News & Additions to the Whale
Additions 2010
Additions 2005 Additions pre 2005 2006 up to June July-Dec 2006 2007 2008 2009
[2010 Dec] Genetically Modified Mosquitos by Brandon Turbeville
Rense & Moret - Google's Sinister DNA Plans
last days of democracy?
"The 2010-egg-bacteria-contamination hoax was manoeuvred to push the new food-safety bill through congress to give the FDA unfettered powers."----Aajonus Vonderplanitz
Coup d’état - The Historical Framework of Globalization by Dr. James Polk - 2010-12-29[2011 Jan] A Gardasil Girl – A Mother Speaks Out
Canadian "cellular" towers. http://www.ertyu.org/steven_nikkel/cancellsites.html
[2010 Dec] Herbal drug crackdown: Europe to ban hundreds of natural remedies next year
During a 1957 party at Romanoff's in Beverly Hills to officially
welcome Sophia Loren to Hollywood an infamous encounter with Jayne Mansfield
2008: Excellence in Cancer Reporting category in the Pfizer/British Oncological Association awards
2007: Freelance of the Year in the Medical Journalist Association
awards. Jane being handed the award by Dr Rosemary Leonard by the MJA
Freelance of the Year award.
[2010 Dec] Thatcher stalwart Lord Fowler to head new Aids inquiry
[2010 Dec] The Professional Assassination Of Autism Expert Lisa Blakemore-Brown by Christina England
Regarding Aajonus and Bentonite Clay (such as TerraMin):
"The clay is really phenomenal. Aajonus has shared a lot about the clay at the
potlucks. At one potluck he told the story of a man who ate a huge amount of
poison ( I cant remember which kind though ) ( I want to say arsenic or
something like that ) , and he did it to win a contest for the Guinness Book of
world records. And so he did this, ate pounds of poison and should have died
several times over, yet he lived and didn't get sick or anything. He kept his
secret of how he survived eating this poison until nearing the last years of his
life, he decided to share with people that what he had done, was he had eaten a
lot of bentonite clay before hand."
Also, another benefit of clay as pointed out in Nutrition and Physical
Degeneration (by Weston A. Price):
"In Chapter 15 I presented data regarding the treatment used by several
primitive races for preventing and correcting serious disturbances in the
digestive tract. This consisted in the use of clay or aluminum silicate which
modern science has learned has the important quality of being able to adsorb and
thus collect toxic substances and other products. Important new light is now
thrown on the probable role of this substance in the primitive diet and its
possible application in our modern problems of sensitization reactions or
allergies.......He reported his findings before the Association meeting at
Richmond, Virginia, in December, 1938. Dr. Code has apparently discovered that
histamine is the actual product responsible for the symptoms of the various
allergies. Its excess accumulation in the blood is the actual cause of the
symptoms whether expressed as asthma, hay fever or skin eruptions such as
produced by pollens, various foods, dust and other sensitizing agents. He has
shown that the eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, are the source of excess
histamine in the blood.. It is accordingly indicated that the primitive
treatment by the use of kaolin, aluminum silicate, as an adsorbent was used
directly for controlling such symptoms. It is now further indicated that this
treatment can be helpful for the prevention of modern allergies. Previous
investigations have shown that histamine is produced in the alimentary tract as
a putrefaction product of proteins by the action of certain micro-organisms of
the colon group....."
http://obambi.wordpress.com/2009/07/30/obamaspenis/#comment-88724 )
Extract from ‘Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder’ by
Larry Sinclair, Sinclair Pub. Port Orange, Florida 2009
pages 192 & 194:
“…Barack is uncut, or uncircumcised. He was at most approximately eight to eight
and a half inches in length. The girth was thin in nature and had a hook to the
left (when facing him). Obama’s left testicle clearly hangs lower than his right
(the testicle hangs lower but is not larger or smaller in comparison to the
right one). His pubic hairs were shaved. The most telling part of Barack Obama’s
penis is that under the head in the split he has (three to be exact) small
pimple bumps. The bumps are not pimples per se, but are under the skin and lead
downward on the shaft…”
“…I stand by my statements about Barack Obama selling and using cocaine on
November 6th and 7th, 1999. I stand by my statements that Barack Obama engaged
in gay sex with me on November 6th and 7th, 1999. I stand by my statements that
I was contacted by the murdered Donald Young and the statements that Donald
Young made to me…”
Why is there this everlasting craving to be loved? Listen carefully. You want to be loved because you do not love; but the moment you love, it is finished, you are no longer inquiring whether or not somebody loves you. As long as you demand to be loved, there is no love in you; and if you feel no love, you are ugly, brutish, so why should you be loved? Without love you are a dead thing; and when the dead thing asks for love, it is still dead. Whereas, if your heart is full of love, then you never ask to be loved, you never put out your begging bowl for someone to fill it. It is only the empty who ask to be filled, and an empty heart can never be filled by running after gurus or seeking love in a hundred other ways.----J. Krishnamurti Think On These Things
“The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy. And if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern.” http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2010/12/14/christopher-hitchens-latest-nixon-tape-buries-kissingers-reputation/
[2010 Dec EW] Inventor of the Water Powered Car Imprisoned
[2020 Dec] Meet Chaser: The incredible border collie who has learned the names for 1022 toys
[2010] Deathride: Hitler vs. Stalin - The Eastern Front, 1941-1945 by John Mosier
Neturie Karta: Jews Against Zionism
[2010 Dec] Adult Flu Shot Vaccine
Injury Nightmare: "Drug Store Disability" Could Happen to You
By Dan Olmsted
[2010 Dec] Yellow Dirt By Lee Camp The experts decided that the disorder was genetic in origin.
[2020 Dec] Ben Goldacre, Can We Have it Straight Now about Wakefield and the GMC? By John Stone
"7/7 Ripple Effect"
[2010 Dec] The Political Persecution of a 7/7 Truther
[2010 June] Is New Zealand's ban of no-stun slaughter anti-semitic? By Pete Wedderburn In the past, scientific opinion has often sat on the fence when assessing the welfare aspects of ritual slaughter, with some studies claiming to show that when it’s well done, there’s minimal pain felt. My understanding is that more recent studies strongly dispute this, so it seems as if any scientific argument supporting the killing method on humane grounds is fading.
hetero pedophilia, often as brazen rape, amongst U.S. military figures and notable senior statesmen, Henry Kissinger being named loudly by Mrs. Griggs.
It is said that the Lockerbie terrorism bombing had to do with the transport of heroin from Lebanon. Griggs, Kay
I heard in "Bladerunner," that the actual real ending of the movie was supposed to be that Harrison Ford found out he was a synthetic. Just thought that was interestingAbout cloning: A human adult clone today can be made from a single cell in less than thirty-six hours. I am not joking. Russia had perfected cloning by the mid 1970's, and the Rothschilds were close behind in cloning technology.(from http://www.2012unlimited.net/Robotoids.html)
"Never, never think you are seeing who you think you are seeing." (words of an Illuminati Grand Master to Cisco Wheeler (mind control victim), who was then a child, while touring a cloning facility
It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human
body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological
direction...Thus, it may be possible to 'talk' to selected adversaries in a
fashion that would be most disturbing to them."
Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Defense Viewpoint, December 1, 1998
Starting around 7:00 - mind transplants:
The Philadelphia Experiment & Montauk Project part 7 0f 10
The Philadelphia Experiment & Montauk Project part 8 0f 10
The Montauk Project and Philadelphia Experiment Part 5
Duncan Cameron (yellow sweater) talks about soul transplants around 4:40:
Kriya for Nerve, Navel and Lower spine strength
The Penicillin Destroyer by Aajonus Vonderplanitz
[2010] Information how they build synthetics today
“Because all antibiotics create unnatural antibodies inside the human system, the body has to get rid of them. If it doesn’t, they disrupt normal functions, consume vast amounts of blood nutrients and destroy tissue. I found that most penicillin stores in joints, especially of the hands and feet. When people get a fungus and the skin itches and peels away, it’s most often the body throwing off antibiotics or some other medication that molds, or causes molds, within the body. Women who take antibiotics while pregnant or nursing are putting their offspring at very high risk of anemia, leukemia, malformation of cartilage, weak joints and other bone problems.” “Does that include Candida?” Beatriz asks. “Not as much. I’ve found a large correlation between alcohol, and drugs in the aspirin family causing Candida.”" (We Want To Live: The Primal Diet, page 156) We Want To Live: The Primal Diet by Aajonus Vonderplanitz
Vaccines by Aajonus Vonderplanitz"CHRONE’S DISEASE is an inability to digest many cooked foods and the
inability of the body to prevent undigested food from entering the blood,
lymphatic and nervous systems. When undigested food particles enter those
systems, they cause extreme reactions, such as painfully swollen and enlarged
joints, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Most cooked grains and potatoes are
poisonous in cases of Chrone’s. Chrone’s disease is usually caused by medicinal
antibiotics, especially in infancy and childhood, and vaccines. When antibiotic
and vaccine toxins enter the intestines, they destroy the healthy bacterial
environment of the intestines. That chemical damage to intestines may reach as
deeply as intestinal DNA, preventing the natural bacterial environment of the
intestines from perpetuating digestive bacteria. In such a case, unless a raw
food diet is continuously consumed, symptoms of Chrone’s will persist throughout
Eating an all raw food diet is vital to reversal and
recovery. Raw animal products, with their natural beneficial bacteria and
enzymes have helped restore digestion in all cases, but did not completely
reverse Chrone’s in a few cases where chemicals had caused genetic damage to the
Eating 12 cagefree raw eggs every 12 hours followed by ¼
teaspoon unheated honey for 35 days usually restores some digestion. Then,
daily, adding early morning and evening raw meat meals, an afternoon raw custard
(see custard recipe page 56, footnote), and 12 cups fresh raw celery juice, 4
ounces at a time helps restore strength and bring life to normalcy."
We Want To Live: The Primal Diet by Aajonus Vonderplanitz
Laurel Canyon, Houdini, and MK Ultra by Paul A Drockton M.A.
[2010 Dec] Olaf Palme: Unveiling the Illuminati
[2010] Close Encounters with Celebrities & Show Business by 'feliciag'
The synthetics were people who had their genes altered to look more like the person they were to copy. The robotoids were the formation of new beings that look human but are actually bionic robots. Their memories were created by using living "brain tissue" which is some type of programmable living biological matter, and programming this material as a sophisticated computer. In order to get the memory of the person being copied, a holographic image of the person’s brain is made and transferred to the robotoid. Because the robotoid "brain" is not functioning like a human (although the end result is nearly identical so that viewers have to know what differences to look for), there are of course some adjustments that have to be made after the holographic image of the host is transferred to the living biological matter that will function as the brain of the robotoid. Lord Willing, this author may write some more on this topic later. The ability of the Illuminati to copy people using the 4 methods listed above, are not going to be the deciding factor in their moves to control the world, but it does give them a great deal of flexibility in their operations. This author frequently reflects on the words of the Illuminati Grand Master who told Cisco, who was then a child, while touring a cloning facility, "Never, never think you are seeing who you think you are seeing.’ Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
George Bush’s double was promiscuous, while George Bush is a pedophile. His double was living in France after Bush was no longer President. By the use of doubles, (or one of the synthetics or organic robotoids) the elite are able to sneak away and perform satanic rituals. On certain occasions, if Clinton or Bush only needed to do low level tasks in front of the public, they could have their double substitute for them. The Illuminati working with several organizations has had a look alike operation where doubles of certain key people are found and then used. Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
One of the men who betrayed the human race and helped with the cloning was
Austrian born Simon Wiesenthal. Simon
Wiesenthal, was a US intelligence agent with a photographic memory (perhaps a
scarred brain stem). Wiesenthal seriously hunted Nazis that were not on the
CIA’s payroll or CIA associated groups. Simon Wiesenthal, under the disguise of
being a great Nazi hunter, actually assisted protecting the FBI’s and the CIA’s
agents who were Nazi criminals. Wiesenthal tried to stop CBS from doing a show
exposing the FBI-Nazi connection.
Jewish Intelligence (the Moussad) knew all about the hundreds
if not thousands of Nazi War criminals that worked for American Intelligence and
the FBI, but never went public about it. Instead they occasionally used the
information as leverage against American intelligence. One of the code no.s for
Simon Wiesenthal given by a Monarch slave was something like 063 097. If someone
else knows the full and correct code for him, go ahead and share it.
Unholy Trinity is a book written about how the Vatican, the
US State Department, and MI-6 smuggled Nazis out of Germany at the end of WW II.
An entire book could be written about the thousands of die hard Nazis who have
been working for American intelligence, however Simon Wiesenthal’s name is
mentioned here because he helped start the cloning for the worst elements of the
Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
Over the years I have seen numerous photos exposing either the Robotoids or the doubles that they use. This author’s previous S' ’93 article had some pictures about the dead Pope Paul VI, who my Be Wise As Serpents book said was murdered. This recent Pope was replaced with a double who had had plastic surgery. As a double gets older the plastic surgery will not look as convincing, because time changes people differently. One ex-Catholic said the whole thing sounded like science fiction. It does sound far out at first, but the evidence is there for people to see. For myself, the ex-Illuminati have told me about the double’s program. From what I understand the double or look-alike program has been more successful than the robotoids and synthetics. The reason is that people live longer and are more dependable in some ways. The project to find look alikes for prominent people has been very successful. Plastic surgery has also been done to help touch up the doubles.
Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler[2010 Dec] Riddle of missing fingerprints on Dr David Kelly's 'overdose' pill packs
[2010 Nov] Anthrax vaccine injuries - anyone?
[2009] Bonnie Bassler on how bacteria "talk" Bonnie Bassler discovered that bacteria "talk" to each other, using a chemical
language that lets them coordinate defense and mount attacks. The find has
stunning implications for medicine, industry -- and our understanding of
[2000] 'Machine' Politician Exposed By Photos
My incidence of colds and flus went from near-constant (perhaps 23 colds and 3 flus per year when on the previous low-fat vegetarian, Dean Ornish type diet) to ZERO! Further, my chronic fatigue syndrome and CFS largely disappeared within the first month. Fatigue, Lethargy and Sleepiness in Early Stages of Raw Diets Due to Healing and Cleansing Reactions -
[2008] Madeleine McCann held on private orders of José Manuel Durão Barroso
Lords of the Revolution: Timothy Leary and the CIA,. . .The Spy Who Came In From the (Ergot) Mold By W.H. Bowart Well, one day he comes back to the cell with lines on his head. They were actually very precise measurement lines. His head was shaved and it was marked with all these careful, precise blue lines....They gave him a lot of those fright drugs. They kept him in solitary. They did everything they could to break his mind, and they succeeded.
[2009] Doubles, Clones & Aliens
International Medical Council on Vaccination
[2010 Nov] Inside the Mystery Placebos by William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.
[2010 Dec] Are Vaccines a Gift From God? by Suzanne Humphries, MD
[2010 Dec] Judge refuses to order vaccinations
THE SEVEN RAYS - What Are They? by RLP
[2010 Dec] HPV Vaccine (Gardasil and Cervarix) VAERS Reports - Injury and Death Continue to Climb
“Sexual morality — as society in its extreme form, the American, defines it — is contemptible. I advocate an incomparably freer sexual life.”---Sigmund Freud
"If only Americans knew, we are bringing them the plague!" ---Sigmund Freud
[2010 Dec] Today, the Food and Nutrition Board has Failed Millions by John Cannell, MD
[2020 Dec] Why do Obstetricians Still Rush to Clamp the Cord? By Dr. Mercola Cord clamping has become the accepted norm so much so that delayed clamping is generally considered a new or unproved intervention.
[2010 June] Letter: Swine Flu reaction
(Kristie Tait, Canada)
[2009] Some Pregnant Women Fearful of H1N1 Vaccine
[2010 June] Letter: Swine Flu reaction (a Nurse, Canada)
[2010 June] Letter: Swine Flu reaction (Charlie Cahill, Canada)
[2008] Westminster Exorcist Says Promiscuity can Lead to Demonic Possession
Developing the Will by Israel Regardie
[2007] Jailed ex-SNL star says wife, child replaced
[2008] FBI Agent: 'Sonny Bono Was Clubbed To Death'
CBS says there hasn't been any hurricanes in the Alley in five years. Guess
when Don & Carol gifted that area? Right after Katrina, five years ago. If the
Croft's were properly rewarded for their efforts they'd be billionaires. All the
property and lives saved. Awesome. ~Andy
[1994] Vaccination -
A Business Based on Fear by Dr. G Buchwald MD
[2004] The Vaccination Nonsense: 2004
Lectures By Gerhard Buchwald
Doppelganger and Identity Research Society
More Fraud From Drug Giant GlaxoSmithKline Companies – Court Documents Show
"When faced with a choice between confronting an unpleasant reality and defending a set of comforting and socially accepted beliefs, most people choose the latter course". W. Lance Bennett.
[2010 Nov] J.B. Handley: Hungry Lie 2.0? “Autism is Genetic” By J.B. Handley
[2010] Tetanus – The Disease and the Vaccine by Ingri Cassel
[2010 Nov] Turning Cervical Cancer into an Infectious Disease For approximately 2 years, cervical cancer has been “converted” from an oncological disease to an infectious disease, which is said to be preventable by and large by two vaccines. Sane Vax Inc., wants to know the science behind the conversion.
[2010 Nov] Revealed : That Wikileaks D-Notice
[2010 Nov] Doing battle with the ADHD-industrial complex
[2010 pdf] Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary, Part 2 Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine Includes vaccine ingredients (e.g., adjuvants and preservatives) as well as substances used during the manufacturing process, including vaccine-production media, that are removed from the final product and present only in trace quantities. In addition to the substances listed, most vaccines contain Sodium Chloride (table salt).
Cesarian Birth and Relationships by Sondra Ray and Bob Mandell
[2010 Oct] Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.” In August, Yosef caused a diplomatic uproar when he wished a plague upon the Palestinian people and their leaders, a curse he retracted a few weeks later, when he blessed them along with all of Israel’s other peace-seeking neighbors.
[2010 Nov] Basis of Many Medical Studies Found to be Proved Fatally Flawed By Dr. Mercola A new study analyzed numerous research trials to determine the content of the supposedly "inactive" placebos used for research, but discovered that placebo disclosure is rare. Researchers examined 176 medical journal studies and found that the vast majority didn't mention the contents of the placebos at all.
[Video] Pig Business
[Video] Pig Business at the House of Commons
[2010 Nov] July 7 – The Truth At Last by Nick Kollerstrom
[2010 July] Did the RSPCA drive a man to suicide? By Christopher Booker
[2010 Nov] Bob Geldof Feeds the Starving Rich
[2010 Nov] Errors kill 15,000 aged patients a month: study
[2010 Nov] The Fallout From A Batch Of Flu Vaccine
Quantitative Easing Explained
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTUY16CkS-k (Richard ----very informative and chilling video)[2010 Nov] A VACCINE CHALLENGE TO MAINSTREAM RESEARCHERS---HAS A TRUE CONTROLLED STUDY ON A VACCINE EVER BEEN DONE? By JON RAPPOPORT Here is my assertion: this kind of controlled study on vaccines has never been done. It has never been done for any vaccine anywhere, at any time. And I have no reason to believe it will ever be done.
[2010 Nov] Research suggests mercury linked to dementia
[2010 Nov] CPS: Child Protectors or Pimps?
CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES by Nancy Schaefer To this day after five
years, this loving, caring blood relative grandmother does not even have
visitation privileges with the children. The little girls are in my opinion
permanently traumatized and the young mother of the girls was so traumatized
with shock when the girls were first removed from her that she has not
recovered....Parents do not realize that social workers are the glue that holds
“the system” together that funds the court, the child’s attorney, and the
multiple other jobs including DFCS’s attorney.
.....The Adoption and the Safe Families Act, set in motion by President Bill
Clinton, offered cash “bonuses” to the states for every child they adopted out
of foster care. In order to receive the “adoption incentive bonuses” local child
protective services need more children. They must have merchandise (children)
that sell and you must have plenty of them so the buyer can choose. Some
counties are known to give a $4,000 bonus for each child adopted and an
additional $2,000 for a “special needs” child......some parents are even told if
they want to see their children or grandchildren, they must divorce their
spouse. Many, who are under privileged, feeling they have no option, will
divorce and then just continue to live together. This is an anti-family policy,
but parents will do anything to get their children home with them.......The
system cannot be trusted. It does not serve the people. It obliterates families
and children simply because it has the power to do so.
[2010 Nov] Did you steal the concept of orgonite from Karl Welz?'
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. ----Maya Angelou
"Certain groups of power elite are in touch with them on a physical level.
Well many of them are implanted. Many of them are so implanted that they have
now become part of the Grey group mind. And the Andromedans no longer consider
some of these human beings, terrans as they call us, are human at all any more.
They’re nothing but clones for what the Greys want. And they pass down orders,
they tell others what to do, and of course the chain of command that we’ve
established on our planet, is exactly what’s happening. Also, playing on the
greed factor, those who are still human, they look at the fact that: “Well,
they’re here, they’re the rulers. We could still maintain our place of privilege
in the world, so we’ll form the new priesthood. We’ll be the go-between between
the workers and the gods" just like we saw in Babylon, in Syria, Egypt; it’s all
over again. It's history repeating itself all over again......
.......And they have no right to come down here and mess with us the way they’ve
done that. The real strength in us, in our own permanent evolvement as a race,
will come from us standing up, taking a stand and saying: “You know what, no
way! We’re not going to do this. We’re not going to destroy ourselves for your
enjoyment so you can feed off of us. You have no right to manipulate our
governments, to create wars."
[1994] Alex Collier
interview by Rick Keefe
[2010 Nov] Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust
[2010 Nov] Vitamin C And The Law. A
Personal Viewpoint by Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D.
Any physician, or panel of hospital-based physicians, claiming that
vitamin C is experimental, unapproved, and/or posing unwarranted risks to the
health of the patient, is really only demonstrating a complete and total
ignorance or denial of the scientific literature. A serious question as to what
the real motivations might be in the withholding of such a therapy then
arises..... ignorance of medical fact is ultimately no sound defense for a
doctor withholding valid treatment, especially when that information can be
easily accessed
"I worked under the direction of a reptilian/Draco [at Montauk]. The name
"Draco" is actually the name of the star system. It is the whole area of the
reptilian races. The reptilians were heavily involved in the Montauk project. At
Montauk there was a very tall winged reptilian. He was very, very powerful. The
reptilians are tired of living hidden lives and they are very anxious to become
public once more as they have been in the past. In order to do that they are
literally blitzing the media with reptilian like programmes and shows,
especially for children, and they are preparing adults through electromagnetic
transmissions for the public appearance of reptilians. One of their biggest
weaknesses is that they are not very spiritually minded - they don’t have a lot
of psychic ability - and they rely a lot on technology and controlling others
with technology. The biggest threat to them is people having control of their
own minds."
- Stewart
Swerdlow referring to the
“Love is not a feeling. Love is an action, an activity. . .Genuine love implies commitment and the exercise of wisdom. . . . love as the will to extend oneself for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth.....true love is an act of will that often transcends ephemeral feelings of love or cathexis, it is correct to say, 'Love is as love does'.” ----- M. Scott Peck quotes
[1994] Alex Collier interview by Rick Keefe
Alex Collier - On Reptilians. Interview by Val Valerian
[2007] Clones, bio-plasmics and world leaders by James Casbolt
Project Mannequin, UK cloning, Mind Control and Genetic Enhancement Program By James Casbolt The same people who are involved in the Octopus are controlling most of the mainstream media. For example in an article I wrote last year called ’MI 6 are the lords of the global trade’ I expose the name of the British intelligence man who was the Telegraph newspapers director in 1986. This man was also the Bank of England director from 1987 to 1995. The bank of England is a major British intelligence drug money laundering bank.
[2010 Nov EW] Faroe Islands Gifted!
[2008] New Fuel, End Of Fluoride Era By Mary
[2005] Fluoride and Aggression by Mary Sparrowdancer
[2002] Vaccinia/Rabies Wildlife Bait Dropped From The Sky By Mary Sparrowdancer
[1999] "Hidden Sources of Fluoride - Pesticides"
[2010 Nov] In Response To Questions (Holy Pipe)
[2010 Video] Dirty Electricity
[2010 Book] Auschwitz—The Case for Sanity by
Carlo Mattogno Auschwitz: the Case for Sanity is the
revisionist response to Robert van Pelt. Its first revelation is that van Pelt
has committed plagiarism: he plundered and basically regurgitated the research
results published in 1989 and 1993 by French researcher Jean-Claude Pressac –
yet without naming his source even once. On more than 700 pages, Mattogno
thoroughly scrutinizes van Pelt’s contorted assertions by juxtaposing them to
material and documentary facts.
Mattogno’s analysis is devastating for van Pelt, as it
reveals that van Pelt’s study of Auschwitz ignores crucial counter-arguments,
fails to approach pivotal technical issues with technical means, is highly
inconsistent, uses deceptive methods, presents conflicting sources without due
source criticism, deforms all sources to serve the author’s perspective, and
reveals a shockingly threadbare knowledge of the history of Auschwitz.
[2010 Nov] Ties Between Big Pharma and THL Draw Complaints
[2010 Nov] AS MANY AS 90% OF THOSE CLAIMING TO BE HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS MAY BE FRAUDS 17 men were arrested in New York for defrauding Germany out of $42 million in payments to phony holocaust survivors. Tens of thousands of American Jews had filed for pensions from Germany claiming to be concentration camp survivors. All swore they had been in the camps, told stories about gas chambers, human skin lampshades and such but not a single one had been in a camp at all.
[2010 Oct] Not his finest hour: The dark side of Winston Churchill
[1963] Apocalypse 1945: the Destruction of Dresden by David Irving 135,000 people died as the result of an air attack with conventional weapons.
Was McDonald's Founder Ray Kroc a Satanist?
[2010 Nov] McDonald's and PepsiCo to help write UK health policy The Department of Health is putting the fast food companies McDonald's and KFC and processed food and drink manufacturers such as PepsiCo, Kellogg's, Unilever, Mars and Diageo at the heart of writing government policy on obesity, alcohol and diet-related disease, the Guardian has learned.
[2010 Nov] Who is the government's health deal with big business really good for?
[2010 Nov] HPV Vaccine – Why Are So Many Women Choosing Not to Get Vaccinated?
[2010 Nov] What is Wrong with the Gardasil Girls? Amy's Story
[1976] The Hidden Tyranny: The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer."
[2010 Nov] GlaxoSmithKline Influences Experts To Boost HPV Vaccine Sales By Christina England In my opinion the UK’s media should began to find the real experts to turn to for advice, rather than look to researchers who appear to be little more than GSK lapdogs. I believe that my evidence proves that GSK is financially influencing experts in attempts to change current medical practices and diagnostics in the early detection of cervical cancer. It’s clear they are carving a niche for themselves to sell their vaccines! By financing cancer research experts and support groups they can manipulate the market to benefit themselves.
Nov] Native Blood: The Myth of Thanksgiving by Mike Ely
[2010 Nov] Organic VS Conventional By Jon Barron
Dr. W. Grey Walter, of the British Burden Neurological Institute at Bristol, England did a lot of research involving drugs, electroshock and demonology. Walter would drill from 50 to 100 holes in his patients heads and then insert electrodes into their heads. The patients would walk around with a beret-like covering over their electrode implanted heads. The suborbital area of the brain was determined by Walter as being the seat of demonic fears. Walter would cause a small lesion in the paracingulate region to calm patients who saw demons. This in effect is like a miniature lobotomy. The electricity causes a selective lesion. What his work showed was that there is a connection between the area of the brain that creates fear, and images of demons that people see.Deeper Insights 10: THE 10th SCIENCE — USING SPIRITUAL THINGS TO CONTROL A PERSON.
Bloodlines of the Illuminati quotes
Reptilian Bush Video
[DVD] They Sold Themselves to Rock-n-Roll
[2006] They Sold Their Souls to Rock-n-Roll by Wes Penre
[2000] Mind Control in the Field of Art by Wes Penre
[2002] The Malevolent Alien Agenda by Colleen Johnston
In 1982, the state of California completed the largest study ever undertaken on the root causes of crime and violence. The number one cause was found to be medical interference with childbirth in our hospitals.---Joseph Chilton Pearce
There is no doubt in my mind….that a large proportion of brain-injured and learning disabled children are the result of obstetric drugs….Most women are unaware that obstetric drugs diminish the supply of oxygen to the unborn baby’s brain and can result in brain damage.---Diana Korte
[2002] Unmasking the Disruptors in UFO/Conspiracy
Research (Part 1) By James Bartley
[2002] Unmasking The Disruptors in UFO/Conspiracy
Research (Part 2) By Eve Lorgen
[2009] The Story of The Harmonic Protector by Carol Croft
[2010 Nov] Lack of Deceleration of North Tower’s Upper Section Proves Use of Explosives
[2009] C-Sections Cause Infertility or Emotional Trauma for 1 in 3 Women
[2010 Oct] Study Shows Monsanto Roundup Herbicide Link to Birth Defects By F. William Engdahl
[1991] Mutilated Humanity by Ashley Montagu
We know that we're all born with physical needs, like the need for oxygen,
for liquid, for rest, activity, sleep, and so on. These must be satisfied if we
are to survive physically. The extraordinary thing is that we're also born with
basic behavioral needs. These are the need for love, about which we know very
little, the need for creativity, the need for sensitivity, the need for
learning, the need for the acquisition of knowledge, the need for play, for
song, for dance, for curiosity, for imagination.
All these are basic behavior needs, which are as much a part
of our genetic system as the physical needs. Yet, we haven't recognized them.
Look at any textbook on the nature of human nature and you won't find any
mention of them.
Ashley Montagu
Interview by Michael Mendizza
Love: what is love? Well, to spell it out briefly, it is the ability to communicate to others your profound involvement in their welfare, such that you will never commit the supreme treason of letting them down, whenever they most stand in need of you, and that you will minister to and encourage the growth and development of their potentialities. That's love. Ashley Montagu Interview by Michael Mendizza
They are expelled rather roughly and usually taken away from their mother, which is wrong. It's physiologically/psychologically wrong. Both baby and mother need each other more at that time than they ever will again. The baby should be put to nurse at his mother's breast whereupon it induces an enormous number of wonderful changes in the mother, such as an arresting of the postpartum hemorrhage, which no obstetrician can do under the circumstances, but a baby can do. Which indicates that there is more intelligence in the upper and the lower lip of one baby than all the brains of all the obstetricians put together. Ashley Montagu Interview by Michael Mendizza
Homeopathic malaria kept me safe from harm when I was living in Sri Lanka, despite getting bitten by mosquitoes many times a day. Keith Scott-Mumby, MD, BCh
Concerning Forgiveness: The Liberating Experience of Painful Truth by Alice Miller[2010 Nov] Painkillers in pregnancy linked to male reproductive disorders: study Use of mild painkillers such as acetaminophen, aspirin and ibuprofen during pregnancy may partly account for a sharp increase in male reproductive disorders in recent decades, according to a study published on Monday.
[1995] THE HUMAN LABORATORY Norplant was studied for 20 years in the West, but mostly in developing countries. After standard clinical trials of Norplant had been completed, pre-introductory clinical trials were held to assess the drug's safety, efficacy and acceptability in local conditions. .... It is important for us to expose how women in poor countries are used as guinea pigs, especially in Haiti, so that they can test their products. Developed countries may not even use these products because the hormone levels are too high. But they use these in experiments on women in poor countries so that they can regulate the levels. Fundamentally, what appears to us in Haiti is that these people have found a laboratory here a slum laboratory - to do whatever they want. And one of the biggest laboratories for the American government is right here in Cité Soleil.
[2009] The Story of The Harmonic Protector by Carol Croft
[1968] Advance to Barbarism by F.J.P Veale
[2010] Double Standards by F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP (
How Britain Pioneered City Bombing by Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD The Blitz on London in 1940 came in response to the initiation of city bombing by Britain some months earlier. Few now accept this rudimentary fact, central to Britain’s role in initiating World War II ‘The exclusion of non-combatants from the scope of hostilities is the fundamental distinction between civilised and barbarous warfare.’
[2009] 'Homo International' Controls East & West -- Soviet Defector
Klimov discovered that the Soviet system was dominated by a secret society
of sociopaths bonded by a common pathology termed 'the power complex'. "This
complex is usually associated with suppressed sadism, which in turn is result of
latent homosexuality......Klimov observed that admission up the ladder of the power structure required
membership in the usual secret societies - "Masons, Shriners, Illuminates,
Theosophy, etc......They rely upon a social structure of hierarchy based upon fear and covetous envy
- the essence of sado-masochism. It's the 'dog eat dog' rat race culture. As a
translator and communications expert, Klimov saw normal productive individuals
like himself were essentially prisoners in the system serving these degenerate
'superiors' out of fear. .....Working inside the top secret level of the CIA it wasn't long before he
recognized the same culture of degenerates operates both sides behind the
.....Klimov's discovery of a sado-homo-cidal mafia at the top levels of power whether
East or West coincides with Jim Garrison's 1967 independent investigation into
the Kennedy Assassination. Garrison was told of the Washington DC 'homosexual
elite' which constitutes the secret government. Garrison concluded that a
primary reason Kennedy was so blatantly and brutally murdered before the
American public was their contempt for Kennedy's heterosexuality.
[2010 Oct] Meet Carol Two Eagle "But even if you kill me, that doesn't mean you have power over me. I know for a fact that until a person's number is up, it's not; & when it is, there's nothing anyone can do about it. So if you kill me, all it proves is that Tunkashila truly does work in Mysterious Ways, & chose you as the instrument by which I get to go home. If you kill me, it means my shift is over; & I'm going home. Nothing more. And we both know that, too.” Les Davis cocked the gun & put his finger on the trigger. I sat there waiting. He started to shake & he put the gun down & said, “With faith like that, we're doomed!” “It's what I pray for, FBI.”, I said.
[2010 Nov] Can taking aspirin in pregnancy make your son infertile?
[2010 May] Trial and Error: Ethical Violations of HPV Vaccination Trials in India
[2010 May] Targeting Pregnant Women The Problems with Reglan By EVELYN PRINGLE
[2010 Nov] Masonic Judges Awarding Custody to Pedophiles by Wendy Thomas
[2009] Pedophile granted child custody A FAMILY Court judge has granted custody of four children to their father - a convicted pedophile and rapist.
[2010 Nov] Secret documents show benzos cause brain damage by Hilary Butler While someone got to see the secret documents about benzos, we will never see any secret documents about vaccines, because being the Holy Grail and the part of the drug industry with the most expansion potential in the future, documents relating to vaccines will have been destroyed or marked "Hidden in perpetuity". In my opinion, the turning down of benzo research proposals by the British Medical Research council, had nothing to do with the two Professor's research proposals not meeting application criteria, but everything to do with "following the money".
[2010 Nov] Drugs linked to brain damage 30
years ago Secret documents reveal that government-funded experts were
warned nearly 30 years ago that tranquillisers that were later prescribed to
millions of people could cause brain damage. The Medical Research Council
(MRC) agreed in 1982 that there should be large-scale studies to examine the
long-term impact of benzodiazepines after research by a leading psychiatrist
showed brain shrinkage in some patients similar to the effects of long-term
alcohol abuse. However, no such work was ever carried out into the effects
of drugs such as Valium, Mogadon and Librium – and doctors went on prescribing
them to patients for anxiety, stress, insomnia and muscle spasms. ....There are
an estimated 1.5 million "involuntary addicts" in the UK, and scores display
symptoms consistent with brain damage....Professor Lader said yesterday: "The
results didn't surprise us because we already knew long-term alcohol use could
cause permanent brain changes. There should have been a really good, large-scale
study but I was never given the facilities or resources to do it.
"I asked to set up a unit to research benzos but they turned
me down... they could have set-up a special safety committee, but they didn't
even do that. I am not going to speculate why; I was grateful for the support
they did give me. There were always competing interests for the same resources,
so maybe it wasn't regarded as important enough."
He repeated the small study and found similar, inconclusive
results, but then gave up. "I was getting on with other research and didn't want
to be labelled as the person who just pushed benzos... I should have been more
proactive... I assumed the prescribing would peter out, but GPs are still
swinging them around like Smarties."
[2010 Nov] Nobel Laureate, Dr. Harald zur Hausen, on HPV and 'cancer' vaccines
[2010 Nov] Child Support -- Vendetta Against Males
[2006] Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics at UNICEF by Carey Roberts
“He was great, he was unreal – really, really good.” “He had this kind of music that nobody else was doing. I thought he really had something crazy, something great. He was like a living poet.”----(the person being praised, of course, was our old friend Chuck Manson. And the guy singing his praises was Mr. Neil Young.) Inside The LC:
Interview with Dave McGowan about Laurel Canyon
Hippies came out of no where and sort of co opted it, I think it was quite deliberate...they wanted to give the anti-war movement a face that would be completely unacceptable to mainstream America...I mean everything about them was offensive to mainstream America, to middle America, the hairstyles, the clothing styles, the open drug use, the music, everything about them was designed to repel mainstream America and prevent the anti-war movement from gaining any additional speed by putting this face on it...I think the whole hippy flower child thing.....was a creation of the Intelligence community to take the steam out of the anti-war movements and various other movements...Black Empowerment, Women's rights, Civil rights movement. (25:29)....The battle cry of the hippy movement was turn on, tune in, drop out...telling people don't worry about it, get high (49:13). Interview with Dave McGowan about Laurel Canyon
The figureheads of all the big LC bands--Frank Zappa,...John Phillips,...Jim
Morrison,...David Crosby,...Steven Stills, on and on, every one of these guys is
a product of the military intelligence establishment...I find it very hard to
believe that the only people in the country who had musical talent happened to
be sons and daughters of the Military community...Jackson Brown, Amy Lou
Harris.. Interview with Dave McGowan about Laurel
Some of them knew too much, maybe others just for the sensationalism and the
trauma it inflicts on the American people....I believe that as the main
motivation for taking out Kennedy...his death was hugely traumatic to the
American people.. Interview with Dave
McGowan about Laurel Canyon
[2010] I don't believe in Featles: CIAlebrity impersonator, "John Lennon"
Timothy Leary once said: "I declare that The Beatles are mutants. Prototypes of evolutionary agents sent by God, endowed with a mysterious power to create a new human species, a young race of laughing freemen."
LENNON: "... We must always remember to thank the CIA and the Army for LSD. That's what people forget. Everything is the opposite of what it is, isn't it, Harry? So get out the bottle, boy... and relax. They invented LSD to control people and what they did was give us freedom. Sometimes it works in mysterious ways its wonders to perform. If you look in the Government reports on acid, the ones who jumped out the window or killed themselves because of it, I think even with Art Linkletter's daughter, it happened to her years later. So, let's face it, she wasn't really on acid when she jumped out the window. And I've never met anybody who's had a flashback on acid. I've never had a flashback in my life and I took millions of trips in the Sixties..." Playboy Interview With John Lennon and Yoko Ono
[2010 Jan] Forensic science proves Paul was replaced
"Just look at child vaccines. The more pornography and sexology increase juvenile sexual activity, the more big pharma can step in with an Hepatitis B vaccine for infants. HepB is a sexually transmitted disease, and there is no reason to give the vaccine to babies. But big pharma has been making a fortune on it ever since states have begun mandating that all of our little darlings, with their wee tiny hearts and lungs and no immune system functioning, be shot up with it (and recently small girls with Human Papilloma Virus, HPV vaccines) all in the name of protecting them. What we don’t want to do is turn off the pornography flood (no administration has chosen to do that) because it fuels so many other things. And in the wings are vaccines for syphilis and gonorrhea and a whole host of other sexually transmitted diseases. [pdf 2007 Interview] Judith Reisman
Our politicians know full well that you will never shut down sex trafficking or child pornography unless you shut down adult pornography as well. That’s not a secret. [pdf 2007 Interview] Judith Reisman
This is but one example of the sex-industrial complex: sexologists legitimizing pornography, pornography producing impotence, and pharmaceutical companies treating the impotence caused by pornography. These businesses are all interconnected and dependent on one another for combined profits in the billions. [pdf 2007 Interview] Judith Reisman
A product of U.S. Army-sanctioned mass slaughter of American bison in the 1800s,
these bison skulls are waiting to be ground for fertilizer, most likely in the
American midwest. The slaughter was so “effective” that the population of bison
in the U.S. is estimated to have dropped from around 60 million in 1800 to as
few as 750 in 1890.
Theology is the effort to explain the unknowable in terms of the not worth knowing. ---Mencken
One of the most useful skills a person should develop is how to look someone straight in the eye and lie convincingly.Social dominator measuring scales by Bob Altemeyer
[2006] James W. Prescott, Ph.D. letter
Dr. Charles H. Halstead, Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Letter of February 15, 2006 that alerts him to the dangers of infant formula
feeding for the formation of the brain neurotransmitters necessary for social
bonding and requesting his support for a national review of this subject by DHHS
Secretary Leavitt and the urgent need to take corrective actions. (last
modified ).
[2010 Nov] 'Injectable Education' - HPV Vaccine's new Bounty Hunters now at the classroom door by Justin Healy How School Principals and Health Authorities conspire with a for-profit 'Injection-Service' agency to operate an 'anti-cancer' €100-per-jab scheme from Irish School premises.
A recent [1994] survey by Garry and published in OBG Management found that only 14 percent of US obstetricians who are circumcisers use any form of anesthesia for the surgery. A similar study by Stang et al. in 1998 found that only 25 percent of OBs, 56 percent of family practitioners, and 71 percent of pediatricians surveyed use anesthesia. Howard et al. reported in 1998 that 26 percent of circumcision training programs do not train doctors to use anesthesia/analgesia. Circumcision Information and Resource Pages (CIRP)
[2010 Oct] Tetanus in Dog cured with Hypericum homeopathic remedy
"ECCO runs our lives, though we won't admit it. If you're an ECCO agent, you can be very, very careful to use your best intelligence in ECCO's service, and you realize there are no discoveries, there are only revelations. That was a come-down for me as a scientist."---John Lilly
"Propaganda is neutrally defined as a systematic form of purposeful
persuasion that attempts to influence the emotions, attitudes, opinions, and
actions of specified target audiences for ideological, political or commercial
purposes through the controlled transmission of one-sided messages (which may or
may not be factual) via mass and direct media channels. A propaganda
organization employs propagandists who engage in propagandism—the applied
creation and distribution of such forms of persuasion."
~R.A. Nelson, A Chronology and Glossary of Propaganda in the United States, 1996
"The idea that Jesus Christ was a highly developed human being who was a great teacher and that the idea that he was also God needs to be taken in a much more nuanced way than was commonly presented. In Judaism, for example, a highly spiritual human being was often referred to as "son of God," without thereby implying he was God Himself in the form of a human being."---Jacob Needleman (Watkins Review Autumn 2010)
Trance Formation of America by Mark Phillips and Cathy O’Brien
[2010 Nov] Glaxo Smith Kline Brainwashed Doctors About HPV Vaccine By Christina England
INTERVIEW By Jon Rappoport the findings on the relatively poor health
in the US have received almost no attention. The American public appears to have
been hoodwinked into believing that more interventions lead to better health,
and most people that I meet are completely unaware that the US does not have the
'best health in the world'. ......Even though there will always be adverse
events that cannot be anticipated, the fact is that more and more unsafe drugs
are being approved for use. Many people attribute that to the fact that the
pharmaceutical industry is (for the past ten years or so) required to pay the
FDA for reviews---which puts the FDA into an untenable position of working for
the industry it is regulating.
....They (my findings) are an indictment of the US health care industry:
insurance companies, specialty and disease-oriented medical academia, the
pharmaceutical and device manufacturing industries, all of which contribute
heavily to re-election campaigns of members of Congress. The problem is that we
do not have a government that is free of influence of vested interests. Alas,
[it] is a general problem of our society-which clearly unbalances
democracy......Yes, it (FDA) cannot divest itself from vested interests. (Again,
[there is] a large literature about this, mostly unrecognized by the people
because the industry-supported media give it no attention.
.....Please remember that the problem is not only that some drugs are dangerous
but that many drugs are overused or inappropriately used. The US public does
not seem to recognize that inappropriate care is dangerous---more does not mean
better. The problem is NOT mainly with the FDA but with population
... Some drugs are downright dangerous; they may be prescribed according to
regulations but they are dangerous.
...It was rejected by the first journal that I sent it to, on the grounds
that 'it would not be interesting to readers'!
[2021 July] Ponerology 101: The Truth Behind the War on Terror To a psychopath, true freedom is simply license to use, abuse, and torture other people - physically, emotionally and financially. Any hindrance on that bloated sense of entitlement is a nuisance he dreams of removing by instituting a social system of his own creation. This is the true definition of 'totalitarianism', 'fascism', or a 'new world order' - a system of government where the psychopath is not arrested for beating his wife, killing his enemies, making emotional wrecks of his family and close acquaintances, stalking those who know his true nature and threaten to reveal it to more of those 'others' who so persecute him. In our world, the 'war on terror' is the means to this end. ....Terrorism does not exist; at least not in the way governments and the media present it. Terrorist groups have long been infiltrated, created, or otherwise controlled by these political psychopaths. In essence, these men and women have murdered their own civilians and blamed a fictitious enemy in order to gain popular support for a cause that will never be won.
[2010 Oct] Social Services Dominated by Lesbian Man-Haters by JCW
[2010 Oct] Humiliate, strip, threaten: UK military interrogation manuals discovered The British military has been training interrogators in techniques that include threats, sensory deprivation and enforced nakedness in an apparent breach of the Geneva conventions,
Nicki Minaj: A New Puppet is in Town
[2010 Nov] CIA Stooge Awlaki Prime Suspect Behind Plane Bomb Plot
[2010 Oct EW] Imminent Pogrom Against Zapper Makers?
[2010 Oct] Infant Mortalities Tied to Gardasil Vaccination
Hemp Bricks: Stronger than cement- and lighter too
Aussie Trades Unionist Exposes 9/11 Cover-up
[pdf] VACCINATIONS. A DANGER TO HEALTH? by Dr.-lng Joachim-F. Grätz
[Germany] Dr.-lng Joachim-F. Grätz
[2010 Oct] Ledger was 'whacked' by criminals: Quaid
[2010 Oct] Illuminati Extorting Hollywood Stars? "How many people have you known personally who have died suddenly and mysteriously in the last five years?" Randy Quaid asked. "I have personally known eight actors..." Quaid stopped for a moment, clearly fighting back tears. "All of whom I have worked with and was close to - Heath Ledger, Chris Penn, David Carradine among them. I believe these actors were whacked and I believe many others, such as Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and Mel Gibson, are being played to get at their money."
[2010 Oct] Metformin causes vitamin B12 deficiency
[2007] James W Prescott, Ph.D. Why breastfeeding mothers are important
"Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power." - George Orwell, 1984
[2010 Oct] GlaxoSmithKline To Pay $750 Million To Settle Sale Of Bad Products GlaxoSmithKline, the British drug giant, has agreed to pay $750 million to settle criminal and civil complaints that the company for years knowingly sold contaminated baby ointment and an ineffective antidepressant — the latest in a growing number of whistle-blower lawsuits that drug makers have settled with multimillion-dollar fines. Altogether, GlaxoSmithKline sold 20 drugs with questionable safety that were made at a huge plant in Puerto Rico that for years was rife with contamination. Cheryl D. Eckard, the company’s quality manager, asserted in her whistle-blower suit that she had warned Glaxo of the problems but the company fired her instead of addressing them. Among the drugs affected were Paxil, an antidepressant; Bactroban, an ointment; Avandia, a troubled diabetes drug; Coreg, a heart drug; and Tagamet, an acid reflux drug. In a rising wave, recent lawsuits have asserted that drug makers misled patients and defrauded federal and state governments that, through Medicare and Medicaid, pay for much of health care. Gardiner Harris & Duff Wilson, The New York Times
November 2010 Newsletter thedoctorwithin
"Fluoride (and chlorine) is a halogen. Halogens make it simpler for beings to gain access to the human self and possess it." Nature Spirits and What They Say: Interviews with Verena Stael Von Holstein by Wolfgang Weirauch
[2010 Oct] Aluminium Scare, is it Poisoning
Vaccines? Prof Romain Gherardi of INSERM, Paris heads a team with
concerns over possible adverse neurological effects of aluminium adjuvants --
used to enhance vaccine effectiveness since 1926....According to Professor
Romain Gherardi head of the research team at the U955 lab based in Creteil,
Paris , nanoparticles of aluminum in vaccines, injected into muscle, migrate
slowly but surely to the brain, where, as we have previously thought they were
gradually removed through the urine. But he adds we know from research done in
the 1970s that aluminium is neurotoxic, that is, it is harmful to the brain.
(Adjuvants are an immunological agent added to a vaccine to increase the
antigenic response.)........“The worst offence,” says an indignant M. Berthon,
is using aluminium in our tap water, it’s criminal, and remember that anything
in excess of 100 micrograms per litre is dangerous.”
However, with the exception of Paris – which for the past 30
years has used iron in water treatment – drinking water suppliers add aluminium
salts to make the water clearer....Several studies have highlighted the link
between aluminium overloaded drinking water and some cases of dementia, symptoms
reminiscent of Alzheimer’s disease ......In 1976 , cases of dementia, joint
pain, bone decalcification and anemia had occurred among patients unergoing
renal dialysis. Virginie Belle writes that many doctors and researchers have
fostered investigations related to the adverse impact of aluminium and what she
calls the “omerta of health authorities” is suspicious.
The trick is: First go on teaching that love is great, so people never think that the priests and the politicians are against love. Go on teaching that love is great,, that love is the right thing, and then don't allow any situation where love can happen. Don't allow the opportunity. Don't give any opportunity, and go on teaching that food is great, that eating is a great joy; "Eat as well as you can"—but don't supply anything to eat. Keep people hungry and go on talking about love. So all the priests go on talking about love. Love is praised as highly as anything, just next to God, and denied every possibility of happening. Directly they encourage it; indirectly they cut its roots. This is the masterpiece. The Fundamental Slavery by Osho
[2010 Oct] World Gone Mad. The diagnosis is clear by Derrick JensenThe Seven Natural Laws of Love
by Dr. Deborah Anapol
"Sexually awakened women, affirmed and recognized as such, would mean the complete collapse of the authoritarian ideology" ----Wilhelm Reich ("The Mass Psychology of Fascism" and "The Function of The Orgasm"). [1989] THE TRUTH ABOUT SEXUAL MONOGAMY by James W. Prescott, Ph.D.
[2010 Aug] How propagandists function: Exhibit A by Glenn Greenwald
[2010 Oct] Wikileaks Scam: A Mossad PsyOps Aimed at Iran? by Gordon Duff
[2010 Oct] An Open Letter to Potential Whistleblowers: Wikileaks May be a State Department “Honeypot”- You Have Other Options by SCOTT CREIGHTON I am stating unequivocally that Wikileaks itself is a construct of the State Department and the CIA, from the beginning, for the sole purpose of luring potential whistle blowers into exposing themselves and their material prior to releasing such information and harming the Global Free Market Wars agenda.
Agent Buried Alive, The Autobiography of Commander
James Casbolt (2008)
[2010 Oct] Meet Carol Two Eagle
[2010 Oct] 40 deaths linked to child vaccines over seven years
[2010 Jan] Auschwitz Survivor: 'Israel Acts Like Nazis'
Despite up to 3,500+ Miscarriages, CDC Still Lying about H1N1 Vaccine Pregnancy Safety
Swine Flu Scam Continues, Exposing Elderly and Others to Needless Risks
Merck Sponsored Study Returns Dubious Gardasil Autoimmune Safety Results
[2010 Oct] How Doctors Use (Or Should Use) Vitamin Therapy
[2010 Oct] Black Helicopter Comes To Check The CB
[2010 Oct] LOTS of rain in Central Ausralia!
[2010 Oct] An Appeal to Students at Boston University--Bradley Smith
CHELATION by Dr Robert E. Willner M.D., Ph.D.
[word print version] THE CANCER SOLUTION by Dr Robert E. Willner M.D., Ph.D.
When someone considers himself to be totally governed by influences outside himself, he sits in Apathy. How To Choose Your People by Ruth Minshull
[word] Miracles for Breakfast by Ruth Minshull
[word] How To Choose Your People by Ruth Minshull
[word version]Ups and Downs by Ruth Minshull
[pdf 2010 Oct] Dr. Yazbak on the Cedillo MMR/Thimerosal/Autism case
[2010 Oct] Private Powys GP year ban for 'inappropriate treatment'
SECRETS OF SEXUAL ECSTASY By DAVID AND LINDA HOWE. Semen derives some of it's essential nutrients from the cerebro-spinal fluid. This is why constant sperm loss causes backache.- Not many people know that! Backache in women is often caused by orgiastic congestion, through lack of lengthy bouts of deeply fulfilling penetrative sex. Clitoral orientated orgasm gives temporary relief, but is accompanied by loss of sexual energy because it is a short-lived outward flowing orgasm; not a long lasting inward flowing total body orgasm, ( not orgasmic genital gratification).
The Origins of Violence: Is Psychopathy an Adaptation?
[2010 Nov] Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
He’s what’s known as a meta-researcher, and he’s become one of the world’s
foremost experts on the credibility of medical research. He and his team have
shown, again and again, and in many different ways, that much of what biomedical
researchers conclude in published studies—conclusions that doctors keep in mind
when they prescribe antibiotics or blood-pressure medication, or when they
advise us to consume more fiber or less meat, or when they recommend surgery for
heart disease or back pain—is misleading, exaggerated, and often flat-out wrong.
He charges that as much as 90 percent of the published medical information that
doctors rely on is flawed......he worries that the field of medical research is
so pervasively flawed, and so riddled with conflicts of interest, that it might
be chronically resistant to change—or even to publicly admitting that there’s a
......His model predicted, in different fields of medical research, rates of
wrongness roughly corresponding to the observed rates at which findings were
later convincingly refuted: 80 percent of non-randomized studies (by far the
most common type) turn out to be wrong, as do 25 percent of supposedly
gold-standard randomized trials, and as much as 10 percent of the
platinum-standard large randomized trials. The article spelled out his belief
that researchers were frequently manipulating data analyses, chasing
career-advancing findings rather than good science, and even using the
peer-review process—in which journals ask researchers to help decide which
studies to publish—to suppress opposing views.
......Of the 49 articles, 45 claimed to have uncovered effective interventions.
Thirty-four of these claims had been retested, and 14 of these, or 41 percent,
had been convincingly shown to be wrong or significantly exaggerated. If between
a third and a half of the most acclaimed research in medicine was proving
untrustworthy, the scope and impact of the problem were undeniable.
Though scientists and science journalists are constantly talking up the value of the peer-review process, researchers admit among themselves that biased, erroneous, and even blatantly fraudulent studies easily slip through it. Nature, the grande dame of science journals, stated in a 2006 editorial, “Scientists understand that peer review per se provides only a minimal assurance of quality, and that the public conception of peer review as a stamp of authentication is far from the truth.” What’s more, the peer-review process often pressures researchers to shy away from striking out in genuinely new directions, and instead to build on the findings of their colleagues (that is, their potential reviewers) in ways that only seem like breakthroughs—as with the exciting-sounding gene linkages (autism genes identified!) and nutritional findings (olive oil lowers blood pressure!) that are really just dubious and conflicting variations on a theme. [2010 Nov] Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
Doctors may notice that their patients don’t seem to fare as well with certain treatments as the literature would lead them to expect, but the field is appropriately conditioned to subjugate such anecdotal evidence to study findings. Yet much, perhaps even most, of what doctors do has never been formally put to the test in credible studies, given that the need to do so became obvious to the field only in the 1990s, leaving it playing catch-up with a century or more of non-evidence-based medicine, and contributing to Ioannidis’s shockingly high estimate of the degree to which medical knowledge is flawed. That we’re not routinely made seriously ill by this shortfall, he argues, is due largely to the fact that most medical interventions and advice don’t address life-and-death situations, but rather aim to leave us marginally healthier or less unhealthy, so we usually neither gain nor risk all that much. [2010 Nov] Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
Ioannidis initially thought the community might come out fighting. Instead, it seemed relieved, as if it had been guiltily waiting for someone to blow the whistle, and eager to hear more. David Gorski, a surgeon and researcher at Detroit’s Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, noted in his prominent medical blog that when he presented Ioannidis’s paper on highly cited research at a professional meeting, “not a single one of my surgical colleagues was the least bit surprised or disturbed by its findings.” [2010 Nov] Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
Tatsioni doesn’t so much fear that someone will carve out the man’s healthy appendix. Rather, she’s concerned that, like many patients, he’ll end up with prescriptions for multiple drugs that will do little to help him, and may well harm him. “Usually what happens is that the doctor will ask for a suite of biochemical tests—liver fat, pancreas function, and so on,” she tells me. “The tests could turn up something, but they’re probably irrelevant. Just having a good talk with the patient and getting a close history is much more likely to tell me what’s wrong.” Of course, the doctors have all been trained to order these tests, she notes, and doing so is a lot quicker than a long bedside chat. They’re also trained to ply the patient with whatever drugs might help whack any errant test numbers back into line. What they’re not trained to do is to go back and look at the research papers that helped make these drugs the standard of care. “When you look the papers up, you often find the drugs didn’t even work better than a placebo. And no one tested how they worked in combination with the other drugs,” she says. “Just taking the patient off everything can improve their health right away.” But not only is checking out the research another time-consuming task, patients often don’t even like it when they’re taken off their drugs, she explains; they find their prescriptions reassuring. [2010 Nov] Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
There are people who talk about God but are not the least bit religious or spiritual. These are people who may appear to be in Stage Four, who can wear Stage Four veneer— like certain cult leaders—but who, in fact, are Stage One criminals.-----THE STAGES OF SPIRITUAL GROWTH By M. Scott Peck, M.D.
Stage One, which I label "chaotic/antisocial." This stage probably encompasses about twenty percent of the population, including those whom I call people of the lie. In general, this is a stage of absent spirituality and the people at this stage are utterly unprincipled. I call it antisocial because while they are capable of pretending to be loving, actually all of their relationships with their fellow human beings are self-serving and covertly, if not overtly, manipulative.-----THE STAGES OF SPIRITUAL GROWTH By M. Scott Peck, M.D.
[2008] Could vitamin C jabs cure cancer? This man says it's put his prostate tumour into reverse
[2010] US Professor Shoots Down 'Holocaust' Icon Elie Wiesel By Prof David O'Connell
[2010 Oct] Vitamin A pill 'could save the sight of millions as they get older'
by Christopher Bollyn Who Destroyed the 9/11 Evidence?
[2010 Oct] Eric Hufschmid and Rupert Murdoch
by Christopher Bollyn
CHRISTINE JOY MAGGIORE After her daughter died in 2005 of an allergic reaction to an antibiotic for an ear infection, the LA County Coroner — ignoring evidence to the contrary — declared it a death from AIDS and Christine’s suffering increased horribly. She was vilified in the world media and harassed by outspoken opponents of her work who openly gloated that this was her just comeuppance. She and her family endured a yearlong criminal investigation that not only terrorized them, but also robbed them of an opportunity to mourn the loss of their daughter. That loss was twisted into sensationalized and mean spirited television episodes that portrayed Christine as a quack and a murderer and ultimately as dead. Christine never fully recovered from the unjust treatment that she received around the loss of Eliza Jane and that treatment ultimately exhausted her.
Allopathy Inc personality profile Lying repeatedly without remorse, knowingly cheats to win, takes advantage of “suckers,” tells other what they want to hear, knowingly cheats to win, dishonest, Lacking any remorse or guilt, Acting in a conning or manipulative way, Displaying signs criminal diversity, dishonest, vengeful, pitiless, intimidating and bullying, fear-mongering, amoral, manipulative, exploitive, specializes in creating false images to sell self, dominating.
Curtis Cost &
Keidi Obi Awadu at: The Harlem AIDS Forum
[2010 Oct] SafeMinds on FDA Press Conference on Heavy Metal Chelation
Dneprodzerzhinsk, Ukraine: Crystal meth
addicts mix up a batch of drugs for their use, 'Russian Style'. A dose lasts
typically 24 hours, allowing them to stay up all night and day to party. An
average dose of speed is less than two dollars.
[2010 Sept] Hollywood Hitmen According to Wendy, Gary had become “very disturbed” by his research into Panama, especially over US weapons-testing and alleged money-laundering. He had once told her that the US had used illegal laser weapons to split a bus full of Panamanian civilians from front to back and then buried them in unmarked graves. To this day, Wendy can’t shake the memory of her husband in his dimly lit office one evening, uncharacteristically hunched at his desk, head in hands: “The deeper you look, the dirtier it gets,” he had said.
Beijing Clinical Cancer Gene Research Center
"If this stuff (hydrofluorosilicic acid) gets out into the air, it's a pollutant; if it gets into the river, it's a pollutant; if it gets into the lake, it's a pollutant; but if it goes right straight into your drinking water system, it's not a pollutant. That's amazing."---Dr. J. William Hirzy (2000) Senior Chemist at the US EPA Headquarters
[2010 Oct] Porn has hijacked sexuality and is destroying men by Gail Dines
Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society
[2010 Oct] Yet Another Blow For The Australian Vaccination Network As Their Charitable Status is Revoked by Christina England Meryl Dorey began to get death threats and mystery calls in the middle of the night. Then there were personal attacks against AVN advertisers, members and professional supporters and vexatious complaints to various government agencies. That is not forgetting the barrage of hate mails sent not only to Meryl herself but also the AVN organisation.
“Christian Conservatives’ primary tool in reinforcing authoritarianism is preaching fear, and no one does so more than the head of the Christian Coalition, Pat Robertson.” Conservatives Without Conscience by John Dean
Fear ignites authoritarian aggression more than anything else. From the crime-fixated Six O'clock News, to the Bush administration's claim that '"We fight 'em there or else we fight 'em here," to Pat Robertson's recurring predictions of catastrophe the day-after-tomorrow, lots of people have been filling America to the brim with fear. It would undoubtedly help things if the fear-mongers ratcheted down their mongering. But don't hold your breath; they have their reasons for trying to scare the pants off everybody. p.238 [2006] The Authoritarians” by Bob Altemeyer
[2008] Center Documents 935 False Statements by Top Administration Officials to Justify Iraq War
Authoritarian Personality Traits
[2007] British document: Israel initiated Entebbe hijack
DO NOT USE photos on page 1A showing civilian casualties from the war on
Afghanistan .... DO NOT USE wire stories that lead with civilian casualties ....
They should be mentioned further down in the story. If the story needs rewriting
to play down the civilian casualties, DO IT.-----instructions
a Florida newspaper issued to its staff, October 2001 [during the bombing of
Afghanistan]. Nemesis,
The Last Days of the American Republic
by Chalmers Johnson, p30
The most important effect of the Reagan policy was the tremendous destruction it wreaked on Nicaragua ... Approximately 30,000 Nicaraguans were killed and tens of thousands others were wounded, a death total higher in per capita terms than that suffered by the United States in the Civil War, World War One, World War Two, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War combined.---In the Name of Democracy, U.S. Policy Toward Latin America in the Reagan Years, Thomas Carothers, p107
Pharmaceutical testing is no less cruel or barbaric. The NSA operates in partnership with most American pharmaceutical corporations. The pharmaceutical corporations supply the drugs, the NSA supplies the test animals (children), and they jointly share research data. The NSA is particularly interested in ANY drug or chemical compound that exerts an effect on the CNS (central nervous system). .....The primary reason for increasing drug prices in America, is a frenzied search for the holy grail of mind altering drugs. A chemical compound that will remove all traces of desire for personal autonomy (free will), while leaving learned physical and cognitive skills intact. This is the motivation behind a covert alliance of American pharmaceutical corporations and the federal government. National Security Agency (NSA) - Part 3. Collateral damage by Steven J. Smith
[2010 Oct] About "Objections" to Vitamin C Therapy In massive doses, vitamin C stops a cold within hours, stops influenza in a day or two, and stops viral pneumonia (pain, fever, cough) in two or three days. It is a highly effective antihistamine, antiviral and antitoxin. It reduces inflammation and lowers fever. Administered intravenously, ascorbate kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue.
Be Wise As Serpents by Fritz Springmeier
[2010 Oct EW] 500 African Orgonite Devices to Mombasa
[2010 Oct] Acupuncture ended our three-year wait for a baby
[2010 Oct] I lost ten years of my life as a middle class, NHS sponsored drug addict...
[2010 Oct] Aspartame Conspiracy: Toxic,
Addictive & Illegal by DR. BETTY MARTINI The problem is the manufacturers
know aspartame is addictive. Like in the case of Mars I called them and asked if
aspartame were in their products and they told me "yes, in Mars Bars". I said,
"But its not labeled," and they said, its under natural flavors.....The free
methyl alcohol is classified as a narcotic. It causes chronic methanol
poisoning. This affects the dopamine system of the brain and causes the
addiction....One informant said a Pepsi employee told him that the National Soft
Drink Association had done a 10 year study showing Alzheimer's, birth defects
and blindness. He said he was demoted because he told about it but that all
people should be warned.
..... I ran into somebody from NSDA when I was giving out flyers in Tuesday
Morning some years ago. She kept saying aspartame was safe and when I mentioned
the study she got all excited and said, "No way, you could have that study!"
That's all she had to say. Coke and Pepsi have been doing studies for years. I
even spoke to a man who use to work for Coke. He said all he did was translate
studies from around the world. They were all bad. They only publish studies
controlled or financed by the manufacturers.
...So aspartame is a drug and not an additive; it's an addictive,
excitoneurotoxic, carcinogenic, genetically engineered drug and adjuvant that
damages the mitochondria or powerhouse of the cell and interacts with drugs and
....One of the informants worked for EPA in the early 90's as a pathologist,
must have been doing the autopsies on aspartame victims. His name is Reginall
Bundrage. My husband and I met him one night and I kept giving him information
on aspartame. There are a lot of horrors most people don't know but it turned
that Reginall knew everything!! He said, "I know more than you do, I worked with
EPA as a pathologist on the aspartame issue. I told them 'how can this allowed,
it's constantly killing people?!!!!!' " He said EPA told them the FDA
would have to take it off the market pretty soon because of the amount of
deaths. Then Reginall said, "That was in the early 90's and look at the date
now. They know its a killer and do nothing."
[2010 June EW] Carol's Magdalene Trip
[2010 Oct EW] Steven J. Smith Murdered?
Gardasil/Silgard Victims from the United States Healthy American Girls Prior to Gardasil
[2010] Swine flu vaccine Pandemrix
[2010 oct] Sex Plague by Dr. Lasha Darkmoon
[2007] Parallel livesDisturbing Quotes From Leading Zionists
[2010 Oct] Mandatory Vaccination Is An Assault On Individual Liberty By Attorney Jonathan Emord
[2010 Oct] Forcing Flu Shots on Health Care Workers: Who Is Next? By Barbara Loe Fisher
[pdf 2007 Interview] Judith Reisman
[2010 oct] X-rays linked to increased childhood leukemia risk
[book 2006] The Authoritarians” by Bob Altemeyer
They (religious fundamentalists) are highly likely to be authoritarian
followers. They are highly submissive to established authority aggressive in the
name of that authority and conventional to the point of insisting everyone
should behave as their authorities decide. They are fearful and self-righteous
and have a lot of hostility in them that they readily direct toward various
out-groups They are easily incited, easily led, rather un-inclined to think for
themselves, largely impervious to facts and reason, and rely instead on social
support to maintain their beliefs. They bring strong loyalty to their in-groups.
have thick-walled, highly compartmentalized minds, use a lot of double standards
in their judgments, are surprisingly unprincipled at times, and are often
But they are also Teflon-coated when it comes to guilt. They
are blind to themselves, ethnocentric and prejudiced, and as closed-minded as
they are narrow-minded. They can be woefully uninformed about things they
oppose, but they prefer ignorance and want to make others become as ignorant as
they. They are also surprisingly uninformed about the things they say they
believe in, and deep, deep, deep down inside many of them have secret doubts
about their core belief. But they are very happy, highly giving, and quite
zealous. In fact, they are about the only zealous people around nowadays in
North America which explains a lot of their success in their endless (and
necessary) pursuit of converts.
I want to emphasize also that all of the above is based on
studies in which, if the opposite were true instead, that would have been shown.
This is not just "somebody's opinion." It's what the fundamentalists themselves
said and did. And it adds up to a truly depressing bottom line. Read the
two paragraphs above again and consider how much of it would also apply to the
people who filled the stadium at the Nuremberg Rallies. I know this comparison
will strike some as outrageous, and I'm NOT saying religion turns people into
Nazis. But does anybody believe the ardent Nazi followers in Germany or
Mussolini's faithful in Italy or Franco's legions in Spain were a bunch of
atheists? Being' religious" does not automatically build a firewall against
accepting totalitarianism, and when fundamentalist religions teach authoritarian
submission, authoritarian aggression, and conventionalism, they help create the
problem. Can we not see how easily religious fundamentalists would lift a
would-be dictator aloft as part of a "great movement," and give it their all?
How To Take Over the World. A Right Royal Con by Greg Hallett & Spymaster
Israel is the front for the American Military Industrial Complex.--- Greg Hallett & Spymaster
"Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business."--neoconservative Michael Ledeen
[2010 Aug] Time for Change: Why the Corrupt Few Wreak So Much Death,
Destruction, and Suffering on the Rest of us Lobaczewski writes a lot about
the role of ideology for individuals or groups in the ponerogenic process that
leads to pathocracies. The ideology itself is usually not inherently evil
(although it may be, as in the case of Nazism), and the ideology does not
generally characterize the movement or group. Rather, the ideology
serves as a mask, to hide the actual intentions of the group.
Lobaczewski explains it like this:....."The fact is, even normal people, who
condemn this kind of union along with its ideologies, feel hurt and deprived of
something constituting part of their own romanticism, their way of perceiving
reality, when a widely idealized group is exposed as little more than a gang of
A perfect example of this explanation, in my opinion, is the
U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. If George Bush and Dick Cheney had told
the American public, in their run-up to war, that it was necessary to invade and
occupy Iraq in order to open up tens of billions of dollars worth of economic
opportunity for their corporate cronies and to gain access to Iraqi oil, the
American people and even their corporate news media would have been hard pressed
to drum up much enthusiasm for war. Instead, we were provided with (especially
after the “weapons of mass destruction” excuse was proven to be a lie) the
ideology of democracy (We’re doing it to bring democracy to the Iraqi people)
and anti-terrorism (We have to fight them over there so we don’t have to fight
them here.)
The last paragraph of Lobaczewski’s that I cite above
explains why so many normal Americans are willing to accept the lame excuses of
psychopaths hiding behind a wall of ideology. Acknowledging that our leaders are
no more than criminal thugs and psychopaths is just too painful for most
Americans. It is much more comfortable for them to believe that their country
goes to war for idealistic and generous purposes.
[2004] What Really Causes Alzheimer's Disease by Harold D. Foster
[2001] The Bombing of PanAm Flight 103. Case Not Closed by William Blum
[2010 Oct] The Anti-Empire Report by William Blum since the end of World War Two the United States has: Endeavored to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, most of which were democratically-elected. Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries. Waged war/military action, either directly or in conjunction with a proxy army, in some 30 countries. Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders. Dropped bombs on the people of some 30 countries. Suppressed dozens of populist/nationalist movements in every corner of the world.
[2010 Oct] Do vaccines cause autism? By Christina England
[2010 Sept EW] First Orgonite for Ethiopia
[2010 Oct] US Apologizes for
Criminal Human Experiment
Female sexual dysfunction 'was invented by drugs industry'
Tracking Vaccinations (Allison Jones) "I have been studying for 25 years and can explain exactly how vaccines are made, how they work, and how they cause autism...!"
Regimentation in Medicine and the Death of Creativity by Russell L. Blaylock, MD
[2009] Sudden Cardiac Death and Food Excitotoxin Additives by Russell L. Blaylock, MD
Vioxx/David Graham he identified the FDA’s handling of Vioxx as the worst public health disaster in its history, resulting in a probable 30,000-55,000 deaths of Americans alone.
[2010 Sept] HSE targets 57,000 Healthy Schoolgirls across Ireland Unfortunately the HSE's efforts at informing the public on the necessity for this latest Mass Vaccination exercise belong more to the realm of hype, spin and plain disinformation, than anything the above PR rhetoric would suggest.
September 8 - Introduction to Homeopathy (first-aid & acutes) OnLine Class -
Class #60a - Part 1 of 2
Basic Level - starts Wednesday October 13
The Esoteric Interpretation of “Pan’s Labyrinth”
Miracles for Breakfast by Ruth Minshull
[2010 Sept] MMR Causes Autism – Another Win In US Federal Court
[2010 Jan] Pravda: Google's China Hypocrisy Ignores Deep CIA Connections
[2010 Sept] Judicial Watch Uncovers FDA Records Detailing 16 New Deaths Tied to Gardasil
[2010 Sept] UN Fact-Finding Mission Says Israelis "Executed" US Citizen Furkan Dogan
[2010 Sept] MD$ on the Take: My Career-Ending Expose by Dan Abshear "There is a pathologically intimate relationship between corporations and the U.S. government- their collusion is expressed in the revolving door. " ...After blowing the whistle, 90 percent of whistle blowers were fired or demoted. 27 percent faced lawsuits themselves. 26 percent had to seek psychiatric or physical care. 25 percent suffered substance abuse. 17 percent lost their homes. 15 percent experienced divorce. 10 percent attempted suicide. 8 percent were bankrupt. But in spite of all of this, only 16 percent said they would not blow the whistle again.
[2010 Sept] Flu Vaccine Caused 3587 US Miscarriages & Stillbirths
[2010 Sept] CDC allegedly falsifies reports--ignoring up to 3,587 Miscarriages from H1N1 Vaccine
[2010 Sept] Mandating flu vaccine for health care workers by Meryl Nass, M.D. He also was hired by the Defense Department in 1999 to go to military bases and promote anthrax vaccinations. After I noted about 20 misstatements in his presentation on anthrax and anthrax vaccine on my website, the talks abruptly ceased.....There will always be people who think they know what is best for the rest of us, evidence be damned, and will do their best to coerce us to comply. Most of the know-it-alls in this case have been shown to be compromised by their income from the vaccine industry, and it appears their input was critical in creating the swine flu boondoggle last year. Funny how failure doesn't stop them.
[2010 Sept] I'm not that fussed about the hygiene issues.... by Hilary Butler gut flora is responsible for 70% of your immune system.....when you take antibiotics you napalm the whole of your body, the consequences of which can be long term.
The Fundamental Slavery by Osho
Ups and Downs by Ruth Minshull
[2010 Sept] Bono's ONE foundation under fire for giving little over 1% of funds to charity
Dr. Tullio Simoncini http://www.curenaturalicancro.com/ The Shen Clinic Simincini, Dr. Tullio
Psychopath (Clip 1 of 5)
[2010 Sept] Pertussis epidemic? Or Media induced malady? by
Hilary Butler Being an information junkie, I have a huge
collection of newspaper articles about kids with pertussis dating from the late
70's, and... most of them are vaccinated children. One more recent prominent
one was a 10 month, fully vaccinated daughter of a doctor at Middlemore
hospital. Which reminds me of this
medical article in which in 1979, while defending his article the author
replied with a situation which exactly mimics THIS country:
I did discover that the only seriously ill infants were too young to
have been vaccinated in any case; and that these
children were threatened by an outbreak of which the onset and initial spread
were entirely among immunised
Nothing has changed in the
world of expedient misinformation. Whooping cough is primarily spread by
vaccinated children with undiagnosed infections, to their unvaccinated siblings,
or other children in daycare or school.
The brown coloured paragraph
(By 1976, the number of cases nationwide had dropped to 1,010 a
year, because of what experts say was the widespread use of the vaccine. But the
numbers have increased tenfold since. In California alone, there have been more
than 4,000 cases reported this year, including nine infants who’ve died – most
of them after being misdiagnosed initially) is typical
misinformation, when the truth is, that because of "observer bias" and the
assumption that all vaccinated children can never get pertussis, pertussis was
constantly diagnosed as something else, until the truth gradually dawned on
everyone, and that TRUTH then permeated the medical literature. Ironically, the
guru of pertussis, Dr James Cherry, was the first to twig that the problem was
blinkered doctors, not absence of pertussis!
Why did that truth gradually permeate the medical
literature? The whole truth and nothing but, is never told in the medical
literature about anything......In order to convince the public that pertussis
boosters from cradle to grave is a good idea, you have to have time to concoct
some plausible sounding excuses. As well as allow enough time to pass, to get
away with absolute porkies.
But the mainstream media will never wake up to the fact that
media induced maladies exist, because they ASSUME that doctors tell the truth,
and they can't be bothered studying the medical literature (or wimp out by
saying they don't have the time).
Even if they did all the above, I wonder who would in
mainstream media would have the balls to challenge people like Dr Alison
Roberts, and demand truth and accountability?
On past experience, the answer would be "none".
They controlled governments and they had influence. Although they were not
100% in control, they had about 80% control and were the significant influence
in the U.S. government at that time. But they were not totally in control.
The U.S. government has always been a little easier to
manipulate, but they had, at that time in the 1890s, about 20% control in China.
This is not to say that other people were manipulated in the government in
China, but that particular organization had about 20% in China. They had about
3% in India. Not much. They couldn't get a lot of control in India in the early
days. And they had —let's see where else would you be interested in? They had
about 17% in France.
Interestingly enough, France and India were the ones they had
the most trouble with. India just has spirit energy, essentially, and it is hard
for them to maintain control; even to this day they do not have 100% control in
India. But France was also difficult because the people have an innate sense of
going their own way, and this has benefited France greatly. At that time they
also had about 40% influence in Great Britain, which was a significant colonial
power then — definitely Great Britain.
As long as the white man has been here (USA), this has
always been a country in search of someone to look up to. That is part of the
reason that the Christian religion—let's say the Judeo-Christian, but primarily
the Christian religion—has taken root so strongly here; because the Christian
religion by its very nature gives you more than one someone to look up to.
There's someone for everyone in the family to look up to. It is less true with
the Jewish religion, but it's there.
The Buddhist religion has not taken over this country and it
never will. There will always be people who will follow it, but the Buddhist
religion is not trying to give you leaders with absolute authority.---Zoosh (Shining
The Light 1)
The Origin of the Secret Government: Atlantis, Lucifer and Light Skins.
Well, if we actually take it back all the way, it started with Atlantis, because
those that started Atlantis were actually working with what was then a more
angelic version of Lucifer. And you could say that Lucifer, being an
extraterrestrial, of course, unintentionally began the secret government because
he was the first extraterrestrial who had contracts with people ...Yes,
something like that is as close as we can get, allowing for the change in
dimension. Yes, around then. So that was actually the first point of being,
although of course Lucifer also got densified in that process. Before he knew
it, he was tied in and had to become something other than what he had planned.
......all his people, who were technocrats, including Lucifer, even though they
knew that he had some leanings at that time toward being corruptible or
corrupting others. They couldn't afford to leave him behind, because if they
had, he would have immediately organized a search party to find them. He also
would have organized people to achieve technical superiority that would have
been used to exploit others. They couldn't afford to leave him behind, so they
took him with them.
....You had a Lemurian-type civilization where people would receive and give on
the basis of color, tone, feeling, and so on. Interchange was on the basis of
that totally feminine means of being. When Lucifer arrived with Jehovah, Jehovah
tended to go along with that method and the whole experiment. When Lucifer left
Sirius, he explored with Jehovah and many others, and he didn't like the way
things were done on Lemuria.
You must remember that Lucifer at that time was one of the
rare beings who was almost totally polarized to the masculine. Lucifer was the
product, in his original physical self, of a mixed marriage. This was unusual on
Sirius at that time, even on a planet that was rigidly controlled. His father
was from Orion, so he was an extraterrestrial in the context of Sirius. His
mother was also an outcast, a product of Orion and Sirius. Thus Lucifer was born
with a lot of Orion connection. So while everybody else tended to have sort of a
gentleness about them (easily led and so on) even with the strident energy of
that negative planet, Lucifer had a strong, strident way about him. So you can
see where he'd be butting heads all the time with Jehovah.
Lucifer came down and he didn't like Lemuria. Too passive, he
said (the type of comment you'd expect from him then, but not now). He started
talking to some of the people out of Lemuria, the younger people who were still
young enough to be experimenting. He said he would show them another island
where they could run things for themselves. They could do what they want; he
would give them the tools and show them how things could be done. Well, of
course, once he gave that little speech, he committed himself to them and at the
same time broke ties with Jehovah. That's how Atlantis got started. And of
course the human beings in Lemuria who started it initially, started very much a
Lemurian situation. It took generations for them to gradually let go of creating
and providing what they needed through color, tone and feeling into having to do
it slowly and build with tools and use genetics and the whole business. When you
have a society like that, it inevitably tends to destroy itself, usually through
some innocuous, unexpected plan. Occasionally it is destroyed through what
amounts to Earth's antibodies, which is essentially her weather dhanges.
When Lucifer did that, he unintentionally started the shadow
government. Here he was, clearly an extraterrestrial at a higher dimension of
Earth, planting ideas that he thought were right. He wasn't saying, oh, how can
I corrupt these people. At that time he wasn't like that. He just had his own
way of doing things, and he wasn't satisfied with going along. (He could never
go along. Now he can, but then he could not.)
Lucifer essentially initiated Atlantis. He encouraged people
to think. They didn't know how to think, so he initiated the idea of people
thinking and accomplishing things through thought. No one had done that in
Lemuria before because they didn't need to. They could think, but it was
something for entertainment. So he got them started. He started working with
them after he was outcast from Jehovah and Jehovah's ship. They gave him a small
ship to take with him, and small ships have quite a bit of stuff. He showed them
how they could create what they needed through science. Of course, being the
godfather of these people, he became their leader during his lifetime. He showed
them all he knew about science, which was considerable, but of course he could
not teach them moral principles he had been taught. For one thing, he wasn't
comfortable with them, and when he tried to teach it, his anger and discomfort
with these moral principles would come through stronger than the words. And with
moral principles. So they, being essentially blank slates, are going to feel
that moral principles do not apply to science. And that science is its own
wondrous thing and needs to have no restrictions placed on it whatsoever.
You can see where this could lead to trouble, mischief. It
did. They created a whole race of beings to do their labor for them. Why should
we go dig, pick up stuff, when we could create these beings? How will we keep
them happy? How do we keep them from revolting? Oh, let's see, maybe we can drug
them. Give them some kind of drug they will like. It will make them work hard
and they won't live very long, but for a reward we'll give them some other
drugs, keep them drugged and happy. We'll give them whatever kind of food they
want to eat. If they die young, it's okay because after all, we created them, so
they're not really people.
....That's how science became godless. Before that, science was sacred. All
these things Lucifer started inadvertently. And when he died an old man, after
his life Jehovah had a little talk with him. They had not seen each other in a
long time. Jehovah said, "My friend, see what you have wrought?" Jehovah showed
him the future, and Lucifer was genuinely sorry. He said, "I didn't realize that
I was feeling that strongly rebellious against moral principles." Jehovah said,
"I know that. But now you must stay to the end. And I, loving you like a
brother, will stay with you. We won't live in the same places, but we will visit
from time to time and talk. And I will show you the future so you can see it.
For I will give you this much," Jehovah said, "I will give you my glimpse of the
future so that when you are dragged down and must serve people's subconscious
desires, which you unintentionally put on them, I will always show you the
future. No matter how cynical or depraved you might become as a result of what
you have begun here unintentionally, you must still live the consequences of
your act; and I will show you the future. Sometimes the things I show you you
won't like, and you will feel bad. You know that you will be in the middle of it
and will have to be something you are not. But I will also show you the far
future where things get better. If you can just get through these hard times,
then things will be resolved and you will be the wiser for it." Lucifer said
Jehovah took some responsibility too, because he remembered
that he had brought Lucifer with him for his own reasons. He could not afford to
leave him behind. So Jehovah took responsibility for his actions and that is why
he, Jehovah, stayed.
......So again they prayed. They didn't realize their power. Being the students
and descendants of Lucifer, who was still around, their prayers were relayed
through Lucifer. Lucifer, being at least three-fourths associated with Orion,
put it out there to his own sources.
Yes. Lucifer went to the third dimension, but he was in
spirit. Remember, Jehovah said Lucifer had to stay with him through the whole
He's there in spirit to help his children, as it
were, and he's relaying the message to the only source that he knows can help
them, which all gods-in-training do. Of course, here was a god-in-training who
didn't realize he was going to be a negative god, as it were. He'd had a glimpse
from Jehovah, but he was resisting it, so he went and passed the prayers on up
the line. The message went to Orion, which sent a big ship. Another sidelight:
The big ship arrived in two weeks, and Lucifer immediately went to the main
deck. Although he was in spirit, he hoped that they could see him, identify him,
and return his spirit to Orion so he could escape this terrible duty where he
had to become, essentially, Satan. He hoped to escape.
But they did not see him. They were not that spiritually
evolved, you understand. When he had asked for the Orion ship to come, it was
not only to help his descendants, as it were, but himself. When they couldn't
see him, Lucifer became angry. That's when he really got angry with Jehovah,
became disappointed, and that's when he started feeling spiteful for the first
time in his life. That's what "helped" him to descend to the level of Satan, his
dark side—for Satan is Lucifer's dark side. You must understand that; Lucifer
does have a light side.
[pdf] The Origin of the 42-Year Stonewall of Vitamin C --Robert Landwehr (The title should now read “The origin of the 61-year stonewall of vitamin C.”)
[2010] Powerpoint for Dr Levy's 17 September Vitamin C talk.
Ups and Downs by Ruth Minshull
Melanoma skin cancer treated with black salve.
http://BlackSalveinfo.com for more info.
Some Characteristics of the Mature Intellect The educational system develops the intellect of the child until the age of nine or so, thereafter all that is taught is memorisation. Thus the intellectual level of 999 of every 1000 adults is stuck at this level.
[Pseudo skeptic] my satirical definition of "skeptic": "One who doubts what he does not want to believe and believes what he does not want to doubt."---L.A. Rollins
[2010 Sept] SafeMinds Comments on Pediatrics Study on Thimerosal and Vaccines Prenatal and Infant Exposure to Thimerosal From Vaccines and Immunoglobulins and Risk of Autism. Price, CS. et. al. Pediatrics 2010;126:656-664.
[2010 Sept] Nutters And Journalists Who Support Ben Goldacre
The Jewish Origin of the Vulcan Salute by Rabbi Yonassan Gershom
[2010 NZ] Patient Advocacy services
Saucers of The Illuminati by Jim Keith
Kanner was the world’s leading expert in child psychiatry. He was the
leader in the field at Johns Hopkins. In 1935, he wrote a textbook that
was over 500 pages long that had detailed, exhaustive descriptions of
every possible malady of childhood that he and his colleagues had ever
seen. There’s not one mention of autism in that 1935 textbook.
When he wrote his paper,
published in 1943, he said, “Since 1938 there have come to our attention
a number of children whose condition differed so markedly and uniquely
from anything seen before that each case merits – and I hope will
receive – a detailed investigation of its fascinating peculiarities.” So
here is the world’s leading expert on child psychiatry who has already
written a textbook. In 1943 he writes that in the last five years, we’ve
started to see children and they’re unlike any children we’ve ever seen
And he only saw 11 of them.
And one of the things we’ve described is that people came from all over
the country, all over the world to visit at Hopkins. The notion that
autism was around at a rate of 1 in 100 or even a fraction of that is
absurd. So the genetic argument at this point collapses on its face. It
doesn’t even meet the basic tests of logic and common sense.
Sept] Interview with Dan Olmsted, Mark Blaxill: 'Age of Autism-Mercury,
Medicine, and a Manmade Epidemic'
[2010 Sept] Auckland Health Board lies over Vitamin C by Keith Stewart Earlier this week the Chief Medical Officer of the Auckland District Health Board, Dr Margaret Wilsher issued a statement saying, "no evidence exists to confidently say that high-dosage Vitamin C therapy is either safe or effective." She lied. ....Dr Wilsher and the entire membership of the Auckland City Hospital Clinical Practice Committee, who advised her, should be prosecuted by the Ministry of Health for their failure to act in the best interests of the public they serve.
[2010 Sept] Parallel Universes: Flu Shots For Pregnant Women
[2010 Sept] The BBC's Bias and Israeli Crimes on the High Seas
[2010 Sept] Syria Wrongly Blamed for Hariri Murder
[2010 Sept] Autism
Speaks Mangles the Poling Decision: NYT Blog Adds Insult By J.B. Handley
“This message pertains specifically to Alison Singer. Every once in a while
something is sent to me that really just burns me up. There is NOTHING more
irritating than people who pretend that they have some sort of inside
information that makes what they say meaningful on a topic. You, Alison Singer,
appear to be one of those people…at least when it comes to my daughter, Hannah
Poling. While you may feel that your daughter was destined to be autistic, I
would never pretend to know the first thing about why your daughter has the
issues that she does. And you would do well to stop acting as though you have
ANY credible knowledge about my child.
Nothing makes you look more like a puppet on a string than to spill out the
garbage about Hannah having an encephalopathy PRIOR to the July 19, 2000
vaccines. The ONLY person ever saying that has been PAUL OFFIT, your employer.
And, this is only his wishful thinking. Paul needs to use his MD to practice
medicine. I think he forgot and thinks it stands for marketing director.”
[pdf Sept 2010 Allopathy Inc (ADHB) Media Release HIGH-DOSAGE VITAMIN C THERAPY No evidence exists to confidently say that high-dosage Vitamin C therapy is either safe or effective, ADHB Chief Medical Officer Dr Margaret Wilsher said today.
[2010 Sept] The hidebound Ostrich that is Auckland District Health Board by Hilary Butler
[2010 Sept] Intravenous Vitamin C and Cancer
[2010 Sept] Kiwis May Die Through Medical Ignorance
[2010 Sept] The Vaccine Safety Myth: Dr Evan Harris Fails to Address the Questions By John Stone
[2010 Sept] Doctor does not always know best
[2010 Sept] Intelligent Scientists "Expelled" by Illuminati by Henry Makow, Ph.D.
[2010 Sept] Cancer and Vitamin C: Evidence-Based Censorship
[2010 Sept] Jab hope after meningitis B trial success: Vaccine could save thousands of lives
[2010] Amy Wallace & Yellow Journalism
[2010 Sept] Thimerosal in your vaccine?
Vaccine Ingredients Calculator
The Informed Parent URGENT REQUEST
Murder in Wiesenthal's Footsteps With horror we find that all twelve hunted "deniers of the gas chambers" died under mysterious circumstances. Interestingly, Uwe Barschel (the chief minister of Schleswig Holstein), Heribert Apfalter (the president of the nationalized Austrian steel industry), and Herbert Amry (the Austrian ambassador in Athens) also died the same mysterious way as did the "gas chamber deniers", as described here. Does the Mossad have a "Tesla Ray" weapon?
[2010 Sept] 'Evidence proves 9/11 story is a lie'
[2010 Sept] Why I believe the king of the Nazi hunters, Simon Wiesenthal, was a fraud
"History is a MYTH that men agree to BELIEVE."---Napoleon
The Lethal Liberation of Bergen-Belsen by Joseph Bellinger
[2010] Elie Wiesel — Holocaust survivor # A7713?
[2010 Sept] Flu vaccine not ruled out in 2yo's death
How Many Towerbusters Per Tower?
[2010 Sept] The Shadowy Origins of “Night” III by Carolyn Yeager Part III: Nine reasons why Elie Wiesel cannot be the author of Un di Velt Hot Gesvign (And the World Remained Silent).
[2010 Sept] Family to Receive $1.5M in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
[2010 Sept] 10p pill to beat Alzheimer's disease: Vitamin B halts memory loss in breakthrough British trial The tablets contained extremely high doses of vitamins B6, 9 and 12. ...Professor Smith says he ‘would not hesitate’ to take the cocktail of 20mg of vitamin B6, 0.8mg of vitamin B9, or folate, and 0.5mg of vitamin B12, himself, if he were diagnosed with MCI.
[2009] Safety of Vitamin C: Urban Legends by Harri Hemilä
Shutter Island scene shows Dachau massacre
“The Last Days,” a documentary by Steven Spielberg
[2010 Sept] Vaccine Pushed on Infants Causes Drug-Resistant Pneumonia: JAMA Study
[2010 MMR autism story] Too Little Too Late
[2010 Feb] MPs illicitly booked rooms for lobbyists and fundraisers The most prolific room-bookers included Liberal Democrat MP Evan Harris, who made 89 in the five and a half years
Keith Mann v Dr Death & The Oxford Animal Lab in The General Election
Nice Testimonial for Andy's Basic Zapper [$26 from ctbusters.com . ~Don]
Dear Don,
Recently I bought a basic zapper from CTbusters (I think) and swapped using it
with my eldest daughter during her visit with me. She was on an extended visit
with me before a surgery scheduled for mid-September. **** (my daughter) has
numerous health issues and the surgery is scheduled to remove a tumor on the
back-side of her uterus that had grown large enough to cause kidney damage.
She has had horrible endodemetriosis for many years and has suffered
many, many miscarriages. Most of her life she has had a big problem with cysts
that would form all over her body. This issue was common enough that she would
often need to go to the ER to have them lanced.
My basic zapper arrived just as she was having a painful
eruption of 2 cysts in her groin area. She felt she would, indeed, make a visit
to the ER to have them lanced. We put the zapper to work for 24 hours and
noticed an immediate relief. Enough relief that she did not feel the need for
the ER visit. At that point, I knew I would send the zapper with her when she
returned home.
**** returned home the day before her pre-op appointment
after wearing the zapper non-stop. At the pre-op appointment, after the another
set of blood work and tests, the blood NOW showed no indications of being
cancerous (blood work 6 weeks earlier before her visit and the zapper, the
doctors reported that the tumor was most likely cancerous according to the blood
work), the tumor itself had decreased in size from 7 inches to 3 inches, and she
showed no signs of the scarring from the endodemetriosis...
[2010 Sept] On the matter of Dr Anthony J Morris by Hilary Butler
[2010 Sept] Non-Evidence based medicine, Part 1 by Hilary Butler
[2010 Sept] Non-Evidence based medicine, Part 2 by Hilary Butler
[2010 Sept] Non-Evidence based medicine, Part 3 by Hilary Butler
[2010 Aug] Vaccine Injury: The Fletchers and Cedillos – a Tale of Two Families By John Stone
[2007] Who is telling the truth about MMR jabs
and autism? Fighting for justice: Jackie Fletcher and her son Robert,
who developed autism after being given the MMR jab as a toddler
[2010 Aug] Family win 18 year fight over
MMR damage to son: £90,000 payout is first since concerns over vaccine surfaced
[2010 Aug] Pathologist 'trying to stop inquiry into Dr David Kelly's death' In their letter to Mr Clarke they say Dr Hunt's comments appear to be part of an officially sanctioned attempt to silence the clamour for a full inquest.
Vaccine Zombie video
When you
research the rise of juvenile bipolar illness in this country, you see that
it appears in lockstep with the prescribing of stimulants for ADHD and
antidepressants for depression. Prior to the use of those medications, you
find that researchers reported that manic-depressive illness, which is what
bipolar illness was called at the time, virtually never occurred in prepubertal children. But once psychiatrists started putting “hyperactive”
children on Ritalin, they started to see prepubertal children with manic
symptoms. Same thing happened when psychiatrists started prescribing
antidepressants to children and teenagers. A significant percentage had
manic or hypomanic reactions to the antidepressants.
When you add up all this information, you end up documenting
a story of how the lives of hundreds of thousands of children in the United
States have been destroyed in this way. In fact, I think that the number of
children and teenagers that have ended up “bipolar” after being treated with a
stimulant or an antidepressant is now well over one million. This is a story of
harm done on an unimaginable scale.
Robert Whitaker Interview
[2010 Aug] Measles (vaccine) deaths in Lucknow: Health Ministry orders an inquiry four infants, all below nine months, died near Lucknow on Sunday after they were vaccinated for measles
[2010] Robert Whitaker Interview
Interview[Video] Doing Time, Doing Vipassana
[2009 EW] For those gifted to see the energy around towers Before a tower is gifted I see dark to black shape clouds hanging around the boxes attached to the towers. I've seen various shape devices and see this dark matter usually on the outer side of them. Sometimes I see it come and go and what looks like a thick rod shooting up above the tower. All this dark matter seems to pulsate and fluctuate but it's constantly there. Once I gift the tower I have seen from 10 to minutes later those dark clouds seem to be gone and in there place I see white energy similar in shape to the previous dark matter. Sometimes above the tower I see a little pink mixed in the the new white energy.
[2009] One One Four by laozu The
etheric dynamics of it are really different to the ones of the 108.
It created a strong flow of orgone towards the pattern from all directions.
The drawn DOR was transformed into POR and went right up into the sky.
This movement of Qi was very strong at the beginning, then slowing down.
On the next morning it was slightly noticeable, but still working in the same
manner: creating a flow to the center and then moving the Qi up into the sky.
The 108 I had assembled in my workshop about a week or so before behaved
different, more stable, but, nevertheless it built up a pleasant feeling of
positive energy inside the house.
[2009] Inverted Six Pipe (ISP) by laozu
[2009] One Zero Eight by laozu
[2009] It's like the Middle Ages… there's no purpose other than living another day
[2010 Aug] Britain's sex slave shame
[2010 Aug] Murder capital of the world
[2010 Aug] “Drug-Induced Dementia: A Perfect Crime” By Lynne McTaggart
[2009] Drug-Induced Dementia: a perfect crime by MD
Grace E. Jackson
1) the causal connection between antipsychotic drugs and Alzheimer's disease
2) the evidentiary link between stimulants (ADHD drugs) and shrinkage of the
3) the limitations of the neurogenesis theory of antidepressant action (in fact,
Dr. Jackson discusses the research evidence which shows that antidepressants
damage the hippocampus - the learning and memory center of the brain)
4) the evidence for mood stabilizers as neurodegenerative, rather than
neuroprotective agents
5) the reasons why existing drug treatments are particularly hazardous for
survivors of traumatic brain injury (i.e., soldiers with head injuries)
[pdf 2004 Lecture] ‘What Doctors May Not Tell You About Psychiatric Drugs’ by Grace E. Jackson, MD
[2010 Aug EW] Huddersfield UK - 2nd Year Gifting Report / Orgonite Stall
[2010 Aug EW] Rain In The North Of Chile.
[2010] Slave Master: How Pornography Drugs & Changes Your Brain by Donald L. Hilton, Jr.
[2010 Aug] Holocaust denier death, Mossad linked'
[2010 pdf] Padayattyet al. Vitamin C: Intravenous Use by Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practitioners and Adverse Effects Conclusions: High dose IV vitamin C is in unexpectedly wide use by CAM practitioners. Other than the known complications of IV vitamin C in those with renal impairment or glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, high dose intravenous vitamin C appears to be remarkably safe. Physicians should inquire about IV vitamin C use in patients with cancer, chronic, untreatable, or intractable conditions and be observant of unexpected harm, drug interactions, or benefit.
[Assemblage point shift.] "After the bang on the head and the LSD, my father fell into depression.....Happiness at his new found success was replaced with agression and paranoia."--Sadie Frost (mail on Sunday Aug 22, 2010 Extract from Crazy Days)
[pdf 2008] Vitamin C: Evidence, application and commentary. Melissa et al. Vitamin C has a critical role to play in the prevention and intervention of many medical conditions. There is scientific evidence supporting the use of vitamin C during acute and chronic illnesses, for injuries, and for reducing the risk of disease. The safety of vitamin C over a wide range of doses has been demonstrated in a number of clinical trials; reports of serious adverse events are very rare. As a safe, natural, low-cost nutrient, the potential immune-supporting and antioxidant benefits of vitamin C should be considered when developing treatment plans.
[pdf] H. Hemilä, et al. Vitamin C and acute respiratory infections From the studies published so far it is evident that in large doses vitamin C has distinct but modest therapeutic effects on the severity and duration of the common cold, even in well nourished populations. There are also possible benefits in the prevention of acute respiratory infections, especially in populations that are malnourished or physically stressed. It is our view that three widely cited reviews concluding that vitamin C had little if any effect on the common cold did not accurately represent data from the original publications. For example, data inconsistent with the original study reports were presented, several highly relevant findings were overlooked, and data were analysed inappropriately. Furthermore, the authors of the most influential trial so far concluded that the difference between the vitamin C and placebo groups was paradoxically caused by the placebo effect. The placebo effect interpretation of the results was, however, recently shown to be erroneous, indicating that the observed benefit was indeed caused by the physiological effects of the vitamin.
[1994 pdf] Hunt et al. The Clinical Effects of Vitamin C Supplementation in Elderly Hospitalised Patients with Acute Respiratory Infections Although this study was performed on a relatively small number of subjects the results suggest that moderate vitamin C supplementation could have clinical benefit to patients suffering from acute respiratory infection, particularly to those who are most severely ill on admission. In many of these patients, plasma and white cell vitamin C levels are likely to be low enough to be construed as representing at least marginal deficiency, but 200 mg per day boosts these considerably within 2 weeks. Conversely, in the un-supplemented patients', concentrations of the vitamin remain low. These results are therefore consistent with evidence that vitamin C assists immune function possibly by acting as an anti-oxidant.
[2010 Aug] A wake-up call: Why fighting for your family matters by Hilary Butler
[2010 Aug] Problems with Peers
[2010 Aug] Vaccination against HPV is dangerous and unnecessary
[2010 Aug] 'I was used as a guinea pig in child vaccine scandal'
[2010 Aug] Ireland's hidden scandal: child vaccine trials
[2010 Aug] Weapons expert was allowed to see secrets far outside his brief
[2010 Aug] ADHD Conspiracy-Scam: Million US Kids Misdiagnosed by SCIENCE DAILY
[2010] Mammogram Scam for Oldsters with Money by SHERRY BAKER (NATURAL NEWS)
[2010 Feb] Big Pharma/Lancet Scam: Vaccine-Autism Link Denied by MIKE ADAMS/ DR. LEONARD HOROWITZ In recent days, a new study from The Center for Modeling Optimal Outcomes in New Jersey published, "If it hadn't been for so many parents insisting that vaccines were responsible for the condition [of autism], we might never have found the fact that the stabilizer in MMR, and a few other vaccines, is hydrolyzed gelatin--a substance that is approximately 21% glycine. It appears that, based on readily verifiable science, the use of that form of glycine triggers an imbalance between the amino acid neurotransmitters responsible for the absorption rate of certain classes of cells throughout the body. It is that wide-spread disruption that apparently results in the systemic problems that encompass the mind and the body characterized in today's 'classic' autism."
[2010 Aug] U.S. bans CSL influenza vaccine Following febrile fits and deaths in children
[2009] Attempted Murder: The Suzanne Somers Story by HOWARD S. KATZ
[2010 Aug] H1N1 deaths: Auckland and Waikato ICU criminally negligent?
[2010 Aug] New Zealand Medical Authorities continue to ignore a potential cure for Swine Flu.
The whole construct. I'd been taught by Irish Jesuits, who are very clever.
They made up multiple layers of rationality for the whole Catholic structure.
The nice thing about Catholicism, however, is that it teaches you what to
believe. So when you throw it over, you know exactly what you're throwing over.
You can say, "I /don't/ believe in the Father Almighty," and continue right
through the
Apostles' Creed, the Confiteor, and the rest of it, tossing
out one tenet at a time. I believe in God, but not in the "Catholic God,"
who is vengeful. There's the whole business about guilt, "impure
thoughts," going to hell if you don't do what the church commands. One way this
was solved for me, intellectually if not emotionally, was by reading the "Grand
Inquisitor" chapter of Dostoevsky's /The Brothers Karamazov/in which Christ
comes back to Earth. The Grand Inquisitor tells him, "When we saw those miracles
in the street, we knew you were back.But this time we're not giving you any
publicity. We're keeping you in this cell. We know how to run these people now."
That just knocked the church right out of me, and by the time I was finished
with Caltech, medical school, and psychoanalysis, that belief system was pretty
well cleaned out of me.
John Lilly
[2010 Aug] GSK's Swine Flu Vaccine Suspected Of Causing Narcolepsy In Children
[2010 July] How Microbes Defend and Define Us
[2010 Aug Holocaust] A Petition on behalf of Vincent Reynouard
Low Ascorbate Levels Are Associated with Increased Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Activity and an Aggressive Tumor Phenotype in Endometrial Cancer[2010 Aug Letter] Help or Hindrance-- Hilary Butler,
[2010 Aug] Swine flu and meningococcal amputations are needless--Hilary Butler[2010 Aug] Visit to Credo Vusamazulu Mutwa
[zapper testimonials] http://www.orgoniseafrica.com/blog/shy-about-our-orgone-zappers/
Akkad W, Salem B, Freeman JW, Huntington MK. Longitudinally Extensive Transverse Myelitis Following Vaccination With Nasal
Attenuated Novel Influenza A(H1N1) Vaccine. Arch Neurol. 2010 Aug;67(8):1018-20.
Center for Family Medicine, 1115 E 20th St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105.
BACKGROUND: Transverse myelitis has been reported in association with
vaccination, including influenza vaccination. OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of
longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis associated with vaccination with a
nasal attenuated novel influenza A(H1N1) vaccine. DESIGN: Case report. SETTING:
Sanford University of South Dakota Hospital. Patient A 27-year-old woman with
longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis. RESULTS: Four days following novel
influenza A(H1N1) vaccination, the patient developed longitudinally extensive
transverse myelitis. Extensive diagnostic evaluation effectively ruled out
causes other than vaccination-associated transverse myelitis. Following
treatment with corticosteroids and plasmapheresis, the patient made a
significant recovery. CONCLUSIONS: Transverse myelitis may be associated with
vaccination against novel influenza A(H1N1). Additionally, we believe this to be
the first report of longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis associated with
any vaccine.
PMID: 20697056
[pdf 1979] IS THE CURRENT TREATMENT OF CANCER SELF-LIMITING IN THE EXTENT OF ITS SUCCESS? by Ernst H. Krokowski It can no longer be doubted that under certain conditions diagnostic or surgical procedures can result in metastases. Analysis of metastatic growth rates has shown that from 30% (in hypernephroma) to 90% (in sarcoma and seminoma) of the diagnosed metastases were provoked by such procedures. This has been established by numerous animal experiments and clinical observations and necessitates a change in the currently held concept of cancer therapy. The previously applied and proven treatments by surgery and radiation must be preceded by metastasis prophylaxis. Three different ways to achieve such a prophylaxis are proposed.
[2010 Aug] Bugzy and the Rabies Shot By Kent Heckenlively, Esq.
[2008] Vaccinating Teens During Premenstrual Phase May Increase Adverse Reactions Gardasil®, as well as other immunizations administered to adolescent women, are dispensed without regard to where a woman is within her menstrual cycle. During Gardasil®’s, clinical trial period, FDA approval, and during the two years it has been on the market, not one article has been written about how a young woman might tolerate the injection during premenstrum; nor is there any information in the Patient Product Information or the Prescribing Information on the Gardasil® web site, that cites any corollary to adverse reactions to the injection in relationship to the menstrual cycle. Withholding this information is nothing less than a crime against women
[2010 June] How Satanist Professional Killer Squads Work by BENJAMIN FULFORD
[2010 Aug] Modern medicine's biggest lie claims lives by JULIAN WHITAKER, MD Angioplasty, bypass and other invasive heart procedures do not and cannot prevent heart attacks or prolong lives in the vast majority of patients who have them.
[2010 Aug] Leslie Carol Botha exposes HPV vaccines' fraudulent claims
[2010 July] Prominent pathologist speaks out on HPV vaccines and cervical cancer prevention
Obama's Gay Bathhouse Blues
August 2010
[2010 DVD] Cancer; The Forbidden Cures by Massimo Mazzucco In the last 100 years dozens of doctors, scientists and researchers have come up with the most diverse, apparently effective solutions against cancer, but none of these was ever taken into serious consideration by official medicine. Most of them were in fact rejected out-front, even though healings were claimed in the thousands, their proposers often being labeled as charlatans, ostracized by the medical community and ultimately forced to leave the country. At the same time more than 20,000 people die of cancer every day, without official medicine being able to offer a true sense of hope to those affected by it. Why?
[2010 Aug] As a vet, I weep for these poor cash cows
[2010 Aug] What’s Behind Ben Goldacre? By John Stone
[2010 Aug] UK Health Service Whistleblowers Paid To Keep Mouth Shut Channel 4 News reveals whistleblowing doctors are being gagged as NHS managers attempt to divert attention away from complaints - as the Patients Association tells us the scale of the problem is "deeply worrying". Whether it is a complaint about a fellow surgeon botching operations or over a manager distorting waiting times, NHS whistleblowers are meant to be protected by law. They are not allowed to be gagged. But in a joint investigation with the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Channel 4 News can reveal that doctors are being gagged after they have blown the whistle. And in a number of cases their reputations are shredded as NHS managers apparently attempt to divert attention from the problem raised in the first place. In a number of requests made under the Freedom of Information Act we discovered that over the past decade 170 doctors signed a settlement, or compromise, agreement with their trust. We were given 64 heavily redacted contrac ts to review. Of those 55 - that is nearly 90 per cent - contained gagging clauses. There is a Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA) that is meant to be the government's guarantee to the whistleblower that he or she will not be sacked. Yet all the evidence we have seen is that trusts have been simply ignoring the rules - devastating the careers of doctors, costing the NHS millions. And putting unknown numbers of patients lives at risk.
Hollywood Star Sues Roche Over Acne Drug That Wrecked His Career
James Marshall, who played a US Marine in the 1992 hit film ‘A Few Good Men,’
claims his acting career was derailed after he used the Accutane acne pill and
developed inflammatory bowel disease. His colon was subsequently removed and he
is suing the drugmaker for $11 million. His trial starts this week in a New
Jersey courtroom and the spectacle is likely to cause a side effect of its own -
attention on product liability litigation in ways that previous lawsuits have
not generated. How so? For all of the thousands of such lawsuits filed against
drugmakers in recent years, the featured plaintiffs were, basically, John Doe or
Jane Doe - ordinary people whose ordinary lives were allegedly disrupted by the
use of a medication. Rarely were their trials covered in the media. Marshall,
however, was a star. And reports say the New Jersey-bred pretty boy will rely on
testimony from even bigger names - Martin Sheen, Brian Dennehy and Rob Reiner.
His Hol lywood pals are expected to testify that Marshall, 43, was headed for
stardom before his ailments upended his career. “The jury will hear that James
Marshall had the potential to be the next James Dean-like star,” Marshall’s
lawyer, Michael Hook, tells Bloomberg News. “That dream is gone because he took
something to treat acne.” The prospect of one Hollywood headliner after another
taking the stand in Atlantic City, New Jersey, may just attract television
cameras, celebrity bloggers and countless Tweeters - further underscoring the
contentious debate over side effects and proper disclosure just as several other
large drugmakers are scampering to settle thousands of lawsuits as quickly as
Ed Silverman, Pharmalot
[2010 Aug EW] Extra Special Chat Session
[2010 June] Warfarin, the vitamin K killer by Hilary Butler
[2010 July] The Avalanche of New Mercury-Autism Studies by Mark Geier, MD, PhD & David Geier
[2010 July] "Refusal" to vaccinate by Hilary Butler
[2010 July] Re Vitamin K and new born babies by Dr Jayne LM Donegan
[2010 July EW] Web Rings, Sabotage And Setup Tactics
[2010 July] Fact, vaccines have never eradicated anything, ever by Christina England
[2010 July] Whooping Cough vs Pesticide Programs. California Counties 2010 by Jim West All zero incidence counties have no mandated pesticide spray programs for moths, etc. Therefore three redefinitions can be postulated: 1) Pertussis is a seasonal pesticide disease, although it possibly could occur (even off-season) due to indoor air pollution (stove exhaust, etc), or other sources. 2) Pertussis is not germ caused. 3)The pertussis paradigm is misinfo to generally confuse pesticide and other pollution diagnostics and to exploit the resulting confusion and disorders. Pertussis is a respiratory disease and its symptoms are the body's attempts to avoid breathing polluted air, and the body's attempts to alert the community.
Elie Wiesel Cons the World When he injures his foot, instead of being sent to a gas chamber (or the burning pit) because he is no longer useful, he is put into a hospital where surgery is performed on his foot! Not only that, his father is allowed to stay there with him.
[2010 July EW] Attempted Arson By Pine Cone
[2010 July EW] My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
[2010 July EW] Just Repelled A Radionics Attack
Richard P: This article dots the i's and crosses the t's on the agenda of fake global warming, Al Gore, Obama, cap and trade carbon scam and the BP oil spill...
"According to their (energy sensitives and psychics) consistent observations a cloudbuster's range in the upper troposphere is several hundred kilometers; range at lower cloud level is around 20 miles and the range close to the ground is a hundred feet or so."--Don Croft (June 2010)
[2010 June] The Marvellous Health of Unvaccinated Children by Françoise Berthoud, MD [medical doctor, paediatrician] As a concerned, compassionate and considerate paediatrician, I can only arrive at one conclusion. Unvaccinated children have by far the best chance of enjoying marvellous health. Any vaccination at all works to cripple the chances of this end.
Orgonite asparagus
[2010 June] David Gorski’s Financial Pharma Ties: What He Didn’t Tell You
[2010 June] Science is the New Politics: Evan Harris the bigger picture
US MMR Litigation – The Truth – And Was Dr Stephen Bustin A Reliable Witness? - June 14, 2010
The truth about the HPV vaccines or what they do not want you to know (Part 5)
While I was living in Honolulu, a young white man came to sell me advertising
space in a newspaper each week. He became interested in the Hawaiians and often
told me of attending their dinner dances given in the open.
One day he came to me much upset. He had become acquainted with a Hawaiian
woman at a dinner party, and the woman had admired his girlishly fine skin. She
had asked him thoughtfully if he did not find it a great chore to shave daily,
and had solemnly told him that she could make his beard stop growing if he
wished to be relieved of the shaving chore. She said that many Hawaiian men had
so been relieved of the necessity of shaving. In a tolerant mood he pretended to
accept her offer gladly, being certain that it was a native superstition of no
Taking him aside the woman stroked his right cheek with her fingers for a
short time, saying that the beard would stop growing on his face and that he
would be free of the need of shaving.
He had forgotten the incident when, about two weeks later, he suddenly
noticed that there was a place on his cheek the size of a dime upon which no
beard grew. To his alarm the spot grew larger day by day. When it became as
large as a half dollar, he remembered that I had spoken of the kahunas and came
rushing to me to ask my advice. He was almost girlish of face and realized that
without a shadow of beard he would be disastrously feminine in appearance.
I advised him to inquire among his Hawaiian friends for the woman who had
caused the difficulty, and when he found her, to ask her to reverse her
suggestion. He had some trouble finding the woman, but did eventually, and she
reluctantly stroked his cheek and gave the suggestion (it was suggestion beyond
doubt) that the beard would return to the bare spot. In a little over a week the
beard again began to grow in the denuded circle. Where I had found the skin
bare, I could see the dark beard stubble reappearing. In a short time the beard
was back to normal.
[2010 June] Ponerology 101: The Political Psychopath
[2010 June EW] False Flag Attack: Hoover Dam?
[2010 June EW] Carol's Magdalene Trip
[2010 June] Robbed of their femininity: How thousands of women are having needless hysterectomies
[2010 June] The lies the Government tell when it comes to vaccines by Christina England
[2010 June] Swine Flu School Epidemics: Air Toxicology by Jim West
[2010 May] Vitamin E Research Ignored by Major News Media
[2008] Jake Whitney interviews Peter Rost
[2010 May] Hidden Government Papers on the Measles Vaccine Exposed by Christina England
The face sure fits the sign.
[2010 May] Swine flu vaccine caused deaths Ten people in Norway have died as a result of last year’s mass vaccination programme
Dr. Beatrice Golomb, Associate Professor of Medicine at University of
California, San Diego, masterfully exposes the corruption that has
metastasized like a tumor throughout the pharmaceutical and medical
industries, in the video above.
The corruption has become so prolific that it has literally debased medical
Bia...s #1: Unwanted Results are Not Published
Bias #2: Bad Results are Submitted as Good
Bias #3: A Favorable Study is Submitted Multiple Times
Bias #4: Follow-Up Reviews Done by Biased Experts
Bias #5: Ghostwriting
Bias #6: Journal Bias
Bias #7: Drug Companies Masquerading as Educators
[2010 May] Top Secret Gorbachev Files Unveil Globalist Agenda
The Doctor Within: June 2010 Newsletter
[2010 May USA] The Rabies Challenge Fund. Rabies vaccine for dogs
Doc Who Harms No One Is Punished, But Docs Who Killed Can Practice
[2010 May] 2 kids dead after vaccination, locals protest Villagers of Shaikhpara at Gajol in Malda district stage protests today following the death of two infants who received DPT and BCG vaccines at the Sheikpara Sub-Health Centre two days ago.
The New York Times: Pharma/Chem Tabloid? by Jim West The NY Times is one of the main standard bearers for journalism. Journalists look to the NY Times for what issues are safe to write about and what attitudes they can safely assume. The Deputy Director of the CIA during Kennedy's administration required his analysts to read the NY Times first thing every morning (see autobiography by author I can't remember at the moment). NY Times is dominated by board members who have a conflict of interest with pharmaceutical and chemical industries. 9 of 14 members have this conflict, and the remaining, including the chairman, are journalists -- which reminds me of a board of directors list I found of a Catholic hospital (like "St. Lukes"). The chairwoman was a nun, but all other board members were pharmaceutical executives.
Unfiltered News -
The American Medical Association, which strongly supported Obama Care
legislation, tells doctors to refrain from speaking against the new program.
[The AMA will be paid
$100 million by the government to administer the coding system that will
determine how much doctors will be paid. That means, it no longer is just a
doctors' union, it has become a government contractor. Now we know why it
supported the legislation and wants doctors to embrace it.] Wall Street Journal
Posted 2010 May 8
[2010 May] Gardasil: Women Hurt by Medicine
[2010 May] Lorene Amet and Pippa Line Respond to Brian Deer in BMJ By John Stone
[2010 May] A License to Kill? By Mark Blaxill
[2010] Black Salve Update More Cancer Success
Brasscheck TV: Red Cross scam in Haiti http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/842.html
[2002] US Government Asks Court to Seal Vaccine Records
[2002] Why Judges Should Make Court Documents Public By Stephen Gillers
The Terrorism Industry http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/841.html
[2010 EW] MONARCH Schools---I"m not kidding!
The Jewish Mafia:An Interview with Hervé Ryssen
[2010] MAKE an INFORMED VACCINE DECISION by Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH (with Neil Miller)
Babies that follow the recommended immunization schedule receive nearly
5000mcg (5mg!) of aluminum by 18 months of age. (Since some shot dates are
variable, babies may receive up to 1,4 75mcg of aluminum at their 12-month or
15-month checkups!) Source: Product inserts and the CDC' s immunization
schedule, 2010.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the
World Health Organization (WHO) are aware that aluminum is dangerous. For
example, in June 2000, Dr. Tom Verstraeten, CDC epidemiologist, made the
following comment to a group of concerned scientists: "The results [for
aluminum] were almost identical to ethylmercury because the amount of aluminum
[in vaccines] goes along almost exactly with the mercury." He was referring
to a landmark study that found "statistically significant relationships" between
both aluminum and mercury in vaccines and neuro-developmental delays. Dr. John
Clements, WHO vaccine advisor, provided another telling statement:
"Aluminum is not perceived, I believe, by the public as a dangerous metal.
Therefore, we are in a much more comfortable wicket in terms of defending its
presence in vaccines. "
[2010] MAKE an
INFORMED VACCINE DECISION by Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH (with Neil Miller)
p. 206
The FDA is also aware that aluminum is dangerous. In a critical document on
drug evaluation, the following statement is made:
"Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney
function, including premature neonates, who receive [injections] of aluminum at
greater than 4 to 5mcg per kilogram of body weight per day, accumulate aluminum
at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue
loading may occur at even lower rates. " —FDA document
This means that for a 6 pound baby, 1 l-14mcg would be toxic.
The hepatitis B vaccine given at birth contains 250mcg of aluminum—20 times
higher than safety levels! Babies weigh about 12 pounds (5.5kg) at two
months of age when they receive l,225mcg of aluminum from their vaccines—50
times higher than safety levels!
Of course, healthy babies without impaired kidney function
may be able to handle more aluminum. However, no one knows how much more because
such studies were never conducted. In addition, babies are not screened for
kidney strength prior to vaccination. Therefore, it's impossible to know ahead
of time which babies will succumb to aluminum poisoning. Instead, parents are
expected to play Russian Roulette with their children (see table). Aluminum-free
vaccines are a safer alternative.
MAKE an INFORMED VACCINE DECISION by Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH (with Neil
Miller) p207
[2010 May] 'I beat breast cancer, but I'll never
beat baldness', says one devastated woman
[2010 May] A License to Kill? By Mark Blaxill Out of 11,778 Gardasil recipients, over 90% of them young women between the ages of 9 and 23, one would expect an annual death rate to be a mix of the rates for the two reference groups, or less than 4 per 10,000 in an entire year. But in the trials, there were three “sudden deaths”, i.e. deaths that occurred within just the two weeks of the Gardasil injections, in a review period of less than forty-five days. That’s a death rate close to ten times higher than would be expected such a short period. And the overall Gardasil death rate of 8.5 per 10,000 (10 deaths out of 11,778) for the 12 month period of the trial is more than twice what one would expect.
[2010 May. Letter] Wakefield’s Lancet Paper Vindicated – [Yet Again]
[2010 May. Letter] Response to feature Wakefield’s "autistic enterocolitis" under the microscope from ESPGHAN we are surprised that such a respected scientific journal as the BMJ would accept and publish such a sensitive paper while the researchers in question are being examined by the GMC. Moreover, we feel that publishing this article, by a journalist with a declared interest in the GMC case, just prior to the final judgment by the GMC of the researchers involved is both unjust and inappropriate.
[2010 May] Flu Vaccine Made Son Seriously Ill
[2010 April] Cameron C Grant, Stewart Reid. Pertussis continues to put New Zealand’s immunisation strategy to the test. NZMJ 30 April 2010, Vol 123 No 1313; ISSN 1175 8716
Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Media
[2010 May 7] Judge Hellerstein's Connection to Israeli 9-11 Defendant by Christopher Bollyn
[2010 May] How Ehud Barak Pulled Off 9-11 by Christopher Bollyn
[2010 May] Voting In Britain For War. Take Your Pick by John Pilger – John Pilger.com
[2010 may] TODAY: FDA Public Meeting To Discuss DNA From PCV1 in Rotavirus Vaccines
[2010 May] FDA Said RotaTeq Did Not Contain PCV1 Pig Virus DNA Snips Seven Weeks Ago
[2010 May] Vaccine May Trigger Early Start of
Infant Epilepsy, Vaccine Apologist Shrugs Off Science
Queen Elizabeth I holding snake.
[2010 May] Why men shouldn't rely on the prostate cancer test - by the doctor behind its discovery
[2010 May] Educated parents less likely to let daughters get HPV shots
[2010 May] Anti-Semitism is Zionism's Bread and Butter by Henry Makow Ph.D.
[2010 May] Frontline’s Producer Feeds the “Hungry Lie” By J.B. Handley
[2010 May] Parents criticize government for
not acting sooner by Christina England
[2010 May] Kenya Fishing Progress
"You don't love a woman because she's beautiful; she is beautiful because you love her." - Anonymous
"The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart." - Josiah G. Holland
My advice to you is to get married. If you find a good wife, you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher.----Socrates
Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile
[2010 April] Doctor Accuses PBS Frontline of Selling Out on Vaccine Concern
Histopathologist from the Lancet study Rebuffs Brian Deer’s Article in British Medical Journal
[2010 May] Opinion: Unnecessary injection of risk: vaccination Reports suggest that of the 20,000 to 30,000 children vaccinated in Western Australia, 250 had adverse reactions and 55 had febrile convulsions. This means that about one child in every 500 vaccinated had a febrile convulsion, a very high rate......Overall, 25 per cent of children receiving the 15 microgram vaccine dose developed a fever and 41 per cent of those who received the 30mcg dose got a fever......I remain surprised that a vaccine that produces fever in such a high proportion of children, especially those under three, was allowed to be used in Australia without explicit warnings to parents and without any formal, prospective, post-marketing surveillance to look at this issue in large numbers of children.
[2008] The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton
by Robert Anton Wilson Buddhists, semanticists and hypnotists know that we not only use words
but are also easily mesmerized by them. Hypnotists in real life seldom have to
use glittering jewels or shining mirrors as they do in films; the ordinary
domesticated primate can be hypnotized quite quickly and easily with words
alone, spoken in proper cadence and with abundant repetition. Advertisers try to
hypnotize us all the time, and judging by the fees they collect from satisfied
clients, they are doing very well at it. Having used hypnosis in my
psychological seminars for nearly 20 years now, I am-quite prepared to agree
with G.I. Gurdjieff and Colin Wilson that most people
can be said to be hypnotized most of the time, and that the professional
hypnotist only switches them from their habitual trance to a different trance.
In fact, when I first started using
hypnotism I was astounded that so many people went into deep trance quickly when
I was only attempting to induce light trance. It was many years before I
understood fully Gurdjieffs insistence that most people are sleep-walking in a
deep trance state most of their lives. Now I am only astounded that many people
actually come out of their trance often enough to remember, occasionally, what
they intended to buy at the supermarket.
.....I have always dreaded both Ideology and Theology,
because they make people cruel. It now appears to me that ordinary men — and
occasionally ordinary women — do monstrous things for their Ideologies and
Theologies only because politics and religion function largely, like
advertising, through hypnotism and self-hypnotism.
.....Every Theology and every Ideology, it seems to
me, is an endeavor in hypnotism and self-hypnotism. If there is one thing that
everybody knows in common sense — when they are in "their right minds" and not
hypnotized — it is that "all generalizations are hazardous" and that individual
cases are each unique. The function of Theological and Ideological hypnosis is
to forget this common sense and follow a robot-program that evades the
responsibility of thinking and feeling anew in each unique situation. It is not
just the other gang's Theology or Ideology that is nefarious: all Theology and
Ideology is nefarious. It is a form of sleep-walking in which we can do
monstrous things because we are not alive, awake and aware of who we are, where
we are and what is going on around us.
Brasscheck TV: Oklahoma City - What the experts say
[2010 April] MI5 files must be kept from 7/7 victims' families, coroner told
[2010 March] Full El Al flight took off on 9/11 from JFK to Tel Aviv
Callous Disregard by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, MD
[2010 April] Little porkies and big porkies by Hilary Butler
And here's one part that too many doctors don't remember--because they never learned it in the first place. Dr. Bernard Greenberg, medical statistics professor (and later Dean of the Sch of Pub Hlth) of UNC testified before Congress in 1961 that polio, which declined prior to the introduction of the first polio vaccine, *increased* following the introduction of the vaccine, for 2 years, and authorities deliberately manipulated the statistics to cover that up--i.e., the polio vaccine was a complete disaster. Entire countries refused it, and saw declines as well as those that did. Vaccine policy has been built upon lies, and medical "authorities" continue to point to the polio lies as the basis for today's vaccine policy. Studies in 3 countries (US, UK, Australia) showed that polio paralysis occurred 4x more often in vaccinated people (D and T vaccines, pre-polio vaccine), and in the vaccinated limb. So not only did the polio vaccine NOT help polio, polio epidemics in the late 40's and early 50's were caused at least in part by pre-polio vaccines in the first place. For cites, see "Dispelling Vaccination Myths" at http://vaccinerights.com/articles.html . Alan Phillips, JD
[2010 April] Orgonite Gets Dumped Into Giant Marsh
[2010 April] PBS Frontline on Autism Resorts to Pseudo-Documentary, Tabloid Journalism
[2010 April] Bringing the Urabe Atrocity to Court: Statement by the Parents of Harry Horne-Roberts
[2010 April] St. Louis doctors get $2.5 million from Pfizer, Lilly, Glaxo, Merck Dr. Robert Belshe traveled throughout rural Missouri and Illinois last year to discuss flu vaccines during the H1N1 scare. Drug companies Merck & Co. Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline helped pick up the tab.
[2010 April] Toddler Ashley Jade Epapara, 2, dies after flu vaccination
[2010 April] 44 pupils sick after hepatitis B vaccination
[2010 April] Australian tots falling ill after flu jabs
[2010 April] MC Hearing Update By Martin Walker 'Because of the GMC hearing doctors are afraid to treat our children and I had to take them for treatment to the USA.'
[2010 April] HPV Vaccine Kills 16-Year-Old Girl Lawsuit Alleges
[2010 April] Study Confirms Link Between Autism and Use of Cells From Abortions in Vaccines
[2010 April] Local Parent Files Lawsuit
Against Makers Of Gardasil A local mother is suing the makers of
Gardasil claiming her daughter suffered from seizures and got brain damage after
getting the vaccination....According to Wolf, her daughter needs constant care.
She said the refrigerator is locked because Alexis has urges to eat constantly.
Wolf said her daughter is narcoleptic during the middle of the day and cannot
sleep at night and is in constant pain.
....Doctors told Wolf Alexis' condition was behavioral, not medical. "They had
put her on psych meds, thinking she was bi-polar or something like that," said
[2010 April] The New York Times’ Indefensible Defense of The Drug Industry
[2010 April] How the GMC Framed Doctors Wakefield, Walker-Smith and Murch By Martin Hewitt
[2010 April] Journalist with No Medical Training Solves Mystery of Enterocolitis! By Martin Walker
[2010 march] Is Gilad Atzmon, in His Turn, Becoming a Revisionist? by Robert Faurisson "I am left puzzled here, if the Nazis ran a death factory in Auschwitz-Birkenau, why would the Jewish prisoners join them at the end of the war? Why didn’t the Jews wait for their Red liberators?"
[2006 Dec] Scientists fear MMR link to
[2010 April pdf] BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL PUBLISHES FALSE CLAIMS ABOUT MMR DOCTOR "It is extraordinary that a journal like the BMJ should have reduced itself to this sort of tabloid medicine from an entirely unqualified and biased source. The egregious errors in Deer's report should cause embarrassment to the BMJ's editors. In a relentless and misguided effort to distract attention from vaccine safety issues, agenda-driven journalism has once again made a mockery of medicine."
Q 6: Dr Andrew Wakefield - Callous
How would you say the media have handled the story? I am dismayed
by the way in which the media continuously, despite whatever you tell them,
reiterate the same errors, the same mistakes, but of course the major problem is
the way it was handled by the Sunday Times and Brian Deer, and that to my mind
was just a big error from start to finish, and it is like having 5% of the
documents and making a story out of those 5% when you haven't got the remaining
95% that tell the actual story. Making it up, fixing that idea in mind,
staying with that idea, irrespective of what anyone might say in mitigation and
that's what happened.
April. Video] Dr Andrew Wakefield - In His own words
So the GMC has become an instrument of the public health apparatus for persecuting doctors in an effort to prevent them dissenting about vaccines and vaccine safety, and who knows what will happen next to Richard Hamilton, will he be next? This is extraordinary to Americans, absolutely extraordinary because in America you have the first Amendment, you have freedom of speech, you want o say something, you say it, in this country, no way. The idea of prosecuting a doctor because he has said something, given his opinion, offered his advice, said what he truly believes, it is absolute anathema to Americans. They can't understand how this could possibly happen in a civilised world, and yet here we have it. [2010 April. Video] Dr Andrew Wakefield - In His own words
My concern about the swine flu vaccine in this country is that it intends to reintroduce a substance that was eliminated some years ago and that is Thimerosal, the mercury preservative. There is no safe level of Thimerosal, and there is most certainly no safe level to be given in an untested fashion to pregnant women or to infants, so why in heavens name is this now being reintroduced? [2010 April. Video transcripts] Dr Andrew Wakefield - In His own words
[2010 April] Katyn II - How Satanists Say "We're Sorry" By Henry Makow, Ph.D.
[2010 April] 'Russia engineered air crash that killed President Kaczynski,' claims Polish MP
Question 11
Dr Andrew Wakefield - The Frighteners
[Transcript] How do you feel about the lack of support shown by fellow
doctors generally? (inaudible, letters?) from GPs and psychiatrists, and
others saying this is what happened to this child, and we are right behind with
you. Where are you? I don't see you, but that is OK, that's OK, I don't
feel any antipathy towards them. It is just human nature. Maybe they
are not sufficiently persuaded that they are ready to come all the way out.
Maybe....many of the doctors I deal with are parents of affected children
themselves, they know what happened. Sometimes they are still frightened
to say. That I find a little difficult to swallow. Their children
have been damaged and yet they still are keen to keep quiet about it.
Do you think that parents voices are being heard in the MMR story? Their story, is the story of the parents being heard in all of this either in the media or in the GMC or anywhere, is it being listened to by doctors? No. Is it being heard in the media? Not to the extent that represents as to what is actually going on, no, and the reason is these parents are dealing with a catastrophe, they are dealing with a child who can't go out the house, won't go out the house, screaming, having tantrums, beating their head against the wall, it has terrible diarrhoea, it is 15 years old in nappies.
They don't get out they don't get out the house, they don't have time to talk to the media, it is just a select handful of parents who are actually so determined and with a particular mindset that they can do that, the rest of them are just coping with the catastrophe that's their world. Some think it is MMR, some don't think it is MMR. the problem is that parents with children with autism are not being heard and yet the numbers are growing through the roof. It is different with AIDS....(section on analogy using AIDS and AIDS activism)....these parents are not like that, these are not AIDS activists, these are just ordinary folk trying to deal with a catastrophe in their lifetimes, they are not people who go out and throw infected blood, maybe they should be, something is going to happen, something is going to break, and you just get a sense of it at that hearing, of the beginning of the hearing, but something has to change because there are so many of those kids and so few resources, so little true care available for them and you hear it again at this hearing, time and again--this is just a psychological problem, a psychiatric problem, put them in a corner, sedate them, put them in a home, lock them up. No, it's not, it is a medical problem, it is a medical disease, it is treatable, it is understandable, you can investigate it, you can research it and you can find out what is causing it if you want to.
Nobody really wants to do that apart from a few of us. So AIDS is an interesting parallel, there was a tipping point in AIDS, it was around the time that people threw infected blood.
Question 9: The Trial of Clinical Medicine
[Transcript] But I thought we were supposed to be living in a
democracy? So did I (laughs), we are so far from living in a
democracy, so far, and this is a very very important case in so many ways.
I know that may sound very pompous to say that but actually orthodox medicine is
on trial here. We, my colleagues and I, practice orthodox medicine based
implicitly on the history of the patient, the physical examination of the
patient, the correct clinical evaluation of the patient, making a diagnosis,
treating that, the disease, and monitoring the patient. That is what we
do, and that is the kind of medicine that should be practice. That is
really being challenged now. When that comes into conflict with the
beliefs, the diktat of public health, it is no longer someway permissible to do
that, so medicine is on trial, and if we lose, the position of the Department of
Health is endorsed, then their ability to persecute doctors in this way is
upheld, then what happens in the future? What happens when their is a drug
related injury to a patient, what happens when a new complication emerges from a
treatment or a vaccine? Doctors are going to say, hey, it's too bad, I'm
not going to get involved, because you have Big Pharmaceutical industry there,
with their friends in government, that are going to come down on me and make my
life a misery. It happened with Thalidomide and it has happened time and
time again. Every time a doctor puts his head up above the parapet and
said this vaccine or this drug is not safe, then his world had been turned
upside down. That is not a reason to walk away, in fact it is every reason
to fight it because otherwise we just hand over, give up, hand over the world to
the drug companies and walk away.
Dr Andrew Wakefield - To Crush Dissent
Question 7:
Dr Andrew Wakefield - Drawn Out Trial Why did it take so long for the
charges to be brought against you?
[2010 March] FDA suspends Glaxo rotavirus vaccine as precaution
Q 4:
Dr Andrew Wakefield. Were you responsible for the children's
For the full interview visit
The charge of causing children to undergo lumbar puncture is because of the
position of an asterisk in the timetable of the tests for the children, and I
undertook because it was an increased burden of work for the Department of
Pediatric Gastroenterology. I undertook to just book the tests for the MRI
imaging of the brain and the electrical recordings of the brain, the EEG, so I
would just book it with the Department, I wasn't ordering the tests, that was
done by the clinicians, I was merely functioning as a clerk, if you like, just
taking the form down, signing it and booking the appointment, nothing more than
that. The asterisk for an MRI on Monday underneath the MRI also on a
Monday is a lumbar puncture, and therefore they have assumed that that asterisk
applies to the lumbar puncture as well and that I am causing that child to
undergo a lumbar puncture.
[2010 April] Top 10 truths and top 10 myths about MMR
[2010 April] The Dirty Business Behind the 9-11 Clean-up by Christopher Bollyn
My concern about the swine flu vaccine in this country is that it intends to reintroduce a substance that was eliminated some years ago and that is Thimerosal, the mercury preservative. There is no safe level of Thimerosal, and there is most certainly no safe level to be given in an untested fashion to pregnant women or to infants, so why in heavens name is this now being reintroduced? [2010 April. Video transcripts] Dr Andrew Wakefield - In His own words
Dr Andrew Wakefield on HPV and H1N1 Swine Flu
Vaccines Dr Andrew Wakefield talks about New Vaccines,
HPV and the
H1 N1
he mentions correspondence with Dr David
Salisbury, director of immunization and
now Chairman of WHOs
SAGE committee and who also heads the WHO H1N1 Advisory
[Transcript] Since 1992 I was in correspondence, albeit intermittently, with
David Salisbury and the Department of Health trying to prevail upon them then
that we did not have any answers, that we had a series of questions generated by
our own observations, and by parental reports that gave us cause for concern
about the safety of the measles containing vaccines, and it was a very
unsatisfactory relationship in as much that despite my repeated entreaties to Dr
Salisbury there was very little response in return of any substance, in fact it
took him 2 years to be forced into a position to respond and meet with me after
my first letter to him.
Now I come to the second part of your question which was about the introduction of two new vaccines in the recent past and that is the cervical cancer vaccine against Human Papilloma virus and the Swine Flu vaccine, and I have grave misgivings about these as does the very doctor who was part of the senior team to oversee the development of the cervical cancer vaccine in the United States. I have just been in a meeting with her where she has expressed major reservations about the commercial way in which the campaign to force this vaccine into American children has been conducted, and there are increasing reports of safety concerns with this vaccine. Now, I ahve no experience with this vaccine, I have no detailed knowledge of it at all but if it is rushed to commercialisation, rushed to licensing with anything like we have heard then we have every reason to be concerned.
My concern about the swine flu vaccine in this country is that it intends to reintroduce a substance that was eliminated some years ago and that is Thimerosal
, the mercury preservative. There is no safe level of Thimerosal, and there is most certainly no safe level to be given in an untested fashion to pregnant women or to infants, so why in heavens name is this now being reintroduced?And the other concern with the vaccines to be used in this country is the presence of Squalene, a substance, an oily substance that is used to boost the immune response, what is called an adjuvant, and again there have been major concerns about the safety of this adjuvant, as it was used in the Anthrax vaccine in the Gulf War, and despite continuous denial that Gulf War Syndrome was an entity in soldiers, it has now becoming increasingly accepted, broadly accepted, that GWS is real and that it is related to the vaccines and other toxins that the soldiers were given.
So it was a grossly exaggerated story and that is a shame, but it should never have been told in that setting, and you could reasonably argue it would bring the reputation into disrepute, and that is what they have argued.
The ethical side of doing it, or at least the lack of ethics committee approval, there was no approval to do it and nor did I think approval was necessary because it was done away from the Royal Free, it was done off site in a domestic setting if you like. That was naive and nowadays you would definitely need ethical committee approval, and you probably did then.
I didn't know about that and I wouldn't have told the story, obviously, if I had been aware that it was a problem or had been a problem at the time, so a combination of naivety and a bad sense of humour, but there was no, absolutely, abuse of the children and they were all very, very happy, and would do it again any time, not that they did, so it is just one of those things and if ultimately that is what they find me guilty of then that is a small charge in my mind compared to the much graver charge of having conducted dishonest and inappropriate research on children with autism.
[2010 April] Andrew Wakefield Interview by Dr Mercola
And finally, you would think that this community that's been beaten up and impoverished and is surrounded by all these experts who are telling them that they are wrong would go away. They're not going to go away. These parents aren't going to go away. The children aren't going to go away. And there was a recent study, I think it was from the University of Michigan after everything that had happened all the millions that have been spent on public relations, all the kicking and brutalizing of physicians who get involved in this, all of the discrediting; one in four parents believe that vaccines cause autism. In other words, Joe, they've lost. They've lost the public relations war. We've done nothing. From our side, this is the first time I've spoken about it. You and I are sitting here for the first time. We have done nothing. Our expenditure on public relation is zero. One in four parents in this country. Why? The answer is very simple, because it's real.[2010 April EW] Thank You, Captain Azti!
[2010 April] Support Dr Sarah Myhill Campaign Launched By Jane Bryant
Mumps in this country, in the U.S. the CDC did a study. When Maurice Hillerman went from Merck, the head of vaccines at Merck went to the CDC… I have a mumps vaccine; I would like you to use it. They did a study and they said there is no need. Mumps is a trivial disease in children; we do not need this vaccine. Exactly the same happened in the UK. The Department of Health, the Medicines Control Agency, the regulators in the UK said, this is a trivial disease in children. We do not need a mumps vaccine. But it got in. ....So you have effectively taken a trivial disease and by vaccinating, you have turned it into a more dangerous disease. Now, they are in a real mess. They are in a real mess because one dose of MMR doesn't prevent it. Two doses of MMR don't prevent it; three doses. You are creating a population that is dependent upon reboosting with vaccines for the rest of their lives to avoid this complication, a man-made complication.....There was incompetence. They were incompetent. They were so zealous. So urgently needed to get this vaccine into the market that they ignored the potential problems and now we have a big, big problem. Mumps vaccine is a dangerous vaccine. It does not work. [2010 April] Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Andrew Wakefield
[2010 April. Video transcripts] Dr Andrew Wakefield - In His own words
[2010 April] Vaccinated senior in critical condition
[2010 April] The GMC Hearings: Return to the House of Lies By Martin Walker
Where does it leave the GMC if you are not guilty?
Very good question on a very broad front. They have some tough decisions to
make. One on the level of the case itself, and have they misinstructed their
experts, are they going to have to retrench in a different set of charges. They
have to take time to structure those charges and get a response from their
experts. Are they going to be allowed to do that, I don't know, but it must be
becoming obvious to them now that much of the original information they were
given, was, had been, misconstrued, and basing their charges on that information
has been in error.
At another level they are under big pressure from the
Department of Health, and David Salisbury in particular has been calling them on
a regular basis urging them to prosecute this case more vigorously against me,
be nastier, be meaner, throw more in, and I know this because we get sent the
unused material, and so I took the opportunity (he didn't know this, I mean you
get all the telephone conversations, all the conversation between people, all
the draft reports which is an interesting advantage to us), so I was able to
write to David Salisbury and was able to say I am now in a position to have read
the unused material from the GMC, and I note your entreaties to them....He was
furious, he contacted the GMC and said: "I didn't know they were going to get
the unused material...you never told me, this is a disgrace!" And the
wonderful thing about that is that we get the documentation of that telephone
conversation as well (laughs).
So, you can see they are under a great deal of political
pressure to prosecute this case and it is interesting in the public domain David
Salisbury has said we don't want this to be seen as a vendetta on behalf of the
Department of Health. So, mixed messages.
PART TWO. The other dilemma they have is who do they
represent in the end? Because the GMC have historically stood for the patient,
the patients rights, the patients protection from, for example, medical
malpractice. Well, who do they stand for now because we stand for the
patients. Everything we have done is in the best interests of the children.
What they are representing and prosecuting is not on behalf of the children no
parent ahs complained against us, but on behalf of the Department of Health, on
behalf of the new kid on the block, 'the greater good.'
So here we have a body who has traditionally represented the
patient, the victim, if you like, against the medical profession or against
medical malpractice. Now they are defending the diktat of public health against
the rights of the individual.
S o they are in a real quandary, or if they are not they should be, about quite who they represent, because I know who I represent--the individual patient. [2010 April. Video] Dr Andrew Wakefield - In His own words Question 3
The two of the three vaccine brands that were introduced in 1988 had to be withdrawn for safety reasons and yet Dr Salisbury in his statement to the GMC sums up by saying this is a vaccine with an exemplary safety record. Well, if that is his idea of an excellent safety record then we have a very different perception he and I of vaccine safety. [2010 April. Video] Dr Andrew Wakefield - In His own words question 1
[1954] The Story Behind the Polio Vaccine by The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
[2010 April] Cancer vaccine programme suspended after 4 girls die
[2010 April] False accusations of Munchausen by Proxy, The Truth Behind the Label by Christina England I have written a series of six articles on false accusations of child abuse. The series is called 'False Accusations of Munchausen by Proxy: The truth behind the label'. My reason for doing this is to expose the truth and promote the work of professionals who I admire, whilst helping other families facing the pain of false accusations which I, as a falsely accused parent myself know so well.
[2010 April] MIDEAST: Israel Gags News on Extra-Judicial Killings An Israeli journalist remains under house arrest and another lives abroad, after they broke news on Israeli undercover units carrying out assassinations or "targeted killings" of non-combatant Palestinian political opponents.
[2010 April] HEALTH-CHINA : Wave of Anger Rises Over Vaccine Scandal
[2010 book] The Evidence, However, Is Clear…The Seroxat Scandal by Bob Fiddaman
[pdf 2009] Paroxetine - The Teratogenic Effect by Bob Fiddaman
"TAKE BACK THE PLANET" A Review of James Cameron's Avatar by John Lamb Lash
A Pagan is simply someone who lives in nature, in the country, close to
natural resources: Latin paganus. Not an urban person who lives caged
in a cell among strangers and relies on human-made and artificial means and
resources to live. All indigenous peoples are Pagan. Considered as a religion or
worldview, Paganism is the non-institutional, tribal or community orientation of
human culture to the non-humam world, with the intent to preserve a pact or bond
with the greater forces of the environment so that human society can survive in
a sane and harmonious manner. As such, Paganism is just the collective cultural
expression of the oldest worldview on earth, animism.
Protests against the film on the issue of nature worship are
likely to reveal in a most flagrant matter the stupidity and ignorant prejudice
of Christians entrapped in a series of mental glitches that runs something like
this: Pagan - tree-huggers - dirty hippies - indigenous savagery - nature
worship - Satanism - sadism - human sacrifice - orgies - black magic - harming
and killing people for the kick of it. Now that is a heady recipe for some
wicked fun, perhaps, but hardly equal to the record of the Church of the One
True Faith.
Think of a religion that offers a torture instrument as a
symbol of divine love and elevates suffering to a divine purpose: "The divine
victim mirrors to humanity, not the solution to our suffering and a way to
overcome it, but our total, consuming enslavement to it. Victimage works because
it makes the force of suffering look stronger than the life force itself."
----John Lash (Not in His Image: Ch. 19, A Unique Message of Love)
"TAKE BACK THE PLANET" A Review of James Cameron's Avatar by John Lamb Lash
[2010 April] Statement from Dr. Andrew Wakefield Regarding GMC Hearing Sanctions
Karmapolis Interview with John Lash
Interview of Eve Lorgen for German Website by Corinna Bloess From the abduction reports, I believe the Greys ( at least the ones performing genetic, medical and emotional experiments) and many Reptilians are seeking from us a delicacy that amounts to human prana and “kundalini sexual energy”. If we look deeply into the energetics and spiritual aspects of the abduction activities, we can see that there is something deeper going on. This is what the love bite” dramas led me to hypothesize. Primal creative energy can be generated from a human emotional and physical body through amplicfication of the sexual and kundalini energy pathways......In general the “negative aliens” will try to steal from us what they cannot produce on their own: primal creative love energy via kundalini arousal, and a deep emotional connection to the divine source.
[2002] Apartheid in the Holy Land by Desmond Tutu
[2010 March] The Dark Side of the Routine Newborn Vitamin K Shot
[2009 Book] Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide by Ben White
[2004] The Lacerta Files Interview with a Reptilian
'Super Resin' Saturday 24 April, 11am-onwards, Alexandra Park, Whalley Range, M16 Manchester
[2010 March] Plastic nanoparticles can move from mom to baby through placenta.
[2009] The
Invention of the Jewish People, by Shlomo Sand
"...According to Sand, the description of the Jews as a wandering and
self-isolating nation of exiles, "who wandered across seas and continents,
reached the ends of the earth and finally, with the advent of Zionism, made a
U-turn and returned en masse to their orphaned homeland," is nothing but
"national mythology." Like other national movements in Europe, which sought out
a splendid Golden Age, through which they invented a heroic past - for example,
classical Greece or the Teutonic tribes - to prove they have existed since the
beginnings of history, "so, too, the first buds of Jewish nationalism blossomed
in the direction of the strong light that has its source in the mythical Kingdom
of David."...
[2010 March] Shattering a 'national mythology'
Zionism and Nazism: Is there a difference that makes a difference?, by Roger Tucker
[2010] Us vs. Them: On the Meaning of
Fascism, by Roger Tucker Israel is exceptional in a number of ways:
1. It is the only nation that has ever been deliberately created with the
express purpose of occupying foreign territory through the ethnic cleansing of
its inhabitants.
2. It is the only nation that required the invention of a "people" to carry out
such a settler/colonialist project (1).
3. It is the only nation to have invented a religion (the Holycause) to
complement its secular political ideology (Zionism).
4. It is the only nation that is wholly parasitical, dependent on extorting the
economic means to survive from other societies that it (or its agents in other
countries) has effectively subverted.
[1993] Zionism and the Third Reich by Mark Weber In spite of the basic hostility between the Hitler regime and international Jewry, for several years Jewish Zionist and German National Socialist interests coincided. In collaborating with the Zionists for a mutually desirable and humane solution to a complex problem, the Third Reich was willing to make foreign exchange sacrifices, impair relations with Britain and anger the Arabs. Indeed, during the 1930s no nation did more to substantively further Jewish-Zionist goals than Hitler's Germany.
[2010 March] Utah Satanic Ritual Abuse: The Glenn L Pace Memo by Paul A. Drockton
[2010 March] The other side of statins: They've saved countless lives - but now doctors fear for some, the side effects could be devastating Risks: Statin drugs can memory loss, depression, sleep disturbance, sexual dysfunction and a rare lung disease, according to the drug safety watchdog.
[2010 March] EIP REPORT: ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY "NOT MAKING A DENT" IN DANGEROUS MERCURY POLLUTION, WHICH ROSE AT OVER HALF OF THE NATION'S 50 DIRTIEST POWER PLANTS More than half (27) of the nation's 50 worst power plants for mercury emissions increased their mercury emissions from 2007 to 2008 (the latest year for which data is available)
Tree yoga by Christine McPherson
[1996] The Spirit Of The Elder Tree By Glennie Kindred
[Smallpox in Remote Regions.] "Early 16th and 17th century smallpox epidemics in the remote regions of SE Asia and U.S. can be explained toxicologically. European-American trappers and hunters worked those regions. They used arsenic trioxide powder to make 'arsenic soap' to process and preserve the animal hides which they carried to distributors. If they camped upstream from an Indian village then the Indians would experience arsenic poisoning, thus the smallpox blisters and Indian epidemics. This is how the Lewis and Clark Expedition found already existing Indian smallpox epidemics far from Euro-American industry. The fur industry was already there with the Indians." - Jim West
"No one outside America any longer believes the US media or the US government...
You can't believe a word the American media says. If they say anything correct,
it's just an accident.
Paul Craig Roberts
[2010 Feb/March] Counterfeit Law: And They Think They Have Got Away With It By Martin Walker This last part of Counterfeit Law looks at the conflict of interest issue and the role of Dr Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet medical journal.
[2010 March] Discharged soldiers sue for millions over Anthrax experiment
[1989] Eisenhower's Death Camps. The Last Dirty Secret of World War Two by James Bacque
[2010 March] Wiki-Rath The Soros Connection
[2009] Wiki-Rath: Introducing 'MastCell'
[2008] Big Media: Not an Ally in the Campaign for Vitamin Freedom By Paul Anthony Taylor In 2008, British journalist Rachel Johnson admitted she had been "under pressure" to back an anti-vitamin story even though she "thought it was simply impossible to pin any of the outcomes on taking vitamins".
[pdf] Be Wise As Serpents by Fritz Springmeier
[2009 pdf] Radio Interview with Aajonus Aajonus Vonderplanitz
[2010 March EW] Transforming a Crime-Ridden London Neighborhood
[1987] Harley Swiftdeer Reagan By Moon Owl
[2009 pdf] Immunization
Graphs: Natural Infectious Disease Declines; Immunization Effectiveness; and
Immunization Dangers Prepared by: Raymond Obomsawin Ph.D.
Figures one (1) through eleven (11) graphically illustrate that
in North America, Europe, and the South Pacific , major declines in
life-threatening infectious diseases occurred historically either without, or
far in advance of public immunization efforts for specific diseases as listed.
This provides irrefutable evidence that vaccines are not necessary for the
effective elimination of a wide range of infectious diseases
Figures eleven (12) through twenty-four (24) graphically
illustrate that immunization is not by any means a proven and foolproof measure
for protection from various infectious disease conditions. It is often
inconsequential epidemiologically, and in some cases it is shown to actually
worsen health-care outcomes.
Obomsawin, Ph.D,
[2010 March] Vanessa Clifford etal. Mumps vaccine associated orchitis: Evidence supporting a potential immune-mediated mechanism We report 3 cases of orchitis following vaccination with mumps–measles–rubella (MMR) vaccine, two with an onset within 3 days following vaccination. Orchitis is a common complication of mumps infection, particularly in post-pubertal males, and is also recognized as a very rare complication of mumps vaccination. These cases, discussed together with a comprehensive review of the existing literature regarding post-vaccine orchitis, highlight uncertainty regarding the pathogenesis of post-vaccine orchitis.
[pdf] Purged thread BMJ rapid responses re: Brian Deer............edited and censored........
someone threatened the BMJ
They took Professor Dodge's letter out and John Stone's and Hilary's and Bill
They removed one sentence from Yazbak's........... this part "He should relax
and take a deep breath"
[2010 March]
Brian Deer Blunders in British Medical Journal By John Stone
[2007] Assault on our womanhood
[1984. Hysterectomy] Interview with Dr. Howard Posner and Nora W. Coffey
[2010 March] Health warning over statin taken by millions
[2010 March] Fombonne, Lord, Leventhal vs. Children with Autism By Katie Wright What kind of human being makes money by testifying against disabled children with autism?.....These parasites regularly take the stand in Vaccine Court in hopes of preventing sick autistic children from receiving financial compensation for their injuries. When I worked on forensic child abuse cases we had a word for these psychologists and doctors who were paid to testify against children. I’ll leave that to your imagination.
[2010 March] Vitamin D 'triggers and arms' the immune system
[2010 March] Agony of the very unlikely addicts:
Thousands of over-60s are hooked on tranquillisers that have turned them into
virtual zombies 1.5million people in the UK addicted to
benzodiazepines....Although UK benzodiazepine prescriptions have fallen since
their peak of 31 million a year in 1979, there were still 10.7 million
prescription for the drugs written in 2008. .....For those who try to give up
the withdrawal effects are severe, but unlike addictions to heroin and cocaine,
there is virtually no specialist assistance to help them quit.
..... 'My wife Joan says these drugs turned me into a zombie, but the truth is I
wouldn't know, as I have hardly any memory of the past 40 odd years,' says
Keith, a retired electrical engineer.
.....Barry Haslam: The withdrawal side effects were horrendous. I was
violently sick every day and over 15 months I lost 7st - half my body weight.
'I suffered night sweats that were so severe that I had to change the sheets
every day and had hallucinations and horrendous nightmares. My skin felt like it
was crawling with maggots and I became terrified of going out.....He claims they
wiped his memory and left him with brain shrinkage, visible on a scan.
.....Tess Higham, 80: 'My consultant just took the "cold turkey" approach of
stopping my tablets. The withdrawal symptoms were horrendous - my body was
flooded with adrenaline and I barely slept day or night for weeks. 'My head felt
as if it was being squeezed in a vice. Once, I suffered a convulsion which was
so violent I was later told it could have triggered a heart attack. It was
almost two years before all the withdrawal symptoms disappeared.'
[2010 March] Components of Extraneous Virus Detected in Rotarix Vaccine; No Known Safety Risk
[2010 March EW] Gifted Farm in Southern Sudan
[2010 March] Megatons of Aluminum to Rain Down from Global Experiment
[2010 March] Quadrupal Dose of Radiation For All - OFCOM 3G Power Boost
[2010 March] The GMC and the MMR case: 162-95 is the key By John Stone
[2010 March] Vitamin D better than vaccines at preventing flu, report claims
[2007] Police: Jewish GW Student Admits Putting Swastikas On Her Door
War Crimes: USA by Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, AUS Ret.
[2010 March] Britain. A breath of foul air More than 50,000 people are dying prematurely in the UK every year, and thousands more suffer serious illness because of man-made air pollution
[pdf 2010] Shamez Ladhani, MRCPCH et al. Continuing Impact of Infectious Diseases on Childhood Deaths in England and Wales, 2003–2005 There were 1,368 infection-related deaths documented, constituting 20% of all childhood deaths. An underlying medical condition was recorded in 50% (676 cases), the most common being prematurity in infants (322/660, 52%), cerebral palsy in 1 to 4 year olds (46/190, 24%), and malignancy (46/163, 28%) in 5 to 14 year olds. Of the 837 deaths where a pathogen was coded, 494 (59%) specified bacterial infection, 256 (31%) viral infection, and 69 (8%) fungal infection.
[2010 March] Mammograms cause 7,000 women to receive false positives each year in the UK
[2010 Feb] Prof. Francis Boyle: Israel Is Committing Genocide by MICHELE STEINBERG
[2010] The Military KNOWS Israel did 911 Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former director of studies at the US Army War College says that the military brass now know that Israel and those traitors within our nation committed the 911 attack
[2010 Feb] Top Project Censored Story of 2009: U.S. War Machine Kills Over One Million Iraqis
[2010 March] Parent Testimonial to UK GMC Panel, Update
[2010 March] Autism, Vaccines, Thimerosal: Further Study Needed By Julie Obradovic
[2010 March. Homeopathy] Debbie Moore hasn't seen a GP for 42 years
[2010 March] Sheri Nakken hosting webinar FRI Mar. 19 - On vaccine injury and cures in Australia
[2002] Episode 15 Carol Croft Takes An AIDS Cure To Kenya by Don Croft
[2009] Cod Liver Oil: Setting the Record Straight
[2010 March] The Autism-Vaccine Controversy Continues By Twyla Ramos
[2010 march] No More Fear by Dawn Richardson
[pdf] WHY I WROTE THE BOOK “THEY CAST NO SHADOWS” by Brian Desborough Desborough
[2010 Feb] Remarkable Paper in British Medical Journal - vitamin D
[2010 March. India] Babies dead after anti-measles shots
Copenhagen Police Investigating Autism Vaccine Researcher Dr. Poul Thorsen for Fraud
[March 2010 NZ] Letter to Paul Hutchison from Hilary Butler
We are perhaps fortunate in this country, that records on hospital admissions
for pertussis were never stopped after the vaccine was introduced, as was done
elsewhere in the world. Had we been so “stupid” as to do what all other
countries did, and stop all pertussis notification, period… we might not be in
the position today where the data from the Health Department (and the ESR for
that matter), conclusively proves that the pertussis vaccine in this country has
done nothing.
......What “gains” has Australia made which they didn’t have before, through
having a 95% whooping cough vaccination rate, when they had an 80% vaccination
rate? Their whooping cough vaccination rates have increased 20% in 9 years;
their number of vaccines has radically increased, yet their whooping cough rates
have increase 1200% in that time.
[March 2010 NZ] Letter to
Paul Hutchison from Hilary Butler
New Zealand has not used the Tuberculosis vaccine on a population basis for
many years now, since many studies have showed that it’s far more likely to
prevent Leprosy than TB? You have seen the TB deaths graph for New Zealand
haven’t you? If not, I’ve
attached if for
you. You do know that the BCG was only introduced for nurses in 1951, then for
teenagers, and was stopped in the late 80’s? And it beats me why the Health
Department still rolls it out for the supposedly “at risk” people who are the
very people in whom the trials have all showed that the vaccine doesn’t work?
You do know that the USA has never used the BCG because their trials return
negative protection results, and they found that it’s use prevented them being
able to effectively detect Tuberculosis in people with infection?
Tell me. Where is the re-emergences of nationwide TB
in New Zealand, without the universal use of BCG? You do know that there are
many studies showing that very high rates of vitamin D deficiency is widespread
in New Zealand? You do know that Vitamin D has been found to be effective in
the treatment of TB? This is all in recent medical literature. Would you like
me to send it to you? You do know, that Dr Robert Scragg, a New Zealander, has
written about the fact that influenza is primarily prominent amongst people with
vitamin D deficiency? You have heard that a recently published study, detailing
the first ever blinded RCT trial of vitamin D vs influenza, was highly effective
in preventing influenza, and much more so than the vaccine?
[March 2010 NZ] Letter to Paul Hutchison from
Hilary Butler
The Hidden Meaning of Lady Gaga’s “Telephone”
NHS - ConMed The failure of conventional medicine
[2010 Feb Interview] The US Military: A Mindset of Barbarism
[2010 March] Jesse Ventura's Censored 9/11 Commentary
[1994] 'Thalidomide' doctor alleges plot to gag him
[2010 Jan] “Mass Casualties”: The Dark Underbelly of Occupation, an Army Medic’s Account
[2010 March] Mum's on the poll for kids
[2010 March] Sebelius Asks Media to Censor Autism Debate by Katie Wright
[2005] Is wheat killing us? In China, the main predictor of heart disease rates in a given population is how much wheat flour (and other grains except rice) that population eats.
[2010 Jan Video] Coffee with Bradley Smith: The Power of Taboo
[2009] The Sugar Fix: The High-Fructose Fallout That Is Making You Fat and Sick by Richard J Johnson
Dr. Anjum Usman and Dr. Daniel Rossignol
The Inconstant Gardiner: The New York Times’ Fervent Disconnect Between Drug and Vaccine Reporting
[1988] Sacred Wheel Teachings and Self-Development Techniques by Swiftdeer
[2010 March letter] Re Gardasil vaccine
[2010 March Letter] MMR Toxicity Explained by Michael D Innis The truth is it is harming the children because as Wakefield and his colleagues have shown, some ingredient in the vaccine causes methymalonic acidaemia followed by cobalamine deficiency and consequently neurological lesions in genetically susceptible children. The government is blind to this and one way out of this dilemma it seems is for doctors to forgo the five pieces of silver and refuse to vaccinate children on the grounds that the oath they have sworn, "first do no harm" forbids such an action.
[2010 March] Brian Deer Blunders in British Medical Journal By John Stone
[2010 March] Coalition for Vaccine Safety Explains the Autism Omnibus Proceeding
[2010 March] FDA "Corruption" Letter Authenticated: Lawyers, Start Your Engines!
[2002] Evidence for Creation by Outside Intervention by Lloyd Pye
[2002] Archaeological Cover-ups-- A Plot to Control History? by Will Hart
[2002] DARWINISM : A Crumbling Theory by Lloyd Pye
[2002] The Hidden Face of Terrorism by Paul David Collins
[2005] Darwinism - The forbidden subject by Richard Milton
[2010 March] The Fallacy of Thimerosal Removal & Autism Increase: A Failure of Science, A Bigger Failure to Children Worldwide By Jake Crosby What is truly sad is that this big hungry lie continues to be repeated in order to justify the population-wide poisoning of countless infants and fetuses.
[2010 Feb/March] Counterfeit Law: And They Think They Have Got Away With It By Martin Walker
[2010 March] Federal Vaccine Court Rules Against Autism Families
[2010 March] French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment
[2010 March] Flu shots futile: study
[2010 March] Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2M by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
[2001] Medical Misdiagnoses and Their Consequences by Harold E Buttram, MD In regards to childhood autism, a condition characterized by severe mental regression, fifty or so years ago autism was so rare that many pediatricians had never heard about it. At least this was the experience of Dr. Bernard Rimland, founding director of Autism Research Institute. In 1956 Dr. Rimland, whose Ph.D. is in research psychology, had a son who was later found to be autistic. In his annual DAN (Defeat Autism Now) conferences Dr. Rimland is fond of telling the story about the early days with his son during which he had great difficulty in finding a pediatrician who knew anything about or who had ever seen a case of autism. How different it is now. Childhood autism has become so prevalent that there are very few who do not know of a family with an autistic child. Families with two autistic children are not uncommon, and I personally have seen a family in which all three of the family's children were autistic. Latest statistics estimate that over one half million American children are autistic, and with numbers steadily growing, there is no end in sight. It can be expected that treatments will improve the outlook of these children, but as far as is known at present, many or most of these will require custodial care for life, at an average cost to society as much as three million dollars per child.
In the opinion of this observer, the misdiagnoses in childhood autism come not in the diagnosis of the condition itself, something that is unmistakable once one has seen a few children with the condition, but from a failure to recognize autism as predominantly an environmental illness. (In this instance the term, "environmental illness," is used to include illnesses brought about by exposures to commercial chemicals and medical interventions as well infectious microorganisms and other exposures from the natural environment). This statement is based on a recent seminar on childhood autism held in the Washington D.C. area as sponsored by the National Institute of Health and other health agencies September 6th and 7th, 2001, at which the largest portion of the meeting was devoted to areas of genetics and neuropathology of autism. [2001] Medical Misdiagnoses and Their Consequences by Harold E Buttram, MD
[2010 March] 8 year old girl who becomes depressed from ingesting fluoride.
[2010 March] Baby in Britain is overdosed with BCG vaccine and is now being treated for TB by Christina England "A report by the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA), the watchdog which monitors NHS errors, looked at 949 incidents involving jabs reported in 2007. A detailed study was made of 138 of these cases, picked at random. Eight caused children ´moderate harm´.
[2010 March] Poul Thorsen's Mutating ResumeBy Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill
[2010 Video] The truth about "gun control"
[2010 March] Chicago Tribune Trumpets Another Anti-Treatment Autism Lawsuit. Why? By Teresa Conrick
[2009] The Captain Cook Conspiracy By GREG JEFFERYS
[2010 March] Bill Gates Talks About Vaccines to Reduce World Population by F William Engdahl
Apollo 12 by Dave McGowan Launch Date: February 23, 2010
[2010 March] First Fraud: Dr. Poul Thorsen
and the original “Danish Study” By J.B. Handley It’s hard to put into
words how dishonest and outrageous a study this is, and I knew after reading it
that we were in for a long fight: if scientists will lie this explicitly and
call it a study and if Pediatrics will publish something this dishonest, they
are playing to win at all costs. .....Danish children receive 75% less
Thimerosal than American children, they receive immunizations when they are
older, and the U.S. autism rate is TEN TIMES the rate of Denmark (Denmark is 1
in 1,600, U.S. is 1 in 166). .....Of the seven co-authors of the study, three
had received direct funding from the CDC on vaccine-safety related projects. Two
of the authors were employees of Statens Serum Institute, a Danish vaccine
..The public health establishment seems to have a simple strategy: get anything
published, and then spin the hell out of it and confuse the public, and they
perhaps never did it better than with this original “Danish study” which is
still cited as proof by many that “vaccines don’t cause autism.”
[2010 March 2] The Murderous Mossad and 9-11 by Christopher Bollyn
[2004 Aug 15] Depleted Uranium Blamed for Cancer Clusters Among Iraq War Vets by Christopher Bollyn
[2005 Aug 6] The Real Dirty Bombs: Depleted Uranium by Christopher Bollyn
[2010 March] Spanish exorcist addresses claims of Satanic influence in Vatican
[2008] An Act of State, the execution of Martin Luther King by William F. Pepper
The Wakefield Inquisition: Case Series Insanity
[2010 Feb] Flu shot blamed for paralysis Stephanie Willette went from being a healthy nursing student to suddenly being a helpless patient paralyzed from the neck down with a tracheotomy so she could breathe. Today the 20-year-old is slowly recovering in a Kingston rehab hospital, still unable to sit up, but hoping that she’ll eventually walk again.
[2010 March] Teen Paralyzed After Getting H1N1 Vaccine
[1995] Lupus: Interview with Dick Shulze by Sam Biser
[2010 March] Vaccines 'are making our dogs sick as vets cash in' Some puppies have developed conditions including autism and epilepsy after a raft of injections, it warns....some have suffered dramatic changes in behaviour or been diagnosed with cancer within months of the injections, Canine Health Concern says. ....Richard Allport, a Hertfordshire vet who has signed the letter to the VMD, said he was 'constantly' seeing animals that had developed 'worrying symptoms' after vaccination.
[2010 Feb Letter] Did retracting the paper matter? by F. Edward Yazbak
[pdf] The Natural Cure for Spiritual Disease: A Guide into Buddhist Science by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu
Orgonite Results Full Page In "Future Visions" Boo
with a page written by Mark Bennett:
more info on the print on demand book at:
[2010 March] Reptilian Experiencer and Author 'Susan Reed' Found Dead in the Bahamas
[2006] Underground Bases, Missing Children and Extra-Terrestrials By James Casbolt,
[2006] Global drug trade is controlled and run by the intelligence agencies by James Casbolt
[Video] Coffee with Bradley Smith : EDUCATION OR SUBJUGATION? 03 March 2010.(6:30 min). Smith addresses the opinion piece by UW-Madison Chancellor Biddy Martin, published in the Badger Herald on 02 March. He questions the Holocaust ideology maintained by the professorial class whereby the professor holds absolute authority over what questions students can ask and cannot ask about the Holocaust without putting themselves at risk of self-destruction.
[2006] Pesticides exposure associated with parkinson's disease
[2006] Pesticide Use Increases Chance of Parkinson's in Men
[2009 pdf] USMVP’s Petition to Secretary Shinseki. Re: Petition for Presumptive Service-Connection for Parkinson’s disease due to herbicide exposures exposures to herbicides used in Vietnam have a positive association with Parkinson’s disease in exposed Veterans.
Gorell JM, Peterson EL, Rybicki BA, Johnson CC. Multiple risk
factors for Parkinson's disease. J Neurol Sci. 2004 Feb
15;217(2):169-74.Department of Neurology, Henry Ford Health Sciences Center,
Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI, USA.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the relative contribution of various risk factors to the
development of Parkinson's disease (PD). METHODS: Ten variables that were
independently associated with PD in a health system population-based
case-control study of epidemiological risk factors for the disease were jointly
assessed. Stepwise logistic regression, adjusted for sex, race and age was used
to develop a multiple variate model that best predicted the presence of PD. The
population attributable risk was estimated for each variable in the final model,
as well as for all factors together. RESULTS: The 10 initial variables included
>20 years occupational exposure to manganese or to copper, individually; >20
years joint occupational exposure to either lead and copper, copper and iron, or
lead and iron; a positive family history of PD in first- or second-degree
relatives; occupational exposure to insecticides or herbicides; occupational
exposure to farming; and smoking. Logistic regression resulted in a final model
that included >20 years joint occupational exposure to lead and copper (p=0.009;
population attributable risk [PAR]=3.9%), occupational exposure to insecticides
(p=0.002; PAR=8.1%), a positive family history of PD in first- and second-degree
relatives (p=0.001; PAR=12.4%), and smoking </=30 pack-years or not smoking
(p=0.005; PAR=41.4%). All four variables combined had a PAR=54.1%. CONCLUSIONS:
Our final model of PD risk suggests that occupational, environmental lifestyle
and, likely, genetic factors, individually and collectively, play a significant
role in the etiology of the disease. Clearly, additional risk factors remain to
be determined through future research.
[2010 March] Brian Deer Hired to "Find Something Big" on MMR By John Stone
[2010 March EW] Vanishing Tsunami
[2010 March] Santa Clara County sues Glaxo over diabetes drug
Winston Churchill: British Bulldog This is the definitive biography of the much celebrated Tory who made it big via the special dispensation bestowed upon him by the British class system. Author, Emrys Hughes, pulls no punches in this illuminating life of a complete twit. This an unedited pdf, slightly over 3 megs in size.
[Book] Pearl Harbor After a Quarter of a Century by Harry Elmer Barnes This essay was Harry Elmer Barnes last. He passed away a week after completing the final draft, 25 August 1968 at the age of 79. Originally published in Vol. IV 1968 of Left and Right with an introduction by Murray N. Rothbard, it was the final and fatal blow to the "last remaining good-war and good-war-President myth."
Spying on Americans has become big business
[2010 Feb] Torture and the shame of MI5: Top judge says security service is dubious and untruthful
[2010 March Letter] How Unfortunate! Dr. Yazbak to BMJ What is happening to Professor Walker-Smith, Professor Simon Murch and Dr. Andrew Wakefield, three dedicated and wonderful physicians is unjust, unfair and unforgivable.
[2010 March] Peter Sutcliffe seeks release date as psychiatrist says conviction for murder was wrong The psychiatrist, who has treated Sutcliffe since 2001, said that it was the unanimous view of his colleagues that the Ripper was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia at the time of his crimes.
[2010 March] Silenced Witnesses: UK Autism Parents Speak Out
[2010 March] Joan Cranmer’s Fateful Decisions and the Suppression of Autism Science By Mark Blaxill
[2010 Feb] Soft Drink Consumption Linked to Pancreatic Cancer
[2010 March EW] A Flood of Emails Allegedly from our African Associates
here is the senate record of the corruption instigated by Glaxo with regard to covering up the deaths and injuries from Avandia. http://www.yousendit.com/download/RmNCSmIvYWJwcFZFQlE9PQ
[2010 March] German victim is first to break silence on Red Army rapists after 65 years
[2008] Stalin's army of rapists: The brutal war crime that Russia and Germany tried to ignore
David Irving's Introduction to the Morgenthau Plan Morgenthau
Ernst Zundel, Europe's most famous political Prisoner of Conscience, has been released from Mannheim Prison this morning, March 1st.Below is a photo taken just a few minutes ago, showing Ernst with his splendid Austrian defense attorney, Dr. Herbert Schaller who, at the young age of 87, fought like a lion for Ernst's release! http://www.revisionists.com/revisionists/zundel.html
Weed, Booze, Cocaine and Other Old School "Medicine" Ads
[2010 Feb] Revealed: British Premier Gordon Brown Is A Paedophile By Mike James
Sharon Osbourne, Satanic pin up girl
[2008] America's First Amphetamine Epidemic 1929-1971 By Nicolas Rasmussen The latest national surveys show that about 3 million Americans used amphetamine- type stimulants nonmedically in the past year, 600,000 in the past week, and that 250,000 to 350,000 are addicted.
Plesner AM, Hansen FJ, Taudorf K, Nielsen LH, Larsen CB,
Pedersen E.
Gait disturbance interpreted as cerebellar ataxia after MMR
vaccination at 15 months of age: a follow-up study.
Department of Epidemiology, Statens Serum Institute,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Acta Paediatr. 2000 Jan;89(1):58-63.http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/119933045/PDFSTART
Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination was included in the Danish
childhood vaccination programme in 1987. During the following 10-y period, 550
notification records of adverse events after MMR vaccination at 15 mo of age
have been registered, and a total of 41 notifications have included "gait
disturbance". This corresponds to a frequency of 8 per 100,000 doses of MMR
vaccine used for 15-mo-old children. The symptoms and signs are characteristic
of cerebellar ataxia. In 28 notifications, the descriptions by the doctors
included only "gait disturbance", while in 13 an additional interpretation was
included. Thirty-two parents (78%) filled in a questionnaire and 26 (63%) agreed
to participate in a clinical follow-up study. The gait disturbance symptoms
mainly occurred 7-14 d after the vaccination, and the duration was median 1-2 wk
(range 1 d to more than 4 mo).
One-third of the children had symptoms lasting more than 2 wk. Significantly
more children with long duration of symptoms had some kind of complaint or
clinical signs at the follow-up in 1997. Gait disturbance registered after MMR
vaccination seems to be more frequent than hitherto reported. Most cases are
mild and short-lasting and a longer duration of symptoms seems to be predictive
of late sequelae. A clinical diagnosis of cerebellar
ataxia after MMR and the exact frequency of this adverse event remains to be
tested in prospective studies.
A Bibliography of Scientific Literature on Fluoride
[2010 Feb] Bill Gates: We can lower the world's population with vaccines “if we do a really great job on vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [his initial 2050 global population projection of 9-billion] by perhaps about 10 to 15 percent.”....We proposed several years back a birth control vaccine which induces the formation of antibodies against the human pregnancy hormone, the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
[1994] Fluoride and Lead by Frances Frech
Colloidal Silver - Universal Internal/External Antibiotic From ECHO News
Report: Colloidal Silver From Health Consciousness Magazine
A Few Unique, Plus Traditional Uses For Silver Colloid By Dr. Robert C. Beck
Colloidal Silver: Application & Uses By: Martin Robey
Commercial Colloidal Silver By Ken Adachi
Theory &
Notes on Making Colloidal Silver By Ken Adachi
Usage By Ken Adachi
What Exactly Is Colloidal Silver? By Marvin Robey
Suppressed Miracle Mineral Re-Discovered By: Steve LaFontaine
Colloidal Silver: A Closer Look By Peter A. Lindemann
The Return of Silver in Healing: Colloidal Silver - Nature's Alternative to Antibiotics
Did Israel deliberately allow 241 American Marines to die ? by Joseph Sobran Mr. Ostrovsky says the Israelis had advance notice of the suicide attack that killed 241 Marines in Beirut in October 1983 but withheld the information from the United States in the hope that the attack would poison American Arab relations.
[2010 Feb] H1N1 shot blamed for Calgary woman's rare disorder Her kidneys were shutting down. Doctors eventually diagnosed it as vasculitis, an inflammation that destroys blood vessels.
[2010 pdf] Francis J. DiMario et al, J Child
Neurol 2010 A 16-Year-Old Girl With Bilateral Visual Loss and Left
Hemiparesis Following an Immunization Against Human Papilloma Virus
We report the course of a 16-year-old girl who presented with near complete
visual loss associated with chiasmal neuritis and a biopsy proven tumefactive
demyelinating lesion on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in association with a
recent immunization against human papilloma virus. She had received her second
vaccination against human papilloma virus 10 days prior to her presentation.
Larger epidemiologic studies will be needed to confirm a role of the human
papilloma virus immunization and demyelinating disease.
[2010 Feb] Jenny McCarthy In 'Time': I Fixed My Son's Autism
[2010 Jan] Colloidal Silver Banned in
Europe, Part III: An Exclusive Interview with Anders Sultan, Sweden’s Largest
Colloidal Silver Manufacturer Big Pharma hates silver. Pure and
simple. It’s too competitive. It allows the little guy a way of taking care of
infectious illness without using pharmaceutical drugs. On the broader
level, Big Pharma and the ruling elite know extremely well that the less
nutrition a consumer gets his hands on, the more prone he is to become
malnourished and end up at a doctor's office with symptoms of some disease that
requires prescription drugs......by re-classifying it as a water disinfectant,
we can finally legally claim that the product is capable of killing bacteria,
virus, fungus and one celled parasites - without risking spending a year in
prison for making claims.....NASA researched 23 different methods of water
purification and finally chose a silver water filter system for recycling and
disinfecting water aboard the space shuttles.
We also had a study conducted on our Ionosil product that
proves it is extremely effective on MRSA, which of course is a highly
antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria. We even got a testimonial from a woman who
contracted MRSA, and struggled with dual forms of antibiotics for three months
with no improvement. But once she started using our product internally and
topically, the MRSA was gone within 24 hours.
.....Danish scientists on the other hand, did a thorough follow-up on all their
400 cataloged antibiotic-resistant strains and found that not a single one of
these bacterial strains were resistant to silver. So it turns out that silver
would actually be the answer needed to solve the problems they’re having with
drug-resistant bacterial strains.
......In retaliation for not deleting the testimonials altogether, as we’d been
ordered to do, Swedish authorities staged a nasty news story that aired on the
Swedish national news in November 2007. This was on a Sunday evening, when as
many people as possible were watching television. They erroneously claimed our
product would cause argyria and turn people Gray. They also claimed it would
damage people’s internal organs, create antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria
and to top it off, they claimed our product is a threat to the environment!
Of course, their claims were laughable. But we lost about 30% of our sales
from the assault. Nobody from the authorities contacted us to ask anything
before airing the story. We could have easily proven them wrong, but nobody
wanted to hear our side of the story first. They just let loose with both
barrels. The media is obviously controlled by the same people who benefited from
assaulting us and our product.
However, after a lot of written communication with the authorities, we
finally got an apology from one of the people at the food side of the Swedish
FDA.She admitted they had no knowledge of how much silver was required to give a
person argyria, and she apologized for the situation, admitting they should have
spoken of silver in general rather than focusing on our product.
But…they wouldn't go public with the apology. No sir. Their senior lawyer
told us they had no intent of doing that.
An American company called Ocean Grown in Florida has developed a process which extracts natures 90+ elements out of the ocean so that it may be used to remineralize the soil. You can learn more at www.oceangrown.com.
[2005] Not guilty. The Israeli captain who emptied his rifle into a Palestinain schoolgirl "This is commander. Anything that's mobile, that moves in the zone, even if it's a three-year-old, needs to be killed. Over."
[2010 Feb] Defiant healer says he is ready for court fight
[Vaccination with the DTP vaccine on schedule led to double the amount of
McDonald KL, Huq SI, Lix LM, Becker AB, Kozyrskyj AL. Delay in
diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccination is associated with a reduced risk of
childhood asthma.
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences, University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
BACKGROUND: Early childhood immunizations have been viewed as promoters of
asthma development by stimulating a T(H)2-type immune response or decreasing
microbial pressure, which shifts the balance between T(H)1 and T(H)2 immunity.
OBJECTIVE: Differing time schedules for childhood immunizations may explain the
discrepant findings of an association with asthma reported in observational
studies. This research was undertaken to determine whether timing of diphtheria,
pertussis, tetanus (DPT) immunization has an effect on the development of
childhood asthma by age 7 years. METHODS: This was a retrospective longitudinal
study of a cohort of children born in Manitoba in 1995. The complete
immunization and health care records of cohort children from birth until age 7
years were available for analysis. The adjusted odds ratio for asthma at age 7
years according to timing of DPT immunization was computed from multivariable
logistic regression. RESULTS: Among 11, 531 children who received at least 4
doses of DPT, the risk of asthma was reduced to (1/2) in children whose first
dose of DPT was delayed by more than 2 months. The likelihood of asthma in
children with delays in all 3 doses was 0.39 (95% CI, 0.18-0.86). CONCLUSION: We
found a negative association between delay in administration of the first dose
of whole-cell DPT immunization in childhood and the development of asthma; the
association was greater with delays in all of the first 3 doses. The mechanism
for this phenomenon requires further research.
[HIB Vaccine can cause type 1 diabetes]
Wahlberg J, et al. Vaccinations may induce diabetes-related autoantibodies in
one-year-old children. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003 Nov;1005:404-8. Division
of Pediatrics, Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health
Sciences, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
Vaccinations have been discussed as one among many environmental candidates
contributing to the immune process that later may lead to type 1 diabetes. ABIS
(All Babies in Southeast Sweden) is a prospective cohort study following a
nonselected birth cohort of general population. In a randomly selected sample
collection from 4400 children, GADA and IA-2A have been determined at the age of
1 year. The information on vaccinations was collected from questionnaires
answered by the parents and was related to beta cell autoantibodies. When
studying the induction of autoantibodies using the autoantibody level of 90th
percentile as cutoff level, hemophilus influenza B (HIB) vaccination appeared to
be a risk factor for IA-2A [OR 5.9 (CI 1.4-24.4; p = 0.01)] and for GADA [OR 3.4
(CI 1.1-10.8; p = 0.04)] in logistic regression analyses. Furthermore, the
titers of IA-2A were significantly higher (p < 0.01 in Mann-Whitney test) in
those children who had got HIB vaccination. When 99th percentile was used as
cutoff to identify the children at risk of type 1 diabetes, BCG vaccination was
associated with increased prevalence of IA-2A (p < 0.01). We conclude that HIB
vaccination may have an unspecific stimulatory polyclonal effect increasing the
production of GADA and IA-2A. This might be of importance under circumstances
when the beta cell-related immune response is activated by other mechanisms.
PMID: 14679101
[Vaccinated children had more eczema, asthma hay fever and food allergy]
Bernsen RM, Nagelkerke NJ, Thijs C, van der Wouden JC. Reported
pertussis infection and risk of atopy in 8- to 12-yr-old vaccinated and
non-vaccinated children.
Department of General Practice, Erasmus MC - University Medical Center
Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. roos.bernsen@uaeu.ac.ae
Pertussis infection has been suspected to be a potential causal factor in the
development of atopic disease because of the effect of pertussis immunization on
specific IgE antibodies. Although several studies found a positive association
between pertussis infection and atopic disorders, this relationship has not yet
been studied in a population stratified by vaccination status. To assess the
association between pertussis infection and atopic disorders in pertussis-unvaccinated
children and in pertussis-vaccinated children. Using data from a previously
conducted study on the relationship between the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-(inactivated)
poliomyelitis vaccination in the first year of life and atopic disorders, the
study population of 1872 8-12 yr old was divided into children pertussis-unvaccinated
and children pertussis-vaccinated in the first year of life. Within each group,
the association between pertussis infection and atopic disorders (both as
reported by the parents) was assessed. In the unvaccinated group, there were no
significant associations between pertussis infection and atopic disorders. In
the vaccinated group, all associations between pertussis infection and atopic
disorders were positive, the associations with asthma [odds ratio (OR) = 2.24,
95% confidence interval (CI(95%)): 1.36-3.70], hay fever (OR = 2.35, CI(95%):
1.46-3.77) and food allergy (OR = 2.68, CI(95%): 1.48-4.85) being significant.
There was a positive association between pertussis infection and atopic
disorders in the pertussis vaccinated group only. From the present study, it
cannot be concluded whether this association is causal or due to reverse
[2010 Feb] Dr Wakefield's Inquisitioners
Have Their Day By Dr Sherri Tenpenny
I have a friend in Maine who is a nephrologist. She consults on patients who
need dialysis. Just by asking the question, "When was your last vaccine?” she
has found nine patients – most with previously normal kidney function – who
developed acute renal failure within two to 28 days of the shot. All but one
needed kidney dialysis.
Wakefield's observation, finding vaccine-strain measles in
the gut of *some* autistic children, has been replicated by other researchers.
> Japanese study: Detection and Sequencing
of Measles Virus from Peripheral Mononuclear Cells from Patients with
Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Autism
> NJ Medical School: Dysregulated Innate
Immune Responses in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Their
Relationship to Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Dietary Intervention
[2007] MMR Vaccination Rates in the United Kingdom Before 1998 By F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP Thousands of British parents were not in favor of MMR vaccination before Andrew J. Wakefield published his original study in The Lancet in February 1998.
[2010] The Return of the Body Snatchers By Israel Shamir
[2010 Feb] Trisha Greenhalgh's Competing Interests in Wakefield Case By John Stone
[2010 Feb] Patients' Voice Excluded From Homeopathy Investigation Only one practising homeopath was allowed to speak (there are about 2,500 registered homeopaths in the UK), and not a single patient was asked for their view (there are about 6,000,000 patients using homeopathy in the UK). Does this sound as though the oral submissions represented a balanced perspective?
[2010 Feb] Doctor Training Aided by Drug Industry Cash At issue are potential conflicts of interest as the residency programs accept drug company support to help train tens of thousands of new doctors at a point in their careers when they are beginning to prescribe drugs, according to the survey report.
[2009] Afghanistan : No War for Heroin By Israel Shamir
[2010 Feb] On the matter of the Lancet retraction by Hilary Butler
[2010 Feb] Serious birth defects linked to the agricultural chemical atrazine
[pdf] Depo-Provera® Contraceptive
Injection Each mL contains: Medroxyprogesterone acetate 150 mg,
Polyethylene glycol 3350 28.9 mg,
Polysorbate 80
2.41 mg, Sodium chloride 8.68 mg, Methylparaben 1.37 mg, Propylparaben 0.150 mg,
Water for injection qs
Gardasil contains.............50 mcg of polysorbate 80 X 3 injections =
150 mcg (.15 mg)
[2008 pdf] The dangerous impurities of vaccines by Janine Roberts It was reported by leading experts that the vaccines could not be purified, were "primitive," made on "crude materials," and the manufacturers could not meet lowered government standards. WHO specialists reported the widespread and continuing presence in the MMR vaccine of chicken leukosis virus. Others spoke about the presence of foamy virus, many other viruses, toxins, foreign proteins, enzymes and possibly prions and oncogenes. It was re-ported that the polio vaccine had sometimes contained more monkey viruses than polioviruses. Grave concerns were expressed about the level of foreign residual DNA and RNA contaminating the vaccines. It was feared that this could be causing cancers and autoimmune diseases. It seemed possible to this writer that, given its mutagenic properties, this DNA contamination might relate to the incidence of autism and other serious disorders occurring in the vulnerable after vaccination. Experimental evidence also suggests that there could be a link of autism to environmental toxins such as acrylamide.
[2010 Feb] Counterfeit Law: And They Think They Have Got Away With It By Martin Walker
Carol and I invented the powerwand over seven years ago because the Succor Punch had become insufficient to protect us......Not long after that, one of the psychics in the weekly chats figured out that we could get better results by just sending energy from our hearts to our assailants' hearts. It worked better than all the tools we'd developed. [2010 Feb EW] Powerwand Magic
[2010 Feb EW] Baghdad GiftingWakefield Moving into New Leadership Role in Autism Community, Leaving Thoughtful House.
The Adventures of Don & Carol Croft
Daniel's Story Stop calling it Autism!
[1990] By Way of Deception: A Devastating Insider's Portrait of the Mossad by Victor Ostrovsky
[1976] The Hidden Tyranny: The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview
[2010 Feb] Glaxo Knew Avandia Caused Heart Risk, Report Says (Update1)
[2010 Feb] Dr. Steven Novella Makes The Case for Vaccine Autism Link... By Mistake By J.B. Handley
[2010] Official Recommended Intake for Vitamin D is Too Low
[2009] How Scientific Is Scientific Medicine? by Len Saputo, MD with Byron Belitsos
[2009 Aug] LITTLE
Not only has mass polio vaccination not eradicated
paralytic poliomyelitis, it has caused a number of outbreaks of paralysis
directly linked to the administered vaccines.
These days, when a vaccinee develops poliomyelitis, it may
not be called poliomyelitis; instead, it may be called viral or aseptic
meningitis, ascending paralysis (Guillain-Barre syndrome), cerebral palsy (over
75 per cent of cases are not diagnosed at birth but after six months) or other
such names. According to MMWR (1997; 32[29]:384-385), there are 30,000 to 50,000
cases of aseptic meningitis every year in the United States. Considering that
the vast majority (99 per cent) of the reported cases in the pre-vaccine era
were non-paralytic and would have corresponded to aseptic or aviral meningitis,
then vaccination has actually increased the incidence of poliomyelitis. In the
pre-vaccine era, such high numbers only occurred in some epidemics. Now, such
numbers occur every year, year by year.
[2009] Dirty Electricity and the Link to Cancer by Donna Fisher
[2010 Feb] Dr. Tim O'Shea's FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER Upcoming Seminars
[2010 Feb. Letter] Chemtrails and Bee Decline Three days later, there were no wasps or bees to be seen anywhere in the area. It took several more days before we saw a wasp or a bee again. Their numbers did recover, but only to a small fraction of what they had been before the chemtrails. The only conclusion we can reach is that the chemtrails contained some kind of insecticide and was deliberately intended to kill off the wasp and bee populations.
The Thirteenth Tribe The Khazar Empire and its Heritage By Arthur Koestler
A cure for Sinusitis nothing worked. Until I started adding kelp and dulce seaweeds to our daily smoothies.
According to one theory, the six-pointed "shield of David" which adorns the modern Israeli flag, started to become a national symbol with David al-Roy's crusade. "Ever since," writes Baron, "it has been suggested, the six-cornered 'shield of David', theretofore mainly a decorative motif or a magical emblem, began its career toward becoming the chief national-religious symbol of Judaism. Long used interchangeably with the pentagram or the 'seal of Solomon', it was attributed to David in mystic and ethical German writings from the thirteenth century on, and appeared on the Jewish flag in Prague in 1527."32 The Thirteenth Tribe The Khazar Empire and its Heritage By Arthur Koestler
After the massacres of 1391 and 1411 which swept the Peninsula, over 100,000 Jews at a moderate estimate - accepted baptism. But a considerable proportion of them continued to practice Judaism in secret. These crypto-Jews, the Marranos, prospered, rose to high positions at court and in the ecclesiastical hierarchy, and intermarried with the aristocracy. After the expulsion of all unrepentant Jews from Spain (1492) and Portugal (1497) the Marranos were regarded with increasing suspicion; many were burned by the Inquisition, the majority emigrated in the sixteenth century to the countries around the Mediterranean, to Holland, England and France. Once in safety, they openly reverted to their faith and, together with the 1492-7 expellees, founded the new Sephardic communities in these countries. The Thirteenth Tribe The Khazar Empire and its Heritage By Arthur Koestler
Among the Volga Bulgars, Ibn Fadlan found a strange custom: When they observe a man who excels through quick wittedness and knowledge, they say: "for this one it is more befitting to serve our Lord." They seize him, put a rope round his neck and hang him on a tree where he is left until he rots away. ...Commenting on this passage, the Turkish orientalist Zeki Validi Togan, undisputed authority on Ibn Fadlan and his times, has this to say:25 "There is nothing mysterious about the cruel treatment meted out by the Bulgars to people who were overly clever. It was based on the simple, sober reasoning of the average citizens who wanted only to lead what they considered to be a normal life, and to avoid any risk or adventure into which the "genius" might lead them." He then quotes a Tartar proverb: "If you know too much, they will hang you, and if you are too modest, they will trample on you." He concludes that the victim 'should not be regarded simply as a learned person, but as an unruly genius, one who is too clever by half". This leads one to believe that the custom should be regarded as a measure of social defence against change, a punishment of non-conformists and potential innovators. The Thirteenth Tribe The Khazar Empire and its Heritage By Arthur Koestler
In Germany, the average Jews were victims of the Zionist elite who worked hand in hand with the Nazis. Many of those same Zionist Jews who, in Germany, had worked with the Nazis, came to Israel and joined hands with the Zionist/Communist Jews from Poland and Russia. It is the two faces of communism and Nazi-style fascism that rule Israel. Democracy is merely an illusion. Regarding the tie between the elite Ashkenazi Jew and the Nazis, take a look at the word 'Ashkenazi' -- look again 'Ashke-NAZI'. Interesting isn't it? [1985] The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel Jack Bernstein
[2000 pdf] Wakefield, Montgomery. Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine: through a glass, darkly
Greg Caton Online book: www.meditopia.org
[2009] Criminal FDA Gangsters Kidnap Greg Caton From Ecuador
[2009 pdf] Andrew J Wakefield et al. Response to Dr. Ari Brown and the Immunization Action Coalition
[2010 Jan] General Ivashov: “International terrorism does not exist” Only secret services and their current chiefs – or those retired but still having influence inside the state organizations – have the ability to plan, organize and conduct an operation of such magnitude. Generally, secret services create, finance and control extremist organizations. Without the support of secret services, these organizations cannot exist – let alone carry out operations of such magnitude inside countries so well protected. Planning and carrying out an operation on this scale is extremely complex. Osama bin Laden and “Al Qaeda” cannot be the organizers nor the performers of the September 11 attacks. They do not have the necessary organization, resources or leaders. Thus, a team of professionals had to be created and the Arab kamikazes are just extras to mask the operation.
[2010 Feb] Oh Brother, Gardiner Harris Has Pharma Ties By Jake Crosby
[2009] Book about killing gentile children becomes bestseller in Israel Shapiro... claims his edict “is fully justified by the Torah and the Talmud.”
Dancing Israelis on 9/11 http://www.youtube.com
[2009] American Jews eye Obama's 'anti-Israel' appointees Every appointee to the American government must endure a thorough background check by the American Jewish community.
[2010 Feb] £115m annual flu jab cost 'may be a waste of money'
Ehud Barak - Israeli Top Murderer by By Dr. William Pierce
[2010 Feb] U.S Army Chief: “Iran attack option on the table”
[2008] Terror police feared gun battle with Israeli general
[2010 Feb] Anti-vaccine studies also threaten homeland security By Tevi Troy
[2010 Feb] £45 shops ‘bribe’ for cervical cancer jab for teenage girls
[1985] The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel Jack Bernstein
[2010 Feb] Cocktail of five vitamins may give cancer patients an extra two years
[2010 EW] Orgonite Gets Dumped Into Giant Marsh The water became a cool blue color with NO SLIME! Amazing transformation, I asked many fisherman what's going on with water quality. A lot of them said it's the first time in forever the lake did not have slime and scum. They were dumbfounded.
[2006] CASE STUDY: campaigning against pesticides
[2010 Feb] Paul A.Drockton vs The Illuminati by PAUL A. DROCKTON
[2010 Feb] Dr. Wakefield and The Strange Case of the Censorious Phone Call By Martin Walker
Why I did what I did – why I do what I do by Meryl Dorey
[2010 Feb] Cancer and pesticides: victims fight for justice After long battles, three farmers in France have won legal claims that their cases of cancer and Parkinson's disease were caused by working with pesticides..... Two other agriculturalists in France have won recognition for the link between pesticides and their leukaemia. ....other farmers and agricultural workers with cancers such as myeloma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are trying to gain recognition and compensation for their conditions.
[2010 Feb] Afghan Leaders Call Surge “Imbecilic and Tragic” By Gordon Duff
UK General Medical Council Told Docs “Commit Fraud for MMR Vaccine Bonuses”
[2003] The Allied Holocaust At Dresden By Don Harkins
[911] super-thermite
[pdf] Fluoride Lead Arsenic
[2010 Feb] No Parent Ever Complained to GMC: Public Statement from Lancet Families Supports The MMR3
[2010 Feb] Israel is accused of waging covert war across the Middle East
[2009] The Amazing Story Behind the Global Warming Scam By John Coleman
[2010 Feb 8] Dying in Vain - Why Afghanistan? by Christopher Bollyn
Obama repeated the following key lies about 9-11 and Afghanistan during his
Lie No. 1: I am convinced that our security is at stake in Afghanistan
and Pakistan. This is the epicenter of the violent extremism practiced by
al-Qaeda. It is from here that we were attacked on 9/11, and it is from here
that new attacks are being plotted as I speak.
Lie No. 2: It is important to recall why America and our allies were
compelled to fight a war in Afghanistan in the first place. We did not ask for
this fight. On September 11, 2001, 19 men hijacked four airplanes and used them
to murder nearly 3,000 people.
Lie No. 3: If I did not think that the security of the United States and
the safety of the American people were at stake in Afghanistan, I would gladly
order every single one of our troops home tomorrow.
[2010 Feb 11] What the New 9-11 Photos Show by Christopher Bollyn
[2009 Dec] Advisers on
Vaccines Often Have Conflicts, Report Says Most of the experts who
served on advisory panels in 2007 to evaluate vaccines for flu and cervical
cancer had potential conflicts that were never resolved, the report said. Some
were legally barred from considering the issues but did so anyway.....found that
the centers failed nearly every time to ensure that the experts adequately
filled out forms confirming they were not being paid by companies with an
interest in their decisions.
The report found that 64 percent of the advisers had
potential conflicts of interest that were never identified or were left
unresolved by the centers. Thirteen percent failed to have an appropriate
conflicts form on file at the agency at all, which should have barred their
participation in the meetings entirely, Mr. Levinson found. And 3 percent voted
on matters that ethics officers had already barred them from considering.
[2010 Feb] Richard Horton Waffles on Lancet's Wakefield Retraction by Sally Beck
Christopher Bollyn 9-11 Articles
[2009 May] Statement by Kurt Sonnenfeld: Do you know that on the weekend prior to the attacks on the WTC, all electricity was cut off for approximately 36 hours, including the security cameras and control systems in a highly irregular “maintenance operation”? Do you know that in the weeks leading up to the attacks there were several unusual evacuations of both towers? Do you know that the company in charge of security at the World Trade Center was directed by Marvin Bush, George Bush’s younger brother, and Wirt Walker III, George Bush’s cousin? Do you know that the same security company also lists as government clients "the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S Air force, and the Department of Justice," and provides security for classified and high-risk government sites? Do you know that hundreds of government personnel were pre-positioned in New York City on September 10, preparing to do a large scale simulation of a terrorist attack to be carried out on September 12? FEMA officials had already set up their command post at Pier 92 near the World Trade Center one day before the attacks.
[UK] www.treeharvest.com Spirulina £30 kilo.
[2003 pdf] Mark R. Geier, MD, PhD; David A Geier. Pediatric MMR Vaccination Safety Greier, MR and Greier, DA
[2010 Feb Interview] Robert Kenner: Big Food will do everything to stop you talking about this There are laws in place to protect companies - known as 'veggie libel' laws - that stop you from insulting a product or endangering profits of a corporation. [Food libel laws or food disparagement laws exist in 13 US states]
[2004 pdf] Dr
Viera Scheibner. Dynamics of critical days as part of the dynamics of
non-specific stress syndrome discovered during monitoring with Cotwatch
breathing monitor. J. Aust. Coll. Nutr. & Env. Med. Vol. 23 No. 3
(December 2004) In summary, there is a wealth of scientific data to
demonstrate that vaccines cause serious derangements of all systems of the body
which result in serious injuries, including deaths, and in babies in particular,
being misinterpreted as being caused by inflicted trauma.
[pdf fig 1] Record of alarms in
a baby over a period of 5 1/2 months (from October 1987 to March 1988; Figure 1)
reveals that the stress-induced breathing pattern did not subside after 21 days
after vaccine administration... [Viera Scheibner, Ph.D.]
Ecuador Alternative Cancer Treatment Center, run by electromedicine expert Michael Forrest, uses alkaline diet, electro cancer therapy, irreversible electroporation, blood electrification, anti-cancer supplementation, hyperthermia, detection/elimination of cancer-causing dental infections, and other modalities. heal@dragonfly75.com ph: 011-593-86-861-878 website: www.dragonfly75.com/eng/clinic.html
[Book] Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World by Christopher Bollyn
[2010 Feb] UK “Faked” National Autism Data To Declare MMR Vaccine “Safe” UK children are nearly 5 times more likely to have autistic conditions than adults according to the results of the first ever UK government survey to assess the numbers of adults with the condition....But the British public were told instead that the survey shows rates in adults and children have always been the same so that that vaccines like MMR cannot be to blame for the increasing rates in children. The UK National Health Service funded the survey and made these claims.
[2010 Feb] An amicable divorce? Well it was... until those legal piranhas got their teeth into us Then she asked if I was pleased with the outcome of the settlement. I said I was certainly not: I had a lower settlement than I'd originally been offered, and between us Barry and I had spent around £150,000 in legal bills. ...'We are in total agreement that we were pitted against each other for the financial benefit of the firm involved.
[2010 Feb EW] Busting Signal Jamming With Orgonite
[2010 Feb EW] Eustace Mullins Has Died
[2010 Jan] Tylenol Linked to Increased Risk of Autism News media has not reported this: at least one study published in the May 2008 issue of the journal Autism has associated the use of Tylenol in tandem with the administration of the MMR vaccine drastically increased risk of autism.
[1998] Weibel et al Acute Encephalopathy Followed by Permanent Brain Injury or Death Associated With Further Attenuated Measles Vaccines: A Review of Claims Submitted to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program A total of 48 children, ages 10 to 49 months, met the inclusion criteria after receiving measles vaccine, alone or in combination. Eight children died, and the remainder had mental regression and retardation, chronic seizures, motor and sensory deficits, and movement disorders.
[The big measles lie] "It (measles) is ONLY not a big killer in the United States because of the MMR vaccine."---Dr Marc Siegal. (Feb 3, 2010 Fox News)
[2010 Feb Video] Watch the Fox News Video on Vaccine Autism Debate with Mark Blaxill
Australian Vaccination Network Asks for Your Support
Teratogen: Any agent that can disturb the development of an embryo or fetus. Teratogens may cause a birth defect in the child. Or a teratogen may halt the pregnancy outright. The classes of teratogens include radiation, maternal infections, chemicals, and drugs. http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=11315
GOOGLE on SSRI Teratogenic (for the antidepressants)
H1N1 was never tested on pregnant women
Flu vaccine was never tested on pregnant
Gardasil – Will it cause a Cervical Cancer pandemic By Jenese James
[2010 Feb] Gardasil Warnings Ignored Says Researcher
[2009] Behind the Label: Calpol by Pat Thomas
Researchers who analysed data on more than 200,000 children found strong links
between their exposure to paracetamol as infants and the development of asthma,
eczema and other allergies at age 6-7.
Fever often develops during an infection. Although we
generally think of fever as a bad thing, fever enhances the inflammatory
response of the body, and certain components of the immune system work optimally
at increased body temperature. Also fever helps to limit the growth of some
germs that cannot grow well at higher temperatures.
Suppressing fever with medicines like Calpol interferes with
this essential mechanism.
For children, fever can serve another important function. Our
children are not born with mature immune systems and fever is one way of
activating and 'educating' the immune system to respond when needed. Because of
this, temperatures up to 39 C (102 F) don't usually provide sufficient grounds
for action unless your child is prone to convulsions.
[2010 Feb] Blockbuster Primate Study Shows Significant Harm from One Birth Dose of a Mercury-Containing Vaccine Mark F. Blaxill A research team led by scientists from the University of Pittsburgh and Thoughtful House reported today that exposure to a birth dose of a hepatitis B vaccine that included an ethyl mercury preservative caused significant delays in the development of several survival reflexes in male rhesus macaque monkeys
Wakefield drawing blood work at birthday party
[2010 Feb] A Statement from Jenny McCarthy
& Jim Carrey: Andrew Wakefield, Scientific Censorship, and Fourteen Monkeys
[2010 Feb] MMR & THE GMC Wakefield verdict by Dr Hammond
[2010 Feb] Remember Churchill when you think of Iraq
'I don't understand what a couple of pints can't give you that drugs can.'---- Michael Vaughan (24 Jan 2010 Observer Magazine).
[2010 Feb] RDA for Vitamin C is 10% of USDA Standard for Guinea Pigs
[2010 Feb] In search of Arcadia: In the Hungry 1930s mothers starved to death to feed their children. The 37-year-old mother of seven collapsed and died while bathing her six-month-old twins. ....She managed only by going without food herself, and though the immediate cause of her death was recorded as pneumonia, the coroner concluded that this would not have proved fatal if she'd had enough to eat. ...Annie died in London, but it was beyond the capital that the worst effects were felt from the economic downturn that followed the financial crash of 1929. Radical writer George Orwell was horrified when he left his part-time job in a bookshop in leafy, well-off Hampstead and ventured to the North of England to observe the condition of the working classes. He returned furious at what he found - hard-core unemployment, poverty, deprivation, exploitation, squalor and utter hopelessness. ... Surveys indicated that 80 per cent of children in the mining areas of County Durham and the poorest areas of London showed signs of rickets.....But mostly I had potatoes and bread and toast for myself.' As well as her two daughters, this mother had five baby boys, all of them dead at birth. 'I'm certain it was because of the malnutrition,' she said. And she was probably right. .'I have not tasted meat, potatoes or vegetables for over 12 months. Yet I am told I get enough money to keep fit and strong.'
[2010 Feb] The Lancet Retraction Changes Nothing by David Kirby there are now at least six published legal or scientific cases of children regressing into ASD following vaccination - and many more will be revealed in due time......Another fact that gets little attention in this never-ending debate is that more than 1,300 cases of vaccine injuries have been paid out in vaccine court, in which the court ruled that childhood immunizations caused encephalopathy (brain disease), encephalitis (brain swelling) and/or seizure disorders. Encephalopathy/encephalitis is found in most if not all ASD cases, and seizure disorders in about a third of them. ....Nobody seriously thinks that the retraction of The Lancet article, and the international flogging of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, will do anything to make this debate go away. And they are right.
[2009] Mum’s worries over girl’s smear jab The Thomas Telford School pupil fell ill with encephalitis, a rare brain virus, and NMDA, where her antibodies started attacking her brain.....“I think it was the cervical smear injection. She had that a week before. It’s proving it.”
Eustace Clarence Mullins, Jr. 1923 - 2010
Salbutamol "In the 1960s, an increase in asthma deaths in Britain coincided with the increase in sales of isoprenaline inhalers. The circumstantial evidence implicated the high-strength isoprenaline (known as isoprenaline-forte) used in the inhalers. There was also evidence that some patients had used it more frequently despite worsening asthma, although the exact cause of the deaths remains unknown." http://pubs.acs.org/cen/coverstory/83/8325/8325salbutamol.html
Question a doctor and lose your child
[2010 Feb] Cervarix HPV vaccine adverts are untrue and should be banned by Christina England “The mere notion that cervical cancer can be prevented with a vaccine is absurd. Only through gimmicks, propaganda ploys, slick advertising and lobbying is GSK able to convince the suspecting women and mothers to ignore the laws of nature. Progressive studies in science have proven many times over that exercise, raw foods and hygiene prevent cancer, not vaccines.” ---Jeffry John Aufderheide
[2010 Feb] Dark Masters' Gobi/Africa Connection?GMC FINDING ON FACT – 28 JAN 2010
Iraq Body Count (100,000 Jan 2010)
[2010 Jan] One small needle, a world of trouble Donna Hartlen, a young mother who is now partially paralyzed, has been diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome.
[2010 Feb] Agony of doctor's receptionist paralysed by swine flu jab
[2010 Jan. Bangkok] Miscarriage prompts halt to flu jabs
[2010 Jan] Inquiry in Widnes as children given adult swine flu jab
[2010 Jan] Eye Witness Report from the UK GMC Wakefield, Walker-Smith, Murch Hearing By Martin Walker So, yesterday's verdict was not what it might appear, a reasonable judgement of a wise and considered tribunal. Rather the verdict was what the pharmaceutical companies hope would be a death blow, an end to the battle with a troublesome doctor. When Big Pharma and the corrupt New Labour government asked the question 'Who will rid me of this troublesome doctor', the GMC was the first to put its hand in the air.
Yesterday, early outside the GMC, I watched Brian Deer being interviewed by
Sky News, he said things about the hearing which seemed to me to be a product of
his own fevered imagination, things that bore not the slightest relation to any
reality I had observed. After the interview was over, I approached the Sky
journalist who had carried out the interview and asked him politely whether or
not, when the interview was run that evening, an announcement would be made of
the place of James Murdoch, one of the family owners of Sky, on the board of
GlaxoSmith Kline the vaccine manufacturer.
'No', the journalist said, already turning away from me. 'We give a balanced
account and there is no need for that kind of declaration'.
Obviously I had expected nothing more than this, but even so, I couldn't help
but be astounded again, at how crooked the contemporary world is and at what
shysters these people who call themselves journalists are.
[2010 Jan] Eye
Witness Report from the UK GMC Wakefield, Walker-Smith, Murch Hearing
By Martin Walker
Attorney Jim Moody Describes False Testimony at GMC Hearing: Video Here
[2010 Jan] The Axelrod Factor: Why Obama Fails to Deliver by Christopher Bollyn
Scandalous All Party Parliamentary Group On
ME/CFS Exposed
This was the first All Party Parliamentary Group on M.E (APPGME) meeting I'd
ever been able to attend and I've now seen for myself how the APPGME operates.
Worst of all was the surprisingly unprofessional and unhelpful behaviour of the
Chairman, Des Turner MP and the Secretary, the Countess of Mar, right at the
start of the meeting. Dr Charles Shepherd
of the discredited Myalgic 'Encephalopathy' Association (MEA) has produced an
account of the meeting on the MEA website that is false. It is not just a
distortion of the facts, it is blatantly wrong. This meeting "got off to an
extremely regrettable start", alright - but not because of the M.E. patients
present; it was thanks to the Chairman's and Secretary's inability to control
themselves. The salaries of the public figures involved now published. And it's
the sick and disabled these people are supposed to help who are branded
"benefits scroungers"?
John Sayer, Chairman, M.E. Support, Norfolk
Web Site Launched For Gardasil Victims
[2009 Dec]
Welcome to Orwell's world 2010 by John
Pilger In
Oceania, truth and lies are indivisible. According to Obama, the American attack
on Afghanistan in 2001 was authorised by the United Nations Security Council.
There was no UN authority. He said the “the world” supported the invasion in the
wake of 9/11 when, in truth, all but three of 37 countries surveyed by Gallup
expressed overwhelming opposition. He said that America invaded Afghanistan
“only after the Taliban refused to turn over [Osama] bin Laden”. In 2001, the
Taliban tried three times to hand over bin Laden for trial, reported Pakistan’s
military regime, and were ignored. Even Obama’s mystification of 9/11 as
justification for his war is false. More than two months before the Twin Towers
were attacked, the Pakistani foreign minister, Niaz Naik, was told by the Bush
administration that an American military assault would take place by
mid-October. The Taliban regime in Kabul, which the Clinton administration had
secretly supported, was no longer regarded as “stable” enough to ensure
America’s control over oil and gas pipelines to the Caspian Sea. It had to go.
Obama’s most audacious lie is that Afghanistan today is a “safe haven” for
al-Qaeda’s attacks on the West. His own national security adviser, General James
Jones, said in October that there were “fewer than 100” al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
According to US intelligence, 90 per cent of the Taliban are hardly Taliban at
all, but “a tribal localised insurgency [who] see themselves as opposing the US
because it is an occupying power”. The war is a fraud. Only the terminally
gormless remain true to the Obama brand of “world peace”.
[2009] Normalising the
crime of the century by John Pilger The purpose of the Chilcot inquiry is to
normalise an epic crime by providing enough of a theatre of guilt to satisfy the
media so that the only issue that matters, that of prosecution, is never raised.
When he appears in January, Blair will play this part to odious perfection,
dutifully absorbing the hisses and boos. All “inquiries” into state crimes are
neutered in this way. In 1996, Lord Justice Scott’s arms-to-Iraq report
obfuscated the crimes his investigations and voluminous evidence had revealed.
.....At that time, I interviewed Tim Laxton, who had attended every day of the
inquiry as auditor of companies taken over by MI6 and other secret agencies as
vehicles for the illegal arms trade with Saddam Hussein. Had there been a full
and open criminal investigation, Laxton told me, “hundreds” would have faced
prosecution. “They would include,” he said, “top political figures, very senior
civil servants from right throughout Whitehall … the top echelon of government.”
[2000] The Importance of Fathers-in-Families by Bob Simcock
[2010 Jan EW] The Parasites Are Showing Us Juicy Targets in Oz!
[2010 Jan] CIA, MOSSAD, RAW Staged Christmas Bomb Conspiracy by WAYNE MADSEN
[1999] MI6 officers worked in Iraq as UN inspectors
[2000] The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto
[2010 Jan] False Testimony Denies Lancet Doctors a Fair Hearing
Dave Brown January 2003, The Independent: I based this cartoon on Goya's Saturn
Devouring his Children, which was based on a prophesy in Greek myth that
Saturn's children would grow up to supplant his power, so he decides to eat
them. Instead of Saturn, I drew a naked Ariel Sharon holding a body with various
forms of destruction in the background. The following day, the Israeli Embassy
complained and sent the image round to Jewish groups in America. It elicited a
huge response, not all of which was bad.
The many people I spoke to during my research for Blair's wars spoke of his supreme confidence, his almost chilling serenity, at this moment of utmost serenity. They spoke of him at the time with awe.--John Kampfner (Independent 23 Jan 2010)
[2009] Confidential MMR vaccine files should be opened in the public interest, watchdog rules
[2010 Jan] Want to be a MEDLINE Information Censor?
[DVD 2010 Jan] The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers
[2010 Jan] Brasscheck TV: Permanent war "Nothing lies ahead in Afghanistan, no success of any sort will be lasting once American troops leave. I am sure President Obama has been told this, as Johnson and Nixon were before him (Vietnam). They are not going to get effective operation out of Afghan troops from any number of years. We have been training them for 8, 8 more years, 80 more years will not provide foreign troops with the motivation to fight against their own countrymen, against the independence of their own country for a foreign power, and we are a foreign power in Afghanistan......Americans are kept totally ignorant about the bloody side of war."--Daniel Ellsberg, fmr US Military analyst
[2010 Jan. China] Miscarriages after (swine) flu vaccine AT least seven pregnant women have suffered a miscarriage or fetal deaths after being given the H1N1 vaccine in Hong Kong.
[2010 jan] From The Roman to The Wakefield Inquisition By Mark Blaxill
[2010 Jan] The Launch of Silenced
Witnesses Volume II: The UK GMC Hearings by Martin Walker
"Anyone could see clearly that if they had a genuine case, to show that the
children were not ill and that they were subjected to aggressive procedures
without ethical approval and without parental consent, they were bound to call
the parents to give evidence. They didn't because the parents would have told
the hearing that most of the children suffered the most terrible bowel disease
followed by regressive autism. So had the prosecution called the parents from
day one the GMC case would have collapsed."
....Dr Wakefield, attending the launch with his wife Carmel, gave an impromptu
and modest speech in which he repeated a number of times, the fact that whatever
the verdict of the GMC, this battle was not about him but about science and the
terrible plight of the parents and their children. Everyone was, however, aware
that this is only half true, without Andrew Wakefield, the science, the data,
the information about MMR, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and regressive autism,
would have been buried by governments and drug companies, perhaps for ever.
[2010 Jan] Only one third of nurses in London have taken swine flu vaccine, reports BBC
[2010 Jan] Will Italy's class action lawsuit be the first of many?
[2010 Jan] Vitamins and Teenagers: A Personal Statement by Stephen H. Brown, PhD
[1998] Bin Laden comes home to roost. His CIA ties are only the beginning of a woeful story
[2010 Jan EW] Holy Earthpipes, St. Ignatz!
[2010 Jan] Pravda: Google's China Hypocrisy Ignores Deep CIA Connections
[2010 Jan] When did WHO change the definition of pandemic? If the WHO is lying about changing the definition of the word "pandemic" in order to ramp up fear, so that Big Pharma farms even bigger profits, and WHO does too, what else are they lying about?
Historical Ezra Pound (1885-1972) Speeches - Attempting to Prevent World War 2
[2010 Jan] An open letter to Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor of The Independent by John Stone
[1976] Kissinger: The Secret Side of the Secretary of State by Gary Allen
[2010 jan] McCord AFB Pilot Reveals Chemtrail Targeting Of ECETI Ranch
GMC Fitness to Practice Hearing on Dr Wakefield, Professors Murch and Walker-Smith Conclusion to finding of facts: GMC, London 28 January, 2 pm. CryShame is again organising a demonstration of support for the doctors outside the GMC building on the day, and we urge you to join us.
[2010 Jan] Live pigs blasted in terror attack experiments In a series of tests at the biological and chemical research centre in Wiltshire, 18 large pigs were wrapped in protective blankets before bombs were detonated a few feet away. The scientists allowed the pigs to bleed until almost a third of their blood was gone to see how long they could be kept alive.
[2010 Jan] How teenage access to pornography is killing intimacy in sex Teenagers have such easy access to hardcore porn that a skewed view of sex is becoming the norm in society and the idea of intimacy is dying......For Jim, pornography “has destroyed my ability to have intimate relationships”....She was shocked by quite how demeaning and dehumanising the work actually was. “There’s something about the club — the lights, the make-up, the clothes you wear, those huge platform heels, the way that so many women have fake boobs. You look like cartoons. You give yourself a fake girlie name, like a doll. You’re encouraged to look like dolls. No wonder the men don’t see you as people.” .....Angela was shocked by what she discovered about both the physical and the psychological impact of the work. “I saw it’s not empowering; it’s very disempowering. It’s harmful. It narrows how you value yourself, how you define yourself. It’s very dangerous to define yourself through the eyes of these men who are buying your body.
[pdf] Download the Unturned Stone The book takes you on a journey from the existing knowledge in the ever-growing fields of quantum physics and energetic medicine to the NES breakthrough in preventative healthcare.
[2010 Jan] Chinese Student Suffered Cerebrospinal Meningitis After Swine Flu Vaccine
[EW 2010 Jan]
Confrontation at Underground Base Gate N. of Mt Rainier
there haven't been any hurricanes near Florida or the Western
Bahamas since Jeff, Carol and I finished that big gifting project, 3.5 years
ago, and it wasn't for lack of the HAARPies trying
. The Weather Channel talking heads had been predicting worse and Worse and
WORSE hurricanes for Florida & longer storm seasons, before that sweet victory.
Full text of the current and back issues of Fluoride
[2010 Jan] How to Fool All of the People All of the Time: US Taxpayers Fund Library Censorship While it is embarrassingly obvious that these are not medical journals, there is nothing the public can do about it. Medline indexes what its Literature Selection Technical Review Committee tells it to. The committee's members are all appointed; none are elected. They meet behind closed doors. No public input is accepted. (1) No taxpayer can communicate with them or attend hearings, because there aren't any hearings.
Crimes of the Century: Occupation & Contaminating Iraq with Depleted Uranium -
Where there is love there are always miracles--Willa Cather
Only the soul that loves is happy.---Goethe
Having a place to go--is a home. Having someone to love--is a family.--Donna Hedges
EXECUTION: STOP THE DEATH PENALTY IN IRAQ! a message from Denis Halliday, Former
UN Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Humanitarian Coordinator
for Iraq 1997-98 By the end of 1998, we — the UN — had killed hundreds
of thousands without any apparent hesitation on the part of the permanent member
states of the Security Council.
The illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003 has only
worsened the overall situation for Iraqi children, women and men. Contrary to
what the mainstream media has been and is reporting, a whole nation is being
terrorized, killed, driven into exile. The humanitarian situation in Iraq is
catastrophic according to the ICRC (The Red Cross) and other international
January 19, 2010 - Why the FDA Loves Big Pharma - The Faster Times - "It’s nice to see that Massachusetts anesthesiologist Scott Reuben has plead guilty to faking medical research and agreed to pay restitution fees for his fraud. But there is one aspect of his plea agreement with federal prosecutors (which he signed last week in the hopes of a more lenient sentence) that troubles me: why is he paying $420,000 in restitution fees to the very drug companies that benefited handsomely from his faked research and rewarded him with speaking fees? (Reuben’s plea deal was first reported in The Day)."
January 19, 2010 - Insulin mistakenly given at flu clinic - United Press International - "Insulin kept in a Wellesley, Mass., elementary school mistakenly was given to six staff members during a H1N1 flu clinic, authorities said. The insulin, rather than the flu vaccine, was administered Friday, said letters to parents from Wellesley Superintendent of Schools Bella Wong and Schofield School Principal David Wilkins. Several Schofield faculty members felt ill after receiving the insulin, WCVB-TV, Boston, reported Tuesday. No other details on the faculty members' condition were immediately available."
January 12, 2010 - Behind the mask - Does the flu vaccination policy at Children’s Hospital violate employees' civil rights? - San Diego CityBeat - "Whether she’s resuscitating an infant in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit or taking a break in the nurses’ lounge at Rady Children’s Hospital, Gillian Kirkpatrick wears the markings of the non-vaccinated: a green name badge and a surgical mask. She’s not too happy about it. Kirkpatrick, a senior nurse on the hospital’s Neonatal Transport Team, thinks the hospital’s new flu vaccination policy goes too far. ... Nicole Kennelly, executive director of United Nurses of Children’s Hospital (UNOCH), said she’s heard, through dozens of e-mails and numerous conversations, from staff who complain about wearing masks for 12-hour shifts and having to take too many trips outside or to the cafeteria—the only two places where staff can remove their masks—to get a drink of water. Non-vaccinated employees says they’ve been subject to harassment from supervisors and threats of termination if they don’t wear their masks. Some legal experts say the masks and badges violate employees’ civil rights. 'I would say it appears to be a HIPAA violation,' said Abner Weintraub, president of The HIPAA Group, a training and consulting firm that specializes in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule, the federal law that protects the medical privacy of U.S. citizens."
January 17, 2010 - FDA says it's unable to regulate BPA - As 'indirect food additive,' substance is exempt from scrutiny - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - "U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials say they are powerless to regulate BPA, although they have declared the chemical to be a safety concern for fetuses, babies and young children. A quirk in the rules allows BPA makers to skirt federal regulation. 'We may have to go after legislation to change it,' Joshua Sharfstein, the FDA's principal deputy director, told the Journal Sentinel. The newspaper has been investigating the government's lack of regulation regarding BPA for three years."
“The heart has reasons which reason knows nothing of.”
Blaise Pascal
[2010 Jan] The Christmas Bomber and the Fraudulent War on Terror by Christopher Bollyn
[2010 Jan] Beware of Webster Tarpley's Disinformation by Christopher Bollyn
[2010 Jan] Italy's Consumer Protection Group Demands 9.3 Billion Euros Damages Over Swine Flu Jab Scam Italy's Codacons consumer protection group has taken legal action against the health and economic ministries to force them to cancel orders with pharmaceutical companies for swine flu jabs. The group is also demanding 9.3 billion euros in compensation -- or 50 euros for every Italian -- as "symbolic" damages in addition to the reimbursement of all the money paid to the pharmaceutical companies as part of the swine flu jab scam.
[2010 Jan] Greece cancels order for swine flu vaccine
[2010 Jan] National governments must be investigated, not just WHO, says Le Temps Is WHO being set up to bear the brunt of the criticism of the swine flu scam in order that national governments can avoid drawing attention to their own complicity? This is the question posed by the headline in Le Temps.With the exception of the Polish health minister, every single health minister in Europe and every single government head backed the mass swine flu vaccination campaign in spite of the evidence that the jabs were untested and toxic.
[2010 Jan] No Deaths from Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids or Herbs
[2010 Jan] A Stolen Painting, the Murder of Martin Luther King, the FBI .... and Steven Spielberg
Anthony Lawson/Jeff Gates- A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism - Parts 1, 2 and 3
[2009 Dec] American Sponsorship of Global Terrorism By Alex Constantine
[Video] Something in the System
When a child dies of measles the story hits the headlines. But when children die after the MMR jab, their stories are hard to find. Sarah Moore talks about the death of her daughter after the MMR jab and questions the legitimacy of results produced by the British Government.[2006] Lingering questions about Robin Cook's death
The murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy researched by Dr. Neville Thomas Jones, Ph.D.
[2010 Jan] 'Defamation' - Astonishing New Film On Anti-Semitism Reviewed By Gilad Atzmon
[2010 Jan] Why is the American press silent on the Israeli role in NW Flight 253?
The torture question as for the torture question it seems obvious to any sentient citizen that its true agenda lies in the States' power over its people, and certainly not in protecting the "homeland."
Hollyworld: Hollywood's Covert Satanic Agenda by O.J. Anderson Hollyworld exposes the adversarial Luciferian message hidden within many popular films such as Fantastic Four, Talladega Nights, The Island, Wild Hogs, Valkyrie, Iron Man, The Day The Earth Stood Still, I Am Legend, et cetera.
"Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress toward more pain. The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love and justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy--everything. Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution." ---O'Brien in Orwell's 1984
From Capitalism Magazine's Multiculturalism's Real Agenda: "Multiculturalism's goal is not to teach about other cultures, but to promote--by means of distortions and half-truths--the notion that non-Western cultures are as good as, if not better than, Western culture. Far from "broadening" the curriculum, what multiculturalism seeks is to diminish the value of Western culture in the minds of students. But, given all the facts, the objective superiority of Western culture is apparent, so multiculturalists artificially elevate other cultures and depreciate the West." (Elan Journo)
[2010 Jan] Swine Flu Mania – A Case of Collective Insanity By Edda West
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine
[2010 Jan] NLM Censors Nutritional Research
[2010 jan] CAT scan cancer fear; Radiation 'could trigger the disease in one in 80 patients'.
[2009] MMR's live viruses, interferon gamma, and blood-brain barrier permeability by Teresa Binstock
[2009] An open letter to Professor John Oxford, world renowned influenza virologist Kalpana Chauhan from the Customer Service Centre at the Department of Health in England provided me in July 2006 with some scientific papers which allegedly proved the existence of the mumps, measles and rubella viruses. Susanne Brix from Klein-Klein-Aktion examined these papers and nowhere do the authors of these papers claim to have isolated these viruses. This was pointed out to Kalpana Chauhan but she cut off our correspondence in August 2006.
[2009] The Yuri Factor. Four Stages of Mind Control by Patricia Aiken
[2009] The Hidden Bombing of WTC 6 by Christopher Bollyn
1918 Flu Prevention: Baking Soda
[2010 Jan] Swine flu jab takes
hit as man, 91, falls ill
[2010 Jan] Fewer swine flu jabs as
doc falls ill
[2010 Jan] The UK GMC Panel: A Sinister and
Tawdry Hearing By Martin J Walker Nor do most people understand that
in Dr Wakefield's case, the complainant was journalist Brian Deer, the only
person in the world to lodge a formal complaint against Dr Wakefield. Deer is
published by the Sunday Times, and what do the public know about the secret ties
of researchers, journalists and newspapers with the vaccine industry or any
other industry. In 2009, the owner of the Sunday Times, James Murdoch was given
a place as a non-executive Director on the board of GlaxoSmithKline the MMR
vaccine manufacturers.
...As for judicial proceedings, your average Mary or Joe, sometimes fails to
think beyond the fact that if it's the law or the regulation, then it must be
right and if a person is brought before a court or a hearing then the
probability is that they have done something wrong. They rarely think of the
fact that in this case, the GMC brought the prosecution, hired and paid the
prosecuting counsel, the jury and the jury chairman (a one time holder of shares
in GlaxoSmithKline) and the legal advisor to the panel, that they administered
the trial and held it on their own premises. The GMC - a little state within a
state, but with far greater vested interests than any but the odd remaining
Stalinist enclaves.
....Charges were first muted in 2004, the year that the claim of over 1,000
parents against three vaccine manufacturers, that had been proceeding over ten
years, was suddenly denied legal aid. The Appeal against the withdrawal of legal
aid was heard by a judge whose brother was a non-executive director of
GlaxoSmithKline and the managing director of Elsevier, publishers of the Lancet.
Dr Horton the editor of the Lancet gave heavily disputed evidence at the hearing
and was allowed not to appear a second time to answer serious questions about
this evidence. Dr Wakefield was to have been an expert witness for the parents
at trial, the GMC hearing has meant that he will no longer be countenanced as an
expert witness in Britain and will find it impossible to get funding for further
....Both the government and the pharmaceutical companies in Britain deny any
possibility of vaccine damage. In order to carry through the prosecution the GMC
argued that the children Dr Wakefield, Professor Murch and Professor Walker
Smith saw at the Royal Free Hospital, were not ill or suffering from
Inflammatory Bowel Disease. This massive campaign to distort the truth has left
thousands of parents bereft of medical and other help for an array of illnesses
brought on by the MMR vaccination.
Silenced Witnesses Volume II The parents need all the help they can get, at this time, in publicising their circumstances and those of their children. One of the ways in which you can show support for the parents is by supporting these two volumes, trying to find buyers and helping to fund the printing and publication, as yet not completely accounted for. This book has to reach people. Buy these books, and help us make them a success. Read and then raise the parents' voices that have so far been stifled. If there is anyway that you can help with the distribution or re-printing of the books, make a donation or buy the books in bulk, don't hesitate to contact me through www.slingshotpublications.com.
[2010 Jan] The UK GMC Panel: A Sinister and Tawdry Hearing By Martin J Walker
RFK Note
JFK: Sexual Sociopath and Political
JFK: Racial Destroyer
of America
Kevin MacDonald
An Introduction to Alternative
Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories
Chemistry of the Holocaust by Carlos Whitlock Porter
[2009 Dec] Nazis left Dutch gays untouched, says historian
[2009 Dec] Flight 77 Cockpit Door Never Opened During 9/11 “Hijack" By Sheila Casey
"Polysorbate-80 is a very effective surfactant used to trick and open up the blood brain barrier (Lannone, Sun, Kreuter and Tianbin for starters) , and allow nano-drugs to be dragged through into the brain."--Hilary Butler
[2010 Jan] Etheric Warriors and Secrecy
[2010 Jan] Website Documents Over 300 Gardasil Horror Stories by Christina England
[2010 Jan] Website Documents over 300 Gardasil Horror Stories
[2010 Jan] Parents pay emotional tribute after tot's death The circumstances of Siobhan's death mirrored an incident when she was nine weeks old, which left her paralysed, deaf, blind and epileptic. Mr and Mrs Boyle believe their daughter's disabilities were brought on by a whooping cough jag Siobhan was given two weeks before she nearly died as a baby, though they were told at the time it was not the cause...."Just two weeks before Siobhan died we took her for a swine flu injection. "We're not saying that injection had anything to do with what happened but the pattern was the same; I went to check on her in her cot and she was blue and not breathing. To experience this twice was horrific."
[2010 Jan] Serious Lung Infections in Children Jump After Introduction of Pneumococcus Vaccine
[2009] The Great Hiroshima Cover-Up And the Nuclear Fallout for All of Us Today By Greg Mitchell
[2005] Al Qaeda - The Database Wayne Madsen Report Shortly before his untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that "Al Qaeda" is not really a terrorist group but a database of international mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-occupied Afghanistan...."The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the 'devil' only in order to drive the 'TV watcher' to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money."
[2010 Jan] Baby guru Gina Ford tells Nick Clegg: You're being childish
[2007] Brown takes on JNF role
[2009 Dec pdf] Faked Pandemics -- a threat
for health (Council of Europe) In order to promote their patented
drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies have influenced
scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards, to
alarm governments worldwide. They have made them squander tight health care
resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly exposed millions of
healthy people to the risk of unknown side-effects of insufficiently tested
The "birds-flu“-campaign (2005/06) combined with the
"swine-flu“-campaign seem to have caused a great deal of damage not only to some
vaccinated patients and to public health budgets, but also to the credibility
and accountability of important international health agencies. The definition of
an alarming pandemic must not be under the influence of drug-sellers. The member
states of the Council of Europe should ask for immediate investigations on the
consequences at national as well as European level.
Group think pressure http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/770.html Fascists and other liars know that if they can just make enough noise, they can start a stampede of public opinion which will become very hard for the average person to question.
[2010 Jan] How To Destroy Confidence In Vitamins When You Do Not Have The Facts
Historical Ezra Pound (1885-1972) Speeches - Attempting to Prevent World War 2
[EW 2010 Jan] Another Evidence of China's Ownership of the US
[2010 Jan. Gardasil] Governments don’t lie, do they? by Christina England
I happened to know a pathologist, so quizzed him as to what an autopsy involved, and was shocked to find that other than something really “gross” (such as a tumour), the average autopsy isn’t designed to find out real answers. Certainly, an autopsy didn’t look for dead or dying motor neurons, or perform the Morin stain to find a known cause of dying motor neurons. And he doubted that if asked, the pathologist would agree to doing them, even though those tests might give the Renata’s an answer. I discussed the situation with another pathologist as well, ... who also pointed out that even if the tests showed aluminium, a barrage of ‘excuses” would be proferred showing why the aluminium couldn’t possible have come from the vaccine, and would have “had” to have been another ‘underlying’ condition. Anything, to protect a sacred cow. [2001 Jan] Part Four Autopsy and Jasmine Renata
[2010 Jan] FURY AT VACCINE SCANDAL Up to 200 doctors, nurses, firefighters, prison officers, police officers, forensic scientists and binmen say they have developed serious physical and mental health problems after injections essential for their work over the past 10 years. All have given up their jobs and some are now 60 per cent disabled. Last night it emerged they are to miss out on payouts
[2010 Jan] Revoke Autism Speaks 501(c)3 Status & more
[2010 Jan] Polly Tommey of Autism File Magazine on "Discredited Defamation of Dr. Andrew Wakefield" Specifically, I have been "warned" not to print any more articles written by Dr. Andrew Wakefield (he wrote for the first time in the last issue); I was also warned not to invite him to speak at our conference. Separately, some organizations have warned me that they will not have anything to do with me if I continue to support and publish papers by him. Some advertisers tell me they have to stop working with us as they are "under pressure" to pull out, and a number of celebrities, high earning individuals, journalists, scientists, practitioners, and people who want to contribute to the magazine or to our campaigns say that it’s more than their job’s worth to be associated with the work of this man more than their job’s worth to even listen to what he has to say. All of them say that they can’t support The Autism File if The Autism File appears to support Dr. Wakefield.
....In the days leading up to Deer’s initial "revelations" about Andrew
Wakefield and others in The Sunday Times in February 2004, a meeting took place
between Deer and Horton in which Deer made a number of claims. These all
centered on a paper written by Dr. Wakefield and colleagues, which was published
in The Lancet in 1998. In the now notorious paper, Wakefield et al. had
reported on a possibly novel form of bowel disease, with autistic-like
developmental regression, in 12 children referred to the gastrointestinal
department of London’s Royal Free Hospital. Eight of the children, according to
their parents or general practitioner, had the onset of developmental regression
soon after their MMR vaccine.
Despite what is usually inaccurately reported in summary, the
paper actually concluded that: "We did not prove an association between measles,
mumps and rubella vaccine and the syndrome described … further investigations
are needed to examine this syndrome and its possible relation to the vaccine."
In the February 2004 meeting, the major issues of relevance
to Dr. Horton were three specific claims made by Deer. First, he claimed that
The Lancet study was funded by Legal Aid money. Second, he claimed that
the children reported in The Lancet were sourced by lawyers. Third, and perhaps
most crucially, Deer claimed that Dr. Wakefield had hidden his involvement with
Dawbarns, the firm of lawyers involved in the MMR litigation, from The Lancet
and Dr. Horton.
On hearing these claims from Deer, Horton was apparently
horrified, and within hours of the meeting he stated publically that the 1998
paper was "fatally flawed." He further claimed that had The Lancet been
aware of Wakefield’s involvement with Dawbarns at that time the paper would
never have been published. This statement about the "fatally flawed" paper was,
therefore, the seed of the "discredited" myth that prevails and is clearly
influencing many more people today.
Let’s fast forward to the GMC hearing, which has been
investigating these claims for nearly three years. What do we find? First, it
has been demonstrated beyond doubt that The Lancet study was not
funded by Legal Aid. Not one penny of Legal Aid money was used for the study.
Second, it has been shown that the children in the study were not sourced by
lawyers. None of the children reported in The Lancet study were
involved in any legal action at the time of their referral to the Royal Free
Hospital. Third, we now know that The Lancet had been told, in communications
between Dawbarns and Horton, about Dr. Wakefield’s involvement with them in
April 1997. So, they knew. A whole year before the paper was published, they
knew. [2010 Jan] Polly Tommey of Autism
File Magazine on "Discredited Defamation of Dr. Andrew Wakefield"
At around the time of World Autism Awareness Day this year, I appeared with a colleague on the Wright Stuff television chat show on Channel 5. Before going on air, the host Matthew Wright joined us in the "green room" and said that he had been told by the show’s lawyers that if Dr. Wakefield’s name was mentioned, he had to say that Wakefield was "discredited." We questioned why, but Matthew said that he had no choice these were his lawyers’ instructions . . . .When I was on GMTV they said pretty much the same thing, and we have all read the same in many newspapers. [2010 Jan] Polly Tommey of Autism File Magazine on "Discredited Defamation of Dr. Andrew Wakefield"
[Book] Healing Our Autistic Children by Dr. Julie Buckley. Short and eminently readable, this book introduces the reader to complex science using office visits and patient stories, including those of her own daughter. Documenting the actual published medical literature on which her approach is predicated at the end, this book also does what every physician should always ask- “Show me the science.”
Propaganda 1 On two separate
occasions, someone mentioned something to me about terrorism, or the war on
terror, and I responded by asking "you do know that there is indisputable
scientific evidence that proves beyond any doubt that the Twin Towers were
demolished with explosives, right?" For me, any discussion of terrorism has to
begin with the understanding of what actually happened on 9-11, rather than what
we were told to believe.
On both occasions, the person I was talking to responded by
saying "I heard that the president of Mexico saw a UFO."
The first time this happened, I shook my head and thought to
myself "what the hell is this girl thinking? Maybe the president of Mexico
sniffs glue and sees all kinds of things, but what does one thing have to do
with the other? How did she make the jump from 9-11 to Mexican UFO’s without a
sentence between the two subjects?
The second time it happened I thought to myself "Holy shit.
This is a conditioned response." Somehow, the herd has been taught to
immediately make an association with UFO’s, Bigfoot, or the ghost of Elvis
whenever someone talks to them about crimes committed by people within our
government. This is incredibly convenient for a government comprised of crooks
and perverts, but how did they accomplish this?
......Look closely at every TV character who questions or mistrusts the
government, and you will see that this behavior is linked with one abnormal
personality after another. The sub-conscious lesson here is that anyone who
questions the government or suggests they may be involved in any crime has an
abnormal personality, so you can quickly dismiss everything he has to say.
Through decades of repetition of these messages, you’ve been taught to ignore
any criminality on the part of anyone in our government, and anyone who might
make such an accusation. While you were being so trained, you were robbed of
your wealth and freedom.
....Their mind makes an association between the important information, and the
ridiculous information, and they feel confident that it’s nothing they need to
worry about, but they may carry on the silly conversation about UFO’s and stuff
just to be polite. Silently they’re convinced that because you tried to warn
them about their criminal government, you must also spend your nights on the
roof searching the skies for E.T.
"History is a collection of lies that are no longer being disputed." — Napoleon Bonaparte
[2010 Jan] Vinegar and honey cured my crippling arthritis, says delighted organist
[2010 jan] Ammonia injected in school lunches
[2010 Jan] Interview with Wolfgang
Wodarg: Swine flu: "They organized the panic" it’s just a normal kind
of flu. It does not cause a tenth of deaths caused by the classic seasonal flu.
All that mattered and that led to the great campaign of panic which we have seen
was that it was a golden opportunity for representatives from labs who knew they
would hit the jackpot in the case of a pandemic being declared. A group of
people in the WHO is associated very closely with the pharmaceutical industry.
We want to clarify everything that brought about this massive
operation of disinformation. We want to know who made decisions, on the basis of
what evidence and precisely how the influence of the pharmaceutical industry
came to bear on the decision-making. And the time has come at last for us to
make demands on governments. The purpose of the inquiry is so that there are no
more false alarms of this type in the future. So that the people may rely on the
analysis and the expertise of national and international public institutions.
The latter are now discredited, because millions of people have been vaccinated
with products with inherent possible health risks. This was not necessary. It
has also led to a considerable mismanagement of public money.
....Without going as far as saying direct corruption, which I am certain does
exist, there were many ways for labs to exercise their influence over decisions.
A very concrete example, is how Klaus Stöhr, who was the head of the
epidemiological department of the WHO at the time of bird flu, and who therefore
prepared the plans to cope with a pandemic that I mentioned above, in the
meantime had become a top executive of the company Novartis. And similar links
between Glaxo and Baxter, etc. and influential members of the WHO. These large
firms have "their people" in the cogs and then they pull strings so that the
right policy decisions are taken. That is to say, the ones that will allow them
to pump as much money from taxpayers.
.....Again, the vaccines were developed too quickly, some adjuvants were
insufficiently tested. But there is worse to come. The vaccine developed by
Novartis was produced in a bioreactor from cancerous cells. A technique that had
never been used until now....... It can not be excluded that proteins, remains
of a cancer cell present in a vaccine produced by bio-reactor, may generate a
tumour on the person vaccinated. According to a true principle of precaution,
before such a product is allowed on the market, there should therefore be 100%
certainty that such effects are actually excluded......I studied the case and
intervened in the context of the Bundestag health committee of which I was a
member so that the vaccine would not be used in Germany. I made it known that I
was certainly not opposed to the development of vaccines with this technique.
But first it had to have a total guarantee of innocuousness. The product has
therefore not been used in Germany where the government terminated the contract
with Novartis.
Fluoride: The Deadly Legacy by Gary Null, Ph.D.
[2009 Dec] The Council of Foreign Relations Enters the Vaccine Biz. Desperate Attempts to Salvage a Corrupt Science with Sound-bites by Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null Federal health officials have been criminally negligent in looking at the thimerosal-autism connection, aside from relying on disputable and fallible cohort and epidemiological studies as a means to cover their backs. Data from these kinds of studies provide valuable fodder for pro-vaccine campaigns and have been shown to be an effective way to avoid paying vaccine injury compensation to parents with permanently damaged children.. The pro-vaccine agencies are very satisfied to sponsor, fund and propagandize cohort studies to discredit any one of hundreds of various adverse effects that have been associated with one or more vaccines. Cohort studies are relatively cheap to perform, provide instant results, and do not involve real clinical science to observe and measure actual biomolecular activity in the subjects. A good analogy would be vaccination cohort studies are to gold standard methodology as astrology is to astro-physical observation with the Hubble telescope. The medical literature is absolutely riddled with this kind of inaccurate science and Garrett and the rulers she represents at the CFR, the vaccine makers and our health officials, are all too happy that she rely on crap data of cohort and epidemiological calculations to sustain the vaccine miracle myth. It basically boils down to if you fear the results of undertaking a gold standard clinical trial, then resort to a cohort study.
[2009 Dec] The Council of Foreign Relations Enters the Vaccine Biz. Desperate Attempts to Salvage a Corrupt Science with Sound-bites by Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null Garrett is eager to go on the offensive against what she calls Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s “thoroughly refuted evidence” for a link between vaccines and autism. No Ms. Garrett, Wakefield’s studies have not been thoroughly refuted. In fact, we spent over six months investigating the charges against Dr. Wakefield. From our original investigation, not only is Dr. Wakefield innocent of all charges but he is to be commended for having the courage to stand up against the entire power and might of the pharmaceutical industrial complex. In addition, his findings have been further substantiated by later independent research, most notably by researchers at New York University, New Jersey Medical School, and Utah State University.
[2010 Jan] The Chilcot Inquiry: Britain’s 9/11 Commission by Maidhc Ó Cathail
" Can you help? We have a real emergency...My husband's giving a talk on the
perils of global warming in half an hour."
[2010 Jan] MMR mum makes legal history
[2001 Jan] Insurance Pays Off for Companies With Occult Logos By Glenn Bullock