important than planting lies. As far as
Duesberg was concerned, I can tell you there were many newspapers and
magazines who were ready to give his views some space. You know,
maverick scientist rejects HIV as cause of AIDS. So we began a
coordinated effort to keep that from happening. We let the scientists at
NIH [National Institutes of Health], who had the most to lose if
Duesberg could establish a credible beachhead, handle the PR on
rejecting Duesberg's science. They engaged in some character
assassination as well, which was fine. We, on the other side, got
"reliable sources" to go to those newspapers and magazines and tell them
that to print anything good about Duesberg was DANGEROUS and
IRRESPONSIBLE. That was our tack. We had our people say that thousands
of people could die if they stopped believing that HIV was the cause of
AIDS. Promiscuous sex would become more rampant than ever, people would
get infected, get sick, and spread the virus even further. We hammered
on all this, and we cowed most of those media outlets. It worked, for
the most part."
"As far as the
very embarrassing and growing list of AIDS survivors was concerned – the
people who had rejected the idea of HIV and were rebuilding their health
successfully without medical drugs – we tried to keep track of pending
stories on these people, and we went to those media outlets and told
them these people were 'vegetarian kooks' and 'anecdotal examples who
had not been studied by real scientists' and 'publicity seekers' and so
on. We said some of them had never really been HIV positive to begin
with. It was like shooting pigeons. We did pretty well. Some stories did
appear on these survivors, but the general tone was, 'so and so is a
strange curiosity and scientists are studying why he has managed to live
for so long without getting sick, and this may hold promise for future
research.' You know, all that crap." [2003]
Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport
Here is another choice quote from Medavoy on the AIDS scam. He told me this in 1996:
"Some other operatives I was aware of played a role in getting mainstream researchers to lobby for, and win, a new standard for HIV illness, based purely on numbers of T-cells. [Note: this "innovation" came later, long after 1987.] Tests would determine if a person was 'getting sick,' or if he was 'getting better' after taking his AZT – all measured by how many T-cells [part of the immune system defense] showed up on the tests. These operatives knew, and had been briefed on this, that T-cells could actually vary all over the place, up and down, depending on factors like the time of day a person was given the test. It was another area of shoddy science, and they took advantage of it. I'll give you an example. You've got some guy who has been told he's HIV positive, and so, even though he's not sick at all, he gets tested every few months for numbers of T-cells. Sooner or later, those numbers will go down on a test. If the doctor isn't really attentive, he'll tell the patient he is now officially diagnosed with full-blown AIDS, because those numbers are too low. If the patient hasn't been taking AZT yet, he will go for it now." [2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport
Duesberg also began to comment on the wild contradiction implicit in HIV testing. He noticed that the blood test was looking for antibodies which had formed as part of the body's defense against HIV. The presence of such antibodies was taken as a sign that a person was going to develop full-blown AIDS and die. But, on the other hand, a vaccine against AIDS would produce the exact same antibodies, in which case people would be said to be immune from AIDS. Medavoy told me, "Duesberg got that one right too. He saw that the HIV test was completely insane. He was telling the research community they had been roped in by a bunch of fakers – and so we had to do some heavy damage control." [2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport
MEDICOLEGAL INVESTIGATIONS LIMITED An investigation company that was set up by ABPI people, has a formal relationship with the ASBPI and does work for the GMC. They look to be working on the Wakefield case (ref). This shows the close relationship between the Allopaths and the Pharma Industry and the complete bias of the GMC.
[2006] Seawater – A Safe Blood Plasma Substitute? by Dianne Jacobs Thompson
[The GMC Hearing July 30th to August 6th] Prosecuting For The Defence by Martin J Walker
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe simply because it has been handed down for many generations.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumoured by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or
wise men. Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find
that it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one
and all. Then accept it and live up to it.
- Buddha
[2007] U.S. Corporations Keeping Biowarfare Work Secret
Skinwalkers: What Are They? by Colm Kelleher and George Knapp
[Psychopathy] "Lying, evasiveness, feigned forgetfulness, vague and inconsistent answers about his past...his goal is partially to confuse and manipulate, but he also is indifferent to the truth. And he will lie simply for the fun of it, so much so that he eventually becomes caught. Yet even when cornered and confessing, he will offer flimsy excuses or insincere apologies and then go back to lying again."---Dr. David B. Adams http://psychological.com/april_01_newsletter.htm
[Newstarget] Why cancer comes back following chemotherapy, radiation or surgery
[Aug 2007] Army is a Battlefront in the War on Your Gender By Henry Makow Ph.D.
Watch this shocking documentary trailer on Lyme Disease/Borreliosis from Open Eye Pictures
Capitalism: A System Run By and For Psychopaths
Junk food 'makes teens depressed'
[may 2007] Credibility of TB tests is called into question
[7 March 2007] Therapist 'had sex with patient's other self
Depleted Uranium Conspiracy:Diabetes, Cancer & You by ALAN CANTWELL, MD
All Human Blood Is Infected With Bacteria by ALAN CANTWELL, MD
Childhood Diseases: Reality, Care & Treatment Class #8 by Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA
[Aug 2007] Orange to remove mobile mast from 'tower of doom', where cancer rate has soared
Wakefield Aug 2007] The Hearing Trundles On
by Martin J Walker
Transcripts were freely available through week one, when
allegations were being read out without rebuttal. After cross
examination began it was decided not to make them available any more.
2007] The Expert and Decorum
By F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP
[EW Aug 2007] Possible World Class Discoveries During Yesterday's Chat Session
2007 Interview with Barbara Bartholic
How the state denies compensation
The Dark Side of
Soy - There are over 100 years of studies showing that soy
is no health food. But that won't stop the $4 billion soy industry from
telling you otherwise.
"Vaccines are the last defense of modern medicine. Vaccines are the ultimate justification for the overall "brilliance" of modern medicine." Vaccines - Jon Rappoport interview of ex vaccine researcher (2001)
[2007 Japanese encephalitis vaccine] China should have probed "bad vaccine" cases - WHO The children developed a very high fever hours after being injected. One fell into a coma and became paralysed when she regained consciousness. She has since remained in a vegetative state. The other two children only regained their ability to walk recently but are mentally retarded.
Underground cities: Derinkuyu is believed to have held up to twenty thousand people and could be as many as eighteen to twenty stories deep. Much of this underground city has not been explored due to cave-ins. http://www.rdricketts.com/uncity.html
Gang Stalking World http://www.gangstalkingworld.com/ Gang Stalking
[Aug 2007] Experts raise worries about HPV vaccine
[June 2007 Thimerosol] As predicted - media spinning itself dizzy by Lisa Blakemore-Brown
GMC Hearing: What's Happening?
"Congressman Weldon referrers to Dr. Verstraeten's study which looked at the data from the Vaccine Safety Datalink and found a significant correlation between thimerosal exposure via vaccines and several neurodevelopmental disorders including tics, speech and language delays, and possibly to ADD. Congressman Weldon questions the CDC director as to why, following this meeting, Dr. Verstraeten published his results, almost four years later, in the journal Pediatrics to show just the opposite, that is, that there was no correlation to any neurodevelopmental problems related to thimerosal exposure in infants."---- THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D.
Mercury Amalgam Fillings: Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
Dunblane killings http://dunblane.50megs.com/
This is
work and observations on opening up earth vortices to release chi.
"Nancy Hokkanen came up with one of the greatest analogies ever to describe the autism and vaccine controversy and how it feels to us parents of kids with autism. She compared it to the Catholic Church's cover up of decades of sexual abuse."-----Nancy Hokkanen and Kim Stagliano - on the Cover up of vaccine damage and Autism
[July 2007 Blog] MMR, Mercury and the Mystery surrounding my book by Lisa Blakemore-Brown
What if a "dirty bomb" exploded over a large segment
of U.S.population that simultaneously exposed citizens to Hepatitis
B,Hepatitis A, tetanus, pertussis, diphtheria, three strains of polio
viruses, three strains of influenza, measles, mumps, and rubella
viruses, two types of meningitis, four strains of herpes viruses, the
chickenpox virus, 7 strains of Streptococcus bacteria, and four
strainsof rotavirus.
• We would declare a national emergency.
• It would be an "extreme act of BIOTERRORISM
• The public outcry would be immense and our government would react
And yet, those are the very organisms we inject into our babies and our
small children in multiple doses, with immature, underdeveloped
immunesystems, many at the same time with vaccines.
But instead of bioterrorism, we call it "protection." Reflect on that
Tenpenny, Sherri
All too often he says parents' understandable concerns are met with unacceptable reactions and hostility by health authorities and doctors. " I've heard stories of parents trying to decide whether to vaccinate their children being patronised and bullied and even told it was the equivalent of abusing their child if they didn't opt for a vaccine." Halvorsen, Dr Richard MB http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/health/article2812699.ece
[Anthrax 2007] Committee of Government Reform
[2007] Meningococcal cases despite vaccine
[2007] EU faces pressure to ban mercury from
Comment: the original mercury/autism paper delineated the *many*
pathologies associated with mercury. The ongoing insistence upon
the use of amalgams suggests avarice - not
merely from production of amalgam but more
importantly from sales of pharmaceuticals needed for amalgam-induced
"There is something you ought to be aware of by now. I call it the cubic centimeter of chance. All of us, whether or not we are warriors, have a cubic centimeter of chance that pops out in front of our eyes from time to time. The difference between an average man and a warrior is that the warrior is aware of this, and one of his tasks is to be alert, deliberately waiting, so that when his cubic centimeter pops out he has the necessary speed, the prowess to pick it up. Chance, good luck, personal power, or whatever you may call it, is a peculiar state of affairs. It is like a very small stick that comes out in front of us and invites us to pluck it. Usually we are too busy, or too preoccupied, or just too stupid and lazy to realize that that is our cubic centimeter of luck. A warrior, on the other hand, is always alert and tight and has the spring, the gumption necessary to grab it. "--Don Juan (Journey to Ixtlan)
[Testimonial 2007] MMR - AUTISM
Measles update
[EW July 2007] Ed and Elaine Brown
idea of live fast, die young and leave a good
corpse is all very well. What if you turn out to be a tough
motherfucker, and die a slow and horrible death?"----Steve
Earle. Independent Review 22 july 2007
"I do not believe Tony Blair was
a fundamentally good man who went bad. I believe he was evil in
the first place."---Steve Earle.
Independent Review 22 july 2007
The Empire never ended.
Who had built the prison — and why — he could not say. But he
could discern one good thing: the prison lay under attack. An
organization of Christians, not regular Christians such as those who
attended church every Sunday and prayed, but secret Christians wearing
light gray-colored robes, had started an assault on the prison, and with
success.… Everyone who had ever lived was literally surrounded by the
iron walls of the prison; they were all inside it and none of them knew
it — except for the gray-robed secret Christians.— Philip K. Dick,
(1981) Vast Active Living Intelligence System
Daily Mail Letters - July 23 2007 Dr Wakefield can help our suffering son
[2007] Cancer clusters at phone masts
[July 2007] Early Detection Myth - Screening (For Cancer etc.) Fails Test
Clear up the Ten Patterns by Sondra Ray
[911 DVD] http://911rippleeffect.com/articles/rippleeffectbegun.html
[EW July 2007] Spooks, Death Attempts and stuff..---Andy Schwarm
[March 2007] Monsanto's GM Corn MON863 Showed Kidney, Liver Toxicity in Animal Feeding Study
[2002] FREE MARINA A Project Freedom Campaign
Wakefield is probably wrong about MMR, but I am glad he has taken his stand
[July 2007 India NVIC] UNTESTED VACCINE SURFACES IN POLIO OUTBREAK A potent new vaccine introduced in Uttar Pradesh by the WHO has had no safety tests; the rash of new polio cases in the state may’ve been caused by the vaccine itself,
Using psychotronic devices there are many ways the Secret Services can remotely interfere with your mind or body to induce a fatal road accident. The most popular choice is simply to knock you out instantly. They can cause you to lose your accurate perception of time, so that while on a country road you may feel like you are driving at 50mph when in fact you're at 80mph. You will likely come off the road at a corner. Your sense of balance can be disrupted so you find it hard to steer. This is caused by auditory system manipulations. They can put pictures into your mind's eye so you can't even see the road, and will subliminally suggest related thoughts to move you into a separate reality. By altering your vision, vehicles can be made to appear to jump between 10metres and 30metres so your sense of distance is very distorted. Fatal when overtaking.
[Dooney 2007] Story about grounding
When Carlo presented his findings to the US government, they included his estimations of 500,000 US citizens a year by 2010 contracting cancer and 25% of the population by 2014 as a direct result of mobile phone abuse. Wirelessfacts.co.uk believe this is a gross underestimation (see... dectphones and wireless networks). Carlo and his family were threatened physically, his finances were threatened, one of his homes was burned down and the fire brigade suspected arson. One of the things Carlo was supposed to ratify was SAR (specific absorption rates) based on thermal effects as a method or guideline for handset safety. This, like the ICNIRP guidelines for mobile phone mast safety, as Carlo discovered, was completely the wrong issue to look at. http://wirelessfacts.co.uk/index.html
[Television] from Bringers of the dawn by Barbara J. Marciniak (1992)
[2007 hep B vaccine] A MOTHER'S STORY by Susan Harris
[2006] Aftermath of Hepatitis B Vaccine
Project Camelot | Duncan O'Finioan transcript
[July 2007] Parents and advocacy groups call inquiry against Dr. Andrew Wakefield a "witch hunt"
[July 2007 India] Research on Hib vaccine 'dubious'
Organic Farming Can Feed the World
Organic farming can yield up to three times as much food as conventional
farming on the same amount of land---according to new findings which
refute the long-standing assumption that organic farming methods cannot
produce enough food to feed the global population.
U.S. Air Force Linked To Electronic Warfare Attack In Tennessee by Alfred Webre
[2001] Does HAARP Play a Role to Counter Magnetic Effect? by Mitch Battros (ECTV)
[July 2007] 'I wish the GMC could live a day in my life and see what I have seen'
"I am
hugely grateful to Vivienne Parry, a member of the Joint Committee on
Vaccination and Immunisation, which advises the Government on the
controversial MMR injection, for finally explaining the true attitude of
the authorities: 'There's a small risk with all vaccines,' she says. 'No
one has ever said that any vaccine is completely without side-effects." --Hitchens
July 2007
"Eleven years ago I discovered that inexpensive zappers routinely cure cancer and AIDS. What’s taking so long for this news to spread? The answer, of course, is subversion, ritual magic, DOR-based radionics and other high-tech magic and, not least, the studious avoidance in the What To Think Network of any mention of this phenomenally liberating, accessible technology."--Don Croft (July 2007)
[Orgonite water charger]
What on Earth Happened to Fritz Springmeier?
by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, July 09, 2006
[EW July 2007] Exploiting the Vestigal Fear of Witches---Don Croft
[EW July 2007 Slovenia] Meta Kumer's Cloudbuster Article
Parents and Physicians Outraged over Comments from NBC's Dr. Snyderman
2007] NZ: 'Don't give kids painkillers
before shots'
"Can low glutathione create problems with environmental toxicity? Most
of the time ER doctors leave biochemistry to
the internists, but glutathione is important
in the emergency room because of Tylenol overdoses. Tylenol is a very safe molecule unless you take too much. It is metabolized
in your body by glutathione. Our body renders
the Tylenol metabolite nontoxic and then we
excrete it. If you have taken too much Tylenol and it overcomes the store of glutathione in your body, you can no longer metabolize
the Tylenol, it becomes toxic, kills your
liver, and then you die. The treatment for a
Tylenol overdose in the ER is to administer a precursor to glutathione called N Acetyl Cysteine. Tylenol is just one
example, but if you are already low in
glutathione it’s going to take a lot less of any toxin to cause trouble. This makes sense. It explains why our
children are particularly vulnerable to
environmental toxicity, even with toxins that
are relatively safe for other people."
9/11: Looking for Truth in Credentials: The Peculiar WTC “Experts” by Kevin Ryan
[July 2007 Gardasil] The Express Newspaper - Health Reporting Malfeasance Exposed
Generation Rescue - June 26, 2007 Autism Higher in Vaccinated Boys
[July 2007] Who is telling the truth about MMR jabs and autism?
Check this out for confirmation of Brecon underground base http://jamescasbolt.com/news5.htm
The Nonsense That Is Global Warming
"In questions of science the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual." ---Galileo Galilei
84% of
sunscreen products are harmful to health, says alarming EWG study
For 29 years, the FDA has refused to publish safety standards for
sunscreen products. That's nearly three decades of keeping the public in
the dark about the extremely harmful, cancer-causing chemicals found in
sunscreen products. Any idea why the Food...
North Wales gifting log July 2007 by Mike
[July 2007] Gov.insider says Bush admin, behind ANTHRAX attacks
Research Links Lead Exposure, Criminal Activity. Data May Undermine Giuliani's Claims
Cell Tower Blamed In Animal Deaths
ChevronToxico.com, the newly launched
international campaign website to hold ChevronTexaco accountable for its
toxic contamination of the Ecuadorian Amazon. The company dumped billions of gallons of toxic wastewater into
The number of children in Britain with autism is far higher than previously thought, according to dramatic new evidence by the country's leading experts in the field. A study, as yet unpublished, shows that as many as one in 58 children may have some form of the condition, a lifelong disability that leads to many sufferers becoming isolated because they have trouble making friends and often display obsessional behaviour.The team found that one in 58 children has either autism or a related autistic spectrum disorder. http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,,2121521,00.html
'As Vaclav Havel once said: "Follow the man who seeks the truth; run from the man who has found it." I can't tell you that we know that the MMR vaccine causes autism. But the Department of Health can tell you with 100 per cent certainty that it doesn't, and they believe that, and that concerns me greatly.'--Wakefield http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,,2121522,00.html
Out of the Blue (the long report)
Black Programs, Space Drones, and the
Unveiling of US Military Offensives in Weather as a Weapon
A detailed report providing undeniable
evidence of U.S. military adventurism in developing and deploying technologies
for environmental modification in violation of the international ENMOD Treaty
signed in 1976 by the United States.
read the html page
Out of the Blue (the abbreviated essay)
The invisible U.S. military offensives in
weather as a weapon.
This is a short and very abbreviated summary
of the long and exhaustively documented report: OUT OF THE BLUE on this web
read the html page
The Truth About Vaccines: How We Are Used as Guinea Pigs Without
Knowing It (Paperback)
by Richard Halvorsen (Author)
Halvorsen, Dr
Richard MB
drug trade is controlled and run by the intelligence
agencies--- James Casbolt
Being an animal experimenter: a testimony (4.IV.2007)
[2007] Oxford Vivisectionists are Swimming Against the Tide - by
Marius Maxwell
“GlaxoSmithKline - You Bastards!”
The Gillberg affair and the fall of a scientific journal (JAACAP) “Such behavior on the part of a journal editor is also unfair to the many authors who have published respectable and legitimate science within their pages. It means that all manuscripts published in JAACAP should be viewed with suspicion. It is also unfair to the many psychiatrists and psychologists who are involved in honest clinical practice, and whose profession has been brought into disrepute. What exactly is the function of a scientific journal beyond serving as a laundering operation?”
[July 2007] Professionals' Statement Calling For End To To Fluoridation
My October 6, 2006 session with Dooney
Actual Government records are reproduced that reveal plans made in 1969 to create a "new synthetic virus, one which does not naturally exist, and for which no immunity could have been acquired." Other documents reveal that between 1985 and 1989, while publicly labeling Saddam Hussein an evil monster, the United States was secretly selling Iraq hundreds of deadly biological weapons, some of which Hussein employed against the Allied ground attack and stopped that attack dead in its tracks after just 100 hours. Scott, M.A. M.Sc, Prof
[July 2007] 500 Rushed To Hospital - Cholera and Typhoid Vaccines Blamed
[orgonite creations] CESCO WEBSITE
When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow -- Old Native American Prophecy
[2002] Eli Lilly And Thimerosal
[June 2007] MRC UK Refuses Autism/Bowel Disease Research
"Family Court Hell" by Mark Harris
[Ew June 2007] Finland giftings for the record
[EW June 25, 2007] Heaven and Earth ------The Balkans and Italy ---Laozu Manfred, who writes in the German forum, wrote
me about the beginning of May concerning a discovery he made. He made some TBs,
placing them above a CB for the resin to cure. He found that these TBs had a
special effect: positive qi swirls up above them similar to the way it comes up
from a CB. He said he would send me some photographs when he could. A week or
so later I received the photographs, and from them it seemed that indeed he was
correct. I repeated his experiment in my shop and found and obtained similar
results. I made 12 TBs in a muffin tin and cured them by resting the muffin tin
on top of the pipes of a CB (my first one, made 4 years ago). The five which
were above the space encircled by the pipes were all special: the others were
It then occurred to me that perhaps these special TBs could be used to
charge water. I placed one of them several inches under a wooden plate, poured
two glasses of water, placing one to the side, and one on top of the wooden
plate. After some hours I found that the water in the class over the TB was
charged, as if it had been charged over a CB. The other on the side was not
The Extremely Unfortunate Skull Valley Incident
Twenty Things You Should Know About Corporate Crime
Lyme Warrior Awards Recipients
Borrelia burgdorferi, Lyme
Disease, CDC shenanigans
Also, every patient I have ever worked up for Lyme disease who has come into my
office with “chronic fatigue syndrome” has turned out to have Lyme disease...It
is most peculiar that the public health officials at the level of the federal
government are working to cover-up ALL of these syndromes......This
is like a big Tuskegee experiment. Keep in mind that Tuskegee was brought to us
by those great folks at the CDC. The organizational culture there is not one
that could be described as sensitive to issues related to human experimentation.
[EW June 2007] Orgonite becoming mainstream in Switzerland - 07 June, 19:05
Lyme disease" closely parallels the implementation of MTBE
[Extract] Take Off Your Glasses and See: A Mind/Body Approach to Expanding Your Eyesight and Insight by Jacob Liberman p.69
[Psychopath projecting, chilling bit of film.] "Those who attempt to dispel the notion that HIV is the cause of AIDS are perpetrators of death... I think that people like Peter Duesberg belong in jail... I suggest to you that Peter Duesberg is probably the closest thing we have in this world to a scientific psychopath." — Mark Wainberg, Canadian AIDS researcher (Scovill 2004 http://www.theothersideofaids.com )
Sir Richard Doll: Death, Dioxin and PVC by Martin Walker MA [pdf)]
report on the American Cancer Society's refusal to help prevent 77% of all cancers
Dr. Tennison Deane of San Francisco, in his Crime of
Vaccination, tells a remarkable story illustrative of this truth.
Dr. Deane relates that he was
summering in Northern California in the late 80's, near a wealthy ranchman who
lived with his wife and seven children on a 10,000-acre ranch in a salubrious
pine region, 15 miles from the nearest town and having no adjacent neighbors.
With him on the ranch at that time was a negro foreman who also had a wife and
five children. Until Dr. Deane appeared on the scene, none of these 16
persons—white nor black—had ever been vaccinated.
As a zealous young practitioner,
very close to his medical school traditions, Dr. Deane quickly warned these
ranch-dwellers of their "unprotected" state and was able to persuade six of the
sixteen—the farmer's wife and three children, the negro foreman and his
12-year-old son—to submit to the vaccinating operation. "A year later," writes
Dr. Deane, "an epidemic of sore throats broke out in
this ranch colony which developed into diphtheria in four of the vaccinated,
among them the farmer's wife, and one child died. The
unvaccinated recovered rapidly from their sore throats, but the farmer's wife
was paralyzed for a year and eleven years later died of cancer."
It seems that the San Francisco
physician was so impressed by this unexpected turn of his well-intentioned
vaccinating zeal, that he not only kept tab on the subsequent history of the two
families on the northern ranch, but watched the connection between vaccination
and other maladies occurring in his general practice. He learned that the other
four persons whom he had vaccinated on the ranch all died either of tuberculosis
or cancer within four to twenty-two years from the date of vaccination, while
none of the unvaccinated in either family died within that period except the
white farmer who, he says, "died of old age."
Dr. Deane relates that for many
years after this early experience with vaccination on the Northern California
ranch, when a patient came to him with any serious throat, bronchial or
pulmonary trouble, he made a point of inquiring into his past history, and
invariably he found a back-ground of calf-pus "immunization" against smallpox.
Then when he felt he had sufficient data to warrant it, he published The
Crime of Vaccination (in 1913), which brought down on him the wrath of his
medical colleagues, and made his professional life in San Francisco so unhappy
that he voluntarily withdrew from all medical assemblages and finally abandoned
all medical practice except surgery.
Annie Riley. The Medical Voodoo. New York: Gotham House, 1936.
US Autism MMR Vaccine Damage Court Proceedings - transcripts etc
THE MEN BEHIND HITLER A German warning to the world by Bernhard Schreiber
[June 2007] Chiropractors Claim Court Victory Against Infamous 'Quackbuster'
Anti-chiropractic groups spreading ‘stroke’ lies online -- The spread of the ads to the Internet -- and the absurd but frightening message they contain -- has transformed the issue into a global one.
WCA responds to Pediatrics journal on risks for spinal manipulation for children -- points out errors and weaknesses in journal research, emphasizes safety of chiropractic adjustments for ALL people.
"A few years ago (1915), Mr. Charles M. Higgins, author of
"Horrors of Vaccination Exposed," carried a continuous advertisement in one of
the large New York dailies, which conveyed a challenge to the new York State and
City Departments of Health, calling on them to open their records— juggled and
"doctored" as most of them were—and he would undertake to show the public from
them, "that there had been more deaths from vaccinia than from smallpox in the
State of New York every year for the past fifteen." Needless to say the
challenge was never accepted.
Mr. Higgins' challenge was inspired by the famous Loyster investigation of
the ravages of vaccination in the New York public schools of the smaller towns
and country districts, the result of which had just become known. Mr. James A.
Loyster, editor of a newspaper at Cazenovia, N. Y., lost his only son through
vaccination in 1914. Mr. Loyster stated in his report that he had consented to
the operation, that he had himself been vaccinated and believed in it; but the
boy's death got his attention. He determined to make a survey of the schools in
the rural districts and smaller cities—exclusive of Albany, Syracuse, Buffalo
and Greater New York—for the purpose of ascertaining the extent of similar
fatalities from vaccination among school children. He purposely left out the
larger cities because of the difficulty in canvassing them; and in order to
maintain an open-minded quest for facts, he says he refused to read any
anti-vaccination literature before starting on his inquiry. Mr. Loyster found
and verified 27 deaths and twice as many cases of serious disability from
vaccination among New York school children in that restricted area for the year
1914, getting names and addresses and in a number of cases photographs of the
victims—all of which were reproduced in Mr. Higgins' book. It is a reasonable
assumption that a canvass of the larger cities would have swelled the death-toll
twice over, and in the whole State of New York that year of 1914, there were
only three deaths from smallpox!"---These
Cults by Annie Riley Hale
"I am highly pleasing to myself in the presence of other people." ["When I was working as a consciousness consultant counselling individuals, I sold this affirmation for $50 per person and when the people who bought it wrote the affirmation on paper 20 times a day for one month, they got their money's worth."---Leonard Orr, Rebirthing in the New Age p.186.)]
"Everything you want, wants you."---Genevieve Behrend (your Invisible Power p. 48)
Bernays, Edward. Propaganda.
New York: H. Liveright, 1928.
Bernays was an elite second- or third-level insider amongst an Anglo-American network that some have termed "The Illuminati." This group, including Walter Lippman and several British aristocrats manipulated public opinion to permit President Wilson to take the country into WWI. That network behind Bernays and the others became The Tavistock Institute. The book shows how interest groups and opinion leaders shape and virtually control public opinion. Downloads as a PDF of 345 kb. PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Browart, Walter. Operation Mind Control. London: Fontana (Dell: New York), 1978.
After being alerted to the significance of this book the Library had to pay $100 for a somewhat decomposing paperback copy. Because of the few copies offered and their high price, one might think some interest group was attempting to suppress this book by purchasing and destroying copies whenever convenient to do so. One might guess that putting this book online for free download could be a bit dangerous. Let's hope not. The book is about how, starting during WWII., the American cryptocracy began studying, developing and using "brainswashing" techniques on
and civilians, who, under control accomplished by Pain-Drug-Hypnosis, have done things they do not remember. It is about the KKK of big American political assassinations of the 1960s--two Kennedys and a King--and who was behind it and how it might have been accomplished. The data will give one cause to reflect upon how the World Trade Center "attack" might have been engineered. Downloads as a PDF of 1.5 mb. OUT OF PRINT.
Walker, Martin. Dirty Medicine. London: Slingshot Publications, 1993.
http://www.vaccinerights.com/ Phillips, Alan
I learned on my way to Washington to testify before the expert panel of the FDA, while reviewing the secret company documents supplied to me by the FDA, that the company clearly knew as far back as 1976 that silicone spread, caused local inflammation, and in some animals resulted in autoimmune diseases. I appeared before the panel a shaken man. The people who had hired me as a consultant had deceived me. How naive I had been. But multiple investigations were conducted on the basis on anonymous complaints to the Texas Board of Medical Examiners. Seven so far have been dismissed after years of investigation and reinvestigation. Every slide I ever showed in any scientific meeting was seized and investigated as possible evidence against me. Criminals broke into my office and stole research data related to implants. The biopsy laboratory was broken into and slides and reports on implanted patients looked into. A man posing as my fellow copied the brain scans and charts of over 200 patients, a theft of medical records never solved. Death threats arrived in the mail. People phoned in threats. One plastic surgeon said I was part of a communist conspiracy to deprive American women of their implants. And, yes, a dead decapitated animal, a rabbit not a horse, arrived at the doorstep, just like in the movies. MEMOIR OF A JUNK SCIENTIST by Bernard M. Patten , MD, FACP, FRSM
Anthrax vaccine related to multiple cancers and other illnesses
[June 2007 letter by Hilary Butler re: Gardasil vaccine] Democracy, or Orson Welles' 1984?
[2007] The true inside facts about the 7/7 London bombings By James Casbolt, former MI6 agent
"She (vampire) sexually tortured them. You get more of a thrill out of the blood if there is adrenalin in it, it gives it a certain bouquet if there is fear in it."--Bill Schnoebelen
A typical bombshell: He says Hurricaine Katrina was a regional test for Illuminati takeover. "Following scalar promoted Hurricane Katrina, a large number of pre-prepared orders Executive Orders were implemented, providing for the seizure of power supplies, personal vehicles, food supplies, ...and even the Amtrak station which was converted into a prison. A US Navy ship sat outside New Orleans jamming communications....Some weeks after this catastrophe-atrocity Vice-President Richard Cheney paid a visit to New Orleans [uttering] the following Freudian slip: "We are on top of this exercise." Senator Mary Landrieu ..criticized the Federal Government for its criminal behavior." (485) The Jews' "Worst Enemy" is Now Ours (June 9, 2007)--Henry Makow
Mum says MMR jab made son autistic - Jun 7 2007
[June 2007
Private Eye] MMR Conflict of Interest Zone
"Professor McDevitt,.....attended
meetings that discussed warnings from other countries about an early form of the
triple jab, using the Urabe strain of mumps virus, which caused encephalitis and
meningitis. Despite warnings and the fact that this vaccine had already
been withdrawn in Canada, the Urabe-containing
jab was introduced in the UK in 1988. Some of the 12 children whose medical
history featured in the controversial 1998 Lancet paper, drawn up by Dr
Wakefield and his colleagues and which suggested a possible link between the jab
and bowel disease and regressive autism, had received the Urabe-strain vaccine -
as indeed had some of those children in the high court litigation with
[June 2007] Proof Doctors Ignore Adverse Vaccine Reactions
[June 2007] Student nurse in England and hepatitis B vaccine
[June 2007] LET JUSTICE BE DONE By F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP
THE TAROT READER by Andrew Hennessey
[June 2007 HIV/Africa] Letter to Bill Gates by Hilary Butler
Andrew Hennessey
The Legend of the Lost 9th Legion
by Andrew Hennessey
The Mystery of Goblin Halls Village by Andrew
ROCK by Andrew Hennessey
MULL OF KINTYRE ‘guess whose coming to dinner … in 1997 ‘ by Andrew Hennessey
During particular rituals, Reptilians would lead the humans. The Reptilian would wear a cloak, sometimes with a high scooping collar. They were always highly arrogant but offered me great (fake) respect. Some had no horns. Some had a ring of horns around the head and were subordinate and specialized in mindform warfare. Sometimes it seemed that the Reptilian was not at the ritual with the humans physically, but was projecting in to the room, but still ordering them around. The Reptilians also used technology, and would conduct their own tests to control or kill me with their space ships. The Greys would do what the Reptilians told them, and would be directed to conduct their own tests with supervision. The Rep’s, Grey’s or Human could not engineer their ship into my local physical, but “closeby” and still deliver a strike that felt like a lightning bolt attempting to separate me from my body violently. There was a feeling to me that the Reptilians could not completely enter our level of physical density except in certain circumstances. SETHS STORY
"Whenever we were working against Satanic targets, the thread would always go back to one or more Reptilians. It seems that Reptilians actually created Satanism."--- SETHS STORY
Back at Sedona, stayed at a friend’s house while we looked for our own. During this time, I saw the movie Equilibrium. At first I could not believe my eyes. It was almost exactly like the capability that I was training for. Dual pistols, deployment in pairs, etc. At once I realized this was a programming movie. Of course, in real life the Grammaton Cleric character would be actually a person remote controlled by a team of people in what looked like a flight simulator with supercomputers. That was what I was supposed to be. SETHS STORY
"In March 1980, the month in which these lines were transmitted, I was presented (under the usual dusty backroom circumstances) a volume purporting to be the long-awaited Fourth Secret Teaching of Gurdjieff. For the past twenty years, we Gurdjieff fans had been titillated by rumors of this Fourth Book, which supposedly listed secret techniques and practical methods for attaining the whimsical, post-terrestrial levels obviously inhabited by the jolly Sufi Master. We had always assumed, naturally, that the secret methods involved drugs. So it was a matter of amused satisfaction to read In this newly issued text that not only were brain-activating drugs the keys to Gurdjieffs wonderful, whirling wisdom, but also that the reason for keeping the alkaloids secret was to avoid exactly the penal incarceration which I was enjoying when the following essay was penned."--Tim Leary (Changing my mind among others p192/3)
MDR TB Commentary by Alan Cantwell MD and Dr. Lawrence Broxmeyer MD
"We are Gods and Creators. We create everything in the Universe
for us and it belongs only to us and forever."
"We practice Freedom, Truth, Love, Beauty, Happiness, Advancement and actually
becoming God Beings."
"We live together forever for our happiness and advancement. Thank you, God, for
everyone, everything and for me."
Hideo Izumoto
"Sexual vampirism goes on and this explains why there is an epidemic of child sexual abuse among Masons, as they believe (also commonly held among Illuminists) that if you have sex with a child you steal some of their youth and that in turn makes you live longer, and if you have sex with lots of children and the younger the better, you can live virtually forever and this is the promise held out by Masons."--Bill Schnoebelen
"In hard core satanic groups they believe the best way to raise the energy are either the sexual act or by murdering something, either an animal or a person...an enormous amount of energy is released...with a human beingthere is even more energy released...if you want to raise the ultimate kind of power you sacrifice someone. The first is the baby as there is a huge amount of life energy, next is the virgin, and finally anybody."--Bill Schnoebelen
[June 3, 2007 Letter] Boston Globe Publishes Bunk by Paul Offit
"Religious fanaticism fails to explain the remarkably low failure rate of suicide bombings. To date, not a single recruit is known to have defected to either Israel or the United States; and only one is known to have refused to carry out his assigned mission. On the basis of current public source reports, the failure rate of suicide bombers appears to be about 1 in 80; and such an extraordinary figure is only attributable to scientific technique." - "MKULTRA and the Weaponization of the Human Psyche" by Charles S. Viar
Usenet May 2007, on the promotion of bottlefeeding
The Slaughter: An American Atrocity by Carroll Case
http://www.fassit.co.uk/ If you are a parent or family member searching desperately for advice because the Social Services have wrecked your life by unjustly taking your precious children from you, then this website may help you. Fassit UK Support consists of a experienced team where all have been victims of social services and know exactly what you are going through and the pain you must be feeling.
[May 2007] Pesticides increase Parkinson’s risk
[2004] Drug firm threatened us, say MMR families
Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health
[May 2007] GMC Challenged On MMR Inquiry Chief's Vaccine Firm Links
As of today, the Gardasil vaccine has never been proven to decrease the actual incidence of cervical cancer."...In fact, according to the text Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, "In most studies, HPV status was not a strong independent prognosticator of outcome in cervical cancer patients; however there appears to be a trend for HPV-negative tumors to do worse …those tumors containing HPV DNA tend to be of an early stage and low grade."4 This suggests that if the goal is to reduce deaths from cervical cancer the target should not be HPV at all because the tumors without HPV actually "do worse." ---- Gardasil - the Cervical Cancer Vaccine? April 18, 2007
[May 2007] Judicial Watch Uncovers Three Deaths Relating to
HPV Vaccine
Three deaths were related to the vaccine. One physician’s assistant reported
that a female patient “died of a blood clot three hours after getting the
Gardasil vaccine.” Two other reports, on girls 12 and 19, reported deaths
relating to heart problems and/or blood clotting.“The FDA adverse event reports
on the HPV vaccine read like a catalog of horrors,” stated Judicial Watch
President Tom Fitton.....Of the 42 women who received
the vaccine while pregnant, 18 experienced side effects ranging from spontaneous
abortion to fetal abnormities.
Schering-Plough[May 2007 Bill Gates has 280.9 million invested in Schering Plough] In January, Schering-Plough agreed to pay $435 million to settle allegations it lied to the government about drug prices and illegally promoted two drugs for the treatment of cancers for which they were not approved. In 2004, Schering-Plough agreed to pay $346 million to resolve charges it paid a big health insurer a kickback to protect the market for its one-time blockbuster allergy drug, Claritin. ref
Catharina Svanborg
[pdf] Milk Therapy
The immunologist (Catharina
Svanborg) had logged hundreds of lab hours documenting
ways in which human milk helps babies fight
infections........... They applied breast milk to the cancerous lung cells, and all the
cells died.
Discover Breastfeeding
Breast-feeding protects babies from cancer, but no one knows quite how. So when biologists in Catharina Svanborg's lab saw mothers' milk kill cancer
cells, they knew they were onto something big.
JD Rockefeller's idea of philantrophy was: "If you give away a dollar, make sure it comes back to you with another dollar attached to it!", or words to that effect. Sums it up pretty well. JDR donated the land the UN building in NY was erected on. It must have been a valuable bit of real estate even way back then. Just think of the splendid opportunity he created for himself though in doing so, now being able to peddle his Rockefeller type of medicine all over the world via the UN's WHO!
[EW May 2007] New HAARP whiteout in Bali..
Why are we experimenting with drugs on girls?
2. Deaths Resulting
From Gardasil Vaccine.
WASHINGTON, May 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and
prosecutes government corruption, today released documents obtained
from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the provisions of the
Freedom of Information Act, detailing 1,637 reports of adverse reactions to the
vaccination for human papillomavirus (HPV), Gardasil. Three deaths were related
to the vaccine. One Click reports: "The politician in charge of promoting the
Gardasil vaccine in Britain is pharmaceutical products
and multiple vaccines advocate, Dr Ian Gibson MP." One Click provides full
contact details for this man so that all may register their full dismay of this
overt pharmaceutical industry promotion b eing carried out by this Member of
Parliament who owes his current position to the electorate.
3. "A
theory without science".
Suzy Chapman writes: "Last night I reread Chapter 5: Munchausen's Syndrome By
Proxy (MSBP) from Jack Frost's deeply shocking exposé of the workings of the
secret "Family Court" system. On 5 February, 2003, speaking in a Lords debate,
Earl Howe had referred to Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy as, "...one of the most
pernicious and ill-founded theories to have gained currency in childcare and
social services over the past 10 to 15 years." Chapman highlights the atrocious
contents of the Gibson Report put forward by Dr Ian Gibson MP in his 'Group on
Scientific Research into ME' (sic) on this issue and continues: "Equally
disturbing was the fact that the Chair of this now disbanded committee should
seek to legitimise the construct of MSBP (FII) which has never been proven as a
discrete syndrome and offer, in defence of his commit tee's assertions,
unsupported statements such as "[MSBP] only exists in children less than 5 or
[may 2007] Doctors' strike in Israel may be good for health
[May 2007] Gardasil VAERS Line List Report
Cave, M.D., F.A.A.F.P., Stephanie
The Nine Stages of American Autogenocide by Martha Rose Crow, M.S.
[EW 2006/7] Lake Geneva
To summarizes it says that the reason why the lake's water is so clear is a
mystery. It has never been so clear in 40 years. Normally at this time of the
year, the water is a little troubled, especially with the warm weather (this
spring is exceptionnally warm here). The lake is
lacking oxygen (phenomen called eutrophisation) since the 60s, and despite the
efforts that were made, it did not help much, so the waters quality is even more
unexplainable. This is a great confirmation for the
rest of us that the gifting that took place at the end of December 2006 was
[may 2007 AVN] Gardasil reactions must be taken seriously
[May 2007 AUS. Gardasil vaccine] Vaccine linked to sickness
[Video trailer] The Drugging of Our Children (Trailer) by Gary Null
the big bang never happened website from 1992 ... the refutation of all that garbage that refuses to be heard by 'scientists'
[Clinton] is a strange little person. I didn't get any eye contact with her.
She's like a lizard sliding off a rock"
- Germaine Greer (Sunday Tasmanian, Dec. 24th 2000)
[May 2007] Nigerian state sues Pfizer over 'deformity' drug Nigeria's largest state has sued US drug firm Pfizer for allegedly using 200 children as "guinea pigs" for a drug test in 1996 that led to multiple deaths and deformities, officials said Sunday.
[MMr June 2007] Boy awarded $43.1 million
How are people CONTROLLED ? Charley Reese tells you just how
[2002] Selling technology to the Nazis
"The juxtaposition of all these sources--the new German documents, Justice
Department records, the IBM files and eyewitness sources--indicates it was not
just trading with the enemy...This is the proof that IBM enabled the Holocaust.
The connection to New York is now proven."
Ear Implants, Ear Candles, and
2007] What killed Sally Clark’s child?
by Neville Hodgkinson
Clearly, Professor Meadow is much respected and has made a distinguished
contribution to medicine. But was it really such an innocent mistake? Or was the
professor — in common with his paediatric colleagues — avoiding facing up to a
reality, unpleasant for professionals who have for years defended a
controversial vaccine: that when a tiny baby dies five hours after being
injected, a link between the two events might be more probable than that the
mother was a murderer?
[May 2007 Aus] ADHD guru quits over Ritalin link
[May 2007] More on smallpox inoculation that spread to wife and son
Politics is the shadow cast on society by Big Business. --John Dewey
Vaccinations & Resonant Implant Locator Eggs
1. Simon Wessely Crucified by Gulf War Veterans MRI
News of a study published in the New York Times yesterday and financed by the
USA federal government shows that low-level exposure to Sarin nerve gas could
have caused lasting brain deficits in Gulf War troops. The results of this
Magnetic Imaging Resonance (MRI) study carried out on Gulf War Veterans crucify
psychiatrist Professor Simon Wessely, the man who has compromised the futures of
over 250,000 ME/CFS labelled patients in the United Kingdom. It is utterly
disgraceful that the ME Research UK charity, previously trading as MERGE, has
just axed the neuroimagiing study in ME/CFS headed by Professor Basant Puri,
paid for by very sick patients and their families.
2. Lyme Disease Presenting as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
One Click publishes the full text of this excellent academic paper today.
Samuel Shor, MD, FACP writes: “Patients with symptoms that are consistent with
chronic fatigue syndrome should be seriously evaluated for the potential of
chronic Lyme infection. Common features in both conditions include profound
fatigue, sleep, and cognitive impairment, along with fibromyalgia and
dysautonomias, In addition, if chronic Lyme is determined to be present, then
evaluation for the potential of co-infections with Ehrlichia sennetsu,
Bartonella henselae or Babesia microti should be undertaken. In doing so, we are
more likely to effectively reverse the chronic, often debilitating processes
with which our patients are so often presenting.”
3. When to Suspect Lyme Disease.
John D. Bleiweiss, M.D. writes: “Prior to proper diagnosis, patients habitually
report that they were assigned the following diagnoses most often: Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Candidiasis, Chronic
mononucleosis, Hypoglycemia, and Stress-related illness. If these appear in a
differential diagnosis, then LD should be considered. The abundant research
opportunities should be clear to all. It is unnecessary to give Lyme Disease the
"Galileo" treatment.”
[Food cravings] http://www.naturopathyworks.com/pages/cravings.php
[May 2007] Family claims cervical-cancer vaccine caused paralysis
Zbigniew Brzezinski gets questioned hard by 9/11 Truther Luke Rudkowski of Change in New York City. Luke interupted a speaking engagement where Brzezinski was trying to pacify everyone on terror. Brzrzinski is part of the Trilateral commission, Bilderberg and the Council On Foreign Relations. An all around scumbag globalist who looks at people as slaves and is a master at propaganda. He is part of the group working towards a New World Order. This criminal has a long history in the US. I got such a charge out of this watching that bastard Brzezinski get his. Everyone is waking up. Thanks Luke. http://www.calgary911truth.org/my_weblog/2007/04/zbigniew_brzezi.html
[Africa] http://www.allthingspass.com/
[May 2007] Vietnam suspends use of lg hepatitis B vaccine
[May 2007] The mercury, autism debacle: How stupid do they think we are? by Michael Wagnitz
[1997 DVD] A shocking documentary that exposes HIV/AIDS as a deceptive and deadly scam.
[May 2007] MMR judge faces probe over brother's link to
vaccine firm
[2007 DVD] AIDS INC., by Dr. Null
[2006] Climate chaos? Don't believe it By Christopher Monckton
How (and How Not) to Battle Flu: A Tale of 23 Cities
[Book] Addiction by Prescription. One Woman's Triumph and Fight for Change Joan E. Gadsby
[2007] The Journal of Toxicology and Environmental
Health, Part A: Current Issues, an authoritative journal featuring original
toxicological research, has published, "A Case Series
of Children with Apparent Mercury Toxic Encephalopathies
Manifesting with Clinical Symptoms of Regressive Autistic Disorders," by
Geier and Geier (2007).
This new study leaves little doubt there is a direct causal link between mercury
exposure from Thimerosal-preserved biological products (vaccines and Rho(D) products) and mercury poisoning diagnosed as an autism spectrum
disorder (ASD).
The Real Scandal at the World Bank
"A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny."---Alexander Solzhenitsyn
[Book] We Were Not the Savages by Daniel N. Paul
Whale.to blocked in China, see http://greatfirewallofchina.org Also blocked from Wikipedia under guise of spam.
[April 2007] Italy rocked by satanic, drug-induced sexual abuse in kindergarten
Mistress: LBJ Bragged He Had JFK Killed
How The Elite Raped Russia In The 1990s
[Letter by Clifford Miller] Daily Mail - Why are so many women getting MS? - 30 April 2007
Freeman on occult symbology, Anna Nicole, Britney, and Mind Control
William Henry’s Eye on Symbols GEORGE W. BUSH AND THE SEAL OF ATLANTIS
Proofs of a Conspiracy, 1797, by John Robison [entire book in PDF]
The Cambodian Memory Hole by Paul David Collins, April 27th, 2007
Hollywood 9/11: 9/11 Synchronicities In Films
[April 2007] The Age of Autism: Ground Zero
Our fate is not in our genes, Dear Brutus, but in the
chemicals that increasingly pollute our world and our
http://coleman300.com/ Coleman, John
[EW April 2007] Light Pillar over Moscow Ridge, Idaho ---McGinty
No known cure, no known cause lie
"Tolerance"- A Devious Attack on Your Identity by Henry Makow Ph.D.
"This planet is controlled and locked down and has been for centuries if not millennia, and the question is, why, why must planet earth be locked down, dumbed down, so thoroughly controlled and for so long, why? Who and what is behind this?"---Dr. Richard Sauder
Nigel Thomas Petition"
Click on to the above and sign the
There is also a link to the video so don't forget to watch it.
[April 2007] Don't panic about HRT
Derrick Lonsdale, M.D., F.A.C.A.M.
[April 2007] Wifi internet 'poses a health risk for children'
[April 2007] Formula milk 'that will stop baby becoming an obese adult'
[April 2007] 2,000 deaths after doctors 'ignored HIV blood alerts'
[April 2007] Eat less pasta and the pelvic pain will vanish
[Book] http://www.cancerdefeated.com/index1.html
Kent Daniel Bentkowski
[April 2007] MORE ON CHO'S MEDS by Jon Rappoport
http://www.trance-formation.com/ O’Brien, Cathy
[April 2007] GSK at centre of Russian vaccine scandal
Vaccine Autoimmune Project for Research and Education (VAP)
Maggie Tuttle (HRT)
[2003] The Many
Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide By Dr. David G. Williams
[pdf March 2007] Effects of selenium supplementation on New Zealanders’ health
The ECHO Foundation
Educating on Children's Health Options
[EW 1 April 2007] Our efforts to prevent a nuke attack on Persia --Don Croft
[EW April 2007] Two Miraculous Remote Healings --Don Croft
[Visual] Leading AIDS Dissident: David Crowe Speaks Out
[April 2007, Kelly Murder] Murder theory that just won't go away
[Media April 2007] There is an obesity gene
"Every loving thought is true. EVERYTHING ELSE is an appeal for healing and help."---A Course In Miracles
1. Study Of ME/CFS Held Back By Bias.
In her article entitled ‘Victims give clues to the answers’, Julie Robotham writes in the Sydney Morning Herald, Australia: “In Adelaide last month, Chaudhuri and specialists from all over the world took the first steps towards developing an autopsy protocol that would allow samples to be consistently collected and analysed from the bodies of people who die, like Mirza, after a long battle with the [ME/CFS] syndrome. These would form the basis of an international tissue bank in an attempt to shed light on what goes wrong in the baffling condition, which often strikes young and previously healthy individuals. It could help "establish the condition as a valid neurological problem", Chaudhuri says, and might lead to treatments.” Daniel Peterson, an American physician who specialises in chronic fatigue syndrome, says its name has allowed it to be trivialised. "These are very complex patients to understand," he says. "We've been held back by biases." READ THE NEWS ON ONE CLICK http://www.theoneclickgroup.co.uk
[DVD] Vaccines: What CDC Documents and Science Reveal DVD ----Dr. Sherri Tenpenny DO
The First Cancer Vaccine: Facts and Failings By F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP
Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research
"The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid 'dens of crime' that Dickens loved to paint. It is not even done in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed, and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the offices of a thoroughly nasty business concern." (Preface to The Screw Tape Letters, C. S. Lewis)
Here is the link (28mins total). The only video of Rene
Caisse known.
Part 1
Part 2
Donald Rehm, author of The Myopia Myth
Confessions of an Economic Hitman: VIDEO.
Part 1........Part
3 (2/12/07)
International Anti-Vaccination League
In May 2005, Dr Olavi Kajander delivered a sobering message to a joint meeting of the US FDA and the European Medicines Agency on viral safety when he presented new evidence to support something first published in 1997: that vaccines are contaminated with nanobacteria. Since 1999, government agencies have done virtually nothing to investigate the claim, due largely to that NIH experiment which failed to use particles discovered by Kajander as control samples; so now that the vaccine contamination has been officially reported to authorities, the question is: what will be done? [2005] The Nanobacteria Link to Heart Disease and Cancer by Douglas Mulhall
Nanobacteria are novel microorganisms that are not detectable with present sterility testing methods, but they are detectable with new culture and immunomethods. They are commonly present in bovine and blood products and thus in cell cultures and antigens, including vaccines derived therefrom, and may be present in antibody and gammaglobulin products. Nanobacteria are a potential risk because of their cytotoxic properties and ability to infect fetuses, and thus their pathogenicity should be scrutinized. [1997] A New Potential Threat in Antigen and Antibody Products: Nanobacteria
"In a recent letter from Dr. A. Ward of the Pathology Department, University of Hong Kong, in which he requests permission to use some of our findings in his textbook on immunology, Dr. Ward states: "I again like you do not worship Louis Pasteur and I consider Edward Jenner to be one of the great criminals of history.' "---Dr Kalokerinos
Washington State's war on holistic M.D.s by Dr Jonathan Wright, M.D.
State tries to ban accurate and pain-free sensitivity testing by Dr Jonathan Wright, M.D.
Vested interests: Hooper, Hyde, Invest in ME and the Gibson Inquiry.
One Click publishes today the most excellent paper from Suzy
Chapman and Ciaran Farrell that deals with the murky swirling vested
interests that have surrounded the farcical Gibson ‘inquiry’ and its
aftermath. From the aborted EDM (parliamentary Early Day Motion), to
the apparent proposed destabilisation of the ME/CFS Canadian Guidelines
produced by international consensus by physicians who have
treated/diagnosed 20,000 ME/CFS labelled patients worldwide, the vested
interests of the cabal operating behind pharma Gibson (Dr Ian Gibson MP,
Labour Member for Norwich North) are exquisitely and precisely exposed
in detail. This paper is an international must read.
"Whereas the aim of therapeutics is to cure sickness in our bodies, and that of hygiene to maintain them in health by a salubrious environment, vaccination undertakes to modify our robust, healthy bodies in order to adapt them to an insalubrious environment. It belongs neither to therapeutics, nor to hygiene ; it belongs to that fatal, fanciful, spurious science which, rejecting the teachings of experience, rests on dogma and creed, which in other departments of sociology have produced as many evils as vaccination has produced in medicine. Vaccination is a monstrosity, the misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance ; and, being such, it should have no place either in hygiene or medicine." (Public address given in November, 1898, at the opening of the session of the University of Perugia, Italy, at which he is Professor of Materia Medica) ---Dr. Carlo Ruata, M.D
[pdf Book on Reams] NO TIME TO DIE! by Joanne Fontenot See: Reams Biological Theory Ionization (RBTI) Testing
VAP Takes Action Against the IOM and PEDIATRICS
[march 2007] World Vaccine Market Promises Growth Exceeding $15 Billion by 2012
[Book 2007] What Really Causes Multiple Sclerosis by Harold D. Foster
[March 2007 MMR] Mum’s horror as tot ‘dies’ twice after jab
HPV Vaccine Researcher Blasts Marketing
Healthy trial
babies only
Mouse toxicity test
Kendrick mouse test
Hist test
[EMF March 2007 Wireless internet] 'I'm allergic to modern living'
Was Hitler a "British" Agent ? By Henry Makow Ph.D.
[March 2007] Big Pharma's Lunatic FDA Says Cherries Are Now DRUGS
[March 2007] South African Lawsuit Exposes Pharmaceutical Colonialism
Hepatitis-B And Hib Vaccines On India And Pressure To Eradicate Polio--- DR
The number of vaccine attributed polio victims in
India is anywhere between 30,000 to 300,000 according to media reports. The IMA
has a figure of 85,000, up to 2005, in its website.
Doctors have been "advised" to keep quiet on these issues for "the greater good
of humanity".
It is very sad that no effort is
being made to track, treat and compensate the unfortunate children. GAVI,
UNICEF, Rotary and WHO do not reply to our mails making it plainly evident that
they are least bothered about the health of Indian children. Shame upon them who
wish to profit by killing and maiming little babies.
It is very disturbing that poisons
are being introduced into infants who are not supposed to be fed anything other
than breastmilk during the first six months of their lives. The spread of
cancers, diabetes and other immune disorders in children cannot be hidden any
longer. Countries putting the maximum emphasis on vaccines have the highest rate
of infant mortality. The health of teenagers today is alarming.
We also do not understand how the
voices of Indian doctors are not being heard and instead "foreign experts"
dictate terms in matters of vaccination policy in India. Who are these "experts"
and what influence do they yield to dictate terms? What are these "experts"
doing to ensure compensation and treatment for the millions of vaccine damaged
children? What are they doing to educate the public about vaccine dangers?
You cannot take the "First do no
harm" medical oath and push vaccines at the same time. This is ludicrous. This
is madness. This is utter stupidity. - Jagannath
[2006 India] Shocking !! Infant mortality comes down with fall in immunisation rates!!
Knights Templar dovecot with 666 holes
[March 2007] Court orders British Medical Journal to pay £100,000 to leading vitamin researcher
Dark cloud over good works of Gates
Gates' gimmick of becoming a philantropist repeats the
Rockefeller scam almost one to one a century later.
But that is not enough. Gates
serves as the financier of a whole shipload of ARV missionaries, including ex-U.S.
President Clinton who promotes the deadly business with ARV drugs in Africa and
other developing nations.
One may ask: don't they know the
facts that toxic ARVs damage the immune system and actually accelerate immune
deficiencies? Of course they do! So what is the motive for their action? It is
strikingly simple:
If the governments of the
developing worlds realize that the ARV genocide is the dirtiest way yet to
replace the old colonial dependencies between the rich and poor nations of this
planet, they will terminate this business. They will, like South Africa, choose
a health care system independent of the sickening and economically devastating
dependency from the pharmaceutical colonialism.
The equation is simple: the end of
the AIDS business with disease will destroy the entire credibility of the
pharmaceutical industry and will terminate the drug investment business
worldwide. The collapse of this mulit-billion dollar investment business, in
turn, will lead to a major crisis of the whole investment industry. In other
words, the "Mother Theresa" PR-stunt of Bill Gates is a desperate, self-serving
activity trying to stop this meltdown. If Gates is not successful, and the AIDS
genocide by the drug cartel is ended, then the whole paper-wealth of Billy Gates
is worthless.
Got it?
Considering the genocidal consequences of the activities of these organizations,
especially in promotion of the ARVs, this entire program "Alliance for a Green
Revolution" is nothing else than a fig leaf and another PR-stunt. The "marriage"
between Gates and Rockefeller, 10 days after we exposed their business interests
in Africa, is a confirmation for the accuracy of our exposure.---Dark
cloud over good works of Gates Foundation
[Farming--State Terrorism] 'My £500,000 herd was condemned to death by red tape'
Global Recognition Campaign for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Vaccination Assault on The Species--Patrick Rattigan ND
Essiac [1936] DOCTORS PLEAD WITH POLITICIANS Two Petitions to Parliament
[Essiac] Brusch Tests of 1959
[Essiac c. 1937] 53 Case studies from Rene Caisse's personal files
[March 2007] Commentary on the Work of F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP by Dr. Boyd Haley So many physicians "know" there is no connection between vaccine factors and autism because the high priest of medicine (the CDC) told them so, and they have only the sad-sack epidemiological studies given credence by the IOM and CDC to back up their "knowledge". Many just look at the title of a paper and its conclusion line in the abstract and do not study in depth the data, and where this data came from, to see if it supports the conclusions. This is getting to be quite common in medical publications and reflects poorly on American medicine.
[March 2007 Sally Clark] May all those who drove Sally to this hang their heads in shame
[March 2007] Smallpox shot infects soldier's toddler son
Excellent Video on Breast Implants ... MUST SEE!
[Princess Diana: The Hidden Evidence] Book review by Stephen Reid
Kill Your Television TurnOffYourTV.com
Orwell Today16.Ministry of Truth 25.Prolefeed
Four Vivisectors' Lies by Betty Overell
Animal Research Takes Lives by Bette Overell
Collateral Brain Damage? The Hollywood Propaganda Ministry by Alex Constantine
[2004] Australian Doctor Deregistered after Helping Cancer Patient
[Letter Sir Jason Winters] re: Kathe Bachler and earth Radiation
[NVIC March 2007] HPV Vaccine Order Unleashes Parents' Anger
[Homeopath UK] Simon Charles
Is Human Papillomavirus the
Real Cause of Cervical Cancer? Memo on the mandating
of HPV vaccine in NYS.
By Gary Krasner, CFIC The
pharmaceutical-supported mainstream media, and the Merck-supported Public
Broadcasting Service uncritically accept the claim that human papillomavirus is
the cause of cervical cancer in women, despite the
absence of supporting medical evidence. There's also no discussion of the one
pharmaceutical merchandise (i.e.: feminine hygiene products) that is the most
likely cause of this cancer.
Pulling the 9/11 Lynch Pin by Matt Kjeldsen
BBC Announces WTC7 Collapse Before It Happens!
[EW march 2007] "Reclamation not War"--Carol Croft
[March 2007] Early fears about MMR in secret papers
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: A Whole Lot of Hoopla - by Paula Rothstein
[Feb 2007] Prosecutors target Russian clinic testing British firm's MMR vaccine
[Essiac] Gary Glum
The BBC's Premature Report on the Demise of WTC 7 The BBC actually reported WTC Building 7 as collapsed, when it is still standing in the window behind the reporter (20-25 minutes prematurely). The live feed ffom NY suddenly is cut minutes before the actual collapse/demolition. The current BBC World Editor has claimed that BBC no longer has the original footage, even as Google Video has immediately removed the clip for copyright reasons.
[Feb 2007 Autism genetics] Open Letter to Autism Speaks by F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP
[Don Bradley/CBSWORK creations] http://www.vaccinetruth.net/cbswork/cbswork.htm
[Feb 2007] The Gallo Philes: HIV on Trial
Stephen C. Marini, MS., D.C., Ph.D.
March 10-11, 2007. Seminar London
Billy's story http://www.billybest.net/
[PROVE Feb 2007] Action to Correct Misleading HPV Infection Numbers!
One of the first signs of health is the constant feeling of wellbeing, as if energy is brimming over from the moment you get up till the end of the day. Sidhwa, Dr. Keki
Rene Caisse's Own Story by Ted Britton, Editor Bracebridge Examiner
[Feb 2007] Girl who fell may have taken Tamiflu
[Feb 2007] Suppressed report shows cancer link to GM potatoes
[Feb 2007 Lies] Medical pot advocates sue feds over false info
[pdf Feb 2007 Weston price] Health Experts Urge FDA To Deny Soy Protein Cancer Prevention Health Claim. Scientists say Solae petition omits many studies indicating soy may cause cancer
[Feb 2007] Xolair Linked to Risk for Delayed-Onset Anaphylaxis
[EW Feb 2007] World Class Realization on Sunday via Dooney --Don Croft
[Interview with Dr. Marijah McCain] Chemtrails, Essiac and the Detoxification of America
[Book 1939] Cancer:
Its Proper Treatment and Cure by Dr. Nichols B.S., M.D.
predates Mohs method. Perry Nichols and the escharotic cancer cure
Trail Of Paxil Suicides Leads To GlaxoSmithKline By Evelyn Pringle The first program, "Secrets of Seroxat," was aired in October 2002, and the feedback that followed was unprecedented, with 67,000 people contacting a BBC helpline and 1,500 people emailing Panorama with stories similar to those revealed in the broadcast.
[1977] COULD ESSIAC HALT CANCER? by Sheila Snow Fraser and Carroll Allen
Here is a quote
from John Todd, who belongs to the Masonic "Council of 13", in the magazine
"Progress for All" from January 1991; an interview regarding the clarification
of the Pyramid and the shining eye on the back of the US One Dollar Bill (see
picture above): "The seal of the pyramid was created
by the Rothschild family and brought to North America by Benjamin Franklin and
Alexander Hamilton before 1776. The Rothschild family is the head of the
organization in which I entered in Colorado. All the Occult Brotherhoods are
part of it. It is a Lucifer Organization to install his reign in the whole
world. The eye on the pyramid is the eye of Lucifer. Supposedly the Rothschild's
have personal dealings with the Devil. I have personally been in his villa and
have experienced it. And I know it is true."
- John Todd
[1929] The History of a Crime Against the Food Law by Dr. Harvey Wiley
Radiation Scandal By Anthony and Denise Ji-Ahnte Sibert
[pdf] The Human Plutonium Injection Experiments by William Moss and Roger Eckhart
[1960 to 1972 Radiation USA] The Cincinnati Experiments
[1960's] D.C. Children’s Center in Laurel
[1950-60's Hepatitis USA] Willowbrook State School-Dr. Saul Krugman
[1953 and 1954 Radiation USA] John Gaston Hospital, Memphis
[1947 Radiation USA] Elmer Allen
[1940s and 1950s Radiation USA] Fernald School
[1945-49 Radiation USA] Vanderbilt University Hospital
[1948-54 USA] Baltimore Nasal Radium Irradiation
[1945 Radiation USA] The Oakridge Experiment
[Radiation USA] Tulane University and Charity Hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana
Monsanto dumped toxic waste in UK
[1932-1972 Syphilis USA] The CDC Tuskegee experiment
[Newstarget Feb 2007] Mammograms offer no health benefits whatsoever, doctors conclude "The latest evidence shifts the balance towards harm and away from benefits," said Dr. Michael Baum of University College in London.
Wong1,2, R.C. Tabata1, R.F. Garry5 and C.A. Shaw1,3,4
ABSTRACT: Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) affects a high percentage of veterans
of the 1991 conflict, but its origins remain unknown.
One neurological complication of GWS is an increased
incidence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). While many environmental
factors have been linked to GWS, the role of the
anthrax vaccine administered to deployed troops has
come under increasing scrutiny. Among the vaccine’s potentially toxic components are the adjuvant aluminum hydroxide and squalene. To examine
whether these materials might contribute to neurologic
toxicity, we injected young male colony CD-1 mice with
these adjuvants at doses equivalent to those given to service personnel. Mice were subjected to a battery of motor and cognitive behavioral tests
over a six month period. Following sacrifice, CNS
tissue was examined using immunohistochemistry for
evidence of neural death. Behavioral testing showed both motor and cognitive
functions were impacted by the tested adjuvants to
differing degrees. Apoptotic neurons were identified
in lumbar spinal cord and motor cortex in the groups receiving the adjuvants. Aluminum injected animals also showed a significant increase of
astrocytes in the lumbar spinal cord. Our findings
suggest a possible role for either or both compounds in some neurological features associated with GWS.
[Feb 2007] Bowel problem seen in infants given Merck vaccine
The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal
[Video site] True Stories Video Blog | telling the truth in a time of universal deceit
Bhagavad-gita (aka Gitopanisad)
Josiah DuBois
The Devil's Chemists had appeared
after World War II, written by Josiah DuBois, an attorney who had been part of
the Treasury team at Nuremberg. The book was a harrowing account of the trial of
the executives of I.G. Farben, the Nazi industrial trust, that showed Farben's
links to Wall Street.
[Feb 2007] Flu shot went horribly wrong
The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, although in publication for 38 years, has never been listed on the government database MEDLINE.
[e book] Terror of Pediatric Medicine by Mark Sircus Ac, OMD
Funding needed for long-used drug showing new promise for cancer - Pharmaceuticals not interested!
[Feb 2007] Lawmaker pulls back to avoid conflict on (HPV) vaccine
State-Sponsored Terror in the Western World by Philip Coppens
[1995] IN GALLO CASE, TRUTH TERMED A CASUALTY Report: Science subverted in AIDS dispute By John Crewdson
[2001] The role of antibiotics in the emergence of AIDS by the Study group AIDS therapy (08.05.01)
Chemoantibiotics, a principal cause of AIDS defining illnesses in developed and developing countries
[2004] An Open Letter From Dr. Robert Strecker
"DO NOT TAKE ANY VACCINATIONS. This is the standard deceptive way you are given the Establishment’s Biological Warfare infections.." Dr. William D. Kelly
[Book excerpt 1987]The Gestapo - A History of Horror by Jacques Delarue
[Chapters 1 & 2] Facts and Fascism by George Seldes
[Preface] TRADING WITH THE ENEMY: An Exposé of The Nazi-American Money-Plot 1933-1949 by Charles Higham In 1942 Standard Oil of New Jersey managers shipped the enemy's fuel through neutral Switzerland and that the enemy was shipping Allied fuel? Suppose the public had discovered that the Chase Bank in Nazi-occupied Paris after Pearl Harbor was doing millions of dollars' worth of business with the enemy with the full knowledge of the head office in Manhattan? Or that Ford trucks were being built for the German occupation troops in France with authorization from Dearborn, Michigan? Or that Colonel Sosthenes Behn, the head of the international American telephone conglomerate ITT, flew from New York to Madrid tot Berne during the war to help improve Hitler's communications systems and improve the robot bombs that devastated London? Or that ITT built the Focke-Wulfs that dropped bombs on British and American troops? Or that crucial ball bearings were shipped to Nazi-associated customers in Latin America with the collusion of the vice-chairman of the U.S. War Production Board in partnership with Göring's cousin in Philadelphia when American forces were desperately short of them? Or that such arrangements were known about in Washington and either sanctioned or deliberately ignored?
What a strange paradox! Every warrior on the path of knowledge thinks, at one time or another, that he's learning sorcery, but all he's doing is allowing himself to be convinced of the power hidden in his being, and that he can reach it.----Don Juan Matus, The Power of Silence
Very popular video: HIV=AIDS - Fact or Fraud?
Wrongful Death: The AIDS Trial by Stephen Davis
Propaganda Techniques of German Fascism - Modern English Readings (1942)
President's 'HIV cure' condemned
[2004] Kenyan Nobel peace laureate claims AIDS virus deliberately created
[jan 2007] Facts Behind Merck's Mandatory Vaccine Campaign to Help Pay for Vioxx
[Jan 2007] No Law To Mandate Dangerous, Untested HPV Vaccine
Why you should
never trust new wonder drugs by Prof David Healy
It's virtually impossible to sue a pharmaceutical company in Britain, partly
because of the difficulty of getting any funding for such actions.
There's no point appealing to the government drugs watchdog—the MHRA.
It is a small outfit entirely funded by the drug
industry. It has never taken any action
against the academics who make fraudulent claims in ghostwritten articles,
nor doctors working for the companies who repeat such claims, even when they
have been shown to be untrue. So
the only other body to turn to is the General Medical Council, whose
job it is to investigate the conduct of doctors — but it has shown no
inclination to act.
Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of
Microchipped Population
Russo states that Rockefeller told him, "Eleven months before
9/11 happened there was going to be an event and out of that event
we were going to invade Afghanistan to run pipelines through the
Caspian sea, we were going to invade Iraq to take over the oil
fields and establish a base in the Middle East, and we'd go after
Chavez in Venezuela."......and that there
would be an "Endless war on terror where there's no real enemy and
the whole thing is a giant hoax," so that "the government could take
over the American people," according to Russo, who said that
Rockefeller was cynically laughing and joking as he made the
astounding prediction.
During a 1997 pertussis outbreak, according to Dr. Alan Banks who was on the board of directors of the Panhandle Health District, in Bonner County, 85% had 4 out of 4 of their DTP shots and 15% had 3 out of 4 of their DTP shots. There were no reported cases among those who had 2 out of 4, 1 out of 4 OR zero DTP shots. CDC concluded that --Quote "The myth of vaccine refusal played no role in this outbreak."--Cassel
permanent severe brain injury from MMR vaccine
MADNESS By Nicholas Regush
The "Breakthrough" Headlines Have Been Running All Week About A New Vaccine
For Cervical Cancer - This Is Medical Science And Health Journalism At Its
Worst And A Shameful Example Of How Medical Research Is Taking Dangerous
Short-Cuts And Badly Misleading The Public
[Feb 2007] Mother accused of killing baby son goes free "She says he had not been well for a couple of days after receiving his MMR immunisation."
BOYD HALEY comments:
IOM To Hold Workshop on Autism (& not
This is the old ploy of "looking were it ain't" if you don't want to find something. I have encouraged parents of autistic children in the USA to get urinary porphyrin profiles done to determine if their child shows signs of mercury toxicity. It is almost 100% that these children, at least those that have reported back to me, are moderate to extremely mercury toxic with regards to this clinical testing procedure. Just where would children less than 7 years of age obtain enough mercury to inhibit their porphyrin pathways? So the IOM suggests looking everywhere except where the most logical place would be, in the vaccines given to these children that contained thimerosal. The IOM ought to be ashamed of itself, if not for doing something scientifically dishonest, then for being so inept as to think vaccine exclusion from consideration of exclusion for autism causation would be accepted by the American public. Most importantly, while they are looking everywhere else these children lose time before an acceptable treatment for mercury toxicity can be developed---and at least a significant number of autistic children are definitely mercury toxic. Boyd Haley
Beware of Gardasil, The Cervical Cancer Vaccine by Helen Lobato
[EW 2007] Harmonic Pendant--We don't generally toot our own horn, but this is instructive
[EW 2007] Charged Water and TBs---laozu
[Jan 2007] Twenty paramedics sent home for not having obtained a flu shot.
A man of action forced into a state of thought is unhappy
until he can get out of it.
Franz Kafka
Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty.
Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.
Franz Kafka
Junk science goes belly-up by Professor Hiram Caton
Africa: Treating Poverty with Toxic Drugs By Liam Scheff
The AIDS Debate The Most Controversial Story You've Never Heard By Liam Scheff *
The AIDS industry and the media want you to think there are only a handful of scientists who doubt the HIV-AIDS theory. Here's the reality, more than 2000 people who have questioned some or all of the connection between HIV and AIDS, including a large number of doctors and scientists.
“[Hiv/Aids] would not be the first time that a diagnosis
was conveniently built around a set of symptoms for the sake of extracting
huge sums of money from otherwise healthy patients.”
January 19, 2005
— David Epstein, D.O., Osteopathic Physician, Atlanta, Georgia
Hepatitis tests
[1967] Concerning the effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on Tetanus toxin in skin lesions By von Ludewig
Dr. Fishbein’s webpage: www.honestdoctor.org
[Jan 2007] The
WHO's Blueprint for Genocide
The recommended AZT dose for African infants and small children is the same
per kg of body weight as the original high-dose AZT that is widely
acknowledged to have killed an entire generation of grown men, and which has
not been administered for almost a decade (see
here for a
short history)
Anthony Brink's criminal complaint of genocide laid against Zackie Achmat
[jan 2007] Thimerosal Definite Cause Of Autism By Evelyn Pringle
Ayoub was asked why government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry, are
working so hard to keep the truth about the mercury-autism link hidden. He
says it is a long story, but the main reason is because if they admitted
guilt, it would mean the government agencies, drug companies and medical
organizations, “have taken part in the largest iatrogenic epidemic known to
The fallout over
admission of causality would be unprecedented, Ayoub adds. The lost
confidence in American medicine would likely cause people to turn to
alternative methods of medicine, and a rise in deeper investigation might
reveal the truth about other suppressions related to cancer therapy,
hypertension Rx, or Atherosclerosis.
Vaccination increasing susceptibility to infections
[Jan 2007] Muslim urged to shun 'unholy' vaccines
Ringworm and Radiation By Barry Chamish
Genocide Charge Against TAC Hits SA Media by Celia Farber
The faults of the burglar are the
qualities of the financier.
George Bernard Shaw
[NVIC Jan 2007] Deadline for vaccinations passes; school closed to some
[AZT and Nevirapine push] Anthony Brink's criminal complaint of genocide laid against Zackie Achmat re ARV drugs like Nevirapine
Recently, in the Movie "Eyes Wide Shut", which is about a
secret society, when Tom Cruise is
ultimately confronted with the person who is in charge of the ceremony, he
is asked to "Take
Off His Clothes" The person who is in charge, that says this to him, is
sitting in a peculiar "Throne"
looking chair. This chair has a "Double Headed Eagle" with the World above
it. This clearly
represented "World Freemasonry", and was a Masonic Ritual that Cruise had
stumbled onto.
“Communism is not [and never was] a creation of the masses to overthrow the Banking establishment, but rather a creation of the Banking establishment to overthrow and enslave the people.”-Anthony J. Hilder
[mmr] Package insert
[Book 2007] The Great Cholesterol Con by Malcolm Kendrick
Main reason for high vaccination drive
People often ask me that question ("What can I do?"), implying that they don't know what to do. That's not true. People know what they're supposed to do. They're actually begging the question when they ask me that. What they're really saying is, "I don't really want to do anything, but you're going to get me off the hook by telling me I should do this or that and then I'll tell you I can't do this or that", and that frees them from having to do anything. [May 8, 2004] A Recent Visit with Eustace Mullins---James Dyer –
Americans love their captivity. There's no responsibility. When you're a captive, you don't have to make a decision about anything, though you have no Liberty. People don't want Liberty. Liberty is nothing but uncertainty. It's much easier to have someone tell you where you'll be, what you'll do and who you'll pay tomorrow than to worry about it yourself. The same goes for what you think. [May 8, 2004] A Recent Visit with Eustace Mullins---James Dyer –
[EW Jan 2007] The cause of persistent smog --Don Croft
“Poor people have
access to the courts in the same sense
that Christians had access to the
-Judge Earl Johnson Jr.
Fools. The majority consists of fools, utter fools. Beware of the majority. If so many people are following, that is enough a proof that something is wrong. Truth happens to individuals, not to crowds. --osho http://peacefulrivers.homestead.com/Osho.html
Watching TV. Watch what you allow into your mind. People are unaware; they go on reading everything and anything, watching any silly thing on the TV, passing on any stupid gossip and pouring rubbish into each other´s heads. Avoid such situations in which you are unnecessarily burdened with rubbish. You already have too much. You need to be unburdened! -Osho http://peacefulrivers.homestead.com/Osho.html
Talk and listen only to the essential and slowly slowly you will see that a cleanliness, a feeling of purity, as if you have just taken a bath, will start arising within you. That becomes the necessary soil for meditation to arise. If you leave a few gaps in your mind unoccupied, those moments of unoccupied consciousness are the first glimpses of meditation, the first penetrations of the beyond, the first flashes of no-mind.--Osho http://peacefulrivers.homestead.com/Osho.html
The One
Click Group Report. Jane
Colley writes: “One Click's
publication of its
overview of the Gibson
Enquiry is a comprehensive account of
the inquiry from inception to
publication. Having read this document
carefully one is left with the terrible
knowledge that sadly the whole thing was
an amateur shambles from beginning to
end. In the event it has been produced
on the basis that it is "unofficial" and
to date nothing practical has come out
of it. There has been no positive action
or firm recommendations. Once again One
Click has done sterling work in putting
together a
comprehensive, well researched
1. John Sayer – 2nd Open Letter to Dr Ian Gibson MP. Health advocate John Sayer, author of the paper The 'Gibson Inquiry' Report - Half Empty or Half Full?, pens his second Open Letter to Dr Ian Gibson MP, Chairman of the CFS/ME 'inquiry'. Read the full text of Sayer’s Open Letter to Gibson on One Click.
"There is no defence against an evil which only the victims and the perpetrators know exists." -Christopher X., Freemason, Whitehall high civil servant, as recorded by Stephen Knight and published in his book, The Brotherhood
THE ECONOMIC RAPE OF AMERICA What You Can Do About It By Frederick Mann
[Book] The Architecture of Modern Political Power by Daniel Pouzzner
Rounding up outlaw 'net quacks since 2000
[Media 15 January 2007 Cot death] WHY DID OUR BABY DIE?
[EW jan 15, 2007] Comet McNaught--Don Croft
[EW January 2, 2007] London - Please Help Out ---Rich
"All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news." ----- Willy Munzenberg (Stalin's propaganda chief)