UFO Secrets of the Black WorldIn a three-year investigation, a German film crew dove deeply into
the secrets of "Dreamland" and Area 51, interviewing top scientists and security
personnel who worked inside Area 51 and claim to have seen what can only now be
described as alien spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin.
I n spite of the repression, revisionism will winThe
Auschwitz swindle has had its day. As for the repression exerted by the
swindlers, it is a sign that they have run out of arguments. They were asked for
“one proof, one single proof” to back up their terrible accusation: according to
them, for over four years Germany had perpetrated against the Jewish people a
crime without precedent in the history of mankind and, for all that time, the
whole world, except for a handful of “Righteous” ones, had remained indifferent
to the unspeakable horror. At first, the swindlers provided an abundance of
“evidence”, all of which proved to be fallacious, so much so that later, from
1979, they had to conclude that there was, after all, no need to prove the
obvious! * It only remained for them to strike blows at the noncompliant and
strike they did. They have struck in producing works where guessing vies with
speculation, in the cinema as well as in novels, both with brainwashing and with
physical violence, along with the unjust power of the law. All a waste of
effort. Revisionism will win.
[2012 Sept]
Parents Can Not Sue Vaccine Manufacturers for Injury How many American
parents know that if their child is harmed by the side effects of the medicine
known as vaccination, they are not able to take the injury up with the person
who encouraged (cajoled?) them to administer the product or the company who
manufactured the product? Precious few I'm afraid. And that's just what pharma
and many public health professionals want - ignorant (not stupid) parents. And
when parents become informed? Then they get the "anti-vaccine" label slapped on
them for having the audacity to pay attention to what has happened to their
[2010] angirfan: UK MILITARY SHIPS AFGHAN HEROIN The Sunday Times
quotes an Afghan drugs dealer as saying: "most of the foreigners who do these
deals are the military..."They are carrying these drugs in the military
The modern concept of "democracy" is perhaps the most effective form of human
oppression ever devised. It has single-handedly convinced billions of people
around the world that if only they cast their vote at each election, struggle
behind their favorite politicians and pet political causes, they can change the
world. And as each side of any given political paradigms struggles against each
other, a singular agenda continues to march forth, one above and beyond
"democracy" and the strategies of tension we've all been mired in. ----Tony
Gen. David Petraeus: We Can't Leave Afghanistan Now, They Have Trillions of
Dollars of Minerals"If Afghanistan can become the central Asian 'roundabout,' to use
President Karzai's term, to where it can be the new Silk Road, think of the
implications for that, recalling that, of course, Afghanistan is blessed with
the presence of what are trillions, with an 'S' on the end, trillions of dollars
worth of minerals if, and only if, you can get the extractive technology, the
human capital operated, the lines of communication to enable you to get it out
of the country and all the rest of that. Very big 'if.' And of course, there's a
foundation of security that would be necessary on, on which to build all of
that. But, again, the prospects are very significant if you can achieve
objectives." -- Gen. David Petraeus, Meet the Press, Sunday, August 15th, 2010
[2012 March] Poison Journalism: Five Shocking Clips of
Brian Kilmeade On Fox News By Richard Cassaro In these
few clips, we’ve seen enough to realize that Brian Kilmeade is not a Journalist,
at least not in the idealistic sense of the word. Not fair. Not balanced. He’s
also not a monster nor a wicked evil man. He’s just a guy who is not too smart,
not too respectful, and very arrogant. He seems to be either 100% fear-driven or
else he is 100% pushing a hidden agenda given to him by the higher-ups at Fox
news (which agenda is to support the military-industrial complex).
Kilmeade is probably a good father, a good husband, and a good man (in some
ways). But the Journalism he practices looks a lot like the Jerry Springer show.
Don’t be surprised if in the near future Fox puts an audience into the studio so
that each time Kilmeade slams a guest on the show the audience can cheer
“Brian!” “Brian!” “Brian!” “Brian!”
Brain Kilmeade needs to be removed from the airwaves, and we
can do this by boycotting Fox news, which it’s high time we did. It’s not easy
for me to speak out like this, because it breaks my heart to know that maybe one
day Kilmeade’s children or parents might read this article. But we all need to
start speaking out loud about what we know is wrong, about what we know is
fear-based, hate-based bigoted and biased Journalism, if this country and this
world is going to become a better place for all of us and for the younger
[2012 Sept] Vet Says His Superiors Tried
to Silence Him An Iraq war veteran claims in court that his superiors
drugged and kidnapped him to keep him from telling the press about Abu Ghraib
prison abuses - and that Saddam Hussein's still-missing WMDs were made in the
Living Under Drones
http://www.warcosts.com Since 2004, up to 884 innocent civilians,
including at least 176 children, have died from US drone strikes in the North
Waziristan region of Pakistan. A new report from the Stanford and New York
University law schools finds drone use has caused widespread post-tramatic
stress disorder and an overall breakdown of functional society in North
Waziristan. In addition, the report finds the use of a "double tap" procedure,
in which a drone strikes once and strikes again not long after, has led to
deaths of rescuers and medical professionals. Many interviewees told the
researchers they didn't know what America was before drones. Now what they know
of America is drones, death and terror. Follow the conversation @WarCosts #UnderDrones
[2012 Sept] WINEP’s “Near East Policy”: Silence the truthers, stage another
9/11! According to Clawson, false-flag attacks and other orchestrated
war-trigger events in which hundreds or thousands of Americans are murdered are
“the traditional way [that] America gets to war is what would be best for US
interests.” ....WINEP, like AIPAC, is a criminal organization – a viper’s nest
of unregistered agents of a foreign power. Even if they weren’t advocating mass
murder and high treason, and calling for the silencing of opposition to the 9/11
coup they and/or their fellow travelers helped orchestrate, they should all be
arrested and sent to prison. But when they cross the line and advocate the
mass murder of Americans to trigger a war for Israel that could easily become
World War Three…well, I’m not sure what method of execution could suffice.
They call it “Near East Policy.” I call it high treason and conspiracy to commit
mass murder.
'Auschwitz had up to 16 camp
orchestras (with instruments available), a camp theatre (where live plays were
performed by camp inmate actors), camp sculpture classes (conducted for
interested inmates by professional sculptors), camp art classes for inmates, a
camp university (with lectures on topics from health, the arts, philosophy,
science, economic issues, etc.). Marriages took place (worker inmates
fell in love and were allowed to marry their inmate partners there). It had its
own Auschwitz maternity ward (over 3,000 live births were registered there, with
not a single infant death while Auschwitz was in operation under German rule).
The women sections of the camp had female guards. It had a camp post office
(with twice weekly pick-ups and deliveries). Check this one out: it even had its
own jail (for inmates who committed crimes against another inmate). This next
one was a big surprise: it even had a "Camp complaints office” where inmates
could register complaints or make suggestions. Camp Commander Höss had a
standing order that any inmate could approach him personally to register a
complaint about other inmates such as "Kapos" and even guards. It had a system
of strict discipline for guards and also for inmates, with punishment being
handed out against those found guilty for even slapping an inmate. Etc., etc. Er...
is anyone still reading? Or is this too disturbing a subject matter?'----The
Human Face of Holocaust Revisionism. A Biographical Reminiscence by Chris
[2012 Sept] 911 Dust by Jeff Prager – Final Version That 911 was a
nuclear event is certain and anyone attempting to maintain that it was not is
part of the cover-up being foisted upon the American people. ....Nano thermite
is an incendiary. Explosives are classified as having velocities exceeding
3000mps. The incendiary nanothermite allegedly found by Dr. Stephen Jones is
incapable of turning any component of the steel structured Twin Towers or the
cement to micron sized particles or what is commonly referred to in scientific
circles as ‘very fine particles’, as we all saw on 911 and as Dr. Thomas Cahill
Nanothermite is incapable of maintaining underground, oxygen starved fires at
the temperatures required to ‘boil soil and glass’ as Dr. Thomas Cahill stated.
[2012 Sept] Dangerous Banned Vaccine Repackaged and Given New Name by
Christina England June 2012, the single mumps vaccine Medi-Mumps
cultured on dog kidney cells was advertised for use at a number of private
clinics as an alternative option to the MMR. It has since been discovered
however, that Medi-Mumps is in fact the banned, unlicensed vaccine Pavivac. To
cover this up, just like the MMR vaccine Pluserix, the vaccine was repackaged
and given a new name.
[2012 pdf] Human Enhancement and Experimental
Research in the Military by EFTHIMIOS PARASIDIS For over a
century the U.S. military has conducted and sponsored cutting-edge medical and
technological research. While such projects have often resulted in
transformative innovations, in a number of instances, researchers have
deliberately violated legal requirements and/or ethical norms governing research
with human subjects. This Article explores these matters by discussing the
history of misfeasance in military research and examining contemporary military
endeavors that aim to exploit biomedical advancements.
"There is a special "energy" called "loosh" which is precious and wanted
by some somewhere. One of them who collect this energy created a place
to grow this energy: The earth. The evolution that has taken place on
earth is just modifications this creator did to get more and higher
quality of loosh. This was provided by animals who are fighting, during
a fight for life, and when ending a life span, loosh can be harvested.
But the most loosh can be gotten from the humans; the creator had
implanted a part of his own into these humans. When they have feelings
like lonelyness, desire, parent's love, grief etc., the highest quality
distillated loosh can be harvested, which is by far better than any
other raw loosh." Loosh-rote ("Far Journeys", part 2, chapter 6)
Walmart: The High Cost Of Low Prices FULL MOVIEWAL-MART: THE HIGH COST OF LOW PRICE is a feature length documentary that
uncovers a retail giant's assault on families and American values. The
film dives into the deeply personal stories and everyday lives of families and
communities struggling to fight a goliath. A working mother is forced to turn to
public assistance to provide healthcare for her two small children. A Missouri
family loses its business after Wal-Mart is given over $2 million to open its
doors down the road. A mayor struggles to equip his first responders after
Wal-Mart pulls out and relocates just outside the city limits. A community in
California unites, takes on the giant, and wins!
Netanyahu at It Again He’s a serial liar. Each time his lips move
prove it. He’s toxic and dangerous. No one’s safe anywhere with him in charge.
Maybe Israelis will come to their senses and oust him. Doing so should be
prioritized. Partial relief at least is just new leadership away.
[2012 Sept] Shocking findings in new GMO study:
Rats fed lifetime of GM corn grow horrifying tumors, 70% of females die early
Up to 50% of males and 70% of females suffered premature death.
Rats that drank trace amounts of Roundup (at levels legally allowed in the water
supply) had a 200% to 300% increase in large tumors. Rats fed GM
corn and traces of Roundup suffered severe organic damage including liver
damage and kidney damage. The study fed these rats NK603, the Monsanto
variety of GM corn that's grown across North America and widely fed to animals
and humans. This is the same corn that's in your corn-based breakfast cereal,
corn tortillas and corn snack chips.
[2012 Sept] Gladio: How We Terrorized Ourselves
ON TERROR. Nearly everything we claim the PLO and other
organizations were responsible for, including and especially Al Qaeda, has been
the work of the GLADIO “stay behind” networks which were never totally broken up
after the Cold War. GLADIO is Al Qaeda. Everything that is claimed
to be Osama bin Laden and the imaginary Taliban training camps, people who have
trouble keeping camels alive, was financed by NATO as part of the Cold War and
left to take on a life of itself, morphing into a terrorist capability that no
one wants to give up, no matter what kind of threat it is capable of.
In February 2005, in an article in the LA Times, reporter Myron Levin wrote
this about the use of thimerosal in a piece called, ’91 Memo Warned of
Mercury in Shots
here“A memo from Merck & Co. shows that, nearly a decade
before the first public disclosure, senior executives were concerned that
infants were getting an elevated dose of mercury in vaccinations containing a
widely used sterilizing agent. “The March 1991 memo, obtained by The
Times, said that 6-month-old children who received their shots on schedule would
get a mercury dose up to 87 times higher than guidelines for the maximum daily
consumption of mercury from fish.”
[2012 Sept] Leeds midwife wins a battle to
change birth guidelines She said there were many health issues linked to
immediate cord clamping. Now, national body the Royal College of Midwives (RCM)
has said its latest guidelines will advise that delaying umbilical cord clamping
is best practice.
9/11 CONSPIRACY: THE BIZARRE COLLAPSE OF BUILDING #7"Hey, World Trade 7 fell down like because, because, because, um, the
mayor stored thousands of gallons of diesel fuel in an office building. Yeah,
that's it. Diesel fuel. It's just a coincidence that every single load bearing
member on the ground floor failed at the exact same moment in time. Coincidence.
CO-IN-SEE-DUNCE! Trust us. We're the government."
This would be way too much to take for a beginner.
A beginner should only take about a quarter of one drop on this photo. It seems
like nothing but if it's the real oil, it's enough to start with, Unless you
want to get the patient off of highly potent and addictive substances and
pharmaceuticals. In that case you would give them about half a drop. Then try to
increase their dosage every time they take their dose, preferrably every eight
hours, and continue to increase the dosage as quickly as the patient is
comfortable with to get them off of those dangerous chemicals
this photo of P Barker from Brighton with an average sampling of this crop -
totally organic and no fertiliser. He was interviewed about Orgonite gardening
with it in hand for
The Truth Is Out There ep 2 or 3.... Its not a leek - rather a Spring Onion.
[vid] Indian
Govt puts stringent mobile radiation norms into forceThe new regulations regarding radiation emissions from cellular
towers and mobile phones come into effect from today, making India one among
the few countries in the world to have stringent Electromagnetic Frequency
Radiation Standards. In the interest of public health, the Indian standards
are now 10 times more stringent than over 90 per cent of the countries. The
EMF exposure limit for Base Station Emissions has been lowered to one tenth
of the existing level.
Has Mr.Putin been cloned?!Different people (Putin's body doubles) speak, on behalf of Vladimir
Putin. They have different manners, shape of the skull (the width of the eye
sockets, the shape of the chin, the shape of the zygomatic bone), different
amounts of soft tissue and cartilage on the face (the wings of the nose,
lips, cheeks), different hairlines (scalp and eyebrows), different eye color,
different aspects, they have different hands, different height and a
different tone of the voice!
Gifting Nuclear Power Plant
Gifted a nuclear power plant in Ill. Just SW of Rockford along the Rock river.
Wish I had a camera. Words cannot describe. Energy was beyond dead.( Imagine
taking 150 towers and putting them on a football field with a coal plant, all
your mother in laws and x wives) I saw only two birds, both were vultures
eating a dead racoon.No one was outside enjoying the dor. All the colors were
drab,grass was brown, trees drooping, and the sky was a flat,dull, depressing
grey.Thankfully I had enough orgonite to do the job because I don't want to go
back ever. We gifted the entire perimeter with 8 earth pipes and 12 tb's, then
made another smaller perimeter of 4 ep's and 8 tbs. We also gifted the rock
river very heavily from Rockford to the plant , 12 went into the water. Funny,
there were a lot of forest preserves, and parks around the plant that were empty
and showed very little signs of life. Even the gmo soy and corm looked
sick.Reich said nukes were were the largest producers of dor. I'm a believer! It
was like a twilight zone episode.We also earth piped the Rockford airport and
gifted the nuke cooling ponds there too. After that, the sky ripped open to show
off a giant, ancient slyph. Holy dor to por Batman! I still feel a little sick
today, from all the dor yesterday. Gonna do a zeolite bath and throw a zapper
on.If anyone has nukes nearby.. you have an obligation to earth.
[pdf 2005] Tripedia Check it out. The current
package insert on Sanofi's Tripedia DPT vaccine lists Autism and SIDS as
possible adverse events. "Adverse events reported during post-approval use of
Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic
reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy,
hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea. Events were included in this list
because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting."
"A recent survey
revealed that a high percentage of children diagnosed with bipolar had first
received a diagnosis of ADHD. This is informative, because Ritalin and other
speed-type drugs are given to kids who are slapped with the ADHD label. Speed,
sooner or later, produces a crash. This is easy to call “clinical depression.”
Then comes Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft. These drugs can produce temporary highs,
followed by more crashes. The psychiatrist notices the up and down pattern—and
then comes the diagnosis of Bipolar (manic-depression) and other drugs,
including Valproate and Lithium." ~
Jon Rappoport
Vaccines and Brain Development(1/6)
CDC officials claim vaccines are safe and effective. Is that true? If
vaccines are safe, why did the incidence of autism increase from one case of
autism in 10,000 American children to one case of autism in 150 American
children after the massive childhood vaccination program began? If childhood
vaccines are safe, why are 560,000 vaccinated children afflicted with autism
while nonvaccinated Amish and Mennonite children rarely have the disease? Why
has the incidence of asthma, allergies, autoimmune disease, Type I diabetes, and
neurologic conditions dramatically increased in vaccinated children? Why
do obstetricians give pregnant women influenza vaccines that contain a toxic
dose of mercury? Why do newborn children receive Hepatitis B vaccine in the
nursery when there is no medical justification for the immunization? Dr.
Blaylock's discussion addresses those, and many other, issues.
"For the better part of two years, I actually ignored my own medical
observations, since they were in complete conflict with what I felt just had to
be true. Also, until the past nine months or so, I had not bothered to educate
myself extensively on the body of liposome science that has been accumulating
for the past 45 years or so. In a nutshell, I found that liposome encapsulated
vitamin C, taken orally, was roughly 10 times more effectively clinically in
resolving infectious diseases than the IV-C. Having given thousands of IV-Cs and
taken hundreds myself, this was difficult to comprehend, even though the
clinical observation was quite straightforward. I subsequently realized that the
liposome gave the ultimate bioavailability: intracellular delivery, including
the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and even the nucleus. Furthermore, it
was delivered in a non-energy-consuming fashion. IV vitamin C requires an
expenditure of energy to eventually reach the intracellular compartment, but
liposome encapsulated vitamin C does not. If possible, you do not want to
consume energy to get energy-carrying substances inside the cell. It defeats the
basic purpose. But let me clear, if it is possible, give a patient both IV-C and
oral liposome encapsulated vitamin C. However, if only one is available, the
best application is with liposomes orally."--Thomas
E. Levy, M.D., J.D.
[vid] Medical Cannabis and Its Impact
on Human Health a Cannabis Documentary In this myth shattering,
information packed documentary, learn from physicians and leading researchers
about medicinal cannabis and its demonstrated effects on human health. This
game-changing movie presents the most comprehensive synopsis to date of the real
science surrounding the world's most controversial plant. Topics include: * What
the consensus is from over 1500 scientific and medical trials * What conditions
have been proven to benefit from medical marijuana * Its historical use as
medicine dating back over 5300 years * Methods of delivery and their different
advantages * Government sponsored studies intended to show Marijuana having
negative effects that yielded the exact opposite results * Common myths about
negative effects of Marijuana and what the research really says about these
topics. Doctors: Dr. David Bearman. Expert Witness: Former Director of
Haight Ashbury Drug Treatment Program, Founder of Isla Vista Medical Clinic,
Member of Governor Reagan's Inter-Agency Task Force on Drug Abuse
[2012 Sept ] Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital
Obama ran on "change" in 2008, but Mitt Romney represents a far more real
and seismic shift in the American landscape. Romney is the frontman and apostle
of an economic revolution, in which transactions are manufactured instead of
products, wealth is generated without accompanying prosperity, and Cayman
Islands partnerships are lovingly erected and nurtured while American
communities fall apart. The entire purpose of the business model that Romney
helped pioneer is to move money into the archipelago from the places outside it,
using massive amounts of taxpayer-subsidized debt to enrich a handful of
billionaires. It's a vision of society that's crazy, vicious and almost
unbelievably selfish, yet it's running for president, and it has a chance of
winning. Perhaps that change is coming whether we like it or not. Perhaps Mitt
Romney is the best man to manage the transition. But it seems a little early to
vote for that kind of wholesale surrender.
Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people
see nothing. — Camille Pissarro
[2012 Aug] Dad Pushing Autism Link
Can Get More From CDC A federal judge found that the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention excessively redacted information sought by a father
trying to establish a link between mercury-based vaccines and autism. Brian
Hooker says there is "a mounting body of compelling scientific literature" that
shows a relationship between the mercury-based compound and autism, but that the
CDC and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have consistently denied
the link.
Ketamine Psychedelic
Therapy (KPT): Review of the Results of a 10-Year Study We have been
working with KPT since 1985 and have already treated with KPT more than 1000
alcoholic patients without any complications like protracted psychoses,
flashbacks, agitation, or ketamine abuse. So, KPT seems to be safe and effective
method of treatment of alcohol dependence. It seems to be especially powerful
tool in Russia, where there was no psychedelic revolution in 60s, where almost
nobody knows what does it mean "psychedelics", where almost nobody can even
imagine that this drugs can be used for recreation, for fun, and therefore in
Russia KPT looks particularly unusual and powerful.
[2012 Aug] Assange “Witch Hunt” Dupes Activists, US Extradition Claims Bogus
Why would someone who released all of his material sifted and, according to
Zbigniew Brzezinski, actually written by AIPAC and the Mossad, then again by the
New York Times, be an enemy of the NWO? Assange may be running the whole
thing, after all, he is a 9/11 holocaust denialist, advocates the persecution of
the Palestinian people openly, advocates war on Iran openly, is silent on drug
running in Afghanistan and, though he has leaked material, follows Pentagon
policy as though he were drawing a pay check....Wikileaks to intelligence
professionals is very simple. It is an Israeli “cover and deception” program,
run by them, financed by huge money, backed by Rupert Murdoch, the ADL, AIPAC
and continually advocating right wing causes in the US, pushing for world war
and covering for serious war crimes while reporting only select minor ones....As
for Assange, he is the “mini-me” of Netanyahu, a Romney supporter,
Islamophobic, right wing, anti-Palestinian, pro-war and 9/11 holocaust denialist....When
the US wants someone, they use rendition, a claimed right, and can get anyone
they want, anywhere. If all the intelligence services in the world want Assange
dead, why is he the safest man on earth?.....When the US wants someone, they use
rendition, a claimed right, and can get anyone they want, anywhere. If all the
intelligence services in the world want Assange dead, why is he the safest man
on earth?
[2012 July] Murdoch and Vaccines: Exposure
of Crimes Reveals a Much Larger Story Whatever the answer
to questions about the new DNA vaccines, it is obvious that Rupert Murdoch’s
connections to the pharmaceutical industry and vaccines are very deep. No
investigation of Murdoch’s crimes should omit his efforts to use his media
empire to prevent exposure of potential dangers from the MMR vaccines and
possibly all the new DNA vaccines.
[2012 Aug]
Prostate cancer blood test remains contentious For every 1000
men screened, two or three will suffer serious complications from treatment such
as a blood clot, heart attack or stroke, and up to 40 will suffer erectile
dysfunction, urinary incontinence or both. What's more, the USPSTF's
investigations suggest that 80 per cent of men with elevated PSA levels have a
false-positive result, but end up undergoing a prostate biopsy with "meaningful
risk of complication".
"Letter from
Poland" (Brief uit Polen)A Dutch TV
Documentary about the Polish Tu-154 crash: the questionable "investigation",
manipulations, and social-political ramifications for Poland, Central and
Eastern Europe.
When we worked on the air force's tornado murder infrastructure we only put
earthpipes around Offutt AFB, Omaha, and around Montauk Point in the sea (that
one wasn't related to weather warfare). ....We found [in 2006] underground
weather weaponry (and flipped it) in the Gulf of Mexico, 50 miles southwest of
Ft Myers, FL, and under Little Bahama Bank, 100 miles east of Palm Beach. In
those two cases one could see constant, swirling storms being generated--shown
constantly on the local weather news and on the natinoal Weather Channel. After
we did each one the storms stopped getting generated, there. I think they were
both key elements in the HAARPicane agenda. We found a big tower at the center
of that location in the Gulf but nothing on the surface in that part of the
Bahamas. We only used Towerbusters to accomplish that.
Another underground storm-generating apparatus is under the middle of the
Everglades but we didn't manage to reach that one, due to shallow water. I think
earthpipes are in order for that target.
I doubt there's surface weaponry in the Everglades, besides what we flipped
around the perimeter where there is road access. I might try it with a float
plane or kayak next time. Carol saw the draconians running that one directly and
it might be ancient, like many of the underground bases are. Like at (ancient)
Montauk, we assume that the draconians direct the Vryal (lately called 'German
SS') and, by extension, now the CIA/NSA, British Intelligence (masonry),
Mossadomites directly. Reality is a lot stranger than science fiction so
one will never be bored examining it with an open mind. ~Don
[2012 July] Pentagon Contractor Caught
Illegally Selling Military Technology to China The Canadian arm of the
aircraft engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney closed a six-year U.S. government
probe last week by admitting that it helped China produce its first modern
attack helicopter, a serious violation of U.S. export laws that drew a
multimillion dollar fine.
[2012 June]
Narcolepsy traced to specific vaccine batches A new
Swedish study shows that all Swedes who developed narcolepsy from the swine flu
vaccine Pandemrix received the vaccine from 12 of the 35 batches, despite the
Swedish Medical Products Agency’s previous claim that no such connection exists.
.....Over 220 Swedes, most of them children, developed narcolepsy as a side
effect from the Swine flu vaccine Pandemrix,
Interestingly, this way of covering up the reality of deaths and damage
caused by pharmaceutical corporations is becoming more common — In the UK, the
case against Dr Andrew Wakefield, the whistleblower in the case of MMR
(manufactured in part by GSK), was presented to the public as one of ethics,
while the real issue of a damaging vaccine which harmed thousands of children
was completely sidelined. If Witty and GKS did
learn anything from this case, it was how to get away with culling the
population of thousands, this part of their operation went very well but next
time they might hope to dodge the fine for undeclared safety data. It makes me
sick to my stomach, that while every high school shooting, every soldier killed
in a foreign country, every notorious murder is religiously reported by the US
media, GSK gets away with killing thousands without a single adverse word. And
where are our gallant reporters in all this, whose going to sue them for
fraudulent reporting, nothing could be a clearer sign that the media and it’s
feather bedded journalists have crossed to the other side of the corporate
tracks. Getting away with murder
II.(in two parts) Because of clever media manipulation, most people don’t
understand what this ‘fine’ involved in the GSK mass murder case. It has been
presented to the public as a case of fraud. Every news item makes clear that GSK
failed to disclose certain safety data for three drugs which they produced. The
penalty for this fraud, however, was only a portion of the overall
‘settlement’, the great majority of it was a straightforward claims settlement
for deaths and injury caused to people who took the drugs after they had been
licensed on fraudulent safety data (I know only about Avandia, for one of the
other drugs see Fiona Hackman’s question below).It’s a little like an automobile
company knowingly producing cars with faulty brakes, which ultimately kill
thousands of people, being fined for failing to alert industry regulators to an
apparent production fault. The reason why all media have reported this
settlement as one of fraud is clear, had it been reported as a claims settlement
even the most docile of the public would have raised eyebrows, asking the
question, ‘How can a company falsify safety data, obtain a license for a drug
and watch it kill and maim thousands of people?’ Mr ‘witty’ Witty, the Chief
executive of GSK was able to brush off the whole settlement with the aside
‘We’ve learned from our mistakes’, when the sad fact is that it was thousands of
others who learned by GSK’s criminality.---Martin Walker MA
Martin Walker
[2012 July] The Story
of Lorrin Kain, a Deadly DPT "Hot Lot" and a Mother's Love By Anne Dachel
Karen's daughter Lorrin was born in 1994 and was a healthy, normally
developing baby until at six weeks of age she received a DPT vaccine from a
reported "hot lot" that injured 30 children. (A surrounding lot was responsible
for the death of 10 children.) Lorrin was left with extensive brain damage and
debilitating physical problems. She was blind and had only partial hearing. She
had severe seizures. She was non-verbal and had spastic quadriplegia which left
her totally dependent. She endured countless hospital stays, deep comas and
months of life support. On December 22, 2009, Lorrin
died at her home in the arms of her mother.
'Any zapper cures ordinary herpes in a few minutes but
a month of zapping is needed to ensure that it won't recur. I think that's
because viruses live inside of cells, where microcurrent won't penetrate, and
only come into the bloodstream to multiply, which is when they're vulnerable to
microcurrent so one needs to zap constantly during their lifespan (3 weeks).
Only the Terminator zapper seems to
cure genital herpes consistently and in that case it needs to be worn on or near
the sacrum more or less continuously for a month or so. Men find it harder to
cure than women do.
Since the advent of endemic chronic
sickess from chemtrails in 1999, though, a lot of these sufferers who also got
herpes have found that the lesions keep occurring even after the virus is killed
and we think that this is because the body's liver/colon functions are
compromised, so the body finds the old pathways of the virus to be convenient
avenues to eliminate waste material. The way for these people to know that the
virus is no longer present is that the lesions are no longer painful and when
their affected vital organs are restored the lesions stop occurring.'---Don Croft
This article details events in
musical history that are central to understanding and treating modern
psychopathology, social aggression, political corruption, genetic dysfunction,
and cross-cultural degeneration of traditional values risking life on earth.
This history concerns A=440Hz “standard tuning,” and the Rockefeller
Foundation’s military commercialization of music. The monopolization of the
music industry features this imposed frequency that is “herding” populations
into greater aggression, psychosocial agitation, and emotional distress
predisposing people to physical illnesses and financial impositions profiting
the agents, agencies, and companies engaged in the monopoly. Alternatively,
the most natural, instinctively attractive, A=444Hz (C5=528Hz) frequency that is
most vividly displayed botanically has been suppressed. That is, the “good
vibrations” that the plant kingdom obviously broadcasts in its greenish-yellow
display, remedial to emotional distress, social aggression, and more, has been
musically censored. Thus, a musical revolution is needed to advance world health
and peace, and has already begun with musicians retuning their instruments to
perform optimally, impact audiences beneficially, and restore integrity to the
performing arts and sciences. Music makers are thus urged to communicate and
debate these facts, condemn the militarization of music that has been secretly
administered, and retune instruments and voices to frequencies most sustaining
and healing............http://web.mac.com/len15/MUSICAL_CULT_CONTROL/Leonard_G._Horowitz.html
"The Fundamentalist view view would be that he (Mel Gibson) is demonic."---Joe
[vid] 7/7 Kollerstrom and Farrell Are Dead
Kevin West's new film has been specially made to mark the 7th
anniversary of the 7th July 2005 London bombings. It includes some of the new
footage released by the sham Enquiry into the bombings held in 2010/11 and the
subsequent release of more disinformation about what is supposed to have
happened that day.
[2011 feb] How $31 of pot gave mom a 10-year-prison
sentence Because of $31 in marijuana sales,
Patricia Marilyn Spottedcrow is now serving 10 years in prison, has been taken
away from her four young children and husband, and has ended her work in nursing
Leary, who was associated with Harvard University, was initially hired by the
CIA and military intelligence to develop conditioning drugs in order to make
soldiers aggressive and that sort of thing. The aggression drug they use on
soldiers today started with Timothy Leary. There were also experiments with
truth serums, i.e. drugs that make people talk. The CIA and military
intelligence has a vast drug section which Leary was heavily involved in.
[2000] Music of Time by Preston Nichols
Rock 'n roll is basically a reproduction of the orgasmic cycle put to music.
In this "orgasmic cycle," you have these groups and ensembles of music that just
bounce back and forth. The heart rate speeds up and then synchronizes to the
rate of the frequencies of the music. The spinal channel is also excited. All of
this occurs through the art of music. If rock 'n roll was just the reproduction
of an orgasm, it would be a simple and perhaps innocuous matter. The problem is
that when the orgasmic channels open, the person is totally opened up
psychically and is prone to suggestion on the deepest most archetypal levels. As
mind control meets rock 'n roll, there is a "raw gut thought form" taking hold
of the audience. The process begins with a thought form which is reproduced with
audio tones or music.
....If you take your stereo and turn it up loud, you
can begin to entrain another person. The neural-net is using only so many
differentiated pulses with its floating "synch- pulse." When loud music begins
to generate many more multiple pulse positions than the neural-net is accustomed
to, it creates an overload. The idea in mind control is to jam the neural-net
and stop it from its normal functioning. Loud music in itself can do that, but
it can also be used, quite deviously, to lay in coded messages. Wacky or fringe
people often spout out that they are receiving coded messages through the
television or radio. The further study of this phenomena might reveal that some
of these wacky claims might have some basis in fact.
Entrainment by music can also be
witnessed in indigenous tribal rituals or even New Age drumming circles. If
drumming is loud enough, you will feel it and your body will become entrained.
For example, it is a scientific fact that a normal heart beats at about seventy
beats a minute. If a drummer beats at eighty beats a minute, what is going to
happen? The heart rate is going to rise to eighty beats a minute, too. If you do
not believe me, you can try it yourself. If you drop to a nice and slow beat,
after a while, it will have a hypnotizing effect and slow your heart rate down.
This is the whole idea of using music as a method of mood control. It also shows
how sensitive the neural-network is to music.
In this chapter, I have given an
overall view of how sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll combine to make excellent tools
for mind control. In the next chapter, I will discuss my involvement with one of
the key performers from this period who to this day is still considered a "god"
to his legion of fans.
[2000] Music of Time by Preston Nichols
There are two types of subliminals that were
used in this time period. One was the psychic overlay just described. There were
also true sonic subliminals. Many people will remember the Beatles' record where
"Paul is Dead" was recorded 30 db below the chorus. There are other ways to do
this as well. "Paul is dead" could also be recorded backwards in the chorus.
Whatever method is used in the sonic route, it can be just as effective as the
psychic overlay.
The music was basically formulated
to be hypnotic and grab your attention and entrain the person listening. But, in
the psychic overlay technique, I realized we could put in whole messages.
Basically, I discovered that what I concentrated on as I ran the mix board and
watched the tape going through the machine was just as important as what the
sound actually sounded like at the other end. I finally got to a point where I
had an interim step between the mix down and the final master. This consisted of
me making a dub or a copy and concentrating on the recorder head as the copy was
being made. That is where the psychic overlay was particularly successful.
When I explained this psychic
overlay technique to Phil Spector, he said he did not believe me and wanted to
see proof of it. Consequently, we set up an experiment. As we did the dub, I
concentrated on a phone number. When the record was finally released, we got
thousands of calls to that number. The message got through to people. The
psychic overlay was impressed into the master tape and from there to the vinyl.
When the record was played on the radio station or in the home, people got the
idea to pick up the phone and dial this particular number. It should be pointed
out that there was no phone number mentioned in the music. We were very careful
to have a piece of music where there was no phone number in the lyrics or
any-where else. A special phone was set aside for the experiment, but he did not
keep track of the individual calls......In 1970, I
built a studio out at Montauk. There, we were far more concerned about
subliminals than audio function........However, the
agenda at Montauk was much more bizarre and far-reaching than just adding in
subliminals. There were a number of record producers in cahoots with this
operation. They would sign up a group they felt might be popular and could sell
a lot of records. Upon reporting to their local studio to record, the group was
abducted and taken out to Montauk where a broadcast recording was made. After
being programmed, they returned home thinking they had made the record at their
local studio. [2000] Music of Time by Preston Nichols
June] Proof Armed Forces are Given Untested and Experimental Vaccines By
Christina England From these documents we can clearly see that the
armed forces are being given untested, unsafe vaccinations in what appears to be
vaccination trials. What other untested, dangerous vaccinations are being forced
on to these courageous men and women, and could these vaccinations contribute to
the many soldiers suffering from the Gulf War Syndrome that we see so much of
"Carol and I bought a sea boat when we got to Florida in the fall of
2005 and what mainly got rid of the HAARPicane infrastructure was most
likely the distribution (by dolphins) of hundreds of the TBs we [Carol,
Jeff McKinley and I] tossed in the water for several hundred miles
around Florida's coast and the Keys. We tossed thousands of them, also
did a trip into the Bahamas to ruin a very large, storm-generating
underground facility east of Palm Beach in the shallows of Little Bahama
Bank. It was on our way home that the Coast Guard arrested us in
international waters. I posted detailed reports for the entire year we
were there and they're no doubt archived on the web even though the NSA
destroyed them on EW. *************** abruptly stopped posting my
reports on his site after I announced our intention to move to Florida
to stop the hurricane agenda.
We also disabled all the HAARP transmitters, weatherballs and all of
the countryside death towers in the southern half of the state. The
death towers in Miami and Ft Lauderdale (the metro area) remain
unflipped, mostly.
They threw a hurricane right at us a few weeks after we
arrived. The manufactured storm came in a straight line across the
entire state ot reach us. It wasn't a hurricane when it reached shore
but was built up into a minimal hurricane by the time it reached
us. The cloudbusters in the area prevented it from doing any
significant damage, even though we were ground zero but Miami and Ft
Lauderdale, where the death towers were still operating, got a lot of
damage from that storm, even though they're 50 and 70 miles to the
south. Also, 'ground zero' was announced in the newspaper a day or two
before the storm arrived and the straight path was shown on a graph.
Carol and some of the other psychics can track where orgonite is
taken by dolphins and whales in the ocean and that often provides us
with intel. The US Navy, probably also the Brit one, has a global
agenda to destroy all the dolphins and whales, mostly with sonar
weaponry and a lot of that is on the seabed in vortices. We found death
towers on the seabed with our sonar and the fancy sideview sonar on
commercial boats can actually see them in 3D.
The psychics see orgonite in the sea as pinpoints of light when
they go out of body over the planet. They do it to track where the
whales and dolphins have taken it. A whole lot of our Florida
orgonite was evidently taken as far as the sea that's just west of
equatorial Africa, which is where Atlantic hurricanes originate. I hope
to drop a bunch in the sea west of Southern Mexico next spring since
that's where Pacific hurricanes originate. Cloudbusters work on the
upper atmosphere, mainly, and for stopping violent weather they're only
useful in a rather small radius--5-10 miles sometimes. To stop weather
warfare an 'infantry' approach is needed." --
[2012 June EW] How We Stopped the American Hurricane Agenda in
2005/6 by Don Croft
[vid] Henry Ford's Hemp Plastic Car (1941) Henry Ford once made a car out of organic (hemp) plastic that was much lighter and stronger than the materials we use now. It was biodegradable and made from renewable natural resources. Ford proclaimed he would "grow automobiles from the soil."
[2012 June] Report: Rebels
Responsible for Houla Massacre the Houla massacre was in fact committed by
anti-Assad Sunni militants, and the bulk of the victims were member of the Alawi
and Shia minorities, which have been largely supportive of Assad.
Secret Societies – The German DVD If I may
be forgiven an anecdote my exposure of Sir Edward Heath as a German agent (he
was recruited by the Abwehr in 1937 at Balliol College and was transferred to
the DVD in 1945) started out with what must have seemed to his gay lover and
fellow German spy Madron Seligman (it is not a crime to be gay, at least now –
my objection was to their treason, a capital offence when they committed it
between 1939 and 1945) to be a small, white lie. He
had been warned about me – we were opponents in the 1989 European Parliament
election and his DVD controller had a profile on me. He was anxious to hide the
fact that he and Heath crossed the German lines in August 1939 just prior to the
German invasion of Poland, so he moved the ‘camping trip’ back a year, to the
summer of 1938.
[2012 June] Brains Used to
Study Autism are severely Damaged in Fridge Disaster
by Christina England before researchers and
scientists even begin to study the brain tissue of autistic children they should
all read the aforementioned papers and research. I am sure that they would learn
far more reading these valuable studies and papers then they ever would studying
the brain tissue of autistic children who have passed away. Perhaps they should
spend less time in laboratories and more time working with autistic children who
suffer from the condition on a day-to-day basis and listening to the parents who
have to care for them.
[2012 June]
London Olympics: Rockefeller Sees 13,000 Already Dead; BBC Says Over 100,000published in May 2010 by the Rockefeller Foundation,
conveyed the following chilling piece of information: "...The years 2010 to
2020 were dubbed the ‘doom decade’ for good reason: the 2012 Olympic
bombing, which killed 13,000, was followed closely by
an earthquake in Indonesia killing 40,000, a tsunami that almost wiped Nicaragua
and the onset of the West China Famine, caused by a once-in-a-millennium drought
linked to climate change. ...A BBC's video documentary, captioned: “Code
9, Predictive Programming”, envisaged a nuclear attack on the London Olympic
Stadium. The shocking video depicts how the terrorist attack at the Olympics
would look like. The video begins with the following words: "In the summer
of 2012, an event was to occur that would change the United Kingdom forever",
a clear reference to the Olympics Games. In a vivid narrative, the narrator (the
BBC) suggests…"…In bomb terms the blast was relatively small but the death
toll wasn't. Over a 100,000 incinerated (burnt) and many more given a
death sentence by a nuclear radiation. For some people outside of the blast
zone, life continued almost as normal. But after the attack, nothing in our
country would ever be the same again".
[2012 June] Pregnancy: the new flu vaccine priority
– Vaccines Today In a few short years vaccinating pregnant moms has
gone from being unthinkable to a high priority. If you are pregnant, you have a
bullseye on your back for the vaccine pushers. Are there any long-term studies
on babies born to vaccinated mothers? Of course not. They couldn’t care less if
fluvax is ineffective or toxic. The show must go on.
[2012 June] Flu vaccine production methods
triggered fits: CSL drug giant CSL has admitted its vaccine
production methods probably triggered seizures in children, in the first results
from its two-year investigation into the Fluvax fits. But CSL refused to say
yesterday if it would pay compensation to the families of children hospitalised
after being immunised with Fluvax, which has been banned for pediatric use after
sending one in 100 children into febrile fits in 2010....The preliminary results
of CSL's two-year investigation conclude that its manufacturing methods may have
failed to fully split the viruses used to make flu vaccines.
Madonna Stole From Marilyn Monroe Madonna's thefts from Marilyn Monroe went
beyond the 1985 Material Girl music video, the 1991 Vanity Fair
magazine spread, and the 1985 and 1992 Saturday Night Live television
show appearances. Madonna stole from Monroe from around 1983 up to 1993, and
sporadically there-after. Marilyn Monroe was born in 1926, and she died in 1962.
[2012 June] Australian
three-year-olds targeted for bogus psychiatric disorders such as sleeping with
the light on The Australian government and the Australian Medical
Association are targeting 27,000 three-year-olds for psychiatric treatment. A
new government funded program seeks to treat normal preschool children to
discover if they show "signs of mental illness." What are the symptoms of mental
illness in three-year-olds? Shyness, temper tantrums and needing to sleep with
the light on
[2012 May] Soy formula just
as good as breast milk for infant development, says new research in the journal
Pediatrics "Looking at the actual data, the
breast fed children scored better on virtually every test of neurological
function. (Mental development index; psychomotor development index; subsets).
In many cases the differences are statistically significant: scores; breast
fed> soy fed; milk formula (not soy) sometimes better than soy, sometimes
worse.... breast fed always higher scores... It might seem odd that it's being
reported this way until you see that Badger is a member of the science advisory
board of the Soy Nutrition Institute.... "
[2012 May] Only the Most
Functional Children Were Included in CDC’s Autism Study
Shelley Tzorfas explains the deep flaws in the CDC’s latest study on
autism prevalence. Could the real rate be as high as 1 in 6 children damaged by
vaccines?.....I long for the good old days when
children caught a little virus and got over it instead of today’s chronically
ill children with Autism, ADHD, OCD, dangerous food allergies, diabetes,
depression and whatever else is going around. I believe that the truer number of
children with Autism will mimic more closely the 1 in 6 children in the United
States who now have Developmental Disabilities.
[2012 June] Dutch Child Sex Ring -- Where's the Justice?
One of the perpetrators identified in that investigation by a young male victim
was Joris Demmink, the current Secretary General of the Ministry of Justice --
the same government body that opposes banning "Martijn," the child sex promotion
group.....How much credibility can joint anti-child sex trafficking activities
have if a key enforcement official may be implicated in such activities and, at
the same time, is in a position to block inquiries of the allegations against
him? Why has he not brought to court to face justice both as to his own
behavior and his apparent ability to protect groups such as "Martijn"?
[2012 June] UK's Leveson Plays Cat and Mouse with Public
Interest Over Murdoch MMR Investigation By John Stone When it comes to
the MMR affair the UK’s inquiry into the conduct of the press and Rupert
Murdoch’s News International media empire seems to have been biased, have hidden
historical connections and to be anything but transparent. Four family members
of vaccine damaged children who submitted evidence to the Inquiry have found
themselves arbitrarily rebuffed at News International’s behest.
[vid] Antibiotics on factory farms In the U.S., 80% antibiotics used are
used on farm animals. Yes, 80%. What are these antibiotics and other medications
doing to those who eat the meat and dairy products from these factory farmed
animals? How overuse of antibiotics on factory farms is leading to the creation
of new "super bugs."
Washington funded Houla-style massacres: Analyst The US and NATO have
launched a war on Syria by funding and training the terrorists who commit
Houla-style massacres in the Arab country, an analyst tells Press TV.
[2012 June] Mystery Man
(Hitler's Son?) Exposed J.K. Rowling Joanna Rowling is a
mind-controlled Monarch slave, selected to be the author of the stories because
she exhibits the 'positives' of single parent status. She is a member of the
Fabian Society and the Church of Scientology. The Church of Scientology is a
CIA-run front for the Royals, Rockefellers and Rothschilds. Around Christmas
2011, I corresponded with and spoke to a "mystery man" who claimed to be the
father of JK Rowling's child, born in 1995. I believed him because of the
detailed information he had. He said that in the early 1990s, he,
Jessica Mitford (1917-1996)
and her husband Bob Treuhaft
(1912-2003, who was apparently J.K. Rowling's 'handler') in a long train journey
'brainstormed' the entire Harry Potter story whilst JKR took copious notes
[2012 June] Military movie
censorship ‘makes Americans warlike’ When the American people are
seeing hundreds and hundreds of films and TV shows that have been sanitized by
the military to make the military seem more heroic than it really is, and never
wrong and always good, that creates a false image in the American people's
minds, and I think it helps to make the American people a more warlike people.
Masters of Porn: The Systematic Promotion of Sexual Deviance It comes
as a big shock to learn that two of the fathers of the Sexual Revolution were
both sexual perverts with an evangelical mission in life: to infect society with
their wacky ideas and turn the world into a vast masturbatorium.
"The CIA is implementing a device to sabotage the Annan plan and
any attempt at peace in Syria. Reverting to its Cold War methods when it created
subversive groups in the Eastern Bloc to infiltrate international combat fronts,
the CIA organized a joint training seminar in Miami for members of the Cuban and
Syrian armed opposition."
CIA SABOTAGE OF SYRIA PEACE PLAN: Miami Cuban Dissidents Join Hands with Syrian
Martin, who has performed many exorcisms, many carefully
documented and some quite gruesome and even fatal, is careful to warn of such
entities. Then I met one, a psychologist working for the State of Michigan.
He came to light when I was told he had arranged for a murder for hire, more
blackmail than hire, and extensive involvement in human trafficking under pretty
unpleasant circumstances. I interviewed him on several occasions. I
was younger then, not unbloodied by any means, but could only describe a feeling
of pervasive evil that eminated from him. As I remember, he thought me rigid.
I considered him a psychopath, capable of any act and obsessed with debasing
anyone he had power over and he had power over hundreds, the power of life and
death quite actually. Still the non-believer, I would say he was
possessed, a demonic presence. If I have been around others, and I
have been around some unsavourable types, this is someone who went “there” and
beyond.[2012 May] War, Press TV and
Death By Political Correctness by Gordon Duff
[2012 May] The United Jewish Kingdom By Gilad Atzmon it was the Jewish
Lobby led by Lord Levy that financed the Labour government that took us into an
illegal War in Iraq? The student may argue that some people mistakenly identify
Jews (as a collective) with the horrendous non-ethical acts of just a few Jews,
this is where prejudice, plays its role. Bearing in mind it was also Jewish
chronicle writers such as David Aaronovitch and Nick Cohen who were supporting
this criminal act in the mainstream media, such an answer is coherent and
consistent with the facts. Another honest student may suggest that with 80% of
the Tory MPs (including education minister Michael Gove ) being CFI members
there is a reason to believe that the British Government is under the control of
a foreign power.
[2012 May] War, Press TV and Death By Political
Correctness by Gordon Duff Anyone who doesn’t pretend Al
Qaeda exists is ostracized. Neither is there now nor has there ever been
such an organization. The Department of Justice invented it and the CIA,
Mossad and other organizations are responsible for the terrorist acts falsely
attributed to it. “Al Qaeda” is Hebrew for “boogeyman” me thinks.
Those who say they are “terrorist spokesmen” are Israeli
actors and all “Al Qaeda” material is pure theatre, every word a lie.
Blaming phony “Al Qaeda” is a form of political correctness, one that causes
wars and kills endless thousands. The Al Qaeda lie has made many a
criminal and political hack an overnight billionaire while America is starving,
schools are closing and veterans sleeping under bridges.
Osama bin Laden was never a terrorist, died in 2001, denied
any complicity in 9/11 and was a CIA agent, both loved and respected by his
American co-workers with whom I have spoken extensively. He never
committed a single act, had no terror network and was the chosen trustee of all
American Stinger missiles used against the Soviet Union. Technically, he
is an American hero.
There is no US government nor any political parties. There is a world
government that consists of layers, corporations, banks, overlords, one no
single person understands but not run by the Bilderbergers, the CFR and has
almost no American membership. America takes orders passed on through
Israel who gets them from some place else.
Iran and Israel stay at each other’s throats because they have domestic
governments that are extremely unpopular and need to blame someone else for
their problems. Iran plays “nuclear peek-a-boo” while Israel pretends they
are surrounded by invisible armies or are hiding from imaginary rockets.
When Israel needs a terror attack, they simply kill a few of their own, blame
Hamas, attack and wait for Hamas or someone to retaliate. Everyone who
knows anything knows this but saying it will get you accused of “anti-semitism”
and you could lose your high paying job as a liar or misdirection artist, what
you do instead of real work which no longer seems to exist.
............ The primary religion of Jesuits, high ranking Evangelical
Christians, members of powerful organizations (we all know the list), congress
and the Pentagon is Satanism. The number of high level confirmations I
have on this are frightening. The more “Christian” or “religious” people
appear, the more Satanist they are. Satanists are bad. Bad means they are
immoral, they commit hideous acts using their power as cover and have total
control of our courts and law enforcement mechanism and the leadership of both
political parties.
[vid] Al Qaeda and the West team up to frame Syrian government for massacre
As information trickles out of Houla, Syria, near the city of Homs and the
Lebanese-Syrian border, it is becoming clear that the Syrian government was not
responsible for shelling to deaths some 32 children and their parents, as
periodically claimed and denied by Western media and even the UN itself.
Cover-up 'They Knew.' Two years before the Deepwater Horizon blow-out
in the Gulf of Mexico, another BP off-shore rig suffered a nearly identical
blow-out, but BP concealed the first one from the U.S. regulators and Congress.
This week,
EcoWatch.org located an eyewitness with devastating new information about
the Caspian Sea oil-rig blow-out which BP had concealed from government and the
industry....By hiding the disastrous failure of its penny-pinching cement
process in 2008, BP was able to continue to use the dangerous methods in the
Gulf of Mexico—causing the worst oil spill in U.S. history. April 20 marks the
second anniversary of the Gulf oil disaster.
[2012 May] The Rap
Music Conspiracy He told us that since our employers had become silent
investors in this prison business, it was now in their interest to make sure
that these prisons remained filled. Our job would be to help make this happen by
marketing music which promotes criminal behavior, rap being the music of
choice.....As the months passed, rap music had definitely
changed direction. I was never a fan of it but even I could tell the
difference. Rap acts that talked about politics or harmless fun were quickly
fading away as gangster rap started dominating the airwaves.....Everyone bought
into it, consumers included. Violence and drug use became a central
theme in most rap music. I spoke to a few of my peers in the industry
to get their opinions on the new trend but was told repeatedly that it was all
about supply and demand. Sadly many of them even expressed that the music
reinforced their prejudice of minorities....Now that I have a greater
understanding of how private prisons operate, things make much more sense than
they ever have. I see how the criminalization of rap music
played a big part in promoting racial stereotypes and misguided so many
impressionable young minds into adopting these glorified criminal behaviors
which often lead to incarceration.
CNN: DID SOMEONE ELSE DO LOCKERBIE? Ashton claims that Iran is the
likely suspect and that they used The Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) to carry out the attack. There is a problem
here. The Ayatollahs were put into power by the CIA. And the PFLP-GC was
run by the CIA and its friends.
[2012 Vid] Child Protective Services made her a zombie In Houston,
Child Protective Services tried for years to get their hands on a particular
little girl and when they finally did they put the 3 year old on excessive doses
of multiple psychotropic 'medications', which caused the girl unimaginable harm.
[2012 May] Seth Mnookin is a Journalistic Carpetbagger Who Should Shut The Hell
Up Seth Mnookin is a guy that pretends to be a journalist, and writes
hit pieces that encourage people to neglect the medical needs of children with
autism. He is now attacking Autism One, about which he knows neither Jack nor
Squat. .....Seth you are a coward and a child and your shallow, crap "reporting"
on the autism epidemic just adds to the damage that your predecessors have piled
up. Find a new hobby.
Elie Wiesel adds a new twist to his Buchenwald liberation tale On May
6, he gave a major speech (for big bucks) at Xavier University in Cincinnati,
brought there by the Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education. A
reporter who covered the speech wrote that Wiesel said this: Wiesel recounted
his rescue from the concentration camp by the U.S. Army and said he remains
grateful. “We cried,” he recalled. “We discovered for the first time
that we could cry.” But in an interview that was published on the following
day, May 7, on NBC New York, Wiesel said the opposite to reporter Gabe Pressman:
He told me about the day the American army came to liberate the prisoners, How
the prisoners “wanted to cry but they didn’t know how to cry… if you cry, you
will never stop so they didn’t even do that.”
[2012 DVD] Cut Poison Burn
Cut Poison Burn is a controversial, eye opening, and sometimes heartbreaking
documentary that puts the business of cancer treatment under the microscope.
Follow the frustrating journeys of critically ill cancer patients as they try to
navigate the confusing and dangerous maze of treatment and encounter formidable
obstacles in the “cancer industrial complex.” A compelling critique of the
influence of medical monopolies, the power of pharmaceutical companies and
government agencies, Cut Poison Burn is essential viewing for anyone and
everyone touched by cancer.
[2012 May] Censorship, Sports and the Power of One
Word Now, once again, the name Gerson, put forth publicly by
one person, on one occasion, has given the medical/pharmaceutical
industry apoplexy, and generated tens of thousands of words of calumny in the
controlled press. Many people must be wondering what generated that kind of
reaction. This "over-the-top" response is the greatest acknowledgement that the
word Gerson clearly generates such fear in the medicine-for-profit industry that
its knee-jerk reaction is to spew abuse in all directions.
The pharmaceutical industry is the most profitable business
on the face of the planet. Yet it is terrified of one word, whether spoken by a
prince or worn by a snooker player. If they have to resort to silencing even the
quietest whisper of dissent, they are exposing their lack of confidence in their
own competitiveness as providers of methods and products that are supposed to
enhance and restore good health.
[2012 May]
FDA SMOKING GUN!!! FINALLY!! by Jon Rappoport Let me say it
again: the FDA certifies all medical drugs as safe and effective before they are
released for public use. And here we have the FDA ADMITTING that THESE VERY
DRUGS are killing 100,000 people a year and maiming 2 million people a year! And
what have they done about it? NOTHING......This is an ongoing crime of murder
and the FDA is a RICO operation, a criminal organization that has never paid for
their crimes in any form or fashion. And on top of that, the FDA tries to put
people who sell VITAMINS out of business---vitamins that kill nobody.
[2012] Marriage License is a Trap This is why time and time again CPS
feels that they can just come in and take over your children, because according
to the marriage license (along with numerous other unrevealed contracts), they
have legal jurisdiction over your children without you really knowing or
understanding why.
[2012 Vid] Bad Medicine: Big Pharma drug CAUSES bone fractures
Fosamax. Reports had begun to emerge that some women taking bisphosphonates for
many years suffered an unusual fracture of the femur, the long bone of the
thigh. There was little or no trauma; in most cases the women were simply
standing or walking when the femur snapped in half. In some, breaks occurred in
both thighs, and many of the fractures were unusually slow to heal.
Elie Wiesel Knows Soviet “Liberators” Destroyed the Birkenau Crematoriums
Crema IV was heavily damaged in an uprising on Oct. 7, 1944. Both were
ultimately totally destroyed, but the question remains—by whom? The answer
has to be by the Russians themselves. And it is Elie Wiesel who has told us.
Just as with his failure to mention “gas chambers” in his book Night,
Wiesel falls out of step with the official storyline at times and lets the truth
slip out. Was he just saying what most people knew at the time, in spite of what
was dreamed up at Nuremberg? I think so. He wrote this in 1954. Not even Elie
Wiesel should confuse 9 days with 2 days when it comes to a matter of life or
death. Which brings up another question: Is it reasonable that the
prisoners left behind in an unguarded facility would just hang around for nine
days waiting for the feared “Red Army” to arrive? Would they not take off once
they got the chance? Elie says he was one of the hospital patients, his
father being allowed to stay with him, yet they both were capable of going on
the evacuation march and keeping up with the pace. Thus, many others lying
around in the hospital surely could do the same. That is, unless the Soviet
representatives surprised them by showing up already on the 20th, before they
could prepare themselves to leave. The story of the Auschwitz liberation
is as cloudy as it gets. It has been told in emotion-wrenching photographs that
were all staged by Soviet photographers and film makers in the following month
of February and even March–every one of them–and by revengeful witnesses who
were coached in what to say. As portions of the book by Janina Struk point out,
time would pass before a finalsolution of what happened at
Auschwitz could be cobbled together for public consumption by Soviet
[2012 may]
Pharmagedon: Big Coverup: What is 2D6? Making our kids & soldiers
psychotic! Cytochrome P450 2D6 is the most major metabolic
pathway that detoxifies 50% of all psyche drugs and street drugs.
7-10% of Caucasians, for example, are poor or
non-metabolizers due to a deletion or non activity of the 2D6 pathway.
There is a percentage of Asians and Afrikan Americans who are poor
metabolizers. When certain drugs (list below) are given to these
demographics, due to their inability to metabolize them, these
people become psychotic, homicidal, suicidal, a danger to themselves and
[2012 March] Infarmed suspended vaccines
RotaTeq and Prevnar 13 for suspected adverse reaction The
National Authority of Medicines and Health Products (Infarmed)
determined, as a precautionary measure, the immediate suspension of the
use of vaccines RotaTeq and Prevnar 13 for suspected serious adverse
reactions in children. According to an information circular
Infarmed was suspended Lot no. º 1590AA/0671579 with valid until May 31,
2013, the oral solution RotaTeq against rotavirus, a major cause of
gastroenteritis in children and Lot no. No. F73745 (917,690), valid
until May 31, 2014, the injectable vaccine Prevnar 13 for the prevention
of pneumonia. ......According to today's edition of the Journal News,
Infarmed this decision is related to the death, on Monday, a baby of six
months in a nursery in Camarate, Loures, which had been recently
May] Olympic Vaccination Frenzy As Athletes Urged To Get Their Shots By
Christina England With GlaxoSmithKline (2) being the
number one sponsor of the 2012 Olympic Games, it makes sense that
vaccinations are high on the agenda. GSK must have been in seventh
heaven when they landed the Olympic contract for drugs testing. They
announced in January that they had signed a contract with London 2012 to
become an official supplier to the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
[2012 April] Unvaccinated Children Less
Likely to have Asthma or Allergies In every single health
category evaluated as part of both studies, the overall health of
unvaccinated children was leaps and bounds ahead of the vaccinated
children. The allergy rate among vaccinated children, for instance, was
more than double the allergy rate among unvaccinated children. And
worse, vaccinated children were found to be nearly eight times more
prone to developing asthma or chronic Bronchitis than were unvaccinated
Another significant difference between the two groups was
observed in the category of autoimmune disorders. While less than
half of one percent of unvaccinated children were found to have
developed an autoimmune disease, roughly seven percent of vaccinated
children developed one -- and according to the US National
Institutes of Health (NIH), nearly 25 percent of Americans today suffer
from at least one autoimmune disorder.
The other health categories where unvaccinated children fared
better than vaccinated children included neurodermatitis, herpes, otitis
media (ear infections), hay fever, hyperactivity, scoliosis, epilepsy
and seizures, migraine headaches, and thyroid disease. The only category
where disease rates were roughly equal between the two groups was in the
category of diabetes mellitus, a disease which affects only about 0.2%
of children under the age of 20.
[vid] FBI scripts a fake terror plot, group of idiots volunteer to play
roles Over and over again, the F.B.I. writes the script, they cast
idiots to play the parts, and then bust their own terror plot with a big
show in the press. Even the New York Times can't remember any
recent terror plot 'busts' that DIDN'T involve the F.B.I. actually
having to provide the entire scenario, including the fake bombs. They do
this to keep the American public convinced that if we don't give up our
rights, if we don't accept government transgressions and tyranny, then
we will all be at the mercy of terrorists. Exactly like the Mafia
protection racket with a better publicist...
[vid 2012 May] Strange
"Windsor Hum" has local officials demanding answers The 'Windsor Hum' is the
name given to the recurring and invasive low-frequency humming noise plaguing
Windsor, Canada for more than a year now. The noise peaked last year and then
subsided for a time, but a few months ago the hum returned with a vengeance and
has Windsor residents and Canadian officials demanding answers. Canadian
scientists are claiming that the sound is coming from across the river, from
Detroit, but Americans say they can't here it. American agencies, like the EPA,
aren't interested. Canadian diplomats formally raised the issue with the U.S.
Department of State last September, and with the return of the noise in
February, they intend to raise the issue again.
[vid] Obama's bloodiest scandal and its shameless cover-up American
gun dealers were 'under orders' by the ATF and the Justice Department to sell
guns to straw purchasers who would then hand the guns over to drug cartels in
Mexico. The main stream media still refer to this as a 'botched' operation
despite the evidence that the program worked exactly as it was designed to. As
part of a plan to 'brainwash' Americans into thinking about guns in a whole new
way, guns were delivered to the cartels and turned up at Mexican crime scenes,
making headlines and bolstering the bogus claim that American gun laws were to
blame for the violence in Mexico. The administration then tried to make the case
that we need stricter gun laws to stem the flow of weapons across the border, a
ridiculous claim considering that the ATF and DOJ had to SUBVERT existing laws
to make the program work.
THE NEW WORLD ORDER by Jon Rappoport Over the last ten years, I've
established time and time again that psychiatry is a fraud. From every angle.
It's a drug-dealing machine, and all the drugs are toxic and dangerous. Not one
single so-called mental disorder has ever, in any patient, been verified by a
physical test, chemical or biological. That's because there are no tests. The
300 so-called disorders listed in the bible of psychiatry, the DSM, are invented
by committees from menus of behaviors. It's a con. It's an embrace between the
profession of psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry. From the psy-op
perspective, diagnosing people with these disorder labels means they can be
debilitated by the drugs. That makes the nation weaker. That scrambles people's
brains. That sedates people. That makes people easier to control. And from
another angle, if a person is diagnosed, his thoughts and ideas are no longer
considered legitimate.
[2005] British special forces caught dressed as Arab
'terrorists' British soldiers have been caught posing as Arabs and
shooting Iraqis in the occupied city of Basra in southern Iraq. A group of them
was caught yesterday by Iraqi police. They were driving an Iraqi car, wearing
Arab clothing, and carrying weapons and explosives.
[2011] Mossad/CIA
murdered U.S. troops in Iraq Richard Wilson’s hypothesis: Israeli
soldiers and/or Mossad/CIA agents are killing our soldiers in Iraq in order to
enrage American troops so that the slaughter continues.....For example, on July
23, 2005, a detachment of 19 female US Marines was sent to Fallujah to check
Iraqi women for bombs. An IED blew up their truck. Two of the young
American women were killed, five were critically wounded, and four were
captured. The bodies of the four captured women turned up later in a
garbage dump with their throats cut. Americans were outraged.
Islamic clerics insisted that only Israelis could be so cold-blooded. And who
was in charge of US forces in Fallujah at the time? None other than Major
General Natonski, the Mossad liaison.....Americans are supposed to believe that
rag-tag “insurgents” use IEDs powerful enough to kill three US troops per day,
on average and flip over up-armored vehicles. An American soldier even set
up a blog on how “Intel” is betraying and targeting US troops. The
blog has long since been taken down, one can only assume by the Pentagon.
According to Richard Wilson, Israeli sniping and IEDs are false flag
[pdf 2012] Polio programme: let us
declare victory and move on while India has been polio-free for a
year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis
(NPAFP). In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically
indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of
NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Though this
data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not
investigated. The principle of primum-non-nocere was violated.
Belkin, Michael First Do No
Harm by The Refusers - Youtube video
1) Please click the thumbs up ‘like’ button below the youtube video on the
left (video url is below)
2) Please also click the thumbs up ‘like’ button on the top comment that
starts ‘a very inspired video ...’ (More likes help keep that comment
at the top so it's the first thing people see when the slimebags strike).
3) If you are inspired, please leave a comment
MILK by Peggy O'Mara
If 50% of moms were exclusively breastfeeding at 6 months as the American
Academy of Pediatrics and Healthy People 2010 recommend, the total yearly
economic value of US breast milk would be at least $28 billion.
Luciferian Report by Jim Stone
Bill Gates (a jew) stole EVERYTHING, he stole Dos from IBM (and was later forced
to settle that by writing OS2 for IBM,) He infiltrated and stole everything from
WordPerfect, he directly stole the Lotus Spreadsheet and released it as Access,
He stole Stacker from Stac electronics outright.
[2012 April] Rise in
paralysis cases after polio vaccine a definite co-relation between the
increase in the number AFP and the irrational administration of OPV.
Normally, he said, the chances of children under the age of 15 getting affected
by non-polio AFP are 1-2 per 100,000. But, the rate of non-polio AFP nationally
“is now 12 times higher than expected.” In 2011, an additional 47,500
children were newly paralyzed, over and above the standard rate of 2
children per 100,000 non-polio AFP cases, says the paper in the journal.
[2012 April]
Rappoport a decade ago, the Army wouldn't accept recruits who
had taken psychiatric meds, including Ritalin. Now, according to Breggin, the
whole policy has been reversed. Soldiers who are heading for the battlefield
must agree to take these drugs. If you were mounting a conscious plan to destroy
a military force from within, the widespread prescription of psychotropic drugs
would be an obvious choice......Here are excerpts from Dr. Baughman's published
letter: " [I] opened and financed my own investigation into these unexplained
deaths. Andrew White, Eric Layne, Nicholas Endicott and Derek Johnson, all in
their twenties, were four West Virginia veterans who died in their sleep in
early 2008.... All were on the same prescribed drug cocktail, Seroquel
(antipsychotic), Paxil (antidepressant) and Klonopin (benzodiazepine) and all
appeared "normal" when they went to sleep.
[2005] Italian, Russian Police Break Up Child Snuff
Porn Ring Three Russian Jews and eight Italian Jews were arrested
after police discovered they had been kidnapping non-Jewish children between the
ages of two and five years from Russian orphanages, raping the children, and
then murdering them on film. Mostly non-Jewish customers, including 1,700
nationwide, 600 in Italy, and an unknown number in the United States, paid as
much as $20,000 per film to watch little children being raped and murdered.
Sun Sea & Satan FULL DOCUMENTARYA hard-hitting emotionally charged 60 min documentary by Bill Maloney
(Award winning independent film director) who's family were all brought up in
the UK care system. It covers Maloney's visit and interpretation of Jersey,
Channel Islands, following the ongoing child abuse investigations of the
children's care home 'Haut de la Garenne'. It highlights connections with the
Sea Cadets and children being brought from London care homes for 'sailing
holidays' on the Island. The documentary contains strong language and strong
opinions. Due to his and his family's experiences of Establishment care
homes Maloney felt compelled to see first hand the response of Islanders to the
alleged abuse claims and their general feeling for the Governing States. A mixed
response of silence, anger and insensitivity is catalogued from this island of
geographical beauty with an ugly underbelly. The film includes mainstream news
reports with Jeremy Paxman, Stuart Syvret, Lenny Harper, Esther Rantzen and
Frank Walker. It is the opinion of Bill Maloney that if a child was
required - Haut de la Garenne was the venue; if an adult was required - St
Saviours Mental Hospital was the venue.
[vid] Leaked Video Shows US Contractors
Randomly Killing Civilians Employees of the US military contracting
group Academi (formerly Xe, Blackwater USA and Blackwater Worldwide) are seen in
new leaked video shooting their machine guns at random while driving through the
streets of Baghdad, crashing into other cars and even running over a pedestrian
without hesitation. Academi received a $250 million contract by the Obama
administration to provide military services in Afghanistan.
Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship
I am referrring to structures, to certain ideologies being
instilled, to the plans, the direction, the inevitable expansion, the
obliteration of nations, which was the purpose of the Soviet Union. Most people
do not understand this. They do not know it, but we do because we were raised in
the Soviet Union where we had to study the Soviet ideology in school and at
university. The ultimate purpose of the Soviet Union was to create a new
historic entity, the Soviet people, all around the globe. The same is true in
the EU today. They are trying to create a new people. They call this people
“Europeans”, whatever that means.
[2012 March EW] Yet Another Murder Attempt a white van in the other
lane whipped around a big truck, as though to pass it, and the driver evidently
saw Jenny and should have immediately put his brakes on and got back behind the
truck. He speeded up, though, and kept moving forward. Jenny barely had time
to get onto the shoulder to avoid a collision with that tool and she feels that
if she hadn't gotten the premonition she probably would have panicked and
wrecked, as there was a high bank just beyond the shoulder. Carol reckons the
big truck's driver was also part of this op and that several spotters were in
place, beforehand, perhaps including an aircraft.
'When it came to discussing the war in Iraq staff found it so difficult to find
any member of the public prepared to speak in favour that they ended up planting
people in the (Question Time) audience.' - Autobiography: BBC Director-General,
Greg Dyke. Mail on Sunday. October 24 2004.
[2012 March Letter] Medical statistics
which just don't add up... Heart disease in all countries is closely
related to power station coal consumption. In Britain, both rise to a maximum in
1974 and fall steeply after 1978. Three-quarters of the fall occurred before
statins were introduced. France and Japan have low rates of heart disease and no
coal consumption. Mediterranean countries have a high saturated fat diet —
animal fat — but a low heart disease rate. In the U.S., coal use and heart
disease fall in line with each other. China has rising coal consumption and a
rising incidence of heart disease. Why is this? Because sulphur dioxide from
coal is injected by power stations into the stratosphere. It absorbs the 295nm
band of UV, thereby reducing Vitamin D production in the skin. Low Vitamin D is
closely associated with the risk of heart disease.
[2012 March] Baby’s Being Harmed by Mom’s
babies born to mothers who took antidepressants while they were pregnant had
slightly slower head growth and were more likely to be born early...... ten
percent of mothers taking SSRIs had a premature birth, compared to six percent
of those with untreated depression and five percent of non-depressed moms.
Previous studies have suggested a slightly increased risk of some birth defects
in babies of moms taking antidepressants, as well as a greater chance they will
end up needing intensive care......In January, the British Medical Journal
published a study showing that babies of women who take SSRI antidepressants
during pregnancy have a slightly increased risk of a life-threatening condition
called persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) in which not
enough oxygen reaches the bloodstream but returns to the heart in an oxygen-poor
state. This in turn causes rapid breathing, a rapid heart rate, respiratory
distress, and cyanosis. If not caught in time, it can cause shock, heart
failure, brain hemorrhage, seizures, kidney failure, multiple organ damage, and
possibly even death.
[2011 March] Libya's Blood for Oil: The "Vampire"
War by Susan Lindauer On the day it was blown out of the sky, Pan Am
103 was carrying that team of CIA and FBI investigators, the CIA's Deputy Chief
assigned to Beirut, and three Defense Intelligence officers, including McKee and
Gannon, on their way to Washington to deliver a report on the CIA's role in
heroin trafficking, and the impact on terrorist financing and the hostage
crisis. In short, everyone with direct knowledge of CIA kickbacks from heroin
trafficking died on Pan Am 103. A suitcase packed with $500,000 worth of heroin
was found in the wreckage. It belonged to investigators, as proof of the
Brian Deer’s BMJ Series Not Peer Reviewed Dr. Godlee falsely told
concerned readers that Brian Deer’s BMJ article was “subjected to peer review”
plus the false claim underneath the article that it was “externally peer
reviewed.” Then there is this motion made by all three defendants, including
Brian Deer, falsely calling Dr. Harvey Marcovitch the “external reviewer.” The
result looks very much like conscious, intentional wrongdoing. In other words,
[vid] Lawrence Livermore Lab & the continued Nuclear Arms Race Childhood
cancer rates are six times higher for children born in Livermore; and the amount
of radiation that has been expelled from the lab since its inception is
equivalent to that released from the bombing of Hiroshima. Most disturbingly,
the Livermore community is largely unaware of what the lab is actually doing and
what its potential impacts are on their health and the environment.
[2012 March] Still Alive! Colitis & Pregnancy by
Richard Shulze, N.D., M.H.
The doctors recommend removing my sigmoid colon and said if I
didn't get the surgery I would be dead in 3 weeks to a year.....After a year
of seeking out and trying many different types of alternative medicines, I was
introduced to your products. I did your Vitality Program and felt the best I
had felt in years. From there I continued on with your Bowel Detoxes and I'm
still alive!
[2012 March] How competent are expert
some 20 per cent of the psychologists were working beyond their area of
knowledge; around a third had no experience of mental health assessments; and
some 90 per cent of experts were not in current practice..... the research
concluded that around 65 per cent of expert reports in the study were of either
'poor' or 'very poor' quality.
[2012 March] Monsanto's Roundup threatens
stability of global food supply A shocking new report reveals how
Monsanto's Roundup is actually threatening the crop-yielding potential of the
entire biosphere. The report reveals that glyphosate, which was developed by
Monsanto in the early 1970s and is the active ingredient in its patented
herbicide Roundup, may be irreversibly devastating the microbiodiversity of the
soil - compromising the health of the entire planet, as a result.
[2012 March] Dr. Wakefield Comments After the
GMC Recants; Will Dr. Andrew Wakefield Be Next? a study performed by a team
of doctors at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, involved
275 children that confirmed Dr. Wakefield’s findings regarding bowel disease and
the measles virus. Here are the results: 70 out of 82 children tested
positive for the measles virus, but just not any ordinary measles virus.
[2012 March] African ping pong: US plays both
sides in Uganda By Richard Cottrell The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)
rampaging around Uganda is nothing more than a US and Mossad-backed guerilla
force. Its task is to destabilize wide areas of Africa rich in minerals like
Uganda, ex-French and Belgian Congo, and Sudan. Joseph Kony.....the new US
terrorist poster boy, has been on the CIA’s books for years. The LRA’s mass
abductions, industrial scale rape and pillage, and kidnapping of children who
are turned into monster killers, bear every sign of a CIA MK-Ultra derived
programmer to create
robotic “no questions asked” terrorists. Hundreds if not thousands of these
ghastly indoctrinated children, trained to kill and maim without pity, have been
sent north to stiffen anti-government guerilla
forces in Sudan and Somalia.....He provides the perfect excuse to invade Uganda
on the pretext of inciting another humanitarian mission.
Whenever you have a high-ranking homosexual fronting as a married
heterosexual, you have a malleable spy who will go to any treasonous lengths and
use all their resources just to maintain one or all of their positions. Many
homosexual Freemasons use Freemasonry and marriage as a form of cover.
Freemasons have a high rate of child-sex abuse, paedophilia and incest, with
accounts suggesting that Freemasons sexually abuse a third of their daughters
and granddaughters. Paedophiles control Freemasons, because Freemasons
consider paedophiles to be close to royals. Royals use their illegitimate
children for supply and control for paedophiles. Police are a Freemasonry
organisation and serve the British Crown. Thus Police cover for paedophiles and
expect promotions when they do so. Freemasons admire paedophiles and a Freemason
will do anything a paedophile asks them to do. This does not exclude dropping
the Berlin Wall.
Because the Freemasons control the police and judiciary,
Freemasons are rarely charged for their incest, child-sex abuse and Paedophilia.
When they are discovered, the first step is to cover up. When it becomes too
obvious they are often murdered. Sometimes these murders are real and other
times they are fake with new identities established elsewhere. In the case of
really important secret society Members, they are retained, hidden and used for
ceremonial purposes. Hitler was a British Agent by
Greg Hallett
Multiple Sclerosis & Dirty ElectricitySymptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) resemble those of
electrohypersensitivity (EHS), which may result in, an initially, flawed
diagnosis. Some individuals with MS may also have EHS and, in this case,
improving electromagnetic hygiene in the home and work place may reduce severity
of the neurological symptoms, as shown in this video.
Dr. Magda Havas: WiFi in Schools is Safe. True or False?Is Wi-Fi in schools safe? Find out by watching this video. Learn how the
Wi-Fi routers used in schools differ from those in homes; learn about studies
that have documented the adverse effects of this radiation on rats, blood cells,
the heart, cancer; learn about alternatives to wireless routers that are cost
effective, energy efficient and that don't emit microwave radiation.
[2012 March] UPDATE FROM DR. SHAW –
increase in the rate of autism throughout much of the world may be largely
mediated by the marked increase in the use of acetaminophen in genetically
and/or metabolically susceptible children and perhaps the use of acetaminophen
by pregnant women.”
[2012 March] 11 and Constipated by Dr. Schulze
I wanted to say to folks who have autistic kids (or just constipated kids), and
are looking for help: Dr. Schulze’s Intestinal Formula #1 is MUCH better and
MORE EFFECTIVE than Miralax or the other drugs that are recommended by big
pharma to treat our kids’ constipation.
“In Islamic theology, the phallic symbol is very important. Your biggest
phallic symbol is New York City and your tallest building will be the phallic
symbol they will hit.”---Isser Harel, 1979
English Court Exonerates MMR/Autism Doctor – UK General Medical Given
Sound Thrashing For the reasons given above, both on general
issues and the Lancet paper and in relation to individual children, the panel’s
overall conclusion that Professor Walker-Smith was guilty of serious
professional misconduct was flawed, in two respects: inadequate and superficial
reasoning and, in a number of instances, a wrong conclusion. Miss Glynn submits
that the materials which I have been invited to consider would support many of
the panel’s critical findings; and that I can safely infer that, without saying
so, it preferred the evidence of the GMC’s experts, principally Professor Booth,
to that given by Professor Walker-Smith and Dr. Murch and by Dr. Miller and Dr.
Thomas. Even if it were permissible to perform such an exercise, which I doubt,
it would not permit me to rescue the panel’s findings. As I have explained, the
medical records provide an equivocal answer to most of the questions which the
panel had to decide. The panel had no alternative but to decide whether
Professor Walker-Smith had told the truth to it and to his colleagues,
contemporaneously. The GMC’s approach to the fundamental issues in the case led
it to believe that that was not necessary – an error from which many of the
subsequent weaknesses in the panel’s determination flowed. It had to decide what
Professor Walker-Smith thought he was doing: if he believed he was undertaking
research in the guise of clinical investigation and treatment, he deserved the
finding that he had been guilty of serious professional misconduct and the
sanction of erasure; if not, he did not, unless, perhaps, his actions fell
outside the spectrum of that which would have been considered reasonable medical
practice by an academic clinician. Its failure to address and decide that
question is an error which goes to the root of its determination.
The panel’s determination cannot stand. I therefore quash it. Miss Glynn, on the
basis of sensible instructions, does not invite me to remit it to a fresh
Fitness to Practice panel for redetermination. The end result is that the
finding of serious professional misconduct and the sanction of erasure are both
[2012 Feb] Conflicts of Interest in Vaccine Safety
Vaccine safety: "While the safety of an individual vaccine is considered in the
regulatory approval process, studies tend to observe the effects of a vaccine
for only a few weeks after the administration of the shot, so long-term
effects are unknown. Moreover, no study of the safety of the entire US.
vaccine schedule has ever been undertaken. That is, the safety of the
combination of vaccines is unknown. Although many parents report that
vaccines have caused or are associated with autism, no research sponsor has
launched a major investigation of the children who are alleged to have developed
autism from vaccines. One study found at least 83 vaccine-injured people who
received compensation. Some industry analysts have characterized public
confidence in vaccines as a crisis (Black and Rappuoli, 2010). Kennedy et al.
(2011) report that 77% of US. parents surveyed have at least one concern about
vaccine safety. Not only parents, but health care workers including new doctors
are also raising questions about vaccine safety. One study revealed that only
40% of health care workers received an influenza shot (King et al., 2006). In
another study, reasons for refusal by health care workers included concern over
adverse reactions (Clark et al., 2009)."
The Germans took an expeditious view of American industry especially with
aircraft. They had spies everywhere and they would find a design for a component
such as an undercarriage or an engine that suited their needs and would then go
and steal the blueprints. The Luftwaffe were stealing all of their aircraft
technology from the Americans with America's knowledge. German aircraft were
essentially American aircraft cobbled together. All the Germans had to do was
design the airframe. This is the real secret of how the Luftwaffe was built so
quickly. The Germans did not design their own subcomponents, they simply stole
them. The spies joked, "The build quality is so good, pistons can be exchanged
between American and German engines, no problem". On one occasion one of their
best spies was caught by American Customs with a violin case full of aircraft
plans trying to leave the US. When the customs official dropped the case the
plans flew out. With amazing savoir faire, the German spy said, "I have to
smuggle them past my wife because she thinks I'm feeding my son's addiction to
aircraft. It's the only way I can get my son the aircraft plans he desires. His
mother hates flying. I have to smuggle them otherwise she will go mental at me."
The US customs official's empathy for men afflicted by difficult women created
an immediate rapport and he allowed him to pass with the American aircraft plans
quickly stuffed back into the violin case.
America was feeding Germany its technology, its finances and
its oil. Many of the high-finance Americans were of German descent and were on
Germany's side. These included Henry Ford (Freemason), Walt Disney (Freemason),
Prescott Bush (Skull and the Presidents Bushes father and grandfather), the
Rothschilds, ICI Faben, now ICI and Dulux paints, etc.
Hitler was a British Agent by Greg Hallett
p. 47
The Spymaster contacted me and said: "You'll never believe this. Westfield
property bought the Twin Towers two months before 9-11. Westfield is a front for
the Mossad who bought it for Silverstein Properties - the Mossad. There was a
clause in the purchase that they didn't have to do any maintenance in case of
terrorism . . . The building was insured." The Mossad purchased the Twin Towers
in July 2001 when they required extensive maintenance and were near the end of
their life. The buildings were attacked in an act of terrorism, the government
cleaned up the mess, the insurance companies paid out, everyone elses premiums
went up worldwide, and Silverstein Properties ended up with a freehold empty
section and enough money to build again from scratch. Nice little stitch-up.
Problem is, it changed the face of the world.
Hitler was a British Agent by Greg Hallett
When Israel attacks foreigners they make it as significant as possible in
order to give it mystical qualities. Tavistock is a very significant place and
'007 on the square' or 777' was a very significant hit. According to Hebrew
interpretations '777' represents God and '777' is an offence against Jesus
Christ. When written in the original Hebrew 777' looks remarkably like '666'
which looks remarkably like a track of paw prints of a large animal, hence 'the
beast'. Later numerology got hold of '666' and was supposed to represent
someone's name, either the Roman emperor Nero (Neron) or Hitler, but these are
all just riddles that leave their mark. With British complicity and under
American orders those who organised the London bombings were intelligent enough
to leave us clues. They were also intelligent enough to pick up on mine. Thank's
for the confirmation of Hitler's British training . . . my condolences to the
victims throughout history.
Israel is a wolf in sheep's clothing barking that it is a sheep.
Hitler was a British Agent by Greg Hallett
'When you hear the words "The
United Nations said...." hear
"Communism and the NKVD/KGB/FSB said..." Through intelligence eyes, the UN
and the Red Cross are: "...the biggest bunch
of intelligence sluts the world has ever seen". '---Hitler
was a British Agent by Greg Hallett
The winning team has penalties awarded in their opposition half and the
losing team has theirs awarded in their own half. If the bribe is big enough,
the loosing team's kicker, kicks for touch, rather than for goal. This is how
the Lions lost all three test matches to the All Blacks in June/July 2005. It
came with the complicity of Tony Blair's paedophile minder, Alistair Campbell
(ex-military) who fronted as the Lions maitre d'. The Prime Minister had a
consultation lunch with Alistair Campbell on 26 June 2005 regarding rigging the
next election. First there was to be no KGB or lesbian information on Helen
Clark, no homosexual child-sex abuse information on her husband, Peter Davis, no
paedophile information on Jonathan Hunt, the High Commissioner to Britain; no
coverage of Sir Peter Elworthy's 'death', or Michael King's 'death'---Hitler
was a British Agent by Greg Hallett
p. 437
OUR CHILDREN by K.L. Carlson, M.B.A. Unlike street drug pushers who
must try to entice children before they reach school, the pharmaceutical monster
bought the rights to legally drug millions of children in their classrooms. The
monster has bought the rights to mental health testing of all children and
teenagers without parental consent, per the New Freedom Commission (NFC) created
by a presidential executive order in 2002. Created without votes or public
awareness, the NFC is a commission of people with strong financial ties to the
pharmaceutical industry. The commission exists for the purpose of getting mental
health screening into all public schools.......The 2010 school year begins with
20 percent of all high school students addicted to one or more prescription
.....The 2010 school year begins with 42 percent of foster children, including
preschool age, being made to take addictive, deadly drugs – that have no health
benefits, but do have extreme health risks. The 2010 school year begins with 8
million children labeled with mental disorders that are voted into existence.
Labels that make the children believe something is wrong with them, that they
are not normal. The 2010 school year begins with 4.5 million children being made
to take toxic, addictive drugs rated by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
in the same Schedule 2 of the Controlled Substances Act as cocaine,
barbiturates, and opiates.
.....In 2005 the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at
Columbia University reported an astounding 15.1 million Americans were addicted
to prescription drugs.
U.S. sales of ADD/ADHD drugs in 2008 were $4.8 billion. The U.S. uses 95
percent of all the methylphenidate and amphetamine drugs produced annually. And
more than 90 percent of it is given to children. Without ADD/ADHD there is no
market for these drugs because they have no health benefits. Methylphenidate and
amphetamine are rated by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) as Schedule 2
drugs, the most addictive and deadly drugs. Schedule 2 includes cocaine, opiates
and barbiturates. Would you give a child cocaine daily? Try to imagine how
children feel with these drugs in their young systems.
In Ohio in just one month (July 2004) physicians prescribed psychiatric drugs
for 696 babies aged newborn to 3-years-old who were covered by Medicaid.
In Texas in just the months of July and August 2004, more than 63,000 teens
were prescribed psychiatric drugs and billed to a public funded program. In just
2 months! In Florida, where 7-year-old Gabriel hung himself last year, the
Florida Department of Children and Family Services found that in the year
Sept. 2002 to Sept. 2003, nearly 42,000 children aged 12 years and younger were
given almost 200,000 prescriptions for psychiatric drugs. The monster is
winning. It is imperative that every parent and guardian of a child become aware
of the aim of the pharmaceutical industry and the pervasive control that the
monster has to achieve its aim. Until the public becomes aware and alert,
children will remain easy prey to the monster. HOW
Little Gabriel Myers was facing a tough life as a foster child at only 7
years old. He needed love and patience. They gave him multiple psychiatric
drugs. He won’t be starting third grade this school year because he hung himself
in 2009. Seven-year-old children do not naturally think of suicide. They
think of running away from home. The suicide rate of adults taking
antidepressant drugs in clinical trials is an astronomical 718 per 100,000. The
suicide rate for people not taking any psychiatric drugs in the general public
is about 11 in 100,000. Jeremy Strohmeyer was a high school honor student taking
no drugs. A teacher diagnosed him with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
(ADHD) and he was put on Dexedrine. Within days, this teenager with so much
potential raped and murdered 7-year-old Sherrice Iverson, then attempted
suicide. Jeremy survived but is now serving a life sentence with no chance of
parole. If Jeremy had been taking an illegal drug, his actions would have
immediately been seen as caused by the drug. Mind-altering drugs are
mind-altering drugs, whether they are labeled legal or not.
CHILDREN by K.L. Carlson, M.B.A.
Matthew Smith would be fresh out of college and beginning his career now, if
he hadn’t died as a 14-year-old boy from “long term use of methylphenidate”
(Ritalin) as stated on his death certificate. Matthew’s parents had never wanted
him to take Ritalin. When Matthew was only 7 years old, school officials told
his parents that Matthew had ADHD. The school threatened that if Matthew, a
healthy active boy, was not put on Ritalin, they would contact Social Service
Child Protective Services. School authorities claimed his parents could be
charged with neglecting Matthew’s educational and emotional needs. His parents
did not want Matthew on drugs and saw nothing abnormal about his behavior. But
they felt helpless to the school’s authority. Matthew’s parents did what
millions of parents in the U.S. have done. They complied under duress. Now their
beautiful, creative son is dead. The monster won. For seven years, Matthew’s
parents paid the monster to poison their child. Now they can’t pay anyone to
Stephanie Hall would be a young woman now, maybe a mother, if she hadn’t died
in her sleep from a massive cardiac arrest six days before her twelfth birthday.
She had been in first grade less than one month when her teacher told
Stephanie’s mom she thought the little girl had Attention Deficit Disorder
(ADD). Stephanie’s concerned parents took the perfectly healthy child to a
physician and everything was found to be normal. But because the teacher had
already labeled the child with ADD, the physician wrote a prescription for
Ritalin. Poor Stephanie was too young to make her parents understand how ill the
drug made her feel. It began with headaches and over the years led to
hallucinations. Her heart disease was a silent side effect of the drug. Her
parents paid the monster for six years to poison and terrorize their daughter.
Even when Stephanie began to suffer hallucinations from the mind-altering drug,
the answer was always to increase the dosage. No one considered the drug as the
cause of Stephanie’s problems. Now Stephanie has no problems and her parents
The loving parents of Candace would be seeing their beautiful blonde daughter
off as a freshman in college this fall, if she hadn’t hung herself in her
bedroom at the age of twelve. A pediatric psychiatrist had prescribed Zoloft to
Candace because “she was anxious about school exams.” In 2004 when the drug took
her life, the antidepressant carried the FDA’s most severe warning, A Black Box
Warning, for suicide for anyone under 18 years old. But the psychiatrist didn’t
tell her parents about the risk. He told them the drug would make Candace
ON OUR CHILDREN by K.L. Carlson, M.B.A.
The New Freedom Commission is not the first time the pharmaceutical industry
has bought Federal government actions to drug children. In 1991 the Federal
Education Department began to pay schools hundreds of dollars for every child
diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. Schools are always looking for additional sources of
funds and drugged children sit zombie-like in a classroom. A national epidemic
of these contrived disorders that are not even recognized in other countries was
absolutely predictable. The 2010 school year begins with 4.5 million labeled
children being made to take methylphenidate or amphetamine drugs.
CHILDREN by K.L. Carlson, M.B.A.
International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
"Apart from my sister, she is the only other person who has been
a total constant in my life ever since I came to consciousness. The Queen was
there and that's an incredible rock I think to have in your life."---DAME HELEN
Mirren. 'The Diamond Queen', BBC.
We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the
rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and
master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it
suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we
don’t do so...We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and
took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is
our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest,
it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we
don’t do so... Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of
beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set
up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given
us covetousness, greed and cowardice. It is the predators who make us
complacent, routinary and egomaniacal.Sorcerers believe that the predators have
given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores.
They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or
failure. They have given us covetousness, greed and cowardice. It is the
predators who make us complacent, routinary and egomaniacal.--Don Juan
[2012 Feb] The
Walker-Smith Appeal, the British Media and the Boseley Problem By John Stone
The almost unavoidable conclusion is that large sections of the British media
have always known that the “Wakefield” prosecution was based on an imposture,
and have been holding their silence in contempt of fair reporting and of the
public at large, and that these people are much more concerned about their own
backs than they are about our children.
FORMER MODEL EXPOSES MUSIC CELEBRITIESHere is video from a former music video model who got out of the
business. Its kind of long (15 min) but at one point she says on the set of Rick
Ross video, 6 a.m., they wanted everyone to repeatedly yell out 666. She also
talks about orgies and drugs on the set of a male singing group called Pretty
Ricky. Not to mention one of the members of this group is a known child
molester. The daughter of the attorney representing him spoke out and talks
about how they were threatening her dad to cover it up.
[2007] Ted Heath 'stopped cottaging for gay sex to
protect his career', says Tory MP He said it was 'common knowledge'
among Conservatives that Sir Edward had been given a stern warning by police
when he underwent background checks for the for the post of Privy Councillor. In
an internet article for the New Stateman magazine, Mr Coleman claimed that gay
men had run the Conservative Party in the capital for years, whether as
officials, councillors or volunteers. He wrote that Britain 'had managed for
decades with gay men holding a significant number of public offices'.
[2012 Feb] Bill Gates, Monsanto, and eugenics: How
one of the world's wealthiest men is actively promoting a corporate takeover of
global agriculture The Gates Foundation, aka the tax-exempt Gates
Family Trust, is currently in the process of spending billions of dollars in the
name of humanitarianism to establish a global food monopoly dominated by
genetically-modified (GM) crops and seeds....Bill Gates' father, William H.
Gates Sr., has long been involved with the eugenics group Planned Parenthood,
a rebranded organization birthed out of the American Eugenics Society. In
a 2003 interview with PBS' Bill Moyers, Bill Gates admitted that his
father used to be the head of Planned Parenthood, which was founded on
the concept that most human beings are just "reckless breeders" and "human
weeds" in need of culling
[2012] Madonna’s Super Bowl Ritual On The Cancer
Moon And The Strange Alignment Of The Giants And The Patriots Well,
first of all, some of us are wondering if Madonna is even Madonna anymore. She
sure as hell didn’t dance like Madonna. I also remember Madonna being a lot less
leggy, more squat and dynamic. Then there’s that curious lyric from her new
song; “Don’t play those stupid games cause I’m a different kind of girl.” What
is this in reference to? Is she literally a different girl? Keep in mind that
this was all lip-synched. I’m not clear if we’re in Faul McCartney territory
just yet, but there is enough latitude for this to be at the very least,
[vid] Kurt Haskell: Witness to government false flag A lot of people still
seem a little unclear on what a government false flag is. Who better to spell it
out than a witness to the government false flag we all know as the Christmas Day
Underwear Bomber? Kurt Haskell and his wife, two lawyers from Michigan, were on
that flight from Amsterdam when the half-wit Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab set fire
to his loins in an attempt to blow up the plane. In this interview he describes
the events they witnessed before boarding the plane, on the plane, and after the
plane landed in Detroit. At the sentencing hearing, Mr. Haskell was allowed to
give a five minute 'victim impact statement' before the Court, to describe how
the event affected him. What he had to say is disturbing.
Victim Impact Statement by Kurt Haskell
'Although they like to call themselves journalists, that's a myth even they
don't really believe anymore. They're mutts on short leashes.'---Jon
'If I were an editor at one of the big national newspapers, and one my
reporters walked in and told me, "The most powerful psychiatrist in America just
said the DSM is bullshit but it's still important," I think I'd make room on the
front page.'---Jon Rappoport
[2012 Feb] Vaccination rights attorney Patricia Finn threatened with criminal
charges; New York State demands she surrender names of all clients Vaccine
rights attorney Patricia Finn is being targeted by the Ninth Judicial District
of New York State, which has threatened to strip her of her license to practice
law and even file criminal charges against her. Finn is one of several "vaccine
rights" attorneys across America who helps parents assert their rights to
protect their children from potentially deadly vaccines. She's considered a hero
by many, but a villain by the status quo for daring to stand up against the
vaccine-pimping medical police state that exists in America today.
[2011] King Carl XVI Gustaf's 'annus horribilis' King Carl XVI Gustaf's
'annus horribilis' started last November with the publication of The Reluctant
Monarch, a exposé of his playboy past detailing the sex parties hosted for him
and his friends by Mille Markovic, a Serbian gangster.
[2012 Feb] ‘Legal’ Kidnapping By The State To Cover Up Vaccine Injuries By
Christina England One family caught up in the vaccine cover up
was Mr. and Mrs. Peacher and their two children. Six years ago Mr. and Mrs.
Peacher had their two children child A aged 6 and child B aged 7 snatched from
them by social services after they claimed their children were vaccine injured.
Without warning the couple was falsely accused of MSBP and as a direct
consequence of this accusation had both children taken away by social services
(CPS). The children were then separated and put in foster families 200 km apart.
All parental contact was severed in the case of child A and limited to just
twice a year in the case of child B.
"In view of this control and the conflicts of interest that permeate the
enterprise, it is not surprising that [drug] industry-sponsored trials published
in medical journals consistently favor sponsors' drugs-largely because negative
results are not published, positive results are repeated in slightly different
forms, and a positive spin is put on even negative results. A review of
seventy-four clinical trials of antidepressants, for example, found that
thirty-seven of thirty-eight positive studies were published. But of the
thirty-six negative studies, thirty-three were either not published or published
in a form that conveyed a positive outcome."---Marcia Angell, former
editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine
"Consider the clinical trials by which drugs are tested in human subjects.
Before a new drug can enter the market, its manufacturer must sponsor clinical
trials to show the Food and Drug Administration that the drug is safe and
effective, usually as compared with a placebo or dummy pill. The results of all
the trials (there may be many) are submitted to the FDA, and if one or two
trials are positive-that is, they show effectiveness without serious risk-the
drug is usually approved, even if all the other trials are negative."
'The august editors of medical journals have a game they can play. Suppose a
drug company has just finished writing up the results of a clinical drug trial
and has submitted the piece to a journal for publication. The editor knows the
company carried out a half-dozen other such trials on the same drug...and they
didn't look good. The drug caused wild fluctuations in blood pressure and blood
sugar. There were heart attacks. Strokes. But this ONE study, the one submitted
for publication, looks very positive. The editor knows if he prints it and
forgets about "ethics," the drug company will order re-prints of the piece from
him and distribute them to doctors all over the world, and to reporters,
professors, government officials. The drug company will order and pay for so
many re-prints, the medical journal can make $700,000 from publishing THAT ONE
STUDY. Let's see. In one hand, the editor sees: I won't publish it=no money. In
the other hand, he sees: I'll publish it=$700,000. What to do?'------Jon
[vid] FBI tries to coax Muslim into bombing US Capitol The Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has once again proven
that the only thing Americans need fear, is their own government, with the
latest "terror attack" foiled being one entirely of their own design. The FBI is
carrying out what is essentially a campaign of entrapment, as these
'patsies' serve to fuel fear and keep people willing to give up their rights for
a false sense of security. It's not funny, but it IS interesting that, in each
case, they admit running the operation from the ground up and yet people still
fall for this fake terror routine.
[vid] C-SPAN audience rejects fake terror claims A proponent of the
war on terror was left with egg on his face during a recent C-Span appearance
when caller after caller hammered home the fact that the underwear bomber, Umar
Farouk Abdulmutallab, was allowed to board Delta flight 253 by the U.S.
George Robertson was very close to Thomas Hamilton, and due to his
association with paedophiles, he was elevated to Lord Robertson, and promoted to
the Secretary General of NATO (11 October 1999-5 January 2004) where he excelled
in heroin trafficking. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown had a vested interest in
"wasting" the Dunblane paedophile victim children who were beginning to talk.
So. at their request, the gun for Thomas Hamilton was organised by George
Robertson. Michael Forsyth. and Robert Bell. Edinburgh Evening News. 23 March
1996. front page lead: "Chairman of British Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind
constituency party at Edinburgh Pentlands, Robert Bell, sold guns and ammunition
to Thomas Hamilton only a few weeks before the Dunblane massacre. and it was
reported he said he would sell him guns again." "Robert Bell supplied Thomas
Hamilton with two .357 Magnum revolvers and two 9 mm Browning pistols with an
alternating full metal-jacket and hollow point ammunition. This was despite
Hamilton being a convicted child sex offender, and having close ties with a top
policeman, etc.."'8 Conveniently the UK banned handguns soon after. This reeks
of the Port Arthur Massacre in Tasmania, Australia (46 days later) where on 28
April 1996, 35 people were killed and 21 wounded. That was blamed on the retard.
Martin Bryant (23). Two weeks later. Australia banned all sorts of guns.
[2010] THE SEX COLLECTORS - How the World is run
on Shame - Vol. III, HEROIN TICKET by Greg Hallett
Monica Lewinsky graduated with an MA in Social Psychology from the London
School of Economics, which is where MI-6 trains its foreign saboteurs. Her
thesis was 'In Search of the Impartial Juror: An Exploration of the Third-person
effect and Pre-Trial Publicity'. The Lewinsky Affair was initiated, operated,
and protected by Israel. Monica was a Polish Jew and when the Mossad rings, all
they want to know is "How high do I jump?" Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad asset
Further proof came when Israel announced it was looking after her phone security
[2010] THE SEX COLLECTORS - How the World is run
on Shame - Vol. III, HEROIN TICKET by Greg Hallett
After near bankruptcy post-WWII, Monaco's bank was taken over by Aristotle
Onassis. Monaco then became a meeting point for drug shipments, washing drug
money ... and a tax haven. .........Jacques Cousteau was removed as Princess
Graces lover by Prince Rainier. He bargained for a fully equipped deep-sea
exploration ship complete with all the film gear to make documentaries. This
gave Prince Rainier the required space to traffic. Princess Grace was then
killed in 1932 as a warning from the Sicilian Mafia to Prince Rainier whose drug
shipment tax through Monaco became too rapacious. RAF Signals Staff on
Cyprus/Crete intercepted and decoded the operational order to tamper with her
Rover 3.5 which then fell down a 10 foot bank. She survived, but died in
hospital. Jacques Cousteau was then awarded the American/Jewish Medal of Freedom
in 1985. Pope John Paul II got his in mid 2004. Prince Rainier was sick from
December 1999. hospitalised from 7 March 2005 and died of heart and kidney
failure (72) on 6 April 2005. so he had been out of the picture for the Afgahan
wars, the NATO takeover, and the final two months of shipping and preparations.
[2010] THE SEX COLLECTORS - How the World is run
on Shame - Vol. III, HEROIN TICKET by Greg Hallett
At a private party in Clapham. London, in 1986, the Treasury Financial
Secretary Norman Lamont revealed that Gordon Brown was a practising paedophile,
and his activities were known to British, American and Israeli intelligence
services, Rupert Murdoch, and his senior editor at the Sunday Times. Lamont had
been the director of Rothschild Asset Management at N M Rothschild & Sons. He
told this to the British television media scriptwriter, Mike James. Norman
Lamont was then elevated to life peer as Baron Lamont of Lerwick in 1998, and
promoted to Chief Secretary to the Treasury in 1989, and Chancellor of the
Exchequer in 1990. Scriptwriter Mike James was then run out of the UK and lives
in exile in Germany, and sometimes Africa, etc. From 1936 to 2003, Gordon
Brown's name popped up again and again related to paedophilia, paedophile rings,
and the 1996 Dunblane Massacre of 16 school children and their teacher.
[2010] THE SEX COLLECTORS - How the World is run
on Shame - Vol. III, HEROIN TICKET by Greg Hallett
Lord Cullen (SS)-who had physically walked Thomas Hamilton to the massacre,
and therefore an accomplice to the mass murder, and most likely his Manchurian
Candidate controller-was then made the judge who conducted the inquiry into the
Dunblane Massacre. To add insult to injury, it was known as The Cullen Inquiry
(1996) and he was titled Lord Cullen for the duration. 12 years before he was
actually elevated (2007/08). Named and implicated were: Attorney-General Lord
Peter Henry Goldsmith"; Secretary of State for Scotland Michael Forsyth (SS)fS:
George Robertson (SS); Secretary of State for Health Alan Milburn; Robert Bell
(Chairman of the constituency party at Edinburgh Pentlands/ friend and associate
of British Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind); the flamboyant homosexual Peter
Mandelson'6 (now Lord Mandelson/ paedophiles are elevated); Tony Blair'7; Gordon
Brown (from at least 1986); and many of Gordon Brown's senior and junior
ministers. They were given free licence to engage in paedophiliac activities,
and were actually protected by the British intelligence services. This is
on-going. [2010] THE SEX COLLECTORS - How the
World is run on Shame - Vol. III, HEROIN TICKET by Greg Hallett
Israel owns other entire states, virtually extant (lock, stock & barrel). The
most famous of these is Burma, now called Myanmar (which Israel turned into a
giant methamphetamine lab) and Monaco, which they own through the Grimaldi Royal
family. Prince Rainier died recently of old age, requiring his son to step in
and supposedly pick up the royal reigns. The old man, called Tax' in criminal
parlance, was the only tax on Mafis heroin before it found its way to the United
States. In reality, one civil servant in Tel Aviv kept the entire file and made
all decisions, including the state of the Prince's pocket money and alimony.
[2009] THE SEX COLLECTORS - How the World is run
on Shame - Vol. II, MURDERS by Greg Hallett
The Greater Good is a documentary film that looks behind the fear, hype
and politics that have polarized the vaccine debate in America today. The film
re-frames the emotionally charged issue and offers, for the first time, an
opportunity for a rational and scientific discussion. SPECIAL OFFER AVAILABLE
Is multiculturalism really about alienation and indifference rather
than co-operation and solidarity? Absolutely. I've had colleagues
who've traced this in the lives of schoolchildren. At six or seven, they're
interleaved with each other; by the time they're 14 it's like a chemical
separation – no longer speaking to people with different colour and accents.
When they have to deal with each other they are at a loss.---Richard Sennett
[vid] Al-Qaeda and Washington, war hawks call for arming Syrian rebels You
might remember, Al-Qaeda benefited greatly from the events in Libya by receiving
many of Libya's 'missing' weapons, including heat seeking surface-to-air
missiles. Now, both Washington and Al-Qaeda are calling for the arming of the
Syrian rebels.
[vid] Everything is a disorder. The American Psychiatric Association's new
diagnostic manual Millions of healthy people - including shy or
defiant children, grieving relatives and people with fetishes - may be wrongly
labeled mentally ill by a new international diagnostic manual, specialists said
on Thursday. In a damning analysis of an upcoming revision of the influential
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), psychologists,
psychiatrists and other experts said new categories of mental illness identified
in the book were at best "silly" and at worst "worrying and dangerous."
[vid] Making A Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging It’s
the story of big money-drugs that fuel a $330 billion psychiatric industry,
without a single cure. The cost in human terms is even greater-these drugs now
kill an estimated 42,000 people every year. And the death count keeps rising.
Containing more than 175 interviews with lawyers, mental health experts, the
families of victims and the survivors themselves, this riveting documentary rips
the mask off psychotropic drugging and exposes a brutal but well-entrenched
money-making machine. Before these drugs were introduced in the market, people
who had these conditions would not have been given any drugs at all. So it is
the branding of a disease and it is the branding of a drug for a treatment of a
disease that did not exist before the industry made the disease.
[2012 Feb] Feds succeed in destroying entire
business of Amish raw milk farmer "I can't believe in 2012 the federal
government is raiding Amish farmers at gunpoint all over a basic human right to
eat natural food," said one of the farm's former customers, who wished to remain
anonymous, to The Washington Times. "In Maryland, they force taxpayers to
pay for abortions, but God forbid we want the same milk our grandparents drank."
[2012 Jan] The Argument that
Fukushima Was Sabotaged In February 2010,
offered to enrich uranium for Iran. Soon thereafter, an Israeli firm by the
name of Magna BSP secured a contract to run security at the Fukushima Daiichi
plant. They installed oversized cameras strongly resembling gun-type nuclear
weapons. There is strong evidence that they planted Stuxnet, an Israeli computer
virus that attacks Siemens power plant control systems, and which Israel
previously used to damage Iran's nuclear program. Magna BSP also established
internet data links in the reactor cores, in blatant violation of international
nuclear regulations. All twelve members of that security team returned to Israel
in the week before 3/11/11. In the aftermath of the disaster, the Israelis
publicly monitored the reactor cores via their illegal internet data links. Yet
no one took them to task for this.
[2012 Jan] An introduction to my experience
with the Jewish Community I discovered that there was a special prayer book
that came out, a book which NO OUTSIDER is allowed to see. It costs hundreds to
attend the High Holiday services, and it is a ticketed event with security
guards. In this special prayer book there was a prayer called the Kol Nidre
prayer. This prayer is FILTHY. It's like an oath to Satan himself, where you
basically say to God that you intend to lie and not honor contracts during this
year, that you should be forgiven for lying and not honoring contracts in the
last year, because you never agreed to be honest in front of God and therefore
cannot be punished!. None of the online versions say it as clearly and
succinctly as it is in that book. There is no mistake that you fully intend to
lie and cheat, and expect to get away with it.....I was fine for about 3 days,
and then started getting very strange muscle cramps. On day 5 they were severe.
Day 6, I could barely walk, and was going into spasms. On that day, I got a very
strange e-mail. It is a series of quotes from various books, assembled to form a
message. This no doubt was to hide the writing style of the sender. This took a
LOT of work to assemble. I will break it down, following the message. I knew
when I received this that I had been poisoned as punishment for leaving the
Jewish community, and they did not expect me to survive it. They knew when the
poison would be taking full effect.. ...I were proceeding on I-15 southbound in
Salt Lake City after spending a day there, and a mile before the 4500 south off
ramp, a red cabbed semi with an unmarked trailer snuck up on us with his lights
turned off, hooked up with the last four inches of the side of the rear of the
car, on the bumper, and put the car into a spin........I noticed a young man who
attended one of the Orthodox synagogues coming up the steps as I went down, and
right as I went past him he pulled out a black canister and sprayed it in my
face. Whatever it was had no odor or taste, it was like a clear gas. He timed it
perfect, and I was breathing in at exactly the wrong time and sucked in the full
[2012 Jan] A tale of two protests by Jim Stone
it ended up being the melodies they were using to sing their pro-war rants
SYNAGOGUES. And the guy with the bullhorn? He was leading chants with the same
melodies used for marching cadences in the US military! So it was a tradeoff
between American military cadence melodies and what was sung at the synagogues.
I knew for certain it had to be a psy op, Islamic countries do not chant
melodies at protests for one, and Muslims don't know what the Jews sing in their
synagogues. It was creepy. So I took a few photos.....The anti war rally was
documented with cell phones and people like me, walking around with semi-pro
SLR's, while the phony rally got the big television cameras and enormous lenses.
Comments on Treblinka Statements by Caroline Sturdy CollsAll in all, the information revealed by these interviews about
the findings of the 2011 geophysical survey at Treblinka provides us with more
questions than answers. We can only wait and hope that a preliminary report on
the research results is not too long in coming. One thing is sure, however,
namely that little indicates that the findings of Caroline Sturdy Colls have
actually “proven Holocaust deniers wrong” with regard to Treblinka. On the
contrary: the information revealed seems to hint that the findings of Caroline
Sturdy Colls may well spell the doom of the official historiography on
[pdf] Seroxat Article 31 -
Consolidated Response Document - January 04 GSK received 1,413 reports
of self-harm/suicidal behaviour in adults plus patients of unspecified age up to
31 May 2003. Of these reports, 997 (71.0%) were received from HCPs and 416
(29.0%) were from consumers. During the same period, GSK received 40,056 reports
of "other events" in adults plus patients of unspecified age received in the
same period, of which 26,968 (67.0%) were received from HCPs and 13,088 (33.0%)
were received from consumers. In this analysis of risk factors, the dataset of
997 reports from HCPs documenting self-harm/suicidal behaviour is compared with
the 26,968 HCPconfirmed reports of "other events". Similarly, the 416 consumer
reports of selfharm/suicidal behaviour are compared with the 13,088 consumer
reports of "other events".
[2012 Feb] Nikola Tesla was Murdered by Otto
Skorzeny Bermen heard from Skorzeny that he had personally suffocated
Nikola Tesla on January 6, 1943, assisted by fellow-Nazi Reinhard Gehlen. Tesla
was then 86 years old. According to Skorzeny, he and Gehlen had tricked
Tesla the previous day into revealing the full details of his most important
discoveries. After the murder, they stole the contents of Tesla’s safe, which
were delivered to Hitler. (Note, of course, that the US military would have
fully repatriated this treasure trove of innovation through Project Paperclip at
the end of the war.).......Tesla had begun construction of a wireless power
transmission tower (“Wardenclyffe,” Shoreham, Long Island) with funds invested
by J.P. Morgan. When Morgan discovered that the tower would transmit free
electricity and radio waves, he cancelled the project and had the tower
dismantled, then sold for scrap. Morgan was not about to allow Americans to
receive free electricity, television and radio..........Otto Skorzeny claimed
that the true identity of George H.W. Bush was “George H. Scherff, Jr., the son
of Nikola Tesla’s illegal-immigrant, German-born accountant, George H. Scherff,
[2012 Feb] Army Doctor Sees Victory, and a
Dangerous Drug Bites the Dust—Almost. A dangerous malaria drug invented by
the Army and commonly used by soldiers and civilians alike causes everything
from episodes of psychotic violence to nightmares more real than reality, and is
finally being withdrawn as the first-line treatment for troops in malarial
[2012 Feb]
Whitney Houston’s Death and The Secret-Society, Called The
Music Industry
“Whitney hallucinates and sees demons when she’s high; she
bites and beats herself black-and-blue but blames the devil for the injuries.”
Bobby’s sister Tina goes on to say that, Houston sees ‘demons’ everywhere she
goes, and beats herself up while saying “The Devil be hitting me.” Tina
claimed that drugs have made Whitney so paranoid she sees evil apparitions and
once drilled a spy-hole in her bathroom to look for “demons.” She said: “She’ll
point to the floor and say, ‘See that demon. I’m telling you somebody’s messing
with Bobby.’ She always thinks it’s something to do with Bobby.” She added: “She
breaks everything – mirrors, phones, cabinets, appliances." Now, ask yourself,
what’s really going on within the music industry? Is it just drugs or was
Whitney demon possessed? Why are all of these celebs hooked on drugs and why are
all of these celebs dying young?
Candle Magic Now Available On DoneByDooney.com 'The other tip is from Carol
- she said to never blow out a candle with your breath as it blows out the
spirit of the candle. Always extinguish the candle with a candle snuffer or a
spoon.' The Essential Oil Pillar candles are scented with 100% therapeutic
grade essential oil with no petrochemicals or synthetic fragrances. We are also
offering beeswax candles scented with sage and cedar, called Native Spirit
[vid] Final Word on 911.wmv2
Mossad Agents arrested after exploding truck on the George Washington Bridge.
Suspects later turned over to the FBI.
It wasn't the FBI but Mossad with FBI credentials. 24 hours later these men were
in Tel Aviv.
"Satanic ritual abuse--a notion fully debunked by a government inquiry which
reported there was no evidence anywhere that Satanic ritual abuse existed (Eye
passim as nauseam)." ---Private Eye (Feb
2012 No. 1307 p.31)
[2012 Feb] When Did the Soviet Socialist Republic of
America Begin? by Gordon Duff In the world of truth and freedom,
being accused of “anti-semitism” is a badge of honor. In a laughable
attempt to discredit real scholars, organizations like the Anti-Defamation
League actually run almost all “white supremacist” organizations along with the
most vocal and irresponsible sounding Muslim extremist groups. Israel, with CIA
help, has always run Al Qaeda. I have many Muslim friends (more Jews
actually) but have to admit, Muslims can’t organize anything more complicated
than an afternoon tea. A careful study of world terrorism, and I have
certainly done that, shows terrorism as we know it to be part of a
destabilization plan aimed to destroy several Muslim nations, destabilize the
world monetary system, take over American politics, empower Russia and China
and, most of all, give wide control of events to Israel.
The sinister Marc Dutroux cover-up the man
who had returned Dutroux to society, Justice Minister Melchior Wathelet, was
“rewarded with a prestigious appointment to serve as a judge at the European
Court of Justice at The Hague”.
[2006] Lord Kitchener: The Truth At Last By T
Stokes “Myself and my C.O. went on board the Hampshire, I was told to keep
watch outside while he went into Kitcheners cabin, I put my ear to the door, and
heard the C.O say, I am going to leave you my pistol with one bullet, I will
wait outside and you will do the honourable thing” We heard a shot, the C.O went
in and retrieved the pistol, and we hurriedly left the ship” He also
claimed the sinking of the Hampshire with the loss of 643 men was a British
cover up operation, as Kitchener had been directly approached for peace
[2008] Who Really Sunk
The Lusitania? By T StokesSo Churchill, a 33rd degree mason
hatched a plot in the naval Masonic lodge, with Admiralty H.Q., the bosses of
Cunard and the War Dept; to sacrifice Capt. William Turner, the Lusitania, its
crew and passengers to ensure that America came alongside Britain in World War
I......In the German view, one torpedo was seen as giving enough time for the
passengers and crew to reach the lifeboats before the torpedoed ship sank. Yet
the Lusitania went down in less than 18 minutes taking most on board with it.
Moreover, we are told by the very few who survived, that after impact a huge
explosion occurred away from the initial torpedo
explosion.......The inference from this and other info, being a controlled
explosion on board was designed to insure the Lusitania, its passengers and crew
went to a watery grave.
[2012 Jan] EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Survivor
of Israeli Attack Reveals Secrets of 1967 High Seas Massacre “The USS
Liberty was set up by the U.S. government to be sunk by the Israeli
military so that they could blame it on Egypt. After this attack, two American
aircrafts were launched carrying nuclear-tipped missiles in order to bomb Cairo.
That city was within three minutes of being obliterated. Without a doubt, it
would have started WWIII.”.....“If the truth ever came out,” Tourney began, “it
would change history and how people felt about the Israeli state. If the
mainstream media devoted an entire week of stories to the USS Liberty
and exactly what happened, the American people would be up in arms, begging for
blood. Even though I’ve been accused of being an anti-Semite for trying to tell
the truth, everyone should remember one important point—USS Liberty
crewmembers didn’t murder anyone. The state of Israel did. The truth will change
history.” When asked to elaborate, Tourney said: “Things would change
drastically in regard to Zionism. There would no longer be any money, aid or
weaponry being sent to Israel. If people were interested enough to study this
subject, they’d find out further that Adm. [Thomas] Moorer and Capt. Ward Boston
wrote scathing articles to the Navy Board of Inquiry saying its report [on the
Liberty] was a complete lie and sham.”
Tourney added that “Israel ruined
many lives that day—not only survivors, but families that lost loved ones, too.
Many of the wounded have long since died, taken their own lives, been thrown in
prison or are messed up in the head.”....“It’s like parents hiring a hit man to
kill you,” he added. “Then they go to the prison and spring your killer. That’s
exactly what the U.S. government did to us. When they put a gun to our heads,
they put a gun to everyone’s head.”
....“Defense Secretary Robert
McNamara contacted the Saratoga
and recalled the fighters, telling them not to aid our ship,” he said. “But,
showing true courage, Tully re-launched the jets, without authorization . . .
After the second set of fighter jets were dispatched, the president of the
United States—Lyndon Johnson—personally recalled
them,” said Tourney. Tourney says Johnson told Tully: “I don’t give a
[expletive] if that ship goes to the bottom and every sailor is lost. We will
not embarrass our ally, Israel.”.......“The only message we’d sent from the
makeshift wire that had been strung was: ‘Attacked by unmarked aircraft’,” he
added. “We never initially identified the attackers. So how did LBJ know Israel
was behind the assault?”
......“McCainand his admiral father covered up
the USS Liberty attack on orders that came down from the highest
corridors of the U.S. government,” Morris said. Liberty survivor Tourney agrees.
“McCain has been part of the cover-up and knew exactly what happened to us,”
Tourney said. “This fact has been documented since at least 1981. But his
reaction leaves a lot to be desired. He claims: ‘It was a tragic mistake. Forget
it. Get over it. Israel paid reparations.’ . . . McCain won’t tell people that
most of the crewmen only received $200 or $250 in compensation.”
New Treatment For Autistic Children – Initial Results May Be Encouraging CHS
is republishing the following information because results of work by Dr
Bradstreet with autistic children are more likely than not to be genuine.
As with all new suggested treatments, it is clearly appropriate to take a
prudent approach and readers should similarly take a prudent approach to what is
being suggested. “Nagalese” it seems is an enzyme which can have an effect
of suppressing the proper functioning of the human immune system.
The Coroner in Charge of the Investigation of Amy Winehouse’s Death Resigns
In my article entitled Amy Winehouse and 27 Club, I mentioned that the
circumstances surrounding Winehouse’s death are rather “suspicious” and that
“suspicious” celebrity deaths are often followed by vague explanations, botched
investigations and all kinds of shady business. After months of strange
flip-flopping regarding the cause of Winehouse’s death, the coroner that was
looking into the singer’s case, Suzanne Greenaway , has resigned because she
“did not have the correct qualifications”. Even odder, she was appointed to this
particular position by her husband
HUNDREDS of public sector workers who claim their lives have been wrecked by
vaccines say the Government has abandoned them. Up to 200 doctors, nurses,
firefighters, prison officers, police officers, forensic scientists and binmen
say they have developed serious physical and mental health problems after
injections essential for their work over the past 10 years. All have given up
their jobs and some are now 60 per cent disabled. Last night it emerged
they are to miss out on payouts, prompting furore among campaigners......health
problems, which include
chronic fatigue, muscle pain, weakness and cognitive problems, because
illnesses developed soon after vaccination......Steve Robinson, ....was
vaccinated six years ago against hepatitis A, B and polio, tetanus and
diphtheria as part of his work as a forensic specialist. Two days later he
became ill and developed muscle weakness and chronic fatigue......is now
60 per cent disabled, which an industrial injuries tribunal put down to the
vaccinations. He has also been diagnosed with macrophagic myofascitis,
a disabling condition which may be caused by the aluminum in vaccines. He also
suffers from problems that cause him to fall with no warning. He said: “Before I
had the vaccinations I was very healthy, a keen mountain biker and enjoyed
walking and keeping fit.
"There could be as many as 1,668,960 victims of child molestation by Catholic
priests in the United States."----
Edward Hendrie
The bris is nothing more than pedophilia masquerading as a religious ritual.
If a gentile engaged in the conduct of the Jewish mohel of sucking on an infants
penis he would be prosecuted under the New York Penal Code § 130.50 for engaging
in a criminal sexual act in the first degree. ...Anyone convicted of criminal
sexual conduct in the first degree is subjected to the potential punishment of
up to 25 years in prison and is put on the rolls as a registered sex offender.
There are similar laws in every state against fellatio on infants. The laws are
simply not enforced against Jewish mohels. The conduct of the mohel in sucking
on the penis of an infant during circumcision is just one example of the
permissive attitude toward pedophilia within orthodox Jewry.
[2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie
[vid 2012 Feb] Monsanto practically a government agency With the
revolving door that is the relationship between Monsanto and various federal
regulatory agencies, we might as well call Monsanto a part of the
administration. President Obama has appointed the worst man possible to the top
position at the Food and Drug Administration. Michael R. Taylor (former Monsanto
Vice President), has just been appointed to be the Commissioner of the FDA, a
position which would enable the giant biotech company Monsanto to silently and
'legally' feed cancer causing vegetables to every living person.
Operative/Soviet defector, Yuri Alexander Bezmenov, describes long standing
Soviet Manipulation of the United States public opinion. A 1985 video interview
by G. Edward Griffin. Several thousand so of Vietnamese were executed in
one night when the city was captured by Vietcong for only two days. And American
CIA could never figure out, how could possibly Communists know each individual,
where he lives, where to get him, and would be arrested in one night, basically
in some four hours before dawn, put on a van, taken out of the city limits and
shot. The answer is very simple, long before communists occupied the city there
was extensive network of informers, local Vietnamese citizens who knew
absolutely everything about people who are instrumental in public opinion
including barbers and taxi drivers. Everybody who was sympathetic to the United
States was executed. Same thing was done under the guidance of the Soviet
Embassy in Hanoi, and same thing I was doing in New Delhi. To my horror I
discovered that in the files where people were doomed to execution there were
names of pro-soviet journalists with whom I was personally friendly......They
were idealistically minded leftists who made several visits to USSR and yet the
KGB decided that contra-revolution or drastic changes in the political structure
of India, they would have to go...... they know too much. Simply because, you
see, the useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the
beauty of Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever system, when they get
disillusioned they become the worst enemies. That's why my KGB instructors
specifically made a point, never bother with leftists......The moment they serve
their purpose all the useful idiots are either executed entirely, all the
idealistically minded Marxists, or exiled, or put in prisons like in Cuba where
many forms of Marxists are in Cuba, I mean in prison.
[2012 Feb] Banking giant accused of laundering
billionsA former employee of HSBC in New York has 1,000
pages of customer account records he claims are evidence of an international
money-laundering scheme involving hundreds of billions of dollars by the global
banking giant, which reportedly is under investigation by a U.S. Senate
[2012 Jan] No Need to Panic About Global Warming
Speaking for many scientists and engineers who have looked carefully and
independently at the science of climate, we have a message to any candidate for
public office: There is no compelling scientific argument for drastic action to
"decarbonize" the world's economy. Even if one accepts the inflated climate
forecasts of the IPCC, aggressive greenhouse-gas control policies are not
justified economically.
[2012 Feb]
Vaccines Are Exploding Kids’ Immune Systems By Christina England As
far as I am concerned the pharmaceutical industries are treating our children as
little more than test tubes. They are adding as many potentially lethal
chemicals, toxins and poisons as they can to see which ones cause the test tubes
to explode. The question I would like to ask is: Are the pharmaceutical
industries doing this intentionally? If so then this could be classed as
[2012 Jan] Confessions of a Frustrated
Pharmacist by Stuart Lindsey, PharmD. On the second day of my adult
medicine rotation, my preceptor at a nearby hospital informed me that he had
every intention of beating this vitamin stuff out of me. I informed him that
probably wouldn't happen. Three weeks later I was terminated from my rotations.
The preceptor told my supervisor at UNM that there were acute intellectual
differences that couldn't be accommodated in their program. What had I done? I
was pressuring my preceptor to read an article written by an MD at a hospital in
Washington state that showed if a person comes into the emergency room with a
yet to be diagnosed problem and is given a 3,000-4,000 mg bolus of vitamin C,
that person's chance of dying over the next ten days in ICU dropped by 57%!
“ The Government of your country ! I am the Government of your country, I and
Lazarus. Do you suppose that you and half a dozen amateurs like you, sitting in
a row in that foolish gabble shop, govern Undershaft and Lazarus ? No, my
friend, you will do what pays us. You will make war when it suits us and keep
peace when it doesn’t.... When I want anything to keep my dividends up, you will
discover that my want is a national need. When other people want something to
keep my dividends down, you will call out the police and military. And in return
you shall have the support of my newspapers, and the delight of imagining that
you are a great statesman.”
—UNDERSHAFT, the armament maker, in Bernard
Shaw’s Major Barbara.
[2011 Sept]
Wikileaks Ethiopia Files: Ethiopia Bombs Itself, Blames Eritrea by Thomas
C. Mountain Ethiopian security forces planted 3 bombs that went off in
the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on September 16, 2006 and then blamed Eritrea
and the Oromo resistance for the blasts in a case that raises serious questions
about the claims made about the bombing attempt against the African Union summit
earlier this year in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
I had one patient with medically documented, very
aggressive last-stage colon cancer. She was in her late 70’s and she did
absolutely nothing at all. Actually, she told me that she had a lot of
peppermint growing in her backyard, and she believed this would help her, so
every day she picked some of it and made fresh peppermint tea and drank many
cups a day. Within three months her cancer was completely healed. Gone. So she
almost fits in this category of “Do nothing and live longer”.
Pancreatic Cancer, Chemo & Carrot Juice
Well over 50% of American bankruptcies are caused by
hospital and medical bills! Yes, the hospital will take your home away from you
if necessary to get their money, and even if you die, you still need to pay, and
they will take EVERYTHING from your spouse and children. I had numerous
patients whose spouse underwent major medical treatment for cancer, and many
experimental treatments, like bone marrow transplants, that were not covered by
their insurance. Regular treatment or experimental, these patients racked up
huge medical bills, beyond what their insurance would cover, and once their nest
egg and life savings was gone, the bills kept piling up. Eventually the patient
could not take the torture anymore and died. But when the patient died, the
hospital and medical bills remained. You would think that if you die, that you
would get a refund, or at least a pardon from the remainder of the bill, but
this is not how the medical system works. I had many patients, who not only lost
their husband, but also ended up having the house taken away from them by the
bill collectors and courts from their unpaid medical bills.
Pancreatic Cancer, Chemo & Carrot Juice
[petition] Tell Congress: Return Hollywood's Dirty Cash Motion
Picture Association of America President Chris Dodd just threatened to cut
off Hollywood campaign contributions to any member of Congress who doesn’t pass
his Internet-censorship legislation.
'Zionism...is maintained by anti-Semitism. This may explain why
Zionists are so enthusiastic about the growing statistics of anti-Semitic
incidents. Similarly, gay marginal politics is fuelled by homophobia amnd
feminism thrives on the male chauvinist (p.33)......Zionists rely on burned
synagogues...if there were no burned synagogues around, Mossad would go as far
as burning some itself (p.43). .......the Israelis hate the Arabs, the Zionists
hate the Goyim (in general), Jews against Zionism also hate the Goyim but they
also hate Israel....But why do they hate so much? the answer is simple.
Once Judaism is renounced, what remains of Jewish identity is pretty threadbare.
Once stripped of religious spirituality, all that is left of Jewish-ness is a
template of negation fuelled by racial orientation and spiced up with some light
cultural references such as matza balls and chicken soup (p.55)......it is not
the idea of being unethical that torments Israelis and their supporters, but the
idea of being 'caught out' as such (p.84).........'the more Israelis want
to secure themselves by clinging to isolation, the more death they spread around
themselves (p.85) [2012] The
Wandering Who?: A Study of Jewish Identity Politics by Gilad Atzmon
My clinical experience is that in America, when people die from cancer, they
are NOT actually dying from cancer, but instead, they are dying from the medical
TREATMENT itself. They are dying from the chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.
AGAIN: They are NOT dying from the cancer—they are being killed by the medical
doctors and their medical treatment! Richard Shulze, N.D.,
The most popular version of the new bibles is the New International Version
(NIV). Reportedly, the NIV represents 45 % of all bibles sold. Dr. Virginia
Mollenkott, the textual style editor for the NIV, is an admitted
lesbian............Rupert Murdoch owns the exclusive rights to the NIV. The NIV
is published by Zondervan, which is owned by Murdoch’s News Corporation.
Murdoch’s News Corporation also owns Harper Collins, the publisher of
Anton LaVey’s Satanic Bible. La Vey is the
founder of The Church Of Satan. He is reputed to have been a Jew, whose real
name was Howard Levey.
The Catholic/Judaic/Babylonian androgynous god/goddess needs
a bible to support its androgyny. The agents of the Catholic/Judaic/Babylonian
religion have done that with an androgynous bible version. The book publisher
Zondervan decided to add insult to injury and further muddy the pure water of
God’s word with a variation of the New International Version (NIV), it calls
Today’s New International Version (TNIV). Zondervan is owned by Rupert
Murdoch, who is a front man for powerful
Jewish interests...........Radical feminist and lesbian author, Virginia Ramey
Mollenkott, was stylistic consultant for the "original" New International
Version (NIV). Mollenkott is also a major player in the push for
gender-inclusive Bibles [such as theTNIV]. [2011] Solving
the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie
Investigative journalists, however, have discovered that Murdoch, who has a
gentile public persona, is in fact a Jew, who is a front men for other much more
powerful Zionist Jews: Michel Fribourg, Armand
Hammer, and Edgar Bronfman, who prefer to remain out of the spotlight.381
The synergism between Jewish and Catholic interests is evidenced by the fact
that the pope bestowed upon Murdoch the title of “Knight Commander of St.
Gregory” for promoting the interests of the Roman Catholic Church.
[2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward
The Catholic Church is not Christian, but is rather a gentile front for a
Judaic/Babylonian religion.---- Edward Hendrie
[2012 Jan]
Premature Babies Used As Lab Rats In Manipulated Vaccine Trials By Christina
England To use these small vulnerable babies as little more than lab
rats is bad enough but to then falsify the results to get the vaccines
sanctioned to give to all premature babies is positively criminal. Not
only that, but this was a trial of a GlaxoSmithKline product, funded by
GlaxoSmithKline with the majority of the researchers researching the product
actually having financial ties to GlaxoSmithKline. Unbelievable!!!!
MK Ultra http://vimeo.com/20666223
The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues met Feb. 28 to
March 1st, 2011. In session 9, concern was expressed about the possibility of
nonconsensual experimentation in the present day. Just a few minutes later,
public comments were allowed, and the commission heard nearly an hour of
eye-popping testimony from present-day experimentees.
I must now reveal that during the night of Thursday, September 28, 1978, Pope
John Paul I left the Vatican, alive. He did not die in his sleep that night, as
reported by Vatican sources. He lived for three more weeks, incognito, away from
the Vatican, before finally being shot in the back of his neck by person or
persons unknown. On October 4 the funeral for Pope John Paul I was attended by
tens of thousands of mourners, and witnessed by television viewers in 31
countries. The body that lay in state was not that of Pope John Paul I, who was
still alive. But as everyone knows who has ever lost a loved one, a lifeless
body never looks the same as a living person had looked; and so, thanks to the
mortician's art, no one questioned that the remains on view were those of Pope
John Paul I. After that, even if he himself had walked into a church somewhere
and announced: "I am the Pope", he would not have been believed. After all,
people had seen the funeral on television, and they had read about it all in the
newspapers. Pope John Paul I was still alive on October 16, the day that his
successor, Pope John Paul II, was elected. Since there cannot be two popes at
the same time, this raises a thorny question: Was the current pope legally
elected? In any case, the man known briefly as the Smiling Pope was put to death
the evening of October 19, 1978--three days after his successor was named.
Shortly thereafter, his body was cremated and the ashes disposed of.
Dr. Peter David Beter.
October 29, 1978, Audioletter No. 39.
John Paul I [26 August-29 September 1978] had nothing to hide [no paedophilia]
and ordered the Vatican Books to be opened. When the chief of the IRA heard
this, he jumped up like he'd been stung, saying, 'Oh my God, the Pope's just
committed suicide'. He rang the Vatican straight away and demanded passports for
his men go to the top of the pile. "The IRA routinely travel on Vatican
passports which are diplomatic documents describing the priest's urgent mission.
They are written on vellum [calfskin or goatskin pelts] and say, 'Whoever
impedes or obstructs this priest in his urgent mission work shall be consigned
to the fires of hell and burn there for ever and ever'." This holds a lot
of power in Catholic countries like France, Belgium and Italy. Authorities will
turn a blind eye to a stack of heat-seeking missiles if you are travelling under
Papal Bulls - after all, many of those who carry them are killers on a mission
for the Catholic Church.
"The IRA got their paperwork back and the following day I
went down to the dairy to get the paper and the headline read, 'The Pope Dies,
Great Shock'. He was in office only 33 days. p.178
How To Take Over the World. A Right Royal Con by
Greg Hallett & Spymaster
During the period in mid November when Pope John Paul II was seen very
little, his poisoning was in process. Beginning November 18 this took the form
of a very powerful air-borne poison based on plutonium and zirconium, a variant
of the poison that produces Legionnaires' Disease. The Pope's condition
deteriorated rapidly, and he died at approximately 4:00 P.M. Rome time on
November 20, 1978. Shortly thereafter his body was secretly removed from
the Vatican, being taken first to an interim location about 45 miles northwest
of Rome. By 8:00 P.M. Rome time the following evening, November 21, his body had
been cremated. It was earlier that same day that the Vatican issued the terse
announcement saying the entire Curia had been re-confirmed by the Pope. Since
that time an actor has been playing the part of Pope John Paul II. This
man is neither Polish nor Christian.
Dr. Peter David Beter. Dec. 26, 1978, Audioletter No 41.
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences
caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and
the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam
(the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually
destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue
will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual
and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and
we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show
clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of
the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend
themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those
destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity,
whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction,
anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will
receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine
of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will
result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction
of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
Cmdr. William Guy Carr: Quoted in Satan: Prince of This World.
Pike, Albert
The Zionist Jews not only worked with the Nazis to force Jews to emigrate to
Israel, they have also instigated other governments to persecute Jews in order
to force their emigration to Israel. The Jewish scholar, Israel Shahak,
discovered: “The Israeli government induced Jewish immigration from Iraq by
bribing the government of Iraq to strip most Iraqi Jews of their citizenship and
to confiscated their property.”......the person who was most instrumental in
establishing and training the notorious Mossad (Israeli Military Intelligence)
was none other than Reinhard Gehlen, former head of Hitler’s Nazi Intelligence
for the Eastern front. [2011] Solving the Mystery of
Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie
The best evidence of the genuineness of the Protocols is that in March, 1917 the
Bolshevik Revolution took place in Russia and one of the first things done upon
the Jewish Bolsheviks taking power was to destroy all copies of Professor
Sergius A. Nilus’ book, The Great Within the Small, by. That book, which was
first published in Tsarskoe-Tselc (Russia) in 1901, contained The Protocols of
the Learned Elders of Zion. All copies of the Protocols that were known to exist
in Russia were destroyed during the Kerensky regime. The law followed by
Kerensky’s communist successors to power was that the possession of a copy of
the Protocols by anyone in the Soviet Union was a crime punishable by being shot
on sight. The lengths that the communists went to eradicate the Protocols is
evidence of the genuineness of the Protocols. The treatment of Professor
Nilus by the Jewish Bolsheviks speaks clearly to the authenticity of the
Protocols. Professor Nilus was arrested by the Cheka (Russian Secret Police) in
Kiev. He was imprisoned and tortured. The Jewish president of the court, told
Professor Nilus that the brutal treatment he received was as retribution for
"having done them incalculable harm in publishing the Protocols." p.89
[2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward
[2012 Jan] Why the Illuminati Expose the Conspiracy by
Henry Makow Ph.D. They tell us about the conspiracy because they want
us to be compromised. Just as lower-ranked Freemasons or ordinary Jews or
Americans or Europeans are compromised by their support for war. They want us
all to become demons. They are deliberately clumsy because they want our
complicity. They don't want us to say, "Gee, we didn't know."
.............Then the devil provides us with the Luciferian manifesto:
Essentially it is the belief that man is defined by his carnal appetites and
desires (greed, power, lust) rather than by his soul and spiritual ideals. Man
serves Lucifer by giving in to these temptations, by being an accomplice
in his own destruction. The Illuminati always has promoted indulging
our basest instincts calling this "sexual liberation" and "open marriage." This
undermines family. Their psychology always has been against "repression" (i.e.
self-discipline.) This view that man is God, and the measure of all things, is
called "Secular Humanism" aka "Luciferianism".
[2012 Jan] In Memoriam Paul Foot:
Private Eye in an Ethical Tangle Over MMR By John Stone Private
Eye’s columnist ‘MD’, otherwise known as TV presenter, comedian and doctor, Phil
Hammond has close pharmaceutical connections....Private Eye began to retreat
from its support for MMR families after the death of its leading investigative
reporter, Paul Foot, in 2004 and the no doubt increasing influence of Hammond.
However, MD Hammond’s review of the science post GMC verdict in 2010 is less
than convincing (Private Eye 5-18 February 2010). He cites four sources –
including the notorious Madsen study - which do not tell a clear story either
individually or collectively and which he does not appear to understand beyond
the spin which has already been put on them......Dr Hammond, it would seem,
proposes that children with inflammatory problems and persistent measles virus
should not be investigated or treated because it is not politically acceptable,
even though they certainly exist. This looks like the medical profession
protecting itself, not children.....When Foot died a few months later Private
Eye and the Guardian set up a prize for investigative journalism, but when they
closed ranks with the British establishment over MMR they did not honour his
Emmy Moment EverAt the 2006 Emmy
Awards, comedian Stephen Colbert called Hollywood the 'belly of the beast' and
all people involved 'godless Sodomites.'
autopsy photo supports murder of Marine Corps Colonel and cover-up by DOD.
crime scene reconstruction by Bryan Burnett supports the hypothesis that Colonel
Sabow was killed by a government assassination team...... The assassination
team were flown by Marine helicopter from Camp Pendleton to MCAS El Toro during
the early morning hours of January 22, 1991, landing in a vacant field several
hundred yards from Colonel Sabow’s backyard. The helicopter normally
landed next to the control tower at El Toro, but on January 22nd the
chopper landed across the airfield at a point that was nearest to Colonel
Sabow’s quarters. Four men got out, headed for the Sabow residence on Fifth
Street. The helicopter then immediately took off, went right across the
airfield, and landed where it usually does, at the tower. The pilot got out,
said he was having some trouble, but was checking it out and that’s why he
had landed across the field. He then went on to say that he wasn’t sure and he
may do the same thing again, and he did, according to Dr. David Sabow. And
shortly after 0900, the pilot landed there again. Dr. Sabow said he was told
the pilot picked them up from the records. However, he feels the records are
false and the pilot picked up only one man, “accounting for the three that
remained behind at the scene of the crime.”
for the murder was to prevent Colonel Sabow from talking about unmarked civilian
aircraft to flying drugs into MCAS El Toro.
Nimrod, who was born on December 25th, the
High Sabbath of Babylon, was the founder of Babylon and the city of Nineveh. In the history of mankind, Nimrod stands
unequalled for his symbolism of evil and Satanic practices. He is credited for
having founded Freemasonry and for building the legendary Tower of Babel, in
defiance of God's will. In talmudic literature, he is noted as "he who made all
the people rebel against God." Pes. 94b. The legend of the Midrash recounts that
when Nimrod was informed of Abraham's birth, he ordered all the male children
killed, to be certain of eliminating him. Abraham was hidden in a cave, but in
latter life he was discovered by Nimrod, who then ordered him to worship fire.
Abraham refused and was thrown into the fire.
The legendary symbol for Nimrod is "X." The use of this
symbol always denotes witchcraft. When "X" is used as a shortened form meaning
Christmas, it actually means "to celebrate the feast of Nimrod." A double X,
which has always meant to double-cross or betray, in its fundamental meaning
indicates one's betrayal into the hands of Satan. When American corporations use
the "X" in their logo, such as "Exxon," the historic Rockefeller firm of
Standard Oil of New Jersey, there can be little doubt of this hidden meaning.
The importance of Nimrod in any study of the occult cannot be
over-emphasized. Because of the powers given him by the clothing of Adam and
Eve, Nimrod became the first man to rule the whole world. He indulged that power
by launching excesses and horrors which have never been equalled. Ever since the
time of Nimrod, Babylon has been the symbol of depravity and lust. Nimrod also
introduced the practice of genocide to the world. His grandfather, Ham, having
consorted with other races, and brought children of mixed race into the world,
was persuaded by his consort, the evil Naamah, to practice ritual murder and
cannibalism. She informed Ham that by killing and eating fair-skinned people,
his descendants could regain their superior qualities. Throughout the ensuing
centuries, the fair-skinned descendants of Shem, Noah's oldest son, have
ritually been slaughtered by the darker descendants of Ham and Nimrod, in the
world's most persistent campaign of racial and religious persecution. Not only
did Nimrod kill and eat the fair-skinned descendants of Shem, in his fury and
hatred he often burned them alive. The type of human sacrifice involving the
eating of the slaughtered human victims derived its name from the combined names
of his uncle, Canaan, and the demon god Baal, the two names being combined to
form the word "cannibal." Nimrod was also known in ancient history by the names
of Marduk, Bel, and Merodach. Because of his importance in its history, Babylon
was known as the Land of Nimrod. Nimrod is also cited in the most ancient
Masonic constitutions as the founder of Freemasonry.
Chapter 1: The War
Against Shem
[vid 2012 Jan]NY Times caught lying about Iran & IAEA Report on Civilian
Nuclear Program In an article attributed to Steven Erlanger on January
4 ("Europe Takes Bold Step Toward a Ban on Iranian Oil "), this paragraph
appeared: 'The threats from Iran, aimed both at the West and at Israel, combined
with a recent assessment by the International Atomic Energy Agency that
Iran's nuclear program has a military objective, is becoming an important
issue in the American presidential campaign.' [my emphasis]
The claim that there is "a recent assessment by the International Atomic Energy
Agency that Iran's nuclear program has a military objective" is a lie. As
Washington Post Ombudsman Patrick Pexton noted on December 9: 'But the IAEA
report does not say Iran has a bomb, nor does it say it is building one, only
that its multi-year effort pursuing nuclear technology is sophisticated and
broad enough that it could be consistent with building a bomb.' Indeed, if
you try now to find the offending paragraph on the New York Times website, you
can't. They took it down. But there is no note, like there is supposed to be,
acknowledging that they changed the article, and that there was something wrong
with it before. Sneaky, huh?
Beatles[2009] The magazine explosion "They are
almost frightening-looking young men," she continues, "even more modern than
modern. The funny thing is that when they smile - not often - they look
perfectly wholesome and nice. But the rest of the time they look wicked and
dreadful and distinctly evil, in an 18th-century sort of way. You almost expect
them to leap out of pictures and chant magic spells."....In summer 1963 the
magazine produced "Big New Beat", the first of several pop supplements "about
the Northern Raves". The Beatles were on the cover, standing amid the rubble of
Euston Road. Inside were group shots and candid close-ups with large type
comments: "They have a knack of looking as if they'd just landed on this planet.
They're otherworldly, that's what they are."
[2012 Jan] Israeli Agents, Phony Credentials, Terrorist Recruiters?
by Gordon Duff Israel, among other states, has
supplied and trained Taliban and led attacks against American forces in
Afghanistan and to a greater degree Iraq. The US military is aware of it but
considers itself powerless to complain because of the power of the AIPAC/Israeli
lobby in Washington...........Thus, we have an ally killing American troops and
getting away with it just as they had in 1967 with the USS Liberty? Never heard
of it? Look it up............The most obvious is that war and terrorism are a
business, always has been, always will be. Hiding behind “poor Israel” and
holocaust stories, the Mossad and other groups tied to Israel are involved in
terror networks around the world, now very publicly “outed” for pretending to be
the CIA. They also claim to be the FBI and Homeland Security. They carry
FBI credentials and, in some cases, are backed up when caught. There may
actually be no real Department of Homeland Security. It is said, by reliable
sources, to be entirely under foreign control and working directly against the
United States in a tireless manner. For those of you working for this
organization, remember this when you receive your next assignment
.....The majority of terror organizations in the world are intelligence
....So, what can we know for sure. If the FBI comes to your door, it is like as
not an Israeli agent or member of the ADL or some other group, unless you happen
to be a real criminal. If you are an activist or member of the press, chances
are you have a phony to deal with. They are quite brazen......If approached by
the “CIA” or “FBI” or “Homeland Security” at any facility other than an office
in a Federal Building, don’t believe them. I am not saying don’t help the
government but never talk to a law enforcement official without bringing an
attorney and without a promise of immunity.......99.99% of terror threats
against the United States are groups recruited by phony FBI or CIA officials who
are employees of a foreign power, that country we have been discussing. If you
play along, you are likely to wake up in hotel room with a rifle, one round
fired and a dead federal judge, senator or even a president to answer for.
....Iraq? The almost daily explosions there are not being done by rival
factions. Kurdistan invited Israel in to help them break away from Baghdad.
Israel sees this as a way of flanking Turkey, this and their secret alliance
with Syria......When you hear of 50 or 60 dead in Iraq, the plot started in Tel
Aviv. Ever note that you never get an real explanation for anything just “rival
faction” baloney? I don’t respect any news organization that doesn’t at least
try to make up a decent lie. They owe us that...........
Pakistan? Pakistan is slated for destruction. India is the primary enemy along
with Afghanistan, the United States and Israel. Why does Pakistan allow this?
Think “totally corrupt civil government.” This is an understatement.
India? Last week a child was sacrificed to the “crops god”
so a good harvest would be guaranteed. India, with its space program and
nuclear submarines has the lowest standard of living in the world. The
British set the whole thing up in 1947, and earlier on in 1903, eternal war
between India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Britain calls it “the great game.”
America (under Israeli guidance) is now responsible for stirring the pot.
...I would predict that there are Israeli organizations carrying CIA credentials
operating in 15 countries. I also imagine that 1 in 4 FBI agents is a phony.
As for US Attorney’s and Federal Judges, no worries there. The real ones were
bought long ago.
[2012 Jan] Has the UN learned lessons of Bosnian
sex slavery revealed in Rachel Weisz film? everything in the film is
true. The film deals with enslavement and rape in Bosnia, not during wartime 20
years ago but during the peace. Worse, not only were the enslaved women's
"clients" soldiers and police officers – so too were the traffickers, protected
at the top of the United Nations operation in Bosnia. Such was the crisis
sparked by the ensuing film last year that the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon,
was obliged in October to stage a special screening and to pledge action. But
now it emerges that senior UN officials tried to belittle the film and play it
down, while the whistleblower herself warns that, for all the UN's professed
resolve, "unfortunately, the widespread horror is already there. This is not
going to be simple or a quick fix." Moreover, the UN has shut down
effective anti-trafficking initiatives by its own gender affairs chief in
[2012 Jan] USDA Ignores Pesticide Ravaging Bee
Population, Threatening Global Environment It has recently been
reported that certain research was suppressed concerning the bee decline which
has been occurring over the past few years. It seems that the large sum of money
raked in by Bayer, a maker of pesticides, was enough to kick research under the
carpet that linked the company’s pesticide to the massive bee decline.
[2011 June] Inventions
Suppressed by the EPA In its entire history, the EPA has not found one
single innovation to be effective at increasing fuel efficiency. After thousands
(or tens of thousands) of inventions being tested by their protocols, not one
has received their vote of approval. Thousands of inventions proved false?
Doesn't this strike you as odd?......An unknown number of solutions have been
created to solve our world's problems, and the respected authorities, through
application of faulty and inadequate testing methods, shove them (and their
solutions) into obscurity. If they were to agree to adding to the
protocols, it would prove conclusively the fraud that has been perpetrated on
every fuel-efficiency developer since the mid-70's that has submitted their
devices for validation.
[2011 Oct] Arnon Milchan - "Mr. Israel" and 9/11 by Christopher BollynIn reading the Milchan biography I found a number
of interesting bits of information, which are included in this article with my
comments. One of the most interesting things I learned was that Milchan's first
big film, in which he invested two million dollars, involved a key scene in
which a passenger airliner is flown into a high rise building. The
British/French film, The Medusa Touch,
was released in 1978. It is worth noting that the Russian Jewish Lord Lew Grade
(born Lev Winogradsky) immediately bought the film's foreign rights for $5
million before it was even produced, putting Milchan ahead by a million dollars.
[2012 Jan] Libya rendition claims to be
investigated by UK police Abdel Hakim Belhadj, a commander of the
rebel forces in Libya, says he was tortured after being arrested in 2004. He
says he was taken from Bangkok to Libya by a joint CIA and MI6 operation which
was set up to help Col Muammar Gaddafi round up his enemies.
They need torture as a tool to produce confessed patsies for future false
flag operations. Torture serves their depraved need to persuade innocent people
to confess to crimes they did not commit and convince those patsies to accuse
other innocent patsies of being their co-conspirators.
[2012 Book] 9/11–Enemies Foreign and Domestic by
Edward Hendrie
[2012 Jan] Compensation paid
out for vaccine-related narcolepsy sufferers Long-awaited compensation
is now being paid to those who developed narcolepsy as a result of the swine flu
vaccine Pandemrix. Decisions on compensation have been given to just under
eighty sufferers. Around 30 cases are still under review. A medical insurance
pool will cover claims up to 30 million euros. The state will pick up the tab
for compensation exceeding this sum.
[2012 Book] 9/11–Enemies Foreign and Domestic by
Edward Hendrie The truth is that the attacks on 9-11 were perpetrated
by Israel, aided and abetted by high officials in the U.S. Government...He makes
an irrefutable case that Mossad organized and executed the 9-11 attack. Senior
members of the Bush administration were active collaborators.
[2011 Sept] Sen. Paul Wellstone: More Proof of Assassination by JIM FETZER
Proof of assassination is not proof of conspiracy. But the existence of a cover
up is a powerful indication of complicity in a crime. If the motive and the
opportunity are evident, it may be worth observing that Raytheon not only owns
Beechcraft, which manufactures the A-100, but also makes high-tech weapons of
the kind that could have been used to take it down. Which means that this
knowledge was accessible to the administration. Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, and
Donald Rumsfeld may not have executed this hit personally, but they were in the
position to make it happen.
[2011 Aug] Freemasons in the police leading the
attack on David Cameron's riot response The lodge is based at 10 Duke
Street in central London, which is also the headquarters of the Supreme Council
of the 33rd Degree, one of the most important and mysterious bodies in
international Masonic circles, which has an elite membership of only 75 people.
The building, known as Grand East by Masons, contains the "Black Room", the "Red
Room" and a "Chamber of Death", used for Masonic rituals.
[2011 June] Phone-hacking scandal: Jonathan Rees
obtained information using dark arts Freemason set up network of
corrupt police, customs officials, taxmen and bank staff to gain valuable
information. Years ago, Jonathan Rees became a freemason. According to
journalists and investigators who worked with him, he then exploited his link
with the lodges to meet masonic police officers who illegally sold him
information which he peddled to Fleet Street. As one of Britain's most
prolific merchants of secrets, Rees expanded his network of sources by
recruiting as his business partner Sid Fillery, a detective sergeant from the
Metropolitan Police. Fillery added more officers to their network. Rees also
boasted of recruiting corrupt Customs officers, a corrupt VAT inspector and two
corrupt bank employees.
When she was 32 and with a two-year-old son, she was diagnosed with cervical
cancer. She had a hysterectomy with the removal of lymph nodes
surrounding the womb. Seven years later, she noticed her left leg and foot
swelling up. ‘It became horrible, really swollen and heavy. It affected my
movement and balance,’ Helen says. When she first visited Anne, Helen’s left leg
was 50 per cent larger than her right. Anne bandages Helen’s leg before starting
the treatment to encourage the movement of the fluid.
[2012 Jan] From puffy eyes, to swollen feet: How this woman's gentle touch
can instantly drain the pain of swollen limbs
[vid] Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution In this classic
interview, Professor Anthony Sutton makes clear the point that the text books on
history have been sanitized to hide Wall Streets fingerprints in the creation of
our old cold war enemy, the Soviet Union.
The Coen Brothers - Network Satanists. Yet another example of PREDICTIVE
PROGRAMMING (using the mass media to telegraph their mega-rituals to the Satanic
Elite and covens.) In the movie THE BIG LEBOWSKI 1996, a few minutes into the
first reel, we get a hold shot Jeff Bridges writing a check using the date
9-11-1. This indicates that the Coen Brothers have knowingly allowed the CIA and
Satanic Network to use their films to communicate messages en masse. Like the
Matrix and other huge films, these movies send messages. dates indicate events.
And so on. Each year, a major film is chosen to put out the message. These are
very evil people, know what they are doing, and its why they are rich and
powerful. In addition to dates, memes, social conditioning, and other usefull
aspects of telegraphing trends are employed - as well as controlling the herd's
expected obediance to forthcoming changes. ---Don Bradley
[2011 Dec] Police Prepared To Murder To Conceal
Corruption Says NOTW Journalist my own attempts to expose
institutionalised corruption inside Nottinghamshire ‘Police’ have convinced me
that bent cops will do anything to conceal their crimes and that includes
murder. Trying to expose police corruption in Britain is a mammoth task.
The press are not interested in exposing bent cops and News International have
never been in that business. The Home Office are just as bad and always take the
side of their police puppets. The IPCC has a proven track record as a
professional whitewash brigade and the public can have no faith in that
exoneration ‘service’
[2012 Jan] GSK lab fined over vaccine tests that killed
14 babies GlaxoSmithKline Argentina Laboratories company was
fined 400,000 pesos..... for the killing of 14 babies during illegal lab vaccine
trials conducted between 2007 and 2008.......“These doctors took advantage of
many illiterate parents whom take their children for treatment by pressuring and
forcing them into signing these 28-page consent forms and getting them involved
in the trials.” “Laboratories can't experiment in Europe or the United
States, so they come to do it in third-world countries."
[2011 Oct] The Death of The Merchant of War his New York Times
obituary, which had him working with the CIA. He never did. His case officers
came from the Defense Intelligence Agency and White House. .....In one of his
many moments of candor, he told me that no arms dealer can operate successfully
without working with a major power. In Soghanalian’s case, it was largely the
United States and France that backed his secret operations – rarely at the same
time. During the Iran-Iraq War, Israel supplied weapons to Iran as Sarkis and
the United States supplied Iraq. They deliberately fueled a war that killed a
million people and kept two dangerous countries busy killing each other for a
[2011 Dec] Bribery Scandal Almost Nabbed
Newt by
Michael Collins Piper the bottom line is that Gingrich and his wife
were allegedly attempting to shake down Soghanalian for a $10 million bribe
and that, from the beginning, operatives for Israel were on the scene, acting
as middlemen for the Gingrich duo.....at the last minute, FBI Director Louis Freeh
sent down the order that Soghanalian was not to attend the event—which Gingrich
did attend— and the two-year-long investigation was brought to an abrupt end
just when the FBI might have caught Gingrich agreeing to accept the payoff.
Journalist Trento quoted one FBI agent, who said: “We got so close, and when
the target was in sight, we were stopped by Washington.”
[2011 Dec] Newt Gingrich, Marianne and the Arms Dealer: A Buried FBI
Investigation By Joseph Trento Gingrich was at the center of a
U.S. Justice Department criminal investigation in the late 1990s for a scheme to
shake down the arms dealer for a $10 million bribe in exchange for Gingrich
using his influence as Speaker to get the Iraq arms embargo lifted so
Soghanalian could collect $54 million from Saddam Hussein’s regime for weapons
he had delivered during the Iran-Iraq War.
Hey guys, a male friend of mine age 23 has malignant breast cancer and was
told he has approx 3 months to live about 6 weeks ago. I let him use the extra
terminator zapper I have about 5 weeks ago. Firstly the pain went away. He just
saw his doctor today and the cancer is now SHRINKING! We already knew that
zappers do such things but I just had to make a post about it.
[2011 July] How a Physician Cured Her Son's
Download Interview Transcript My first born son was diagnosed autistic
at the age of three which threw me into a huge learning curve because I had to
find a solution to his problem because my own profession had nothing to offer
which was a bit of a shock for me. Having found all those solutions, I went back
to the university. I completed a second postgraduate degree in human nutrition
and learned many more other things. As a result, my son fully recovered. He is
not autistic anymore. He is living a normal life. I have a clinic in
Cambridge in England, in the UK which is very busy with children and adults with
learning disabilities, neurological disorders, psychiatric disorders and
children and adults with immune disorders and digestive problems.
....It was 1 in 10,000 when I graduated. It was a very rare disorder. Even
I as a medical graduate have never seen an autistic patient. By the time I
graduated from my medical school I have never an autistic individual. I have
seen other psychiatric conditions through my course in psychiatry but have never
seen an autistic child. To be honest, the first autistic child that I have
encountered was my own. As I said, 20 years ago in the Western world and
certainly in the English-speaking world, we were diagnosing one child in 10,000.
Fifteen years ago, we were diagnosing and five years ago we were diagnosing one
child in 150 which is almost a 40-fold increase in incidence. Now in Britain and
some countries, we are diagnosing one child in 66.
[2007] Hitler Used Rothschild
Banker's Typewriter By Henry Makow Ph.D. Emil Georg von Stauss, the
president of Germany's largest bank, the Deutsche Bank, lent Hitler a portable
Remington so he could write his infamous anti-Jewish banker manifesto "Mein
Kampf." Von Stauss, a principal Nazi Party fundraiser, also was
a longtime business associate of the Rothschild
In his letter, Brüning wrote, 'I didn't, and do not even today for
understandable reasons, wish to reveal from October 1928, the two largest
regular contributors to the Nazi Party were the general managers of two of the
largest Berlin banks, both of Jewish faith and one of them the leader of Zionism
in Germany."......Irving pointed out that Churchill rejected Hitler's peace
offers in 1939, 1940, and 1941. .....Irving then gave a detailed account of the
cynical manoeuvrings of Churchill to escalate the aerial campaign against
Germany's civilian population to the point at which Hitler was driven to strike
back against Britain's cities, supplying the spurious justification for the
R.A.F.'s (and later the U.S. Army Air Force's) monstrous terror attacks against
centuries-old citadels of culture and their helpless
inhabitants......Churchill's drunken rantings, often during cabinet meetings,
disgusted many of his generals, as when, at a meeting on July 6, 1944, the prime
minister told his commanders to prepare to drop two million lethal anthrax bombs
on German cities.
[1987] Irving on Churchill. Dismantling
Churchillian Mythology by Theodore J. O'Keefe
"What is impossible to see from the viewpoint of those who believe in cures
is that the very symptoms the good doctors have suppressed and turned into
chronic disease were the body's only means of correcting the problem! The
so-called "disease" was the only "cure" possible!" Dr. Philip Chapman - 1981
"At the end of times the merchants of the word will deceive the nations of
the world through their Pharmacia." Rev 18:23
[Horrific photos of Muslim male violence against women]
Terrorism that's personal (12 images) Nicholas Kristof, the New York Times
op-ed columnist who traveled to Pakistan last year to write about acid attacks,
put it this way in an essay at the time: “I’ve been investigating such acid
attacks, which are commonly used to terrorize and subjugate women and girls in a
swath of Asia from Afghanistan through Cambodia (men are almost never attacked
with acid). Because women usually don’t matter in this part of the world, their
attackers are rarely prosecuted and acid sales are usually not controlled. It’s
a kind of terrorism that becomes accepted as part of the background noise in the
region. ...
“Bangladesh has imposed controls on acid sales to curb such attacks, but
otherwise it is fairly easy in Asia to walk into a shop and buy sulfuric or
hydrochloric acid suitable for destroying a human face. Acid attacks and wife
burnings are common in parts of Asia because the victims are the most voiceless
in these societies: They are poor and female. The first step is simply for the
world to take note, to give voice to these women.” Since 1994, a Pakistani
activist who founded the Progressive Women’s Association to help such women “has
documented 7,800 cases of women who were deliberately burned, scalded or
subjected to acid attacks, just in the Islamabad area. In only 2 percent of
those cases was anyone convicted.”
[vid] Threats, intimidation, and murder: the silencing OKC Bombing witnesses
To this day we are told that the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murruh
Federal Building in Oklahoma City was the work of two men and a truck bomb,
despite an asymmetrical blast radius and the fact that much of the building was
blown out from the inside. In this interview, former Oklahoma City police
officer Don Browning, who was part of the search and rescue operations,
elaborates on the incongruities he and other officers witnessed as they searched
the rubble for survivors. He also speaks out about the threats and intimidation
by the FBI to keep them quiet about what they saw, and about the murder of
fellow officer Terry Yeakey.
"Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official
appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to
end."----Rabbi Isaac Wise
The Jewish Tribune newspaper, in 1927, in an editorial, stated:
"Freemasonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the
Masonic ritual and what is left?"
[2011 Dec] Paul Offit Lies
About Jake Crosby; Tara Palmore Throws Him Out and NIH Covers it Up
Despite the estimated $10 million Paul Offit earned from RotaTeq vaccine sales
and despite his Merck-sponsored chair at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia,
his lecture began with his incredible claim that he has no relevant financial
disclosures. He even received a congressional reprimand for taking part in
voting on vaccine policies for which he is conflicted. Here’s what he said
instead: “I’m sorry. I have no financial conflicts of interest. This is my
only real conflict is that I am a Philadelphia Eagles season ticket holder,
which gives me an inability to actually effectively assess that team.”
.......Throughout Paul Offit’s lecture, he claimed that Andrew Wakefield said
that the MMR vaccine causes autism, including at the March 1998 press conference
at the Royal Free Hospital; a transcript of Wakefield’s talk proves otherwise:
“It’s a moral issue for me. I can’t support the continued use of these three
vaccines, given in combination, until this issue has been resolved.”......The
rest of the studies Offit cited were thrown out as uninformative either by the
2005 Cochrane Review, the recent 2011 IOM Report, or both. Indeed, all of these
studies were created to cover-up a link between autism and vaccines
.......Defending his institute’s bogus report, IOM President Fineberg lied
on Salon that none of the review panelists had ties to CDC or pharma when many
of them did.......Dr. Offit even lied that Kirby’s book was “paid for” by
SafeMinds, which he dubbed an “anti-vaccine group.”
[2011 Dec] The disturbing reason why a
growing number of parents are being falsely accused of shaking their babies to
death So certain were doctors and police that Jayden had been hurt by
his parents that the couple were barred from their son’s bedside before he
died....Finally, the judge told the jury to find the couple not guilty because
Jayden’s post-mortem revealed he had rickets, a serious childhood bone disease
which had once been eradicated in this country nearly a century ago. .....The
Karolias were accused of inflicting many terrible injuries on the child,
including breaking her leg, her arm, and her rib. The police and prosecution
lawyers said they had been caused by twisting, shaking and rotating the child’s
limbs. However, a very senior paediatric consultant who has examined
evidence given at the trial has told the Mail: ‘It is very likely that there was
an issue here with low levels of vitamin D in the mother and her daughter. But
it appears that when it was mentioned in court, the prosecution nearly had a fit
because they insisted this child had been shaken and abused.’
The following verse, from Deuteronomy 6:10-12, is a part of an
oration made by Moses to his people while on their way to the 'Promised Land':
'Then when the Lord your God
brings you to the land he promised your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to
give you - a land with large, fine cities you did not build, houses filled with
choice things you did not accumulate, hewn out cisterns you did not dig, and
vineyards and olive groves you did not plant - and you eat your fill, be careful
not to forget the Lord who brought you out of Egypt, that place of slavery.'
The Judaic God, as portrayed by
Moses in the above passage, is an evil deity, who leads his people to plunder,
robbery and theft. Yet there are many ways to deal with this negative image of
the Almighty. At the literary level, one can argue that the given verses are no
more than just three isolated lines in a lengthy text that is well-meaning and
offers some fundamental universal thoughts. At the contextual level, it may be
suggested that it wasn't actually God speaking to the Chosen People, but Moses
himself, who failed to deliver the true divine message - in other words, Moses
may have got it wrong, or even made it up. There are many other ways to save the
Judaic God and Judaism from being the logos behind contemporary Israeli plunder,
but it is not so easy to save the Israelis from being presented as robbers and
Moses, his contemporaries and their
current followers were and are excited about the possibilities that awaited them
in the Land of Milk and Honey. Israel, the Jewish State, has been following Moses' call. The ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people in
1948, and the constant and total abuse of the Palestinian people since then,
makes Deuteronomy 6:10-12 look like a prophecy fulfilled.
The Wandering Who?: A Study of Jewish Identity Politics by
Gilad Atzmon
'The Catholic theologian Raymund Schwager found 600 passages of explicit
violence in the Old Testament, along with 1000 descriptive verses of God's own
violent punishments and 100 passages where God expressly commands others to
kill. Violence is one of the most frequently mentioned activities in the Hebrew
The Wandering Who?: A Study of Jewish Identity Politics by
Gilad Atzmon
Moses, his contemporaries and their current followers were and are excited
about the possibilities that awaited them in the Land of Milk and Honey. Israel,
the Jewish State, has been following Moses' call. The ethnic cleansing of the
Palestinian people in 1948, and the constant and total abuse of the Palestinian
people since then, makes Deuteronomy 6:10-12 look like a prophecy fulfilled.
For more than sixty years, the Biblical call for theft has been put into legal
praxis. The Israeli looting of Palestinian cities, homes, fields and wells has
found its way into Israel's legal system: by 1950-51, Israeli legislators had
already approved the 'Absentee Property Law', a racially-orientated law
preventing Palestinians from returning to their lands, cities and villages, and
allowing the new Israelites to live in houses and cities they 'did not build'.
The never-ending theft of Palestine in the name of the Jewish
people is part of a spiritual, ideological, cultural and practical continuum
between the Bible, Zionist ideology and the State of Israel (along with its
overseas supporters). Israel and Zionism, both successful political systems,
have instituted the plunder promised by the Hebrew God in the Judaic holy
But this continuum goes further than just theft - in reviewing the following
Biblical passages, recall the devastating images of Gazans being bombed in a UN
shelter at the time of the IDF's Operation Cast Lead (Dec-Jan 2008-2009):
'You will chase your enemies, and they shall fall by the
sword before you. Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall
put ten thousand to flight; your enemies shall fall by the sword before you.'
Leviticus, 26:7-8
'When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are
entering to possess and drives out before you many nations ... you must destroy
them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.' Deuteronomy
'Do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely
destroy them ... as the Lord your God has commanded you ...'---Deuteronomy 20:16
The Wandering Who?: A Study of Jewish Identity Politics by
Gilad Atzmon
[2011 Dec] ‘Prozac defence’ stands in
Manitoba teen’s murder case A Winnipeg judge’s ruling that a teenage
boy murdered his friend because of the effects of Prozac will not be appealed,
confirming an apparent North American first and reviving debate around the
widespread prescription of anti-depressants to young people.
[vid 2011 Dec] The King of the Scumbags Speaks What people are saying
is that YOU and a relatively small handful of your colleagues are criminal scum.
When your bank is not laundering drug money (you've been caught numerous times)
or knowingly packaging fraudulently originated mortgages at AAA securities (a
felony), you lie to your investors and to the market about the solidity of your
balance sheet. These are indictable, jail-worthy crimes. The country will
be a better place when you - you personally - are in jail with a Madoff-like
sentence. The only reason you're not is that you are - for the time being
at least - one of the kings of the shitpile that is destroying the world economy
and beggaring literally hundreds of millions of people worldwide in the process.
We'll know things are back on track when people like you issue your bullshit
rants while wearing an orange jumpsuit.
[vid 2011 Dec] FOX News caught using fake video of riots in Russia
News bulletins around the world have been following Russia's election rallies.
But one channel stands out - America's Fox News has been showing streets ablaze,
violent clashes and firebombs thrown at security officers, but with one major
problem - the images are not from Russia, they're from Greece!
[2011 Dec] Barbara Farris | Family Courts Allow
Sexual Abuse for Profit in PORN The following summaries are a few
selected samples of real California Family Law cases (catogorized by county), in
which children are taken away from safe parents, and forced to live with abusive
parents. Is this because the abuser is offered money to film his sexual abuse
against the child so the judicial system gets a kick back. All involved would be
local police, judges, children services, attorneys and even medical examinars.
[vid] Navajo nation contaminated by uranium ore In Northeast Arizona
the Navajo nation is living on contaminated land. The land was once full or
uranium ore and in the 1940's the Navajo natives were employed by the US
government to mine the Uranium ore. But since then the Navajo have been
suffering severe health issues from the contamination of the elevated levels of
[2011 Nov] Prescribing Zoloft and Other
Antidepressants to a Fetus Dr. Tinus Smits the founder of
CEASE-therapy for autism, believes that: Autism is an accumulation of different
causes: about 70% is due to vaccines 25% to toxic medication and substances 5%
to some diseases....According to a study in the Archives of General
Psychiatry, women who took Zoloft or other selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs) were twice as likely to give birth to a child with autism
spectrum disorder. A review of medical records of more than 1,800
children, including 298 who have autism, found the risk of having a child with
autism spectrum disorder was about twice as high among women who took SSRIs in
the year before giving birth.
[vid 2011 Nov] U. S. Government May Be Primary Suppliers of Mexican Drug Cartel
Guns From 2003-2009, over 150,000 Mexican soldiers deserted from their
ranks. Drug cartels became so confident in their recruitment of military
personnel that they posted help wanted ads for hit men, traffickers, and guards.
When these soldiers desert, their US-supplied weapons (grenades, sniper rifles,
assault weapons, etc.) often accompany them over to the cartels. In 2008 and
2009, 13,792 and 20,530 small arms were exported to Mexico from the US. Over 92%
of these arms were civilian legal semi-automatic or non-automatic firearms, a
number eerily similar to the debunked 90% number echoed by the ATF. A 2008 State
Department memo to then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi shows a $1,000,000 shipment of
select fire M4A2 assault rifles to the Mexican Federal Police Force, (AKA
Federales) one of the most corrupt Mexican government agencies. read more
how the VDPU or 'Vaccine Damage Payment Unit' let children like Katie Stephen
the beautiful little girl on the front page down. Katie was severely vaccine
damaged after the MMR vaccine Pluserix but has been repeatedly turned turned
down for compensation because she has been deemed not disabled enough. The fight
goes on.
By buying this magazine you will help Katie tell her story and support her and
her brave mother fight on. To get a story this hard hitting regarding the MMR
vaccination in UK media is a real breakthrough and Namaste need to be applauded
for allowing this to be published.
In keeping with the fact that almost everybody seems to have his
own definition of Communism, we are going to give you ours, and then we will
attempt to prove to you that it is the only valid one. Communism: AN
You will notice that we did not mention Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, bourgeois,
proletariat or dialectical materialism. We said nothing of the pseudo-economics
or political philosophy of the Communists. These are the TECHNIQUES of Communism
and should not be confused with the Communist conspiracy itself. We did call it
an international conspiratorial drive for power. Unless we understand the
conspiratorial nature of Communism, we don't understand it at all. -----
[2011 Nov] Vaccine-nation:
‘Globally-supported company is funding fatal polio shots’ A government
inquiry has found that polio vaccines for infants funded by the Global Alliance
for Vaccination and Immunisation are causing deaths and disabilities in regional
countries including Pakistan.....The PMIC, headed by Malik Amjad Noon, has
recommended that Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani immediately suspend the
administration of all types of vaccines funded by the GAVI......The report
stated that five deaths have been reported in Japan this year soon after the
vaccination was administered while 25 serious adverse reactions, including five
deaths, were reported in Sri Lanka in 2008
[2011 Nov] Smoke, Mirrors, and the
“Disappearance” Of Polio by Suzanne Humphries, MD Does the public have
any idea that there are hundreds of cases of something that would once have been
called polio, and some of those children will be dependent on a modern version
of the iron lung? No. Parents today think that the Salk vaccine eliminated any
need for ventilators, because the pictures of all these children on iron lungs
are no longer paraded in front of people in order to create fear. Besides
which, today’s “iron lungs” don’t look like a prototype submarine. They are
barely recognizable as today’s “ventilators.”.....The opinions of learned anti-vaccinationist
doctors are not permitted on CNN, Fox News, or in mainstream literature.
Probably because if they were broadcast on such media outlets, the unsuspecting
public would do an about-face. Instead, the publicity that mainstream media
concedes, often involves a parent who is opposed to vaccination, after a child
becomes vaccine-injured, matched up with a celebrity talking-head doctor.
Occupy Wall Street Achieves Victory: Free Flu
Shots for All – YouTube - The Refusers MB Comment: OWS protesters have
now achieved equality with that elite 1%: Having white coats inject them with
ineffective and dangerous
vaccines laced with
25 micrograms of mercury-containing thimerosal, which causes
neuronal death and DNA breaks.
Highlights (lowlights) of the video: 1) Occupy Wall Street occupied by a white
coat invasion force acting like they are in Haiti or Somalia. 2) Columbia
nursing student brandishing a multidose vial of flu vaccine perched on a needle
in the air – like a cowboy gunshooter in an old western movie. 3) Doctor
testifying that we need a single-payer government health program so he can spend
less time billing patients and more time on patient care (shooting them up with
useless flu shots). 4) Protester explaining that he can’t afford so-called
‘health care’ and gratefully rolling up his sleeve for that ineffective and
toxic shot. Judging by this video, these representatives of the 99%
have a steep learning curve about vaccine safety and efficacy, unless they are
auditioning for extras in the Refusers Mad Hatter Blues video.
[2011 Nov] Raw Milk by Hilary Butler It’s also
notable to me that in overseas countries which have human breast-milk banks,
there is a preference NOT to pasteurise human milk. Why is that? Because some
of the most useful and important ingredients in breast milk are destroyed as
part of pasteurisation. The same applies to cow’s milk. Or any other
pasteurised milk..... I know from personal experience that the unpasteurised
milk, butter and cheese cannot compare in flavour, texture and nutritional
value, to pasteurised products......One of the cleanest sheds I ever tested in
was a timeless walk-through shed with no yard, no fences, old Gerber machines,
run by a retired couple of brothers. Their cows came by themselves, and walked
up to milk on being called by name. I was amazed – and taken aback - at it’s
“basicness” and simplicity, and yet – of all the sheds I went, this shed was the
cleanest of them all...... there is no doubt in my mind that the body is far
more able to ”use” unpasteurised milk and cheese, than pasteurised. I’ve lost
count of the number of people I’ve met who can drink unpasteurised milk and eat
unpasteurised cheese, but goods bought from the supermarket cause problems.
Churchill's Secret War: The British Empire and Ravaging of
India During World War II by Madhusree Mukerjee The Churchill
industry has always denied that their idol could have done anything to relieve
the Bengal famine. Shipping, they claim, was scarce and it just wasn't possible
to send food to Bengal. Mukerjee nails those "terminological inexactitudes" with
precision. There was a shipping glut in summer and autumn 1943, thanks to the US
transferring cargo ships to British control. Churchill, Lindemann and their
close associates simply did not consider Indian lives worth saving.
[2011 Nov] “Labyrinth” Starring David Bowie: A Blueprint to Mind Control
Like Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland, Labyrinth
is an imaginative fairy tale whose story can be used as a programming script in
mind control programming. Unlike the older tales however, Labyrinth
might have been specifically constructed for mind control purposes. The story,
the symbolism and the music of the movie all form a cohesive sensory-overload,
where the viewers are totally immersed in the strange world of mind control.
There is however one hitch: like mind-control victims, most viewers are
completely duped by the movie and its message. While it appears to be about the
triumph of a girl’s mind over evil, its is actually the triumph of evil over a
girl’s mind. In the words of Bowie, Don’t tell me truth hurts, little girl,
‘Cause it hurts like hell.
[2011 Nov] Donatella Versace: Mind Control Handler in H&M Ad This
Versace ad for H&M, featuring models Lindsey Wixson and Daphne Groeneveld, is
loaded with mind control triggers and symbolism. Directed by Jonas Akerlund (who
directed quite a few videos featured on this site), the ad portrays Donatella
Versace as an all-controlling, all-seeing handler who manipulates the models in
all kinds of disorienting, restrictive situations. There is also a
labyrinth (classic MK trigger), a hamster wheel and many other symbols relating
to the powerlessness and confusion of MK slaves. Then Donatella turns
around and says: “My house, my rules, my pleasure”. That’s what a mind control
handler would say.
[2009] Freedom
Rider: Barbaric Israel by Margaret Kimberley A
nation that has violated “every norm of civilized behavior and international
law” since its founding in 1948 is held virtually blameless by the U.S.
corporate media – Israel sycophants of the lowest order. “Now members of the
Israeli Defense Force themselves are coming forward to admit that they committed
war crimes” – but the U.S. press is censoring their confessions! Even when
Israeli soldiers openly testify to committing “murder” in Gaza, as reported by
the Israeli press, the U.S. corporate media “keeps the people of this country
ignorant” of the crimes against humanity bankrolled by American taxpayers......Soldiers
have told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that they were ordered to murder
civilians without provocation. Haaretz has also revealed that the IDF prepares
soldiers to kill civilians by openly condoning the killing of pregnant women and
little children....."When we entered
a house, we were supposed to bust down the door and start shooting inside and
just go up story by story… I call that murder. Each story, if we identify a
person, we shoot them. I asked myself – how is this reasonable?"
Organizations and governments around the globe should be banning Gardasil, not
unleashing it on poor countries. It seems that GAVI, a multi-billion dollar
merger of government and corporation, is not truly interested in
improving the health of 3rd world inhabitants.
"If you want to know the real meaning of pornography, it is the utter
dissociation of love and sex, the banishment of love from the sexual
arena."---Martin Amis
[2010] Controversial MK ULTRA
Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees Akin to "Pharmacologic Waterboarding" The Defense Department forced all "war on terror"
detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison to take a high dosage of a controversial
antimalarial drug, mefloquine, an act that an Army public health physician
called "pharmacologic waterboarding." The US military administered the drug
despite Pentagon knowledge that mefloquine caused severe neuropsychiatric side
effects, including suicidal thoughts, hallucinations and anxiety. The drug was
used on the prisoners whether they had malaria or not.
By Jon Rappoport when Sandusky, the accused pedophile, was arraigned,
the prosecution asked for $500,000 bail and an electronic ankle bracelet.
But the judge, Leslie Dutchcot, decided that $100,000 was enough-and Sandusky
didn't have to secure it. He didn't have to put up any money and would forfeit
the bail only if he didn't show up for court appointments. Well, it turns out
Judge Dutchcot volunteers for Second Mile, the charity for at-risk kids that
Sandusky founded. The charity that gave Sandusky every opportunity to befriend
young boys. Why didn't Judge Dutchcot recuse herself from the case?
The National Autistic Society by Vernon Coleman I
see that a drug company which makes MMR vaccine is one of your financial
supporters (and has been since 2003). I understand that the company has, for
example, paid for mailing to over 4,000 GP surgeries with information about
autism. Since there is a huge debate ongoing about whether or not autism is
caused by the MMR vaccine I would be interested to hear the society's
explanation for accepting this funding. Do you not feel that by accepting money
from GlaxoSmithKline you are abandoning your independence, your reputation and
your value to autistic patients and their carers?
[2011 Nov] Professionals are demanding vast
sums of money to write reports on clients that they have never met by Christina
England This article is just about vaccination but instead it covers
issues that affect the lives of vaccine damaged children and the professionals
that try to protect and help them. Professionals are writing fraudulent
documents on patients and clients they have never met that are being produced as
evidence in courts, case conferences, and in benefit cases all over the UK.
These reports are affecting the lives of valuable, respected professionals such
as Lisa Blakemore-Brown and Andrew Wakefield. They are also the lives of the
most vulnerable people in our society eg: the disabled, children and families.
"Though it is sometimes forgotten today, [Jewish psychoanalyist Sigmund]
Freud's work was profoundly subversive to the cultural underpinnings of European
Christian society, a subversiveness of which he was not unaware. There is
evidence that some of the impetus for the creation of psychoanalysis lay in his
hostility to Christianity." ----Stanley Rothman/S. Robert Lichter, Roots of
Radicalism, Oxford University Press, 1982, p. 125]
[vid 2011 Nov] North Carolina's sterilization program North
Carolina sterilization program targeted women, young girls, and blacks. Elaine
Riddick was 13 years old when she got pregnant after being raped by a neighbor
in Winfall, N.C., in 1967. The state ordered that immediately after giving
birth, she should be sterilized. Doctors cut and tied off her fallopian tubes.
“I have to carry these scars with me. I have to live with this for the rest of
my life,” she said. Riddick was never told what was happening. “Got to the
hospital and they put me in a room and that’s all I remember, that’s all I
remember,” she said. “When I woke up, I woke up with bandages on my stomach.”
Riddick’s records reveal that a five-person state eugenics board in Raleigh had
approved a recommendation that she be sterilized. The records label Riddick as
“feebleminded” and “promiscuous.” They said her schoolwork was poor and that she
“does not get along well with others.” “I was raped by a perpetrator [who was
never charged] and then I was raped by the state of North Carolina. They took
something from me both times,” she said. “The state of North Carolina, they took
something so dearly from me, something that was God given.” [2011 Nov]
Victims speak out about North Carolina sterilization program, which
targeted women, young girls and blacks
[vid] If you ever had any doubt the media is controlled... Canned news
It may not surprise you at all, as many of us have known for quite some time,
that the so-called media in this country is not in the business of reporting
news so much as the manufacturing of perceptions. These clips from local news
broadcast all over the country demonstrate rather clearly the even the local
news is, at least in part, scripted from a central location an from there
disseminated to local outlets. It takes a late night comedy show to
demonstrate that the news is in the business of shaping our perceptions. Sad...
[2011 Nov] GPs gave 15,000 children
as young as five chemical cosh Soaring
numbers of children as young as five are being chemically coshed with
antipsychotic drugs, an investigation by Channel 4 News has found. A
staggering 15,000 children under the age of 18 were prescribed the medication
last year by their GPs – double the number a decade ago.....obody knows what the
long-term side effects are and pharmaceutical companies have blocked all
requests for data on trials involving children.
The Last Days of the Big
- (Part 1 of 9)The Last Days of the Big
- Steven Spielberg's
Holocaust Hoax.
A Holocaust Survivor
who stars
in Steven Spielberg's
Oscar winning
The Last Days claims
to have repeatedly defecated and swallowed diamonds
for a year while
in Auschwitz
and on death marches. She also claims
she was selected to become a lampshade,
had her tattoo removed
by Mengele, and escaped from
a gas chamber.
"Thanks to
the terrible power of our International
Banks, we have forced
the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for
Jews, since Christians massacre each other
and make more room for us Jews. Wars are
the Jews' Harvest:
The Jew banks grow fat
on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off
the face of
the earth by wars, and
the end is not yet." ~ Rabbi Reichorn, speaking
the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869
"Global elites view the White Western world as the MAIN OBSTACLE standing in
the way of a future world government.
Multiculturalism is a tool used by such elites to dismantle White Western
civilization". -Pat Buchanan, from a 2004
[vid 2011] The implementation of population control programs in other nations.
Steven W. Mosher President, Population Research Institute. Steven W.
Mosher is an internationally recognized authority on China and population
issues, as well as an acclaimed author, speaker. He has worked tirelessly since
1979 to fight coercive population control programs and has helped hundreds of
thousands of women and families worldwide over the years. In 1979, Steven was
the first American social scientist to visit mainland China. He was invited
there by the Chinese government, where he had access to government documents and
actually witnessed women being forced to have abortions under the new “one-child
The implementation of population control programs in ChinaHere is the fascinating story of how China was fooled into adopting false
science as the basis for its one-child policy and how that policy has been
implemented. Steven W. Mosher is an internationally recognized authority
on China and population issues, as well as an acclaimed author, speaker. He has
worked tirelessly since 1979 to fight coercive population control programs and
has helped hundreds of thousands of women and families worldwide over the years.
[2011 Nov] Infamous Endorsement of Anthrax Vaccine
for Children Anthrax is NOT CONTAGIOUS--it cannot be spread from
person to person. Anthrax has never posed a threat to the general public;
the only people at risk are research laboratory staff who handle anthrax
bacteria. The Center for Disease Control, until recently, recommended
vaccination "only for those at high risk, such as workers in research
laboratories that handle anthrax bacteria routinely."
Oct] In Some Cases, Even Bad Bacteria May Be Goodsome
researchers are exploring an equally unsettling possibility: Antibiotic abuse
may also be contributing to the increasing incidence of obesity, as well as
allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, asthma and gastroesophageal reflux.
"Long have I been well acquainted with the contents of the Protocols, indeed
for many years before they were ever published in the Christian press.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were in point of fact not the original
Protocols at all, but a compressed extract of the same. Of the 70 Elders of
Zion, in the matter of origin and of the existence of the original Protocols,
there are only ten men in the entire world who know. I participated with Dr.
Herzl in the first Zionist Congress which was held in Basle in 1897. Herzl was
the most prominent figure at the Jewish World Congress. Herzl foresaw, twenty
years before we experienced them, the revolution which brought the Great War,
and he prepared us for that which was to happen. He foresaw the splitting up of
Turkey, that England would obtain control of Palestine. We may expect important
developments in the world." ---(Dr. Ehrenpreis, Chief Rabbi of Sweden, 1924)
"My dear questioner, you are too curious, and want to know too much. We are
not permitted to talk about these things. I am not allowed to say anything, and
you are not supposed to know anything about the Protocols. For God's sake
be careful, or you will be putting your life in danger." ---(Rabbi Grunfeld, in
a reply to Rabbi Fleishman regarding the validity of the Protocols)
[2011 Oct] Class action on cancer vaccine
Gardasil A MELBOURNE woman who suffered an auto-immune and neurological
attack after being injected with the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil is leading
a class action against its manufacturer. Seven other Victorian women who are
considering joining the court case against Merck say they have suffered
anaphylaxis and physical breakdowns as a result of the vaccine. One has
attributed a miscarriage to the injections. Naomi Snell, 28, said her life
was put on hold for more than two years after she lost the ability to walk,
battled crippling back and neck pain, and suffered convulsions that started soon
after her first injection in July 2008.
[vid 2011] Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth Population is
still technically growing, but according to the United Nation Population
Division’s numbers, that growth is slowing dramatically. The United Nations
Population Division (UNPD) is the most reliable source of population statistics
in the world, which is why we use their numbers for our videos. And, according
to the UNPD, population growth will continue to slow down over the next few
decades. In fact, if current trends persist, our growth will halt right around 8
billion by 2045. After that, our numbers will start to fall off, slowly at
first, and then faster. If you find this whole idea
counterintuitive, don't worry! You're not alone. At first glance, it really does
seem like population is skyrocketing. That’s because we're still adding a
billion people every few decades . . . and a billion people is a lot of people.
But the way we can tell that population is not ballooning out of control is
precisely the fact that we’re only adding a billion people each time. And soon,
we won’t even be adding that many.
[2011 Oct] Journalist Accuses Israel of Fukushima
Sabotage the former editor of a national newspaper in Japan says the
U.S. and Israel knew Fukushima had weapons-grade uranium and plutonium that were
exposed to the atmosphere after a massive tsunami wave hit the reactor. Second,
he contends that Israeli intelligence sabotaged the reactor in retaliation for
Japan’s support of an independent Palestinian state. According to Yoishi
Shimatsu, a former editor of Japan Times Weekly, these nuclear materials were
shipped to the plant in 2007 on the orders of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush,
with the connivance of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
Lash, John Dr. Judy Wood [vid 2011 Aug] A Challenge To The
Crop Circle Wizards by JOHN LAMB LASH (Aug 30, 2011) This is a
really important message that Cosmic Gnostic fully supports. John Lamb
Lash has stepped up to the plate to break through with the true truth
about 9/11 and has set a challenge to the crop circle wizards out there
who also have the same free energy technologies used on 9/11; Come out
and help the world realize what really happened.
"Ten years after September 2001 comes the unparalleled opportunity for a
breakthrough, the moment when "9/11 truth" is finally seen in scientific
veracity and a dream comes true: the dream of free energy. Here is a
challenge to own the truth that can set us free as a species. May the
wizards give us a sign." - JLL August 30, 2011
Here is his presentation and challenge to the crop circle wizards. Be
sure to check out our interviews with John Lamb Lash and Dr. Judy Wood
on www.cosmicgnostic.com
"A scare is being created among the people that
Hepatitis B is fatal without vaccination. The reality is that in 94 per cent of
the cases, the victims recover spontaneously without any medical treatment, four
per cent are healthy carriers, one per cent can get liver cancer and another one
per cent might die,"---[2001] Vaccine for
Hepatitis B unnecessary, says doctor
[2011 Oct] Shock vaccine study reveals
influenza vaccines only prevent the flu in 1.5 out of 100 adults (not 60% as
you've been told) So what are flu shots really for? You won't like
answer, but
I'll tell you what
I now believe
to be true: The purpose of flu shots
is to "soft kill"
the global population.
are population
control technologies,
as openly admitted
by Bill
Gates (http://www.naturalnews.com/029911_v...)
and they are so cleverly packaged under the fabricated
health" message that even those who administer
have no
idea they are actually engaged
in the reduction
of human population
through vaccine-induced
and genetic
have but one purpose: To permanently alter the human gene pool and "weed
out" those humans who are stupid
enough to fall for vaccine
propaganda. And for that nefarious
purpose, they probably are 60% effective
after all.
[2011 Oct] NY organ trafficker admits buying
kidneys in Israel for $10,000... and selling them in U.S. for $120,000 anthropologist
and organ trade expert Nancy Scheper-Hughes, who described Israel as a
'pariah' in the organ transplant world, has said in the past that many of the
donors were desperately poor immigrants from eastern European countries such as
Moldova, Romania and Russia. They say the recipients are leading healthy
lives thanks to Rosenbaum.....The probe led to 46 arrests, including several
rabbis, the New York Daily News reports......Prosecutors said he bought the
organs from vulnerable people in Israel for as little as $10,000, then sold them
here for a minimum of $120,000.
[2010] Body Parts
and Bio-Piracy
by Nancy Scheper-Hughes In its heyday
(1997-2007), the
network was
an ingenious
and extremely lucrative
supplied a
few thousand
and diasporic
Jews worldwide with the “fresh” organs
and transplants
they needed. With Rosenbaum’s
arrest, the U.S. media
were suddenly interested in the
scheme, now that
there was
a proven link to hospitals
in New York City. .....After
my tape
in Israel,
on December 19, 2009, to
TV’s Channel
2, government
for the army
and the Ministry
of Health
admitted that
and tissues
were harvested
from the dead
bodies of
both Palestinians
throughout the 1990s, but that
the practice
ended in 2000.....In fact,
according to Kugel, “Organs
were sold to
anyone that
just had
to pay
for them.” While skin, heart
bones, and
were removed
and used for transplants,
solid organs
– hearts,
livers – “were sold for research,
for presentations,
for drills for medical
students and
.....To Dr. Kugel the prime
issue had
nothing at
all to do with science: it was
about disrespect,
about hoarding
body specimens,
about turning the Institute into
a factory
of bodies. The Institute’s conduct was
by money, by power,
and by
of the sort that
“We know what’s
good for you, we’ll decide what
to you, the person who doesn’t know
anything. We’ll decide.”
And that’s
the reason
why that
and Dr. Kugel
asserts it
is happening
to this
[2011 Oct] 61% of Vaccine Providers
Don’t Know What a Vaccine Adverse Reaction Is If you want to entrust
yourself and your children to this Three Blind Mice
(see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil) vaccine system – that is certainly
your right, but if something goes wrong don’t expect any recognition, sympathy
or cure from the medical system. You’ll end up being a statistic in the FDA
VAERS system and it will be labeled a coincidence......The
FDA collects those reports, puts them in a drawer and forgets about them. Here
is the current body count in VAERs: Hepatitis B vaccine 50,275 reports – 979
deaths, DTaP vaccine (pertussis, diptheria, tetanus) 50,345 reports – 785
deaths, MMR vaccine 58,887 reports – 300 deaths, Gardasil vaccine
22,563 reports – 99 deaths.
[2011 Oct] Do Childhood Vaccines Cause Subdural
(Brain) Hemorrhages, Currently Diagnosed as Shaken Baby Syndrome, and Other
Health Anomalies? by Harold E Buttram, MD and Catherine J Frompovich It’s
estimated that half of infant deaths is attributed to child abuse classified as
Shaken Baby Syndrome/Non-Accidental Trauma, for which parents are legally
prosecuted......subdural hemorrhages can result from brain inflammation due to
vaccine adverse events along with other diseases connected with
vaccinations......Gardner noted that there was a distinct age difference between
nontraumatic brain hemorrhages in Japan and in America, where most nontraumatic
brain hemorrhages tend to occur during the first six months of life. The clear
explanation, according to Dr. Gardner, [29] was that Japanese do not begin their
vaccines until seven months, whereas in the United States they are administered
during the first six months, starting within 24 hours of birth with the
Hepatitis B vaccine........ vaccines can and do cause a significant percentage
of subdural brain hemorrhages which, tragically, are being falsely and unjustly
misdiagnosed as inflicted abuse by parent or caretaker.
[1991] Weber GF et al. Glutathione peroxidase
deficiency and childhood seizures 4 children with intractable
seizures, repeated infections, and intolerance to anticonvulsants had evidence
of glutathione peroxidase deficiency. 2 had low intracellular enzyme activity
but normal blood selenium and high plasma glutathione peroxidase concentrations.
The other 2 had low intracellular glutathione peroxidase activity with low
circulating glutathione peroxidase and selenium concentrations. The clinical
state of the children improved after discontinuation of anticonvulsant
medication and selenium substitution.
[2009] Girls drugged
by a doctor in a care home are now having disabled babies Girls in his
care were given pills designed for schizophrenics, psychotics and Parkinson’s
sufferers…without having been diagnosed with any
of these conditions and
often held down and forced to take them. Nearly 30 years later, the
of girls in his care have learning difficulties, cleft palates, water on
the brain and brain growths.
[2010] Whistleblower in Coventry:
Dr Yolande Lucire and Big Pharma Thirteen years ago she began to
notice alarmingly high hospital admission and suicide rates among patients
treated with SSRIs and atypical antipsychotics in New South Wales's Greater
Southern Area Health Service...More recently it has become clear that a large
percentage of people being treated with antidepressants can't metabolise them
due to common genetic mutations.
[vid] Libya destroyed: next stop Syria and then Iran Former four star
general and NATO commander Wesley Clark talks about the neocon plan to invade
seven countries in five years. Included in the plan was an attack on Libya.
[2011 Oct] Defending the Faith: Tomasz Kranz's "Mass Killings by Means of Toxic
Gases in the Majdanek Concentration Camp" by Jürgen Graf From
whichever point of view one looks at the story of homicidal gassings at Majdanek
– whether from a historical, a technical or a logical one – it always turns out
to be absurd. Only two types of readers will thus be impressed by Thomas Kranz’s
kind of deceptive “evidence”: the naïve who believe themselves to be reading the
study of a serious historian, and committed believers in the Holocaust, who say
“my mind is made up, don’t confuse me with the facts”.
[2011 Oct] Dangerous New Malaria Vaccine Causes
Both Meningitis and Seizures and Isn’t Effective Bill
Gates and his henchmen celebrated and applauded their new malaria vaccine at an
invitation-only vaccine-fest in Seattle this week. But when you read the fine
print, it turns out this vaccine ‘was 34.8% effective in reducing severe malaria
for the combined age-group category.’ But it’s not only ineffective, it’s
dangerous. The so-called placebo they used was a rabies vaccine known to cause
neuroparalytic accidents. If you wanted to flatter your experimental vaccine,
you couldn’t have picked a better so-called placebo, since rabies vaccine side
effects are so dangerous. But the ruse didn’t work. Meningitis and seizure
rates were far higher for the new Gatesian malaria vaccine than for the rabies
vaccine ‘placebo.’ ......Gates is conducting the Emperor’s New Clothes method of
vaccine development, by dumbing down effectiveness measures and covering up
adverse reactions. No self-respecting modern scientist should stoop to signing
onto a vaccine that is 35% effective. Imagine the carnage if they deploy this
dangerous and ineffective vaccine to undernourished populations in Africa.
Gate’s lapdog researchers said they believed the meningitis
was not vaccine-related. Yeah, right. What do you expect vaccine cult scientists
to say? Undernourished African children who develop immediate meningitis or
seizures from this ineffective vaccine (with no malaria protection) might have a
different opinion on that issue.
[2011 Oct] Alex Jones, Demos and Controlled
Demolitions by Kevin Boyle However Mr Bartlett is a professional
liar. And a good one. If you present good evidence he will concede
any point in argument….…..except when it really matters. Yes, Tony Blair lied.
Yes, governments sometimes do terrible things. Yes, they sometimes lie. No, 9/11
and 7/7 were Al Qaeda attacks on the west by Islamic fundamentalists. No,
Zionist-Occupied-Government is a lunatic fantasy.
[2011 Oct] Brown Eyed Girls’ Video “Sixth Sense” or How the Elite Controls
Opposition By analyzing
the political message of Sixth Sense, one forgets that this video is
primarily aimed at children and teenagers. While listening
to the music and admiring
their idols’ dancing,
the viewers are exposed
to a
powerful lesson that sticks
in the subconscious mind:
Resistance is futile. Even worse, resistance does not even exist as those who
to be resisting
are just leading
you towards
the elite’s goal. These kinds
of propaganda videos existed under dictatorships,
but today
they are passed around as “entertainment”.
They get massive airplay on MTV and millions of hits on YouTube.
In reality, nobody is forced
to watch these videos, but they are nevertheless quite popular. Is there
a reason why people willingly
subject themselves
to this kind
of elite propaganda? Yes. These videos appeal
to their Sixth Sense … and people like that.
The Real Reason Why Gadaffi Was Killed & Why We're In LibyaMuammar Gaddafi came to power in 1969 in a coup at the age of 27 and went
on to rule Libya for 42 years with an iron fist.
Some believe it is about protecting civilians, others say it is about oil, but
some are convinced intervention in Libya is all about Gaddafi's plan to
introduce the gold dinar, a single African currency made from gold, a true
sharing of the wealth.
Army embeds PSYOPS soldiers at local TV stationsThe U.S. Army has used local television stations in the U.S. as training
posts for some
of its psychological-operations personnel, according to Yahoo! News blog
The Upshot. Since at least 2001, both WRAL, a CBS affiliate in Raleigh, N.C.,
and WTOC, a CBS affiliate in Savannah, Ga., have regularly hosted active-duty
soldiers from the Army's 4th Psychological Operations group as part
of the Army's Training With Industry program.
[2011 Oct] Pfizer Pays
$14.5M To Settle Detrol Off-Label Suit Five years ago, a pair of
former Pfizer sales reps accused Pfizer of illegally marketing its Detrol pill
as a salve for enlarged prostates, even though the pill had only been approved
to treat overactive bladders. Now, the drugmaker has agreed to pay $14.5 million
to settle the charges in what is only the latest in a string of cases in which
Pfizer engaged in off-label marketing.
provocateurs[2008] Was 'friend' who yelled abuse
at police on anti-war demo a stooge or a thug, asks writer This chap
wasn't really the sort you'd expect to see shouting abuse at police officers at
an anti-war demo. He was, after all, a policeman himself - and a
high-ranking one at that. I'd met the police inspector at a party around last
Christmas. The local mayor was there, along with councillors from other parties
and journalists. I'd been asked along by a friend. Later, we went to a local gay
club, where I danced with him and a few others until 3.30am.
[2011 Oct] Misleading Danish Mobile Phones and
Brain Tumour Study in BMJ This misleading study has many flaws and
serious confounders and should not give anyone reassurance that mobile phone use
is not associated with an increase in brain tumours. In our opinion the paper
should not have been published in this form — it should have failed peer-review.
We recommend that it is disregarded as low quality science.
[2011 Oct] 'My headache's about to
explode': U.S. girls just dropping dead "The
reports detail
26 new deaths reported between Sept. 1, 2010, and Sept. 15, 2011, as well as
of seizures,
speech problems, short-term memory loss and Guillain-Barré
Syndrome," Judicial
Watch said.
MICHAEL JACKSON The case against Dr. Conrad Murray for culpability as
the “Patsy” in the death of Michael Jackson is among the
“unseen” well beyond the rule of law of the courtroom. It is a clandestine
Illuminatiattack upon Dr. Murray to anchor and
re-image him in the mind of the world public opinion as the Lone Nut
killer of Michael Jackson through a slick mass media psychological warfare
persuasion, manipulation, and mind control program. “… I
believe that the CIA controls the media system in the United States.” - Media Mogul, Ted Turner I suspect that Turner,
above, with the Master “Hidden Hand” gesture had been a willing
participant in Operation MOCKINGBIRD all along fronting for the CIA.
CNN’s very own daring candy man, Anderson Cooper, out of
Yale University received his training with the CIA. The candyman sugar-coats
American Imperialism, crimes and corruption and military-industrial
transgressions around the globe. According to CNN, he worked for the
CIA at Langley headquarters following his sophomore and junior years at Yale,
but declined full-time employment when he graduated from college. However,
Anderson was found after graduating from Yale studying Vietnamese at the
University of Hanoi, most likely for the Company. That dog
won’t hunt.
[2011 Sept] Are
Evangelical Christians Warmongers? by Chuck Baldwin Let’s get this
straight right out of the gate: nothing touched by man can be perfect, because
none of us is perfect. There is no perfect church, perfect school, perfect
mission board, perfect Sunday School class, perfect pastor, perfect deacon, or
perfect Christian. Until the afterlife, we are all yet encased in Adamic flesh,
complete with human weaknesses and imperfections. And only the Pharisaical among
us are too proud to admit it.
.......The biggest cheerleaders for the unprovoked, unconstitutional,
pre-emptive attack and invasion of Iraq were evangelical Christians. Ditto for
the war in Afghanistan, the bombing of Libya, the attacks in Yemen, etc. Who is
calling for the bombing of Iran? Evangelical Christians. Who cheers for sending
more and more troops all over the world to maim and kill more and more people
(including innocents)? Evangelical Christians. Shoot (pun intended)! Most
evangelical Christians didn’t even bat an eye when the federal government sent
military and police personnel to murder American citizens, including old men,
women, and children–Christian old men, women, and children, no less–outside
Waco, Texas.
[vid] School Lunch Program=Garbage Disposal System "The school lunch
program is by and large a disposal system for agricultural commodities. The
farmers grow too much of various things, the government buys it from them to
support their prices and their welfare and then dumps it on schools." he
explains here. This is why you find mostly highly processed, fatty, terrible
quality food in schools across the United States. It's worse than you think:
there are rules the require the school lunch program to buy food from the lowest
bidder. Imagine if you were forced to only buy and eat the absolute cheapest
food available to you. This is what's for lunch for most of an American kids'
childhood. No whole, local or organic foods enter the picture in this system.
They can't compete. Furthermore, he tells us the schools no longer have kitchens
-- only giant microwaves! They are totally dependent on processed food and
couldn't even cook real meals if they had to.
[2011 Oct] Peru shaman murders investigatedHe alleged that the mayor, who is an evangelical Christian, ordered the
killings on hearing that the shamans planned to form an association. He
said the mayor’s brother was known in the area as a matabrujos or witch
killer. “For Protestant sects, the shamans are possessed by the devil; a
totally sectarian, primitive and racist concept,” he said....."The
death of these shamans represents not just a tragic loss of life, but
the loss of a huge body of knowledge about rainforest plants and
the crucial role shamans play in traditional medicine and spiritual
guidance in indigenous communities."
"We filed a request for two pieces of information. We wanted all
the safety data
the CDC had in its possession prior to recommending
the hepatitis B
vaccine for new babies at birth. Moreover, we wanted
the statistical model
they used to prove safety and justify this policy decision. To my
the CDC refused to respond to our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request. We made our request more than 10 years ago and we are still waiting for
this information today."-----01/10/11 – Michael Belkin
[2011 July] $61 Million Dollar Settlement for a
Child Injured by a Vaccine
hours after the
baby received a routine diphtheria,
tetanus and
acellular pertussis
(DTaP) vaccination, she
started to have seizures, abnormal breathing, irregular
heartbeats, and at 6:05am the
next morning,
heart stopped completely. It took 6 minutes
of CPR to revive
her. She
has spent that last 6 years
of her
life suffering from cognitive delays, cerebral palsy, encephalopathy, and
seizure disorder. The
family's attorneys say the
$61 million dollar award will pay for the
child's around the
clock medical care for the
of her
[vid 2011 Oct] To Isolate Iran, U.S. Presses Inspectors on Nuclear Data
WASHINGTON — President Obama is pressing United Nations nuclear inspectors to
release classified intelligence information showing that Iran is designing and
experimenting with nuclear weapons technology. The president’s push is part of a
larger American effort to further isolate and increase pressure on Iran after
accusing it of a plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United
States. The Obama administration, since coming to office, has never publicly
presented detailed evidence to back up its claim that Iran is driving toward a
weapon or creating the technology to assemble one quickly, should it need it.
But it has discussed the evidence widely with allies. New York Times:
whale stats for Sept-- pages, files, hits 1,662637 12,080,057 13,423,799
“Israel’s enemies are our enemies and this is a battle in which we all stand
together or we will all fall divided.”----Fox, Liam
“Starvation happens not because this is Africa, or the Congo, it is because
we are witnessing the most devastating example of predatory capitalism and
heartless, absolute greed, combined with a spiritual crises—in the “first”
world—of unprecedented proportions.”-----Keith
Harmon Snow
[vid] More soldiers lost to suicide than battle. The #1 censored story of 2011More U.S. Soldiers Killed Themselves Than Died in Combat in 2010. For the
second year in a row, more American soldiers—both enlisted men and women and
veterans—committed suicide than were killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Excluding accidents and illness, 462 soldiers died in combat, while 468
committed suicide. A difference of six isn't vast by any means, but the
symbolism is significant and troubling. In 2009, there were 381 suicides by
military personnel, a number that also exceeded the number of combat deaths.
Earlier this month, military authorities announced that
suicides amongst active-duty soldiers had slowed in 2010, while suicides amongst
reservists and people in the National Guard had increased. It was proof, they
said, that the frequent psychological screenings active-duty personnel receive
were working, and that reservists and guardsmen, who are more removed from the
military's medical bureaucracy, simply need to begin undergoing more health
checks. This new data, that American soldiers are now more dangerous to
themselves than the insurgents, flies right in the face of any suggestion that
things are "working." Even if something's working, the system is still very,
very broken.
One of the problems hindering the military's attempt to
address soldier suicides is that there's no real rhyme or reason to what kind of
soldier is killing himself. While many suicide victims are indeed afflicted with
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after facing heavy combat in the Middle East,
many more have never even been deployed. Of the 112 guardsmen who committed
suicide last year, more than half had never even left American soil.
"If you think you know the one thing that causes people to
commit suicide, please let us know,” Army Vice Chief of Staff General Peter
Chiarelli told the Army Times, "because we don't know what it is." read
by Christopher Black Antoine Nyetera, a Tutsi prince,
who was in Kigali during that period, testified for the defense in the Military
II trial and stated that not only were there no massacres committed against
Tutsis by the Rwandan Army, but that it was the RPF that began the massacres
against Hutus after taking Kigali. He also testified that despite the claim by
the RPF of being a Tutsi liberation group, when he saw their long columns enter
the capital, he recognized that most of them were Sudanese, Eritrean, Ethiopian,
Tanzanian, and that others were speaking Swahili or Sudanese languages: In other
words, they were mercenaries.
Several RPF officers have testified
at the ICTR and stated that they fled the Kagame regime because they had been
promised that they were fighting for the liberation of the Tutsis. However, when
they wanted to take to the streets of Kigali to stop reprisals against Tutsis by
Hutu civilians, the junior officers were forbidden to do so, putting the lie to
Kagame’s claim that he attacked to save Tutsis. These officers testified that
Kagame wanted (Tutsi) deaths to justify his war. The RPF could have controlled
large parts of Kigali as they had at least 15,000 men in or near the capital
opposed to 5,000 Rwandan Army forces. Instead he used his men to ethnically
cleanse the rest of the country of its majority Hutu population.
[2009] Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo
in the Propaganda System by Edward S. Herman and David Peterson The
established narrative’s 800,000 or more largely Tutsi deaths resulting from a
“preprogrammed genocide” committed by “Hutu Power” appears to have no basis in
any facts, beyond the early claims by Kagame’s RPF and its politically motivated
Western sponsors and propagandists....Washington gains a strong military
presence in Central Africa, a diminution of its European rivals’ influence,
proxy armies to serve its interests, and access to the raw material-rich
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC, known as Zaire into 1997); while the RPF
renews Tutsi-minority control of Rwanda, and gains a free hand to kill any
perceived internal rivals, along with a client state’s usual immunities, money,
weapons, foreign investment, and a great deal of international
prestige......Very big lies about Rwanda are now institutionalized and are part
of the common (mis)understanding in the West. In reality, Rwanda’s Paul Kagame
is one of the great mass murderers of our time, far surpassing Uganda’s former
dictator Idi Amin. Yet, thanks to the remarkable myth structure that surrounds
him, he enjoys immense popularity with his chief patron in Washington, his image
of big-time killer transmuted into that of an honored savior, deserving strong
Western support......what Kagame overthrew was a multiethnic, power-sharing,
coalition government; what Kagame imposed was a Tutsi-dominated dictatorship;
and what Kagame turned Rwanda and the whole of Central Africa into was a rolling
genocide that is ongoing. But it is true that he is a shining “star” in the
Western firmament and its propaganda system.
.......What the United States and its Western allies (Britain, Canada, and
Belgium) really did was to sponsor the U.S.-trained Kagame; support his invasion
of Rwanda from Uganda and the massive ethnic cleansing prior to April 1994;
weaken the Rwandan state by forcing an economic recession and the RPF’s
penetration of the government and throughout the country; and then press for the
complete removal of UN troops. They did this because they didn’t want UN troops
to stand in the way of Kagame’s conquest of the country, even though Rwanda’s
Hutu authorities were urging the dispatch of more UN troops.
...... it also cleared the ground for Kagame and Uganda’s Yoweri Museveni—Kagame’s
ally and the two staunchest U.S. clients in the region—to invade and occupy the
DRC and beyond periodically, without opposition from the “international
The Pentagon has very actively supported these invasions of
the DRC, even more heavily than it supported the RPF’s drive to take Kigali.
This support led to the killing of many thousands of Hutu refugees in a series
of mass slaughters (ca. 1994-1997), and also provided cover for a
greater series of Kagame-Museveni assaults on the DRC that have destabilized
life in this large country of perhaps sixty million people, with millions
perishing in the process.
[2010 March] The
Rwanda Hit List: Revisionism, Denial, and the Genocide Conspiracy by Keith
Harmon Snow The British Broadcasting
in 2006 publicly branded as genocidaire Dr. Vincent
a Hutu physician and U.K. citizen who lived and worked
in London for years. Similar to the NBC camera crew's unannounced
confrontation with Dr. Leopold Munyakazi
in Maryland, without any appointment
or prior warning,
a BBC team showed up on the street
in London and shoved a television camera
in Dr. Bajinya's
face and began
him about his alleged role as a 'mastermind'
of the Rwandan Genocide.
days of the first BBC report, the Dr. Vincent
story was everywhere
in the news and was combined
with defamatory stories branding
three other Rwandan refugees (Charles Munyaneza, Emmanuel Nteziryayo, and Celestin
Ugirashebuja) supposedly 'hiding'
in the U.K. The BBC framed all four refugees as 'Most Wanted' criminals
and 'masterminds'
of 'genocide
in Rwanda
in 1994'. After confronting
in London the BBC team traveled to Rwanda and, escorted by GOR
agents, filmed the places and people who testified on camera to the alleged
The four Rwandans were jailed for 28 months and the case was
supported by RPA/F
intelligence agent Jean Bosco Mutangana, the head of Rwanda's genocide
fugitives tracking
unit, who also turned up with the NBC News crew and confronted the
President of Goucher College (MD) and Dr. Leopold Munyakazi.
The City of Westminster
Magistrates' Court ordered the extradition of all four Rwandans but an appeals
court on April 8, 2009, ruled that there was no freedom or justice
in Rwanda ordered their release.
[2009 Jan] Ben Affleck, Rwanda, and Corporate
Sustained Catastrophe by Keith Harmon Snow (part 1) Since 2001, actress
Angelina Jolie has been UNHCR’s ‘Goodwill Ambassador,’ a role that took her to
eastern Congo in 2003 and 2004. Jolie traveled in eastern Congo with
intelligence insider and International Crisis Group agent John Prendergast, who
is aligned with a growing army of ‘Save Darfur’ cloned organizations that deploy
state-of-the-art media technologies to undermine and co-opt any true grass roots
movement to legitimately empower African people. Jolie also starred as a
‘selfless’ hero working as a UNHCR official in Hollywood’s Beyond Borders,
a film that peddles the necessity of mixing Central Intelligence Agency
gun-running operations with humanitarian missions—because it is ostensibly for
the ‘right’ cause: Western sponsored covert interventions.
Hollywood stars from the film Ocean’s Thirteen
formed another ‘humanitarian’ organization that inevitably throws celebrity
raised funds at the western structural violence and white power economies
focused on sustaining disaster in Africa. The governing board of Not On Our
Watch includes Ocean’s Thirteen stars George
Clooney, Brad
Pitt, Don Cheadle, and Matt
Damon—Ben Affleck’s buddy ‘Will’ from
the film Good Will Hunting—and producers Jerry Weintraub and David
Clooney recently joined John Prendergast, a U.S. National
Security apparatus insider, and Hollywood producer David Pressman to pen a
Wall Street Journal Op-Ed, opining all the usual trite platitudes—but
absent a single recommendation of substance—about how President Obama can help
Congo. Prendergast, who is billed as a ‘leading American human rights activist’,
has previously boasted of traveling around Sudan and Central Africa with
President Paul Kagame, and he is named as one of the early architects of the RPA
coup d’etat in Rwanda.
The entire exercise of appointing and fronting Hollywood
celebrities as United Nations ‘Messengers for Peace’ and ‘Goodwill Ambassadors’
is a further means by which the establishment whitewashes the war-making and
plunder of multinational corporations, and the individuals responsible for
carnage the world over, and to more deeply institutionalize the structural
violence. Described as ‘helping to shine light on the world’s trouble spots’,
celebrity actorvism is more like a cop shining a bright light in your eyes so
that you are disoriented, confused and blinded.
Privatizing the ‘humanitarian’ sector through media
celebrities or through entertainment and publicity extravaganzas—like ‘Food AID’
and ‘Band AID’ and ‘Not on Our Watch’—that falsely claim to benefit African
people, simultaneously lets governments off the hook, obscures the true intent
of predatory capitalism, and creates personality cults that further entrench
white ‘society’ pathologies of obliviousness, ignorance, goodness and supremacy
[2009 Jan] Ben Affleck,
Rwanda, and Corporate Sustained Catastrophe by Keith Harmon Snow (Part 2)
But Rwanda pimps its sanitized image through numerous celebrities. In 2007,
actress Natalie Portman joined other global celebrities to name baby mountain
gorillas for the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund in Virunga National Park; actress
Daryl Hannah has also played that role. Actress Sigourney Weaver is officially
tied to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. William Taliaferro Close, the father of
actress Glen Close was for many years the personal physician for Zaire’s
president Joseph Mobutu. Ewan McGregor also boosts Rwanda’s image by traveling
there in league with the regime.
The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund and Jane Goodall Institute are
two big profit-based ‘conservation’ NGOs directly tied to militias involved in
extortion, land theft and other organized crime in North Kivu province. Jane
Goodall is currently a United Nations Messenger of Peace but she is so busy
giving “Save the Chimp” lectures worldwide that she doesn’t know what she is
talking about, and is blind to the crimes that the Jane Goodall Institute is
committing, in her name, in Congo.
A number of other big international names, including Quincy
Jones, and the CEOs of Starbucks, Microsoft, Google and CISCO, have previously
visited Rwanda on business missions. Kagame’s strategy of surrounding himself
with big business to shield his regime against criticisms or indictments for war
crimes and acts of genocide has paid off. Big business leaders, business web
sites and public relations campaigns the world over describe Paul Kagame as ‘The
Entrepreneur President.’
[2009 Jan] Ben Affleck,
Rwanda, and Corporate Sustained Catastrophe by Keith Harmon Snow (Part 2)
The Gimme Shelter campaign is but the latest smokescreen by the western
propaganda systems deployed to protect private profits, hidden agendas, and
white-collar war crimes in Central Africa. In this equation, the actors and
actresses themselves are being used like brand names. UNHCR has the Angelina
Jolie brand. UNICEF has the Mia Farrow brand. Save the Children and UNHCR share
the Ben Affleck brand name.
Such smokescreens immunize people in North America, Europe,
South Africa, Israel and Australia against our own waking up. Using words like
‘humanitarian’ and ‘AID’ and ‘relief’ and ‘peacekeeping’ to misname what are
otherwise profitable white operations that are reliant purely on markets—where
the commodities are people of color who have been uprooted and displaced,
physically and sexually traumatized, and murdered en masse—is another way to
justify the exploitation that proceeds both in plain site (refugee operations,
peacekeeping interventions, media productions) and behind the scenes (extractive
industries, weapons proliferation, multinational dumping, covert operations).
[vid] President Kills U.S. Citizen. Target Killing Americans The
due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality. By now, most of
us are pretty well convinced that Anwar Al-Awlaki was a bad guy. Even I'll buy
that he was a bad dude. The idea that due-process is now OPTIONAL is a
very frightening prospect. Scratch that, it's a very frightening new reality.
Perhaps they're not inclined to due-process because it would show that Al-Awlaki,
the CIA lackey, worked for them all along. After all, this is the guy that
rubbed elbows with the brass at the Pentagon dinner. Now he's dead, and a new
precedent is set.
[2004] Cartels’ Soy Revolution Kills Argentine Farming
by Cynthia R. Rush The blame
lies with the criminal financial predators behind the international food
cartels—Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge, etc.—that have systematically
destroyed Argentina's food-producing capabilities over recent decades, replacing
them with large-scale production of genetically-modified soy for export to a
globalized market. The imposition of unbridled free trade, exemplified by Carlos
Menem's embrace of the International Monetary Fund's policies during his
1989-1999 Presidency, has returned Argentina to "the colonial model of commodity
export," Lapolla writes. "We have ceased to be a nation."
...Government ministries and scientific agencies once assigned to deal with
problems related to real production have been roped into this offensive, prodded
by such well-financed Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as the British
Crown's Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Greenpeace.
Under the
guise of protecting the environment, the WWF has supported the food cartels'
"Sustainable Soy" model, advocating expanded soy production only, while
simultaneously demanding that large swaths of land be set aside as pristine
ecology parks, protected from "contamination"—and agricultural production.
[2011 Aug] Burying the Darfur Genocide Myth by Thomas
C. Mountain Genocide has and is being committed by the Ethiopian
regime of Meles Zenawi against the Somali people of the Ogaden, but there has
been no genocide in Darfur.....The Darfur genocide myth has for years been a
very useful smokescreen in helping to hide the most terrible crime in the world
today, the Ogaden Genocide.....Sudan is estimated to have suffered some two
million deaths during its decades-long civil war between the north and the
south. While peace has been slowing taking hold in Darfur, in the
Ogaden peace is a long lost memory. War, famine, and disease are spreading
across the Ogaden, and it is becoming a situation that is increasingly the norm
in growing areas of Ethiopia. While the western hucksters raked in beau coup
millions of dollars while peddling their “save Darfur” bunkum, Sudanese have
seen real peace on the ground take place in Darfur.
In contrast, Ethiopians, suffering under a regime that is the
largest recipient of western aid in Africa, only see a future of growing ethnic
and religious conflict, and worse, active programs of genocide. The problems
developing in Ethiopia can invariably be traced back to the west, mainly the
USA. The west, in particular the USA, is hell bent on keeping Africa in a state
of crisis, the better to exploit. And the “save Darfur” lobby is all for
bringing more violence to Africa under the guise of “humanitarian intervention”,
while little of the over $100 million they collected ever reached the Darfur
people it was intended for.
[2011 July] World Food
Program in Somalia: Angel of Mercy or Angel of Death? by Thomas C. Mountain
Back in 2006, just as Somali farmers brought their grain harvest to market, the
WFP began the distribution of its entire year’s grain aid for Somalia. With
thousands of tons of free grain available, Somali farmers found it almost
impossible to sell their harvest and faced disaster......Then in 2007, just as
the Somali grain harvest began to arrive in local markets, the WFP once again
distributed its entire year’s grain aid, only this time with the Ethiopian army
there to protect it. With a four-year-long on-and-off-again drought since
afflicting most of Somalia, you could say the WFP helped put the nail in the
coffin of Somali agriculture......It was only a couple of months ago that
the WFP had cut the minimum survival food rations for the one million or more
Somali refugees it had been feeding by 70% due to a “funding shortfall,” yet
today they would have us believe that they are desperately concerned for the
survival of the Somali people suffering from the drought?.....While some 10
million Somalis living in the Ogaden in Ethiopia are the victims of a drought
and food aid blockade, the WFP remains silent, complicit in genocide.
[2011 Sept] Warning of more
cases of flu vaccine disorder A SUPPORT group for parents who believe
their children developed a chronic sleeping disorder after receiving the swine
flu vaccine Pandemrix has said there are “a lot more” undiagnosed cases.....So
far 30 potential cases of narcolepsy have been identified by the Health Service
Executive (HSE) while the Irish Medicines Board said there were 16 confirmed
cases of narcolepsy in individuals vaccinated with Pandemrix.
“IT’S CHANGED him – we’ve been robbed of our little fellow,
and of our family life,” said Maria Ashe, from Maynooth, Co Kildare, the mother
of six-year-old Declan, who was diagnosed with incurable sleep disorder
narcolepsy two weeks ago suspected to be caused by swine flu vaccine
His symptoms include sudden loss of muscle tone (cataplexy)
triggered by laughing, mood swings and the need for a two and a half-hour sleep
during the day.
Maria and Declan’s father, Tom, are left with a “high level
of guilt” over the vaccination, and say their son’s life chances are restricted
because he cannot cope with stress or be awake for long hours.
“He’ll have to be on medication for the rest of his life,”
Tom said. The disease is incurable, and treatment options include heavy
[vid 2011 Sept] DOJ Using Taxpayer Money to Arm Mexican Drug Cartels
how the DOJ has spent taxpayer money to fund an ATF gun running project,
designed to frame American gun dealers, gun owners, and the Second Amendment
itself for the escalating drug cartel violence in Mexico. Not only did
U.S. officials approve, allow and assist in the sale of more than 2,000 guns to
the Sinaloa cartel -- the federal government used taxpayer money to buy
semi-automatic weapons, sold them to criminals and then watched as the guns
disappeared. This disclosure, revealed in documents obtained by Fox News, could
undermine the Department of Justice's previous defense that Operation Fast and
Furious was a "botched" operation where agents simply "lost track" of weapons as
they were transferred from one illegal buyer to another. Instead, it heightens
the culpability of the federal government as Mexico, according to sources, has
opened two criminal investigations into the operation that flooded their country
with illegal weapons.
Was Adolf Eichmann kidnapped by Mossad for his involvement in the Holocaust?
It seems that German tax money was used to build Dimona
and that German scientists helped
the Israelis obtain
the atomic bomb. Did Eichmann play a role in this? Argentinean
of Eichmann were known to
the BND
and the
CIA at the
the 50s, with Mossad no doubt also informed.
London Zion 2012 (Part 1) by Rik Clay
It seems the Olympics 2012 site was picked for reasons which go far beyond
that of 'spare waste land'. The roads which encompass the site, contain
biblical and Masonic references, lying
dormant for years, as if to become part of some majestic ritual.
Face it, you cannot be in politics without being in the satanic network. Period.
Ron Paul is there as a lightening rod for the disenchanted and those stupid
enough to believe that politics still means representation for the people, ie,
those still brainwashed and unable to see the truth.---Don Bradley
[1983] Interview with John Lilly by Judith Hooper
Every single cell in your body has two x
chromosomes. Every cell in my body has one x chromosome and a crippled x
chromosome, an x chromosome with an arm missing, called a y chromosome. You
women are so well balanced with your two x's. You can be grounded, and do the
gardening, and take care of the kids and give them nurture, but we males have
got to go out and explore the universe, banging our heads together and shooting
one another.
Health Freedom Doesn't Exist
"He (Dr. Joel Wallach) discovered the
cause and cure of cystic fibrosis, published it, he discovered when the pregnant
mother is deficient in selenium the gene codes for cystic fibrosis turns on,
when she is replete in selenium the gene does not turn on. they could make
cystic fibrosis happen at will.....after he published that and proved it they
fired him.
[vid] Curing Diseases Caused by
Physicians "He (Jimmy Carter) cancelled his knee surgery.
Evander Holyfield went back to boxing after a heart attack...I take people of
dialysis, off the heart transplant list all the time, I regrew heart muscle,
cartilage, I make kidneys function, I reversed Muscular dystrophy in
kids...Alzheimer's is a physician caused disease...Menopause. they have been
told they have to give up cholesterol...cholesterol is the raw material for the
ovaries to produce oestrogen and progesterol...if you go on a cholesterol low
diet and cholesterol drugs you will get menopausal symptoms...men will have
erectile dysfunction...Obesity is a physician caused disease.
Years Old Unexplained Structures Göbekli Tepe, is a hilltop sanctuary
erected on the highest point of an elongated mountain ridge some 15 km northeast
of the town of Sanlurfa, in southeastern Turkey and 500 miles away from
Istanbul, Turkey.
[2009] Spiritless Humans by Montalk
some people lack spirit, and that they therefore also lack the higher chakras.
If you deeply contemplate what this entails, you will understand how this
postulate explains the full gamut of observations we have concerning so-called
“empty” people. ....Here I speak mainly of a larger sector of the population who
naturally lack spirit, who always have throughout history, and who by virtue of
their predatory and worldly natures have gravitated toward the top of the
social, economic, and political hierarchies and made the world antagonistic
toward spiritual impulses.
....Those who ignore the possibility of spiritless people will continue to shake
their heads in frustration at behaviors they simply cannot compute and must
either ignore or rationalize away. When dealing with a spiritless psychopath,
for instance, such individuals are easily deceived and manipulated.....This is
especially true of the psychopathic elite who run this prison planet; they
cannot be rehabilitated, made to see the error of their ways, or convinced
through appeals to empathy.
Stalking vs. Hyperdimensional Matrix Attacks he commented that it kind
of sounded a lot like “demons.” Not normal human behavior. But demons – Neg
entities if you will, hyperdimensional manipulation – working through people.
....The people involved with gang stalking activities may not always be piloting
their own wheel, to put it in a straight forward manner. Other “stuff” may be
manipulating them, working through them. There definitely seems to me to be a
hyperdimensional component to it all – hyperdimensional, as in, non-physical
realms and entities, whether positive or negative, that exist outside our own
3rd density physical reality, unconstrained by space-time, manipulating reality
and working through people, like puppet masters from behind the scenes.
Gang stalking targets have cited instances where their harassers are involved in
synchronous happenings, or have been able to preemptively beat them to the
punch, to the point where it seems impossible…….by human standards.
[Gang StalkingReptoid-Psychopathy quotes]
"Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter
the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of
electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there
that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations.
It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and
that's why this is so important."-1997, US Secretary of Defense William Cohen
Chemotherapy is a Waste of Money
97% of the time chemo doesn't work. The prescribing doctor gets a
cut. The only reason chemotherapy is used is because doctors make money
from it.
Death by DoctorDr. Peter Glidden talks about the third leading cause of death in the
U.S. The Emperor Has No Clothes
[2011 Sept] Court Pleadings Point to CIA Role in Alleged “Cartel” Immunity Deal
Mexican Narco-Trafficker’s Revelations in Criminal Case Force US Government to
Invoke National Security Claims. The fingerprints of the CIA have surfaced in a
controversial federal criminal case pending in Chicago against Jesus Vicente
Zambada Niebla, an alleged kingpin in the Sinaloa “drug cartel.”
[2011 July] US Court Documents Claim Sinaloa “Cartel” Is Protected by US
Government The son of a heavy hitter in a powerful Mexican drug
trafficking organization has filed explosive legal pleadings in federal court in
Chicago accusing the US government of cutting a deal with the the “Sinaloa
Cartel” that gave its leadership “carte blanche to continue to smuggle tons of
illicit drugs into Chicago and the rest of the United States.”
Love In Times of InfluenzaThe true story of the CEO of U.S. agribusiness corporation Smithfield
Foods, who married his pig Michelle and moved to Mexico to make mischief with
the aid and assistance of the Mexican government.
Aug] More HPV vaccine lies by Hilary Butler Volberding approved an
untrue article about a vaccine, made by a company whose payroll he is on.
Hmmm........ Was the article deliberately approved, or approved without
checking? Either way, the result is the publication of a lie.
[vid] Apologies Of An Economic Hitman | Full
Documentary by JOHN PERKINS (9-1`5-11)Working for an NSA
sub-contractor (cut-out), John Perkins was a member of the secret team of
"economic hit men", agents of multinational coporations as well as the IMF and
World Bank, who used fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs,
extortion, sex, military coups and murder to create the global American empire
after World War II. After a long internal struggle between his guilt and the
fear of telling the truth, Perkins meets the daughter of an assassinated
president and speaks out in front of an angry audience in Ecuador, one of the
scenes of Perkins' crimes.
"Robert McNamara was a very very significant player in all this. Of
course in a way he represents the Corporatocracy because the Corporatocracy is
composed of three pillars, the heads of big Corporations, the heads of big banks
and the heads of government. McNamara represents it from the fact he was
President of Ford....and then became Secretary of Defence under Kennedy and
Johnson."--[vid] Apologies Of An
Economic Hitman | Full Documentary by JOHN PERKINS
"We bought Saddam Hussein into power, we lent him billions of dollars, we
built chemical plants for him, knowing full well that these chemical plants were
being used to produce chemical weapons that would be employed against the Kurds
and the Iranians."--[vid] Apologies Of An
Economic Hitman | Full Documentary by JOHN PERKINS
[2011 Sept] Ministry urged to
recall vaccine batches have tested positive for the synthetic
recombinant Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) DNA. This finding is highly
concerning as the Health Authorities were told that all viral DNA had been
removed from the vaccine through purification.
Sept] Cocaine, dominatrix linked to phone hacking scandal Of all the
mysteries surrounding the British phone hacking scandal, it is the claims from a
dominatrix linking Britain's now chancellor George Osborne to drug use,
prostitution and political subterfuge that may be the most intriguing. Just
eight weeks ago a parliamentary committee hearing was told that it was Mr
Osborne who recommended former News Of The World editor Andy Coulson for a
position on Mr Cameron's staff. It has now been alleged Mr Osborne was
"indebted" to Mr Coulson after the now disgraced editor wrote a favourable
editorial, dismissing the claims of a former madam who linked Mr Osborne to
cocaine and prostitution. Natalie Rowe, the woman at the heart of drugs and
prostitution claims against the chancellor, has spoken to PM in her first
broadcast interview.--Emma Alberici, 1233 ABC Newcastle
[2011 EW] Rick, the Free Energy Guy It was obvious
to me that he was a couple of steps away from replicating with Muller did in the
late 1980s (creating an inexpensive, marketable magnet-powered engine)
'What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal
risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world
is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing
their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The group's conclusion
is 'no'. The rich countries won't do it. They won't change. So, in order to save
the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the
industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that
about?'---Maurice Strong, Interview 1992,
concerning the plot of a book he would like to write.
Hartmann: Destroying the Postal Service - another Manufactured CrisisThe United States Post Office is on the verge of shutting down. According
to the New York Times - the Post Office is quickly running out of cash and may
be forced to shut down this winter. While the media story line is that the Post
Office is dealing with the problem of trying to remain profitable in a world of
decreasing paper mail - the real cause is actually something much, much
different. Consider that this year - like every year since 2006 - the Post
Office is legally required to make a $5 billion annual contribution to a
retirement account to pay for future retirees who aren't even born yet. For more
on this Thom Hartmann is joined by Chuck Zlatkin - Legislative and Political
Director of the New York Metro Area Postal Union.
[2008] Israel and the Ongoing
Holocaust in Congo by Keith Harmon Snow The diamond jewellery trade
in the United States is more than $30 billion annually, and 99%—everything that
is not synthetic or artificial diamonds—involves blood diamonds and the above
organized crime syndicates. Israel buys more than 50% of the world’s rough
diamonds, and the U.S. buys two-thirds of these. The diamond factories are
located in Nethanya, Petach Tikvah, Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Jerusalem, and other
cities around the country, but most of the offices were in Tel Aviv in the
financial district on Ahad Ha'am Street
[2007] HOTEL RWANDA Hollywood and the
Holocaust in Central Africa by Keith Harmon SnowHotel Rwanda is merely the
latest production in a protracted campaign of psychological warfare. It is a
dangerous work of agitation propaganda because it wets the wide and naive eyes
and touches the open and caring hearts of Western viewers. It is deceptive and
when viewers depart the cinema with popcorn and chocolate stuck between their
teeth they leave thinking they know something about what happened in Rwanda. We
as viewers enjoy the idea that we are being educated, when instead we are being
indoctrinated, and the insidious effects of the indoctrination are
unappreciated. Hotel Rwanda exemplifies the careless, simplistic
reductionism that is universally manifest in the West’s representations of
The Zionist Influence Over Winston ChurchillQ & A session with WWII researcher David Irving commenting on Winston
Churchill's Jewish ancestry and about how the Zionist Network was able to drag
America into World War One and Two.
[2008] Was Churchill a
“Holocaust Denier”? ByT StokesChurchill condoned the Soviet rape squads sent into Germany at the wars
end and helped Stalin hide the Soviet Katyn Forest murders, like Stalin, blaming
the Germans for the crime...On Churchill’s orders the S.O.E murdered Reinhardt
Heydrich in order to bring reprisals on the Czech’s and thereby harden their
resolve against Germany. The papers reveal that Churchill joked about the huge
bombing raids on defenceless German dormitory towns. Sir Anthony Blunt
said that as the war was closing, Churchill did not want to feed or house large
numbers of German refugees, and preferred them burnt in their homes......Also
mentioned is Churchill’s wish to murder Ghandi, who was against the violence of
the war....Russian spy Ursula Kuczinsky, codenamed ” Sonja” serviced Oxford
during W W II and claimed Chamberlain was murdered by Churchill after he
accepted 50,0000 pounds from the Rothschild syndicate to take the country to
"Media wants to ferret out your unconscious anxieties so it can exacerbate
them, so it can make you more emotionally unwell because anxious neurotic people
make better consumers."--August Bullock
Vernon Coleman's Summer 2001 Challenge To
Vivisectors (dated 15.5.01) I challenge vivisectors to produce one
patient (just one) whose life they can prove has been saved as a direct result
of animal experiments - and whom they can prove would now be dead if it had not
been for animal experiments.
[2011 Sept] Presidential Panel Condemns US
Syphilis Study in Guatemala The Commission confirms that despite
knowledge that it was unethical, US government medical scientists PURPOSELY
infected "at least 1,300 who were exposed to the sexually transmitted diseases
syphilis, gonorrhea and chancroid" to study the effects of penicillin. At least
83 subjects died." "They infected soldiers, prostitutes,
prisoners and mental patients. More than 5,500 people in all were part of the
medical experimentation. And the presidential panel said government
scientists knew they were violating ethical rules." The research
"included infecting prisoners by bringing them prostitutes who were either
already carrying the diseases or were purposely infected by the researchers.
Doctors also poured bacteria onto wounds they had opened with needles on
prisoners’ penises, faces and arms. In some cases, infectious material was
injected into their spines, the commission reported."
[2011 Aug] Vaccines and the Peanut Allergy
Epidemic By Tim O’Shea Only then, in the 1950s, did peanut allergy
begin to occur, even though Americans had been eating peanuts for well over a
century....The change came with vaccines. Peanut oils were
introduced as vaccine excipients in the mid 1960s. By 1980 they had become
the preferred excipient.....The first study of peanut allergies was not undertaken until 1973. It was
a study of peanut excipients in vaccines. Soon afterwards, and as a result
of that study, manufacturers were no longer required to disclose all the
ingredients in vaccines.....Following the next enormous increase in vaccines on the Mandated Schedule
after 9/11 whereby the total shot up to 68 recommended vaccines, the peanut
allergy soon reached epidemic proportions: a million children: 1.5%
of them. These numbers fit the true definition of epidemic.....Instead let’s spend the next 20 years looking for the Genetic Link to the
childhood peanut allergy epidemic…
The Leaked Ad Training Document Part 2 The Great
Subliminal Message Deception"The symbols in the 'ice-cubes'
may seem invisible but hypnotic research has shown 95% 'pickup'. The
subconscious can take in an astounding amount of visual information. This
information filters its way up to consciousness by way of what is socially
acceptable. The rest is to remain in the subconscious where it later
emerges in the form of desires and wants that are satisfied only through acts of
[2011 June]
The Ugly Truth: Video of Libyan Rebel Beheading Gadhaffi Soldier and other NATO
War Crimes by Susan Lindauer Lockerbie was a false flag operation to
hide rogue CIA involvement in heroin trafficking out of the Bekaa Valley in
Lebanon, during the Terry Anderson hostage crisis. A joint team of CIA, FBI and
Defense Intelligence investigators were flying on Pan Am 103 that day, heading
for Washington to expose the heroin ring, when the plane exploded over
Lockerbie, Scotland. Libya got tagged as the fall guy, but like 9/11, the truth
refused to die. And Gadhaffi refused to back down. He stood by his people,
despite punishing international pressures. Gadhaffi's guess proved correct, by
the way. In one of the most shameful episodes of corruption ever at the
International Courts, the U.S. bribed two witnesses at the Lockerbie Trial with
$4 million pay offs. After both witnesses recanted and confessed to the
payments, the only Libyan convicted in the Pan Am 103 bombing, Abdelbasset
Megrahi, won a "compassionate release" from Scottish prison in August, 2009,
ostensibly so he could go home to die of cancer.
Libyan LiesIn this edition of the Reality Report, Gary Franchi reveals the lies
behind President Obama's address to the nation on Libya and shoots down his
justification to start an unconstitutional war.
traces of the toxic metals arsenic and tin in GlaxoSmithKline’s swine flu
Pandemrix vaccine. The consultant anaesthetist at a University Hospital
said he was surprised to find “quite robust amounts of colloidal or nano-sized
heavy metals” when he conducted an ICP analysis of GSK’s swine flu vaccine. He
found the following concentration in Pandemrix: arsenic [As] = 2.421 ppm and tin
[Sn] = 1.511 ppm.
[vid 2011] Jubilation as Tripoli falls...in India? BBC peddles footage from
India as Libyan demonstation The truth is there are no
jubilation in Tripoli because even the most dull-witted there realize their
country has been taken over by a western coup. Question: If there is no
jubilation then where exactly do you get shots for the TV showing massive happy
crowds in Tripoli's "Green Square"? (soon to be re-named "Martyr Square" by a
CIA scriptwriter.) Answer: Just get some archive footage from a demonstration in
India completely unrelated to the story, slap "live" on it and have the idiot
news readers say it's from Tripoli. Those people all look the same anyway,
right? That's the BBC folks. And people worry if blogs are a reliable
source of information.
[2011 Aug] Ken Bear Chief Reaches Out to
Boarding-School Survivors Five hundred of the firm’s Native plaintiffs
recently participated in a historic $166-million-dollar payment from the Jesuit
order. “When Brother Charley (the late René Gallant) began repeatedly raping one
girl at St. Ignatius, nuns targeted her for beatings and eventually ran her arm
through a washing-machine mangle, crippling her, according to the affidavit of
another of our clients.”
LIVER CANCER I am so grateful I met and consulted with Ilsadora Laker,
practitioner of German New Medicine. Together with Dr Ryke Geer Hamer, they
changed my outlook from fear of death to a new lease on life. A year after
surgery for a liver carcinoma in 2006, a growth was discovered in a lymph node
just below the liver. I was diagnosed with metastastatic liver cancer. Surgery,
chemotherapy and radiation were not possible because of the location of the
node, and there appeared to be little hope of recovery.
Soon after the diagnosis, a friend recommended I see Ilsedora
Laker in Toronto. I brought my test results and a brain CT scan for her to
study. She conferred with the founder of German New Medicine, Dr Hamer, and I
received the news that the growth was actually in the healing phase of a
resolved conflict and that its size would not become larger. At that moment the
terror of death left me and I resolved to begin my life anew knowing that I was
healed. The diagnosis proved absolutely correct and I continue to regain
strength and positive outlook on life. Ilsedora has been such a force of clarity
and compassion in my life. I was so impressed with German New Medicine that I
have taken several training workshops with her and have integrated this
powerful, hopeful new medicine into my practice as a Self Healing Facilitator.
https://www.newmedicine.ca/testimonials.phpRyke Geerd Hamer, M.D.
ARTHRITIS AND ASTHMA In 2006, I, Munawar (Moon) Merchant, was diagnosed with
an advanced case of arthritis in my knee. During consultation, Mrs Ilsedora
Laker, a practitioner of German New Medicine, explained the psycho-biological
cause of the disease. Four weeks later the arthritis was gone and an xray taken
three months later confirmed this diagnosis. In 2008, I had a recurrence of
infancy asthma and was doomed to take cortisone pills and puffers for the rest
of my life. However, the malady disappeared after one session with Mrs Laker,
who helped me to understand the cause of this disease as well. Muhnwahr Merchant
https://www.newmedicine.ca/testimonials.phpRyke Geerd Hamer, M.D.
[vid 2011 Aug] Your tax dollars used to screw you. Introducing ALEC
Law writing for morons. The corporations have an army. We've got pea shooters.
How crooked banks, insurance companies, "food" processors and other corporate
criminals write state laws behind the scenes. Corporate America needs to be
reigned in. Otherwise they will destroy the country. It's that simple. It's
amazing that no one discovered ALEC until now.Better late than never.
[2005] Lyme Disease -- Wiped Out By Vitamin C
One case in particular stands out. A woman suffering with severe and
debilitating Lyme disease had been seen by many doctors and had not responded to
several courses of antibiotics. Her health was rapidly failing and her husband
called Dr. Levy. The woman was immediately infused with 100 grams of
Vitamin C and within just two hours of treatment here husband reported that she
looked 50 to 60 percent better. Over the next two days she received five more 50
gram infusions of Vitamin C, and by hour 72 she was completely well. That was
nearly two years ago. She has since suffered no relapses, nor is there any
indication of a chronic infection.
60 pages of evidence and analysis proving Barack Obama's use of a little-known
and highly deceptive and manipulative form of "hack" hypnosis on millions of
unaware Americans, and reveals what only a few psychologists and hypnosis/NLP
experts know. It examines Obama's speeches word by word, hand gesture by hand
gesture, tone, pauses, body language, and proves his use of covert hypnosis
intended only for licensed therapists on consenting patients. Obama's
mesmerized, cult-like, grade-school-crush-like worship by millions is not
because Obama is the greatest leader of a generation who simply hasn't
accomplished anything, who magically inspires by giving speeches. Obama is
committing perhaps the biggest fraud and deception in American history.
[2011 Aug] State of health
of unvaccinated children: Illnesses in unvaccinated children The
results show that unvaccinated children are far less affected by common
Asthma, hayfever and neurodermatitis.....A
recent German study with 17461 children between 0-17 years of age (KIGGS)
showed that 4.7% of these children suffer from asthma, 10.7% of these children
from hayfever and 13.2% from neurodermatitis. These numbers differ in western
countries, i.e. the prevalence of asthma among children in the US is 6% whereas
it is 14-16% in Australia (Australia’s Health 2004, AIHW)
The prevalence of asthma among unvaccinated children in our study is 0.2%,
hayfever 1.5% and neurodermatitis 2%.
According to the KIGGS study more than 40% of children
between the ages of 3 and 17 years were sensitized against at least one
allergen tested (20 common allergens were tested) and 22.9% had an allergic
disease. Although we did not perform a bloodtest, less than 10% stated that
their children had an allergy.
There are also autism cases in unvaccinated children.
However over 80% stated, that it is only a mild form or a high functioning form
of autism. Among all participants there were 4 severe autism cases. . Of these
4 children one tested very high for metals (mercury, aluminum, arsenic), in
another case the mother was tested very high for mercury.
KIGGS showed that 12.8% of the children in Germany had
herpes and 11% suffer from otitis media (an inflammation of the middle ear).
If you compare this to unvaccinated childen you can see that herpes among
unvaccinated children is very rare (less than 0.5%).
ADS and Hyperaktivity
was only 1 and 2 %, the prevalence of ADHD in Germany is 7,9% and another 5,9%
which were not yet diagnosed, but were borderline cases
The prevalence of sinusitis in young children has gone
up as high as 32%. In our suvey only 2% of the children have problems with
sinusitis, in less than 1% it happened only once.
In young kids under the age of 3 warts are very rare.
After the 3 years of age, however, the prevalence is rising. In the ages between
4 and 6 years, 5-10% of the kids have warts, in the age group 16-18, 15-20% have
warts. (http://www.netdoktor.at/health_center/dermatologie/warzen.htm)
Only 3% of unvaccinated children in our survey have warts.
[vid 2011. Aug] Savage cops, crooked DA In Fullerton, it takes six police
officer savagely beating a harmless and unarmed man to death for no reason on
camera and in full public view.
DEMON a sheep Hologram at ELITE Royal GALA on 6/9/2011 The guy's
commentary is incorrect. It's not a holograph, but an actual skinhead guy having
sex with a sheep. The sheep being the Lamb of God, getting F'd by Satan.
And this thing is going on, suspended by wires, high above of the heads of WIlly
Boy and the Elite Wealthy of the World - a most satanic and vulgare display of
bestiality and offence of Christ, which is what it is meant to be.
Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency John St Clair Akwei The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyze electrical activity
in humans from a distance. NSA computer generated brain mapping can
continuously monitor all of the electrical activity in the brain continuously. The
NSA records and decode individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of
persons) for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly
used by the military for brain-to-computer link (in military fighter aircraft,
for example). For electronic surveillance purposes, electrical activity in the speech
center of the brain can be translated into the subject's verbal thoughts.
RNM can send encoded signals to the brain's auditory cortex, thus allowing audio
communications direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use
this covertly to debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations
characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia.
Media is nothing more than trauma based
mind control. It reports catastrophic events to traumatize the
population emotionally, thereby rendering them docile and simultaneously
dependent upon the powers that be. Media is a key agent in the maintenance of
the prison/planet population
The Truman Show: Exposing the Globalist/Surveillance Agenda
Vaccines and
Health officials in the U.S. have consistently denied that there is any link
between childhood vaccines and autism. So why is the government quietly doling
out big settlements to families who say just such a link harmed their children?
[2011 July] Animals, Homeopathy and ASA Now,
we find that the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) have decided that
qualified homoeopaths are now no longer permitted to explain how homoeopathy
works. Furthermore, they're not allowed to publish evidence on their websites,
provided by their own patients, because of new regulations and bureaucracy. No
matter that these patients have actually benefitted from homeopathy, and are
well again. It seems ludicrous that homoeopath are not allowed to explain how
they perceive homoeopathy to work.
When the journalist who runs the 'Farming Today' program,
with whom I spoke at a conference in early 2010, expressed surprise that you
could use homoeopathy on animals, I suggested she consider making a feature of
this. Repeated enquiries via e-mail and letter have been ignored completely. The
reason for this remains a mystery to me, as I thought journalism was about
reporting everything, not selectively censoring things, which appears to be
what's happening in parts of the BBC, not least with regard homoeopathy. This is
disappointing to say the least.
[2011 Aug Phony Letterman Threat Tracked to Israeli SITE a Fox News
broadcast. Fox says it is Palestinians celebrating the 9/11 attacks. In fact,
the video is older (1991), a simple holiday celebration unrelated to anything,
supplied by Israeli intelligence just as the stories about Saddam and the poor
babies in Kuwait, you remember, the ones taken from their incubators?
This one, perhaps one of the most vicious propaganda attacks
on the US ever made, pure racism, pure Islamophobia, came from Rupert Murdoch
and the same folks who invented the threat against David Letterman. This video
makes up one small piece of evidence leading investigators to Tel Aviv when
looking for the real perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks. You see, this video was
prepared and passed on to Fox News prior to 9/11.
In another similar “mistake,” the BBC reported the collapse
of Building 7 20 minutes before it actually fell. While Fox was running video’s
from 1991 of a Palestinian celebration, the BBC reported an event 20 minutes
into the future.
[2011 Aug] Living with Dravet
Syndrome (includes video) - "Dravet Syndrome is cause from a mutation in the
SCN1A gene. Hannah received the Diphtheria Tetanus & Pertussis vaccine or DTaP
for short when she was four months old. It was after the shot that she began to
seize. 'Three to four hours later she had a seizure,' said Tyson. 'Then another
three to four hours later she had another one. They said it was related to the
vaccination. She had an allergic reaction.'"
[2011 Aug] Suffer the little
children - If the Victorian government had acted on medical evidence in the
1950s, many would have been spared polio. - "For my part, I've always blamed the
injections I had at school in the year that I ended up in an iron lung in
Ballarat's Base Hospital. So did my parents. Now I know this to be true and it's
all there in the British medical journal The Lancet. Recently I stumbled on
critical research published in The Lancet in April 1950 linking polio with
whooping cough and diphtheria immunisation."
Homeopathy Pure and Simple The blog of the Alliance of Registered
Homeopaths, a leading UK register of practising homeopaths. Promoting homeopathy
as an effective safe and inexpensive medical therapy.
Mazz Novax KolesMy friend had a tetanus shot after
being in a car accident. She was weak and couldn't refuse the nurse at the time.
Now many years later, she is like a zombie. She can't do anything without being
tired all the time.
[2011 July] Murdoch’s Vaccine World By Catherine J. Frompovich what
needs to be spotlighted, I think, is the possible role that Murdoch’s London
Times may have played in the professional evisceration of respected British
gastroenterologist, Dr. Andrew Wakefield.....Rupert Murdoch has hefty financial
interests and ties to the pharmaceutical industry, international banking
connections, and stock market power brokers who hold the world’s financial
interests in their ‘covetous’ hands.....Rupert Murdoch’s son, James—heir
apparent, according to Newton, oversees GlaxoSmithKline, another major H1N1
vaccine maker. Many more of Rupert Murdoch’s business associates sit as
members of the boards of directors of Merck & Company; Kolberg, Kravitz, Robertz
& Company (KKR); and even one of KKR’s top echelon personnel was one of the
founders of the Coalition to Advance Healthcare Reform (CAHR) now known as “ObamaCare.”
[2011 July] Murdoch and Vaccines -
Exposure of Murdoch's Crimes Open Up A Much Larger Story By William Newton
Whatever the answer to questions about the new DNA vaccines, it is obvious that
Rupert Murdoch's connections to the pharmaceutical industry and vaccines are
very deep. No investigation of Murdoch's crimes should omit his efforts to use
his media empire to prevent exposure of potential dangers from the MMR vaccines
and possibly all the new DNA vaccines.
DB had sent me a list of specific secret locations around the mountain where
satanic rituals were taking place and he specifically told us that the upper,
cynical echelon of The Church Universal and Triumphant, whom some of us refer to
as the 'I AM [NOT]' herd, there, conducted human sacrifice rituals in order to
get 'St Germain' to appear to them and give them new marching orders. Those two
days of gifting were among the most bizarre experiences that Carol and I have
had in this wonderful, eleven-year journey, by the way
The corporate world order essentially thrive on human
sacrifices; from 'personal' ones up through massacring entire nations and ethnic
groups throughout history. Putting orgonite in their places of execution
evidently removes their ability to use those places for murder, any more. When
there are tens of thousands of people in the world, doing what we few are
effectively doing, the corporate world order will probably just dry up and blow
away. That could happen in a year or two, I think.
'St Germain' has rarely been 'channeled' or seen since we did
the deed, by the way
and the psychics in the chats, in those days, got additional confirmations.
They saw 'him' as an offworld, incredibly ugly, humanoid individual in his true
state. You can see 'him' portrayed in the Theosophy literature since the 1970s
as 'the perfect man.' In their infantile, mystical literature, he's described
as 'Christ-like' and is listed among the other 'Christly' individuals through
history, including Stalin, Hitler and Mao Tse Tung. I noticed that they didn't
include Pol Pot, who was Mao's protege and exceeded him in brutality, much to
Mao's delight.
Theosophy was aggressively promoted in the late 1800s as
'Irrationalism.' Go figure
. ~Don
[2011 July] The U.S. Wastes Half of Its Taxes on War
“Half of every dollar you pay in Federal taxes goes into the military account.
Pentagon contractors are awash in billions while the infrastructure that
underpins our economy collapse around us and human misery spreads everywhere.”
[2011 Aug] Hotel Boycott of Israel Demanded:
Veterans Demand Redress, Apology from Delegation On June 8, 1967, land and
sea military forces of the State of Israel attacked a clearly identified and
flagged American ship, the USS Liberty, in international waters, killing and
wounding nearly 200 of 296 on board. The ship was virtually unarmed, flown over
for hours by Israeli patrol planes and, at every moment, flew an American flag.
Lifeboats were strafed (one is kept in Israel even today as a “war souvenir”)
and medical corpsman and fire crews were strafed, rocketed and napalmed. The
ship was attacked for hours, their communications jammed.
[2011 Aug] Protecting Their Own: The
Unofficial Vaccination Policy of Doctors in the Know "Gardasil? What
the hell is that? That shouldn't be on the market for another 30 years. We have
no idea if we are causing this disease to mutate and become more harmful and
stronger than it is now. No idea. We'll find out I guess. Anyway, I talked
about this with my partners and they were adamant, "you have to give it to your
patients." I told them I am not telling my parents they have to give this to
their 9 year old. I got looks like--crazy. They thought I was nuts. My partners
are saying to me,"you gotta give it."
"I don't vaccinate my kids. I rely on herd immunity, which is
selfish I know. Herd immunity basically means I am relying on the fact that
everyone else is vaccinated. I know it's wrong...They (his children) are fine. I
might (vaccinate) when it comes time for them to go to high school because I
don't want them to have to miss out on travel opportunities. They are all
perfectly healthy."
"You do not question vaccines openly. It's not done. I know I
sound ridiculous here but it's like Nazi Germany. Really, I know it sounds
silly. I mean, in our own groups, of course, we question vaccines all the time,
among ourselves, but you never ever say it openly. You have to understand,
doctors are scientists. We pride ourselves on our knowledge. You just don't
question, they look at you like you're crazy. I have to tell you to vaccinate
because if I don't and your kid gets sick, I get sued. I am legally
responsible. My partners are always telling me, "You make them vaccinate on
schedule or they are out." You know you could get in a lot of trouble for not
vaccinating yourself--you know that though--you have a medical background."
[2011 Aug] Organising and Fighting Back by Martin
Walker Keen to cross–examine all these parties, the defence asked to
subpoena the practice partner, only to be told that only the GMC could subpoena
witnesses. How does the GMC get away with this?
The Agenda: To create as much chaos and conflict as possible to generate
negativity amongst our society. They attempt to make us as they are. They feed
off our negative emotions whether it’s passion, lust, greed, hate, envy or
wrath. They wish to weaken our spirit to make it easier for them to take over.
That is where they get their lifeblood on our planet. We do not know the full
spectrum of their agenda. It may be an old long term goal to destroy our species
and colonize our earth with genetically engineered hominid creatures that are a
mixture of human, Reptilian and foreign DNA material. It could possibly not be
that elaborate of a plan. We just do not know. All we know is they are not
looking out for our best interests.
The Birth of a HostBy Cassie
[2011 Jan] Why Don’t Children Regress Before They
Turn One? by F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP Worried about vaccination
being blamed for Regressive Autism, the
health authorities and vaccine promoters quickly circulated the idea that
autism, supposedly a purely “genetic disorder”, manifested itself between 18 and
24 months of age. In time, that somewhat preposterous idea became an accepted
scientific fact, even though the syndrome was originally called “Infantile
Autism” or “Kanner’s Infantile Autism” and an infant is, by definition, a child
under the age of 12 months......So why don’t any of those little ones ever
regress - really, really regress - at 11 months of age and why do they all wait
and regress all together, just after their first birthday and their
“one-year” check-up whether they are in the United States, the United Kingdom,
Israel, Egypt or Australia?Why don’t we ever, ever hear of
babies regressing into autism during the vaccine break period, between 6 and 12
months of age or more specifically between age 9 and 12 months, when they are
doing all those wonderful exciting things we need to call the neighbors, friends
and family to witness or quickly find the movie camera to record?
[2011 Aug] Confessions of a Cancer Industry
Insider Treatment is akin to using leaches...and worse...but at a far
far far greater price. Walk in without insurance coverage and see how much
treatment you get. .....I keep telling people to stop giving money to the
"cancer research" because no one is frigging looking for a cure (we have several
and they have been carefully hidden away from public view)...this is a
multi-billion dollar per year industry and a "cure" would put a lot of people
out of work.
[2011 Aug] Illuminati Use Cancer to Hold us Hostage
by Stephen Coleman Many Jewish MDs were helping their Jewish clients
with NGM. However, they continued to use the dangerous and practically useless
modern therapies on their goy clients. Dr. Hamer protested this hypocrisy.
This is why the Jewish community labels him as an anti-semite.
[2011] Female Psychopaths - Smear Campaigns,
Bullying, Flattery, Lovebombing, High Testosterone and Self Pity by Thomas Sheridan
BPD was invented as a drug treatment programme. That's it. They had some new
drugs and needed some made up "conditions" to boost sales. In other words big
pharma in colusion with psychiatrists made it up. Good for business.
What makes this BPD even more absurd is there have been no
empirical or clinical evalutions done to test the validity of the diagnosis. If
you look at what it is - nearly all the same sympthoms are psychopathic
behaviour. Just another rebrading to sell drugs.
Now what is really sickening is that the concept of a drug or
treatment for BPD gives victims living with psychopaths now rebranded as
"Borderline" a false hope of a "cure" while also the label is being applied to
people who are non psychopathic and may just have emotional problems. It is a
social timebomb if you ask me.
One of the reasons why the stats of male v female psychopaths
are so skewed is that most female psychopaths are being diagnosed as BPD rather
than as psychopaths. This also allows them lenient treatment in courts on the
basis that they can be medicated out of their pathology.
Psychopathy/sociopathy is a pathology that is VERY easy to
confirm. We have excellent diagnostic tools coupled with CAT scan technology
which give a 100% spot on confirmation - no guess work. It is perhaps the most
easily determined metal disorder of all. Yet more and more of these predators
are being tagged as BPD and being allowed a free ticket to hunt at will. If they
get caught. They can be "cured". A complete disaster in every way except for the
As background, Britain and America didn’t invade
Iraq looking for chemical weapons. The real reason is because three Hiroshima
sized nuclear weapons had been stolen, weapons built by Armscorp in South
Africa, the Pelandaba plant, designed by Israel. There had been 10. One was
tested in September 1979 off Prince Edward Island, south of Capetown. The US
discovered it, we have all the data on the explosion, all the signatures. South
Africa ended its WMD partnership which included huge operations in conjunction
with both Israel and Colonel Gaddafi of Liyba, someone else with nuclear
weapons. The last 9 weapons were to be decommissioned.
Dr. David Kelly, the murdered scientist and a young
assistant, now current British Prime Minister David Cameron ran the operation.
.....Dr. David Kelly, once considered a suicide, now known to be a murder
oversaw the project. The bombs were stolen, Kelly knew and kept his mouth
for awhile at least, and then threatened to go public, not just about the
but about a 17,8 million pound “kickback” (backhander) paid by the bomb
thieves to certain prominent British politicians.
[2011 Aug] European Unrest: Entirely Staged
Political Theatre By Gordon Duff
[2011 Aug] European Unrest: Entirely Staged
Political Theatre By Gordon Duff The riots were staged, police were
pulled back, it was a game, part of the theatre to rebuild the reputation of
David Cameron, spoiled rich kid, all to cover for Tony Blair, all to cover for
Rupert Murdoch, all to cover for Israel and their plans for Iran, all to cover
for a government bought by the Rothschilds, lock, stock and barrell.
[2011 Feb] Charges initiated against Pope
for crimes against humanity There was also “strong
suspicion that Dr Joseph Ratzinger, as prefect of the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith of his church and as Pope, has up to
the present day systematically covered up the sexual abuse of
children and youths and protected the perpetrators, thereby aiding
and abetting further sexual violence toward young people”.
[2011 Aug] The Rothschild They Murdered
by Henry Makow Ph.D. Rupert Murdoch Ordered Editors World Wide
To "Spike" The Story....French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac has
ordered police to close their investigation. ...Media outlets
worldwide have ignored these mysterious developments. Some have
reported the death was a suicide, other outlets disregarded the
death altogether. As if obeying an invisible choir-master, the
world's competing news organizations silenced their strident
sensationalism this month to cover up the mysterious
death....."Murdoch sent a hotline fax to his 600-odd editors
and news managers around the world, ordering them to report
Amschel's death as a heart attack, if at all," said British
broadcast reporter Ian Gooding. "No one around here has ever
seen such pressure to kill a front-page story. But in the
end, the cover-up was complete."
[2011 Aug] The Truth About Psychiatric
Drugs--3 New Studies We now know that SSRI antidepressants and the
'atypical' antipsychotics have failed decisively to demonstrate therapeutic
benefits in clinical trials and in clinical practice Instead, these drugs have
triggered debilitating, chronic illness and even life-threatening risks:
antidepressants increase the suicide risk and trigger serotonin syndrome, which
is potentially fatal. Antipsychotics undermine normal metabolic, cardiovascular,
hormonal function, resulting in cardiac arrest, obesity, metabolic syndrome and
[2011 Aug] Pfizer pays out to Nigerian
families of meningitis drug trial victims Pfizer was sued after 11
children died in a clinical trial.....A hundred children were given an
experimental oral antibiotic called Trovan, while a further hundred received
ceftriaxone, the "gold-standard" treatment of modern medicine. Five
children died on Trovan and six on ceftriaxone.
Philip is meant to be 6ft 1.5"! More like
5' 7"--5' 9" in
Queen-- 5' 4" officially. More
like 5' nothing, maybe 1" or 2"
Barack Obama-- 6'1" Officially
Michelle-- 5' 11" Officially
When I was Senior Pediatric Consultant to the Department of Mental Health in
Illinois, I cut out a certain kind of operation that was being performed on
mongoloid children with heart defects. The stated purpose of the operation was
to improve oxygen supply to the brain. The real purpose, of course, was to
improve the state's residency programs in cardiovascular surgery, because
nothing beneficial happened to the brains of mongoloid children—and the surgeons
knew that. The whole idea was absurd. And deadly, since the operation had a
fairly high mortality rate. Naturally, the university people were very upset
when I cut out the operation. They couldn't figure out a better use for the
mongoloid children, and, besides, it was important to train people. In
prepaid group practices where surgeons are paid a steady salary not tied to how
many operations they perform, hysterectomies and tonsillectomies occur only
about one-third as often as in fee-for-service situations.
Ritual Mutilations by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.
London Riots. (The BBC will never replay this. Send it out)Darcus Howe, a West Indian Writer and Broadcaster with a voice about the
riots. Speaking about the mistreatment of youths by police leading to an up-roar
and the ignorance of both police and the government. Intelligent black male.
[2011 Aug] UK Guardian Newspaper Caught
Falsifying the Historical Record of Vaccine-Caused-Autism Whilst some
other media outlets have adopted the approach of ignoring the evidence and
writing and broadcasting one-sided reports, this time The Guardian newspaper has
been caught changing it. The Guardian removed the evidence – gone without a
trace – from their online newspaper....British journalism at its finest and no
Rupert Murdoch to blame it on.
[2011 Aug] “Could Arab (Palestinian) staying power
ultimately defeat Zionism?” by Alan Hart Behind closed doors, and
despite their rhetoric to the contrary, the Arab regimes shared the same hope as
Zionism and the major powers – that the Palestine file would never be
re-opened....They, the Arab regimes, also feared that a Palestinian state, if it
was ever established, would be more or less democratic and provide a model of
government which all Arabs would want. Palestinian nationalism was therefore
perceived by Arab autocrats as a potentially subversive force. (It’s because my
book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews tells these and related truths
that it can’t be published in the Arab world. The regimes of an impotent,
corrupt and repressive Arab Order order were and still are every bit as
determined as Zionism to suppress the truth of history as it relates to the
making and sustaining of the conflict in and over Palestine that became the
Zionist not Jewish state of Israel).
[2011 Aug] Indians sitting ducks as drug trials turn
fatal For the first time since 2010 when six tribal girls from Gujarat
and Andhra Pradesh involved in the clinical trials of anti-cervical cancer HPV
vaccine died, the government has admitted that 1,725 persons have lost their
lives to drug trials in the last four years.
If I suspect someone is an undercover FBI agent, I just casually interject
the fag thing into the conversation, then watch the reaction. For example, I
attended an anti-Iraq War rally last September 24, 2005, and there were a bunch
of guys screaming these terrible things about the United States Government in
front of the White House. Basically, I agreed with a lot of what they were
saying, but they spewed it with such venom, it was off-putting. So I decided to
test one of them. I walked right up to this young guy and casually said, "You
know, J. Edgar Hoover was faggot." He immediately avoided eye-contact. As he
looked away, he timidly replied, "I had heard he was a cross-dresser, but I
never knew he was homosexual." That was quite a passive response from someone
who had just been shouting anti-government rhetoric. I thought to myself,
John Lennon's murder - Discussion with Salvador Astucia
I've heard that the upper echelon of the FBI are Israeli commandos. Do I know
that for a fact? No. But the Bureau is clearly loyal to Israel. Two FBI agents
raided my house in February of 2005 shortly after I wrote an article asserting
that the earthquake and subsequent tsunamis in South Asia, in December 2005,
were caused by Israeli nuclear testing in that region.
John Lennon's murder - Discussion with Salvador Astucia
[2011 Aug] Seal Team Six Story Unfolding “why were some of the most
elite of America’s military, in such large numbers, tooling around on a National
Guard aircraft? Also, those around me are wondering why such a large number
(extremely unconventional for Seals, Green Berets, etc) of them riding in a
single aircraft instead of being spread out into numerous aircraft.” “I
have been told that a MINIMUM of three helos would normally be used for a group
of that size. And IF they were indeed in a standard National Guard Chinook and
not a SPECOPS Chinook, that would be like rolling out in a FedEx truck with your
extremely precious cargo.”
[2011 Aug] “Bin Laden” Heroes Probably Murderered to Keep Them Quiet
1. Osama bin Laden died in 2001 as an active CIA employee and his body was
recovered in Afghanistan and taken to “the sand box.” We were told it was
frozen. We have so much verification from this, CIA, ISI, US military and top
officials. I have a direct confirmation from Bin Laden’s CIA handler who I
grilled mercilessly on this. 2. The Abbottabad operation involved numerous
American deaths, witnessed, bodies all over, a helicopter crash. (suppressed
translated TV interview below) These bodies were recovered by land vehicle from
Islamabad and there was NO “successful” bin Laden operation of any kind. There
was and has been a CIA safe house in Abbotabad where terror suspects were stored
for years.
AND CRIMINALS by Jon Rappoport The federal government isn't going to
change. It needs to be able to obliterate any private agreement in order to
expand its control. It needs to be able to say, YOU ARE NOT A GOVERNMENT BY THE
[2005 pdf] The Meningococcal Gold Rush Pt 1 By Barbara Sumner Burstyn & Ron Law
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: New Zealand's meningococcal disease story, as unravelled
through analysis of previously secret documents obtained under the Official
Information Act, reveals that the New Zealand government, media and public have
been mislead and manipulated by officials, advisors and scientists alike.
As a result of this manipulation, the government has
committed an unprecedented 200 million taxpayer dollars to a mass vaccination
experiment of 1.15 million New Zealand children with an untested and
experimental vaccine. Despite being reassured by a bevy of pro-vaccine and
vaccine manufacturer sponsored experts and none-less than the Minister of Health
herself that the MeNZB(tm) vaccine is thoroughly tested and proven to be safe
and effective, we reveal that Chiron's MeNZB(tm) vaccine was never used in the
trails used to approve its license. We reveal that despite assurances, there is
no evidence that the MeNZB(tm) vaccine will actually work as promised.
We believe that the magnitude of policy, regulatory and
scientific misconduct is such that not only should vaccination with this vaccine
be halted forthwith, but that the meningococcal vaccination program should be
independently audited and the circumstances surrounding the development and
implementation of the program subjected to a full Royal Commission of Inquiry.
[2011 July] Paracetamol should not be used for infectious fevers - revisited by
Hilary Butler People should realise that normal therapeutic
doses of paracetamol can cause liver damage, and that the use of paracetamol
accounts for over 400 liver transplants a year in the USA. Furthermore, there
are serious questions being raised about it, given that 65% of pregnant women
use paracetamol regularly. .. there is plenty in the medical literature to show
that not only does paracetamol increase the duration of the flu, and the
likelihood of dying, it does the same for when it comes to ALL infections
INCLUDING meningitis.
[2011 Aug] Useless Studies,
Real Harm Commercially-driven biomedical research--in particular,
research involving prescription drugs, vaccines, and medical devices---has
corrupted the entire field of medicine, both academic research and clinical
practice. Americans' health is being undermined by expensive, defective, all-too
often, treatments that, at best, are useless. A worst, they kill or cause
serious permanent damage.
[vid] Israel helped Pakistan get nuclear bomb Nuclear weapons technology
from the US to Turkey to Pakistan run by Israel on the behalf of the US.
From the same people who brought you the illegal invasion of Iraq. Using
the same method Alan Dulles used to import Nazi war criminals into the US after
WW II to cover his corporate client's tracks: national security privilege.
[2011 July] Widely used CAD mammography tool
fails to find invasive breast cancer, causes needless tests and stress "In
real-world practice, CAD increases the chances of being unnecessarily called
back for further testing because of false-positive results without clear
benefits to women,” said Joshua Fenton, assistant professor in the UC Davis
Department of Family and Community Medicine. “Breast cancers were detected at a
similar stage and size regardless of whether or not radiologists used CAD."
[vid] The Assassination of John
Lennon. 1 mind control patsy + 1 Mob hitman As a class, lone
nut assassins seem to always have lots of spare cash...Which is strange because
usually to make money you need to interact with people in a somewhat normal way
(have a job, run a real business). They're putting the Norway killer on ice to
keep him from "communicating with co-conspirators". Really? Or are they doing it
to help them get away? It's an old trick: Focus on the nut while the
infrastructure than put him in place melts away. Another famous lone nut case
that didn't add up.
[2011 July] Harvard Psychiatrists
Disciplined for Conflicts of Interest psychiatrist
Joseph Biederman and two of his proteges, Thomas Spencer and
Timothy Wilens -each of who failed to disclose millions of
dollars they had each received from the makers of antipsychotics,
the drugs they promoted for the treatment of bipolar in
children...The companies that paid them millions include: Eli
Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline and
Bristol-Myers Squibb.
....documents uncovered during litigation confirmed that the
research was scientifically corrupt and commercially-driven.
The New York Times reported that Dr. Biederman
promised Johnson a& Johnson that a study (yet to be conducted)
in preschool children who would be given the company's
antipsychotic, Risperdal (risperidone) "will support the safety
and effectiveness of Risperdal in this age group."
another of Biederman's Harvard ignoble disciples was Jeff
Bostic, who is also at Massachusetts General Hospital. He was
named in a
2009 lawsuit joined by the US Department of Justice alleging
Forest Laboratories promoted its antidepressants for
pediatric use without FDA approval and paid kickbacks to docs to
encourage prescriptions. He received $750,000 in payments for
giving talks on using these drugs in children.
Strangely, the National Institute for Mental Health, which
had awarded thse psychiatrists millions of dollars at taxpayers
expense. It appears that
NIMH officials did not see fit to even conduct an
investigation into the corruption of science and violation of
federal regulations. This demonstrates a lack of professional
and moral integrity at the NIMH whose administrators think
nothing about the misappropriation of public money for
commercially-driven, junk research.
[vid] Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism "The revolutionary
thing that Fox has done is that it's eliminated journalism from the TV news.
There is no journalism at the Fox News Channel." - Bob McChensey
An Principal Intelligence Analyst for South Yorkshire Police has spoken out
about the July 7th '05 London Bombings. Tony Farrell who has served for the
police since 1998 is convinced as he can be that the bombings were a false flag
attack carried out by intelligence agencies. In July 2010 he was asked to
compile a threat assessment report for South Yorkshire Police. His own research
lead him to believe the major threat in the UK today is from an "internal
tyranny" which the public are slowly finding out about. He believes the public's
reaction to these facts may present a threat of public unrest. He was dismissed
from his post last year because his views were considered untenable, but the
police officers who sacked him did not disagree with his views! In fact they
seemed to encourage him to appeal the decision. He is now awaiting a tribunal
for unfair dismissal taking place in September 2011.
[vid] The
Lightbulb Conspiracy Pyramids of Waste (2010) also known as “The
lightbulb conspiracy” is a documentary about the negative effects of consumerism
and planned obsolescence. The light bulb conspiracy is a
theory that the leading manufacturers of incandescent light bulbs have conspired
to keep the lifetime of their bulbs far below their real technological
capabilities. This way, they ensure the continuous demand for more bulbs and
hence, long-term profit for themselves.
[2011 June] Part 2 of 3. Unanswered Questions about
the Hepatitis B Vaccine by Hilary Butler There was clear,
unequivocal evidence of anaphylaxis of many degrees, resulting from the
Hepatitis B vaccine......Imagine my surprise, on reading the Hepatitis B
to find this statement on page 229: "Anaphylaxis was not observed in the 166,757
children vaccinated with a plasma-derived vaccine in New Zealand (Morris and
Butler, 1992)"... What all of this correspondence proved to
me was that the Institute of Medicine cannot be trusted at all.
[2010] How Psychopaths Choose Their Victims
psychologists have long been known that the more psychopathic a person is, the
more easily they can identify potential victims. Indeed, they can do so just by
watching the way a person moves. In one study, test subjects watched videos of
twelve individuals walking, shot from behind, and rated how easily they could be
mugged. As it happened, some of the people in the videotapes really had been
mugged -- and the most psychopathic of the subjects were able to tell which was
[1995] The Birth of the Reservation: Making the Modern
Indian among the Lakota by Thomas Biolsi This article traces the means
by the which the Lakota people of Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations in South
Dakota were internally pacified, that is, penetrated by the state apparatus in
the form of the United States of Office of Indian Affairs during the period from
1880 to the mid-1930s. The focus is on how the state constructed new kinds of
bureaucratically knowable and recordable individuals, with new kinds of
self-interests that could be predicted and manipulated by the officials. These
new Lakota individuals were made by means of four administrative processes that
I call, after Foucault, modes of subjection: property ownership, determination
of “competence,” registration of Indian “blood” quanta, and recording of
June. Audio] Thomas Sheridan - The Labyrinth of the Psychopath & The
Intraspecies PredatorsThomas Sheridan is an artist, writer and musician from
Ireland. His first major book Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath,
is a first-person account of the cheats, the charlatans, the liars, the
neglectful parents, abusive teachers, two-faced politicians and their
Psychopathic Control Grid, tyrannical bosses and colleagues from hell we have
all encountered, including the lying lovers who use us then lose us in an
instant. Puzzling People takes a look at how the minds of psychopaths work and
why, and focuses on what you can do to survive and thrive and ultimately escape
forever. In the first hour of this interview, Thomas will talk about the
individual psychopath. He'll talk about their consciousness, drive and tactics
and will share a personal story of his experience with a psychopath. Thomas will
tell us how psychopaths serve as evolutionary triggers and what we need to do to
break free of them. He says we are at the cusp where the psycho control grid
either tightens or loses control because of awareness. Topics discussed: moral
insanity, internal chaos, pathology, invented personas, playing on pitty,
intraspecies predator, spiritual parasite, the R-complex, managers, promoters,
the enlightenment, shadow projection, Joseph Campbell, neurosis, Darwinism and
"Georg and Trevor visited Soweto, which was arguably as violent as Nyamira was,
with a couple hundred towerbusters in 2004. While they were there the people on
the street were so aggressive toward them that they rarely stopped at
intersections. A month later, Georg took a visiting Ugandan gifter to see how
wretched Soweto was and when they arrived, the people were very friendly toward
them, the streets and yards were cleaned up and lots of trees had been
planted. That was only a month after it was gifted."--Don Croft
The Ten Native American Commandments The Earth is our Mother; care for Her
Honor all your relations.
Open your heart and soul to the Great Spirit.
All life is sacred; treat all beings with respect.
Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more.
Do what needs to be done for the good of all.
Give constant thanks to the Great Spirit for each day.
Speak the truth but only of the good in others.
Follow the rhythms of Nature.
Enjoy life's journey; but leave no tracks.
Lockerbie was a false flag operation to hide rogue CIA involvement in
heroin trafficking out of the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, during the Terry
Anderson hostage crisis. A joint team of CIA, FBI and Defense
Intelligence investigators were flying on Pan Am 103 that day, heading
for Washington to expose the heroin ring, when the plane exploded over
Lockerbie, Scotland
[vid] Autism, Vaccines, Mercury and the Culpability of the American Academy of
Pediatrics Dr. Kenneth Stoller, MD was
trained as a pediatrician at UCLA and was a fellow of the American Academy of
Pediatrics for two decades. In 2008 he resigned from the AAP after realizing
that the AAP has known that mercury in vaccines can cause Autism and other
neurological damage, yet the organization has refused to make a determined
effort to have mercury (in thimerosal) removed from all vaccines. And in fact,
has instead engaged in a cover-up to protect the interests of the vaccine makers
and pharmaceutical empires.
[2011 June] Vaccine family to sue CSL
over botched flu shots A PERTH family whose 11-month-old
daughter was severely disabled after being vaccinated with CSL's
influenza vaccine is about to launch legal action against the Australian
pharmaceutical giant.
Parents Voice: Children’s
Adverse Outcomes Following Vaccination Safety concerns have
always been an issue since the advent of vaccinations. More so in the last 30
years since the increased volume of vaccinations, and multiple shots
administered much younger and more often. Vaccination casualties are not at an
acceptable level anymore despite all the assurances and an autism spectrum
diagnosis is just the tip of the iceberg. On September the 18th 2010 I started
an inquiry amongst parents of Autistic children
“I am compiling a list of children who were adversely affected by any vaccine.
Please if you could say in about 4-6 sentences what that vaccine was, how they
reacted, how they are today and what city the vaccine was administered.”
The list that follows is the response. To date there are 900 comments here.
There are additional comments found elsewhere (linked, and relating to autism),
reports on a Vaccine damage reports database (mixed) and some reports regarding
the HPV, Gardasil vaccine, totaling to more than 1800
This is a list of children, briefly described in their parents’ own words, some
short, some extended yet, still summarised.
Each report/statement has been contributed via the internet. Parent’s accounts
are worldwide with the majority of children listed subsequently diagnosed as
falling within the Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Vaccinations are in the main,
stated as being a contributory factor. MMR is the most frequently mentioned,
although Flu, HepB, Dtp, and others get a mention as are, some deaths (RIP), and
a variety of lifelong illnesses. Compiled with minimal editing by Joan Campbell.
Special thanks to David Thrower for giving me the idea. 9/6/2011 (last update
We expect this list to continue and to grow. If I have missed anyone, or if you
would like to add your voice to this list please forward to
The Zionist
StoryThe Zionist Story, an independent film by Ronen Berelovich, is the story
of ethnic cleansing, colonialism and apartheid to produce a demographically
Jewish State.
Blacks Solicitors are investigating potential legal claims for compensation for
former litigants in the MMR MR Vaccine Litigation. The investigation concerns
the conduct of the MMR MR Vaccine Litigation. It is wide ranging and potentially
concerns any former litigant. The former litigants have not received any
compensation from the MMR MR Vaccine Litigation. They include vulnerable persons
who have considerable living expenses arising from their condition. The
investigation does not raise new safety concerns in respect of any MMR Vaccine
product currently used in this country. The investigation is being led by Luke
Patel, Solicitor Partner and Head of Commercial Dispute Resolution.
[2011 June] State sued over measles vaccination
The High Court has been told that the State has an obligation to compensate
those who are injured as a result of being vaccinated in a public health
vaccination scheme....Lawyers for Alan O'Leary from Ballyphehane in Cork say he
suffered serious brain injury from the vaccine which should not have been
administered to him.
[vid] Ex-Communicated Priest Exposes The New World Order in 1986
Listen to this riveting 1986 sermon given by now deceased Priest John O’Conner
exposing Benjamin Creme, Maitreya, Freemasonry, the Anti-Christ communist
movement, new age occult practices, church infiltration of the homosexual
movement, the Federal Reserve and more.
O’Connor was ordered to be examined by a psychologist
following a talk in which he named his Superior Cardinal Joseph Louis Bernardin,
his Dominican brothers Benedict Ashley, William Bernacki, Peter Witchousky and
his Dominican Superior Donald Goergen as members of the Gay Rights Movement. His
Superior barred young men from joining the Dominicans if they refused to accept
sodomy and homosexuality as a viable life style alternative. He had been
informed of this by several young males who had sought ordination.
O’Connor sought the advice of a Canon Lawyer, Fr Alfred Kunz.
Fr. Kunz was brutally murdered in a ritualistic fashion after assisting in the
investigation of a satanic pedophile cult connected to the priesthood. In the
summer of 1991, Rome informed O’Connor that he was dismissed from the
Dominicans. O’Connor packed his bags and left the River Forest Priory forever.
He lived with his widowed sister until his death of natural causes on Dec 7th
Gardasil; Look into My LifeSince the Vaccine I've had issues with heart rate, blood pressure,
fainting (I had POTS beforehand, but it was under control, I didn't faint except
once every few months..Now it's out of control again.) Chest pains, back pain
unrelated to the fracture I had in my back. SEIZURES! Sleep issues (why I'm up
at 3:30AM!) extreme feelings of sleepiness, weakness, ect. Muscle pains, muscle
spasms, migraines and headaches on an almost daily basis.. and trouble with
[2011 June] The Malaria Myth Explained, And
Successfully Treating So-Called Malaria by Aajonus Vonderplanitz your
daughters have a 76% chance of dying in the hospital, only 24% of dying if they
don't go to the hospital. And that was translated back to him, and he said, oh,
you're probably right. Five years ago I had two daughters, they had malaria,
so-called malaria, [I] took them to the hospital, they were dead in 24 hours.
And he said, what do you suggest since you're a doctor?
Well I said, I suggest you take 3 oz. of [fresh, raw] lime
juice, 3 oz. of [unheated] honey, and 6 oz. of [raw, young green] coconut water,
mix it together, and you give them a tablespoon every hour for three days in
their waking hours. And then after that, every two to three hours, a tablespoon.
They were very hesitant about letting me into the tribal area. I'm a white guy,
of course. So, they were very reluctant, but the two children were better in
three days. Completely over it, so of course, they sold me the land.
"Utilizing my self-developed iridological
analysis, I discovered that IBS and Crohn’s mainly have been caused by
penicillin and vaccines. Penicillin infects us with fungus that is not natural
to humans but is common in birds. Very often, penicillin travels to intestines,
makes roots and lives there. Too often, it lives in the intestines and nervous
system for a life time, unless we know how to gradually eliminate it. Penicillin
fungus interferes with digestion and causes many intestinal problems and
diseases. Too often, I have found that penicillin mold lives in our brains,
causing many cognitive problems. I know of only one way to naturally eliminate
penicillin fungus without serious side effects. (Note to whale.to
readers, this is an older variation of the Penicillin Destroyer, see
http://www.whale.to/a/penicillin_destroyer.htmlfor an updated
version) Blend together 5-8 tablespoons (depending on size of
person) fresh raw lime juice, 11⁄2-3 tablespoons fresh raw lemon juice, 5-8
tablespoons unheated honey, 5-8 tablespoons raw coconut cream, and 2-5
tablespoons raw dairy cream. Add 3-5 ounces of raw milk or naturally sparkling
water (such as Gerolsteiner) and stir gently. I suggest that that mixture be
divided into 5 parts and consumed throughout the day for no more than 3
consecutive days, once every 3-4 weeks. That mixture is also a powerful
antibiotic, only to be used in place of a pharmaceutical antibiotic."---Aajonus
[2011 June] GAVI
Guts UK For £1.5 Billion, Bill Gates Applauds By Christina England
Well we certainly know where David Cameron’s priorities really lie, don’t we? I
believe it is not only Bill Gates that needs to answer a few questions. I would
like to ask David Cameron, why he feels the need to pledge £1.5 billion pounds
to the third world vaccine programme and pay for this by robbing the UK’s most
vulnerable people? I would also like to ask – what use are vaccines to a
starving child, dying of malnutrition?
VICTORIA They told us that initially before Dancan took them the
orgonite in the early years there were no fish, but immediately after Dancan
went and did the thorough distributing of the orgonite life started and if you
can see over the photo, all those boats shows the presence of the work and life
in those barren Islands.
Kaplan states that, in 1995, there were fewer than 20,000 outpatient visits for
pediatric bipolar disorder in the US. As of 2003, that number had swelled to a
mind-boggling 800,000. And yet there is no recognized psychiatric
category called "pediatric bipolar disorder." .......In what sense is all this
population control? When you move in on the mind and make arbitrary diagnoses
and follow up with highly toxic drugs, you are essentially waging war on the
brain. These figures should indicate the scope of that ever-expanding war.
[2011 June] FDR Didn’t Have Polio, He Had Guillain-Barré
syndrome? wouldn’t it be ironic if the entire polio vaccine
development program was instigated by the victim not of polio, but of a vaccine
adverse reaction? That would make the polio vaccine the first anti-vaccine
DICTATORSHIP by Jon Rappoport This decision sets a new practical standard
for crime without punishment. Unless the plaintiff can show that an alternative
design of a vaccine would have eliminated the adverse effect, without
diminishing the "positive benefit" of the vaccine, it's a no-go. ...Years from
now, people may remember Bruesewitz v. Wyethas the watershed moment, when the
whole system took a universally visible turn to into overt criminality.
[2011 June pdf] Fern R. Hauck, et al. Pediatrics. Breastfeeding and Reduced
Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: A Meta-analysisMeta-analysis. CONCLUSIONS:
Breastfeeding is protective against SIDS, and this effect is stronger when
breastfeeding is exclusive. The recommendation to breastfeed infants should be
included with other SIDS risk-reduction messages to both reduce the risk of SIDS
and promote breastfeeding for its many other infant and maternal health
benefits. Pediatrics 2011; 128:000CONCLUSIONS: Breastfeeding is protective
against SIDS, and this effect is stronger when breastfeeding is exclusive. The
recommendation to breastfeed infants should be included with other SIDS
risk-reduction messages to both reduce the risk of SIDS and promote
breastfeeding for its many other infant and maternal health benefits. Pediatrics
2011; 128:000
[2002] Henry Kissinger:
the Wanted Man by Christopher Reilly 350,000 civilians in Laos and 600,000
in Cambodia were killed during the U.S. bombardments. This does not even count
the number of civilians maimed or wounded due to the bombings and the threat of
unexploded cluster bombs
[2011 June]
GlaxoSmithKline Schemes with GAVI to Offer Rotavirus Vaccine at Reduced Costs to
Third World By
Christina England All very noble of them considering that
Rotarix vaccine was suspended around the world last year because it contained
the DNA from pigs in it. What GlaxoSmithKline are actually
offering, are vaccines at a reduced price to the third world because the take up
has been so low in the Western world due to reduced confidence in the
vaccine.....What these people need from the governments around the world is
massive injections of cash, better education and nutrition, not left over
vaccines that the Western world have lost confidence in. This is no goodwill
gesture but merely a cheap publicity stunt to make GlaxoSmithKline look
[2011 June] Foreskin Man vs Genital Mutilation
(Circumcision) by JOE QUINN "Only by denying the existence of
excruciating pain, perinatal encoding of the brain with violence, interruption
of maternal-infant bonding, betrayal of infant trust, the risks and effects of
permanently altering normal genitalia, the right of human beings to sexually
intact and functional bodies, and the right to individual religious freedoms can
human beings continue this practice."
[2010] Tetanus by Hilary Butler Magnesium
should be a first
line treatment for tetanus . Magnesium stabilises the heart and reduces
blood pressure; reduces the need for sedation, and also makes nursing simpler.
The medical evidence for Magnesium is sound, with the most recent 2010 article
on magnesium in adults is
found here:
and a 1997 medical article on magnesium in tetanus,
can be found here:
. A more recent 2004 article by Attygalle
can be found here. A 2003
article by Cevilla on the use of magnesium in children can be found here
"Compared to the reality of the drug industry, my book reads like a vacation
post card"--- John le Carré, Author of The Constant Gardner
[2011 March] Millions of surgery patients at risk
in drug research fraud scandal Joachim Boldt is at the centre of a
criminal investigation amid allegations that he may have forged up to 90 crucial
studies on the treatment. He has been stripped of his professorship and sacked
from a German hospital following allegations about his research into drugs known
as colloids.
[2011 June] American Dietetic Association
attempting to monopolize nutritional advice "consumers nutritional
options are in peril of being hijacked by the ADA's efforts, which he says will
ultimately restrict dietetic choice in favor of a marriage between big
government and the junk food industry."....That bill, currently before Nevada
Senate Commerce, Labor and Energy Committee and called
Assembly Bill 289, creates a State Board of Dietetics and would prohibit "a
person from engaging in the practice of dietetics without a license or
certificate of registration from the Board,"
[2011 June] The FDA assaults breast
thermography while protecting mammography industry First of all, it
slanders the breast thermography industry and the multitude of mainstream
medical journal articles supporting its value. As a point of interest, the FDA
approved breast thermography as an adjunct to mammography in 1982. You would
think that there just might be a reason or two supporting its value that they
appreciate but fail to mention....There is an abundance of scientific evidence
in the mainstream journals supporting that breast thermography as a superior
tool to mammograms because it is more sensitive and makes fewer errors when used
properly, particularly in women under the age of 50, where there's tremendous
controversy about the validity of mammograms as a primary screening tool for
breast cancer. The final embarrassment for the FDA and Journal Watch, is
that three of the five people voting against bringing breast thermography
forward into clinical practice in that fatal meeting in 2004, had a serious
conflict of interest connecting them to the mammography industry. Wow!
If you are using any type of hydrogenated vegetable oil or any oil with transfat,
do not use any more and get rid of it! Extra virgin olive oil, butter and other
natural, non-hydrogenated oils are okay to use along with the coconut oil. It is
possible to use coconut oil in place of all other oils, however, since it
contains no omega-3 fatty acids, it is very important to eat salmon twice a week
or get enough omega-3 fatty acid from other rich sources such as fish oil
capsules, flax meal, flax oil (not for cooking) or walnuts. It is inconceivable
that a potential dietary prevention and cure for Alzheimer’s disease, and other
neurodegenerative diseases, has been out there for so many years, and yet has
gone unnoticed.
[2011 June] Swiss Banker
Unmasks Bilderberg Criminals It was a payment instruction on order of
a foreign secret service written by hand giving the order to pay a certain
amount to a person who killed the top leader of a foreign country. And it was
not the only case. We received several such hand written letters coming from
foreign secret services giving the order to payout cash from secret accounts to
fund revolutions or for the killing of people....Several secret services from
abroad, mostly English speaking, gave orders to fund illegal acts, even the
killing of people thru Swiss banks. We had to pay on the instructions of foreign
powers for the killing of persons who did not follow the orders of Bilderberg or
the IMF or the World Bank for example.
....They have huge amounts of money available and use it to destroy whole
countries. They destroy our industry and build it up in China. On the other hand
they opened up the gates in Europe for all Chinese products. The working
population of Europe is earning less and less. The real aim is to destroy
Europe....You have the inner circle who are into Satanism and then there are the
naive or less informed people. Some people even think they are doing something
good, the outer circle.
[2011 May] UK Government Documents on Aluminium in
Vaccines by John Heptonstall It has been found that Calcium Gluconate
solution in glass vials contains almost 200 times more aluminium than Calcium
Gluconate in plastic vials; this is due to the solution leeching aluminium from
the glass.....Many vaccines are packaged, and stored for long periods, in glass
vials with rubber stoppers, and aluminium is a commonly used adjuvant at
specific concentrations, the MHRA findings suggest that these concentrations of
aluminium may have been heavily contaminated by leeched aluminium at levels
which should cause concern.
....Examples of vaccine containment include Pluserix vaccine, manufactured by
Smith-Kline Rit, SA, gained Product License No. 002/0166 in 1988 under the
Medicines Act 1968 and is described on the Part 1 Schedule as being contained in
neutral type 1 glass vials with bromobutyl rubber stoppers, aluminium overcaps
and flip-off tops, along with the diluent in neutral type 1 glass ampoules or
vials with butyl rubber stoppers and aluminium overcaps. Immravax, manufactured
by Institut Merieux, received Product Licence No. 6765/0020 in 1989 which
describes the vaccine as being contained in single or multidose glass vials.
Infanrix, the Hib DTP-IPV vaccine of GlaxoSmithKline uses glass vials.
Meningitec manufactured by Wyeth is also stored in glass vials. The recently
hyped H1N1 vaccine issued in millions of doses prepared in glass vials each
containing 10 individual patient doses; in Chicago alone more than 100,000
persons were inoculated with that vaccine; will Chicago experience an associated
increase in mental deterioration as neurological effects take hold amongst that
vaccinated group?
F. Judd, Ph.D Removal of flouride from drinking water, pastes or gels saves the enzyme
adenosine diphosphatase so it can deliver phosphate to calcium at the tooth
surface, resulting in a beautiful, semi-flexible enamel. If fluoridation were effective in preventing cavities, Native Americans
would have the least cavities. They have had forced fluoridation for
approximately 62 years. Fluoride in water at 1 part per million INCREASED tooth cavities in four
large reliable studies (7%, 22%, 45% and 10%, averaging 21%). The reason far
these increases has to do with the fact that adenosine diphosphatase is
destroyed by fluoride and CALCIUM FLUORIDE which slips into the enamel, is
alien to the tooth composite and makes the enamel weak, brittle and
discolored. Fluoride is the smallest negative particle on the face of
the earth. Since the fluoride particles are so small and so intensely negative,
they connect with the hydrogen bonds holding the enzyme coils in place and ruin
every enzyme molecule at very low concentration, around 1-3 ppm. These enzymes
are often 3,000 or more times the small size of the fluoride. The effect is
To avoid fluoride is to prevent the destruction of 83 enzymes listed with
references in Good Teeth, Birth to Death, by Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D.. Fluoride is
a severe biological poison. Being intensely negative, it unlatches positive
hydrogen bonds in enzymes AND proteins. It is fortunate we have learned fluoride
is a nerve poison. Fluoride causes cavities. There is not the slightest doubt
[2011] The Chickenpox Vaccine by F.
Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP Prior to the introduction of the universal
varicella vaccination program in the United States, almost 95% of adults
experienced natural chickenpox, usually as school age children. These cases were
usually benign and resulted in long term immunity because of constant boosting
due to repeated exposures to other children and adults with the disease.
This large reservoir of individuals having long term immunity
has been seriously compromised by the mass vaccination of children that provides
at best 70 to 90% immunity. The vaccine-acquired immunity is of unknown duration
and only causes the shifting of chickenpox to the more vulnerable adults. To
arrive to the bottom line, one needs to now add the adverse effects of the
required two doses of chickenpox vaccine and the distinct potential for
increased risk of shingles for an estimated 30 to 50 years among adults.
One must also keep in mind that regardless of the number of
boosters, the acquired immunity from vaccination will never equal the strong
constantly-boosted natural immunity we all had in the past, before the Universal
Varicella Vaccination program was launched.
Varicella vaccination was a mistake. Mandating it as a
universal vaccination program for every child was an even bigger mistake
[2011 Feb] BMJ & Lancet Wedded to Merck CME
Partnership Why did the BMJ fail to
disclose its partnership agreement with Merck, major vaccine manufacturer--13
vaccines, including the controversial MMR vaccine ? Is it just
conceivably possible, that the BMJ's decision to commission and publish Brian
Deer's series of articles attacking Dr. Andrew Wakefield's personal and
scientific integrity--and lend its unwavering editorial endorsement--without
giving him an opportunity to defend himself--might be influenced by a
SIGNIFICANT financial conflict of interest?
[2011 Feb] A Few Things I Know by Suzanne
Humphries, MD Vaccines did not save humanity and never will.
Vaccines have never been proven truly safe except for perhaps the parameters of
immediate death or some specific adverse events within up to 4 weeks.
Smallpox was not eradicated by vaccines as many doctors readily say it was. They
say this out of conditioning rather than out of understanding the history or
science. Polio virus was not responsible for the paralysis in the first
part of the 20th century. Polio vaccine research, development, testing and
distribution has committed atrocities upon primates and humanity. Bill Gates is
not a humanitarian. Vaccines are dangerous and should never be injected into
anyone for any reason. They are not the answer to infectious diseases. There are
many more sustainable and benevolent solutions than vaccines.
[2010 Nov. Gardasil
testimony. MS. BOYCE] Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory
Committee Meeting Transcript My daughter was actually sterilized by
the vaccine....My daughter recently tested sterile at age 21, although she is
still getting a relatively normal period. Could it be that Merck intentionally
developed this vaccine thinking it would affect a small number of individuals
with PK deficiencies? Is this what their intent was when they developed their
recently approved fertility drug Aleva, which was just passed for European use?
I wonder if Merck and other big pharmas have intentionally taken advantage of
genetic deficiencies. I believe they have, and I believe this is what has
happened many, many times over. ...After recent tests my daughter had done, I
can now positively confirm that my daughter tested post-menopausal as it relates
to her hormone levels, with no family history of early menopause. She is no
longer ovulating and she has hormone levels of a 50-plus-year-old woman. My
worst nightmares have come true.....I am pretty certain doctors aren’t even
aware of the myriad of side effects they are saying are caused by PK
deficiency. Remember, it’s relatively new, only discovered in 1996. It is
horrifying to see previously perfectly healthy children now having seizures,
migraines, pneumonias, personality disorders, fatigue, menstrual issues,
vomiting, diarrhea, and the list goes on, post-Gardasil. This vaccine needs to
be pulled immediately. Over 20,000 families are now begging for help, and no
one is answering their desperate pleas.
MY BRUSH WITH TETANUS Dr Archie Kalokerinos I had
been taught that during the second world war, no soldiers had suffered from
tetanus because they were fully vaccinated. Later, I met doctors who had cared
for soldiers during the war, who told me a completely different story. Fully
vaccinated soldiers had indeed, got tetanus, but they were told not to report
it. In other words, what I was taught and what was true were two different
[2011 May] Virus in
the system Fluvax, the predominant vaccine, was triggering febrile
fits in one in every 100 children – 10 times the expected rate...By the time
Fluvax was suspended, health departments across the country had notified the TGA
of 410 adverse reactions among children younger than five, including 67 cases of
febrile convulsions, as well as high fevers and vomiting.....Kirsten remembers
hearing one of them remark, “It’s another Fluvax baby.”...Sixteen hours after
her flu shot, little Saba was in hospital on life support, breathing with the
aid of a ventilator and drugged to stop the seizures. An MRI and a CAT scan
revealed global brain injury and organ damage. Two doctors and two nurses took
the frantic parents aside. “They said they didn’t expect Saba to make it, and if
she did she would have severe cerebral palsy and never walk or talk again,”
Kirsten says. “It was devastating. I remember I was on the floor, moaning.” Saba
spent 11 days in intensive care and eight weeks back in the children’s ward
before being sent home with brain damage.
[2011 May] More Youngsters Dying Soon After
Vaccination in India. Government Unable to Say Why. CHENNAI: More
children in India are dying every year soon after being vaccinated, and the
government has no clue why. Union health ministry statistics obtained under the
Right to Information Act show that 128 children died in 2010 due to adverse
effects after immunization (AEFI). That count has risen in the past three years,
with 111 such deaths in 2008 and 116 in 2009.
[2011 May] Fluoride & Other Misc.
EU ambassadors in Dublin have been informed that their nationals living
in Ireland should not make up baby bottles with tap water. Following an Open
Letter to the European Commission by leading Dutch paediatrician, Dr Gavin ten
Tusscher and others associated with Amsterdam University and the NGO Ecobaby, EU
diplomacies in Dublin have been alerted to the risks from tap water in Ireland
which contains untrialled, falsified medicinal products (fluorosilicates) that
are unsafe for bottle-fed babies.
....The only official fluoride propaganda outlet for the UK government's
controversial water fluoridation programme has been quietly shut down, allegedly
to save money. In fact we exposed the NFIC as a government-sponsored hoax in
July 2009 - a non-existent 'Centre of impartial academic excellence' housed in a
semi-derelict building on the Manchester University campus, abandoned as 'unfit
for modern science' in 2007! Now its annual UK Treasury funding of £125,000 has
been axed, leaving the Health Service with no official source of (mis)information
on the claimed benefits of fluoridation.
We are repeatedly assured that our children are in desperate need of better
dental services. Now we are expected to believe that the sole source of official
propaganda in the UK on the claimed benefits of fluoridation has been shut down
to save the equivalent of the salary of one mediocre-level civil servant? Who
are they kidding?
Natural REMEDIES for Migraine Headaches May 31, 2011, VIDEO by DR. RICHARD
Say goodbye to migraine headaches with Dr. Schulze’s simple suggestions. What
they are, foods that trigger them and herbs that stop the spasm and stop the
pain, and as usual, a good dose of Dr. Schulze Natural Healing Evangelism. Video
Length: 5:22
Click to View
AND THE THIRD INTIFADA Before the ethnic cleansing of 1948,
Palestinians owned well over 90% of the combined land of modern-day
Israel/Palestine. After the Nakba, Israeli Jews "owned" all the white areas in
the second map "magically," without paying for the newly-acquired land. Anywhere
else in the world this would be considered armed robbery, since the land was
stolen with guns and bombs, primarily from noncombatant farm families. But
because Israel has legions of propagandists who constantly play on the
sympathies of Americans who want to believe that Israel is "only doing what is
necessary," Israel has been able to "legally" steal Palestinian land that is
worth hundreds of billions of dollars at today's prices.
Soy is making kids 'gay' By Jim Rutz
Toxicologists estimate that an infant fed exclusively on soy formula is getting
the equivalent of three to five birth control pills ? per day. One study
found that soy-fed babies had 13,000 to 22,000 times more estrogen in their
blood than milk-fed babies.
[2011 May] Polio and lemmings by Hilary ButlerPolio has not been
eradicated at all. And will not be eradicated. Polio has been renamed....Why
have Acute Flaccid Paralysis and Polio been put together? Because Acute Flaccid
Paralysis is a catch-all name for what looks like polio, and what you call polio
when the crucial polio viral tests don't show polio VIRUSES at all. ....While
the cases of "polio" have gone down, cases of polio which didn't return a
positive virus test, and which are now called "Acute Flaccid Paralysis" have
skyrocketed. Nice little bit of magicians' sleight of hand... ???! A
parent who saw that WHO website page, wouldn't know that Acute Flaccid Paralysis
was simply polio of old, which covered the same syndromes and symptoms, caused
by a large variety of viruses, as well as various toxins. A parent looking at
the WHO website, would think to themselves, "Acute Flaccid Paralysis must be
some other "valid" disease in it's own right".....All the kids who used to be on
clumsy iron lungs, are now on high tech iron lungs and renamed under the
autoimmune moniker called Transverse Myelitis and no doubt other creative titles
to spread the decoys around
[2011 May] A Senate Bill To Unseal
Secret Pharma Documents “What’s sealed is often critical public health
information that, when revealed, saved lives and could save lives in the future.
The conduct of pharmaceutical companies has clearly not been changed by anything
that’s happened. It’s never been clear to me, at all, why any of the information
claimed as a trade secret is a trade secret. The drugs are patented. The method
of making the drugs are also often patented, and thus are in the public domain.
So the main things they claim as trade secrets are medical information that
shows the companies know the drugs harm people and don’t want people to know.
While it may hurt their business, the fact that the same information may be
hurting patients using their drug or devices should take priority over their
trade secrets.
“The other documents show how they conduct off label
marketing, which is illegal, and induce the use of their drugs by paying bribes
and kickbacks. These are not legitimate trade secrets in that all of the
companies are aware of these methods and many of them use the same methods. Many
made settlements or pled guilty to off-lablel marketing, so it’s hard to argue
such methods are trade secrets, since these are well known to the industry.
“Essentially, they’re claiming the specific methods they use
to lie, cheat or steal, are trade secrets, since the drugs and health studies
they use to support their methods are public information. For example, many
companies pled guilty to misrepresenting the benefits of their drugs. Those are
lies. Many companies have been caught cheating in their marketing. And many
companies have been caught stealing by overcharging federal and state entities
for their drugs. It’s akin to a bank robber claiming that his technique for
cracking locks on safes is a trade secret.”
[2011 May] Six Times More Measles
Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reports Than Measles Cases in 2011 there have
been 698 FDA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports related to
MMR, MMRV (MMR plus varicella) and measles vaccines in 2011 including 4 deaths
and 280 emergency room visits. 698 VAERS reports are almost six times more
than the number of measles cases
(Chemtrail) Plane Finder:
http://planefinder.net/. You can track aircraft anywhere in the world,
provided there are receiving stations in that area. When you see on your screen
that a plane is moving over your location, you should be able to go outdoors and
watch it in the sky. Every time you see a plane, get its identity from Plane
Finder and note if it has very long trails (lingering over more than half the
sky and feathering out into a lingering milky haze), short trails (moving along
with the aircraft and dissipating as they go), or no trails (usually low
altitude flights). Record all the data about the flight including the time. For
those with iPhones or other smart phones that can handle the Plane Finder Ap,
purchase it and install it. Then, every time you see a plane, aim the camera
lens of the phone at the plane and record its identification, including the
time.--Ed Griffin
from spinal product omitted from articles. In four published papers
between 2002 and 2009, doctors failed to mention a link between Medtronic's
spinal fusion product and a serious complication that causes sterility in men.
Last year, six of those co-authors received a total of more than $6 million in
royalties from Medtronic. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin. 25 May 2011.
[2011 Feb] Israel Economy for Beginners by
GILAD ATZMON Increasingly, Israel seems to be nothing more than a
humongous money laundering haven for Jewish oligarchs, swindlers, weapons
dealers, organ traffickers, organised crime and blood diamond traders.....it
seems to me that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and Israel's horrendous
crimes against the Palestinian people, actually serves to divert attention away
from Israel's complicity in some colossal and global crimes against vast
populations around the world.
[vid] How Israel Terrorizes Palestinian
Children Rachel Corrie: 'a true hero' was killed by the state of Israel, and
by its brutal regime that practises not only 'mass punishment' but also 'ethnic
cleansing'. The same regime that has displaced over 4 million Palestinians, and
killed many thousands. The same regime that has denied the right to
self-determination to the Palestinian people.
[2011 May] Adverse reactions lead US patients
to ask 'just how safe are antibiotics?' he
was prescribed a toxic combination of drugs to treat lingering symptoms of what
his doctor thought was prostatitis. Ten years later, he suffers from permanent
brain damage, is on disability and has lost more than $3 million in medical
costs and income. Grozier was prescribed a combination of ciprofloxacin
and vioxx, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
Re: Reminder To Place Orgonite Around Your Local Police Stations Thanks guys and we can attest that gifting copshops softens them up. When the
police in Moscow Idaho started peeking in our back windows in the middle of the
night (Carol caught one of them when his squawk box woke her up) they denied
it. That was in 2003. We had the impression that they were trying to plant
drugs in our house, as they'd also failed to do the previous year, so in the
middle of the night I visited them and tossed orgonite on the roof from spots
that were not covered by cameras.
That particuar problem went away but the cops' FBI sponsors
were still bothering us and occasionally trying to murder us, of course. We
then gifted the remaining FBI hideyholes in our neighborhood, including a house
that they'd just bought and occupied two doors away from us. I love the looks
on federal felonious faces when you bust them
Things are a lot easier for us, these days. I think it's
because the feds are more terrified of the growing state secession movement,
which is so unorganized that they can't even infiltrate it.
For the time being, though, while all the cop forces exist at
the behest of the federal swine teat, we do need to gift the our local,
corporate copshops, gulags and kangaroo court buildings as a public service.
When the federal gov't finally dissolves through lack of support then we'll get
our police back and the number of police will shrink considerably, nor will the
police recruit from among the criminal element any more.
When it happens in America it will happen everywhere else
pretty soon after, I think. Maybe the Chinese people and their current 'Jasmine
Revolution' will beat us to it. I love healthy competition.
~Don Croft
"In our dreams, we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves
with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions
fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon
a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or
any of their children into philosophers or men of learning, or of science. We
have not to raise up from among them authors, editors, poets or men of letters.
We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians nor lawyers,
doctors, preachers, statesmen, of whom we have an ample supply. The task we set
before ourselves is a very simple as well as a very beautiful one, to train
these people as we find them to a perfectly ideal life just where they are. So
we will organize our children and teach them to do in a perfect way the things
their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way, in the homes, in the
shops, and on the farm."--Occasional Letter No.1, The General Education Board,
1903, organized by J.D. Rockefeller, with Fred T. Gates, and Andrew Carnegie as
a trustee. Letter written by Fred T. Gates.
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an
invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders,
cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure,
program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects."---- Time Enough For Love, by Robert
Chickenhawk Hall of Shame
When an American male (or an especially belligerent female) makes the
challenging transition from late adolescence into early adulthood, he is faced
with many decisions. One certain, specific combination of choices will result in
his becoming a chickenhawk: choosing to “support” war, while also choosing not
to serve in the military. His motto becomes: “Let’s you and him go fight; I’ll
hold your coat.”
Buchanan Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, served
as a business partner of and U.S. banking operative for the financial architect
of the Nazi war machine from 1926 until 1942, when Congress took aggressive
action against Bush and his “enemy national” partners.
[2003] Bush/Nazi Link Continued By John Buchanan
and Stacey Michael After the seizures in late 1942 of five U.S. enterprises he managed on behalf
of Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen, Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President
George W. Bush, failed to divest himself of more than a dozen “enemy national”
relationships that continued until as late as 1951
[2011 May] Dr Kelly police probe thrown into
doubt over riddle of prints on 'missing' dental records Dr Kelly’s
dental records went missing for 48 hours before being found again inside the
surgery. Assistant Chief Constable Michael Page of Thames Valley Police had
previously told the Hutton Inquiry there was ‘no evidence’ of any unidentified
fingerprints being on Dr Kelly’s file....But Freedom of Information requests
have revealed that, in fact, there were six unidentified prints on the dental
records and the file which held them. Campaigners say the discrepancy raises
doubts about the evidence given to the Hutton Inquiry.
[vid 2011]
911 Directed Energy Weapon Dr. Judy Woodhas been researching 9/11 since 2001
and has already filed several law suits against NIST's contractors for science
fraud, and legal requests that NIST's fraudulent data gets reexamined. Dr. Judy
Wood has received more than one threat due to the research she has done and the
evidence she has gathered, and one of her students was also murdered in 2006.
Surprisingly, Dr. Judy Wood is the only 9/11 researcher who has submitted
evidence to the courts in pursuit of the truth.
By Marilyn M. Barnewall Dominique Strauss-Kahn
(DSK, as he is called by the mainstream media) should be better known for
ulterior motives involving the globalization of American, European and Japanese
banks – but thanks to our well-paid-under-the-table media, he is not known for
that....Under the aegis of the IMF, Strauss-Kahn made known as early as December
2009 his new international currency plans to use a "Green Energy Fund" (most Tea
Party members recognize this as code for the United Nation's Agenda 21 and
Sustainable Development) to fight climate change in low-income nations around
the world. The funding for "Green Energy" would come from the IMF's own
printable money – special drawing rights - starting at the equivalent of $ 100
billion. You heard me right. The IMF wanted to print its own money to fund
"Green Energy." There's something green here and it's called IMF envy of
American currency.
Strauss-Kahn said an expanded role for special drawing rights
(which enabled the IMF to print its own currency) could help stabilize the
international monetary system. Sure it could! To shorten a long story, this was
a Soros-friendly socialist method of destroying the U.S. dollar, a topic
discussed at Bretton Woods II which was sponsored by George Soros the first week
of May 2011. The IMF action was part of "the China plan" to replace the U.S.
dollar with a "basket of currencies" and to absorb the Federal Reserve into the
IMF (as I reported in an article a month ago).
(note: the IMF is the global portion of the Federal Reserve controlled by all
the same people)
[2011 May EW] I've Always Wondered About
This Carol was in Kenya in August and September, 2001, and caused a
lot of local rainfall with the orgonite that she brought and gave to her Kenyan
host, Atieno, who perhaps engineered (from Seattle) Carol's invitation. My
wife was in a very large village between Kisumu and Migori, where she had taken
some zappers to see how they would work curing AIDS. The zappers quickly cured
a lot of AIDS sufferers, in fact. She was invited, kind of on the sly, by an
American woman who headed a charity organization and was a friend of Atieno's
but Carol was required to pay her own fare. The 'sly' bit was due to the fact
that the organization sponsored visits by medical students to Africa as part of
their extracurricular education. Those students were quite unfriendly toward
Carol on account of the zappers and they all got malaria, in spite of the
prophylactic drug that was handed out to them. Carol didn't take the drug but
she didn't get malaria, of course, because she was using a zapper.
Review: Jon Ronson's The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry
Psychopaths are different. They have the shape of a human, the outer form. They
walk, talk, speak, eat, and breathe. They may even collect McDonald's toys or
statues of predators, like the psychopaths interviewed by Ronson. But when it
comes to the inner essence that makes us human, that part of another that we
come to love and appreciate, no, they are not human. They are an intraspecies
predator. Not quite human
[2011 May] UK Paediatrician and MSBP Expert Knew Babies Suffered Breathing
Problems and Died After Vaccination By Christina England Professionals
like Southall and Meadow stand up in court and categorically deny that vaccines
can cause death whilst knowing that they can. They choose instead to imprison
innocent mothers and send their children into overcrowded care systems. They
believe that evidence of past studies and attendance at meetings cannot be found
by members of the general public and that they are safe to carry on accusing
more parents of abusing their children after a vaccine injury has occurred. They
are perfectly happy to destroy the lives of the professionals who come close to
finding out the truth, so that they can just carry on demanding a fortune for
the reports that they write to damn parents whilst backed, no doubt, by
governments and pharmaceutical industries. Why can’t our documentaries tell the
truth? The evidence is there to be found after all. Why is it governments
protect so called professionals like Southall and Meadow, even praising them for
their wonderful work and yet they do nothing to protect the parents who they
falsely accuse?
[2011 May] Judy Converse on GMO and Vaccine
Damage and How to Fix It Two major changes happened in the 1990s
in the US, making American children born since then extremely vulnerable: One,
the FDA permitted, with no safety review, the introduction of
genetically modified (GMO) foods – including soy and corn, which both go
into infant formulas and most processed foods....The gene inserted into GMO soy
makes soy produce its own insecticide....The FDA said there no proof this is
unsafe, so they allowed these highly profitable crops into the food supply.
These can
trigger allergies more often than their naturally occurring counterparts;
other findings of detrimental effects on animals eating GMO feed crops are very
disconcerting, from increased miscarriages and organ failures to death.
Consumers are just beginning to understand this issue. Eating food that’s
genetically modified to produce its own pesticide is something we wouldn’t want
to do if given the choice, but Americans were not given the choice.
Interestingly, the UK is also a GMO friendly nation, and has an even a higher
rate of autism than the US.
[2011 May] VACCINE NATIONmedical
propaganda and enforcement is the very best method for attaining long-range
political control. The propaganda has no apparent partisan slant. It seems
to favor no political cause at all. It has a neutral concerned scientific
attitude. Along with, of course, the notion that the experts know everything and
we, the children, know nothing. And since we know nothing, we have no right to
exercise our freedom to choose. That freedom stops at the door of "science." If
you believe that one, you're cooked. They've got you. Look up the road
into the future. Use a little common sense and a little imagination, and you'll
be able to see where this is heading. Unless it's derailed. I'm betting it's not
a place you want to be. That's why freedom matters. I know, freedom is now a
dirty word. Well, that's the result of a whole other propaganda op. They're
connected, believe me. The medical cartel and collectivism. They're on an elite
[vid] The dogs of war
Chertoff & Company have raised the price of their mandatory full body
irradiation devices from $160,000 to $250,000 since the winter. Why the
big price increase? They've got a lot of Congressmen to pay off.
April] Radiation exposure chart admits cancer radiotherapy delivers fatal dose
to patients Just in case you're not following all this, what we're
seeing here is that 10,000 mSv is a fatal dose. The 20,000 mSv line was removed
from the chart between versions 1.0 and 1.35. Meanwhile, the cancer industry is
routinely using 60,000 mSv focused on the head and neck as a way to
"prevent" cancer!
Are you starting to see how huge this cancer radiotherapy
scam really is? Think about it: If exposure to just 100 mSv can actually
cause cancer, then how can exposure to 60,000 mSv somehow "cure" it?
Not surprisingly, the cancer industry's lies fall apart when
you look at the science. No wonder the industry has to work so hard to keep
people misinformed. If cancer patients knew they were receiving literally
60,000% higher radiation doses (that's 60,000 mSv versus 100 mSv) than the level
necessary to significantly increase the risk of cancer, they probably wouldn't
sign up for more "treatments."
“ALLEN DULLES, RICHARD HELMS, Carmel Office and FRANK WISNER were the grand
masters. If you were in a room with them you were in a room full of people that
you had to believe would deservedly end up in HELL. I guess I will see them
there soon.” –James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counter Intelligence
[2011 May] Anti-Vaccine Proponents
Claim Court Paid for Autism Cases roughly 3% of vaccine injuries
compensated by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) involve
acknowledged brain damage that included autism. This rate of association is
roughly triple that of the prevalence of autism among children, the authors
[2011 May] Unlawful Killing – the film the
British won't get to see Unlawful Killing is not about a conspiracy
before the crash, but a provable conspiracy after the crash. A conspiracy
organised not by a single scheming arch-fiend, but collectively by the British
establishment – judges, lawyers, politicians, police chiefs, secret services,
even newspaper editors – all of whom have been appointed to their positions
because they are "a safe pair of hands". Just as compass needles all point north
without being told to, so these people instinctively know what is expected of
them when the state's interests are under threat and they act accordingly,
quietly suppressing uncomfortable evidence or undermining the credibility of
witnesses whose evidence contradicts the official narrative.
Watch what people are cynical about, and one can often discover what they
lack. - General George Patton Jr
"The power of accurate observation is called cynicism by those who have not got
it." - George Bernard
Hypnotism Facts : How to Hypnotize People SecretlySecret hypnosis is done on a constant basis through advertising, as
advertising is designed specifically to bypass the conscious and analytical mind
and speak directly to emotions and the subconscious. Understand how hypnosis is
performed with information from a certified hypnotist trainer in this free video
on hypnotism.
U.S. MEAT TREATED with CARBON MONOXIDE to make it LOOK FRESH 70% of ALL Beef and Chicken has been treated with Carbon Monoxide Gas. It
can make bad meat look good. How many people have become poisoned by this
chemically altered meat that we are eating and feeding our children? Our
Government works on behalf of big business NOT for The People Of America!
[vid AUS]
Meat Glue SecretThis white powder sold by the kilo, is the meat industry's dirty little
secret. It's called "meat glue." It makes pieces of beef, lamb, chicken or fish
that would normally be thrown out stick together so closely that it looks like a
solid piece of meat.
Government Paid Millions to Vaccine (Autism) Injured KidsA group of parents are saying the Federal government has paid off
multi-million dollar settlements for dozens of families whose kids suffered
brain damage after receiving children vaccines. As you know the Federal
government has denied any connection between autism and vaccines, does this
seem like a cover up? One parent speaks out on the autism settlement. Dr.
Coomer has her medical opinion on the subject.
[2011 May] Investigators and Families of
Vaccine-Injured Children to Unveil Report Detailing Clear Vaccine-Autism Link
The investigation found that a substantial number of children compensated for
vaccine injury also have autism. The government has asserted that it “does not
track” autism among the vaccine-injured. Based on this preliminary
investigation, the evidence suggests that autism is at least three times more
prevalent among vaccine-injured children than among children in the general
The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to corrupt By
Timothy Matthews
the School recommended (among other things):
1. The creation of racism offences. [Yes]
2. Continual change to create confusion [Yes]
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children [Yes, done]
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority [Yes. Getting worse and
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity. [New
Labour--something like 2 million immigrants.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking [New
Labour hugely expanded drinking hours and access to cheap alcohol]
7. Emptying of churches [Yes]
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime [Yes]
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits [Yes]
10. Control and dumbing down of media [Yes]
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family [Yes
Family Abuse]
One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of
‘pansexualism’ - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences
between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and
women. To further their aims they would:
• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and
mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their
children. [Yes
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance - hence the presence of women in the armed
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’ [Yes
Munzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: ‘We will
make the West so corrupt that it stinks.'
real, but "powerful people" spend a lot of money covering this up and
suppressing new technologies, it is not a theory, it is a reality. I have
been looking for free energy technologies for a while now, there are many scams
out there, but a few concepts stood out from the rest. I have verified and
spoken to several witnesses to some of these technologies. i have decided to
help the world know the truth by spreading the word about these very amazing
devices. In the link below i have information on the working devices. "" I hope
you take advantage of these and stop paying the OIL goons for energy you could
receive for FREE.
[2011] Giant With Feet of Clay by Jürgen Graf This outstanding short
study provides a merciless demolition of the central claims of the Holocaust
thesis by way of a probing examination of Raul Hilberg's canonical The
Extermination of the European Jews. By narrowing his focus to those pages in
Extermination that deal directly with the plans, program, method, and
numerical results of the alleged Nazi mass murder of the Jews, Swiss researcher
Graf relentlessly exposes the weakness and, often, absurdity of the best
evidence for the extermination program, the gas chambers, and anything like the
six million death toll.
[vid] The Great Osama Bin
Laden Hoax. How the FBI made up a bogey man
Al Qaeda: An invention of the US Prosecutors and so called law
enforcement collaborate (I.e. lie) to make cases. It's a disgraceful practice.
It's also as common as grass. Osama bin Laden as mastermind of the global terror
organization with sleeper cells all over the globe has to rank as one of the
most spectacular prosecutorial hoaxes in human history. At a trillion dollars
and counting (fake wars, Homeland Security etc) it's certainly one of the most
expensive. Earth to news media victims: There is no organization, there are no
"sleeper cells", the whole this was and is total bullshit.
Friends of Muad'Dib
[Video "7/7 Ripple Effect"] The times
of the trains and tube-trains, on that day, have been carefully checked. ....It
was therefore impossible for any of the four accused Muslims to have caught the
tube trains that blew up. If we have at least three of the four "suicide
bombers" being shot-dead at Canary Wharf, and we KNOW they weren't on the
tube-trains, because the 07:40 AM train from Luton to King's Cross was cancelled
that day, and the photo of them outside Luton Station at 07:21:54 AM is a fake,
and that Hasib Hussain was part of the mock-terrorism exercise, then we have
overwhelming proof that the four accused Muslims were patsies, and are innocent,
and that it was an inside-job, and that, like Lee Harvey Oswald, they too have
been murdered, to silence them. Whether the bombings were done by MI5, the
Israeli Mossad, or both of them, and/or others has yet to be determined, but the
one thing we can be sure of, is that it was NOT done by four young Muslims.
[2011 May] The Wiesel tattoo issue remains “most sensitive” for readers
Six ‘believers’ were disturbed enough by this article to write a comment
scolding us for it. This tells me that the idea that Elie Wiesel does not have a
tattoo, yet says he does, is the most worrisome issue for believers. They get
angry when faced with the proof that Elie Wiesel tells lies. They have no way
to talk around it.
The whooping cough vaccine didn't cause permanent brain damage (see:
DPT vaccine
damage)....I think the vaccines that have been hardest hit have been the
hepatitis B vaccine, I think in large part because it's given to children in the
first day of life. The human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV)
has been a big target because it prevents a sexually transmitted disease, and I
think at some level people see that as dirty and don't like to give it to
adolescents. I think hepatitis B vaccine suffered the same thing. I think there
are some vaccines that suffer more than others, but I think at some level when
one suffers they all suffer.
Offit, Paul A. Paul Offit
on the Dangers of the Anti-Vaccine Movement
"I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is
not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get."
-- Napoleon Bonaparte
[2002] Killing for 'Mother' Kali
Even 200 years ago, when a boy was killed every day at a Kali temple in
Calcutta, blood cults were at odds with a benign Hindu spiritualism that
celebrates abstinence and vegetarianism....So far this year, police have
recorded at least one case of ritual killing a month.
[2011 March] Vaccines and autism: a new
scientific review Ratajczak also looks at a factor that hasn't been
widely discussed: human DNA contained in vaccines. That's right, human DNA.
Ratajczak reports that about the same time vaccine makers took most thimerosal
out of most vaccines (with the exception of flu shots which still widely contain
thimerosal), they began making some vaccines using human tissue. Ratajczak says
human tissue is currently used in 23 vaccines. She discusses the increase in
autism incidences corresponding with the introduction of human DNA to MMR
vaccine, and suggests the two could be linked. Ratajczak also says an additional
increased spike in autism occurred in 1995 when chicken pox vaccine was grown in
human fetal tissue.
Why could human DNA potentially cause brain damage? The way
Ratajczak explained it to me: "Because it's human DNA and recipients are humans,
there's homologous recombinaltion tiniker. That DNA is incorporated into the
host DNA. Now it's changed, altered self and body kills it. Where is this most
expressed? The neurons of the brain. Now you have body killing the brain cells
and it's an ongoing inflammation. It doesn't stop, it continues through the life
of that individual."
Dr. Strom said he was unaware that human DNA was contained in
vaccines but told us, "It does not matter...Even if human DNA were then found in
vaccines, it does not mean that they cause autism." Ratajczak agrees that nobody
has proven DNA causes autism; but argues nobody has shown the opposite, and
scientifically, the case is still open.
A number of independent scientists have said they've been
subjected to orchestrated campaigns to discredit them when their research
exposed vaccine safety issues, especially if it veered into the topic of autism.
We asked Ratajczak how she came to research the controversial topic. She told us
that for years while working in the pharmaceutical industry, she was restricted
as to what she was allowed to publish. "I'm retired now," she told CBS News.
"I can write what I want."
[2011 April] Brilliant Wakefield Lecture – Shows BMJ Editor’s & Deer’s Fraud
Allegations Were Fraud Themselves This is an excellent recent lecture
by Andrew Wakefield in Austin Texas in which he shows how Deer and BMJ Editor Dr
Fiona Godlee perpetrated their own fraudulent allegations that Andrew Wakefield
committed fraud when that was not true and in fact impossible. The fraud is
entirely by journalist Brian Deer and the British Medical Journal.
What Andrew Wakefield also shows is how the work at The Royal
Free Hospital with his colleagues not only found a new bowel disease in autistic
children but also how the results of that work have been and are today helping
autistic children recover some normality in their lives.
You can also read in detail how it was impossible for anyone
to have committed fraud. Neither Dr Godlee nor Brian Deer have been able to
answer these points. So who are the fraudsters?
[vid] US arms Mexican drug cartels The "drug war" was started to criminalize
minorities and give the government "reason" to stop people, search them, and
generally deprive them of their rights as citizens. It was also probably created
to shut down some drug cartels and enable others. (Nixon apparently helped
shut down the French Connection in favor of Golden Triangle heroin sources from
Southeast Asia which the US CIA controlled. See the book "The
Great Heroin Coup" which states that the CIA under Nixon "stole" the
lucrative heroin trade from France's secret service.) The "war on gun
owners" was created for the same reason people like Mao, Hitler, Stalin etc.
etc. etc. HATED the idea of citizens having their own arms and knowing how to
use them. Now the Bushbama administration - it started with Bush and is
continuing under Obama - have found a way to roll the war on drugs and the war
on gun owners into one.
That's what all this BS is about. It's time to
recognize both these wars for what they are - civil wars against American
citizens and their freedoms - and stop them right now. If you happen to
have a strong personal aversion to firearms, OK, that's fine.
That's not the issue here. Even if the government succeeds in
removing every gun from "the streets" there still will be plenty of guns in the
hands of government agents, the same people about whom Paul Craig Roberts says:
"Police in the US now rival criminals, and exceed terrorists as the greatest
threat to the American public."
That's a fact Jack and when the big economic downturn comes,
police criminality, already an epidemic in the US, will become a tidal wave. You
do not want them to be the only people who have guns in America.
[vid] Osama bin Laden is
Dead (2007) This Pakistani political leader was murdered by
intelligence agency supported terrorists after she admitted Bin Laden was dead.
When Benazir Bhutto returned to Pakistan to take a stand for democratic
government, 3 million Pakistanis greeted her at the airport. Now she is dead.
(The date: 27 December 2007.) At the 6:15 mark in this video, Benazir
Bhutto refers in a matter-of-fact manner to "the man who killed Osama bin
Laden." If this was a misstatement, she did not correct herself, nor did the
interviewer call attention to it. Before she was murdered, there was a previous
attack on Bhutto's life. She told David Frost that she was not even allowed to
file a police report let alone get a serious investigation of the attack. She
stated that she specifically wanted the source of the financial support of the
terrorists traced. Saeed Sheikh is the man Bhutto refers to in this interview as
being the killer of Osama bin Laden. Saeed Sheikh is charged with killing
Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl who tracked the relationship between
Pakistani intelligence and terrorist groups. Saeed Sheikh is also suspected of
having wired money to Mohamed Atta on behalf of Pakistani intelligence right
before the 9/11 attacks.
Charles Stevens had contracted Tuberculosis – then incurable – in 1897, when
only 17 years old. Having gone to South Africa for the better climate, he was
persuaded by a local witch doctor to take herbal remedy for lung problems, which
cleared up his condition. He brought supplies of the plant from which the cure
was made – umckaloabo – back to England, where his own doctor pronounced him
cured. Stevens began to manufacture the ‘medicine’ himself, and achieved
widespread acclaim for the treatment in the early 1900’s from grateful users.
Again the BMA stepped in, and in 1909, Stevens was forced into bankruptcy and
ruin and ‘Steven’s Consumption Cure’ was lost, but not forever. TB is a
growing problem in the world today, and new treatments are urgently needed. Dr
Peter Taylor, of London University’s School of Pharmacy, is now actively
researching for the ingredients of Steven’s potion. His work uncovered the fact
that umckloabo is actually from the bark on the root of the Geranium
plant. He further found that a Swiss doctor had experimented successfully with
the potion in the 1930’s, and that the remedy is on sale in Germany and Russia
as a cure for respiratory conditions, though not for use against TB. Dr Taylor’s
team isolated the active components of the plant, finding several promising
May] At least half of all parents tried over shaken baby syndrome have been
wrongly convicted, expert warns Dr Squier has an impeccable
professional reputation so she was shocked early last year to receive a letter
from the Human Tissue Authority, an organisation which ensures that doctors keep
good records and have consent for everything they do. ‘The Metropolitan Police
had raised concerns about the way I was handling post-mortem tissue and the
possibility that unrecorded material was being stored, used and disposed of
without the knowledge of the police. Fortunately, our procedures at John
Radcliffe are absolutely robust, we know where every piece of tissue is, and no
action was taken. ‘Then last June, I heard that a complaint on the same subject
had been lodged against me with the General Medical Council.’
Dr Squier had to face an interim orders panel, which was set
up after the conviction of Harold Shipman to protect the public and the
profession from dangerous doctors. Her appearance was requested by the National
Policing Improvement Agency and Detective Inspector Colin Welsh, lead
investigator at Scotland Yard’s child abuse investigation command.
...............DI Welsh, in a public lecture, talked disparagingly about
prosecution cases that had failed largely due to expert defence witnesses. He
described a way of eliminating them from criminal and possibly family court
trials, thus precluding alternative views being presented. He believed they
confused the jury and possibly the judges with the complexity of science. DI
Welsh’s solutions included ‘questioning everything – qualifications, employment
history, testimony, research papers presented by these experts, go to their
bodies to see if we can turn up anything’. ...‘It proved in my mind that the
police have set out to remove me and two other neuropathologists who share the
same view from the courts because we have stood in the way of their campaign to
improve conviction rates. If an expert witness bases an opinion on reasonable
scientific ground, even if the opinion is a minority one, it should not be
excluded. ...‘The experience has made me feel like a whistleblower – on the one
hand challenging all those who prefer the comfort of old mainstream opinion, and
on the other struggling for my professional life.’
Six-Pointed Star: Its Origin and Usage by O. J.
Graham The first mention of the star was
in Amos 5:26 regarding the trek from Egypt to Canaan. Then in 922 B.C., when
Solomon married the daughter of Pharoah and went into magic and witchcraft and
built an altar to Ashtoroth and Moloch. The
book traces the six pointed star from Egypt to Solomon, to Arab Magic
and Witchcraft, to Druid use(references are
documented). The book traces the star through Freemasonry usage
to Mayer Amschel Bauer, who, in the 17th century, changed his name to depict the
red six-pointed star (or shield) which he had hung on his door in Germany, and
thus began the family of "Red Shield" or Rothschild. The research carried on
through this family, to their court of arms, to Cabala, to
Astrology, to Hitler and his putting a yellow six-pointed star
on all Jews during the holocaust, to the Zionist symbol, and finally to the flag
of the State of Israel and beyond.
Because this symbol is comprised of a six within a six within
a six (6 points, 6 triangles, 6 sides of the hexagon in the middle) the research
also included a look at the 666 prophecies in the Book of Daniel etc., regarding
the "wilful King" (anti-Christ) and the "mark of the beast". The Scriptural
significance of the number seven and a Biblical description of the real Messiah
and the seven-branched Candlestick (Menorah) which God gave to the children of
Israel as an everlasting covenant (which is also mentioned in the New Testament)
is covered. All the sources are written at the bottom of each page making it
easy for readers to see and check for themselves.
[2011 April] Antibiotics Disrupt
Gut Ecology, Metabolism The most profoundly altered pathways involved
steroid hormones, eicosanoid hormones, sugar, fatty acid, and bile acid. "These
hormones have very important functions in our health," says Antunes. "They
control our immune system, reproductive functions, mineral balance, sugar
metabolism, and many other important aspects of human metabolism."
[2011 April] Pneumovax 23 – an emperor with no clothes. by Hilary Butler
why does any government keep funding it, and persuading patients to use a
vaccine that doesn't work? for the same reason as they keep funding flu
vaccines, and persuading patients to use a flu vaccine that doesn't work
either....They recommend it, and fund it, because if you tell lies long enough,
most people will believe you. After all, you have to give big pharma every
encouragement in hard times, don't you? And you MUSTN'T.. mustn't
point out to people, that the medical literature is jam packed with articles
showing that it's not possible to get pneumonia, the flu or any respiratory
infection ... if you have a good diet with good levels of vitamin D and vitamin
C, which enables your innate immune system to work properly....
April] Nikki Turner's Science Friction by Hilary Butler Nikki
Turner's unsubstantiated use of hypothetical measles cases and deaths as a
scaremongering tactic, is the sort of selective use of information we have come
to expect from the worlds' vaccine zealots
Red Army rape 1.9 million German women raped by Soviet soldiers. One Russian Captain
who tried to prevent the rape of German women was sentenced to 10 years in the
Gulag for 'bourgeois humanism and compassion towards the enemy'.
[vid] The US
government's sock puppet war against its own citizens I know for a
fact that in the immediate aftermath of the collapse of the federal levees in
New Orleans and for years afterward, employees of the US Army Corps of Engineers
employed sock puppets to pose as "typical" American citizens and make personal
attacks against New Orleans residents and specific individuals who questioned
the Corps shoddy levee design and construction methods.
I also know for a fact that the editor of the New Orleans Picayune (the city's
paper of record) disappeared and/or destroyed the evidence of this covert smear
campaign which the paper had on its Nola.com servers and fired the employee who
uncovered and documented it.
The organization the Corps specifically targeted by the Army
Corps was the citizen group levees.org.
For more information about this group go to
levees.org to learn about other dirty tricks this branch of the federal
government played against this group and the citizens of New Orleans and the
United States.
"Vaccines and Autism
- The Wrong Argument - rev. 1 (24 February 2011; 9 pages)"King, PhD, Paul G.
The keys to maintaining any unsafe commercial activity are
misdirection, disinformation, big lies, and pervasive propaganda. To be
effective, the commercial interests use persons whom the public trusts. These
spokespersons then promote the activity. They lie about its risks. They portray
an activity that is less than safe as not only safe but also desirable. In the
place of proof of safety, these propagandists invariably tout the "lack of
evidence of harm". In addition, the promoters of an unsafe activity do all they
can to bury studies that question the activity’s safety under an avalanche of
"recognized" studies that are peddled as showing "no evidence of harm". Those
who benefit from the commercial activity also do all they can to discredit those
persons who dare to publish studies that question the safety of the activity.
Further, they use their wealth to buy other "experts" to refute any link between
the activity and the harm that it inflicts on the "general public".
Oklahoma City Bombing RARE footage You probably never saw this. Two
big bombs were found INSIDE the Oklahoma City federal building and defused.
These clips ran on local news live...and were never broadcast again. There is no
way a truck bomb regardless of size could have done the damage that was done to
that building. The government's story is a complete lie and they know it.
The "terrorism expert" and the end of this clip Dr. Randall Heather was never
seen on TV again and can't be found on Google (except in relation to this
appearance.) Rather than test the site to assess the exact composition of the
bomb material as Dr. Heather and USAF General Partin (ret) recommended, the
building was demolished and all the wreckage was removed to a fenced in landfill
and buried. No tests were ever done.
Grey Shapeshifting Replacement People -
corroborated witness David Moncoeur, one of the Uks most respected
researchers gives us the Robert France case - the corroborated story of a man
who appeared to have been replaced with a small grey alien who projected a
hologram of his victim. This extract from the East of Scotland UFO Conference at
the Templar Lodge Hotel, Gullane in 2000. Thanks to the late Stephen Prior
and also to IFDNRG.com the film company who transferred some of the video rights
to Andrew Hennessey the conference organiser. A classic from the famous
Dangerous Dave Moncoeur
[2011 March] I took the plunge for Natalie: Irish
student paid £250 to act as Miss Portman's body double Her dance
double for Black Swan has claimed that she did hardly any of the full body shots
seen in the film. 'They're completely lying about the amount of dancing Natalie
did in the movie,' she said. The angry brunette implied that her skills as a
dancer have now been insulted. 'I've been doing this for 22 years, and to say
that someone trained for a year and a half and did what I did is degrading not
only to me but to the entire ballet world,' she said
Membrane Attack Complex Injected detergents trespass on an immune process that
holds life and death control over cells According to GlaxoSmithKline a
0.5 ml dose of Fluarix may contain up to 0.085 mg of Triton X-100.
.....That's 200 thousand trillion molecules of Triton X-100 injected in a dose.
That's an opportunity for trillions of self-cells to be injured or killed by the
detergent, resulting in symptoms and diseases in line with what is described
above. Exposure is likely to be similar with other vaccines containing
detergents. ....Does it really make sense to knowingly inject these chemicals
into pregnant women, babies, children, the immune compromised, the elderly ---
or anyone else?
'Capital must protect itself in every possible way, both by combination and
legislation. Debts must be collected, mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as
possible. When, through process of law, the common people lose their homes, they
will become more docile and more easily governed through the strong arm of the
government applied by a central power of wealth under leading financiers.
These truths are well known among our principal men, who are
now engaged in forming an imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the voter
through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in
fighting for questions of no importance. It is thus, by discrete action, we can
secure for ourselves that which has been so well planned and so successfully
- Montagu Norman, Governor of The Bank Of England, addressing the United States
Bankers' Association, New York, 1924.
'Sargant still features in my nightmares. He was brusque and cold, and he never
talked directly to you. Instead he issued orders over your head, talking about
'this one' and 'that one'. But that was preferable to making eye contact with
this proud, incorrigible man with his dark, hard, evil eyes. I have only seen
eyes like that on a couple of other people in my life'. ---My
electric shock nightmare at the hands of the CIA's evil doctor
[2011 March]
Detroit Mother Jailed for Weaning Daughter Off
Maryanne Godboldo, a 56-year old Detroit mother who sought help from a
Children's Center for her 13-year old daughter who experienced an adverse
reaction--in the form of sudden uncharacteristic behavior problems following a
series of vaccinations--wound up in jail after a standoff with police. The
Center's treatment plan was a prescription for a controversial antipsychotic,
Risperdal, which worsened her condition. The mother sought another doctor who
agreed that the drug should be withdrawn. Mrs. Godboldo, thereupon began to wean
her daughter off the drug--which improved her condition. But Child Protective
Services intervened, ordering the mother to administer the drug as ordered by
the Children's Center. When the mother refused, she was threatened with loss of
custody. A stand-off with police, resulting in her arrest, hit the news. One
Click Note: CPS trying to force dangerous meds on child, attorney says. Rally
planned for Sat. Apr. 2 at 9 a.m. at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church with a
march to follow.
Vera Hassner Sharav, AHRP
[2011 March] A Swedish registry based cohort study
provides strengthened evidence of an association between vaccination with
Pandemrix and narcolepsy in children and adolescents Results from a
Swedish registry based cohort study indicate a 4-fold increased risk of
narcolepsy in children and adolescents below the age of 20 vaccinated with
Pandemrix (GlaxoSmithKline), compared to children of the same age that were not
vaccinated. The results are in line with those of a similar Finish registry
study. The Finnish study showed a nine-fold increased risk for narcolepsy in
adolescents and children 19 years old and younger. When the Finnish study
results had been presented, and considering that the risk of getting ill with
H1N1 influenza at present is very small, the MPA concluded that vaccination of
children and adolescents with Pandemrix for the time being should not be
[1974] Beat Godfather Meets
Glitter Mainman I met this man who was the living dead. Yellow in
complexion, a wig on that was the wrong colour, little glasses. I extended my
hand and the guy retired, so I thought, 'The guy doesn't like flesh, obviously
he's reptilian.' He produced a camera and took a picture of me. And I tried to
make small talk with him, and it wasn't getting anywhere..... I don't think that
there is any person there. It's a very alien thing, completely and totally
unemotional. He's really a science fiction character. He's got a strange green
colour. .....Bowie: That's what struck me. He's the wrong colour, this man
is the wrong colour to be a human being. Especially under the stark neon
lighting in The Factory. Apparently it is a real experience to behold him in the
[1977] The Enigma of Aztec Sacrifice by Michael
HarnerHuman sacrifice was meant to appease the appetites of the
gods -- and of the Aztecs themselves ...While some might be sacrificed and
eaten on the field of battle, most were taken to home communities or to the
capital, where they were kept in wooden cages to be fattened until sacrificed by
the priests at the temple-pyramids. Most of the sacrifices involved tearing out
the heart, offering it to the sun and, with some blood, also to the idols. The
corpse was then tumbled down the steps of the pyramid and carried off to be
butchered. The head went on the local skull rack, displayed in central plazas
alongside the temple-pyramids. At least three of the limbs were the property of
the captor if he had seized the prisoner without assistance in battle. Later, at
a feast given at the captor's quarters, the central dish was a stew of tomatoes,
peppers, and the limbs of his victim. The remaining torso, in Tenochtitlán at
least, went to the royal zoo where it was used to feed carnivorous mammals,
birds, and snakes. ...they also discovered piles of human skulls, which
apparently had been broken open to obtain the brains, possibly a choice delicacy
reserved for the priesthood, and to mount the skulls on a ceremonial rack.
.....the Aztecs frequently withdrew from conquered territory without
establishing administrative centers or garrisons. This "failure" to consolidate
conquest in the Old World fashion puzzled Cortés, who asked Moctezuma to explain
why he allowed the surrounded Tlaxcalans to maintain their independence.
Moctezuma reportedly replied that his people could thus obtain captives for
sacrifice. Since the Aztecs did not normally eat people of their own policy,
which would have been socially and politically disruptive, they needed nearby
"enemy" populations on whom they could prey for captives. This behavior makes
sense in terms of Aztec cannibalism: from the Aztec point of view, the Tlaxcalan
state was preserved as a stockyard. The Aztecs were unique among the world's
states in having a cannibal empire.
......"Then they kicked the bodies down the steps, and the Indian butchers who
were waiting below cut off their arms and legs and flayed their faces, which
they afterwards prepared like glove leather, with their beards on, and kept for
their drunken festivals. Then they ate their flesh with a sauce of peppers and
'Marx's chief aim was the destruction of religion. The good of the workers
was only a pretence....Communism is collective demon possession".---Richard
‘It is permissible to kill the Righteous among Nations even if they are not
responsible for the threatening situation,” he wrote, adding: “If we kill a
Gentile who has sinned or has violated one of the seven commandments – because
we care about the commandments — there is nothing wrong with the murder.”– Rabbi
Yitzhak Shapiro, in the recent book
“King’s Torah”
HOLOCAUST By Eustace Mullins "The orgy of murder, torture and pillage which followed the Jewish
triumph in Russia has never been equalled in the history of the world...
Christians were dragged from their beds, tortured and killed. Some were actually sliced to pieces, bit by bit, while others were
branded with hot irons, their eyes poked out to induce unbearable pain....Some
were nailed to the ceiling by their fingers or by their feet, and left hanging
until they died of exhaustion....Others were chained to the floor and hot lead
poured into their mouths. Many were tied to horses and
dragged through the streets of the city, while the mob attacked them with rocks
and kicked them to death." ...Pregnant Christian women were chained to trees and
their babies cut out of their bodies."
[2011] The Genocide
You Never Hear Of "All the cement floor of
the great garage (the execution hall of the departmental Cheka of Kief) was
flooded with blood. This blood was no longer flowing; it formed a layer of
several inches; it was a horrible mixture of blood, brains, of pieces of
skull,of tufts of hair and other human remains. All the walls riddled by
thousands of bullets were bespattered with blood; pieces of brains and of scalps
were sticking to them....We found in the corner of the garden another grave
which was older and contained about 80 bodies. Here we discovered on the bodies
traces of cruelty and mutilations the most varied and unimaginable. Some bodies
were disembowelled, others had limbs chopped off, some were literally hacked to
pieces. Some had their eyes put out and the head, face, neck and truck covered
with deep wounds. Further on we found a corpse with a wedge driven into the
chest. Some had no tongues. In a corner of the grave, we found a certain
quantity of arms and legs..."
"Almost all people of all eras are hypnotics. Their beliefs are induced
beliefs. The proper authorities saw to it that the proper belief should
be induced, and people believed properly."--Charles Fort
"I have some good friends who are obstetricians outside the military, and
they look at a foreskin and almost see a $125 price tag on it. Each one is that
much money. Heck, if you do 10 a week, that's over $1,000 a week, and they don't
take that much time."--Dr.Thomas Wiswell, quoted in "The Age-Old Question of
Circumcision" by Betsy A. Lehman, Boston Globe, June 22, 1987, p. 43
If I was to cut off any other part of a baby for no good cause and without
an anaesthetic, I'd be struck off the medical register and the parents would
most likely lose custody of the child. ---- Christopher Green, paediatrician,
Camperdown Children's Hospital, Sydney 2001
The foreskin is not the candy wrapper, it's the candy.- Martin Novoa,
Novermber 25, 2001
You take care of a woman through her pregnancy, for nearly a year...and
you're lucky if you see $1500...But a circumcision is 15 minutes, and it's $300
a pop. It's candy.
- A woman obstetrician writing in Parentsplace on the turf war between obgyns
and paediatricians to perform circumcisions.
"Greed plays a role in causing unnecessary surgery, although I don't think
the economic motive alone is enough to explain it. There's no doubt that if you
eliminated all unnecessary surgery, most surgeons would go out of business.
They'd have to look for honest work, because the surgeon gets paid when he
performs surgery on you, not when you're treated some other way. In pre-paid
group practices where surgeons are paid a steady salary not tied to how many
operations they perform, hysterectomies and tonsillectomies occur only about
one-third as often as in fee-for-service situations." ---- Robert S. Mendelsohn,
MD. "Confessions of a Medical Heretic" (1979)
Chapter 3 ("Ritual Mutilations"), pp. 58-59.
'After 40 years of patient study of the crises which faces
humanity, I arrived at a very simple conclusion--all conspiracies are
Satanic!........The politician offers to defend you against your enemies,
so that he can deliver you to your ultimate enemy--Satan.'--Eustace Mullins
(Curse of Canaan)
[2011] More Fun With the
Felonious Feds Their visit came in the form of a big unmarked black
chopper that buzzed the house. I'm quite used to choppers flying around here
and was also when I did search and rescue, firefighting/EMT stuff- but this was
very different. It was REALLY REALLY LOW,SLOW AND SUPER LOUD with a
distinct feeling of intimidation. I actually could have hit it with a rock. The
horses were near to running trough their fences. We get regular chopper traffic
around here that they never react to at all except maybe to raise their heads.
I live on 20 acres and they flew low and slow, exactly over my little house.
"An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell you
more than he knows."--Dwight Eisenhower
[2010] Machines of War: Blackwater, Monsanto, and Bill
Gates A report by Jeremy Scahill in The Nation (Blackwater's
Black Ops, 9/15/2010) revealed that the largest mercenary army in the world,
Blackwater (now called Xe Services) clandestine intelligence services was sold
to the multinational Monsanto....Blackwater, Monsanto and Gates are three sides
of the same figure: the war machine on the planet and most people who inhabit
it, are peasants, indigenous communities, people who want to share information
and knowledge or any other who does not want to be in the aegis of profit and
the destructiveness of capitalism.
“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so
monstrous he cannot believe it exists”
J. Edgar Hoover
Hi Don. Mrs O and Lawrance applied some Zappers in Kisumu and found that zappers
really cure malaria and some small diseases. Like the ones I took to
Ethiopia some friends stole them because they know the importance of them.
Benedict teach people about zappres in school its im precancel.the first time
zappers was sand they thought it was a bad thing but they came to know that it
is a good thing. I am advising Lawrance and Mrs O take zappers in hospital
though doctors do not allow any medicine from out side. [march
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to
worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian
Initiation." -David Spangler,
Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations
"Yes, Lucifer is God, and, unfortunately, Adonaï is also God."----Sir Laurence Gardner
Every jury in the land is tampered with and
falsely instructed by the judge when it is told that it must accept as the law
that which has been given to them, or that they can decide only the facts of the
case. -- Lord Denham, O'Connell v Rex (1884)
The jury has the power to bring in a verdict
in the teeth of both the law and the facts. -- Justice Holmes, Homing v District of Columbia, 138 (1920)
If a juror accepts as the law that which the
judge states then that juror has accepted the exercize of absolute authority of
a government employee and has surrendered a power and a right that once was the
citizen's safeguard of liberty. -- Bancroft, History of the Constitution
If the jury feels the law is unjust, we
recognize the undisputed power of the jury to acquit, even if its verdict is
contrary to the law as given by a judge, and contrary to the evidence. -- 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, US v Moylan, 1969
When a jury acquits a defendent even though he
or she clearly appears to be guilty, the acquittal conveys significant
information about community attitudes and provides a guideline for future
prosecutorial discretion...Because of the high acquittal rate in prohibition
cases in the 1920s and early 1930s, prohibition laws could not be enforced. The
repeal of these laws is traceable to the refusal of juries to convict those
accused of alcohol traffic. -- Sheflin and Van Dyke, Law and Contemorary Problems, 43, No. 4, 1980
"You should view the world as a conspiracy run by a very closely-knit group
of nearly omnipotent people, and you should think of these people as yourself
and your friends."--Robert Anton Wilson
"Every society honours its live conformists, and its dead troublemakers." -
Mignon McLaughlin
Clinical trials on Gardasil have been largely inadequate, the efficacy of the
vaccine in preventing cervical cancer has not been demonstrated, the benefits of
vaccination have been exaggerated and safety concerns downplayed, thus
preventing parents from making informed decisions for their children. Routine
immunization against cervical cancer with Gardasil is not supported by the
current data. The benefit of vaccination is uncertain and the risks of serious
adverse effects are substantial.
Randomity: ‘plus randomity” meant there was moregoing on than you could tolerate or handle. “Minus randomity” was a
condition where therewas too little going on to keep
your interest. “Optimum randomity” is just enough activity tokeep life enjoyable.
[2011 Feb] Judge gives go-ahead to add
fluoride to city's tap water supply - despite overwhelming public opposition
‘It is important to stress that our democratic Parliament decided long ago that
water can, in certain circumstances, be fluoridated,’ he added. ‘It is not the
law that fluoridation can occur only when a majority of the local population
agree. Parliament has firmly entrusted area-specific decision making to the
relevant strategic health authority.’
Allied apologists for the massacre have often "twinned" Dresden with the
English city of Coventry. But the 380 killed in Coventry during the entire war
cannot begin to compare with over 1,000 times that number who were slaughtered
in 14 hours at Dresden. Moreover, Coventry was a munitions center, a legitimate
military target. Dresden, on the other hand, produced only china--and cups and
saucers can hardly be considered military hardware! It is interesting to further
compare the respective damage to London and Dresden, especially when we recall
all the Hollywood schmaltz about the "London blitz." In one night, 1,600 acres
of land were destroyed in the Dresden massacre. London escaped with damage to
only 600 acres during the entire war. In one ironic note, Dresden's only conceivable
military target -- its railroad yards -- was ignored by Allied bombers. They
were too busy concentrating on helpless old men, women and children.The WWII Dresden
Holocaust - 'A Single Column Of Flame'
Someone once said that if you ask a person for an explanation and it becomes
very confusing it means they do not know themselves or they are hiding the
truth. When asking someone in India teaching through Hinduism or someone in
Judaism teaching Kabbalah how to increase union with the Most High you are
buried in thousand page Gitas with confusing Sanskrit words or mile long scrolls
of Rabbis with nothing better to do than take one passage from the Talmud and
make a thousand page explanation.
Truly do you believe it is that hard to enhance the spirit? Of course not,
these people are placed in the way to make the journey lengthy and hard. As I
said above many have not obtained what they originally sought, which was
freedom. Now they are enslaved by the religion and their subconscious wishes to have
company in their misery......I do not believe in any religion, organized or
otherwise. All religions, no matter what they are, are forms of group
mind-control designed to manipulate large masses of people to stop thinking for
themselves. I do believe in The Most High. It has no religion.---James Evans
Bomær III
[2002] SHAKEDOWN Exposing
the real Jesse Jackson by Kenneth R. TimmermanKen Timmerman
has cracked Jackson's machine, found Jackson cronies willing to break ranks, and
uncovered a sordid tale of greed, ambition, and corruption from a
self-proclaimed minister who has no qualms about poisoning American race
relations for personal gain.
Campbell, Naomi [2010] The End of the SupermodelNaomi
dominates the naked male model (emasculating
him), whom is covered in tattoos including one on his chest of
Yeshua dying on the cross. Former
Satanists and members of the
Luciferian church have said that people
who worship Lucifer or Satan (duality of
one entity--both evil) will mock God (YHWH
and Yeshua) by wearing a crucifix,
rosary or by sporting an image of Yeshua
on the cross.
They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but they never kept but
one; they promised to take our land, and they took it.
Red Cloud
Anyone who has ever had a wart knows... They hurt, they're ugly and very hard
to remove. Also treatments with lasers (extremely painful)and other procedures
can cost well over $1,000.I know this first hand.
I tried every cure. Only one worked: Organic Apple Cider Vinegar! Just soak a
cotton piece the size of the wart in Apple Cider Vinegar and tape on wart before
going to sleep.and within a week they fall off!
PAIN! I figured it cost me about 45 cents to cure 4 warts.
had spent $700 at the dermatologist, and it didn't work! Hopefully this money
saving cure will free up some cash to make more orgonite!
Thx for the info. When I first got my Don Croft terminator
Zapperover 6
years ago I had a stubborn wart on my index finger that wouldn't go away, but
a week of using the zapper a few hours each day the wart disappeared and never
came back http://www.ethericwarriors.com/ip/viewtopic.php?p=8848#p8848
"Satan, Lucifer in human form, entered into Rome in the year 1972. He cut off
the rule, the role of the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI." - Our Lady of the Roses, September 7, 1978
Snake swallowing tail This is a
Jewish New Year postcard, by artist Alain Roth in 1915. Amazingly revealing, the
postcard image confirms the documentation found in the long controversial
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. In the protocols the Jewish Zionist
conspiracy is described as a symbolic serpent encircling the world! As if to
emphasize that this is the correct understanding, the writing in Hebrew at the
bottom of this Jewish New Year postcard is the word "Leviathan." The identity of
Leviathan is revealed in Isaiah 27 as the serpent, or Satan. Have a Happy New
Year, indeed!
"And polio is NOT even contagious or infectious (never proven to be)
No family member ever caught it from another family member
No doctor or nurse ever caught it from a patient
Look to toxic exposure to pesticides for one reason why there is a such a thing
labeled poliomyelitis."---Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA
kids DR. KARLA TURNER.. was murdered for writing and discovering this
from one of her main patients.. actually i dont know if they just meant they
beheaded him at area 51 or they implanted him so heavily that he is NOW a man
without a HEAD and BIG IMPLANT.. many of the SENATORS AND some CONGRESS are
routinely as i understand it taken to AREA 51 where they are then REMODELED
without their knowledge.. with a memory chip.. that is why when we vote them in
they change their stance about everything.. that is certainly one reason.. for
the lack of initiative in CONGRESS we have so witnessed
This certainly makes you wonder why medical records are among the many
personal and professional documents that Barack Obama has withheld from the
public. This photo was featured today on
as its “Pic of the Day.” The FOX caption is “President Barack Obama goes to get
a kiss from Jill Biden, as first lady Michelle Obama watches.” I have not
modified the photo in any way, other than to draw two yellow lines that track an
apparent scar. Without any enhancement of this photo, you can clearly see what
looks like a scar winding its way from the top of Obama’s head, down his neck,
ending somewhere at or beyond his adam’s apple!
[2011 Jan] Paul Offit and the “Original Sin”
of Autism By J.B. Handley OK, let me be clear: I think Paul Offit is a
blowhard liar, a vaccine profiteer and apologist, and every time he opens his
mouth he disrespects my son. When the final chapter is finally written on this
man-made autism epidemic, I will do everything within my power to ensure that
Offit is remembered by history as one of the most sinister, dishonest,
well-funded talking heads pharma ever produced, and that his efforts served to
afflict so many children with autism who may otherwise have avoided it.
In one of the most absurd snowjobs ever put on the media,
Offit, a doctor who has never seen a patient with autism, never treated autism,
and never published a study about autism, is somehow considered to be an expert
on autism. Given his status as a multi-millionaire vaccine patent holder who has
had much of his career supported by Merck, this isn’t just absurd, it’s highway
robbery, and yet the media persists, and rarely even mentions Offit’s Mount
Everest-sized pile of conflicts.
Stage two is a slight green haze around the jaw-line
just below the ears. This indicates that they are about to morph into their
reptilian aspects. If they are indoors, so what.
If they are in public, and they are having problems getting control, they
usually make some quick excuse to leave to wherever. Also during stage two,
you’ll notice that their tongue gets extremely snake-like, able to extend
far beyond the lips and moving quickly. That is quite a sight to behold.
Reptilian video evidence By Don Bradley
Reptile eyes (slits)Gun Control
Legendary gun-grabber New York mayor Michael Bloomberg. In the wake of the
monarch boy shooting up that political rally a couple of weeks ago, notorious
lizard boy Mayor Bloomberg of New York City makes this speech about gun control.
Just look at his eyes.
How Tai Chi Chuan Cures Old Age by Dr. Wu
Tao-Wei Taoism teaches to be humble and to "Mask your brightness.
Be at one with the dust of the earth." In this way, one can go
about their life without attracting attention.
ET Deception: Knowing Who the Gods Are, and Who Are Not Gods by John Lash It
is clear that the Sumerian Annunaki and the Gnostic Archons are identical to
modern ETs.....According to the Gnostics, the "true gods" are the Aeons of the
Pleroma. And one of these is Sophia, the wisdom goddess, who morphed into the
planet earth. Today we call her Gaia. She is the ground of life and
consciousness for the human species and all sentient life, including molecular
life. Such is the ancient Pagan teaching preserved by the guardians of the
Mysteries. Today we stand at the threshold of reviving and reliving that
teaching. The trick is, to get past the extraterrestrial tricksters to the real
magic of life on this earth.
How can the British government, itself drowning in deception at every level,
dare accuse anyone of fraud? ....Virtually every paper published on drugs, such
as statins, is authored by individuals having financial links to as many as
three to four pharmaceutical companies each. The same is true of papers
published by major journals extolling vaccine efficacy and safety. They know
these papers violate every ethical principle known, yet they are published in
some of the most prestigious journals. Abundant evidence has shown that these
very same people destroy the reputations of anyone producing evidence, no matter
how well researched and of the highest ethical standards, if it in any way
endangers this vaccine program. It is ironic that these accusers speak of
“blatant fraud,” when virtually all of the vaccine safety evidence they use
abundantly is fraudulent by careful design.
[2011 Jan] Big Pharma Vilified Researcher for Threatening Vaccine Program By
Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
The entire vaccine program is based on massive fraud.
The so-called H1N1 “pandemic” is a case in point. ......Yet the CDC, the media,
medical academia, and the pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers all participated
in this deception....The H1N1 vaccine alone generated $1.5 billion in addition
to the $1 billion generated by the seasonal flu vaccine, neither of which has
been shown to be either effective or safe. You have been told this safety and
efficacy has been scientifically shown, when this is a shocking, provable lie.
Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
Anyone analyzing the “vaccine safety studies” done by
vaccine makers and vaccine proponents can see that they were purposely designed
to show safety by omitting people in the study who truly reflected the
population being vaccinated and who were, by all standards of science, at risk
of harm by the vaccines.
They do studies that use as placebo controls people injected
with a vaccine adjuvant. Placebos are supposed to be completely inert. The
evidence shows that the greatest danger from vaccines is from the vaccine
adjuvant — so, how can they use adjuvant-injected people as controls? Yet, all
of their studies used such vaccinated controls — this is blatantly manipulated,
and they know it.
The studies that are quoted endlessly by these elite members
of academia and government agencies and used to close the door on the vaccine
connection to neurodevelopmental problems are purposefully designed so as to
suggest no link between vaccines and any complication.
This falsified research is protected by academia, the media,
and government agencies. Yet, they have the audacity to stand in judgment of
Wakefield. This is not to say that Wakefield should be free of scrutiny — all
researchers should be carefully scrutinized for bias.
[2011 Jan] Big Pharma Vilified Researcher for
Threatening Vaccine Program By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
The truth is that the Wakefield article’s main theme was
that they found bowel inflammation (colitis) in a small number of children
vaccinated with the live measles vaccine and that the inflammation was caused by
the measles virus from the vaccine itself. He only proposed, almost in passing,
that there might be a link between such bowel inflammation and autism, which is
perfectly reasonable, ethical, and supported by other neuroscience research. I
can cite hundreds of reputable articles in the medical literature that make
similar proposals about less-controversial issues and are never questioned
because they do not endanger pharmaceutical company profits.
The truth is that the case against the present vaccine
schedule is very powerful and built on the findings of some of the most
prestigious researchers in the world. The problem is the media and academia are
so controlled by the pharmaceutical giants that the general public has no idea
that this research even exists.
It is now known in the research world that questioning
vaccine safety is a career killer. Researchers who dare to do so have been
fired, denied research grants, their articles are rejected by the more
“prestigious” science journals, and they are no longer invited to speak at
national meetings. The atmosphere of fear is pervasive — all generated by the
pharmaceutical giants and their minions.
By destroying reputations and stopping further research,
pharmaceutical-controlled vaccine proponents hope to have a national law
mandating all people receive every vaccine recommended by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, which is under the absolute control of the
vaccine manufacturers.
The data demonstrates that millions of people are seriously
injured and thousands die as a result of vaccine complications every year. In
many cases the damage caused by the vaccines exceed the risk of the disease
being vaccinated against — such as is the case with the chickenpox, tetanus,
measles, mumps, hepatitis B, and HPV vaccines.
The United States is the most over-vaccinated country in the
world and evidence is growing that we are trading an “illusion of protection” by
vaccines for a massive increase in vaccine-related chronic diseases.
The entire vaccine program is based on massive fraud. The
so-called H1N1 “pandemic” is a case in point. Even the World Health Organization
declared there was a “huge amount” of uncertainty in the seriousness of the
“pandemic,” which turned out to be far less deadly than initially feared.
The WHO admitted it mishandled the so-called pandemic and
failed to convey its uncertainty to the public. Yet the CDC, the media, medical
academia, and the pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers all participated in this
deception. It is time to wake up and call for some accountability; otherwise the
vaccine program will never be safe. [2011 Jan]
Big Pharma Vilified Researcher for Threatening Vaccine Program By Russell L.
Blaylock, M.D.
By careful manipulation of the media, the
pharmaceutical companies have created the illusion that the entire link between
vaccines and neurodevelopmental brain damage is hinged solely on Wakefield’s
article, implying there is no other evidence suggesting a powerful link.
Nothing could be further from the truth. I have written seven
peer-reviewed articles and co-authored a recent ebook that makes a powerful
scientific case for such a link. A growing number of researchers have also
supplied hard data from very carefully done research that strongly suggest a
The defenders of vaccine policy used in the United States and
the UK have used poorly done, obviously manipulated studies to make their case.
If we use the same judgmental standards they used against Wakefield, they would
be seen to be guilty of gross misconduct and, most importantly, of endangering
the public at large.
Now, by destroying Wakefield’s reputation and accusing him of
“crimes against humanity,” they hope to silence any further research in this
area. It has the ring of old Soviet-style intimidation and the fear tactics the
KGB used against dissidents. [2011 Jan] Big
Pharma Vilified Researcher for Threatening Vaccine Program By Russell L.
Blaylock, M.D.
The reptilian-Illuminati bloodlines view themselves as the children of the
"gods", from whom they have been given the absolute right to rule over humanity.
In order to retain their dominant reptilian traits and
shapeshifting talent, these families must interbreed religiously. They need to
have a certain configuration of reptilian genetic code within their DNA to
maintain their connection and value to the master races, the "gods", who provide
them the knowledge and tools they need to control humanity. Their ability to be
possessed may also depend on this.
By the same token, if they end up excessively dominant to the
reptilian side, it becomes very difficult for them to assume and hold human
form, which carries its own set of problems. Given how important this is to
their ability to remain on top, it's not surprising that they keep such
meticulous records of family trees and genetic histories.
As the vibratory rate increases during this Great Shift, and
more Light enters the Universe, the reptilians are finding that their control
grid (hive mind) is having a harder time suppressing human consciousness,
keeping it contained within the box.
I believe this is the reason why their attacks have
intensified dramatically in recent years - fluoride, mercury, aluminum,
excitotoxins, parasites, drugs of all kinds, TV, subliminal*, cell
phones/towers, chemtrails, HAARP, etc. The goal is to break down the human brain
(pineal gland) to such an extent that it can no longer support higher
[2011 Jan] Paramedic paralysed after having
swine flu jab provided by ambulance service Medics diagnosed
transverse myelitis, a rare complication often associated with vaccines.....A
year later, Mrs Hornsey, of Little Hampton, in West Sussex, is able to walk only
with a stick and relies on a wheelchair....She had the jab in November 2009.
Five months later, bosses at South East Coast Ambulance Service – where she
worked for two years – sacked her instead of allowing her to take on an office
role. ...‘By then my confidence was shattered and I felt too upset to return,’
added Mrs Hornsey. ‘Life has been very hard. Doctors don’t know if I will
ever get completely better.’
[2011 Jan] Vaccine fear strikes again
death of a two-year-old child, who received OPV drops at an immunisation camp
set up in a balwadi (nursery) centre.....Dhanalakshmi, the 22-year-old mother of
the deceased child said, “He was very dull after receiving the vaccine. I
brought him home and fed him idlis and milk. I also bought him some ice cream
and put him to sleep in my lap. We later discovered that he was limp, and had
stopped breathing.”
[2011 Jan] Controversy over vaccine trial
files PARTICIPANTS in controversial vaccine trials in mother-and-baby
homes have been told by the Department of Health that it can’t give them their
medical files or any trial documentation as it is legally bound to return the
files to the drugs company. ....Up to 211 children were given the test vaccines
in Ireland in the 1960s and 1970s. Now adults, the participants say the drugs
were given without parental consent and they have spent years trying to access
their medical files and pharmaceutical information from that time. ...The
committee wrote to Glaxo SmithKline seeking information on the trials. The
company said the documentation contained sensitive personal information and they
wouldn’t hand it over without judicial order.
[pdf 2006] Willful
Misconduct: How Bill Frist and the Drug Lobby Covertly Bagged a Liability Shield
Internal documents of the Biotechnology Industry
Organization (BIO) show that the group’s lobbyists – and lobbyists for
individual drug makers – were heavily consulted by the White House and the
congressional leadership late last year in the drafting of legislation designed
to shield drug makers from legal accountability for injuries or deaths caused by
their drugs and vaccines during government-declared health emergencies. The
documents show that the industry got the near-total immunity from liability it
Magic Mushrooms & Reindeer The Origin of the Santa Claus Legend?
The hallucinogenic fly agaric mushroom is one of the favorite foods of the
arctic circle reindeer (domesticated caribou) in Scandinavia. Reindeer are
central to the lives of the indigenous Saami peoples who herd them. The shamanic
traditions of the Saami include eating the mushrooms and contacting the "Great
Reindeer Spirit." Ingesting fly agaric mushrooms can produce a sensation of
flying. It is thought that the 19th century myth of Santa Claus may have its
roots in older Saami traditions.
[2011 Jan]
H1N1 Vaccine-Relate Miscarriages Eileen Dannemann, President of the
National Coalition of Organized Women, speaks with Michael Ostrolenk about the
2,500% increase in H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccine related miscarriages. The number of
spontaneous abortions reported in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reaction Database
(VAERS) increased from 7 in the 2008/2009 flu season to 179 in the 2009/2010
season. In addition only 20 such cases were reported in the 20 year period
between 1990 and 2009 and the estimates are that only 15% of these miscarriages
are reported. The CDC is seemingly uninterested in this increase. Additional
data and information can be found at
H1N1-Vaccine-Related Miscarriages
[2011 Jan Letter BMJ] In response to:Feature: Secrets of the MMR scare: How the case against the MMR vaccine
was fixed I am afraid the way in which Dr Wakefield and his
colleagues have been treated might as well have been deliberately designed to
discourage clinicians with medico-legal practices from advising potential
claimants, for fear of professional ruin. Added to the Government's assault on
Legal Aid by seeking to abolish public funding for clinical negligence
investigations and claims and the Jackson proposals undermining the financial
viability of conditional fee agreements, this sorry episode could be seen as
part of a wider long term agenda to render certain professional and corporate
vested interests inviolate.
The implication is that in the long term the medical
establishment and the Government wish to make it impossible for any potential
multi- party drug damage claim ( or indeed any claim against NHS or private
hospitals or general practitioners ) to ever receive public funding or be able
to be pursued with a conditional fee agreement.
Is that what everyone really wants? A situation where no
pharmaceutical company or health provider can ever be challenged, when recent
history shows that the executives of some multi-national companies have been
engaging in far more reprehensible conduct than the accusations levelled at Dr
"If RotaTeq sounds familiar to parents, that is because Dr. Julie Gerberding,
former head of the CDC in Atlanta, placed it on the pediatric vaccine schedule
during her tenure," Stagliano said. "Your baby now receives three doses of this
oral vaccine. Dr. Gerberding is now the current President of the Merck Vaccine
Division, which manufactures RotaTeq."
UP to a million under-fives have been inoculated against the flu virus with a
controversial vaccine containing poisonous mercury. Pandemrix has been given to
almost a quarter of all healthy babies and young children as well as thousands
of older children with health problems.
Lancet 12 Parents Respond to Brian Deer BMJ GMC Allegations
[2010 Dec] State of health of
unvaccinated children The German vaccine critical website
www.impfschaden.info and the English version
www.vaccineinjury.info are conducting a survey on the state of health of
unvaccinated children. The survey was launched December 29, 2010 and within a
week close to 700 forms were filled in. The survey examines typical illnesses,
such as ADD, hayfever or asthma which are common among a vaccinated population.
For convincing results the number of participants should reach at least 3000.
If you have unvaccinated children or are unvaccinated yourself, please go to the
questionnaire and fill it in:
The results will be presented within a 1-2 month period.
[2011 Jan] Deadly Medicine
Prescription drugs kill some 200,000 Americans every year. Will that number go
up, now that most clinical trials are conducted overseas—on sick Russians,
homeless Poles, and slum-dwelling Chinese—in places where regulation is
virtually nonexistent, the F.D.A. doesn’t reach, and “mistakes” can end up in
pauper’s graves? The authors investigate the globalization of the pharmaceutical
industry, and the U.S. Government’s failure to rein in a lethal profit machine.
Dr. Dick van Steenis MBBS Diseases from UK incinerators include low
birth-weight babies, infant mortality, lower IQ, asthma, COPD, heart disease,
arteriosclerosis, hypertension, strokes, depression, obesity, type-2 diabetes,
cancers, auto-immune disease, ME, CFS, behaviour disorders, suicides & crime. I
have 360 journal references with supporting evidence. The lower IQ is serious.
Steenis, Dr Dick van